2016/Halloween Horror Marathon

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Halloween Horror Marathon
Date of Scene: 24 October 2024
Location: Plot Room 3
Synopsis: On Halloween, Chiyo and Taro have a Halloween movie marathon.
Cast of Characters: Taro Yamada, Chiyo Sakai

Taro Yamada has posed:
"Alright. Do we want horror or American Horror? I've got both we can pick from," Taro says as he goes through the collection of DVDs he's been collecting at 300 yen a pop in the bargain bins in various stores. He's got two bentos on the table - no one wants to do dishes on movie night!! - and the tv is buzzing and waiting for them to pick something.

Dory the doll has ditched her theater mask and is lounging on the couch in a pink kimono, her craggy vampire face cracked open in delight as she helps sort the DVDs.

(Jack, for now, is nowhere to be seen.)

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
While Taro had provided movies, and dinner, Chiyo was in charge of the snacks, drinks. And of course the pillows and blankets because let's face it: Horror movies on a chilly autumn night were meant to be watched in the dark under warm blankets.

Rashmi was out right now, as was Wako, which was a good thing. She wasn't certain how Wako felt about horror movies but she knew Rashmi did not have a good tolerance for them. Even if it was a horror-comedy.

She plops two blankets down on the couch that was here in front of the television up against the wall and glances over her shoulder with a grin. "We could alternate. I've seen a few foreign ones that were more comedic but still good. Any recommendations?"

Taro Yamada has posed:
"Ok so - Army of Darkness is a classic and we both know this, so this could be good as an opener or as a finisher," Taro says. "For new American horror films - this one Nope is really good? There's a bunch of stuff I had to read about about American stuff to really GET it, it's like how Matango is about mushroom monsters but also about the aftermath of the war and it's effects on people, but it's still really good without it, it's an alien invasion horror film. There's one scene that scared me silly and I'm really good at horror usually." He shudders enthusiastically - nothing like seeing a master of the craft at work! "The Thing is a classic full horror film from the 80s. When it came out, reviewers said the special effects were TOO nasty and bloody, and they are, but it works. And, lemme see - have you seen Jaws? You probably have, you have good taste, but if not it's foundational in American horror for a reason. Spielburg's later films get really cluttered, but Jaws is extremely effecient in it's horror."

Oh no, he's never going to shut up now.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai considers all the options that are being discussed as she settles down into a spot so she can tug one of the blankets over her lap. Best for coziness! The drinks are nearby, and there's a mini-fridge she's currently repositioned for quick refills without having to leave the couch. It was Wako's fridge but she doubts she'd mind.

"I've seen Jaws, yes, and Army of Darkness." Here she pauses, grinning, "But I've never actually seen 'The Thing.' I got a bootleg copy a few years ago but it was some other movie called 'The Stuff' that came out around the same time? About aliens taking over people via some yogurt substance found in the Arctic."

"I'd be up for actually seeing it!"

Taro Yamada has posed:
Taro Yamada says, "+ooc i dont think i can forget the scene where the paper mache head explodes into yogurt"

Taro Yamada has posed:
Taro Yamada says, "@emit "The Stuff! Yeah, that's more of a horror comedy than a horror with a focus on criticizing the commercialism of America in the 80s. The Thing is more about - if it's about a specific American cultural thing I don't know, it's more about how we can never know other people as well as we think. Also horrible aliens in Antarctica. It's the BEST. There's been a bunch of parodies in anime over the years."

Dory offers the DVD and he yoimks it, grabbing the DVD and putting it in.

"The special effects are SO good. I watched it when it came out in Japan and it was awesome!""

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"When it came out?" Chiyo pauses to squint at Taro only to look down to Dory instead with a smile of amusement. "He's not good at hiding his age, is he?" She asks conspiratorially in a teasing way. Of course she already knew his secret, but it was rather easy to forget the whole age thing given he didn't look old.

He did, on occasion, act it. But usually not so much that she didn't forget on occasion in the first place.

"Sounds like it'll be good then! Hit the lights and get over here so we can start," she suggests with a pat to the couch beside her. She's even made a spot for Dory of course. Jack doesn't get one because she hasn't met him yet. Probably for the best.

Taro Yamada has posed:
"I don't have to hide it with yooooou!" Taro faux-wails, throwing his head back as the DVD menu comes on. This is one of those instant printed cheapo DVDs that has the movie and that's it, which - Taro is looking for one with all the gizmos and extras but he's a busy student, just having hte movie for now will do.

He hits the lights, comes over with their dinners and a bowl of popcorn, and tucks himself under the blankets with her. Dory perches on Chiyo's lap rather than take her prepared spot, legs kicking with anticipation as the movie starts.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai rolls her eyes at the wailing but she does grin with good nature over it. Of course she could tease though. When Dory gets into her lap she settles an arm lightly around her so that she can half-hug her comfortably while leaving one hand free for snacks and food.

