2092/Dragon Your Behind

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Dragon Your Behind
Date of Scene: 21 November 2024
Location: Mitakihara Ward
Synopsis: The heroes face off against Scorn. Again.
Cast of Characters: Scorn, Mie Kitamura, Rashmi Terios, Amanda Faust, Sayaka Miki

Scorn has posed:
Scorn, The New Pretty Cure Hunter since Phantom got kicked out of Queen Mirage's goof graces, hasb been quiet for a bit. So she appears from a coffin shaped mirror portal... with a new friend in tow. See, she met a dragon. An honest to god real fairy tale dragon.

I'll scratch your back and you'lol scratch mine...! she said.

So thusly, now she's here, at an intersection in the city, a busy one, and stares at a Salaryman on his way home. He seems suddenly taken aback.


Soon, there's a Terribad with a suitcase, and in a suit, rampaging downtown, draining energy and causing civilians to become dragined.

Scorn looks towards her dragon friend. "They..." said with malice. "Will be incoming soon. They always come." she says. "Always."

Mie Kitamura has posed:
Lamya steps out of the coffin with a scowl. She agreed to Scorn's conditions mostly because she was tired of working alone and getting repeatedly defeated by the local Magical population.

"Don't I know it," she replies sardonically. "They're like cockroaches, always there but rarely seen until there's some food lying about." She folds her arms and watches as Scorn summons a Terribad. "This thing has got to be better than those cursed Akanbes that Joker keeps giving me."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Scorn is not wrong.

With the lack of club activities today, Rashmi decided to spend a bit of time trawling the used bookshops in Mitakihara. And the trawling was *exceptionally good,* for tonight Rashmi finally laid her hands on Rune Sky Rhapsody Vol. 32, and tonight? She might find out whether or not Star Princess Darling truly has the ability to broker a peace between the Lunar Dragon Empire and the planet of Ulterra.

Her happy musings are, unfortunately, brought to a screeching halt as her Device chimes a warning in her mind.


Heaving an extremely teenagery sigh, she slipped into a nearby alleyway. First, securing her shopping in her Device's storage. Seconnd, henshin.

And moments later the Device Mage soars between the Mitakihara skyscrapers, orienting on the source of the signal.

She rounds a building, and screeches to a halt in midair. The dragon. And... someone new, who must be in charge of the Terribad.

Well, nerts, this is going to be work...

Utterly unaware that she's simply proving the two right, she raises a hand to... wave in greeting?! "Hiiiiii, Lamya-san! It's been awhile, have you been all right? Who's your friend?"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "There were cool used bookstores in Mitakihara the whole time?" Amy asked, upon asking what Rashmi was up to today. "...Ones that won't turn into Witch labyrinths the moment I go near them, right?"

    She could spend forever here. Just seeing what books there are. Stopping to read the jacket descriptions of some of them, maybe read a bit of prose from inside to see if she likes it... But she'll never have time to read everything.

    Especially when a youma attacks nearby, goddamnit. With a sigh, she puts the book she's looking at back on the shelf and hurries out with Rashmi. "Dang, having inventory space is really handy, huh?"

    After rounding the corner on the ground, the Puella Magi fires a rocket at the terribad. "Oh hey, it's Scorn! Long time no see! How've you been!"

    Amy offers a smile and a wave. "Come to have your plans foiled again? Also hello princess-kidnapping-dragon-lady, what is your deal again I forgot!"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
There are not many occasions Sayaka wouldn't be out in the Mitakihara Ward once school is over and she is not out with friends or patrolling. Well, this still counts as being out with friends. It just so happens that those friends are hanging out right here today. It helped that she knew her way around this part of Tokyo, if they needed it.

"How long have you been looking for that volume?", Sayaka asks once the search is successful. She wasn't familiar enough with the series to recall what is the continuation Rashmi had been waiting for with bated breath, but she has heard enough to keep up with the conversation, at least.

"Sayaka, can we buy some volumes too?", Ula asks after reading the summary, her gaze showing a strong interest. Sadly, there isn't much time for an answer, nor for their hangout to continue when youma time comes earlier than usual today too. Taking the same course of action as Rashmi, she finds her own secluded spot, jumping out of it in henshin. "You are not the trio, or Phantom. Are you Scorn?", Sayaka tries to guess looking at the crow witch. Not like there were other alternatives. "I think the dragon has something about bad ends", the bluenette tells Amy, trying to recall their one encounter.

