1835/Practice Makes Perfect (Or something like that)

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Practice Makes Perfect (Or something like that)
Date of Scene: 04 August 2024
Location: Karaoke Crown
Synopsis: Seiko and Laura practice for their competition against Glimmer!
Cast of Characters: Seiko Akai, Laura La Mer

Seiko Akai has posed:
"We need to practice. We gotta find a song that will knock that girls socks off! What are we even going to sing?" Seiko may be panicking just a little bit. After the challenge from Gloria and her being chara changed into accepting, Seiko was left with the leg work. "I don't suppose YOU have any ideas of what we should sing." She looks at Hoshi who happens to be flying along with her.

"Sing whatever! Just sing! You are going to do amazing!" Hoshi comments as she continues flying along. "You are already a star, the world just doesn't know it yet!"

The pinkette continues walking down the sidewalk. Its a nice day really. The sun is shining, There isn't a cloud in the sky. Its also cool. Well, Cool for a summer day. Quietly Seiko comes to a stop in front of the Crown Karaoke place. She is going to need to bring her A game this week!

Laura La Mer has posed:
Ever since they had left Pretty Holic, Laura had started taking Seiko's advice and mixing up her use of nail polish. Currently her nails were coloured like beach morning glories on a blue backdrop. The young mermaid had also started to dabble in other aspects, like blush for her cheeks. She was going to make a strong impression when the time of the little challenge Gloria had issued to them would come.

Besides, she also had a solution for Seiko's current problem, having come along with her to the Karaoke Crown. She had been singing a lot, and so she had quite the repertoire of songs to draw on.

And that was why she had written down her two favourite songs on two neat sheets of paper. "So, here are my suggestions, Seiko-chan", Laura starts to explain, taking out the handwritten songs and giving it to her for the Chara Bearer to read.

"These are the songs I like the most from those I sang back in Grand Ocean, and I think they would be excellent practice to draw out your talent", Laura smiles joyously.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko takes the two sheets of paper and begins reading them over. She smiles as she reads over the lyrics. "This is really good! Do we have music for them?" She asks curiously. The chara bearer smiles and tries to put music to the song in front of her but its way off compared to what it should be.

"I don't think that is right, Seiko-chan." Hoshi comments and winces as a sour note is struck. Try it like this!" The little chara quickly changes her bearer and the girl starts singing something a lot closer to what it should sound like.

Seiko blinks and smiles as she sings the song. She doesn't know if its the confidence from a chara change or just something building inside herself but she definitely is feeling the difference in the song.

Laura La Mer has posed:
Of course they do have music for them, but since they have the perfect place in front of them, they may as well step inside first. And that's what Laura resolves to do, taking Seiko's hand unless the other pinkette prefers not to and starting to walk inside Karaoke Crown and then their room.

"Yes, we can sing those together, and I will teach you all about it. I take these things very seriously", Laura announces as a sign of what to expect, closing the door behind them once they have reached their destination. "Besides, you have read the intonation a lot better on your second try, so you really just need practice."

Grabbing a microphone for herself and giving Seiko another one, she explains. "So, we can start by singing one verse at a time. What do you say?", she proposes with excitement.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko accepts Laura's hand and goes into the Karaoke place. She happily follows along to one of the rooms and then inside to where a few microphones are and just a good, quiet room. Seiko grins and nods, "Well Hoshi-chan is partially to blame for that. She chara changed me." She shrugs.

Then at the comment she nods, "Aye-Aye Captain!" I am ready to do what it takes to out sing Gloria-san!" She comments as stands at attention and salutes. Then Laura mentiones about singing it once verse at a time. "Okay! Lets do it!" She smirks. "You sing the first verse then I will sing it so I am on the same page as you."

Laura La Mer has posed:
With Seiko accepting her course of action, then they can go ahead. "I guess having a chara does allow you to catch up. We could compare it to borrowing your future self's assistance until you are completely the same." That's her dream manifested by magic, so it makes sense to her. Even if she doesn't understand why only some dreams manifest, besides those whose magic potential is taken up elsewhere.

Intonating a note to warm up her voice, Laura prepares herself. "Let's start then."

"The light that illuminates the future is within me now."
The ocean is full of mysteries that only 5% of us know.
Light on the water's surface creates a ripple effect. Deep beneath the ocean is an unknown world.
The closest I could get to saying "I'm fine!" Is when I'm with you. You make my eyes light up with glee.

Her voice sings with flawless joy, losing herself in the singing, as briefly as it lasts. She isn't used to stopping so soon, the mermaids reflects. "Ok, your turn now."

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko nods as she listens carefully to the mermaid sing. Its really pretty to hear. Quietly she hopes she can do as good to keep up with her friend and carry her own weight with the song.

As she is told its her turn, Seiko looks at Hoshi and smiles to the Chara. "Don't change me right now. I wanna really try this myself." Hoshi just grins and nods. She won't change her.

"The Light that illuminates the future is within me now"
The Ocean is full of mysteries that only 5% of us know.
Light on the water's surface creates a ripple effect. Deep beneath the ocean is an unknown world.
The Closest I could get to saying "I'm fine!" Is when I'm with you. You make my eyes light up with glee.

