1875/A Girl Scorn'ed 2!

From Radiant Heart MUSH

A Girl Scorn'ed 2!
Date of Scene: 19 August 2024
Location: Pikarigaoaka Ward
Synopsis: Scorn fights Cure Tide, and almost wins. Except Cure Wukong, Cure La Mer and Rocket Girl Red have things to say about that.
Cast of Characters: Scorn, Aki Kurosawa, Laura La Mer, Cho Konishi, Amanda Faust

Scorn has posed:
Scorn tried to draw out a Pretty Cures, today, after her general 'Magical Girl Hunting' attempt went awry. She planted herself at a busy street corner in Pikarigako and started messing about, causing a rukus and doing what dark generals typically DO.

---Scorn summoned a Terribad, another Terribad, and ANOTHER ONE, three, purple scarfed terribads and she summoned one alright.

The Terribads we're generic, probably really boring, weak people she captured in the mirrors to make them with dark energy and their reflected hearts, all punched down at once at the lone figure, which was trying to resist being crushed, most likely under the power as the triumvirate of terribads pushed down harder.

Scorn floated down, nearby as she pointed. She was dressed in a long white coat, a red bracer, but still the long purple hair.

"This ends here. Cure Tide." she says, the point turning to an open palm as a red energy glowed up from it, starting to charge something terrible!

Aki Kurosawa has posed:
Cure Tide was doing some nearby shopping when a familiar white coat caught her eyes. "Phantom...!?" she goes. But no, that's not Phantom. The hair is too...Purple. Scorn.... Haruna!?.

So Cure Tide fought three Terribads. That's 2+1 and that's Terribaaaaad for her. She could handle one by herself. But three!? She tried to dive bomb one into another but was caught, thrown down to the ground and soon was in the desperate position of being punched by three Terribads at once.

With most movement options cut off she summoned up a disc of water as a shield and braced for impact.

"Ahhhhhh!" she yells out as she grits her teeth, pressing back against the tri-impact, though not falling to it.

"No... No Haruna-chan, not like this...never like this." she yells through pressed teeth.

Laura La Mer has posed:
"The Shimmering Ocean! Cure La Mer!" Laura declares as she jumps onto the scene with a kick to one of the Terribads before jumping backwards next to Tide, having just finished her transformation from round the street corner after noticing what what transpiring with Scorn and Cure Tide.

"Stop right there!" Cure La Mer exclaims, pointing at Scorn. "Nothing ends here, and certainly not with what you were planning to do to here", she declares after a look at the three Terribads.

"Don't worry, I am here now!", the mermaid smiles at Cure Tide. "So, another Precure of the seas, then? Nice to meet you!" She looks back at Scorn. "Whatever business you have with her, this is really unfair of you. Certainly you don't mind me coming in to level the playing field, right?" she smiles confidently. "What's this about Phantom?", she asks to Cure Tide. That was the despicable Pretty Cure Hunter, right? But he wasn't here.

Cho Konishi has posed:
"This does in fact end here! But not for the forces of darkness!" a voice called out. A very, very annoying voice! And up in the sky, it was a bird, a plane, if you thoguht it was either of those then you really needed to get your eyes checked because it was ACTUALLY a big, pink cloud! Dun dun duuuun!

And from that cloud, Cure Wukong leaped into action! Her staff coming out from behind her ear, twirling in hand as she decended on them! Landing on one of the Terribad's faces, she'd then do her pose, spinning her staff! "A thousand immortalities wouldn't be enough to make me ignore these crimes! Cure Wukong!"

And then she'd try to bash the terribad's face with her stick. "BAD! BAD YOUMA! BAD! NO GANGING UP ON THE CURES!" Who knew how effective it would be, or if she'd just a youma smash?

Meanwhile, Wuwu was having trouble flying the pink cloud since it didn't always listen to him for some reason, and smashed it, and himself, into a wall offscreen.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    At least giant monsters are obvious from far away! Amy ducks out of sight, transforms, makes her way up to the rooftops, and then an explosive shell is fired at a terribad before she introduces herself:

    "Heeeeey, Scorn!" She waves cheerfully. "Long time no see! I haven't gotten to stop your plans in awhile! It's been too long, right? Were you taking a vacation?"

    The others also get smiling waves, more sincerely: "La Mer... and Tide and Wukong! I haven't seen you two in forever either! It's so good to see you again! Let's kick some butt together and then catch up, huh?"

Scorn has posed:
Scorn watches Tide tank the blast. That's okay. She doesn't care about the Terribads, they're keeping Tide still as she's about to release... something when Two other Cures show up, and start speeching at her and fighting her Terribads and causing them to loose concentration and Amy's arrival is just the straw that breaks the camel's back.

She releases the shock of powerful, red energy towards Puella Amy.

