1917/A Chance Encounter

From Radiant Heart MUSH

A Chance Encounter
Date of Scene: 02 September 2024
Location: Botanical Gardens
Synopsis: Sayaka gets involved in a fight with the Phantom Empire. Cure Daybreak offers her a chance to meet Blue!
Cast of Characters: Mio Morita, Sayaka Miki

Mio Morita has posed:
The usual gorgeous appearance of the Botanical Gardens is completely turned awry. Instead of beautiful Cherry Trees, towers of donuts stand. Instead of lovely rose bushes, Cakes decorated with pink and red icing. Even the grass is a bit off, being icing instead of actual grass! "WAHAHAHAHAHA! Isn't this much nicer to look at? Sweets are so much prettier than flowers. Wouldn't you agree?" A Pink clad lady with light blue hair calls out as she laughs.

"No I prefer the look of the flowers. They smell a lot nicer than all of these sweets!" Cure Daybreak responds as she unleashes a strong flying kick into a towering Terribad that happens to be wearing a top hat and a pocket watch.

"Oh what do you know about beauty! Only a refined lady such as myself can appreciate the beauty in these fine confectionaries." Hosshiwa retorts. "Terribad, Send this Pretty Cure to Finishing School!" The Terribad Swings its pocket watch and hits Cure Daybreak with it, knocking her to the ground. "WAHAHAHAHA! Kindabads. Finish her!"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
It was a very difficult feeling getting used to being normal again after all the months of magical fighting. Part of her is still kind of expecting to set off at a certain hour for patrol. And yet, none of that pertains to her for now, until she has found a way to somehow get powers again.

She is kind of feeling listless after coming back from the trip to Nounamo sweets, and Kyubey paying an improptu visit to her. At least, he too has said this will be the last. In the meantime, she has tried looking for the Laura Seiko has mentioned, only not to find hide or tail of her.

"Hey, Ula, want to take a break in the Botanical Gardens?" Sayaka asks the fairy mermaid, remembering them meeting there. And the Gardens are beautiful at any time of the year. "Sure! I can go look for inspiration too!" she had accepted, sitting on her shoulder again. Too bad that what awaited them was nothing like the Gardens' usual beauty.

"This is hideous", Sayaka growls at the sweets that replaced the exotic plants. She only knows one person who would be able of doing something like this. And it doesn't take long for that ugly ojou-sama laugh to confirm her suspicions. "Let's hide, Ula", Sayaka says, making a break for the staff building while she watches Cure Daybreak fight the Terribad. "Will she be fine?" Ula asks worried. "Let's hope so", the bluenette replies equally anxious.

Yet, the more the fight goes on, the more Sayaka finds she cannot watch the Pretty Cure fight alone, no matter how powerless she is now. As she resolves to do something, she notices an old companion, a fire estinguisher tucked in the corner of the building. 'Perfect', she thinks, grabbing at it, and moving around to catch Hosshiwa from behind as she focuses on Daybreak.

"Be careful", Ula whispers floating behind her. It's now or never, Sayaka resolves when Hosshiwa orders a decisive strike. "No way you do!", the righteous bluenette yells, opening the fire estinguisher at full strength and gassing the Dark General with its contents.

Mio Morita has posed:
Hosshiwa screams bloody murder as she is blasted with the fire extinguisher! "HOW DARE YOU TREAT A REFINED LADY LIKE ME LIKE THIS!" She shouts and falls down trying to get free of the gas. "You can't do this forever!" She exclaims trying to get away. Then an idea crosses her mind. She opens her umbrella and blocks some of the righteous assault.

The attack from Sayaka was not fast enough to stop the order to the Kindabads. A small army is now circling around the downed magical girl. Daybreak looks at the jet black creatures with the red angled glasses. "Okay. Lets do this!" SHe quickly jumps up into the air. She turns the dial on her prebrace and calls out, "DAYBREAK DAWN RUSH!" She comes back down from her jump and pounds the ground, sending a fiery light into the heart of the crowd of kindabads. A bunch of them go flying. More importantly, some room is made for the next step. She turns the dial again, "DAYBREAK EXPLOSION BOMBER!" Her prebrace draws in sunlight. Its unleashed into a kindabad which erupts outward, sending more kindabads flying. Effectively taking the small fry out.