Seiko sings the song. Her voice is not as strong as it was under the chara change but her tone is almost spot on. Its a raw and organic sounding as she sings. Her natural talent showing brilliantly as she finishes up the verse.

Laura La Mer has posed:
Laura smiles when Seiko confirms that the choice was spot on and she takes to it egregiously. Sure, she could sing a little louder, but that will come with the confidence. But for the little the verse lasted, she was happy to hear how well her friend has been doing. "Good job, Seiko", she applauds. "You have been following my voice well, and good on you for not being chara-changed now."

Following on where she left off, Laura continues to sing. "A light blue, rainbow colored prism is carried by a flickering and shimmering mermaid.
From this moment onwards, I'll be with you no matter where we go
.The days going by helps me grow a little bit more
My heart's a prism made out of an anxious and hopeful marble.
When I'm with everyone, everything is so dazzling
Anytime, anywhere, I can't bring myself to lie.

Seiko Akai has posed:
"Thank you!" Seiko smiles softly as she responds. Her Heart races as she reads ahead, looking at the lyrics in front of her. She isn't used to singing new songs like this but it feels good. She continues Following along as Laura sings. As Laura finishes singing, she starts singing the verse back to her.

"A light blue, rainbow colored prism is carried by a flickering and shimmering mermaid.
From this moment onwards, I'll be with you no matter where we go. The days going by helps me grow a little bit more.
My heart's a prism made out of an anxious and hopeful marble.
When I'm with everyone, everything is so dazzling.

Anytime, Anywhere, I can't bring myself to lie."

Laura La Mer has posed:
Seiko is keeping up well and doesn't look like she is having any trouble continuing, so Laura goes ahead as is, waiting for the next verse to be repeated back to her.

"I won't hide my nails anymore. I've decided I'm ready for some aurora nails!
Look, I'm brimming with courage! I'm in a good mood!
No one can stop my rising excitement!!
The light that illuminates the future is within me now.
From this moment onwards, I'll be with you no matter where we go.
I won't give up, and I won't ever let go. Always.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko looks at Laura hoping she is doing things right. So far she is but her confidence is still a problem. She needs to let go of her fear. She knows it. She feels it even now. For one moment, she lets go of that fear. For that moment, no matter how brief She suddenly sounds like she did when she was chara changed. She tries to hold onto that moment for as long as she can as she sings the next verse.

"I won't hide my nails anymore. I've decided I'm ready for some aurora nails!
Look, I'm brimming with courage! I'm in a good mood!
No one can stop my rising excitement!!
The light that illuminates the future is within me now.
From this moment onwards, I'll be with you no matter where we go.
I won't give up and I won't ever let go. Always."

Laura La Mer has posed:
"See, you are acing it", Laura encourages her for more when Seiko starts sounding like she had due to Hoshi's intervention, knowing that her joy from earlier is the attitude she really needs to have. "Making people happy when you sing plays a part, but all of it is secondary if you don't enjoy it. Believe me, that joy you have really matters. Also, this is the last verse now."

An ocean, sky colored prism
Is carried by a teary-eyed mermaid.
This moment that makes me feel giddy will last a life time.
May I be proud of the day that leads into the future.
My eyes are prisms, while my tears are diamonds.
From now on, I'll be walking with everyone.
I can clearly see the shape of my dreams, aqua prism.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko blushes and takes a deep breath. "I gotta not be scared. That is the hard part. I don't know how to not be anymore. I'm trying though. It stinks to always be afraid."

Hoshi flies up to Seiko and hugs her, "You did it while you were singing. You can let go of the fear and just shine! The fear is like a shadow over you. You have to shine to make it go away. Just let yourself shine!"

Seiko looks nervously at Hoshi and then at Laura. "Okay."

An ocean, sky colored prism
Is carried by a teary-eyed mermaid.
This moment that makes me feel giddy will last a life time.
May I be proud of the day that leads into the future.
My eyes are prisms, while my tears are diamonds.
From now on, I'll be walking with everyone.
I can clearly see the shape of my dreams, aqua prism."

Seiko sings with all she is, letting go of everything. As the words drip from her lips, She sounds confident. Her voice sounding sweet like honey yet strong as thunder. She has to pull the mic away from her mouth because of the volume that she is singing.

Laura La Mer has posed:
The mermaid smiles widely as she hears Seiko let go of her fear, a pleased expression blushing with joy that reaches Laura's eyes, two spotless mirrors full of triumph and jubilation. "That was awesome, Seiko. I said you could do it", the pinkette grins, grabbing both of her hands.

"I could hear you letting go of your fear just then. You were shining with confidence there, and you were able to follow my direction without straying once. I want you to try and remember this feeling whenever you feel you are in doubt, ok? And we are friends, so I will always be there to support you. Don't hesitate relying on me if your fear tries to get the best of you, ok?"

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko smiles to Laura. "Thank you. It wasn't too much?" She asks not expecting an answer. She feels good and it shows on her face. She actually sang with all her heart in a way she hasn't done in years. "I haven't sang like that since I was on the farm with my mom. My dad didn't like it much. But My dad is not here!"

From there the two sing through the song again, breaking it down into parts so they can sing it at the competition. Seiko Keeps trying to hold onto that confidence through the night. She waivers a little bit but she does well enough. "I will do my best at the competition. We are going to win!" She beams happily.