1964/Perfume and Candies

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Perfume and Candies
Date of Scene: 22 September 2024
Location: Pretty Holic
Synopsis: Laura and Miho meet at Pretty Holic to find out what would look good on the latter and come out of it with her favourite perfume and more she likes, not to mention candy! The two girls part with a promise to go jogging on a mountain.
Cast of Characters: Laura La Mer, Miho Inada

Laura La Mer has posed:
It has been a few days since Laura, Usagi and Miho fought Numeri in the caves of Odaiba Island, and the Princess of Ice had a pretty unique disagreement with the Princess of the Moon over the nature of costume (her? she was Grand Ocean's own Queen candidate, of course - nevermind that the difference with a princess is very minimal).

Laura had already gotten the intention to get Miho to grow more comfortable with her own appearance after she had been at first tense over the possibility of being seen in swimwear by someone else, and after that occasion, that's why she had resolved to bring her to Pretty Holic.

Which is why they are now there, after the mermaid had accompanied Miho to the place that had made of beauty its creed, just as its name shows. "Here we are, Miho-chan", Laura smiles in front of the beauty salon's doors. "This is Pretty Holic, and you can do everything in here, from buying mascara to nail polish to lipstick to check all manners of hairstyles and even get it dyed. They have a spa too." Once the introduction is done, Miho's hand is taken and the other girl is led inside.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho has had a busy couple of days, after meeting up with Kureha. Finding out so from the young woman who shares the same traits as herself. Miho has taken the time to focus on training herself, and doing a secret patrol as Yukihime to get more used to her abilities. The woman has found that she is not somebody who'll win a fight in one hit, nor can she take a large amount of punishment. But all this use of magic has made her a bit hungrier. Miho has been eating a lot more recently. When Laura called her, Miho was discussing a few things with her dormmate.

    So, after discussing things with her Dormmate, and being told that Pretty Holic has sweets shop that makes very pretty sweets and drinks, Miho took up Laura's invitation. Once Miho gets there, and is led inside, there's a squeak! "I'm not too sure about the prettying up part. Kinda makes me a bit nervious, but I was told about the sweets shop was to die for. That and they could work miracles here on anyone.", she says. THe woman sniffs the air for a second. She can smell the sweets, but with all the perfume as well. Miho's eyes slightly swirly eyes. The woman is a bit dizzy as she's still adjusting to everything.

    "For the record, I wasn't complaining about her outfit. I just thought something was wrong, and she lost a part of her transformation. I didn't know.", Miho says with a blush. She looks at everything around her, and silently already planning for tactical withdraw! Miho never really did pretty up. Her focus was always about her training her body. Not that she's ashamed of her body. She's just shy about prettying up!

Laura La Mer has posed:
"It's a great place, I have tried it already", the pinkette reassures her friend as they step inside. She is a bit curious about the sweets having attracted her here when it was still a beauty shop first and foremost, but it's a good thing she has something she already likes while she works on overcoming her shyness. There was really nothing wrong with her choice of apparel on the beach.

"No way transformations can fail like that", Laura laughs lightly as they make their way inside. "You have probably seen a Chara Bearer's getting Chara-changed. That's not a complete transformation, but it is meant to be like that, of course", she explain what that is about. At least she thinks that might have been the case for her confusion.

"Hello", Laura exclaims to one of the assistants here. "My friend and I are looking into some beauty products." The woman in questions looks up and down at the two girls, taking in their appearance for suggestions. "For someone with hair like yours, you might want to go with cold bronze colours or a warm red, anything in specific you are looking for."

Regarding Laura, she has to add "My suggestions are typically the same as the other times. I have a new brand of silver eyeshadow if it interests you, and you can always look into more of your favourite nail polish. "That sounds great!", she agrees with the assistant.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho blinks a little bit about the suggestion of going with warm red, cold bronze coloring. She blinks a few times as looks at Laura a moment. Miho might be a year older, but yeah, she's outside her element. "Ummm, well, I mean, I'm more of a blue girl? I think? I mean, red is more one of my friend's color.", she says. Miho bites her lower lip a little bit as she feels a bit out of place. "I mean, I'm not very good about this stuff.", she admits.

    "For the most part, Dad just hires a beautician to pretty me up for times I have to go to one of his students fights. I'm more of a perfume girl, I guess?", she says. Miho looks at all the beauty products, and wonders if this is what girls look like when she goes to a sports store to buy some new gloves, or the CD store to look for new music.

    Miho takes a deep breath, as she looks around. "And yeah, a good friend of mine, he's one.", she says. Wait, did she say he? Nah, probably a slip of the tongue. "I'm a martial artist, who works out heavily. I'm not too sure what all would be good for me, since most of my skin is a bit dry. Not too mention...", Miho says. She shows her hands. Her knuckles do have glove scars on the knuckles, her nails very short for reasons, and there's some minor swelling from her practicing this morning...

