1974/Auditions are trouble

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Auditions are trouble
Date of Scene: 27 September 2024
Location: Mitakihara Ward
Synopsis: Seiko and Laura have a lot to talk about since their last interaction. They both encounter and X-Chara!
Cast of Characters: Seiko Akai, Laura La Mer

Seiko Akai has posed:
"You sound good but you are just... maybe too inexperienced? You have the potential but you need more practice. Come back in a few months when you've practiced more."

The words cut hard but it wasn't a no. It was a Not Yet. There was still hope. Seiko smiles and gives a kind bow before heading out of the record label's headquarters. She gives a weak smile and tears fill her eyes.

"He said not yet Seiko-chan. Not yet. He thinks you've got what it takes! You're going to be an idol! Just you wait. Don't cry." Hoshi smiles and gives her bearer a hug.

"I know I just wanted it to be today. I am going to get voice lessons I think. That will help build experience right?" Seiko smiles as she looks around. "Voice lessons and maybe dance lessons? That would help me round out my ability to entertain!" The pinkette smiles and wipes her eyes. This was a difficult day but there was in fact hope.

"I wonder what everyone is up to? I haven't seen Laura, Amy or Rashmi since before... Well before everything happened."

Laura La Mer has posed:
Laura has had a lot happening herself since Seiko and her last saw each other, first of all the fact that she had become a Pretty Cure herself, and the fact that she was starting to have a lot to consider. Why had someone from Grand Ocean been in possession of a cup of motivation power, and why did they bring it to the world of humans? Why wasn't it given back to their original owners? Not to mention the fact Numeri had gotten the cup, and the place they got it in was now flooded. At least she had managed to retrieve the Perfume Shiny Ring, and now it had joined the Heart Swirl Ring on her right hand.

"Hey, Kururun, what do you think about that place over there? Is that a good spot?", Laura asks her fairy friend, pointing to an isolated fountain. What was she trying to do? She was trying to take an unusual photo: her standing in front of a bunch of trees in her mermaid form to send to the old woman who had helped them. She would come back during the night, of course. "Kururun", the seal shakes her head unconvinced, thinking that those trees really didn't make for a good shot at all.

It just so happens that they were standing in front of the record label Seiko has had her audition at, albeit with her back turned to the place. "Seiko-san?", Laura murmurs curiously, recognising hers and Hoshi's voices. "Kururun!", Kururun says, anticipating Laura and waving in the direction of the voices. "Seiko-san, Hoshi-san, been quite a while! All cool recently?", the mermaid smiles, approaching the Chara Bearer.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko smiles hearing the familiar voice. She turns to see Laura and Kururun. "Hey Laura! Hiya Kururan!" She gives a warm smile even though her eyes are a bit puffy from the tears she had shed not more than a few minutes prior. "Its good to see you. What are you doing in Mitakihara today? I was just auditioning at this record label." She smiles.

Hoshi flies over to hang out with the seal for the time being. "They said she needs more practice and she should come back in a few months!" Hoshi grins. "It wasn't a no. It was a not yet!"

"Yep. Not yet. But There is hope so... I'm really looking forward to trying out again. I think I want to get voice lessons and maybe take a dance class or two."

As the small group talks a boy walks into the studio with a case holding some sort of instrument. It doesn't take long for him to return with his instrument in hand. "Accordian!? We only record Pop music. AKA Music thats popular! If you can't take that then I got news for you. You will never make it in the music industry!" A very firm voice rings out from the building, as if the words were chasing the poor boy.

Laura La Mer has posed:
Laura stops quizzically when she notices the eyes of someone you had just cried on Seiko's face, just as she steps closer to the other pinkette, and getting the answer to her question even before she ask it. Really now, she was just rejected, then, she realises, taking a good look at the place she had just gotten out of. She hadn't really heard of their name, but then again, there were lots of places and things she hadn't heard about just yet, so she couldn't say whether that was a good agency or a bad agency.

While Kururun waves at Hoshi when the Chara Guardian floats next to her, Laura is left to gaze at the boy being booted out of the place. Wow, those were some harsh manners, even before the harsh requirements they were pigeonholing themselves into. Well, it's not really her business - literally. It's theirs. "There are plenty of fish in the sea", she jokes at Seiko to push away the negative vibe of the atmosphere. And well, it was still a true statement in this context.

