1982/Dire Amelioration

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Dire Amelioration
Date of Scene: 03 October 2024
Location: Pearl Pier
Synopsis: Rashmi, Amy and Hanzo go with Coco to set up a few improvements for the Pearl Pier in preparation for the establishment of the hotel. Gaito and other magic phenomena are discussed.
Cast of Characters: Coco Kiumi, Rashmi Terios, Koji Silvia, Amanda Faust

Coco Kiumi has posed:
It has been an eventful few weeks for the building that has converted to hotel in the Yumegahama Ward. All sorts of precautions have gone into making sure the building was following all norms, and now things are finally starting to settle down with the definitive redecoration of the walls, floor and ceiling and after the proper introduction of a flame retardant system and installment of lights for the hotel.

The addition of the furniture has finally paved the way for the building being mostly completed, and there is only one step left: the setup of applications governing revenue management, front-office operations, housekeeping, cybersecurity, cameras, occupancy sensors, and client-oriented services like making virtual payments, taking a virtual tour of the rooms, check in and out of the hotel on their own, and contact hotel staff via chat.

A chat with Rashmi has made Coco take the decision to offer Nikora to bring in her friends to help at this end, after the former had recommended Hanzo and Amy for the job. The mermaid princess has just finished walking with them into the hotel, the doorbell being rang to let Nikora know they are here.

"We got everything else done", she starts explaining while ushering them in, having a bit of an excited air. "This is the last part it takes for the hotel to become truly operational. It was a bit of a rush job given the times, but Nikora is quite efficient, so we got through fine. Unlike me, she is from the North Pacific, so it's thanks to Aqua Regina we have her her."

"Welcome to the Pearl Pier", Nikora comes in, bowing towards the three new faces. "Coco has explained you the situation, but do you want anything to drink or eat before we start? I could get you something from the kitchen, it's already operational", she offers, putting a strand of her pink hair back in place.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
While she was extremely happy to help, Rashmi knew for certain that lugging around the big heavy things would be a large part of her contributions. Her fabrication skills were still sprouting, and *heavily* specialized toward things that just don't exist on Earth, unlike Hanzo. Her programming skills were largely knowing what to ask Nicomachea, and then tweaking sliders until things stopped theoretically exploding, and Amy was *much* more of an Earth-style coder than she could ever be. But thanks to her Barrier Jacket, she can sure lug stuff around! And there would be a *lot* of stuff to lug around!

Besides which, *any* amount of gruntwork would be worth doing, if it got her into a *mermaid hotel.* Mermaid-themed, there was probably at least one to draw in the tourists. But hotels *run* by mermaids? There would only ever be the one, and just the concept is enough to remind Rashmi why magic is just... *so cool.*

"I can't think of anything I need right now, Nikora-san," she says, returning the bow, "but I'm pretty sure we're gonna need drinks and snacks enough to keep us going while we work. Otherwise, just tell us what we need to start with!" Friends help friends move. Real friends help friends move contraband.

*Magical* friends help friends establish an outpost/embassy for mermaid-kind.

"What about you guys?" she says to Amy and Hanzo, excitedly brushing down the skirts of her Barrier Jacket, as only one of her hands is occupied with holding Nicomachea.

Koji Silvia has posed:
Oddly enough, yes... Koji does show up to things like these in his Barrier Jacket, complete with his lower facemask and the ninja-themed costume... except when he was walking up, he looked more like his normal self, save for the nice suit and his glasses constantly catching the light and obscuring his eyes. But that drops away the moment he's inside with Rashmi and then it's just him lugging two very large cases, each with the RHA logo on it and stenciled beneath 'COMPUTER CLUB'.

Taking a moment to look around, he takes a breath and then bows his head politely towards Nikora, followed by Coco, "So... just to note, I am not the best when it comes to software. I can install and I can do the basics, and I can do some network stuff for wifi or anything like that... overall, my expertise is electronics. Like tablets and cellphones that you'd be using for your staff to get around... wiring cameras and lights... that kind of thing."

If there's a sign of a smile under that mask, it doesn't show, but he does add looking over at Rashmi, "With help of course. I admit... this is just strange. Rashmi-chan keeps bringing me to places where I use my normal skills, and not anything magical-related. Pretty soon, I think I'm going to end up being the tech guy for all of magical Tokyo."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy was tapped in because she's been helping Coco since the start and has some actual IT experience, presumably! Indeed, she's not transformed, although she's fine with transforming if she needs to move a heavy thing. Lacking any business attire, though, she's opted to simply wear her school uniform.

    And indeed, she picks up right after Koji finishes speaking: "I've looked into free software we can use to save money -- and have complete control over our security footage locally rather than putting potentially magic stuff up where some security company's IT can see it. I haven't actually *used* that sort of thing before, but if I can get some time away from school I'm sure I can figure it out!" She smiles confidently!

    Then she admits, "...For most of the rest of the stuff, um, I'm still looking for how to set that up. Sure I can figure it out though. Um, as for financial stuff though, like... I took like one semester of bookkeeping in college in hopes it would help me with adulting, but that was ages ago. I've gathered some software suggestions to try, but we might want to hire a bookkeeper if there's..." She looks at the others gathered. "I dunno, do we know anybody with experience in that?"

