2010/The Cat, the Turtle and the Bug

From Radiant Heart MUSH

The Cat, the Turtle and the Bug
Date of Scene: 20 October 2024
Location: Plot Room 2
Synopsis: Cat Noir heads to Master Fu's to return the Ladybug Miraculous. A decision to change back to Adrien so he wouldn't risk leading anyone to Master Fu results in the revelation that he is Cat Noir to Marinette who was already there.
Cast of Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Adrien Agreste

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Master Fu sits, Wayzz resting on a small cushion in the corner. Incense scents the room, and his eyes are closed. The room is his massage parlour, a business which gives him ample opportunity for healing. On the door is a small sign: closed for personal reasons. There is also a small hand-drawn birthday cake on it, but it is small and unobtrusive.

Opening his eyes, Master Fu glances at a clock. "Not long now," he says, disturbing Wayzz's repose.

The little Kwami stirs, then rises and gives a cute little stretch. Looking around, it smiles and nods. "I unlocked the door," it says, giving a tiny salute.

Both of them look to the door, expectant but patient. There are cookies set out and a glass of milk. Who could be coming?

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Cat Noir was outside on the rooftop across the street. There was a small issue he was currently worrying over how to handle as he crouches low. "Okay. So I have teo make sure that no one sees me go in there, in case Hawkmoth is following me or has someone else keeping an eye on me." He sighs quietly. "Normally I would just change back but then you would know my identity, Tikki."

Tikki nods solemnly as she floats near him. Plagg couldn't chime in on this topic at the moment. "That's true. It is a tough decision."

"I've really been trying hard to keep my identity secret like Ladybug wants." Cat Noir frowns quietly. "And there's good reason why, I agree, but this current issue has proven that it's not the best way to handle things either."

Tikki reaches out to pat his shoulder consolingly. "I know it's been a thing that you have argued over before. It's not really something I can advise on."

Cat Noir smiles toward her in response. "I know. I've spoken to Plagg about it plenty as well. Right now I'm more concerned with getting there and not blowing his cover as well as mine. I think I have a solution though."

"Plagg, Claws In!"

There's a gentle knock to the door before it's opened allowing Adrien to pop inside pausing at the sight of Master Fu there in that way. He's wearing a raincoat though, and a floppy rain hat, in spite of the sunny weather outside. Also a... fake moustache. "Ahem. Sorry to bother you, sir, I need a moment of your time."

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Master Wang Fu turns to the door. "Please, enter," he says, his voice kind and welcoming. Wayzz slips behind a book, not making a huge effort to hide himself. More out of propriety than need. The door opens.

And Master Fu has to lower his eyes almost the instant he sees who is outside, so as not to laugh. he does smile, and has control of himself a moment later. As he says, "Please. Sit."

He motions to a seat, and to the cookies. There is a standing curtain in the room, protecting the massage bed from view. Also, the window is shuttered for privacy. "How can I help you?"

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste was a model but was he an actor? Of course he had acted before. The list of accomplishments he had in extra curricular activities was outstanding. Yet knowing he was going to have to act in this instance (or lie, let's just face it) meant that he was going to be feeling very guilty for doing so. It was perhaps better to do this than anything else though.

"Thank you," he remarks in a voice only slightly muffled due to the moustache that was possibly picked up at a dollar store in the 'gags and joke' department. He sits properly cross legged and ignores the cookies for now. Though they did garner the attention of Tikki!

"I was asked by a friend to bring something to you so that you could return it to it's owner." In case the disguise didn't work out he could at least claim he was helping Cat Noir out! Right?

Tikki flies out at this point already chomping down on a cookie as he reaches into his pocket to withdraw the earrings.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
"Ah. I see," Master Fu says, as he sees Tikki. Before she even flies to the cookies, he's seen her and acknowledged what this must mean. Eyes turning back to Adrien, he lets the young man finish what he needs to say.

Wayzz comes out, flitting to Tikki's side. They have a moment together, Kwamis uniting and communicating. It's cute! And slightly mystical in some ancient mascot kind of fashion.

The old man's eyes look Adrien over. He steeples his fingers, not reaching for the earrings. "They aren't owned, the Miraculouses. They were always meant to be passed on, some day." There's a patience in him, how he chooses his actions. "Though the lady involved has reached out to me. She is understandably upset."

No surprise there. It wouldn't do to let the Earrings fall into the wrong hands!

Then he adds, "Hawk Moth can not hear what we are saying. Not in here." As if he's a mindreader. Or just, someone who knows what a young hero might be thinking. "So, I have to ask you something."

"Where did you get that moustache?" His eyes twinkle, obviously amused.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste lets out a breath when his cover is suitably blown. Tikki was out of the proverbial bag, and the earrings produced. Even Plagg comes out to join them for the moment. It was so rare that they were all together, after all!

"A couple blocks from here at the dollar store," He explains with a good natured laugh as his 'disguise' was seen through easily. "I didn't want to risk being seen coming here." He reaches up to sweep his hat off at least even if he's still left in the rest of the 'disguise' this way.

"I know they're not owned as well. In this case it was accidental that it was left behind, and the girl who got it wanted to make sure it was brought back. She already has her own powers to contend with."