Laura La Mer has posed:
The assistant looks at Miho's dry skin as she brings up her worries and nods with a click of her tongue. She can see that this is pretty much a new world for her. "Don't worry about it, for everything there is a solution", disappearing for a second and coming back with an exfoliant and a moisturiser.

"You may want to start a daily routine. With these products at your side, your skin too can be soft and pretty", she exclaims, her tone falling a bit into an advertising chant. There is not much that can be done about the swelling, but the instructions that come with those products will help with most of the rest. "Just keep up at it and you can impress your male friend", she adds while she gently nudges the products into Miho's hands.

"I agree with her on those colours, I don't think blue goes well with you", Laura chimes in while she picks and discards beauty products a meter away. "You can try it, but what she suggested enhances your appearance much more. And something I would recommend to you is looking into fake nails, so as not to interfere with your sports." It's really too much of a shame to leave them bare. "And why don't you tell the assistant what perfume you like?", Laura encourages Miho with a smile.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho coughs a little bit. "Well, I want something thats kinda flowery, but has some spice to it. I was thinking something akin to like Poison by Dior.", she says. The woman bites her lip a little bit. Its one of her mom's favorites, and Miho does like it for the berry smell that goes into that spiced cinnamon smell. She blushes a little bit as she takes the products.

    Miho looks over at Laura a bit before breathing out. "I could try the red. Its kinda more of an oni thing though.", she says. THe woman coughs a bit.

    "I don't know about the nails.", Miho says. "I mean, I never had nails before. Its kinda like jewelry. I mean, I have a few charms, but never really did that stuff.", she says. The woman takes a deep breath as she looks over at the lipsticks and chapsticks. "I'm kinda more at home with mountain like stuff though.", she tells.

Laura La Mer has posed:
Laura interrupts her search for itself to slip into the perfume aisle. She is still getting used to the names humans have for things, but Pretty Holic has seemed quite stocked to her, so they should have this Poison stuff. Why someone would want to name their product that, she doesn't know, but they must certainly be unique, in a way.

"Found it", Laura smiles, bringing it over to Miho. "This is the one you like, right?", the mermaid says showing the bottle to the dark-haired girl, before applying a bit of it to her wrist and smelling it. "Doesn't smell bad, I can see why you would like it", she says, handing Miho the bottle. "Just focus on what you like for now, and we can follow up from that", the mermaid exclaims after the test.

She is not really looking to buy perfume herself, so she doesn't go back to that aisle afterwards. Pretty convenient that they found a ring with the one fragrance esclusive to Grand Ocean in that cave, even if that recovery comes with a lot of questions. "So, anyway, how are you holding up so far?"

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho nods her head a little bit as she accepts the bottle. She's always wanted to get the perfume for herself. The woman takes a long moment to look it over before she looks at the lipstick. "I think I should go with a light pink, or a light red. I think a bright red would be too much.", she says. Miho walks behind Laura a bit. "I think the dailies, lipstick, and the perfume would be good start? I mean, we can do hair another day?", she asks. Miho doesn't want to say anything, but the smells are starting to dizzy her a little bit. She's still adjusting to her new senses.

    "We could get some sweets to go?", Miho comments as she breathes out a little bit. "But yeah, we can work up a bit. But if you think I'm wearing a skirt...", she says with a small look. "And especially not Moon level!", she says. Miho turns bright red at that!

Laura La Mer has posed:
Laura makes a quick stop to restock on her nail polish and get that eye shadow she was eyeing when Miho announces she is about to be done here. "That sounds like a plan", she smiles at her suggestion, glad that Miho is branching out and being a little bit more comfortable than her reaction the other day. "We can definitely deal with that another day, and in the meantime you can think about what you want to yourself as", she encourages, heading for the sweets counter, and taking a packet of lychee candy for herself.

"Your turn now", the pinkette says, stepping aside to make Miho make her choice. "The point of this is you find out what you do like, not make you become like Moon", she says while paying for her things. Besides, she is not sure if that's just her magical costume, or Usagi actually likes it. "Just be aware of your own charm and confidence. Besides, I had fun helping you explore your options today", the mermaid replies cheerfully.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho nods her head, and she orders up a honey bun, along with tropical flavored drink. It looks bright enough that they can use it as a light for the way home! The woman nods her head a little bit. "Well, sometime, you'll have to come with me on a mountain jog. Though, they do tend to close the trails as it gets later.", she says. The woman stretches a little bit. "We better start heading back. I mean, tomorrow is a school day, and my dormmate is keeping a window open for me.", she tells. THe woman picks up a cupcake for her dormmate, to pay for keeping the window open, and covering. She's learned a lot about the whole curfew thing after her first...gas leak incident. "I'll catch you later.", Miho says, as she pays for her stuff, and starts to head back.