1794/Meeting Notes: Glimmer

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Meeting Notes: Glimmer
Date of Scene: 25 July 2024
Location: Obsidian Tower - Human Resources
Synopsis: Glimmer wants to go to school. Fuyuko wants to get her and her glitter out of her office. Somewhere? Kyouka just knows someone's plotting against her.
Cast of Characters: Fuyuko Yuuhi, Glimmer Brightmoon

Fuyuko Yuuhi has posed:
Fuyuko is completely paperwork with a faint smile on her face. Why? It's the decommission paperwork for one Director Beryl, dead now for nearly two weeks. The thing about directors is they're in charge of a lot. Even two weeks isn't always enough to get rid of everything they handle...

But it is long enough to have satisfaction about it. The entirety of Human Resources is relaxed and happy, now, because the boss is happy, and that means they're happy. Considering her mini me is still alive and kicking, it's the first time that the office hasn't been a pit of tension.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Everything was nice, everything was calm. It was fuuuuuun. So, so fun. People were relaxed.

You could almost hear the jaws music playing. "Excuse me," Glimmer said, walking into the office space and giving a little wave to the workers. She had a binder in hand and a spring in her step.

Also, she was humming a merry tune as she walked, before finally... Giving a light knock on Yuuhi's door. After a few seconds she'd push the door open, unless told not to and... "Are you you-high?" she asked, peeping in. "Well, of course you are. The name is on the door. Hiiiii. I'm Glimmer of Brightmoon. I was told to just pop on in once I finished all of these," she said, putting the folder on the desk... at least she didn't put it directly in front of her other work. She did, however, glance around the room and... start looking around, picking up a little paperweight. "Ohhhh. What's this? So, like. Is it weird working in a place called 'Human resources' when like, you don't always work with humans?"

Fuyuko Yuuhi has posed:
"'Am I you-high'," Fuyuko repeats, and sighs, deeply, as yet another Mahou enters her office, bringing with her the sound of cymbals, fast-paced, bordering on erratic. She can already tell this is going to be annoying..."I am Fuyuko Yuuhi, assistant director of Human Resources, yes. You can call me Yuuhi- san," she pronounces it correctly, in a clipped tone.

"That would be a miniature guillotine," Fuyuko adds, "And it is sharp. Don't damage yourself, I'll be the one who has to put in the workplace injury report."

Which she doesn't want to do, her tone implies.

"And no, because Inhuman Resources was first, and it's for youma. What are you here for, besides your paperwork?"

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon touched the guilotine a moment later and... shhhhh slice! "Wow... neat," she whispered. "I wonder if it could actually take my finger off... huh? Oh. Yeah, right." She then disappeared, teleporting into the seat across from Fuyuko. "I am happy to say I have finally completed all of the things that Riventon said I should finish. You know, to catch up so I can go to this world's school. You know... under cover," she whispered that last part with a giddy, excited glee that bordered on candy rushed, but also super secret.

"If you look at these papers, you'll see I got passable grades in all of them!" she said proudly. "And it's... uhhhh... what's that word? The word Riventon used... it's like... a meal... but for your brain... Remedial! All the remedial stuff is done," she said proudly.

"Apparently like... I'm also supposed to get a bunch of other paperwork done since I really... haven't, you know? Back home I had people for that."

"... You look really smart, You-high-sand," Glimmer mumbled. "Can I call you paperwork-ra?"

Fuyuko Yuuhi has posed:
"Yes, it could. I don't recommend you test it," Fuyuko leafs through the papers, nodding at the results that she sees. "Riventon gave you the correct paperwork, and he's right. Based on these results, you'll be able to sort into the appropriate years in school..."

She glances up, again, "But you're not exactly, undercover. You're just going to be a student."

Another glance at the papers, "You're fairly smart yourself, based on this. Is -Ra a sign of respect, or is this a joke? If it's the former, it's fine, if it's the latter, you've had your one shot."

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon gave a small shrug. "Ehhhh. I guess? I always thought I could be a genius if I had the time. But frankly, I was too busy and robots give me the willies. Magic is way funner, you know?" she asked before putting her hands together and spreading them out. Sparkles!

It might be about this time that Fuyuko might notice... the girl left a trail of glitter everywhere she went. Oh dear heavens...

Because it was then the girl teleported again to nudge another little trinket. "Huh, neat... And really? Awwwww. I pretended to be a college student once, back home. And yeah, it's kind of like an honorific. Lots of 'ras' back home. My aunt Castaspella, which in retrospect isn't a 'ra' name at all but the same general idea. Entrapta, Frosta, Mermista, She-ra, Netossa... okay I know a lot of them just end in 'ah', but the full title would be 'ra' at the end. But the R can be substituted."