    Amy looks with interest at the cases Koji's carrying, mentally trying to recall what the Compuer Club had to spare. "So, what did you bring, anyway?"

    Oh right, Nikora asked a question. "Oh uh... have any Dr. Pepper? Or sweet tea of any kind... otherwise water's fine... or soda..." Amy replies.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
If Nikora is surprised at seeing someone show up in her magical identity, she doesn't show it, instead keeping a warm, if a bit professional composure. "These are just things we need", she confirms to Hanzo. "We do have several cameras to install, while most of everything else is getting things to work. That would include the management of data, cybersecurity, occupancy sensors, and client-oriented services allowing for their booking and contact with the staff", she quickly sums up what there is to deal with.

"I will make sure they are provided then", Nikora smiles at Rashmi, tapping on her phone to send a quick message to the people working the kitchen. With no specifications given to her besides Amy's, she writes the staff to prepare a bit of everything they have on the menu, accounting for five people so that there is more than enough for everyone. If they are joined by someone else later, she will deal with it then.

"The refreshments will be here shortly, let me lead you to your workstation", Nikora states, walking towards the computers that just wait at the reception. At the desk there is also a map of the building with the spots sensors, the various terminals and cameras will have to be setup at clearly marked. And anything they could ever need for the job is here, neatly assigned its own place.

"Any help is appreciated, Amy", Coco chimes in when the redhead starts detailing what she can and can't do. "We do kinda need our private cameras", the blonde girl confirms what Amy has just said, "so you are already doing plenty. And Gaito is starting to take a decisive approach" Coco turns to Koji in a bit more of a serious vibe. "With how fast things are moving, we are going to need to fight much more than usual soon, so your magic is going to be crucial too."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Well I mean, as far as *I* know you *are* the tech guy for mahou," Rashmi points out. "*And* you're one of the most reliable people I know, so..." With a shrug, Rashmi chuckles as she follows Nikora toward the reception desk.

"So it's really building up, huh?" she says, as Coco speaks to Gaito's rising activity. "Anything in particular we ought to be watching out for?"

At the desk, she starts to look through the building map, holding Nicomachea up to use the map to build a reference guide for when the actual installs begin.

Koji Silvia has posed:
After listening and then nodding to Nikora, he does get a small grin under his mask and puts down both cases. Snapping his hand out to one side he catches the rope part of the kunai that IS Hanzo. Spinning him a few times he seems to be looking for something in the space he's in, and then nods once more and says, "Okay, so the first thing we need to do is mark where the cameras will go. Thankfully... this IS something my Device is better at than I am, and Rashmi will help."

Stopping, the rope retracts, and he clap his hands together...

    << WIDE AREA SCAN >>

With his eyes closed, waits as a small glowing orb appears in front of him, slowly pulsing as he visualizes the space, waves of blacklight azure passing over everyone and everything.

"I'm doing this slow and detailed, so it's going to take a little bit. Most of the time we use this like a radar flash, pinging the whole area to look for specific things."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy nods at Nikora and walks after her. Once at the desk, she opens up the bag she brought and gets out a large, ancient laptop. A Thinkpad T61 from 2009 -- just to make sure she has something familiar to grab stuff from if needed.

    "...So why a hotel, anyway?" Amy wonders. "Also, I wanted to ask: Can we get, like... a guaruntee of having a space available here if we need to meet away from the school, or to rest after a monster fight near the beach, or anything like that? It would be nice to be able to get a private space around here."

    While the Ancient Computer From 2009 boots up, she watches Koji's spell curiously.


Coco Kiumi has posed:
Several plates clink as food trolleys move into view of the group, each of them holding different types of snacks for the working mahous, pushed forward by 2 women, one pink, the other a yellow mermaid. They are accompagnied by glasses and soft drinks, just as many carbonated as they are not.

"Aqua Regina created a relic to seal his sight that keeps him from magically contacting his Brother, that also has strong Panthalassa powers. It's a harp we are holding here in secret. It is much safer here than back home, since he can afford to move without much regard for secrecy there", Coco starts explaining to Rashmi after looking briefly at Nikora.

"Hippo is our first line of defense for it, and he mainly has to hold out until we arrive and push back", she starts passing glasses around and anything they might ask her to. "It's improbable he would attack the hotel since it's so guarded, so he is probably going to look for his brother by kidnapping anyone with magic talent that might fit the description."

"Aqua Regina made sure he was found by a couple of newlyweds that would provide for him around 15 years ago, and we don't actually knows where they might have gone since. Somewhere far from here, if we are lucky", she adds to the summary.

I,t's not the first time Coco has seen a wide area scan, but it is for Nikora and Koji (and everyone else) can see the mostly composed surprise on the face of the latter, interrupting her work with preparing the apps that need configuration on the monitors. "A hotel?", she recollects herself, looking at Amy. "Seems the perfect way to justify the amount of personal we have is to run something like and hotel. And it allows us to have living quarters."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"And I'm just extrapolating a map of the place," Rashmi says as Koji begins his scan. "That way we'll be able to plan a route to let us install the cameras as quickly as possible. See..."