With the lights off she has to blink a few times as the movie starts. It's just white snow, barking, and the chatter of talk in a foreign language while people in a helicopter chase after a... dog? Shooting at it? How confusing! Moreso when the immenent crash occurs and the Americans run out of their own base wondering wtf was going on.

"Oh that poor dog," she mumbles not knowing yet. Not YET.

Taro Yamada has posed:
"That poor dog," Taro agrees, watching her intently. Jack doesn't know Norwegian and thus neither does he, but he's seen this enough to know what's being shouted, to know what's coming. "Are the subs big enough? My magic translates English automatically so I don' tknow how good they look people who have to actually read them."

Dory hugs Chiyo's arm in turn. SHe has Taro's phone for the duration of the movie - since she can't speak verbally, she's texting her responses to the movie so far, which is mostly a string of :O faces and !!! whenever Chiyo observes something.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai glances down whenever Dory types into the phone so she can see what is going on with a little nod, or grin at the sight of it. "Ah you've seen it before too, of course. No spoiling!" Of course she didn't think they would, either of them.

The question of the subtitles earns a quick nod, and she reaches for her drink to take a sip taking care not to drop any on Dory either. "It's fine. I guess they can't really understand them either which makes sense. There's more languages out there than just English and Japanese." Still, it was curious, and she's soon growing quiet as she gets pulled into the movie.

Taro Yamada has posed:
"My lips are sealed!!"

Besides, knowing Norweigian would spoil the film, so he's keeping mum. "I think them not understanding each other because of language stuff is also themes. You'll see."

But he's being sucked in, leaning forward as the plot unspools, the alien ship, the alienation of the Antarctic crew, the dog stalking the corridors...

Dory keeps on sending !!! and 'So cool!' whenever the dog shows up. Humans who? Jed the wolfdog is her favorite actor here.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"The dog." Chiyo stares at the screen as she sits straight backed against the couch. The popcorn in her lap was untouched by now as she just. Just stares. At the revelation that had unfolded as the movie went on. "That's why they were shooting at the dog. It wasn't a dog the whole time. And they just..." Her hand lifts and GESTURES at the screen looking horribly put out.

"I have to admit I wasn't expecting that. I thought maybe... Okay I don't know what I thought. That was good though." The sound of thunder outside causes her to glance to the window with her nose crinkling. "At least we got to watch it before this storm rolled in. I imagine the power might go out with how that sounds."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"It was a Thing," Taro says, nodding sagely. "And the Thing had messed up the Norwegians real bad."

He's leaning forward, taking in the special effects, the warped not-a-dog beast that was writhing and squirming in the kennel. "Not many movies have the guts to start with killing the dog. It means the stakes are real. And we get a nice preview of the potential worst that could happen if our cast gets Thing'd. Thung?"

He does jump at the thunder, though. "Yeah, I'm glad we got to see some of the special effects. If the power goes out, we can discuss that - and I've got lots of supplies in case of a power outage, so we can sit it out."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai shifts the bowl off her lap to the tableside. Better there than risk dumping it. Besides, she still had Dori in her lap as well and she wasn't about to oust the doll without asking first. "Yeah. Wonder if we should check the weather though. It rolled in pretty quick." Her gaze darts back to the TV though as the movie continues on.

"Well, let's just get a few things together in case the power goes out and watch till then. It'll be easier if it's all close at hand. I'm pretty sure I've got a flash light and some candles but my cellphone can also turn into a light."

Taro Yamada has posed:
"Let me see if I can get the weather app up," Taro says, pulling out his phone. It's one of the newer models, thanks to his Obsideon cash, but he's covered it in the thickest pink protective casing money can buy and decorated it with stickers of Hello Kitty and Jason Vorhees. "It looks like..." He winces. "We're getting a freak monsoon, a one in ten years kind of disaster. Maybe one in fifty, it's getting worse really fast. Bad shit."

He. He really hates monsoons. They are wet and miserable and ruin all the food, he has died in several of them, and they are in danger of not even seeing Spider-Head!! (Who does whatever a spider-head can. Mostly run away and get set on fire.)

"My mini stove is right over there and I can grab the food from under my bed. Dory can help you set things up in here?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai gently scoots Dory off her lap so she can begin to get up. "That sounds like a plan. Sounds like some of the other students on the floor are preparing too," she adds hearing a bit of hubub out in the halls. "We're fairly inland here at least, so shouldn't be too bad I hope." Of course she'd never been in a real monsoon before. Not like this.

If only she knew what the evening had in store.