"That sounds like a good plan to me anyway", Laura nods at Seiko's future plans. If that's what going to get her accepted, then she has her path to follow ahead of her. "Why don't we go eat something and catch up on everything else that happens. Laura suggests, bringing out the Aqua Pot. By that suggestion of course she means "let's get into my home and eat there".

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko smiles and nods. "Sounds like fun! I don't think I've ever been in your home before." She grins knowing about the aqua pot. Quietly she turns to look at the boy who just got thrown out of the recording studio. She winces a little bit but is a little too excited about getting to hang out with Laura.

Hoshi smiles having been inside the aqua pot before. She giggles a little and speaks up. "Seiko-chan! You are going to love it there! Just wait til you see everything!" She grins and flies around kururun.

The boy on the other hand is not so happy. He sniffles and looks around for a trash can. "Its Useless!" He snaps before throwing his accordian into the trash. Suddenly its like a shadow has overtaken him. Or worse. Its like someone has reached inside him and just completely stole his dream. Slowly his heart's egg emerges and turns pitch black with a big white X on it. "Its useless! I will never make it as a accordianist! No one wants to hear it. Its only good for Polkas! Useless!" The word echos. Is it him? No. Its the egg echoing the pain in his heart. "Its all useless." He seems to space out and drops to the ground, bringing his knees to his chest before crying. "Useless... Useless."

"...Useless. ...Useless." The egg echos and begins to fly around seeming looking for anyone it can find to punish in the same way the boy is punishing his own heart.

Laura La Mer has posed:
Sounds like they have a plan for the rest of the day, or at least that's what anybody would reasonably think. Too bad darkness is really as far from reasonable as possible, and even more so the darkness of broken dreams. Laura has never really seen an X-Chara form before, but she has heard enough about them that just the signs of dark energy is enough to make her see the problem. "This is like when Hoshi takes you over, except for the worse", she comments, groaning about having to deal with possession. That's the part she likes the least.

"Check this out, Seiko-san", Laura smiles proudly, taking her Heart Swirl Ring off her finger. After all, there was realistically 0 odds of something like this having been possible for her. "Pretty Cure! Tropical Change!", she announces as a pink sphere surrounds her. Inserting the Heart Swirl Ring sideways into the keyhole of the Mermaid Aqua Pact, she twists it upright and the Pact's seashell cover splits in half, revealing a purple base with white stars and blue waves on the left side and white hearts on the right side, surrounding a blue circle with a motif of crystals all around a white sphere.

The opened compact transforms her completely, enriching her appearance with make-up and her clothes as Cure La Mer. Jumping upwards with a splash of waters, finally Laura introduces herself. "The Shimmering Ocean! Cure La Mer!"

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko nods and frowns. "That boy is punishing his heart." She winces and looks down. "We have to do some..." She trails off as suddenly Laura does a magical transformation into a Pretty Cure! "WOW!! That is super cool! You became a Pretty Cure!! That is so awesome!" She smiles as she looks over the new Magical girl in front of her. "You are really cool like tha... HEY!" A blast of X's come sailing at Seiko making her jump out of the way.

"USELESS!" The X-Egg sends another wave of X's at Seiko. It then notices Cure La Mer and it turns its attention to her for the moment. "USELESS!!!" It fires off another barrage of X's, this time in the direction of the Pretty Cure.

"You showed me yours, I guess I gotta tell you a secret too!" She turns to Hoshi and nods to her. Hoshi nods back. Then with a smile she makes a box with her fingers over her heart. "My Heart, UNLOCK!" She reverses box with her fingers symbolically unlocking her heart. Hoshi smiles and her egg appears over her and closes around her. The egg flies to Seiko and floats into her heart. Suddenly her clothing changes, becoming much more like Hoshi's Idol appearance. A gold dress outfit very much like that of an Idol. A moment later her own transformation is done. She smiles and dances around a little. "LaaAAAAAA!" She sings out a note and a burst of musical notes go flying towards the X-egg.