Nicomachea falls open as Rashmi holds him out, and a wide rectangle of light blips into being above the pages, showing an extremely rough 3d model of the floor plan. "It'll get refind as we work, but by the time we're done we'll probably have a good enough map we could convert it to something the security system can use."

Turning her attention to Coco's explanation, Rashmi nods slowly. "Hopefully *really* far away from here... But um... probably not? It's something I've been keeping in mind, what Hinoiri-chan said about the world's magic. Aaaaand it basically means that there's really only three places he'll need to look, and Tokyo's one of them, since magic attracts magic, y'know?"

The 3d map starts to twinkle with points of light, as Nicomachea makes note of the camera installation points, and begins to plan a route visiting each in turn. "Hey Amy-chan... Was that bookkeeping class in America? Because no matter what, that just sounds like a smart thing to do. I'm still planning on taking a First Aid certification when I have the free time, and I figure by that point I'll have finished *some* of what's on my plate."

Koji Silvia has posed:
With his eyes still closed, Koji finally catches up enough to say back to Amy, "Freeware has it's own downfalls, you know... it relies on the people who made it for updates, and those sometimes mean donations. With subscriber stuff you're at least going to get updates from the company. I mean... if you're going to be their IT witch, go for it... you'll find what's best for you, but if you're just subbing in, you want something easy to use and can be taught to someone else."

The orb grows larger as the scans come back and he sends more data towards Rashmi and Nicomachea, "As for the hotel... it's the perfect cover. The restaurant means high turnover, so new people are always coming in to work, hotels have private exits for special guests, employees constantly on the move in and around, so if anyone wants to come and go, all they need is a uniform. The bonus for the rest of us is, that only about two thirds of a hotel is normally seen by the public... the remainder third to half of the hotel is back hallways, internal prep areas, break rooms, and other things just for the hotel staff. So there's room to move aroun-..."

He suddenly stops himself and there's a bit of a flush in his cheeks, "Oh, sorry... my mom was reading something aloud she was prepping for her boss, and it was topical, so I listened in..."

But back to work, he begins to mark spots where cameras can be that are up and out of the way enough that magic won't totally fritz it out, but also has some of the best fields of vision. However... it becomes immediately clear for anyone sharp-eyed that there's several spots where the cones of the cameras could easily pass through... in fact it looks like an actual path someone could follow...

There's one last and bright wave of energy that pulses out, then the orb seems to collapse to a mote of light before just winking out of existence, "Okay... I think we're good to go mark out where to put the cameras in place."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy nods at Nikola's explanation of the purpose of the building, and of the plan being for Hippo to call them for help if attacked.

    And it allows for living quarters. "Exactly! That seems like it could be useful, both for us" as she touched on a few seconds ago, "and for any magical folk who might need a place other than the Academy."

    Was that class in America? "Uhh, yeah. I got it from the local community college after I graduated. I think the main take-away was how double-entry bookkeeping works, except in retrospect it seems like such a basic concept I can't actually remember why I ever thought it was weird. I guess the way you would naively expect to track anything is single-entry bookkeeping, right? But double-entry bookkeeping helps make sure you're keeping track of where everything goes and would be more robust against errors, I guess."

    "...If we don't have anybody with bookkeeping experience, and the free stuff doesn't turn out to be self-evidently obvious to use, my guess is we go with whatever online service is popular but inexpensive these days, but really, this isn't my thing. All I had to do accounting-wise was make sure my taxes are filed every year--"

    She freezes, suddenly, with the realization that her taxes are 5½ months overdue, and tries to remember where she put her paystubs, and then sighs in relief as she remembers she doesn't have to pay taxes anymore. "...which required getting numbers from Payroll and putting them on my taxes, but uh, if you're not an American citizen I don't think you even need to do that, don't most countries just do your taxes for you?"

    Freeware has its own pitfalls. "I mean free as in beer and as in software. If it's open-source, then if we find a problem we can fix it."

    IT witch. Being called that makes Amanda smile widely, for some reason.

    "...Wait, restaurant? There's a restaurant too? What is the uniform?"

    She looks confused as to why he stopped. "Huh? No, this is all good points, please, continue."

    The laptop has booted. The Windows login screen has her user picture as some anime girl with red eyes and hair. Or is it a picrew? Amy taps in a password. "Good, let me see what the layout is too and let me know how many cameras we're gonna need to handle."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Hinoiri's calculations don't include the seas since she has never been able to study them even when she was working for Gaito. Magic is more spread out thorought all the oceans, at the strongest in each of our kingdoms when it comes to being underwater. It's how the seven pearls give life to us", Coco brings up, mostly staying out of the way of their work unless she is asked to bring something over.

"Gaito's palace is also always moving, so we have no idea where his magic signature might be. He will have likely reinforced his defenses since the last time we attacked the place", Coco muses, the concern briefly not making her realise she moved away from the subject. "And well, his brother", she smiles nervously. "Most likely he has never been part of anything magical, so we can count on that."