Scorn has posed:
Scorn is looking at her Terribad as it drains energy as she side eyes Lamya a little before turning back to her. "They're here." she says as she points at Cure Sharpsong. "I AM SCORN, PRETTY CURE HUNTER!" she says. Indeed, Scorn is replete in white coat. It used to be Phantom's.

"TERRIBAD!" she says throwing her hand out as the Terribad turns towards the group of heroes and the Suitcase opens before shooting off a barrage of magic missiles out of it towards the heroes...! "TERRIBAD!" screams the youma.

"I'll capture you all..." she says, giving Amy a hard frown. "-and send you all to MY graveyard...!" she says loudly, boldly.

"I have help! today!" she bellows. "SEE!? I HAVE....friends..." she says.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
Lamya bristles at the familiarity of her foes' voices. "I am not your friend!" she sneers, her voice loud enough to carry over the noise of destruction. "We've come here to drain Bad Energy so we can resurrect--" she blinks as she suddenly realizes a minute detail she forgot to ask about when she agreed to this team-up. She leans over to Scorn and asks, sotto voce, "Why do you need Bad Energy again?"

Ula's voice gets her attention, though. "Fairy!" she shouts, pointing accusingly at Ula. "How I detest them! I shall make quick work of this Pretty Cure!" She alights to the air on emerald wings and with a mighty flap she speeds at Cure Sharpsong, claws out and swiping at the girl.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Rashmi winces at Lamya's protestations, putting up her hands in a conciliatory manner. "Sorry, sorry! Just it's been awhile and *dragons are cool* so I wondered if you were doi--hey!"

As Lamya lunges toward Sharpsong -- and presumably, Ula in specific -- Rashmi drops down to intercept, placing herself between dragon and Cure and holding out a hand toward the incoming villain.

    << *BONG!* >> << SOLAR SHIELD -- GLACE SHIFT >>

A wide, shallow disc of golden light springs up in front of her hand, and with a screeching *CRACK* becomes a spiky, irregular shield of golden ice.

The ice is a necessary thing; Rashmi doesn't trust her regular Shield to be able to take the attack of an *actual dragon,* thus reinforcing it with the rigidity of ice seems like the best idea; even if Lamya breaks through, Sharpsong will not be the one to take the blunted attack.

"And uh... Sorry, Scorn-san, but I've been in enough graveyards to last me my life! Can we go to Mega ComWorld instead?"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    I AM SCORN, PRETTY CURE HUNTER! "But there aren't even any Pretty Cures here!" Amy objects, then looks at Sayaka. "Oh wait right."

    And the Terribad FIRES ZE MISSILES. "Hey!" Amy protests, as missile racks appear on her shoulders and launch mini-missiles to counter the incoming explosives. "That's my schtick! Are you challenging me to a battle of missiles?!"

    "Congrats on the friends though!"

    Scorn has yet to scare her like Phantom did, so she's... not taking her as seriously. This may bite her later.

    With the others going against the dragon, that means Amy's left to handle the giant monster.

    "Alright, my turn!" Amy spins around as the shoulder launchers disappear and she's holding a metallic-looking briefcase? now. She hefts it over her shoulder, revealing the openings of launch tubes on one side. "Let's keep it brief. Work today is just killing you, huh?" And a few more mini-missiles launch out towards the Terribad's own briefcase!

    ...Which... it can probably counter by doing what she just did. She didn't think this through.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"So Phantom isn't the only one in that business", Sayaka frowns at Scorn's introduction. "I am the melody of justice that rises from the sea depths, Cure Sharpsong!", she introduces herself. "Nobody will end up in the Precure Graveyard anymore, and we will save those you have captured!"

"If you need a real friend, I think you won't find it there", Sayaka tells Scorn once Lamya denies her declaration of friendship. "Any chance you can be convinced to turn to our side? If you want to have friends, leaving Obsidian would help you. I am friends with someone who left", she tries appealing to Scorn's apparent need for a friendship.