Laura La Mer has posed:
"We get it already, you were treated rudely and now you are thinking you don't have what it takes!", La Mer exclaims irritably at the X-Egg targeting Seiko. Does she look like she in henshin? No? Good, then don't attack her! Not that the mermaid actually says that out loud, since it would just be pointless. "I know, right?" she smiles, basking in the praise with no reserves, flipping her hair back. "Thank you, Seiko-san, now let's show it to this X-Egg too!"

Her attention however gets diverted lightly when Seiko announces she has a secret to share too. It's ok, though, attacks never really land until the introductions are over. Hoshi fuses back with Seiko again and the unlock of her heart turns her into Star Shine! "A singer magical girl? You look great, and it's amazing to finally see you step into your role!", La Mer's face fills with glee when she sees the transformation that Seiko has achieved. "Alright then! Let's get this over with!", she shouts, pumped up by the news.

Giant X's rain down on her, but a few flips back gets Cure La Mer out of the attack range, before she jumps forward in front of the egg, and then spins around, delivering a strong kick at it!

Seiko Akai has posed:
The X-egg goes flying backward. "Uselessssssss!" IT calls out as it goes. The egg seems to fade disappear for a long moment. Not ready to reappear just yet. Then a very bad sound can be heard. "CRACK!"

The singing Magical girl gives a smile to Cure La Mer. "I go by Star Shine like this. Its pretty cool! I mean I can purify stuff like this!" She smiles as she looks to her friend. Then she hears the cracking. "Oh no..." She looks at at La Mer and then in the direction of the egg...

The x-egg rises up and clear cracks can be seen around it. Then it opens revealing an X-Chara. A deep purple figure with a bright red X on its head. This one happens to be holding an accordian. It begins playing obnoxiously. "YOU'RE NO GOOD. YOU WILL NEVER BE A POP STAR." It shouts before playing the accordian sending a stream of dark notes at the two girls. "I Don't like the accordian! I won't play the accordian!" It continues playing the instrument, making dark sonic attacks at the two girls.

Laura La Mer has posed:
"Ok, then, Star Shine!", Laura smiles brightly at her using the name Seiko has instructed her to. "That's a good name!" she comments on the quality of the name, considering just how much it fits with how how should conduct themselves (according to herself, at least). She has always been loudly in favour of people shining as bright as the summer sun.

What she is not in favour of? The dark creature that has just crawled out of the egg. "Nobody has asked you, and if you are just going to give up like that, your dream was always just a fantasy! You have friends, don't you!? Don't quit just like that! There are always people around you ready to help if you are going through a hard time!" La Mer chastises the X-Chara. "I am realising my own dream, Star Shine is too, and so can you!"

The irony of the creature continue to play an instrument it just said it won't play is not lost on La Mer. "Then put it down! Why are you clinging to it if you don't want to play it? It's because you haven't lost hope yet! Believe in yourself!" the Pretty Cure declares, taking out her Mermaid Aqua Pact, stirring with her pen the disk at its center, causing water to gather and move in a pattern of recurve spinning lines as it concentrates inside the Mermaid Aqua Pact.

"Pretty Cure Swirling La Mer Stream!", she shouts, a huge rotating beam of water erupting out of the Pact as she points the pen at the dark notes, a surging torrent erupting past them and towards the X-Chara.

Seiko Akai has posed:
The X-Chara gets blasted by the water. It quickly shakes off the water and looks a little delerious from the hit. "I don't like the accordian!" It shouts out and begins playing again. A wave of dark music goes flying at the two girls.

Star Shine winces and dives out of the way. "Its no use. X-chara's don't really listen. At least from what I heard about. We need to purify it. The boy is still punishing his own heart." She frowns and begins singing another note. Just one sustained note sends a wave of bright shining rainbow notes at the X-chara. It gets hit and seems to go into a daze. "I think its close." She comments.

Its true, The X-Chara is seriously dazed and is close to the point where it can be purified. It begins playing a dark song. A Song that chills the very soul. Its an area of effect attack and the area is busy with people just walking by completely ignorant of the danger they are in. "I DON'T LIKE ACCORDIAN!" It Screams as waves of dark music begins echoing outward. It begins hitting a few people, drawing out a trio of hearts eggs and Xing them.

