1802/Falling Star

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Falling Star
Date of Scene: 25 July 2024
Location: Penguin Park - Penguin Playground
Synopsis: Amy and Laura chase after Seiko who is feeling pretty crumby about everything. Feelings get mended. Pictures get taken!
Cast of Characters: Seiko Akai, Amanda Faust, Laura La Mer

Seiko Akai has posed:
When Seiko ran from everyone, She didn't have a clear plan on where she was running. She Just wanted to get away. The girl was panicked and very much sad. Her feet carried her into the play section of the park. She was so teary eyed she didn't see the big penguin slide in the way. The result was a collision and her falling on the ground. "Dang it!" The girl stands up and dusts herself off. Here she was far enough away from everyone that she could just be quiet. She moves over to a swing and sits down on it.

"Are you okay Seiko-chan? You shouldn't have screamed and probably shouldn't have run away." Hoshi states as she flies out of the purse. "Everything is going to work out. You'll see."

"This is all your fault! If you weren't trying to get Usagi-san's attention, Then that guy wouldn't have grabbed you." She frowns and shakes her head. "And I wouldn't have ruined everyone's night." She sighs and looks up at the sky. She watches as a shooting star streaks across the sky. "I wish I wasn't so scared." She comments as the meteor fizzles out.

"I'm sorry, Seiko-chan. I wasn't thinking." Hoshi apologizes as she retreats back to the purse. "I will help you not be scared. Just don't stop believing in me."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Gods, Amy just wants to transform so she can more easily catch up if she could just get out of sight of people, but the park is kind of... a place where people will be, and during the meteor shower people are inclined to stop and remain outside to watch it.

    So by the time she's chased Seiko all the way here, she needs a moment to catch her breath, before she can comment: "Geeze, it's a good thing I'm a teenager *breathe* no way I coulda done this... *breathe* just give me a moment..." She lays back against the slide and looks up at the meteor. "I wanted to say, that there's nothing wrong with you for being terrified that your dream was going to hurt. Of *course* you were scared. I... I was going to say I can't imagine what that would be like and then I remembered my soul is outside my body and imagined someone handling it roughly and," she grimaces, "Yeah. That would... I would not be happy, and no matter what points they made about the situation, that would not erase my feelings. And it doesn't invalidate yours.."

Laura La Mer has posed:
To say that Laura was incensed after the incident with Taro and Usagi was putting it mildly. She really couldn't bear to hear Taro stepping up to say that Usagi has had a rough month when Seiko too had similar problems, but apparently they can't stop to consider that. And to compare Hoshi fluttering around Usagi to Taro grabbing the fairy, suddenly approaching Seiko and brusquely putting her back.

She doesn't understand why they have an issue with revealing themselves despite probably having powers eithers. She has been through enemy attacks too, and without any powers to count on. And she is here, striving to do her best despite her home struggling.

Now she is running after Seiko, dodging people in the crowd (why must so many people like meteor showers!). It's really hard to keep an eye on the other pinkette, especially with the cover of the night not making things any easier. It takes a bit longer for her to reach the other two girls, complicit the fact she still isn't the greatest at running, so Amy has had the opportunity to recover her breath by the time she has catched up.

"I can't believe some humans could be so rude!", the angry mermaid exclaims once she has catched up. She knew things weren't as easy as at Grand Ocean with the whole thing about bullies Seiko told her she experienced, but to see things like that with her own eyes...

"Don't worry about them, Seiko, you are between friends now", Laura smiles reassuringly to the Chara Bearer. "They really had no right to act like that with you, and please don't worry about your dream, or your life. It's not pathetic, and if you were able to manifest a dream so shining into reality it's because you are going to do great things. We sang together, and that's why I can guarantee it."

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko looks at Amy and frowns. "I'm sorry I ruined the evening for you. I mean we can still watch some of the meteor shower from here if you'd like."

She listens carefully to what Amy has to say. Its nice to have friends. That is something she lacked at her previous schools. "It just hurt to see that man grab Hoshi like that. Then to be chewed out? I didn't know. I just didn't understand anything about this. I know Hoshi-san is the embodiment of my dream but I didn't know people could steal her! And I really didn't think I would be reemed out tonight." She sighs.