The Terribad is still in the picture. It cries out a thunderous, "SAIARK!!" before throwing the pocket watch towards Sayaka. Quickly Daybreak comes in with a kick, knocking the pocket watch off target. She turns her attention to the terribad and rushes in and delivers a barrage of punches.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"You are no more refined than a broken pot, Hosshiwa!", Sayaka exclaims as she keeps the fire estinguisher well pointed at Hosshiwa. At least until the Dark General thinks to cover herself with the umbrella. "Right, catch!", she says, throwing the now useless fire estinguisher right against her. She can only hope that while Hosshiwa is too busy to give further orders Daybreak is turning this around.

Which she is, as it doesn't take long for there to be more Kindabads propelled in the air instead of the ground. She is taking them all out, awesome! And then Daybreak intervenes to block an attack the Terribad was pointing at Sayaka. "Go ahead, you are doing great!" the bluenette cheers the Pretty Cure on.

Mio Morita has posed:
Hosshiwa drops her umbrella and catches the empty fire extinguisher. She growls and throws the extinguisher to the side. "How dare you! You are so uncouth!" The pink wearing woman laughs before turning to the terribad, "Terribad! Take out this blue haired girl!" The massive monster calls out, "SAIARK!" It comes charging towards Sayaka.

Daybreak frowns and shakes her head. "Hey! I'm your enemy here!" She quickly darts in and kicks the Terribad in the face, knocking it to the ground. "Okay time for this to end! LIGHT OF HOPE BECOME SACRED POWER! PRETTY CURE FIRST LIGHT SHOOT!" A small sun drops in front of Daybreak. She gives it a quick punch and sends it flying into the Terribad.

The terribad is engulfed in light and begins floating. "Nirvana!" With that the terribad fades away.

"Hope, Return to the heavens." Daybreak comments and then turns to face Hosshiwa.

Hosshiwa frowns as her sweet kingdom returns to its lovely botanical beauty. "You will pay for this Cure Daybreak. And YOU, you blue haired... UGH!" She grabs her umbrella and twirls it around herself teleporting away.

Daybreak walks over to Sayaka and smiles to her. "Hiya, thanks for the help! You probably shouldn't have gotten involved but I'm glad you did." She smiles and extends a hand. "I'm Cure Daybreak. Nice to meet you."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Her efforts have at least had some payoffs until Hosshiwa decides that enough is enough and changes modus operandi to prioritising Sayaka over the logical choice of Daybreak. Choice that Daybreak is all too ready to remind her why it's more terrible than Hosshiwa's Terribad.

Because of course, an enemy you do not pay attention to is an enemy that has free reign to do things, and that is something Hosshiwa gets a taste of on the receiving end as the Terribad gets purified. "Doesn't really seem like it on my end!" Sayaka exclaims before the Dark Generals teleports away.

"Sayaka Miki, nice to meet you too", Sayaka gives the other girl a smile while she reaches out with her own hand to shake. "We only met once, but you probably remember me as that girl with the cape, swords and fortissimo hairpin. And I really did what I should have, friends and allies are very important. Thanks for protecting that person and the Gardens", Sayaka smiles. "I am Ula", the fairy mermaid introduces herself too.

Mio Morita has posed:
The veil lifts and Daybreak recognizes Sayaka. "Nice to see you again. You didn't power up though? Well you did fine without doing so." She smiles a little.

A fairy flies up to Daybreak, "Daybreak! I feel the joy of a grand social event! I'm going to sneeze!" The fairy sticks out her nose. "Rub it please!" Daybreak does so and the fairy laughs a bit before sneezing. A card pops out of her backpack and she puts it in her precard decor. "Look Daybreak! We are one step closer to your dream!"

Daybreak smiles, "Oh this is Pin. She is my fairy friend. Nice to meet you Ula. A pleasure to see you both." She smiles and nods, "I am happy to help and to protect both the person and the gardens." She smiles happily.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
A light frown passes as quickly as it comes when Daybreak brings up Sayaka's lack of a power. She is probably going to get that a lot the coming weeks. "I can't", Sayaka admits. "I gave up on my powers, things haven't been going that well, and I thought it better to quit."

She looks for Ula's gaze for support as she keeps explaining. The fairy mermaid floats closer to her, placing a hand in hers. "I thought it would be better for everyone if I turned a new page. Being a Puella Magi is too volatile for me."

She waves at Pin, even if her first reaction is that of a frown at hearing Daybreak was putting in work to realise her dream. Simply because of her associated memories. But the Pretty Cure was putting in the work first, so there is no chance of a hidden purpose, right? "Hi, Pin, and bless you", she comments at the fairy's sneeze. "Do you always sneeze to create those cards?"

Ula likewise waves. "That does seem odd", she agrees. "They come out of your backpack, too. Have you tried consulting a healer?", she suggests, trying to be helpful.

