1911/Sharing the Wealth

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Sharing the Wealth
Date of Scene: 31 August 2024
Location: Korma Chameleon
Synopsis: Usagi took some nifty things from Arthafall, and in a moment of peace, meets up with Rashmi at Korma to share them - that, and share a conversation.
Cast of Characters: Usagi Tsukino, Rashmi Terios

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
It's a regular day, and Usagi comes to Korma not for food - though she will be getting food - but to meet up with Rashmi, who she'd texted earlier.

    TXT to Rashmi: hey rashmichan are you free to meet up at korma? i have stuff to give you! how about XX:XX time?

Now it's XX:XX time, and she's here, slipping into a free booth and looking around to see when Rashmi will be free.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
TXT to Usagi -- Absolutely! See you there!

It's Saturday! And summer break is nearly over! So when Rashmi agrees to the meetup, she walks in through the front door like a customer!

Pausing a moment to look about the floor, when she spots Usagi she raises a hand in greeing, smiling brightly, and bops toward the blond's booth. Sliding in across from Usagi, Rashmi... looks a bit frazzled. As if, somehow, even with summer break, she's managed to rack up one too many late-night studying sessions.

"Heyyyy, Usa-chan! How're you doing?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Eashmi is greeted with a cheerful wave, and then a look of concern, at her frazzlement. It's clear that something's wrong, but in a world where more and more people having Gretchen's Witch Mark on their neck, is that a surprise? Still, no one likes to see a friend upset... so Usagi hopes her gift (the large box sitting next to her in the booth) will cheer her up.

"I'm pretty good! I mean, as good as I can be, with school lurking. There's a lot going on lately, you know? But how are you doing?"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
At the question, Rashmi looses a long, rough sigh. "...Looking forward back to school starting up," she confesses, which on its own would probably be horrifying to Usagi. "It'll be great to have a reason not to worry about things. Mado-chan's rogue Chara, Chrono bouncing himself in and out of getting hurt, Molly-chan getting in trouble, the whole mess with Alo-chan -- I don't think you know her, but if you remember Otto that's related -- and Hannah-chan's training... just... Uuuuuuuuuuuugh."

But her eyes fick to the box, eyebrows rising. "...But you said you had something to give me?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
There is indeed a look of horror on Usagi's face at the mere thought of looking forward to school, and she grimaces, shaking her head. "Ugh, don't remind me. Then we'll have to balance school and all these magical shenanigans too."

Terrible, because it's obvious she's not looking forward to it.

"Chrono-kun got into more trouble, huh? And Alo... I might have met her, maybe? If she works with Obsidian - is she a device mage too?"

But she's on the side of Hannah's evil uncle? Gross. Very gross. She frowns, a little, then shakes it off.

"That's right! So, back when that whole, stuff falling from the sky and Chrono got hurt thing happened, I picked up a bunch of things in the area, in case they were useful? I admit, I mostly just wanted to find something cool for Ami-chan, and I did! We... don't know how it works yet! But I found it."

She looks very proud of herself.

"The stuff in this box though? Ami-chan says it's comms stuff! And we kind of have that covered, but, it came from Chrono's ship, and I figured, you could probably do something cool with it."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Yeah it... it's a whole thing," Rashmi sighs on the subject of Alo. "Two shields, very sad, very Belkan, and it just goes downhill from there. Deep down she's a good person, just... stuck. We're working on that, though." Shaking her head sharply, she raises her hands. "Anyway!"

Listening to Usagi's explanation, the redhead's eyes widen. "Oh? D'you have an idea what it i-- wait *you got communications stuff?!* It's in that box?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Oh.. yeah, she tried to put an Eclipse Zone in the abandoned theme park, for Hinoiri-chan," Usagi sighs a little, scrubbing a hand over her face. "I'm sorry that's happening. I wish she wasn't stuck. Hopefully, we'll be able to get her unstuck," she says earnestly.

Still, that's not something they can deal with now.

"That was Ami-chan's best guess, anyway. It's in this box, yep! I had it in my storage space, but I thought it'd look weird to just pull it from nowhere, you know? No reason to stretch the Veil."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Good point," Rashmi says, eyes straying back to the box again and again, fingers drumming on the table. "And yeah... That's the hope. I'll be able to tell you more when I know fore about the fallout, but... It is A Thing. So... What'd you get for Ami-chan? ...Oh! I have some good news, too! Turns out that lady Chrono got hospitalized protecting? Well, it's his Admiral. Mom. Admiral-Mom."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Oh! He said something about that, I think, but that blond girl, Mami-san, tried to blow us all up right after, so I didn't really think about it... that's great! That's great, right, it's not secretly a bad thing?"

She really hopes it's not a bad thing.

"I have no idea! I mean, it did spit like, exactly sixteen blueberries at me, so we figure it's some kind of food something? They were great bluberries, too." Of course she ate them.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Well I mean... She doesn't *remember* him, so that's not great," Rashmi says, deflating a bit. "But she didn't hesitate to believe him, and she's... Well I mean you'd probably *adore* her. She loves sweets even more than you! Like... don't ask for sugar in your tea unless you're willing to chew it."

