1808/Angry Jason Meringues

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Angry Jason Meringues
Date of Scene: 27 July 2024
Location: Plot Room 1
Synopsis: After Paris, after her death, Chiyo catches up with Taro. He consoles her regarding the whole 'dying' thing, and she suggests Ojiisan might like an apprentice at the shop.
Cast of Characters: Taro Yamada, Chiyo Sakai

Taro Yamada has posed:
Taro Yamada has had, frankly, a bizarre week. He got yelled at by children for doing something completely reasonable. He had a sort of argument with his first friend. He met amother vampire and let her take a bite from him, as it were. (An energy bite.) Beryl is dead. Chiyo had been hurt badly in France but she got better.

The other boys in his dorm have gotten used to him going wild in the kitchens by now. He's got a bit of a reputation now - and a bit of a side hustle, cooking for people who don't want to leave the dorms to study, or testing whatever sweet he's obsessing over on people. If nothing else, it's kind of...nice? He's not that weird, scary looking kid here. He's that weird kid who practically lives in the kitchens.

(Well, he has to. Blood is blood and meat is meat, and human food won't make up what he needs in feeding from live humans, but it does help. And it's probably better to punch dough than to punch a person.)

Taro's got his hair tied back with a bandana, and he's in short sleeves for once - and in oven mitts as he takes a tray out of the oven. A line of Swiss merangues shaped to look like Jason's mask in Friday the 13 stare up at him.

"...I've eaten so many of them... but maybe one more can't hurt...?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai hadn't been out very much since her return to Japan. Partially because there were midterms to deal with, partially because she was working through some things. The trip to Paris had resulted in her dying along with several others only to be ressurected later by Princess Serenity.

That didn't change the fact that she remembered dying. The pain, the fear, the ... There was something after but she hadn't really found the strength to deal with that yet.

Today she'd at least made herself get out of the dorms though she'd overheard someone mentioning 'the guy cooking like his life depended on it' so she'd been curious enough to come over and investigate. It was something to hopefully get her mind off of things.

Stepping into the kitchens she pauses at the sight of Taro taking something out of the oven. A little smile comes over her as she takes a deep breath. "Smells good," she offers by way of greeting while leaning with arms crossed over her chest against the doorframe.

Taro Yamada has posed:
"It better smell good, this is the fifth batch. I've never done merangue before," Taro says, setting the cookie sheet on the oventop to cool. "French merangue is way too soft for what I wanted but all this egg white stuff is so fiddly. I don't know why Westerners do this - "

Wait. Hold on. "Chiyo!!!" His pale face splits open with a grin, and he rushes over, shoving his oven mitts into his pants pocket so he can offer his arms - for a hug, if she desries.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai wasn't entirely expecting that sort of a reaction from Taro. She should have, really, given how upset he was with her leaving. For just a moment her expression falters a little and she bites down on her lower lip. A smijle does start to tug at her lips though.

With the offer of a hug quite obvious she doesn't hesitate long. Only enough to push off from her lean to step forward and just. Kind of plop right into the offered hug with her forehead dropping down to his shoulder. He was taller after all and it would be way less awkward to hug this way then make it seem as if it were more than a hug.

"Hey Taro. I'm sorry I didn't come back immediately, I just... It's been a lot," she offers quietly.

Taro Yamada has posed:
She falls into his arms. He catches her easily, holds her. It's the least he can do after everything.

(She died.)

(He's died so many times. And come back! It's the prerogative of a monster to pop back up, after all. But it hurt every time.)

"It's ok. I went to see Naru and Adrien, and they said you'd had a shi - a rough time in France, so I figured if you weren't popping up, you needed time. Besides, it gave me more time to start making all the horror candies," he jokes - he tries to joke. He's not hiding his relief or his concern very well.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
The horror candies. That at least gets a bit of a chuckle from Chiyo as she nods, still keeping her face down for now. Just for a moment or two. She'd been doing a lot of hugging lately. Usagi, Phil--Phantom. She'd always recovered rather well in the past when dealing with injuries, but she also had never died. The worst she really had was that time she got burnt by Sunbreaker's dark flames. Her hands wouldn't work right until she got them properly healed.

A half-step back is taken as she risks lifting her head to smile at him with a nod. "Yeah. Bow was open wide, and that stupid plant girl attacked him. I got in the way. Though it only bought a little time, I guess, before he also..." She falters there and brings a hand up to scrub at her face.

"How's Ojiisan? I mean. I did stop by to see him of course, just." A small sigh is all she can manage. "Thank you for watching over him."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"Don't worry. I've died way stupider deaths than that. It always sucks," Taro reassures her. "I was pretty shaken up the first time. It's normal." A pause. "I mean, not NORMAL, but normal for us. You saved him and you both got better, which I think is pretty good. It still sucks, but you - what else were you gonna do, let him die? That's not the kind of hero you are."

Is this helping? He has no idea if this is helping, but he doesn't know what else he can say. I trust you as a hero. I've also felt like this after dying. I think you did your best.