A bit relieved he watches the Kwami a moment as the chatter away a mile a minute.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
A gentle humming is the Master's response, as he thinks through what he's been told. He reaches for a cookie, nibbling on one himself, then motions to them when he's done so. "Please, I made them myself. They're delicious!"

The three Kwamis certainly seem to think so, even the cheese-fiend himself might deign to try something made by Fu.

Looking at the three, Master Fu chooses to be indirect. "You know, they'll never give away our secrets. It's not in their nature. I think they're so old, they don't feel time the way we do. We are the young ones, here."

He's rambling, perhaps just a little, but his eyes return to Adrien. And he smiles. "No, we would need to do that ourselves. When it's the right time." Well, if that isn't a lead-in then, well. "My time was long ago. When I had a friend who I trusted."

With his life? He's so very old, he couldn't truly understand. Could he?

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste finally relents with a quiet, "Thank you sir," as he reaches for one of the cookies as well. It would be rude to refuse after all. The talk of secrets, and revealing them, draws his gaze back up toward the wisened Guardian.

"I know. I'm not against sharing secrets with the right people. Trying to keep a secret alone is difficult."

His smile grows fond as he thinks of his friends. All of them. Those that know, and those that don't. "I know my friends would help any way they could but I did make a promise I'm trying to keep as well."

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Master Fu nods to Adrien. He doesn't have tea to offer, but it would feel right if he did. He waits, tilting his head, then says, "I have never doubted you, my young friend. Not since the first time we met. You were always a thoughtful and hopeful person, in my eyes." Eyes which have seen many things.

"But I was not talking to you," he says, then turns his gaze to the right. Toward the curtain, separating the massage bed from the rest of the room. He stops then, and the room seems still. Quiet.

And a small female hand reaches out from behind the curtain, touching its edge.

Hesitates. Oh, those fingers. And then it slides open, and a hunched over figure of a crying girl, a girl with blue hair, is revealed. Her face is down.

The school outfit.

Blue hair.

Tikki flies up, resting in her hair, verifying everything. As Marinette sniffles, not looking up.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"Then who-" The sentence doesn't get to finish when the hand appears causing Adrien to lower his hand that had been raised with the cookie in his grasp. The sight of that hand causes his heart to leap up in his throat when he realizes who it might be.


No... No not Ladybug. Not currently at least, as revealed by the girl that steps out. Crying. There's so much he could do. He could hide, he could shout, he could transform before she looked up. So many options.

The one he takes is instinctive as soon as he realizes she's crying.

Without hesitation he leaps to his feet to step toward her. "Marinette?! Are you okay?" It's only once this moustachioed blonde wearing a raincoat (sans hat still) is before her gazing at her with concerned green eyes that he does finally pause. Of course he wanted to hug her! She was crying! But would she want to hug him?

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Marinette sits on the massage table. Bed, table, whatever it is. She fell back a step when he approached, her eyes coming up.

Their eyes meet, and it's definitely her. The eyes, the twitch in her cheek. The way her hair falls past her eyes. The way she starts to laugh. Laugh?

She doesn't mean to, but there's no stopping it. She looks at the moustache, then a giggle comes out of her, unstoppable. She coughs, then giggles, covering her mouth a second. Then she grabs at him.

She's shaking against him then, arms holding on tightly. The laugh fell away, fast as it came. And she's whispering, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.

Master Fu stands, going to put on the tea. He looks at the kwamis, then nods. "We'll need tea," he murmurs. Likely true.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
It takes a second for him to remember he has the fake moustache on. It was an attempt at blonde but ended up being far too much of a fake orangey color and no where near his own hair color. That's what you get when you get a dollar store moustache made of faux fur. This might only add to the hilarity of the moment for Marinette though.

The laugh that comes causes him to smile in response even as she tries to stifle it. He clears his throat, and starts to quip, "I moustache if you're all right-" Then he's caught up in her grip. Without complaint he wraps his arms around her giving a firm squeeze to show he wasn't going anywhere or going to push her away. It's the quiet apologies that finally get him to shake his head.

"It's okay, Marinette, it's okay. You're not alone in this. I've got some really great friends I can introduce you to, as well. Ones that have a bit more experience than we do in this field."

"But we've done our best until now. There's no need to apologize for that."

Hearing the mention of tea he glances over to Master Fu giving a small nod of thanks in his direction.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
But, it's not that easy. Heh heh heh.

She holds tight to Adrien a bit longer, then firmly pushes him back. At arms length, her makeup is destroyed but she's clearly HER. And that strength is in her, her entire self rebelling against the sadness. Now that she has a friend, of course.

"I'll be okay. I'm okay, I mean." She nods, holding him with her hands, looking him over. She lets go with one hand, to wipe her cheeks. "I'm okay." It bears repeating, and only proves how fragile it really is.

"But, I thought you were Cat Noir when you came in." She focuses on the moustache, then pauses. The veil is broken, so.


She leans back, letting go. And points at him, utterly speechless.

