1776/A Little Practice Goes a Long Way

From Radiant Heart MUSH

A Little Practice Goes a Long Way
Date of Scene: 21 July 2024
Location: Sports Pavilion
Synopsis: Seiko practices singing only to wake up Mie! Words are exchanged and Dinner is had!
Cast of Characters: Seiko Akai, Mie Kitamura

Seiko Akai has posed:
"See Seiko-chan? Its empty! No one is here and the acoustics are fantastic! Its the best place to practice!" Hoshi excitedly says as she waves her glow sticks around. "So just get up on stage and Let it Rip!"

Seiko had been dreading everything to do with the upcoming Fun Night. Under a Chara change she said she would sing at the event. She didn't want to but she said she would so now she has to do it. Looking around, she doesn't see anyone in the sports pavilion so, meekly she climbs up on the stage. "Umm, Hi?" She asks curiously just checking to see if she is alone or not. There is no response at this time. So she starts humming a little tune. Then, she starts singing, softly at first but then a bit more confident.

"Ever on and on, I continue circling with nothing by my hate and a carousel of agony til slowly I forget and my heart starts vanishing and suddenly I see that I can't break free. I'm slipping through the cracks of a dark eternity, With nothing but my pain and the paralyzing agony..." She sings, her confidence building with every word. Eventually she starts moving around. Not dancing... Moving like someone putting on a show. Her honeyed voice is quite melodious. A Soprano to be sure, she definitely has the moves and could have the look of a pop idol if she were that way inclined.

"Yeah Seiko-chan!!! SING IT!!! WOO!!!" The small Chara cheers and flies around, throwing her glowsticks into the air and catching them. "You are a star Seiko-chan!" Hoshi exclaims as she starts singing along with her bearer.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    There's a huge yawn and a groan that comes from the top of the bleachers, and a mumbled, "Who's that singing? Why is there singing?" and a green haired red eyed girl's head pops up and bellows, "WHO DARES DISTURB THE SUMBER OF--" she coughs remembering where she is and who she's supposed to be. "I mean. Yes. I was napping." And it certainly shows. Mie's hair is all in disarray like she had slept on it wrong and there are bags under her eyes.

    Those red eyes blearily blink at the stage and when she sees Hoshi she suddenly pops up standing on the top bleacher pointing accusingly at him. "FAIRY! I WILL--" She blinks. Right. Mie, not Lamya. "That is. What a cute stuffed animal you have." Her eyes shift around. Nobody heard her slip up, right?

Seiko Akai has posed:
The chara blinks a few times and flies up to Mie curiously. "You can see me?" She asks curiously.

Seiko lets out a gasp and suddenly stops singing. She blushes and looks down. "Hoshi? Whats wrong? She thinks you're a stuffed animal."

Hoshi flies back to Seiko, "Only magical people can even see Charas like me! So She must be magical!" The chara exclaims as she flies back to Mie. "You're magical aren't you?" She asks happily.

Seiko sighs and looks at Hoshi for a long moment before speaking up. "Sorry for disturbing you. I thought the place was empty. I just needed a place to practice and now... I think I should go." She looks really panicked and her tone is suddenly softer and more withdrawn.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    Mie folds her arms and turns her head in a huff. "Of course I can't see you," she says. "I'm not magical at all."

    Her head turns slowly back when Seiko expresses her desire to go. "I forgive you," she says. "Your singing was not altogether unpleasant. Just unexpected." She nimbly hops down from bench to bench until she lands on the floor. "If you wish to continue, I will not object, now that I am awake."

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko blushes and looks down. "I am just really nervous around people." She looks down at the stage. "I umm... I'm kinda... shy." She tries to pull herself together.

Hoshi squints and flies around Mie's head. "You wouldn't be able to hear me either, silly!" The Chara snickers a little and then laughs. "I like you. You're fun!" She flies back to Seiko and smiles at her. "You can do it Seiko-chan! Just be someone who isn't shy!"

"No Wait!" But its too late. The charm on Seiko's necklace turns into a star and she suddenly has a very big confidence boost. "And Maybe its a dream maybe nothing else is real but it wouldn't mean a thing if I told you how I feel. So I'm tired of all the pain all the misery inside and I wish that I could live feeling nothing but the night. You could tell me what to say, you could tell me where to go but I doubt that I would care and my heart would never know..." She picks up singing almost exactly where she left off. This time there is no build up to her confidence with the song. This time its right there from the beginning. She would definitely pass the muster as a pop idol now. Its as though the quiet, timid girl had been replaced with an actual singer.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    Mie swats at Hoshi like he was an annoying fly, further proving she's magical in some way. "Maybe I have a very active imagination," she counters with a grumble.

    "Yes!" she shouts, stepping forward and holding up a fist, curling her bicep. "Be someone who isn't shy! Be mighty! Like a dragon! Dragons aren't shy! If any dare laugh at you, burn them to cinders!"

    Seiko has obviously been rallied by Mie's fiery speech and take no prisoners attitude by fact that she returns to singing. Mie falls silent, her arms folding before her as she listens to the song. She can't help but feel enraptured and even she, the mighty dragoness disguised as a schoolgirl, finds herself nodding along and tapping her toe.

    "This is a very sad song," she concludes. "My heart has been moved."