Before she can say anything more than that, she has two sets of attacks coming in her direction, but Rashmi comes in clutch for the one by Lamia, that shield allowing her to focus on the magic missiles coming her way.

Giving a thankful smile to the Device Mage, Sharpsong spins the dial on the Love PreBrace and with it radiating light, she raises its arm above her, a blue sphere of shining water forming there. "Pretty Cure Sharpsong Legato!" At the command, the sphere splits into thin water beams that rush towards the missiles, wrapping around them and stopping their advance, the beams tense from and looking a few seconds away from snapping, but managing to hold.

"I don't know what business you have with fairies, but Ula has done nothing to you, so I suggest you leave her alone", Sayaka glares at Lamya, before jumping towards the Terribad trying to get a few punches in.

Scorn has posed:
Scorn listens to the others and frowns. "You will have no choice but to visit my graveyard, when you sleep in the mirror. Forever." she says dramatically as she sweeps her arms out. "...why would I want to help you losers!?" she suddenly spouts to Cure Sharpsong.

Missiles get countered by shields, more missiles and water beams as Cure Sharpsong moves to punch the Terribad, the youma being punched backwards a bit as it flails it's Briefcase.

The Salaryman Terribad swings it's Briefcase at Cure Sharpsong through the air, charging forward...!

Scorn finally answers Lamya. "Oh draining energy is just a by product of SPREADING THIS MISFORTUNE!" she yells at the others near the end.

"TAKE THIS LOSERS!" she yells as the Terribad continues it's attack!

Mie Kitamura has posed:
The ice shield manages to stop Lamya's forward momentum, but just barely, the ice shattering into pieces. She gets her feet on the shield and quickly pushes off, rushing towards Rashmi. "Of course dragons are cool!" she shouts. "We are the strongest, most magnificent creatures in all of Marchenland! We will defeat you!"

It doesn't look like she's using her claws this time around. Instead, her mouth opens wide and a gout of dragonfire erupts from her as she makes a strafing attack.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
The sudden force of *an entire dragon* shoving off the remains of her shield sets her to staggering in midair, but stability is swiftly recovered."*Marchenland,*" Rashmi says, snapping her fingers. "Sorry between the Omega Apocalypse Sorceress, the Omega Apocalypse Witch, and all the other stuff I fo-- wups. SHARPSONG, DODGE RIGHT!"

There is just *no* way to keep up the banter when an *dragon's mouth is opening at you and there is light at the bottom of that well.*

    << *BONG!* >> << SOLAR FLASH >>

In the blink of an eye Rashmi seems to flash about five meters to the right of where she stood, in the hopes that that'll get her out of the way of *actual dragonfire.* Which it doesn't, not completely; a few meters' movement isn't enough to get *completely* out of the way, and the pained scream of dragon-caliber fire impacing her Barrier Jacket is a real one, the force of the flames sending her spinning between a pair of skyscrapers.

When she manages to right herself, she checks her arm. Singed, hurting *a lot,* but the Jacket seems to be mostly holding. "...Okay this is getting a little to burny for my liking... Nico-kun?"

    << *BONG!* >> << TIME-SPACE BARRIER >>

The huge, armored book hovering in front of her opens, and a green-black ball of energy resembling TV static forms above the pages... then spreads explosively, phasing Scorn, Lamya, the Terribad, and the three warriors of justice just... half a dimension to the left. To an empty version of Tokyo where buildings can be destroyed with wild abandon, and nobody needs to hold back.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Why would I want to sleep in a mirror? Beds are much softer." Amy feigns a dramatic realization. "Oh my gosh, are you this cranky because you've been sleeping on mirrors this whole time?!"

    In contrast to Sharpsong though, she observes, "Seriously, I'm happy you found a friend. Having someone you care about... that's a good thing."

    "What the heck is Marchenland?!" she calls out to the dragon.

    Amy is so busy talking she doesn't react to the Terribad's attack until too late, getting a taste of her own medicine as missiles explode around her. OW.

    Inside the resulting dust cloud, Amy groans as she's knocked on her butt. It kinda hurts, the fabric parts of her outfit are torn, and the outfit is a bit scorched, and so is her skin in places. Two thoughts run through her head:

    So this is what I've been doing to them? and Damn, missiles would not have been good for a human. Being transformed really does make me tough...

