1781/Cake and conversation

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Cake and conversation
Date of Scene: 22 July 2024
Location: Dorms #1
Synopsis: Taro brings celebratory (and delicious) cake over to Adrien's dorm room and Taro, Adrien and Naru chat about what happened in Paris.
Cast of Characters: Naru Osaka, Adrien Agreste, Taro Yamada

Naru Osaka has posed:
It really wasn't quite the trip to Paris that Naru and Adrien had planned on for their first trip to Paris together. There was a whole lot of .. well.. there was so much awful. Terror and deep grief and profound conviction and then soaring triumph and redemption. A roller coaster of emotions. It was a lot. It honestly was more than a lot.

It feels almost like it was a dream, especially once they are back in Japan and Naru is sprawled on the couch in Adrien and Chrono's room, as she so often is. Drinking coffee, as she so often is. Eating French pastries, which is the new part of this.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
There were many sights and people that Adrien would have loved to get the chance to introduce Naru to. With the issues they'd gone through he hadn't even really had the energy to suggest going for pastries, but he had to do that at least. A quick stop by the shop owned by Marinette's parents had resulted in MANY goodies for them to bring back to Japan. Which, thankfully, was rather easy to get through Japan customs because gifts from trips were such a cultural thing it was just accepted (so long as it wasn't fruit or veggies).

There was a large box of macarons, croissants, eclaire, and a few other treats they had insisted he take, and he had insisted he pay for at least, and ... And then they were back here in the dorm hours later with boxes of French pastries set up on the coffee table while he holds a cup of coffee between his hands while lounging on the couch with his head staring up at the ceiling. Just. Relaxing.

Plagg was in the little miniature room set up he had built and placed on the bookshelf lounging while eating far too much smelly cheese so that Adrien had at least opened the window to let fresh air in.

Taro Yamada has posed:
There's a knock at the door.

Technically this isn't really part of Usagi's request ticket for cakes. This is just, well. Thank you cake? I promise I won't derail your life cake? Tell me that creepy lady who killed me is dead cake? Something like that.

Taro's in a hoodie and jeans like usual; the bruising on half his face from the fight with Thetis has gone from ugly greens and blues to swirls of yellow and purple. He's got a cooler over one arm.

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Are you expecting anyone?" Naru asks of Adrien, as the knock comes to the door. She leans over to set her cup on the coffee table, while smoothly getting to her feet. Clearly she is comfortable enough in the room that is not technically hers, to just get up and go answer the door on Adrien's behalf.

Naru's smile is warm for Taro as she opens the door to him. "Oooh! I wasn't expecting to see you." She reaches a hand out. "Oooh, that bruise looks like it's healing up nicely."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste lifts his head and begins to rise to his feet when Naru does. He doesn't make it to the door before her, so he just stands there still cradling his mug between his hands. "No? I already stocked up on cheese while we were in Paris so Plagg is set for awhile," he explains just before the door opens.

At the sight of Taro he flashes a friendly grin with a hand raising to wave, of all silly things, given he's *right there.* "Hey, Taro-san! Come join us for some coffee? And I may have overstocked on French Patisierre as well if you'd like to try some."

Taro Yamada has posed:
Taro -

Smiles? Even he seems surprised by it, his eyes flickering down shyly before going back up to Adrien and Naru.

He steps in and makes sure the door is closed before he replies: "Since I was able to 'eat' right after I was injured, it's healing up faster than usual. My ribs are all fixed now, it's just the bruises left."

And at the invitation - he smiles wider. It's not something his mouth is used to. After a moment just stricken dumb, grinning, he tries to shake it off. "I brought cake for the returning victors! I want to know everything," he says. "I'll trade you for pastries? I used French flavors that go well with coffee for the cake, so we can see how they mesh!"

Not that. Not that he spent a lot of time making a cake to impress them or something!

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Oooh, cake!" Naru is delighted by MORE treats to add to the feast of sugar that they're collectively enjoying. She steps back, ensuring that Taro has room enough to join them in the room as he might wish.