Nikora gives Koji a friendly look when he delves into just how useful being in a hotel could be. "Your mom is in a similar field too, then? That seemed quite accurate, she must be proud of having a son as attentive as you", she turns her gaze to her right for a second.

"You are right anyway. The staff areas are all here at the ground floor with the dining areas, while guest rooms are on the second floor. So no guest should have reason to be downstairs since we are fitting their rooms with devices to contact staff remotely, and even less so in the staff areas", the mermaid princess outlines their double guarantee.

Coco drinks a bit of water as she watches Rashmi and Koji pinpoint the cameras' installation points. "And that becomes useful to host magic gatherings without anybody normal knowing about them, Amy. No problems with my friends coming in here, right, Nikora?" Looking up from a message on her phone, the pink mermaid confirms warmly. "You are welcome if you want to meet up here."

"All hotels have a restaurant", Nikora tells Amy. "When they wake up, we offer breakfast. If they come down at midday, lunch. If they want to just walk up the stairs after dinner", she outlines all the use cases. "We have even tables in the hotel's backyard for those who prefer al fresco dining, and in our case it even gives a view on the sea."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"...Okay that does make sense," Rashmi muses, and turns the viewscreen flat against the book. "I hadn't thought of that, but if the brother was taken to live on land, it still feels like the magic itself'd find a way to draw him to one of those places?" The model itself rises up above the plane, giving a fairly good-faith effort at emulating a Star Wars hologram... though without the scan-lines. Then, she proceeds to point out the nearest spots. "Looks like we'll want to start here, then here, then here," she says, meandering to the trolley, and selecting a couple likely-looking pastries to stack onto a napkin. "Koji-kun, drinks choice? Also... I've never actually looked into taxes. I'll have to ask Mami what she uses, she does most of the restaurant's admin work. But if we're gonna graduate in a couple years..."

And here Rashmi very, very *carefully* sidesteps the entire question of the Veil and Fade.

"It'd be good to learn how to now, before we need it. Also, Koji-kun... What *did* you bring from the school, anyway?"

Koji Silvia has posed:
He looks back at the cases, "Drill with a hole-making set, a small saw for cutting into walls to put in electrical outlets or run cable, a grid-set for cutting those precisely, a fold-down steps-stool, and the electrical stuff for testing for live lines and putting wiring together."

Looking back and forth, he shrugs some, "Look, this stuff is stored at the school for some reason, and so I checked it out! I just have to make sure it's back by morning and pay for any materials used. I mean... I could have brought a portable 3D printer, but the Gunpla owns it and refuses to share with anyone else."

To Nikora, he shakes his head, "Actually... my mother has never really been clear about where she works... to me anyways. But I know they go a lot of places and do a lot of briefings and trainings, I think."

With that done, he sniffs once and then goes to pick up a sparkling orange drink from the offerings and sips it right THROUGH the mask, proving out once more how magic doesn't obey the laws of polite society as a whole before he goes on, "So Rashmi and I are going to go where my Device and Nicomachea have for the cameras, and I'm going to drill holes and set up wiring. This is honestly contractor-level work, but these two..." holding up his arm, "Are set up to make sure we do it right, AND we don't kill ourselves from live lines. Anyways... this will be a couple hours for the first part... we'll be back!" Koji then picks up one of those huge cases, and referencing soemthing neither of the non-Devicers can see, he begins towards the first spot."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Hinoiri's calculations? About what? And do we even still have a way to get into the palace?"

    All hotels have a restaurant. "Oh right. I just... I wasn't sure if you meant some people would come here just for the food, as well."

    Her eyes notice the nice new workstation, and the little Windows sticker on it. "Oh. I was gonna try to save you money..." She starts going through making a local admin account and such, grumbling about what a pain they make it nowadays. "But it shouldn't just be my account, like, we might need to log into any workstation as IT to fix something..."

    In between steps, she works on her laptop, getting it on the network, looking up software they can use, and putting it on a USB stick to try.

    Koji mentions they are doing contractor if not electrician level work and AMy opens her mouth to comment, but Koji assuages her concerns before she can speak them.

    Amy watches him start to head off. She looks at the others, "Okay, this is weird, right? Is it a new wrinkle on Recognition Inhibition type stuff because I helped get accounts and stuff set up for the computer club last year, so he's interacted with old me a little bit and magic's trying to hide that or something? I mentioned college multiple times and he hasn't said anything."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco really doesn't have anything more than that to say about Gaito's brother. For all they know, he could be anywhere until they actually find him. And anyway, when Rashmi leaves it implied that she is thinking about the Fade, Coco shudders uncomfortably. She really doesn't like that some day everything they went through together will just be gone.

It's already bad enough that once her duty is fulfilled she will be forced back home, never to visit the lands again, but she would at least like the solace they remember. Not to mention all of her might be erased from their minds since she is completely magical. "Yeah, learning all of that while you still can is a good idea", she agrees to Rashmi in a slightly more somber mood. "Do you want to continue your parents' business? I think you will do great at it", she gives Rashmi a smile.