    Groaning again as she tries to stand, she shuts off pain and then kips up, stumbling a bit due to the lag, and then before the dust is completely clear, regenerates, her outfit clean and pristine as well, and her launcher is at her shoulder once more, firing explosive rounds wildly at the Terribad. <<"Rashmi, can we get a-- thanks!">> and then out loud, and flashing Scorn a grin as the dust finishes fading, "Ha! It'll take more than that to take me down, Scorn!"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Good thing none of us has no intention to sleep in a mirror then", Sayaka addresses Scorn. "And my offer isn't to have you help us, it's to come to our side and make friends." She points at Lamya. "The one you supposedly have doesn't seem to be in the mood for friendship", she points out.

From behind the blue Precure, Ula looks at Rashmi with curiosity. "Is Marchenland another fairy world?", she asks.

The series of punches do stop the youma a bit, just not as much as Sayaka would have wanted. She should probably try out her sword and seeing how it goes. Before she can do anything of that kind, the briefcase coming at her with such little distance doesn't leave her with much of a chance for dodging, slamming against her and knocking her off her feet.

"Alright", Cure Sharpsong grimaces as she gets back up, about to make the youma feel what that one felt like, but Rashmi's warning makes her change plans, quickly jumping to the side just in time to avoid the column of fire.

Ok then. Time to drop the gloves here, just in time for the barrier that Rashmi creates. "Pretty Cure Spinny Mirror Change!", she exclaims, causing another transformation with the appropriate PreCards, changing into a dress with decorations styled after small red berries. "Basso Continuo!"", the bluenette smiles and starts dancing around, her "partners" 5 watersprouts that move in synchrony with her, each of them gathering into Lamya to try and crash into her.

Scorn has posed:
Scorn watches as the world shifts and the innocents vanish and she watches the Terribad take more damage, she watches Lamya fight Cure Sharpsong as she transforms and something sparks inside her...

Why is this so familiar....?

She shakes it off and raises her hand finally and a red ball of energy flies out towards Cure Sharpsong as she's fighting Lamya, trying to help.

The Terribad takes explosions, being toppled. Though it gets up faster than these things usually do as it brushes off it's suit before trying to pound Amy into the ground...!

"Hey bookgirl."

"Why are you hiding back there?" asks Scorn finally.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
Lamya wheels around in the air, once again flapping her wings to give her great speed. She rushes towards the barrier mage, putting pressure on her so she can't help her allies. "Marchenland is the place where fairy tales live," she explains as she does her flyby with her sharp claws. "It is a detestable place, filled with fairies who mock you for just existing!" She flaps and charges Rashmi again, harrowing her. "Once we bring a Bad End to this place, Marchenland will be next!"

Her trajectory is interrupted, however, as the watersprouts rush at her. She's able to dodge the first two, but with the sheer number attacking her she isn't able to dodge the rest. One after one slams into her making her flight increasingly unstable until the last one knocks her out of the air.

She lands on the ground hard, her breath knocked out of her. "I will get you for this!" she growls.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Somehow, without firing a single shot yet, Rashmi has managed to be the one who drew the bulk of *the dragon's ire.*

A claw swipe is dodged here, a golden Shield used to blunt an attack there -- the recoil of which knocked her into a building, and did *not* help her burns -- and she's starting to look a little worried, when Cure La Mer's waterspouts come in to save her bacon.

Rushing up and away from Lamya's crash zone, she orients on Scorn, eyes wide, breath coming in gasps. "Have *you*... ever had... to *tank a dragon before?!*" is her incredulous answer to Scorn's... well, scorn.

    << *BONG!* >> << TERA BARRET -- BOOST UP >>

A trio of foxfire-like wisps resolve into being around Rashmi, then fly out in three different directions; one to Cure La Mer, one to Rocket Red, and the last loops around and slams into her own chest, each filling their target with a feeling of energy, determination, and optimism.

"But hey, you think I shoud stop hiding?"