"It's hard to believe that it's over." Naru has to admit as she comes to collect her coffee and curl back up on the couch. "It was.. really intense." She has to admit that, a little nibble on her bottom lip before she gets up to ensure there's a third plate for Taro to share cake and pastries. "I'll take some of the cake home to Usagi, if you don't mind. I know she'll appreciate it. And I'll make sure Sailor Moon gets some too."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste gestures to the seats that were around the coffee table. There was the couch that he had been sharing with Naru of course, but there was also a very comfortable looking armchair at one end. There were two bed areas in the room, each decorated vastly different, so it was clear there were usually more people in here. Right now his roommate was not around though.

"I'd love to try it! I can vouch for these pastries. My friend's parents own the patisierie. I've had them tons of times though," he admits with a little laugh as he sits back down.

"If you want some coffee I can brew you a cup. I snuck an espresso machine in when I got assigned the room." A pause, and he adds, "It's the worst kept secret of the dorm."

The talk turns to the issues in Paris, and he glances over toward Naru with a tense expression. "We were okay," he offers hesitantly. "It was close at times. There were a lot of others that died. Once Beryl and Metallia were defeated, they were ressurected by Sailor Moon."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"I bet. If a henchwoman could kill a vanilla human with a single move, the master has to be extra strong," Taro says, setting the cooler down next to the table. He claims the comfy armchair at the table and goes ahead and fills his plate with pastries before anyone can change their mind. "Beryl's strong enough to be like a bomb," and his hand pauses for a moment before picking up an extra pastry. "But she's gone? Down? And everyone's healed up without any side effects?"

Naru and Adrien looked fine. He could confirm that Chiyo and Amy were good, and double check Mamoru Tuxedo Enderman hadn't managed to get fricaseed again, ok? You don't let a tasty meal like that get eaten by someone else!

"The Back Street Slasher commissioned me to make cakes for everyone as an apology to Usagi, so she'll be getting her own cake eventually. I don't know if that changes things," he tells Naru as he pulls the cake out. It's a small cake, fit to be shared by two to four people, with chocolate icing and mochi painted to look like a crane on top.

"This is a chocolate cake where the cake had instant coffee added to the dough, with chocolate-hazelnut icing that has hazelnut bits in the middle. The crane is mochi with an oat, espresso and chocolate inside; it's experimental since I don't use a lot of European foods so I'm hoping the texture is ok? That's Miss Crane," he tells Adrien. "She's from a fairy tale - she marries a human and stays with him as long as he doesn't look at her when she's weaving. When he sees her secret identity as a crane, she leaves." Which is why you should never reveal a secret identity.

"Your friend made these, Adrien? They look amazing. I've never had French pastries that looked this good...!"

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Ressurected by Princess Serenity." Naru corrects almost absently, because it matters to her. It's important. She takes a breath and looks over to Taro and nods. "A lot of people died, and we didn't know that they'd return, so it was a very emotional time. As I said.. intense. Very emotionally intense." She takes a sip of coffee and nods. "She's gone. Beryl's dead. They're all dead. Those horrible girls. Metallia. Beryl. All dead."

Naru takes a deep breath and then leans over into Adrien, curling up there and grasping at the change of topic. "That cake sounds AMAZING." Naru ooohs softly. "Can we try it now, or are we saving it?" She's already eaten an entire pastry, barely sharing with Adrien, and now cake as well?

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste grins at the compliment to the pastries. A shake of his head comes though, and he chuckles. "Not her directly. She's actually attending school here, too. Her parents though. Marinette *has* made macarons in the past for me though, which was rather nice of her."

When Naru corrects him he lets out a little 'ah' before flashing her an apologetic smile. "Sorry. There was so much going on at the time. Princess Serenity resurrected everyone. Jadeite, Bow, Daifuku, the Pirate girl and some others I don't really know well."

The talk of them all being dead though... His arm slides around Naru when she leans in against him. The story of the crane earns a frown. "That's... sad, actually. The cake does sound really good though!" And Naru was wanting to *eat*? He was still getting used to that, but he was not going to discourage his little air plant from actually eating. "I don't see why we can't try some now!"

Taro Yamada has posed:
"Oh, like how Tuxedo Guy is also Prince Endyman?" Taro asks. A matching set... Good symmetry. "Good. Dying's bad enough to go through as it is without how it makes other people upset." Hm. That sounded more comforting in his head. "I'm glad it's done and she's dead and staying dead and she can't hurt anyone else ever." THERE.

And. Uh. "So. Daifuku's alive. Daifuku's not injured. She's back and fine. Right?" RIGHT? RIGHT??