"Enough! I am Magical Girl Hunter Scorn! If you're looking for Phantom you can find him in the unemployment line. The jerk decided love was worth it, ha!" she says, dramatically.

"Now I have his power. It's more useful than it's ever been!" she says, stifling an oujo laugh, somehow with a snerk.

The Trio of Terribads regroup from the attack.

They leap back into the fray, One trying to smash down on Wukong with a jump, another trying to kickback at Cure La Mer, and the other trying to re-wail down on Cure Tide, solo.

"Give up." she says coldly, more seriously.

Aki Kurosawa has posed:
Cure Tide indeed tanks the trio punch, until other Cures, and That Red-colored Rocket Girl show up to distract her. She falls to one knee as that shield dissipates with a splash. "Y-y-yeah, Cure Tide." she says in a pained breath. "That's.. Scorn....Haruna-chan." she says and with that short explanation, she grits her teeth again before forming wings on the back of her waist, and taking off in a sudden, hard, fast hard upward uppercut to the Terribad trying to re-smash her by her lonesome with a pained expression of 'nrgh!.

"Wukong, Red. It's good to see you guys! This is..." pause.

"Who we're you again?" she asks sheepishly. "Cure...La Mer?" she asks.

Laura La Mer has posed:
Cure Wukong? That's an odd name to Laura, she certainly can't recognise any given meaning to that one. Pretty Cure names are usually straightforward, right? No, of course her surname isn't an exception. It clearly calls back to the sea and her nature as a mermaid. "What is a Wukong?" she asks the pinkette.

Puella Red joins in on the scene then, and yes, of course, she was excluded from the 'long time no see'. They had last met yesterday. "Hey, Red. Glad to see you are doing well today." She nods towards Scorn. "You know each other then?"

"Magical Girl... Hunter? Phantom has quit!?" Cure La Mer yells at Scorn. "Hey, what does that mean!?" He has been hunting all these Pretty Cures and he drops just like that? What is she supposed to do to help Cure Kinder now?

That worry, however, eases a bit when she hears that Scorn has his power. Well, so far as that being just one problem for another. But still, she knows where to go for that particular grievance. "If you ever imprison someone else in a mirror, I won't ever forgive you", the marine Pretty Cure frowns at Scorn.

"Yes, that's me!", she smiles widely at Cure Tide in confirmation. "I have come here from Grand Ocean to gather a team to fight back against the Witch of Delays, but I won't overlook someone trying to imprison people in stasis." Laura freezes when Cure Tide calls Scorn Haruna-chan. "Is that... a friend of yours? What has happened to her?" she asks reluctantly. The implications certainly aren't good.

Laura crosses her arms above her body when the kick comes, lessening the impact of the kick even as she is pushed back. "Hay!", she counters, trying to grab the Terribad's leg in order to smash it into the ground.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong was actually being more effective than she expected, yes! She flipped back, landing on the ground and posing. "I have no idea who that is! But love is worth EVERYTHING! People love all kinds of things, like stamp collecting, and burritos, and people! And one should never mock another or hate another because they love something! Also, I have no idea who Phantom is but congratulations on the promotion, I think! Do you get benefits?"

Asking the important questions.

She then glanced to Red and gave a smile. "Hey! I've been with my family and away, you know? Lots of stuff. I have kind of fallen behind a bit, so ummm... just trying to catch up on stuff now. How have you been?" she asked, before turning back to Scorn.

"And Scorn, that's not fair! If you're taking other people's power AND fighting three on one, doesn't that mean you're really weak? before you found like, four of us at a time, and held your own! How is a whole squad ganging up on one cure anything but you being a downgrade?" Wukong asked.

And then a terribad was coming down at her and she stepped to the right. Her staff was driven into the ground... before it grew longer and expanded, intending to catch the jumping terribad and launch it away. "And a Wukong is a historic figure who was a PAIN in EVERYONE'S keister! And I am his protege! Also, hi Tide! Sorry I didn't get here sooner."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Oh yeah." Amy answers La Mer. "She was my first villain! I saw her about to defeat a bunch of magical girls and that's when I became one too; I fought her a bunch of times, so much so she thought I was specifically seeking her out to be her rival. It's kind of nostalgic, right? Fighting her reminds me of better times, before we found out how scary people like Beryl and Phantom were--ow!

    She stumbles from the energy blast. "...Damn. You don't do the feather thing anymore, huh?"

    "It's good news that Phantom quit, I guess... I hope he and his love are very happy together."

    Amy tries not to think about the statistics of how many couples actually stay together.

    "She's got a point, you know. That handbag monster almost won until I showed up. Since then even multiple Terribads couldn't beat us! What gives?"