Half a dozen golden orbs of magical energy phase into existence around her. With a sweep of her hand, the ring of barrets spins, and revolves, and lock into place in a vertical orbit.<< *BONG!* >> << SOLAR BARRAGE >>

One by one, in rapid fire, the Barrets are launched out at Scorn. The moment one Barret is fired, another is summoned, and the effect is very much like that of a slow machine-gun. The barrets themselves exist only to hit; there's no tracking, no special gadgets or gizmos, just an all-out assault of nonlethal mana.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy doesn't let up, firing a couple more rounds into the Terribad while it's brushing itself off to try and knock it back down. The briefcase comes down and Amy barely dives out of the way in time, a gyrojet machine pistol suddenly in her hand firing a wild spray of rocket-propelled slugs before she hits the ground with an 'oof', rolls onto her back, and kips up again.

Damn, she thinks to herself. Are her monsters getting better or am I just off my game today?

    "Wh... why would they mock you just for existing?" Amy asks, now running around trying to dodge with her weapon changed to a sci-fi-ish minimissile launcher she holds like a longarm, pelting the Terribad with intermittent small explosions while she's running around.

    "So..." Amy asks during all this. "What does the title of Pretty Cure Hunter actually mean?" Did she maybe misunderstand the significance of it? "You can't have actually hunted as many as Phantom yet... there hasn't been time!"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"I have never mocked anyone, and I don't even know you", Ula brings up in protest, watching the dragon girl stay in flyby while she vents her frustration at Ula. The koi mermaid flies back, putting a bit more distance between her and the dragon girl out of reflex.

"Ula is a good friend, and I think you re really to find someone to work through your problems with", Sayaka recommends to her even as she threatens to get her retaliating against her attacks. Good luck on whoever helps her, there is going to be a lot to sift to probably.

Sayaka gets hit head on by the fireball, only mitigated by the power of her transformation, the burning feeling making her twist with that mention of the transformation. The feeling quickly disappears when her healing kicks in, leaving her fine quickly.

And with the incitement of Rashmi's fire, Sayaka feels herself bright at the same time as she uses her attack, a huge watery greatsword appearing in her hand. "Pretty Cure Sharpsong Bar!" she shouts, tossing the blade at the Terribad with incredible force and speed.

Scorn has posed:
Scorn listens to RIDICULE and she gets angry, raising her hand, a disc of red energy forming in front of her to tank the Solar Barrets that close in on her location. They smack into it and do little to phase the barrier.

The Terribad isn't so lucky as Amy and Cure Sharpsong close in on it. sending it backwards and to it's back again. It isn't getting up as easily this time. It is a little tougher than usual, but it's reaching the edges of it's usefulness. It's time to FINISH IT!

"Let me show you." says Scorn angrily. "What I do." she says, as that red disc shield she's projecting suddenly flings itself forward in a red inky stream, towards Rashmi, forming tight, rings... binds around her wrists.... around her ankles...

She's about to need a whole lot of help...!

Mie Kitamura has posed:
It takes a moment, but Lamya manages to get to her feet. "Because I'm the villain. The monster to be slain," she growls between panting breaths. "My fate is to be the eternal foe, defeated and cast aside." Red eyes lock onto Sharpsong as she bellows, "BUT NOT TODAY!"

Once again she takes to the air, breathing fire in another fly-by attack. "I WILL DEFEAT YOU ALL!"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Rashmi flies back in reflex, as the shield becomes a ribbon of vile-looking energy snaking out for her. Part of the startle is definitely the suddenness of defense-to-offense, but... for a moment, she was reminded unpleasantly of Joker, which *definitely* had something to do with the sudden fear in her eyes. As the red energy encircles her wrists and ankle, she of course struggles... but the power of the Precure Hunter is *definitely* not something a support mage is capable of countering by force.

"Uh," she says, as all hell threatens to break loose. "Guys? Little help?"

"Also if it helps, I would *never* slay a dragon?" Look, fantasy otaku-ry has to be good for *something,* right? Especially as bound as she is, there aren't a whole lot more options open to her, and she really, *really* does not want to see what Scorn does.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Did Sharpsong just throw a giant water sword? Magic is amazing and wonderful and terrible.

    Amy had a rough moment back there, but things seem to be going Team Heroine's way now! The Terribad is down -- although actually purifying it will be up to Sharpsong -- and this is the part where Scorn talks a big game or complains or something and runs away again.