"Ojiisan's doing ok. I'm checking in every couple days to help out at the store. He's been worried, but the store's doing well. I DID say I'd take over i fyou got hurt in France," joking, it's a joke, please read it's a joke, "so I'm working on my horror candies. Ojiisan says if I can get the recipes down reliably, we can talk about a run for Halloween."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai takes a slow, deep breath at the reassurance. The urge to hug her arms around herself again is resisted in favor of digging her fingers into the fabric of her skirt. She could at least kind of hide that response. "Thanks. Yeah. I just reacted, didn't think about it. Phantom showed up after I fell. He helped fight the rest of the time."

That was a WHOLE OTHER story.

Talking of candy and other such treats was at least a familiar, welcome thing. The smile deepens a bit as Chiyo finally steps away properly to glance over toward the tray he'd pulled from the oven with obvious curiosity. "That's great! I always wanted to do something for Halloween, but I'm way better at making cute things. He must really be impressed with your skills if he's offering to let you make a run. Took forever for him to trust me with some."

Here she smirks, more her normal self. A sidelong glance flits back toward Taro. "Of course I'll have to taste test them too."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"I don't know who Phantom is,but I'm presuming that's a good thing?" Taro says. He hears gossip in the Obsideon break room but thats not enough to get a really good idea of who that Phantom guy is,,, "We like him, right?"

He can kill him if Chiyo wants. Would that help? He's so good at that.

"I've worked at a lot of places, and I'm remembering my old techniques!" Wait. "...I told you I'm old, right? So I have a LOT of experience..."

He grins back at her. "Well, you've got to! I have high standards to appeal to, you know? It'd be silly to make you dessert if you don't like it."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"Phantom is... complicated," Is the best that Chiyo can really offer without giving away identities for the moment. She still had to fully confirm it for heself. The evidence stated he was likely Philip but she hadn't yet had that talk with him. The only one she'd shared her suspcions with so far was Usagi and even Usagi had pointed out 'that talk needs to happen.'

"He's very dangerous, but he's been kind to me, and I think he may be someone I know. I need to figure that out first. I know it's weird, but... Better to make sure."

A slight smile is offered though at the question. "Just try not to face him in a fight, he's really good and pretty powerful. If he is someone I know we may be needing to help him out soon. Just like we're helping you out." Of course she hadn't forgotten that! Though she won't mention he stabbed her with a sword once. Nope.

At the mention of being told he's old she kind of nods with her eyes narrowing in thought. "Kind of. You did mention you'd had some time in the past but you never explained much of it. I look forward to seeing what you come up with!"

Taro Yamada has posed:
Taro nods. Complicated, dangerous, kind. Possibly defecting soon? It sounded like Chiyo had a hand in that - which wouldn't surprise him, given how her friendship had helped him come to the conclusion that the Slasher ought to shape up.

"That makes sense. I'll make sure not to start a fight with him. If you need help giving him help, I'm down - I trust your judgement of his character."

And,anyway - "I was born in 1946. I've been taking part time jobs since - well, technically since I was eight since cash was tight at home, but since I *left* and my aging slowed down, I've worked at a lot of restaurants. I was at a nice wagashi place in the 80s and ran around a bakery in the 60s and the 90s, plus I did a lot of line cook jobs. I've got a lot of the basics down, so I've been using my Obsidean money to make sure I have them down pat and start trying out new techniques. I've got some candied orange peels, rose water syrup and flavored rock candy in the fridge, too, for a project I've been working on, if you want to try thosetoo."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo blinks at that particular news. She had been told he was old but that was old. That was back during WWII when he was born after all. That meant he was older than Ojiisan. "Sounds like a rough life," she has to admit with a nod of agreement. "Though I'm glad you found things you enjoyed doing. That's probably why Ojiisan warmed up to you so quickly," she adds, grinning in amusement. "He might not be the most talkative at times, but he does appreciate when someone is honestly interested in the work."

For a moment she considers a few things... Then suggests, "You should try to put some kind of savings away too. I'm not sure if you can get straight cash from Obsidian for working for them but that would be easier to tuck away than waiting for a card to get cut off." She pauses. "I assume it's from a card at least." It was when Philip paid for things, and she recalls Mamoru talking about his card when he got them stuff while he was still Hematite.

Taro Yamada has posed:
I ended up working under the table a lot since it?s hard to get a consistent fake id for, uh. Decades."

it is.. surreal, sometimes, realizing how much time has passed. He doesn?t like it.

"My boss already set up a bank account and direct deposit for me, so I think they can?t take it? It?s a normie human bank as far as I can tell." A company credit card...sounds dangerous. It?d be so easy to go in debt".

He yoinks the candied lemon and orange peels - most of which are two to four inches long and curved to some degree, with smaller bits that have snapped in half.