Laura La Mer has posed:
Laura just nods at Star Shine's warning. If there really is nothing they can do to appeal to heart within the darkness shrouding it, they really have not much of a choice. Especially since the X-Chara is tampering with other people's dreams now. "You want this, you got it, you accordion fanatic! We are going to get that darkness out of you!", she exclaims, taking the Perfume Shiny Ring off her finger.

"Perfume Shiny Ring - Bubble Form!" she declares as she inserts her pen under the Aqua Pact and the ring above it, the cover splitting open again. Grasping it by the now attached pen, Cure La Mer shouts "Aqua Charge!" and rotates the disk, a vortex of bubbles entering her Aqua Pact. The mermaid spins around, a trail of glowing pink energy following behind her. "Pretty Cure Ocean Bubble Shower!" she shouts, pointing the Mermaid Aqua Pact at the X-Chara, the magical item briefly glowing yellow before it rapidly fires an uncontable torrent of bubbles from the blue gem on its front.

Seiko Akai has posed:
While Cure La Mer does her thing to attack the X-Chara, Star Shine notices the inbound X-eggs that the X-chara was making. She winces. "Time to do something major." She thinks for a moment, trying to think of a song. "I am having a brain burp! I can't think of a song!" She frowns as she tries to think.

Suddenly a trio of X-beams come flying from the three X-eggs. They are targeting Star Shine. SHe quickly gets hit and sent flying backward.

"Ugh!" She exclaims as she gets off the ground and a song finally comes to her.

"There's still fire in this heart that burns
There's still wonder in these eyes that yearn
The need for adventure, The longing for peace
A hope for tomorrow that begs, begs for release."

Suddenly a wave of light explodes outward, engulfing the X-egg and even the purified X-Chara that Cure La Mer already took care off. "Open Heart." Star Shine speaks and immediately the X-eggs turn back to their cream color. They return to their previous hearts."

The X-chara changes. It becomes a small boy chara. "Thank you Cure La Mer and Star Shine." The chara has an accordian and appears quite happy with it. "Its not time for me to be out yet but soon, maybe. I look forward to seeing you again." The decorated egg closes on the chara and it returns to the boy who suddenly snaps out of his daze."

Laura La Mer has posed:
As the darkness is defeated, there is the pink outline of a conch detaining the X-Chara. Giving her back to Star Shine, La Mer kicks her leg high up, turning her upper body back so she faces behind her, cheerfully declaring ""VICTORY!", a rainbow explosion accompanying the declaration.

And when Seiko starts singing, Laura doesn't hesitate a second in joining in on the song, since she would never pass up a chance to take part in a song, even more so with a friend. Her voice might not be magical, but it's still incredibly melodious, and, Laura doesn't have any problem hitting the right notes in harmony with Seiko.

"They are gone now!", Cure La Mer talks to Star Shine, celebrating their success. But there is still one more thing to take care of before this business can be truly called over. "Here, have some of these", Laura hands the boy some of her nutritious sweets. "Eat them, you will feel better", she orders him.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Star Shine looks at the boy who is still a bit delerious. She sighs, "You can't give up on your dreams. So this record label isn't ready for accordian music. There are many others. You have the talent. Just keep trying. Eventually you will be a star." She smiles brightly as Laura gives the boy some sweets. "I chalk this one up to a successful fight." She smiles and her Henshin breaks. Hoshi appears beside her and looks around.

"You're getting better at this Seiko-Chan!" That was awesome! You got all the X-eggs before they caused much trouble. Well except for one. That accordian playing X-chara was really scary." Hoshi comments as she flies around.

"Kinda scary to think that could have been me before you came about." She smiles and Hoshi gives her a hug.

The boy looks at the girls, "Who are you talking to. I think I am hearing things too. Its like you're having a conversation with a voice I can only hear?"

Seiko looks at Cure La Mer. "Umm we should go. Don't wanna mess with this situation.

Laura La Mer has posed:
"And remember, you are not alone, never. If you feel like you don't know which way to turn, your friends are always there for you. There are people that really want to help", Laura repeats her earlier statements. Though, with the boy starting to question what he is hearing and the people that got assaulted in that final attack now coming to again, they really, shouldn't stick around. "This way!", the Pretty Cure exclaims, taking out the Aqua Pot, before jumping in and beckoning the Chara Bearer to do the same. It's not really recommended two people enter at the same time.