She's not kidding when she says that, either. The horror...

"So overall, it's good. Chrono's got his mom back -- mostly -- and she's doing pretty well for herself, and Setsuchan's gonna make sure she's *always* doing well, if needed. But I mean... She managed to get herself to head of security for a warehouse in a year working *just* on instinct, so... Probably won't need that much help."

That's when it penetrates, that Usagi ate the mystery blueberries. And it's pretty clear that Rashmi *wants* to lecture her on eating food created by an alien device for possibly-alien stomachs, but just... can't seem to work up the energy. "...Did they taste like *blueberries,* though?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"...She doesn't? That... is really not great," Usagi is actually quite horrified at the thought. It shows in her face, in her hands, clutching at the fabric of her shirt. "I'm glad she still believed him, and that she's okay. And I mean! I'm sure I'll like her - and okay, I'll make sure not to accept any tea from her."

Chewing tea? That might be too much, even for her!

"She sounds like a really impressive woman. And it must be a big weight off Chrono-kun's shoulders, to have found her."

And that is good. It really is. Even if it's also pretty horrifying, still!!

"...yes. Yes they did." She regrets nothing!

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"And no stomachaches today?" Rashmi says, still vaguely concerned. "But yeah just tell her no milk or sugar... with... green tea." The absolute horror. "But if you guys figure out the food thing, that *would* be neat! Let me know how it works out, and... Well I had a thing I was thinking about for a long time now, I'll *definitely* make sure you know if it comes to anything."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"No stomach aches today, or yesterday," Usagi confirms, "They were really good, Ami-chan got to examine a few, and they looked like regular blueberries after that. And I'll make sure not to tell Chrono-kun's mama that I like sugar in tea, because that's... that's..."

She shakes her head. "I heard of an American drink like that, but I don't... think I want to try it."


"And I will! We're trying to figure out how it works, becuase we're not sure what we did to make it spit out blueberries... but, I figured, you could make best use of this stuff for now, you know?"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Oh I looked it up after Setsuchan told me about it, actual sweet tea is pretty interesting!" Rashmi chuckles. "It's black tea made into a syrup, it'd probably be *amazing* on ice cream!"

Lifting a shoulder, Rashmi looks back to the box, a glimmer in her eyes speaking of how badly she wants to just dive inside and look around. "If it really is what Ami-chan says it is... I know what I *want* to do, we just have to see if I can. Thank you *so much* Usa-chan!"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"No, no, they make sweet matcha green tea. With lots of sugar. I've seen it."

Matcha is such an almost bitter, earthy flavor, and yes, it can be introduced to sweets, but in a latte? She's genuinely still shooketh.

"Of course, Rashmi-chan! Ami-chan said she'd never really seen stuff like this, but that makes sense; I don't think Silver Millennium met Chrono-kun's people, and besides, whatever you can do with all this is way better than whatever Riventon had planned."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"I didn't think so either," Rashmi says. "Which was kind of weird, but, when I thought about it later it made more sense; an eight thousand year gap between histories, and all. But it makes you wonder *if* they could ever have crossed paths, like... Could some Lost Logia *be* stuff from that era?"

With a chuckle, Rashmi shrugs. "It's interesting to wonder about, but, we already have *more* than enough to deal with, without borrowing more trouble."

Sweet matcha latte, as a concept, *does* give Rashmi pause. "...Oh. yeah I was thinking of something else entirely, yikes."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"I mean... probably," Usagi contemplates the thought. "I mean, a Lost Logia is basically like, a mysterious powerful thing right? By that logic, you could call the time bubble we were trapped in a Lost Logia."

And the idea probably isn't that off, or that inacurrate, given how dangerous the whole thing was.

"Luna knows more about the Silver Millennium's resources than most of us, on account of haivng access to some of what remains and all, so she could probably figure it out if it became relevant but... I really hope it doesn't."

She can just imagine the trouble, not to mention like, the jurisdiction! Nope, just leave it be.

"Right? Like... coffee is one thing, but making tea like you would coffee?"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"It's a little more complicated than that, from what I know, but... not *much.* Like... I'd have problems calling that portal world that because that was what it was *supposed* to do. As far as I know, Lost Logia are, like... corrupted. Think of it like a hard drive with bit-rot... Only the programs that're rotting are for bending the laws of reality. But yeah... Unless something like that actually comes up, better to not bother Luna-chan with the idea."

"Eh... It takes all kinds, really. I *know* there's some people who don't think tea's right unless it's so bitter it turns your face inside out. Not... Really for me, though. In this house food isn't supposed to be punishment, y'know?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Oh, so they have to be busted!" Never let it be said Usagi won't always try to find the simplest way to boil a problem down. She hums a little, contemplating that thought. "Well, that's good, then. I don't think many things should have been able to be corrupted or busted though... I guess you never really know until you know."

There's a grimace at the thought, before she shakes it off.

"I get you! Food's food, it's supposed to be enjoyable. If you don't like eating it, why have it?"