Coco stares at the material Hanzo took. "How much did it cost? You are doing this work for us. It doesn't make sense that you should be the one to pay for them, no?" she replies to him. Nikora nods in agreement. "This is for our hotel, I hope you don't intend to pay everything yourself. And your mum is likely proud of you nonetheless."

"Hinoiri has been studying the planet's leylines. It's unclear what, but something had scrambled them and they focus on just three places in the whole site. But that doesn't work the same away underwater. There is much more magic there", she explains. "It's actually much more imbalanced. There are 3 different focus spots on land and as many as 9 of them underwater."

The subject of Koji being completely unaware of Amy's college life is weird, but not one she has an explanation to. "Maybe he is just so focused on his work that he hasn't paid that any mind", she suggests.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Actually I was planning to get into politics myself," Rashmi says to Coco. "I've always liked helping people, but... There's only so much one person can *do,* y'know? And I wanna do *more* than I can just by myself. And I figure if nothing else, I'll remember to my *bones* that people are stronger together. And that there'll always be people I can count on to have my back, like I do theirs."

When Amy bounces off the boy's aura of absolute sanguinity, she can't help but chuckle. "Koji-kun also doesn't like to pry," Rashmi says, as Koji gathers the tools they're going to be needing, and just makes a gesture encompassing the boy's entire Barrier Jacket. "I mean... if *anyone* was gonna be likely to keep his questions to himself? Ninja. Remember, Amy-chan, a *lot* of us have had most of a year to get used to magic making everything weirder. By this point, for a lot of us? Moon princesses, mermaid queens, and oh yeah *pieces of a spaceship* that keep falling to Earth... I mean, what even *is* weird anymore?"

Grinning, she pats her fellow redhead's shoulder, then moves off to trail after Koji, her map of the hotel slowly gaining better and better resolution as Nicomachea maps more of the surrounding area.

Koji Silvia has posed:
Once he gets to work, Koji is a master of multi-tasking, as he talks to Rashmi while at the same time sending texts and pictures of what's being done to the walls and ceiling of the first floor to Nikora via the network of phones in the space. She is getting copies of what's being done, plus the costs of the use of the items and materials as needed so she can tally up for reimbursement later.

    "You know..."

There's a breath as he wipes his brow and then pulls a bunch of wiring out to be set up for the camera, splicing together for power and video.

    "You'd be good in politics... but probably not in the forefront. As much as I love here, the hang-ups still get to me. It's one of the reasons why I am on track to go to a technical school or engineering college instead of one of the big schools like Mamoru or Kazuo-sama. That way, I don't stand out too much. The school makes it easy to forget how harsh real life can be"

After a bit and a couple more camera mount points, the seeming grimness seems to fade some, "Anyways... maybe I'm just being bad at being a friend. You've worked so hard to become who you are now... I don't want you to get stepped on too hard when you go for your dream. Forget about it."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    It's not that Koji is ignorant of Amy having been to college, but that he doesn't comment on it at all -- however, Rashmi explains that the guy just doesn't like to pry, and she nods.

    Coco asks about the cost. "Yeah, that's school equipment, if any of it's supplies that get used up here, although obviously he's gonna return the tools. Uhh, if you bought cables and stuff she's right, don't forget to itemize that stuff for reimbursement."

    She looks back to Coco. "It's still friggin' wild that the planet even has leylines. Wow. I wonder what they look like. Has she shared a map?"

    Koji talks to Rashmi about the future. "...What... politics, at RHM? Or does he mean Japan?" Amy hangs her head, "In which case, mood. I don't know what to do about it..."

    His talk of his own college plans reminds her that she can't imagine retiring from being a magical gir, and there's the concern of the Fade... she shakes her head, and the sounds of typing and mouse clicks resume from her workstation.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Sounds like a good plan to me, I could see you doing great", Coco agrees at Rashmi explaining her intentions for the future. Even if her understanding of politics is colored by the substantial difference in way they do things underwater, but that doesn't preclude the relevant aspects to understand what Rashmi is referring to. Unity is as important there as everywhere.

"I don't think you have to see it in such a negative light, Hanzo. You are just being concerned about her. You all have beautiful ideas for the future. Though, I don't know what's Amy's yet, but I am sure hers is the same too."

She waves around at the place. "I will go back to taking care of my people, and maybe sometimes you can come visit. I would love that very much. Of course, I will send someone to pick you up when you want to since it's much simpler than you covering the whole distance alone."

When Nikora receives the plans and the prices, she doesn't waste any time in going to calculate all the reimburserment, writing fast on her phone as more and more information comes in.

"I think she does have something like a map, but I don't have it. Her studies with me are more on the efficiency on music throughout the various types of magic, and she just got that concluded. There is lots of it, and I have yet to finish reading it."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Nah," Rashmi chuckles. "You're a good friend. A *bad* friend wouldn't be pointing out the potholes in the road, in case I break my leg on one. But honestly, Koji-kun? I really worry about how *hard* you put yourself in the background, y'know? And *believe me,* I get how comfortable it can be when nobody has expectations of you, but like..."