Then Laura arrives and Goes on about how rude the others were. "I am still at fault for some of it. I should have had better control over Hoshi. I don't know how to do that really but I do have to do it. Everything is so messed up."

She nods to Laura and smiles finally, "Thank you." She then stands up and looks back. "Oh no! I left my things back with the rest of the group!" She sighs. "I'm going to have to go back to get them."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy takes a breath as she looks up at the sky. "You shouldn't have to apologize for being afraid your dream was going to die. You shouldn't..." She frowns and balls her hands into fists. "I won't let one of you start feeling that... that you're broken, or, or ruining it for everyone, just for existing. Magical girl hero, heck, what kind of person would I be if I allowed that?"

    She turns her head to look at Seiko. "Is better control over charas even possible? I mean, maybe, but if it's like complaining to a tall person that they take up too much space, I wouldn't want to... to make you feel like a failure over what you had no control over." She looks up again. "That's a terrible way to start out your life. And there are gonna be plenty of people who'll treat you that way in your life."

    She left her things... "...No rush. If you need a moment before going back, it's okay. And if you'd rather one of us collects your things and brings them to you after... that's okay too."

Laura La Mer has posed:
"I'd rather complain about how Hoshi left you to starve yourself before we consider that she was pushy. And yes, she was, but the response you got as a consequence was really disproportionate, especially since Hoshi is her own person", Laura frowns slightly. "So, from now on, try to avoid, Hoshi, and above all, do not let Seiko starve, got it? I am counting on you, at least consider that she can't work at her best if she is hungry, but also she needs to take care of her wellbeing."

"I guess they could have told Seiko to please try to keep Hoshi away since it's her dream, but they could have done it with much more manners than that", Laura tells Amy.

When the matters of Seiko's possession comes up, Laura's eyes widens as she recalls she had to do that to, exclaiming a "wait here!", before diving into the Aqua Pot and coming back out with Seiko's things. "I had taken them for you", she smiles triumphantly as she gives them back to her.

Seiko Akai has posed:
"Its okay, I can do it. If they are there I will just keep my head down, get my things, and leave." Seiko states feeling like she just met her first bullies of the year. "I'm going to keep my distance from Usagi-san and that guy. I don't even know who he was."

Then Laura jumps into her Aqua Pot and comes out with her blanket and her notebook and pen. "Oh Thank you!" She smiles happily and takes the blanket but seems more interested in the notebook than the blanket. "I had a really good idea for a song before everything went crazy." She flips through the pages of the book, or tries to. Her hands are a little full. "Hoshi, can you help me a little bit?" She asks the chara.

Hoshi flies out of her purse and smiles with a nod. She quickly flips through the pages, looking for the ones with writing on them. "Here you go!"

"Thank you Hoshi." She begins reading over what she wrote so far. "Dreams like falling stars, Hopes pour from the heart, Everything and nothing can take my dreams, Everything and nothing are more than they seem..." She trails off as she looks to her friends. "Thats all I got so far."

Hoshi flies over to Laura and nods to her. "Don't worry, I will remind her when to eat. She just forgot today." She sighs. "I will help make sure she doesn't forget."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy sighs. "Taro is a nice guy, who... has interacted with other small magical beings that I guess are scarier and more resilient than chara. Usagi-san... Like she said, she wasn't sure who knew magic or not, and Taro was... like he thought he... he was focused on helping her and didn't think about how you feel. Just because I guess he wouldn't be concerned if he had a chara and someone grabbed it and was obviously going to give it back and--"

    Amy siiiiiighs and holds her hands over her face for a second. "Oh my god. I'm autistic, he might be autistic, and I have to try and explain to normal people and I really think I'm gonna somehow solve this? ...This is what being a magical girl for a year does to you, I'm optimistic enough to try anyway... no, I always would have."

    Amy takes a breath. He was focused on Usagi and it didn't occur to him how you'd feel. Which doesn't make your feelings wrong. And it doesn't make... UGH!" She almost screams in frustration. "You're all good people and this just... like a thing happened that wasn't anyone's fault, and either you can all see that and work to mvoe past it, or you can decide to hate eachother and be cold to eachother and form rivalries and make high school and being magical, which are already pretty darn tough and complicated, even harder than they are."

Laura La Mer has posed:
"And if it becomes more than you can handle, don't hesitate in calling me, ok, Seiko? The number I got is XXXXXXXXXX", Laura says, remembering one of the many perks that Amy had shown her here. And if it comes useful here, then it will have been well worth the expense.