Master Fu, however, returns with a boiling pot and sets it down. Not a word. He doesn't need one.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste reaches up to peel the moustache off with only the quietest of 'ows' at the sticky tape tugging on his upper lip. Duct tape was worse. This wasn't so bad. Totally revealed, and the truth revealed as well, he watches as it clicks into place in her mind earning a little grin.

His hand sweeps up to catch at her pointing hand as he leans forward to press a kiss to the back of her hand much as Cat Noir had done in the past. "Hi there, Buggaboo."

With a little chuckle he stands up straight again just as Plagg flies over to float near his shoulder giving a little wave. "And I'm Plagg! All these sweets are getting too much for me. Adrieeeen where's the Camemebert?" Looking bemused he chuckles. "In my bag, Plagg. Help yourself. I think we all could use a snack at this point."

"Would you like your tea Marinette? Since Master Fu is kind enough to make some." It occurs to him then that the note on the door had a birthday cake on it, and his eyes widen. "Oh! Master Fu, it's your birthday isn't it? I'm so sorry I didn't realize I would have brought a gift!"

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Looking between Marinette's still-stunned expression and the way that the two are finally together, Master Fu sits down. He starts to serve, and smiles. "When you get to 186...no wait, 187 now...years of age, Adrien, you'll realize that the best gifts are good memories."

Placing a cup of steaming tea before Marinette, he says to Adrien, "I would say that you've brought me a fine gift indeed." Then he begins on a second cup, for another friend.

To be fair Marinette looks as if she needs it the more. She pauses, her hands shaking as she lifts the tea, and looks at the back of her hand.

"Is it really you?" Pause, frown. There's that intelligence again. So sharp, that girl! "No, of course it is. I can't believe I didn't figure it out ages ago. We're both here, in Japan? And so are the...other us's?"

She looks up. Her eyes sparkle, literally. "Magic?"

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Quickly, Marinette adds, "Also it's nice to finally meet YOU, Plagg." And she offers him a finger to touch.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Plagg gives Marinette's finger a little dap of greeting before floating backwards and awaaay toward the messenger bag Adrien always carried. He was on the hunt for cheese. It only takes him a moment to zip inside it, and then appear again carrying a little triangle of the cheese in question. "Ah, time for the good stuff!" It's stuffed into his mouth in one go amidst little 'mms' and 'oh yeahs' as he floats back over to the other Kwami who were likely used to this behavior from him. Or at least not surprised in the least.

Adrien moves to sit again before reaching out to accept the tea offered. "Thank you, Master Fu. I'm glad I'm at least here for it then."

The blonde looks back to Marinette with a grin as she still is working on it. "Yeah. It does make sense now, thinking on it. I've met a few others here that I didn't realize the identity of until told though. I think that's the effect of the magic itself."

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
But Marinette is on now. She keeps gesturing, her brow furrowed and face intense. "But, no, that's not. You were right there, the whole time! And we both knew too much most of the time, and you were RIGHT THERE! And I saw it all, and you were always there when trouble happened, and you never saw all the times that my let's face it my excuses were garbage half the time and I don't know how they passed but they always did!"

Tikki, floating over to Adrien, says, "She'll be a minute. I'm Tikki! We've met, but not like this."

Marinette is on about something else, following the train of thought. "We were caught on camera! At least ...once? Nothing! Not a blip!"

Master Fu is laughing, now. He can't help it. "The Veil protects us all," he offers. But he's having a grand time, tonight.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"I wasn't sure why you were giving such odd excuses, but I thought you had a personal reason you just didn't want to share. I tried to respect that. You never seemed like someone to do something without a good reason," Adrien explains simply as he looks down to his tea. Of course Marinette continues on.

Tikki's greeting is met with a polite nod. "A pleasure to meet you finally, Tikki. Plagg's mentioned you a lot. When he's not cat napping or stuffing his face at least."

"Oh, yes, the Veil has been proven not to be broken by cameras before. Even with other magical sorts, unless it's revealed, your identity is secret. Though a good many know one another at this point... Oh! Right! The Shed."

Matter-of-fact he looks back to Marinette. "There's a safe place a lot meet up to pass along information and talk of issues near the school. I'll have to show it to you. It'll help for keeping in touch with others."

There's a long pause before he asks, "I guess the final question is... Are we okay, Marinette?" The slight hitch in his voice is noticable. That little bit of doubt, of worry, that sometimes came over him. "Still partners?"

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Marinette has stopped talking. Her mouth is still open, and she was mid-rant, but she's stopped. She pauses, closes her mouth, and lowers her hand mid-gesture.

Then she exhales, letting the tension leave her. She closes her eyes, then opens them again. "Well, that just proves to me that you're Cat Noir," she says, leaning closer and putting a hand on his shoulder.

"You're a dummy. Who else could I rely on to have my back, but you?"

Then she smiles, the tiniest bit. "Pound it," she says, her hand offering a fist.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
The instant relief that comes brings with it a laugh, and that far more genuine smile that he usually wore. Not the 'model Adrien' smile but the easy 'Adrien' or even 'Cat Noir' grin that was often infections.

"Pound it," he agrees reaching up to dap her fist with his own.

This was not how he expected today to go! But it was a good thing, he thinks.