With Kururun following Laura and Seiko and Hoshi presumably doing the same, the mermaid (now in her actual form as one) makes it float away from there at speed. "Welcome to my home!" she smiles pleased, holding her atm wide to indicate the whole underwater environment. It's a wide and tall space, the ceiling meters and meters and meters away from the floor, while the inside of the Aqua Pot is big enough to host 20 people with ease. The kitchen and a table are both in open view, placed on opposites sides from Laura's shell bed.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko quickly jumps into the Aqua pot and Hoshi follows. A moment later they are in a more watery place. "I should have worn a swim suit." She laughs a little bit. "This is really impressive!" She smiles and looks over at Laura and sees her as a Mermaid for the first time. "Wow! You really are a Mermaid! That is so cool!"

She blushes, "I figured we should go because that kid is very close to having his egg appear. Its why he could hear Hoshi. Its kinda cool but I didn't want him to know what happened to him. I hope he got his accordian back."

Hoshi smiles and flies around, swimming a bit and enjoying the place. "I Like it in here. Its comfy!" She giggles and looks a little tired. "We aren't used to transforming yet. So It takes a lot out of me. I will be fine though! I just need time to feel better."

Laura La Mer has posed:
"Of course I am!", Laura stand straighter at the compliment Seiko gives her. Of course the other pinkette thinks she is really cool, she is a mermaid, it's really par for the course that humans find Mermaid awesome. "Want to touch and feel for yourself?", Laura offers her tail to Seiko, encouraging her to actually get close and feel her fin. "Anyway, we have the kitchen, my bed and the living room", La Mer explains to Seiko.

"And don't worry about the people outside, we are flying away from there at speed", the mermaid reassures her. "Thank you, thank you", Laura nods happily towards Hoshi in response to the compliment. "I am sure you will get the hang of it with time. For now, feel free to make yourself at home. Anything you would prefer doing?", Laura asks, taking her duties as a host very seriously.

Seiko Akai has posed:
"I am good. We are flying right now? That is so cool. The most I can do is jump around. So how did you find out you were a pretty cure? That is a really cool thing! You are awesome!" She smiles bright as she takes a seat. She then takes the opportunity to touch Laura's tail. "Its scaly! Really cool! How am I breathing in here though? Isn't it water?"

"Its magic, silly!" Hoshi comments as she flies around aqua pot, playing with Kururun.

Seiko blinks and laughs. "I guess thats true." She smiles. "I found out I could transform when an X-egg got loose around Hinori-san and me. We didn't know we could until we tried. I'm not really that experienced yet but I know I can sing notes to attack and if I sing a song I can purify X-eggs and Charas. Like all of em in an area. So thats kinda cool."

Laura La Mer has posed:
Seems like the activity of choice for Seiko includes asking a lot of questions, and although it's a bit of a long long story for some of them, it's not something that Laura minds. "Hoshi has it right", the mermaid laughs, looking really proud of all the compliments that are being heaped upon both herself and the Aqua Pot.

"While we mermaids and ocean fairies don't have a problem with this environment, we couldn't really have guests without these expedients", she explains, sitting on her bed. "It's a gift directly from Grand Ocean's Queen that only one of us can really use, so I am steering it around", she explains. Though, Kururun could also do that potentially. "Other things it can do include opening the portal to Grand Ocean, taking bubble photos and of course, recovering motivation", she finishes explaining.

Before she starts explaining her transformation as a Pretty Cure, Laura brings out more of Grand Ocean sweets for Seiko to snack on while she exclaims. "So, as you know my mission involves recruiting people against the Witch of Delays and finding those with sunshine in their heart who can resonate with us mermaids and awaken the Tropical Pacts the Queen gave me. As I am already magic, I can't really become more magic, so I can't use the Tropical Pacts, become a Chara Bearer, or use any other magic awakening", she explains.

"I can use the Aqua Pot, since it is tailored to use the magic inside me, and if I am close to where Grand Ocean is hidden, I can lift the barrier and enter, but not really anything else. The Witch of Delays and her servants started wisening up to me being the reason being the motivation power being recovered", Laura says, petting Kururun as she approaches.