    ...Except that's not what Scorn does.

    She flings some attack at Rashmi. Rashmi can handle whatever that energy is -- Amy gets ready to help finish the Terribad, maybe take a shot at Lamya if she won't give Sharpsong time to purify--

    Uh, guys? ALittle help?

    Amy looks back. The red energy turned into binds. Amy remembers Phantom's magic and its power.

    She may be seconds away from a mirror coffin appearing and taking a dear friend away, possibly forever.

    Wide-eyed and desperate, Amy turns back towards Scorn, suddenly holding a prop sword -- ridiculous anime, in the 'bifurcated red blade' sense rather than the 'buster sword' sense -- and calls her attack, a little bit hurried: "Communal"

    Launchers appear in the air all around her and fire as she swings the sword like a commander giving an order, as a quarter of her soul gem turns black in an instant. "BLAZER!"

    explosives of every type launch towards Scorn, from high-tech-looking missiles to cannon shells to molotov cocktails, somehow mixed in there!

    Amy doesn't know how to undo the bonds. So she'll just have to drive the attacks' source off before it can finish!

Sayaka Miki has posed:
With Lamya breathing fire on her again and Scorn having trapped Rashmi, all the rush Sayaka is feeling to get the Terribad out of the way to be able to focus on helping Rashmi causes her to miss that simple fact until it's too late, being hit by the first impact of the powerful flame and only then getting out of the way, gnawing her teeth in pain at the burn she had been given, taking a few deep breaths to stay focused while her healing factor steadily improves her situation.

"Try not putting people in harm's way if you don't want to lose this much!", she shouts to her once she is well enough, angry at the pain and the accusation. "Symphony of Justice, turn into sacred power!", she says, raising her right arm and with the left spinning the dial on her wrist. ""Love PreBrace!" At the callout, 10 train wheels made of water spawn into existence floating in the air.

"Pretty Cure Rondo con Toccata! Justice, return to the Heavens!" Cure Sharpsong says, all the wheels converging onto the Terribad at the same time, lingering in a circle of them dancing around the Terribad after the hits and purifying it.

Scorn has posed:
First the Terribad goes down...."So relaxing...!" it calls out as it purifies into black smoke.... freeing the poor salaryman in the mirror on the otherside of the barrier...

Then Scorn screams out. "ETERNAL......" dark power welling up within her. Before an incredible Alpha Strike screams into her location, explosives rocking her...

And it's that dark power that saves her from being unscathed, having to force the gathered power into a shield instead as she frowns hard.

"Next time you won't save your 'page mage'." she says angrily.

With that, a mirror portal opens and she leaves. "You should leave too...!" she yells at Lamya before leaving.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
Lamia roars in victory as her strike hits true. "YES!" she bellows. "VICTORY IS MI--" She's cut off mid-sentence when a couple of things happen at once. Cure Sharpsong purifies the Terribad, and the rocket mage barrages Scorn to the point where she's fleeing the scene.

Uh, oh. Now it's three on one.

She huffs in frustration, causing little plumes of smoke to rise from her nostrils. "You may have won for now, but next time? Next time it won't be so easy." With that her form blurs and disappears as she teleports herself to the Bad End Kingdom.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
When Scorn flees the battlefield, the rings binding Rashmi's wrists and ankles discorporate into short-lived wisps of crimson smoke. Which, given her altitude, would have been dangerous, but her Flier Fin catches her before she drops more than a few centimeters. "Wup.... wow. So that's a Precure Hunter, huh? And uh... Lamya-san's a *lot* scarier when she's not bothering with Akanbe."

Fretfully rubbing at her wrists, she casts a look around... And smiles to see her friends victorious. "Thanks, Red-chan... You literally saved my life. And wow, Sharpsong! Being a Cure really seems to agree with you, that was amazing!" she calls down to Sayaka.

Slowly, she lowers herself to the ground, still rotating her dragonfire-injured arm. "...Who wants udon? I'm thinking Hokkaido-style udon, with butter."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka sighs watching the Terribad get purified and freeing the salaryman, her burns by now all better thanks to her healing, looking as if she had never been burned, only the memory of it remaining. She smiles when she realises Amy's attack has stopped Scorn from doing taking Rashmi away, relief washing over her. "How are you feeling?", she checks with Rashmi once she is released, the compliment making her grin slightly. "You really think so? Thank you", the bluenette tells her.