... She still prefers taking photos with the Aqua Pot though.

Laura takes the words Seiko recites and sings them in her mind with an improvised melody, giving them a quick trial run. "I think the second sentence runs a little too short, and I would guess the fourth one is a bit too long, and I like the repetition more when it is alternated rather following directly. It could use an "and" before the second sentence, and change up the second "everything and nothing" for "though they". It might vary depending on the melody you use though, and I like the work you have done so far", Laura says placidly to Seiko.

"Bullying just doesn't occur in occur in Grand Ocean, I am pretty sure that I said that when I first met Seiko, and I don't intend to ignore anything even remotely similar to it. If they expect me to excuse Taro because he didn't know better, then I expect Usagi and Taro to do the same with Hoshi. I think that is fairly reasonable."

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko lets out a sigh. "I just don't want to think about it. Things got to be way too much tonight. Can we just watch the meteor shower now?" She asks curiously as she looks up to see two meteors streaking through the sky. "Things just went really bad."

Hoshi flies up and lands on Seiko's shoulder. She leans against her cheek, smiling as she watches the shooting starts. "You know you already have a wish granted? Why did you want another wish?"

Seiko laughs, "It was just a something you do when you see a shooting star. You make a wish and its supposed to come true." She smiles.

Hoshi watches as another meteor goes flying across the sky. "I wish you can be brave and sing in front of people!" Hoshi states, just trying to reinforce the dream in question.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "No bullies there?! Really? Damn. Would that I had been born a mermaid. Or a white-scale merman, at least, I suppose."

    Amy nods at Seiko saying she's not ready to go face the others. "I... hope that they will, too. But I could not stay there and talk to them, and talk to you at the same time, and you were clearly hurting, made to feel... Scared? Broken? An imposition? I... had to try and remedy that first. I don't... want anyone to have to feel that way."

    Amy stands up at the foot of the slide and watches the meteors fall. "I w..."

    "...I wish I could find a way to live in this world as myself, when this is all done."

    "...I'm going back to the others. Do you um..." She approaches Seiko on the swingset and spreads her arms. "Do you want a hug?"

Laura La Mer has posed:
Since Seiko is busy conversing with her Chara, Laura just turns her gaze upwards and watches the meteors fall, their sight filling her heart with wonder and peace. Everything is just so special, it's a pity this is not going to happen for another 50 years. But that's what her bubble pictures are for, even if they can't compete with the real thing.

"I wish Grand Ocean is going to get restored soon", Laura murmurs, entrusting to the stars the wish of her heart. "It really was a splendor, how it was before the attack of the Witch of Delays. I would have wanted to show it to you", she says to Amy.

"Both of you are always welcome in Grand Ocean once it goes back to normal, be it with either the current queen or me. We will always greet you with open arms. You have my word."

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko stands up and walks towards Amy. She quickly embraces her tightly. "Thank you Amy-chan. I am really sorry that there was such a problem. I hope you enjoy the rest of the meteor shower." She smiles happily before breaking the hug.

She looks over at Laura and smiles at her. "I look forward to seeing Grand Ocean. It will be fun! I Dunno how we will see it all without umm,"She pauses, "Drowning." She shudders at that thought. "Seeing an underwater city though... That is going to be amazing!" She holds her items close. "I think I am going to sit here for a while to watch the meteor shower some more. I'm pretty sure I will be safe."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy smiles and hugs warmly. "It... happens." She's not sure what else to say. To Laura, she responds: "I'd like to see the Grand Ocean one day, too."

    She starts to walk off, and then transforms -- into a Puella Magi but wearing her school uniform -- and runs off in a hurry. She has the rest of the meteor shower to watch with the others, and her skewer is getting cold!

Laura La Mer has posed:
"It's decided then", Laura smiles warmly at her two friend. "As soon as it's good to visit it, I will bring you there." She can't wait for that day, sharing it with them will be extremely fun.

"That's not a worry", Laura addresses Seiko's concern. "Beings of magic are always welcome to Grand Ocean, and that includes both of you, even if it's a new experience for you Seiko."

She moves in very close to the other two girls. "Let's smile!", she says before taking a bubble photo, the backdrop of the sky shining bright behind them.