Seiko Akai has posed:
"Will tomorrow ever come? Will I make it through the night? Will there ever be a place for the broken in the light? Am I hurting? Am I sad? Should I stay or should I go? I've forgotten how to tell, Did I ever even know." Seiko catches her breath quickly before singing full force. "This time you're not hurting me! This time I will take a stand! All the hatred in my eyes building up an evil plan. Standing lonely in the night with the darkness by my side. Looking deep inside myself and revealing only fright."

Hoshi dodges the swat. She quickly flies backwards from Mie and gives her an akanbe. She quickly flies up onto the stage and twirls her glow sticks some more as Seiko sings. The chara is just having fun and it shows.

Seiko just keeps on singing as though a spotlight were on her. "If I open up my eyes there'll be no more going back, cuz' I'll throw it all away and it all will fade to black. So I'm back here once again? So I'm back here once again? Can I ever make a change? Will my heart begin to mend? Would you love me if I go? It feels like a heart attack but still everything's the same and it all just fades to black." She finishes the song and gives a polite bow. The necklace changes back to its normal looking charm. "I... Oh god you did it again!" She comments about the Chara's actions.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    Despite her stern gaze, Mie is clapping enthusiastically by the end. "Yes! Take that stand! You are better than that monster who hurt you! Toss them aside! Embrace the darkness! Make them pay!" Obviously she's misinterpreting the songs intent.

    When the necklace reverts back, her eyes flick to it, then Seiko, then Hoshi, then back to Seiko. "The necklace.... gave you courage?" she ventures. She turns to Hoshi and points a finger accusingly at her. "Foul fairy! Courage does not come from a necklace! It comes from inside, from a strong heart! Worry not, fair songstress," she says marching up to the stage and grabbing Seiko at the shoulders. "I will teach you to be brave! I will teach you courage! I will teach you how to conquer your enemies and emerge victorious!"

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko blinks a few times and smiles nervously. "Umm Okay!" She looks at Hoshi who is trying her best not to laugh. "My necklace? Its just a charm that my mother gave me when I was a little girl."

Hoshi flies up to Mie and smiles to her. "Its not what you think. I'm not a fairy. I'm a Guardian Chara. I was born out of Seiko-chan's dream to be a pop idol. I just gave her more courage and the necklace changes when I do stuff like that. Its still her doing it. I didn't force her to sing. She continued the song. She's just not used to me doing that yet."

"I don't think I will ever get used to it." Seiko comments. "But yeah, Hoshi just hatched about a week ago. She is a sweet heart but can be mischievous."

Hoshi smiles, "I just embody the dream of who Seiko-chan wants to be. Sometimes a dream can be so strong that it can be born into this world and then something magical happens. A chara like me is born!"

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    Mie leans in and scrutinizes Hoshi with narrowed eyes. After a good look up and down she leans back with a harrumph. "You still look like a fairy, but since you are not from Marchenland, I will concede even though I do not know what a Chara is."

    When they explain she takes her chin thoughtfully between her fingers. "I see... A dream so strong..." she muses. "I wonder..."

    She shakes her head to clear her thoughts, "Regardless, I see that your dream is well placed. From your performance, I am certain that you will be a pop idol!"

Seiko Akai has posed:
The chara somes and nods. "She has what it takes! She just needs to get over her fear and shyness!" Hoshi flies around Seiko. "I know its not easy but you have to let go of what happened. It was at a different place. You are here now and you have a chance to be what you want to be!"

Seiko sighs and shakes her head. "I'm just... I'm afraid it will all happen again." She looks at Mie and frowns. "Hi, my name is Seiko Akai, Grade 8." She takes a deep breath. "I was made fun of a lot at my old schools. It made me really scared to be in front of people. To talk to others. To just make friends and stuff. Add to that my father has spent the past few years trying to convince me to give up on my dream because its too big."

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    Mie scowls. "Your father is a fool," she concludes. "No dream is too big. You have to just reach out..." and she does so by stretching out a hand. "And sieze it!" Her hand clenches into a fist. "Spare no mercy for those who get in your way." As always, Mie is a font of sage advice.

    "I am Mie Kitamura, also Grade 8," she says, introducing herself. "It is a wonder we haven't met until just now."

Seiko Akai has posed:
"My dad is just hurting. My mom divorced him." She frowns and shakes her head. "He got custody of me. He wanted me to be a farmer like him. When he realized I wouldn't let go of my dreams, He sent me to live with my grand parents here in Tokyo. Then I got a letter to join Radiant Heart."

Hoshi cheers, "Then I happened!" She giggles. "Then I got her to Sing at a party! She's going to do that soon. I think she should sing the song that she sang today."

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    "Farming is a noble profession, too," Mie concedes. "But if it is not your passion, then you should not do it. It is good that he let you follow your dreams."

    She nods to Hoshi. "Yes. I concur. It was a good song."

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko shrugs, "Yeah Farming is cool but I don't want to do that with my life. I want to sing and bring joy to people with my voice." She smiles. Her phone chirps She quickly looks at it. "Oh! Its just about dinner time. I'm kinda hungry." She smiles to Mie, "Would you like to go to the Cafeteria and get some dinner with me?" She asks curiously as she hops down off the stage. "That was my first time actually singing on a stage."

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    Would she like to go eat dinner with Seiko? Would she? Obviously Seiko is a magical girl of some sort, her hated foe, and yet... "Yes. I believe I would. Your performance was masterful, and I look forward to hearing you sing again." She hops down, too and says, "Let's go."