Ula approaches Sayaka for what is starting to cement herself as routine, the feeling of having to sneeze magic filling her yet again. "Sharpsong, it's the cards. I feel the power of racing. Rub my nose, please!" The blue Precure does just that, freeing the magic and making Ula sneeze loudly. The satchel at her side releases two PreCards. "That was accurate, I got a pilot PreCard, and one with a dog costume", Sayaka says while looking at the cards, a bit confused by the second one. "I am in!", she nonetheless tells affirmatively to Rashmi over the udon proposal.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy just glares at Scorn. It's not a glare of hatred or derision. She's relieved that Rashmi is safe, but worried that next time they won't be so lucky. It's... the expression on Amy's face says:

    Is it really safe now...?

    Perhaps having wiped the smile off Amy's face and stilled the banter of her tongue and knowing she made the Puella Magi look at her like that will bring Scorn a little dark joy.

    Amy rushes to hug Rashmi tightly. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't take her seriously." She squeezes more. "You almost... I... I couldn't lose a friend like that..."

    After a moment, she calms enough to let go and step back, grinning at Sharpsong, "You got new cards? Nice! ...What power does a dog costume even give you...?"

    And then, she does the usual Puella Magi after-battle ritual:

    Amy lifts her left forearm, holding it horizontally across her body; in henshin, the soul gem is on the back of her glove where a watch would be.

    It's about a third filled with that roiling, cloudy darkness.

    Her right hand slips into her belt pouch and pulls out a grief seed. She holds it near her soul gem, and the black, smoky corruption seeps out of her SOUL and into the grief seed.

    And then stops, even though it's barely started.

    The Puella Magi's SOUL remains about a fourth full of that roiling corruption.

    Concern flickers over her face. "I guess it's full already... Well, I'll... Just have to find a Witch. I'm sure I'll find another one soon enough." She slips the grief seed back into her belt pouch.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Though somewhat surprised by the sudden hug, Rashmi answers it with one of her own. "Hey... It's okay. You saved me, like I knew you would. Just like I'd save either of you if it was you."

Patting Amy's shoulder, she watches Amy purify the soul gem... and the purification stop almost before it's begun.

"...Amy-chan *call me* if you do find a Witch, okay? I *know* I can help make it cost less to fight it."

And that's another worry taking root in the back of her mind. Between Aloisia, Joker, La Crima, and all the troubles big and small, the twin newbies of 'Amy's Grief Seed supply' and 'Scorn *personally targeting me' have good company.

Shaking her head, she looks from Sayaka to Amy, and puts a cheery smile back on. "C'mon... Let's get fed, and Sayaka-chan what's the deal with those cards?"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka stares at the Soul Gem while Amy purifies it, a displeased sigh coming out of her mouth, even more so because that was the only Grief Seed the Puella had. "Has it gotten that bad with Witches lately?", Sayaka can't help but ask even if she has been on the lookout for them herself. "Rashmi is right. Call us when you find a Witch. The less magic you use, the better."

"I don't really know", Sayaka tells Amy while she looks at the enigmatic card. "I guess the only way to know is use it", she inserts it into the Pretty Change Mirror and letting it transform her.

At first she doesn't notice anything out of place besides wearing the slightly embarassing dog costume, but then she realises what changed. "It's like all the smells are much stronger", she tells the two, quickly reverting to her Cure form. "And well, Rashmi, those cards transform me all in different ways and make me become better in certain ways. For now I have six of them: a patissier, a mermaid, an idol, a police, and the pilot and the dog."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Her friends insist she call them when she finds a Witch, and Amy looks a little surprised they thought that needed to be said? "Of course!" In a somber tone, she reiterates the first advice she received from a senior Puella Magi: "Never enter a Witch's Labyrinth alone."

    Sayaka got a dog costume. Amy can't help smiling a little at how silly it looks, but... "Enhanced sense of smell? That could be pretty useful sometimes..."

    She turns her smile back to Rashmi and nods. "Yeah. Let's get a warm meal."