"It's a tragic love story here. But I also thought it was good since it's about why you don't bother someone's secret identity." The kitty is safe, he promises! Lips sealed! THis is his...cake vow?

Naru Osaka has posed:
At the matched set comment, Naru only smiles, but she does get up to go and retrieve a knife to be able to cut the cake. "You'll try some cake too, won't you Taro?" She pauses a moment. "Do you actually eat real food as well?"

There's a soft little laugh and a nod as Naru rifles through the mini kitchen that most of the dorm rooms end up with, and comes out with a knife that will do for cutting cake. "I promise that Daifuku is alive and well and fine. I haven't spoken to her much yet, so I dont know how traumatic the being dead half of it was, but the watching people die part sucked. Can confirm."

Naru offers Adrien the knife to be able to slice it up as he might wish. "Things were okay here, though?"

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste actually lets his expression slip a bit. For just a moment the French boy looks paler. "Agreed. I didn't do very well seeing that. I got sick a few times," he explains with a quiet sheepishness at admitting such a weakness. Then again he didn't really get raised in the whole 'macho guy' mindset, either, so perhaps it was merely embarassing and not a strike against his ego.

"Everyone is alive and well now. Other than Beryl and Metallia. I... don't really like the idea of killing people, really, but in their case I think everyone is better off without them existing." An awful thought, really, and Plagg speaks up from his spot on the bookcase.

"They totally deserved to be destroyed. I meeeeaaan I guess it's easier for me to think about destroying, really. It's kind of my thing. Like how I'm going to destroy this Camembert." Plagg holds up a little triangle of it that was about the same size as his head only to somehow, miraculously, stuff it into his mouth chompfing down loudly. "Mmshoo good!"

Adrien reaches for the knife Naru offers to cut into the cake quite glad for getting to do something. A few slices are worked out and a thin slice that would be huge for Naru, normally, is placed on her plate. Just in case she was full already. Or not going to finish it all which meant he would have to finish it for her.

Taro Yamada has posed:
"I do eat real food!!" hey!! "It's not like I can drink blood or energy easily in this form. It's not hygenic doing it without the knives," and Taro's cheeks puff up indignition as he takes a thin slice of cake along with his pile of pastry. "It's more like - you know that thing where if European sailors didn't eat lemons on their ships, their teeth would fall out? Scurvy, that's the thing. I'll get sick if I go too long between feeding, and I don't want to test if it'd kill me. I don't think I can come back from starving to death."

Uuugh. Being hungry was bad. Being hungry for blood was worse. At least ice lung explosion was a fast way to go?

"Good. I'm friends with Daifuku, so I was keeping an eye on her civilian household while she was gone. Some magic weirdos tried to break into it a while ago, so I figured I'd watch while she was gone." It almost feels natural to say, by now - I'm friends with Chiyo. She's my friend. "I didn't see any weird stuff on the news, either, and no one at work's called my bluff on my sick leave so they're probably too busy with Beryl shit to start trouble."

And he nods to Adrien. "Yeah, the first few deaths really suck," he says, comimiserating. "The human body can tolerate a lot but not that much. People don't die as much these days, either, so people don't have to get used to death."

(He remembers back when he was a kid in the late 40s, the early 50s. People would die. They'd be hungry and die. Or they'd get sick and die. Or they'd get leukemia and die. Lots of bodies. He'd never thought it was strange until he got older, until he saw how the newer generations were free from it.)

"I think they both had to die," Taro says about Beryl and Metallia, and he's a teenager like they are, but there's something old in his eyes. "Did you see the damage when that plant monster attacked? It was like a bomb went off. They'd have kept on doing it until they died. Why should they get to do what they want all the time? Your cat is right; some things need to be destroyed."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I'm glad that you do!" Naru grins to Taro. "It means we dont have to feel guilty about eating in front of you." Because the air plant that is Naru actually /eats/. Not as much as her beloved Usagi, but she has cake AND another pastry on her plate. Sure it's a small piece of cake, and it would be good if she injested something that wasn't sugar, but baby steps here.

She settles again, leaning back into Adrien, quite grateful for being able to have that closeness while everything processes. Sure it all worked out in the end, but that didn't make the middle any less messy.