Rashmi's hand flutters at the camera being put together. "You like *so much* to be a help. And it's okay to be *known* for being the guy who can help. I'm not saying you should put yourself out more, just, like... People *appreciate* you. It's okay to drink that in, once in awhile. You deserve to feel appreciated too."

Coco's encouragement is met with a beaming smile and a nod of agreement, and the offer clearly tickles her. "Oh I *absolutely will,*" she says, winding up a bundle of cable for transport to the next stop. "And I'll definitely let you know when that is! Also... did she end up finding anything interesting? Beyond the whole 'magic is weird except when it's not' thing that seems to just happen?"

Koji Silvia has posed:
As the pair wind up finishing the first floor in record time, everything done so all someone has to do is put the cameras physically in place, plug them in, and screw them to their mount... Koji comes back into the main area, stopping to pick up and finish the rest of his drink, "Maybe you're right. Or maybe... I'm just waiting my turn. Who knows?"

He gets that familiar tick that only comes from the modern era, and someone is getting the phone buzz of a text. Absently swiping his hand in the air as if to 'bring up the app', he blinks once, and then rubs the back of his neck, "Sorry... I have to go. Prior engagement. But I'll come back night after tomorrow to help finish up at least setting up the other floors for you Coco."

Packing up the kits he brought with him, he hefts them up and instead of going out of Henshin, he just uses his illusion to make himself look like a student again, though like before the light plays funny around his face to keep him from being fully seen, "If this place kicks off well, I'll see if my mom will talk to her bosses about having some meetings here... sure, they may not be magic, but magic doesn't pay the bills or build reputation. Anyways... later!"

Either by good timing or massive luck, a car pulls up outside as he heads to the door, and a college-age driver in a van that looks like it's been repaired from some serious side-damage helps him get his things in the back before they head off.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    HER idea for the future? Amy cringes slightly as that's brought up. "It's not mine to decide. It... it's for this generation. They don't need an old lady like me meddling." Although, there's a certain sadness as she says that. "If you mean personally, I...I don't know what to do except be a magical girl, or... or Hannah's girlfriend. When this is..." She shakes her head. "I know it's a failure in planning, but... I'm focused on now. I-if it all crashes and burns later, at least I'll have made good memories, instead of stressing out over the future. Alright?"

    Her focus on her work broken, she turns away in her chair to take a few breaths and sip the drink Nikora brought.

    "...Could I see a copy of those notes on magic and music, after? I'm curious, too."

    Conversation happens between Rashmi and Koji, and Amanda's honestly not sure what to advise without looking like a hypocrite. Sometime after Koji leaves, thoughts manage to worm their way through her brain:

    "...He's a guy, Rashmi. We're... we were told by society to be self-sufficient and not need help, and to provide for others." She can't meet their gazes as she speaks on this. "I... got a different out by invalidating the 'guy' part, but like. That might be part of it. I'm. Not sure what someone who's actually a guy needs to do to work through that stuff."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Mostly just neat stuff, it is an interesting read if you are into trivia. There are lots of details about how the magic level in one's voice changes if you have magic attuned to it, if you don't, then if you used to have powers but now don't, or if you simply don't have powers at all", Coco sums up quickly. "I don't know what she had to do to get that last one, she must have tried a lot to explain all of it without revealing the truth", Coco smiles.

Her attention is reserved to Hanzo once the boy announces he is being required elsewhere. "Thank you so much for coming in today, you were really helpful, I will let you know how the rest goes for when you come back."

Nikora looks up from her calculations as well. "Yes, you work well. I certainly took note of your dedication to your work today, and I look forward to seeing what you can do with the floor above." Though, the Pearl Pier doesn't have the space to allocate to business meetings without essentially closing down the hotel for everyone else, and that's something she doesn't want to do for the clients and especially not for this place's nature as their base.

Coco watches Amy weirdly when she goes over the future mot belonging, and justs sighs and scowls at the end of it. "Don't things about things like that, Amy. You must have a dream or a passion you want to chase after. How do you see that as interfering? This is your life, and you deserve to live it with your dreams."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy cringes a little at being told not to think about things that way. And that she must have a dream. "I..." She shakes her head. "Sorry. I guess maybe I do... have as much say as anyone else... but I don't know what to do with it."

    She must have a dream! "This is it." She holds her hand over her chest. I got to be this. And...I get to matter and help people with magic, and make a difference... I helped save the world fighting Beryl and Sunset."

    "I don't know how to... change the world. And I don't... there's no job, there's no way to make money, that's fun. If you turn your fun into a job, it won't be fun anymore."

    "And there's lots of things that sound cool, like making videogames, but..." She looks away. "I'm not drawn to do that in my spare time, am I? So it's not something I really want to do. I don't... I'm just not someone who naturally produces anything of value. Until the world changes... change that I cannot make it do... You work to live. Unless you are very lucky."

    She takes a breath, her fingers tightening on the chair's armrests as she feels her throat tighten.

    "But I get to be this. I get to be a magical girl. I get to have friends and people who actually like having me around. That is already so much more than I could ever have asked for. I don't know how to..."