Mio Morita has posed:
Cure Daybreak blinks a few times and cants her head. "Wait. There is a way out of your contract with the rat?" She has a few friends that are puella magi and she happens to know about the contract. "Thats a good thing. I think anyway. The idea of trading everything for one wish seems kinda one sided to me." She doesn't know everything about it though! "Well I am glad you made your choice." She smiles. "Wishes are really interesting for the pretty cure like me. We collect these cards." Daybreak looks at Pin, "May I see the decor please?" She asks and Pin hands it over. She opens the book to show an almost full card album. It has pictures of Daybreak in different outfits ranging from nurse to police officer. It even has her base transformation cards. "We collect all the cards and we can have one wish. If we collect the cards again, then you could potentially have another wish. Its pretty cool."

She nods slowly. "Its okay I understand. I'm glad you got a way out of that."

Pin giggles and nods, "Yes I do. Whenever Daybreak defeats an enemy of Darkness like the terribads or other yumas, A pair of cards are created in my backpack. It makes us fairies sneeze when it happens." She laughs a little. "Plus when people rub my nose it tickles!" She pauses and looks at Ula. She smiles to her. "I haven't really thought about it much. I suppose I could talk to Blue-sama about it. He would know why we sneeze when the cards are made."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Not really?" Sayaka replies hesitantly. "There is, but it is not really something that can be repeated casually. I think. All I know is that it has happened, and that's about it. I owe Hope Concept a lot for that." She recalls her last encounter with her rat. "Kyubey was happy too, about me pulling out. He wasn't very happy about Hope Concept, but at least he has one less Puella interfering with his source of Grief Seed." He knew just how to strike at her, even if she thinks it wouldn't do him any good now. Probably?

"The situation wasn't that bad, at first. I don't regret having made my wish or living that way. I was doing well, found a balance and all. I was helping uphold justice and people's safety. Up until the fight in Paris. There I lost someone dear to me, and the Soul Gem started polluting quickly. That was how I decided to quit, because I couldn't protect people, I could keep my use of magic to a minimum and only accumulate Grief Seeds to counter the pollution", Sayaka shrugs. Why is she even saying all this to someone she barely knows?

Ula stares at the cards. "Are all of these transformations you have then? Can they be made prettier? What if I added some jewels made personally by me to them? Would the change stick?" She is probably not going to try it with with the nurse, but she could do something nice with the rest.

"Is Blue the one who gives you the wish? What kind of person he is?", Sayaka asks a bit warily.

Mio Morita has posed:
"I wasn't in Paris. I was doing what I do in my mundane life. Some things I just can't not do." She smiles. "Sometimes you can make people's lives better without being a magical girl." Daybreak smiles fondly. "I am sorry I wasn't there though. I should have been." She frowns then hearing what had happened. "That is something I couldn't imagine. Not being able to grieve without my soul being darkened. Its healthy to grieve. It shouldn't be punished." She sighs and just drops it.

Daybreak turns to Ula, "Yes they are. I can use them as clothing or I can use the transformations to help in day to day stuff because they give a little bit of skill to go with them. Like if I used the nurse transformation, I would have some knowledge of first aid. I've used that to help magical girls who got injured in the past." She shakes her head. "Sadly no. They are magical in nature so physical changes don't really stick. There are three different types of cards. There is my henshin cards which allow me to be Cure Daybreak. There are basic transformations which can be used to make outfits or used for their little abilities. Then there are dance forms. I've only got one of them. I don't think I've used it yet though. Lemon Merengue. I need to try that sometime."

Then Sayaka asks about Blue. Daybreak smiles fondly about the topic. "Blue-sama is a god of the Earth. He is the one that recruits the Pretty Cure who fight the Phantom Empire. Enemies like Hosshiwa who you just really annoyed, Oresky is another general of theirs and Namakelder. Those 3 are the big pests for this area. Oh yeah Scorn too." She sighs. "Blue-sama is a very gentle figure. He helps us in different ways but he doesn't fight himself. He recruits us to do that. He gives us our wish when we collect the cards."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"That is all done now though", Sayaka gives Daybreak a smile. "Hope Concept saved me, and I will either find a better way to be a magical girl, or Fade, and remember nothing of this. It's a problem that solves itself either way", she shrugs. "I do intend to look up until the last moment, but I have no idea what makes one qualify to even be a magical girl. As far as I know, Kyubey was my only way to be one. I have never had much potential." She doesn't really comment on the health of grieving. Kyubey hasn't made things to be fair.