She then teleported over to the desk, bringing the trinket with her, hands on the desk now... glitter. Everywhere. "So, how long until I can go?"

On the upside, the glitter... was magic and WOULD disappear on its own in like, an hour.

On the downside, Fuyuko prooooobably didn't know that part yet.

Fuyuko Yuuhi has posed:
"You know there's more to school than robots, right," Fuyuko is sighing though, because the paperwork is clearly showing that this is another alien. Aliens always had odd gaps in their knowledge, and the teleporting - "Are you teleporting around to get a rise out of me, because you're always like this, or because you're getting it out of your system? Because look - you don't actually have to get an education, but if you're going to the school, it shouldn't be to cause trouble, either."

Pause. Does she care?

"Unless you want to, I guess."

She shrugs it off, ready to acknowledge the respect of.... Paperwork-ra... when...

Her eye is twitching.

"When... will the glitter disappear? Because otherwise, you need to go and get the office vacuum. Now."

There's glitter in her hair.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon gave a small nod. "Yeah, there's things like hanging out with boys, sleep overs, the sweet foods, late night cram sessions. And I'm always like this, why?" Glimmer asked before teleporting over to poke at something else. "If it bothers you, I can stop." No. No she couldn't. She could, maybe, try to. For a few minutes. But she'd never stop. Never truly.

"I probably should, anyway. I even have a whole person thought out."

She then activated the device... and there she was. Leather jacket. Leather pants. Pulling a tooth pick out of her pocket to put in the corner of her mouth. As she put one foot on the chair, posing. "I... am Gloria Moonhawk. Or maybe Ikken Mangetsu. Or maybe Soraia. I have many names. All you kids really need to know... is I'm here... to learn. AND ROCK!" And she pumped a fist into the air... before de-henshining and teleporting over Fuyuko. "So? What do you think? Tell me the truth? Is it awesome or is it awesome?"

She then looked down at the... poor... glitter covered girl... "Oh, huh. It goes away after an hour or so. Sorry, I just recharged." She shook her head, sending sparkles *everywhere*. Like being in a nebula. Girl didn't have dandruff, at least?

"Riventon has a roomba he uses, though honestly I think it's a waste. Want me to see if he can lend you it? Though... by the time it got here it'd likely fade out..."

Fuyuko Yuuhi has posed:
"You can teleport, it's more that if you're going to do it at school, you'll reveal yourself as magical and cause a number of uncomfortable situations. You can just go to the school without attending classes, if that's the case."

Be a delinquent! It's fine. She's known plenty. Kyouka turned out fine, even got a job.

And then... there's the girl. Toothpick. Leather jacket. Clearly there's something... going on here. Maybe she's being punked.

...maybe she should punk Kyouka.

"I think Gloria Moonhawk is a great name," she says with a smile, lying through her teeth. "The school is on summer break, right about now, but if we get you enrolled, you can join the rest of them when it starts back up in August? September? Something like that."

The glitter... is going to be gone in an hour. She can cope... for an hour. She will be filing this as workplace injury.

Who's going to check her, the head of HR?

"It's fine. If it's going to disappear, then it's going to disappear."

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon shook her head. "Ohhhh, gosh no. I'd NEVER teleport at school. Besides, I can't teleport when I'm like that... And yessss! I KNEW Gloria Moonhawk was AWESOME! Yessss! Let's get me registered!" She then teleported to the seat...

"Besides, it'd be boring to go to school without attending the classes. I've never passed notes in class before, only war meetings. And then I'd always get lectures from one of my advisors, ugggggggh. 'Your mother never passed notes during war meetings'. Yes. She did. Who do you think taught me?" she asked, hmphing.

"So, anything else I need to know before I get ready for school? I bet you got up to all kinds of exciting, fun hijinks when you were in school. You totally strike me as a trouble maker."

Fuyuko Yuuhi has posed:
"As I'm sure you know, that school is full of magical kids. There's probably plenty of them that actually live there, given the dorm system - since that's the case, consider that they have the home advantage, and don't do anything stupid, alright?"

She's amused in spite of herself. Kyouka is going to want to kill her for this.

"Have a blast, kid. School's the perfect place to cut up."

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon gave a small nod and then a thumbs up. "Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid, even if I tried!" she said proudly. Then pause. "I couldn't do... wait, no, that..."

... Blink blink. "Well, I won't do something dumb THIS time!" she said, before giving a small wave. "Either way, happy we could work this out! I look forward to working with you more, You-high-ra!" she said, before disappearing in a flash of pink and... glitter.

Just. One. Hour.