    She pauses, lets out a breath, takes in another breath. "This is the dream. You speak of dreams as futures we work towards. But when your present is the dream, what comes after?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco is stumped at that reply from Amy. She can't say she really knows all that well what humans do to go through their daily life, but she just can't accept this is how it is for them. Singing is already her job, necessary to safeguard her kingdom and all people, and she isn't finding it any less fun!

"Amy, are you saying you would hate producing games if you could do it while making money? I understand you never really got to live your original life, but there is always more you can do. What will do once you get back to your previous age? Will you be content to work the same menial job instead of doing something you actually like?"

She sighs, not really liking what she is about to say next. "You know well this won't last. For me, I will go back to my kingdom. For you, age will change things all around you. We have to cherish the precious things we are doing even if it will hurt when they change. They still had meaning, you know? We just have to turn it into a future that shines just as brightly."

She places her drink on the reception, crossing her arms. "Have you have really tried to have something you think it's fun as your job? You say your fun will become a job, but what if you are wrong? What if your job will become fun?"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy sighs and turns back to Coco. "Of course I don't want to work a menial job either. But I can at least get one that has me sitting around with lots of free time and air conditioning." She gestures around them.

    "But that's just it. I loved learning, once. I read science books as a little kid. I learned to program computers, which also involved learning about algebraic concepts like variables. I wanted to know all about how the world worked."

    "...But then there's school. Learn at THIS pace, too slow or too fast. Do it *our* way. Be organized on your own. Show up on time."

    Amy leans back in her chair. "I don't spend any time learning about math or science or engineering anymore. There's some youtube videos that make some things fun to learn about, like game design." She looks at Coco. "But you don't see me making games, do you?" She sits up again. "There's a lot of tedious groundwork involved in starting. Coding an engine from scratch is something I never really learned to do, and every time I try to work with an existing one I spend hours fighting my tools until I give up. I think the last time I tried was..."
    She turns to the laptop. Tikka tak. Tikka tak. Click click. "Over a year and a half ago."

    She looks back to Coco. "Singing is fun, but in chorus we spend all this time rehearsing for like two performances a year. I'm here for class and the occasional after-school rehearsal anyway because school. But am I really gonna do that for fun if school didn't force me to?" She shakes her head. "Not to mention there's all the stuff like trying to convince people to hire you."

    She spins her chair and throws out her arms and legs. "As soon as money and structure are involved, anything can be ruined. Imagine if running tabletop RPGs was a job. Well, it can be, today. Paid GMing? How am I gonna handle people who didn't understand what I was going for, or didn't know how to play and didn't learn and want their money back? Playing or running for a stream? Now you gotta be on camera and a good actor. Better never have a creative slump or you'll lose all your viewers. Plus, there's all the time setting up the tools for recording and mixing everything, and then actually editing it."

    The chair has spun to a stop by now, and she turns towards Coco again. "That's the difference between play and work. Work is work. I dunno how being paid to be a magical girl would ruin it but I'm sure there'd be some way."

    "You know what the best prospect for my future is? Being Hannah's royal consort. I'd be her friend and support her anyway, but it's not like it's a job, is it? You're taken care of and don't have to worry about money. There's stupid political bullshit, but... for her, I could try to learn, and I know she'll protect me from the worst of it. Ultimately, that's just the gay version of marrying a rich guy so you don't have to work."

    Amy shakes her head. "There's nothing I'm driven to do that produces monetary value. But at least I get a few precious years where that doesn't matter." She breathes faster, getting choked up, eyes tearing up a bit. "So I'm gonna enjoy them. For all we know I'll die in battle anyway. Or Fade and not remember this anyway;" she wipes a tear from her eye. "Some other girl will take my place then, she won't be me."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco feels a bit out of place here, she doesn't really have an answer to Amy saying it would still be a frustrating job nonetheless due to the people that she would have to work with. "I think you have much more time to learn now, you have some 20 years of your life, no? Those are years you didn't have previously. You can use them to actually learn the programming you want, and if you find some problem, I want to help you overcome it. I really think you can do it now", she tries to encourage the redhead.

"You and Hannah seem really tight-knit, and I doubt she sees you as marrying into money. You know what I think she would do if she were here? She would challenge you to a duel for daring to insult her girlfriend. And hug you either before or after it happens", Coco places a hand on Amy's shoulder.

Her first reaction when the subject of the Fade comes up is hesitation. "That scares me too, even if it's from the opposite side as you. I don't know how to overcome that still, but I want to find a way. I don't want to lose anybody, and there is nothing that's going to stop me", she promises solemnly.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy feels a bit awkward. A friend is trying to be supportive, but... "That's still putting an awful lot of eggs in one basket for something I might not enjoy in the end. And I don't have the spoons to work on multiple baskets *and* be a magical girl *and* do school." And read manga.

    The comment about what Hannah would do does get a good-natured laugh out of her. "Yeah, she probably would! I have no idea how to duel her, I guess she'd have to teach me swordplay first."