    Amy makes conversation, now making sure to keep an eye on Scorn for attacks as she fires more explosives at the terribads.

Scorn has posed:
Scorn angrily watches as her Terribads are staffed into the air, and leg smashed and explosives rain down on them. This is slowly turning into a mess. "I was doing fine, brutalizing my opponent without you. I could have had done it with one. But I did not." she says. "Why are you so worried about the numbers!?" she sputters.

Cure Tide suddenly bolts downwards from uppercutting the terribad and punches Scorn off her feet. "Haruna-chan! I won't let you sully this world of love with your hate any longer. It's time to wake up, and ... and come home." her voice breaks near the end.

"Love isn't real." says Scorn as she has to slowly push herself off the ground. "It's an illusion." she says coldly, swallowing.

"That's a load of Phantom Empire bullshit and you know it." Tide says shaking on her feet from the brutal fight before. "I love you, Haruna-chan! Come home...!!!" she says, demanding. "Please, we can help you...if you let us...." she says, holding out her hand.

Scorn blinks and mutters something under her breath, as if she's remembered something. For a moment, this is odd expression on her face. But that's when she reaches out to touch Cure Tide's hand....

Cure Tide looks expressively happy, until she's suddenly pulled forward, hand touching against her stomach, as she whispers, just barely audibly to the rest.

"If love is real.. then where's mom and dad...?" she asks, still wearing that odd expression. as she unleashes a powerful, single red bolt into Cure Tide's stomach.

Cure Tide goes FLYING backwards blown an extensively as she wears a shocked expression... is...is this what that's about? But it's her last thought as the moment she hits pay-dirt on the concrete she slides about another ten feet before falling unconscious.

Scorn looks angry, before she just starts shooting red bolts of energy all around in an angry tantrum. "Hate hate hate you..." she seethes , slowly out.

Laura La Mer has posed:
Wukong is someone else, but she has taken on his name? But she isn't fond of him either, so why calling yourself after somebody you don't like. These and other questions take a step back when Laura is caught by the thought of her taking a protegè. "I didn't realise you could be a Pretty Cure of someone from history", her eyes shine as she forms a precise idea.

"Then I will pass down in history as the greatest mermaid queen Grand Ocean has ever known, and I can take on protegees like this Wukong, except I will far more effective, helpful and praiseworthy!" Of course, she will have to practise how to be an effective teacher for that day, but she is still striving to be a good queen, so the two things aren't actually that different.

"I don't really thinks there is something nostalgic about someone trying to hurt you", La Mer remarks to Amy. "I really have nothing nice to say to the Witch of Delays and servants." Laura shakes her head.

Meanwhile the reply for Laura comes from what Tide and Scorn have been telling each other. Come home... "Is that your sister!?" the mermaid Precure yells at her before Tide is rendered unconscious. "That's no way to treat your family!" Laura frowns at her. "What has she even done to make you hate her?" The sight of Tide being beaten back makes her blood boil as she takes out pen and compact.

"Pretty Cure Swirling La Mer Stream!", she shouts, a huge rotating beam of water erupting out of the Mermaid Aqua Pact after Laura has stirred her compact's disk with the pen and charged the attack, its surge heading rapidly towards the Terribad she has crashed into the ground.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    A Pretty Cure of someone from history. "Yeah it's a whole thing." Amy comments. She hears Laura's declaration of goal... "You want to be remembered in history? That's... Quite a goal. Good luck. ...Although I guess as far as mermaid history, leading us to fight the Witch of Delays and saving your kingdom would do it, right?"

    Amy blinks at La Mer. "Well you just started! You can't be nostalgic about old fights yet! ...Says the girl who's only been doing this for a year..."

    And then things get serious. "O-of course love is real!" Amy shouts, as Tide does, and then... "Tide!" Oh, please let her be okay... but Amy has her own problems, dodging the bolts frantically, firing the occasional shot wildly at the terribads before just finally hitting the deck so she can use the building she's on as a shield. "She was kidnapped and brainwashed by the Phantom Empire, or something, it's a whole thing!"

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong gave a shrug. "Well, then it doesn't sound like it was really going that fine," Wukong yelled. "You shouldn't be brutalizing people at all, it's kind of mean."

Of course, then it looked like, for a moment, Tide was finally getting through to her. Yesssss. It--

BAM! Wukong's eyes went wide when poor Tide was launched across the battlefield.

"C-Cure Tide!" she yelled after her. "We'll be right there!" she called out, before focusing back on the terribads.

"I don't actually know how it works, La Mer. I think it's just cause like.... it was someone from history? sort of? Except... well... magic."

She then began moving through her katas, performing the elemental seals before erupting with a pink, blinding, brilliant light of magic! "72 earthly transformations purification!" Wukong called out, unleashing her own surge of purifying light at her own Terribad...