"That's useful", Sayaka chimes in on the merits of the Nurse Precard. "I had made a healing wish to help someone, but the only power I got from that was the power to heal myself. That was always a bit weird to me."

"Are you sure jewels made by a fairy wouldn't count?" Ula asks just to have things straight. She is a bit disappointed that is not the case. She was already thinking of myriad of ideas to improve on them. A shame really.

A smirk appears on Sayaka's face when she mentions having annoyed Hosshiwa. "She was my first meeting with the Phantom Empire, but I am glad I could annoy her. People like her should really think twice before tormenting others." She nods thinking at Daybreak's assessment of Blue. She has probably known him for a while. "I am glad to hear you are finding yourself well with him."

Mio Morita has posed:
"Don't sell yourself short. You are not a failure or anything like that. You are a successful Magical girl who changed her fate. Something like that screams potential, at least to me."

Daybreak smiles brightly. "A lot of the cure cards are useful. Like the Detective cards allow you to find things and people. The police cards make you like a police officer. Good for getting people to do things in an emergency or other getting them to pick up litter or something. They are kinda situational. But they are useful. They are fun." She smiles bright.

Pin nods to Ula, "You would have to try it! I never have tried to change the outfits. Plus every cure card is unique to the person who took down the dark enemy. So if Sayaka here were a Precure, Her cards would look a lot different than Cure Daybreaks. With the exception of the official ones like the nurse of the police officer. Those are pretty universal." She smiles a little.

"If Sayaka was a Precure..." Daybreak smiles a little smile. "Pin you are a genius!"

"I am? I mean I am! Wait why am I a genius?" Pin responds curiously.

"Lets introduce Sayaka to Blue-sama! He saw potential in me before I knew magical girls existed! He gave me the Love Crystal that turned into my Prechan Mirror and my first Precards. Maybe he will see the same potential in you!" She smiles a little. "You've got experience and you have the potential to be an awesome magical girl! I bet he will agree!"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka remembers when she has been told that her potential just didn't compare to Madoka, and magic really wasn't that accessible to her, and Chrono was a much more trustworthy source than Kyubey. "Thank you, but Hope Concept did all that. All I did was ask her. Based on what I have been told, Kyubey's method grants you magic even if you have none, that's why I could enter a contract with him."

It is fair to point out though, that since then several things have changed for her, what with living with a fairy permanently, being split in half by a Lost Logia and then then recombined with her Witch self. Perhaps that's why Madoka has said that. "I would be willing to meet him, thank you for your kindness, Daybreak. Do you think I could make a good Pretty Cure?", she grins nervously.

"They do seem useful. So you get occupations, and similar events, or do you have access to other types of clothes?", Sayaka ponders. "How would I know what my card looks like? Do I have to just wait if I am actually able to get one?"

Ula gives Pin a thumbs up! "Ok, I will try it then. I definitely already have several projects in mind. Your Decor is really inspiring. Maybe I can show them to Blue and see if he likes them!"

Mio Morita has posed:
Daybreak smiles and shakes her head. You have potential. You could be a very good Precure. I didn't know what to think when a strange man gave me a small crystal. I didn't know about magical girls or what was going on out here. It wasn't until Oresky attacked and I had to power up for the first time that I even had the slightest idea of what it meant to be anything more than normal. You are much more potent then you've let yourself believe. So you're not like Someone else. Is that such a bad thing? Think about it. If you were like someone else, who would you be? Would you really be yourself? You've got potential inside you. Even if its not at someone else's level. Also, Kyubey would say anything to get another magical girl in his fold. You said it yourself. As a magical girl you fought for justice and helped people who needed it. That is what it means to be a magical girl isn't it?"

Daybreak smiles, "Pretty Cure are Legendary Warriors who are said to appear when the world needs them the most. Right now there are Precure like me all over the world fighting the Phantom Empire. I got to work with some of them. I think you would be a wonderful Pretty Cure. You have the desire to help others and the will to do what it takes to fight the darkness. That is your potential. I think Blue would let you find out. After all, The love crystals only transform into a Prechan Mirror if you've got the potential for it. I think you've got what it takes."

She looks at the Precard Decor. "Well I never know what the cards will look like before I get them. And to make an outfit. You just pick out a top and a bottom. Like this..." She takes the swimsuit top and a hiker bottom making a rather cute outfit in orange and brown. "I'd load these into my Prechan mirror and just like that. Instant outfit."