"I'm glad you were looking out for her family, Taro. That was nice of you." Naru takes a bite of cake, just a little one, but Adrien isnt' getting all of it at least. "Beryl and Metallia had to die. I dont say that often, but they had to go."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste can only sigh quietly when the others agree about them dying. Really, he knew that. It was the others that had upset him more. When the Doom and Gloom girls had been taken out. They had been ressurected as well of course which was a relief, but... "I didn't realize those moth girls weren't youma at first. They were like the Akuma-tized people that I used to fight. Except there wasn't any way to break them out of the change except to..." The arm that had found it's way around Naru's shoulders without thinking squeezes lightly, and he lifts his coffee to take a sip.

"We all did what had to be done. I just hope it doesn't become a habit."

Taro's talk of friends earns a smile. "That's really nice of you. I'm sure she appreciated it. I know I was worried about my father when I was gone. Though he's always been better guarded than I am."

Taro Yamada has posed:
Taro takes one of the pastries and bites away half of it in a single munch, making an appreciative noise. "I think if I couldn't eat real food, I'd die. Blood tastes terrible." Why can't he forever crave sugar? That'd be easier to get! And he's gonna take the little mochi crane and put it on her plate. "Try a bite of this this with your coffee. It's supposed to go well with a bitter drink." If he did it right, anyway.

"It's not sportsmanlike to go after the enemy's family. It's not fair play. That kind of thing pisses me off as a classic villain," he declares. "They can do it right or they can go through me."

its CHEATING. They can't just do that! It changes the entire power balance! What kind of creep went after kids and old men?

(Usagi stared him down. If you weren't attacking kids, you were attacking adults - )

"I know it feels bad," he tells Adrien, "but if you couldn't break them out of it without killing them, and they were trying to kill you, then it was kill or be killed. They didn't give you a choice. So you're not bad for killing them; someone who fights with killing intent has to be prepared to die. Same with Beryl. Those who kill have to be prepared to get what they dish out, that's part of the gig."

(there was no point in dwelling. kill or be killed; eat or starve. if taro let himself dwell on the people he'd hurt to survive for years upon years, decades on decades - well. he wasn't going to.)

Naru Osaka has posed:
"You'd be unendingly miserable, and I'm very grateful that it isnt' the case." Naru leans over to settle a hand on Taro's arm briefly, a gesture that aspires to support. She smiles at the mochi that appears on her plate and then she settles back into Adrien's embrace.

A bite of the wee mochi cane, and then a sip of coffee. Naru ooohs softly. "Oh that IS good!" She offers it over to Adrien, pinched in her fingers for him to take a nibble of the mochi right from her hand. "You need to try this!"

Clearly Taro got it right!

"There really does hit a moment when they are so deep into it, that no matter how awful it is to think about, there's no redemption." Naru frowns a little as she settles again. "It's just hard to know when you're actually at that point."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"You're right. I know that. There are just times I really wish that the good in people would win out before it gets that far." Adrien allows himself a little smile knowing he's being a bit naive in such sentiments. He'd seen some horrible things, and the catacombs was the worst of all. Yet. Somehow he still hoped deep down. He couldn't help it.

"I guess there's always part of me that will want that, even if it doesn't happen. Maybe that's why I was chosen to have the Miraculous of Destruction instead of someone else."

Plagg pipes up with a very sleepy... Snore. The cat-shaped Kwami was sprawled out on a little miniature lawn chair, belly swollen impossibly large for his body, and snoring away after having devoured way too much cheese.

The mochi crane offered up gets a careful nibble not to bite Naru's fingers in the process, and then he takes a sip of his coffee to wash it down. His eyes do light up along with his smile. "Oh wow that *is* really good! You're very skilled, Taro! Maybe you should open your own shop when you graduate."

Taro Yamada has posed:
The brief, comforting touch and the reassurance that Naru's happy that he's not miserable makes Taro flush briefly. "I'm... glad I can make cake for you."

He is. Not good at this. Talking to other people like they're his friends. (They're his friends??) But he could continue cooking for her, he thinks.

"Better you than someone who'd use it willy nilly, right? The thing about power is that you don't just have it, you have to use it in a cool and satisfactory way. Someone who just blows things up will blow up the stuff they like and then they won't have anything they like. If everyone dies, who's gonna make bentos?"

Did you hear about the three legged cow? That cow poops gold and pees printer ink. One time it saved me from certain death! Why does it have three legs?

You don't eat a cow like that all at once!