Before not even making sure it had downed it, instead turning and racing towards Cure Tide, grabbing her staff with her tail as she went. "Scorn, if you want to hate somebody, how about you try me on for size?!" she yelled, trying to leap at her!

Only to get hit by one of those red blasts and get launched into, and through, a window's building. "I-I'm okay!" she called out. "Ow..."

Scorn has posed:
The Terribads get flattened.

Cure Wukong's gets purified. "Soo Relaxing..." goes the Terribad as it turns into sparkles and it's captured human is freed from the nearby mirror. Likewise, the one Amy is fighting with rockets finally takes one too many EXPLOSIONS and pops into black mist, the mirror vanishing and it's human freed. The one Cure La Mer is facing gets a wash, hit by the rapid jet of water and blown into an alleyway, where black sparkles follow and the person transformed released from their mirror.

Scorn stops fighting and grips her fingers into her palms hard. She keeps pressing.

Talking, always talking, it's their dumb thing they do. She says. "That girl. Is insane. She is not my sister!" she says angrily.



"We'll meet again." she says, gripping her head. She has a headache. But she isn't telegraphing that verbally, before disappearing with a step backward through a mirror portal.

Laura La Mer has posed:
"I will make it work", Laura tells Amy, brushing the matter off as her attention is on Scorn and the whole matter with Cure Tide. She doesn't want to think what has happened to her after the blow, the apprehension egging her on as she is about to move and make sure she is fine. But Wukong moves in first, so Laura entrusts the matter to her. "I will cover for you. Make sure she is alright, Wukong!" But that is before the Pretty Cure of history is hit by a red blast. At least she is alright, as confirmed by Cure Wukong herself.

And she has to thank whatever lucky star they have Scorn isn't focusing the beams at anyone in particular. Nevermind the problem itself going away after spouting her distaste for loving and being family. She can't both be angry at Tide for that and deny things. "We will meet again indeed", Laura mutters before she turns to the other two mahous. "Do we bring Tide to the school infirmary?"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy winces briefly as Wukong's sent flying. "Don't worry!" she reassures La Mer. "Everyone knows Sun Wukong is immortal! Like, six times over!"

    Then Amy turns back to the monsters, "Alright, let's see how your Terribads handle this! RG-14 Electromagnetic Railgun, test #2..." And she summons the giant shoulder cannon that looks like it has a bunch of complicated parts on it she shot through the plane with, and BOOM! Blows through the Terribad. "--Fire! Holy cow..."

    Just... ignore the hole she shot in the building behind it. It's a good thing everyone fled the monster fight, right?

    "I guess just taking Phantom's power doesn't make you a scary Pretty Cure Hunter... if that's your dream, you'll have to learn how to use it properly! ...Wait, why am I giving a pep talk to the villain..." She mutters, as Scorn teleports away.

    "Oh shit, Tide!" Now she turns and runs after Laura to check on the Pretty Cure. "Um..."

    Amy kneels by her to check that she's breathing and such and look for obvious signs of injury. "If she can't get there on her own, I guess we'd better..."

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong groaned from inside the hole she'd been thrown through. Slowly, however, she came around and popped her head out of the window. "Is... is Tide okay?" she asked, before jumping down and shaking her head. "O-okay! Right, okay! Yes! Let's get her to the infirmary," she said, before putting her fingers to her lips and blowing a shrill whistle. A moment later, her cloud came flying around.

She then hopped onto it, flying to the other girl and scooping her up and... "I'll take her. Huh... I wonder where Wuwu is." Wuwu was currently in a bush somewhere, with @.@ eyes. "If anyone else would like a lift, you're welcome to come with me," she said, smiling to them and well, waiting for anyone else who wanted a lift to hop on. Wuwu would show up later, she was sure. He always did, whether she liked it or not.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy pokes the cloud uncertainly, seeming kind of pleasantly surprised to find it's solid -- she presses her whole hand against it a few times before, beaming at passing this test, she climbs on.

Laura La Mer has posed:
"Six times over?", Laura repeats caught off-guard by unusual comment. "How does that even work? Shouldn't it be pointless after the first one?" she asks both Red and Cure Wukong while she watches the latter collect Tide off the ground and bring her on the cloud. "Couldn't you use one of those for someone else's sake? What would happen then?" she asks, eyeing the hurt mahou. That seems like a really tough blow, and she really could have used something like that.

"I will be fine, I have my own flying magic", La Mer turns down the offer as she grabs the Aqua Pot and jumps inside to demonstrate. She can also easily communicate through it to them, anyway. "I wouldn't have thought Phantom would have been replaced... And by someone's brainwashed family member no less", she sighs due to the sudden complexity the situation has taken. "Rescuing Cure Kinder will be so much harder."