    The Fade is a sobering topic. "I think everyone might be in agreement on that, at least, so maybe we'll be able to do something about it. Perhaps we should ask Hinoiri for her thoughts, come to think of it." And perhaps Sailor Moon can undo it with that power she has, since her mother put it in place in the first place. I'm sure she's thought about it. I wonder what her thoughts on that are. Not exactly something to just raise in casual conversation, Amy thinks.

    "...Honestly, I guess there's no way of knowing if it even applies to Puella Magi. My soul is outside my body. Does that make me a magical being, like you?" She shrugs.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco just stays there awkwardly, trying to think it through. She feels a bit out of her depth here, and she doesn't have a suggestion ready to go. "Just think it through. This is what you are going to do in your life. Find something you know you will enjoy and give that your all."

Coco does not want to consider the case of anyone of them dying in a fight, she absentmindedly touches her locket thinking about the contingency that is also a responsibility.

Amy's laughter is met with a smile, inducing a bit of levity in their conversation. "This is Hannah we are talking about, she would be really eager to teach you swordplay." She is in fact surprised she hasn't done so already.

"No way that's the case", Coco shakes her head in response to Amy's thinking on the Silver Crystal. "I think Hinoiri is still warming up to people, but she is dependable and I trust her, so she would have brought it up if she had a direction. We were discussing what to have her study now she has finished her music research."

The consideration that Amy might have the same exception as her makes Coco pause. "Too hard to tell. I don't think I have met a cause like yours. If Noel were here, she would have a better answer than me", the mermaid looks to the side where the others are busy managing the business.

She didn't come either. Too busy managing her kingdom to fight off Gaito's menace. "My hunch tells me no, since you are still human, or your body is. But I have no idea if you are more that", she nods with a bit of annoyance at the Soul Gem.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Find what you enjoy. "Who knows. Maybe due to magic there'll be some option I never would've even thought of. Maybe I can... be a magical girl and people-helper on the side."

    Hinoiri would have brought it up by now? "Oh right yeah in magic class, right, good point."

    Hard to tell. "In another way of looking at it, I'm sort of a larval witch. Although hopefully I can turn out to be a nymph, instead."

    Amy stretches her arms over her head. "Human? I mean, so're you, if you're just talking mental architecture and such, right? Hell, who's to say the body's even human, if that's what you mean, not like we've checked its DNA. That might've gotten rewritten. Or... made from whole cloth. I was not actually conscious of the seconds between being ripped out of my old body and waking up in this one." She taps her chin.

    Amy looks down at the ring. She flips her hand over, holding the Soul Gem's 'egg' form. "More 'that'? What does that even mean? It's a container for a soul. But I am a mind. Whatever you magically change me into, I'm still me."

    Back to a ring it goes as she leans back in the chair, hands behind her head. "Or... nonmagically change me. I was still a girl in the old body, even if I didn't know it."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Turning into a mermaid yourself, not just mimicking our form, would be a solution that would let you stay a magical girl", Coco considers. "But that is something only Aqua Regina can do."

"Talking about sapience like it's a human mental architecture is a bit weird", Coco hums. "With all the fairies you have met, you should agree it's outdated, no? Hippo has a human and penguin form, but he is neither. Madame Taki's real form is an oyster. And I am a mermaid, even if I may look like a human for ease of travel."

"If you are not angry about that, I will stop making a big deal out of it", Coco shrugs about Amy asserting she is still herself. "I don't like you referring to yourself like a larval Witch, though. It is not your purpose to grow into one", Coco looks at Amy with a bit of surprise and suspicion.

"Kyubey hasn't been talking to you, has he?", she asks. He has been uncomfortably blasè about the whole thing when Amy got dangerously hurt and she wouldn't be surprised if he were up to something.

"What is a nymph though? You didn't talk about this when you had explained Witches to me, and I have seen nothing like that around." Given Witches themselves, she can't be talking about actual nymphs after all.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "I mean... sorry. I wasn't trying to say that you had human minds, so much as... we've all kinda got the same sort of minds? I think?"

    She blinks. "No, he hasn't talked to me again. And I mean..." She looks away. "...It's something I hope doesn't happen, but it's undeniably a possibility, like dying in battle, and it is what Kyubey set us all up for before we found out. That's all I meant by it. I don't want to be a Witch."

    She blinks. "...So a larva is when the infant form of something goes through a transformation, like a caterpillar into a butterfly. A nymph is when the juvenile form looks just like the adult but smaller. So I was... I dunno. Making a bad biology joke." She shrugs.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Yes, we do have the same sort of mind, but the Fade targets humans, not magical beings, so it was important to clarify with our current discussion", Coco replies to Amy.

Air flows out loudly through Coco's nose in a huff, but she lets it go. She doesn't want to start a petty discussion over terms used. Amy just didn't meant it that way. "Sorry", she tells her.

A 'ah' of understanding is heard when Amy explains what she meant. "I was stuck trying to find an abstract meaning. I was figuring you meant there was another transformation you could go into", she explains herself.

"Why don't I let you have a look around the place? We have only really seen the hallways", Coco invites Amy.