(See, so it's fine not to kill. It's not reluctance, it's wisdom.)

He smiles and flushes again as Adrien praises him, kicking his legs. "There's a wagashi shop near school. I'm thinking - maybe if I can safely quit Obsideon, I could work there part time? I don't think the salary will be as good, but it's important to support traditional arts like that."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Soemtimes it does." Naru comments to Adrien. "Sometimes the good in people DOES win out. It' just irritatingly not quite often enough." She leans in to kiss his cheek. Her Cheeky Kitty, who can wreak such havoc, and stresses about it.

"Quitting Obsidian is hard, but I hope we can help you do it eventually." Naru eats a little more cake, the mochi already gone. It really WAS good. "I know there was a lot of planning before others have left, to try and keep the retaliation to a minimum. It only mostly worked, but with Beryl dead.. it might be easier in future?" Her voice tips up on the question, as if she's just hopeful for it.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"I think that's an excellent idea!" Adrien agrees with Taro without hesitation as he mentions the wagashi shop, and working there part time. Especially the part about leaving Obsidian. This really was a chance to help someone who apparently wanted to get away from that group after all!

The kiss to his cheek earns a warm grin as he leans down to press a kiss to her forehead right after. A bit of PDA but not so much that Taro might feel the need to bolt for cover. Maybe.

Looking back to Taro he adds with a nod, "We'd be glad to help. Right now with their leadership having taken a hit, it would be an excellent time to leave as well. I imagine things are a bit crazy over there right now. If you need we can help hide you or..." His phone goes off a moment causing him to reach for it to read the text there with a little wince.

"Ah. My roommate texted he's on his way back. Hate to chase you out but he's kind of... A lot. And very much a stickler for the rules. If he found out you were with Obsidian he would probably get a bit hard to handle." He does add hastily, "Though he'd probably be glad to help as well if you're trying to get away! Just right now may not be the best time to meet him."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"The owner's a good guy." And Daifuku's grandfather, though he doesn't know if those two know it - he's attempting to keep identities secret! "And the wagashi is really good. If you haven't gone, I can take you sometime?"

It'd be fun! And it's morally correct to introduce people to new kinds of sweets.

"Daifuku offered to help after Beryl was defeated," he says, and rapidly finishes his cake; he leaves a smear of icing on his cheek. "The Back Street Slasher is strictly a neutral entity; Taro Yamada works for Obsideon in a purely clerical fashion. That'll probably make it easier to leave. The bigger problem is that, uh. I need to make sure I keep the dorm and scholarship. I can work enough to afford an apartment but that'd mean dropping otu of school," a second time. HE significantly needs to. Keep the only place he can live AND attend high school. Can't lose that!

"Yeah, makes sense. I'm still a bad guy," Taro says, and he pours the remaining pastries from his plate and into his cooler. And snags one more for the road. "We'll figure it out when people aren't reeling from dying and shit. I'll see you around - wait, actually. Before I forget."

One more thing.

"Do you think Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Guy would enjoy getting to destroy Beryl in cake effigy?"

Naru Osaka has posed:
"He's a lot. He's a loveable lot, but he's a lot." Naru agrees on the topic of Chrono. Clearly she's fond of him, but there's few people that Naru isn't fond of on some level or another.

"I'd love to go, sometime." Naru agrees with a smile for Taro about visiting the wagashi shop. She leans over to offer Taro a napkin, gesturing to him to get the bit of icing on his cheek. "Generally we can work something out with school. I think. Or we can try at least. It semes like that shouldnt be insurmountable if you want to leave."

There's a bright ring of laughter at the mention of a Bery cake effigy and Naru uhhs softly. "Too soon maybe?" She considers. "I.. okay, I'm not sure if it's too soon or not. Might be fun at a big celebration party once people are a little more settled."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste winces juuust a little at the thought of the effigy cake. "Maybe just something sparkly and cute to make up for what we all just went through. No skulls or anything," he adds recalling the catacombs. He's grinning though, nodding along with Naru at mention of a celebration party. "Maybe after a bit of rest for everyone first."

"Sounds like you've got a good friend in Daifuku. If she can't help, we can try as well. I'm sure between all of us we can come up with a way to make sure you're not kicked out. Though I don't think you would be any way," he adds confidently.

"For now, just be careful and take care of yourself! Even if you're just clerical that doesn't mean they won't consider you important."