Pin smiles to Ula and nods, "You really could! Blue-sama likes to hang out with us sometimes. He looked over Cure Princess for a while. She was really alone." Pin comments. "Her and Ribbon make a good pair."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Honestly, yes, that's a thing I ardently believe in. I was a bit of a bit of a hothead about that a while back. It was really all or nothing to me to the point people had to intervene to make sure I took breaks", she laughs awkwardly. It really wasn't everything that was going on back then. "And apparently it's a thing that spans timelines. Here have a look at this", the bluenette says, taking out her phone and playing a video to Daybreak.

"That is still me, but she came her from another timeline to chase a villain down", she explains as the video plays. "Apparently, she was a Pretty Cure over there, of the Historic type." She then clears her throat, putting her phone away.

"Anyway, I really appreciate that you are willing to believe in me. I will do my best to care for this Love Crystal. I would love to have a meeting with Blue-sama. How do you contact a god? Do we need to play the part of shrine maidens? Or have an official one do it for us?"

She doesn't mention nor wants to bring up if the love troubles she has had matter any for a Love Crystal. She does stare intently at the process to use the cards. "Thank you, I will keep it all in mind. You are a real fighter for good yourself", she smiles.

Ula smiles excitedly as she starts rummaging through her bag to look at what jewels she could be working on for when she meets Blue.

Mio Morita has posed:
"Huh." Daybreak is stunned to see the girl as a historical style Precure. She gives a smile and nods. "Looks to me like you were always a Precure, Just took you a bit to get there this time. I think you will be one."

"Oh nothing so dramatic. Blue-sama is pretty laid back about the whole god thing. He actually wears a button down shirt and blue jeans. Really laid back. In order to talk to Blue, all we need is a Mirror. I have one in my umm... Base but that would mean revealing my identity. So probably not the best way to go about. How about we set up a time when we can meet? That would be the best way to do it. Then I can get Blue-sama to come along and meet with you. We could probably go to a restaurant or something. That would be kinda cool. Dinner with god!" She laughs at the thought of that.

Daybreak blushes. "Thank you. I try my best and always am hopeful. Hope is kinda my thing. I like inspiring it in others. Even when all else fails, hope springs eternal." She smiles softly.

"I can't wait to see what you come up with!" Pin exclaims to Ula. "I bet your designs will be really pretty." She grins sheepishly.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Thank you, Pin! I will make him drop his jaw on the floor!" Ula resolves excitedly.

"A mirror?" Sayaka blinks, recalling what Hosshiwa did just now. "Everyone is really particular about mirrors, I see. Are they having an arms' race over who makes the most magic mirrors?" she asks puzzled. "But I will do my best to be a Precure, I promise!", she says almost solemnly.

The bluenette rubs the back of her head when Daybreak casually brings up dinner. "You make it sound so normal. But sure! I will prepare and we can all go to dinner with... God", Sayaka remarks slightly hesitantly.

Though even that is not as surprising as hearing how casual Blue is about the whole thing. Daybreak has done well to specify, because she was in fact imagining someone dressed in regal garbs and an austere look. Instead, he sounds just like... a normal guy. "Sure, we can set it up. Want to head to my dorm room to do that? We can also stop to a cafè on the way. My treat, I owe you", Sayaka asserts with a thankful if determined tone.

Tone that Ula picks up on. "Looks like she has made her mind. I suggest accepting her offer, she is hard to change her mind." Sayaka coughs loudly at hearing Ula say that. "Come on, I am not that bad. This is just supposed to be a friendly hangout, not an obligation."

Mio Morita has posed:
Pin smiles, "Of course! You sound like a really good designer! That is something really cool! I don't really do much for Daybreak. I wish I could help her more in her day to day stuff but she is really self sufficient."

"The Mirror thing..." Daybreak sighs and smiles, "Inside of all of us there is a mirror. It reflects our true nature. When the Phantom Empire puts someone in a mirror, they are actually making the future reflected in their hearts mirror, turn terrible. Its how they create their terribads and why the terribad often has traits in common with the person who was used to summon them. The one you just saw, The guy in the mirror was a banker." She gestures to the guy who is now out, checking his pocket watch. "Blue-sama uses mirrors to travel quickly around the world. I've gotten to travel that way before when I went to America and fought along side the Bomber Girl's Precure team."

"Ummm Sure! That sounds like fun! I can contact Blue from any mirror of sufficient size. I have a full length mirror in my base." She is still hesitant to call it that. "Oh umm. Okay! I don't mind We can go to your dorm and do that. A trip to a Cafe on the way? That sounds like fun!'