"They had the idea to kidnap the two of us, and they succeded, but you know me, I am not going to let that stop me, so I refused the Witch's offer to join them, and me and Kururun found a way to escape, though I only owe it to her if I didn't get lost at the last moment since I was struck from afar. She brought me to Grand Ocean, where I recovered", Laura smiles down at the fairy.

"I had fulfilled my mission, so if I wanted to, I could stay in Grand Ocean and start my apprenticeship to actually become Queen. I considered it, but I really didn't want to leave you all", Laura turns pensive and somber for the first time since she got back. "I wanted to fight alongside everyone, and keep having fun with you, so I chose to come back. The Queen gave me the Mermaid Aqua Pact then, and it sensed my sincerity and dedication, that's why it awakened and uses my magic to turn me into a Pretty Cure."

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko smiles. "Well I for one am happy you stayed. I while I would love to see you take your place as a Queen, It would be bitter sweet. I wouldn't want to never see you again... Is that selfish? I don't want to seem selfish." She states as she takes one of the sweet treats. She pops it in her mouth and smiles. "Oichi!" She exclaims happily in a sickeningly sweet tone.

Hoshi flies over and swipes on of the sweets for herself. SHe pops its actually pretty big for her to eat. Still she gives it a go. "Yummy!!"

"So I guess we are going to be fighting all sorts of enemies now, huh!" Seiko smiles excitedly. "Oh I met the Idol Utau Hoshina." She sighs. "I kinda looked up to her til I met her. She threatened to turn a bunch of people's Heart's eggs to X-eggs! All because Hinote wouldn't go out with her." She sighs and frowns. "I guess its true what they say. That you should never meet your heros." She sighs. "Part of me wants to be an Idol now just to give people something to hope for and to encourage them to follow their dreams."

Laura La Mer has posed:
Laura is glad that Seiko has taken the news about her apprenticeship, although she has more to say about that, but she isn't sure how to deal with it, and the thought still eats her inside. Specifically the fact that her apprenticeship was only halted, not closed, and she has just as much a responsibility towards her friends as to the citizens of Grand Ocean. "I can definitely understand why you would be wary about meeting people you look up to after that", she frowns, staring at the Perfume Shiny Ring, not wanting to weigh Seiko with her worries unless she asks.

"I am glad Utau did nothing to any of you, though", Laura goes back to smiling at Seiko. "I hope you haven't had any bad run-ins with her. Is that how you unlocked your transformation in Star Shine", she inquires curious about that. When they first met, she was having many troubles with Hoshi. "And if you want to train your singing magic, the princess of the South Pacific has a voice just as good as mine, but she is a magic Idol too and hers meshes it with the nature of a mermaid's singing, so you might want to look into that", Laura recommends.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko shakes her head. "I found out about transforming about a week before I met her. I used my powers to help a group of magical girls to purify a bunch of X-eggs. I got to work with Sailor Moon! She didn't really say anything to me until after everything was done but it was cool to team up. I found out about my transformation when I was in the park practicing. A kid's heart's egg got Xed and Hinote was trying to protect me. We watched him transform, Hoshi and me, I mean. So we tried it and we transformed. It was so cool. I sang a note and fought back against the X-egg. Then I sang and it purified it. It was really amazing."

She sighs, "Utau is just... Really mean. I'm afraid she may view me as a rival since my dream is to be an Idol. Add to that we are kinda opposites... Things could go really bad. I hope she finds out that being good is better than being cruel." She sighs.

Laura La Mer has posed:
"I met Sailor Moon too, we got a rocky start due to a disagreement, but we get along now", Laura smiles, skipping over the fact that Seiko was at the center of said disagreement. "She is really reliable, you can't go wrong if you are fighting alongside her", the mermaid praises the moon soldier. She listens with attention at the tale of how Seiko first transformed, glad than nothing bad happened, and rather, that she looked like she had a good time.

"Looks like things are looking up now, don't you agree, Kururun?" Laura smiles, looking down at the seal fairy, thinking that how serious her worries actually are isn't definite yet, she can still be with everyone happily, pushing back the warning of the Witch of Delays. "Kururun!", the fairy agrees cheerfully, nuzzling against Laura with a low soothing sound.