"I like eating. Cooking means I can eat faster. And it?s fun. Your old man and I both like the craft and effort involved. I?d really like to work with you two more."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo smiles warmly at the sentiment of working with them. When he snags the candied orange and lemon peels she reaches to snag one of the orange for herself. It did look tasty after all. It's popped into her mouth to chew on with a soft 'mm' of appreciation as she nods, listening to his tale. "I can imagine. I think I know someone that can help with that, though. She's had to deal with fake ID's for awhile now." that sounded SO wrong. Poor Setsuna.

"As for working more with us..." Her smile deepens quite a bit as she regards him. It's an almost mischevious glint to her eye as she starts out, "I think that would be nice. We have a part-timer, but not really any apprentice. I know a good deal of course, and I enjoy coming up with things, but I think I enjoy working on the advertising and ideas side more. Ojiisan could really use an apprentice."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"Good. I?ve got one that works for now, but if my aging stays slow, I'll need to update it frequently." He's tall with a surly face, so he can pass for being at least in his 20s these days, but there's only so much he can dodge the passage of time.

Taro almost drops the sticks of rose flavored rock candy (a little too strong, oops) he's getting out when she mentions an apprenticeship. "Really?? He's looking for someone to learn from him in the kitchen!?"

His whole face has lit up - he definitely looks 16 here and now, face cracking with a huge smile.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
That grin remains in place watching as Taro reacts. A little wince comes when he drops the rock candy, but she's sure he'll forgive her for distracting him that much. A quick laugh comes as she nods in agreement. "He has been for awhile. I know a good deal already myself that he says I'm more a journeyman than an apprentice anymore. It's been that way for awhile. The part-timer just helps to man the counter for dealing with customers to take that weight off of Ojiisan."

Her hands spread in a shrug, gesturing over to Taro. "We can talk to him about it. I know he seems to like you."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"I?d like that!" Taro squeaks. He's got more rock candy he can grab - he uses that to try and reduce his fluster, for a moment. @emit "As soon as I?m out of Obsidian, I'll submit my resume. I can do counter work and a little book keeping too, if that helps? And I can do woodworking if there's an issue with the store."

He hands her a stick of pink, floral rock candy, still flushing a little. "...part of me is glad i got to live long enough to meet you and come here," he admits, "but I think it'd be nice to have candy magic like you. Normal candy has the power to make people happy. It'd be nice to have the power to do that, too."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo reaches out to take the candy offered regarding it thoughtfully. It was a pleasant color and the shape was pretty uniform. That was hard to manage for rock candy so this wasn't pretty nice.

Looking up from it she smiles again. "I don't know if I can teach you the magic part of candy, but it's worth a shot!" Except she couldn't... and for a moment she looks a little sad. It's quickly hidden with a soft clearing of her throat.

"We'll get you away from Obsidian. I don't think it'll be a problem. If it is though, let us know right away so we can help. Also... I'm going to be getting some friends together this weekend to talk to them about some things. You should come." Best give the bad news all at once, perhaps.

Taro Yamada has posed:
Taro takes a bite of his rock candy - and then coughs as the sickly sweet perfumed rose taste hits him. "Oh, that's strong," he wheezes.

He wanted rose flavor but not this much!

He nods seriously as she invites him. "I'll come. I'll bring whatever I'm messing with in the kitchen, it's more fun to share with friends." But what could she need to invite a lot of people to talk about?

"Did that Phillip guy ask you to go steady with him?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
That earns a sudden, unexpected blush from Chiyo right as she takes a nibble of the candy. It was too much rose. It was like licking perfume, and she has to cough a time or two as she moves it away so she doesn't keep breathing it in.

Her free hand goes up to her neck grasping a necklace tucked just beneath her shirt. "Well, yes, he did," she admits quietly. The necklace is brought out to show a half-heart inscribed with the initials 'PT'. It was customized even.

"Right before we went to Paris. He said he was waiting for the right time, but if I was going somewhere dangerous... Well. He wanted to ask first."

She looks happy. Honestly happy as she runs her fingers over the necklace. But her head shakes quickly after a moment, "Ah that's not it though. It's just about something that happened in Paris."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"Oh. Oh, that?s so pretty," he says, looking at the neckless. It?s fancy, and custom made. "It's good timing. My parents did something like that too - got married a week after their city got bombed in the war. Ma said she never ever regretted it."

he's not going to mention that part of why she was so glad they got married was that his father didn't survive the bombing a week after that. That's too close to home, he thinks. It's why he's already softened to Phantom a little already - if his Ma had had a chance to intervene with magic, she would have. As it was, she'd spent the rest of her life with a hole in her heart.

"I want to ask," he says, "but you've got to be waiting until the weekend for a reason, so I won't. Do you want to beat up some rice and tell me more about Phillip instead?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"I..." Make mochi? That actually sounded like a great way to relieve some stress. Another little twist to the necklace comes and she nods firmly at the suggestion. "That might not be bad. I do need to get some stress out. It's been a rough week," she admits with a wry chuckle. Of course it has -- She DIED.

And pounding mochi was something that was normal for her. Back to the routine. "Yeah. Let's do that," she agrees warming up to the idea.