2160/Mahou 101: Pretty Cure Series

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Mahou 101: Pretty Cure Series
Date of Scene: 11 December 2024
Location: The Shed
Synopsis: Laura Apollodoros Hyginus La Mer shows the Tropical Pretty Cure, and it is amazing! Seriously, it was really cool. ^_^
Cast of Characters: 281, Laura La Mer
Tinyplot: Mahou 101

Entrapta (281) has posed:

A moment later, smoke starts to leak out of the Shed. through cracks, slightly opened windows. Places. After that the door opens and in a waft of fumes, a person comes out waving her arms to clear the air. And coughing, a lot of coughing.

"Cack. Gah, hah! Hah!" She has purple hair, in twintails, but it's currently slightly blackened with soot. She waves some more, gets oxygen where possible, and then she ducks back inside. Moments later the sound of a fan starts up, and the air begins to de-toxify. Really not the place for whatever was going on.

"Whoo," the girl says as she sticks her head back out, then goes inside to open some windows. That has to be possible. "That was fun! Totally wrong, but fun! Wonder what I did." She's beaming with joy, as she rubs her goggles to clear the smudges. Well, that was...something.

Picking up a recorder, she speaks into it. "Note for future: purchase protective breathing gear. And air scrubbers." She grins, then clicks off and turns to start fixing her NEW mess! Science!

Laura La Mer has posed:
There is supposed to be someone trying to study magic in the Shed, something Laura has taken note of because she has certainly never heard of anyone named Entrapta before. Probably someone new to magic, and hopefully someone that isn't connected to any other magic source. Maybe this is her lucky break, and she will be able to find someone to awaken the Tropical Pacts today.

The thoughts of finding a candidate for her own Tropical group get pushed to the back of her head when she sees smoke escape from the Shed. What is that even supposed to mean? Not that she would lament the lack of it, but her friends rely on it a lot. She can't let something happen to it.

"What is happening here?", the pinkette enters with a scowl, looking through the dissipating smoke at the purple-haired girl working on de-toxifying the place. "Did you put out the fire?"

Entrapta (281) has posed:
No response, for a moment. Then after a bit too long the girl sticks her head out again, and seems to notice the new arrivals. "Oh HI!" Little too enthusiastic. "Were you here too? I keep forgetting that people exist." She grins, eyes squinching up, then waves.

"Come in! No wait, that's probably not the best idea. Give me a second." She claps her hands, and the fans start working a bit harder. Sound activated? "Maybe out here is best for a minute or two. It's such a nice day!"

She pauses, visibly doing something mental, then starts. "Oh! Yes! I mean, no, there's no fire but I have it under control now! That was entirely chemical, but don't worry I'm totally fine! Are you here for the research? I posted on the board!"

She waves her hands at the bulletin board inside, which is...becoming visible. Quickly, as little robots roll around with fans on them pushing the air towards cleanliness. "I'd give it a moment longer. Just in case."

"Have we met?"

Laura La Mer has posed:
Laura gives a nod at Tsubasa, her attention mostly focused on the curtain of smoke that has invaded the Shed. At least she doesn't have to deal with this mess by herself. Her lips become thinner when Entrapta admits to forgetting people exist.

"Please, try not to do that", she replies. "There are other people that actually use this space too", she takes a good look at Entrapta. At least, it doesn't look like there were any actual consequences to the explosion. "You didn't get hurt, right?", she checks just to make sure.

"You are new to magic, aren't you?", Laura doesn't reply right away, instead getting onto a seat like she owns the place. "What are your experiences with it so far?" she asks in addition. Let's see what kind of aptitude this girl has.

Her expression finally starting to relax, the mermaid starts addressing what Entrapta has asked her. "I did come here for your research, but I am also interested in seeing if you are compatible with my magic. I am Laura Apollodoros Hyginus La Mer, but Laura is good", she introduces herself.

When a pink seal pokes out of her bag (actually out of the Aqua Pot, but it's not like that can be seen), Laura adds "And this is my friend, Kururun. Nice to meet you, Entrapta."

Entrapta (281) has posed:
Entrapta waves her hand, smiling. "Don't worry about me, I'm not even human!" She really needs to learn to make sure nobody is around before doing those kinds of statements. "New to magic? Oh not at ALL! I've been studying it for ten years now, how it could mesh with biorganics like humans and how it's being used. I could go into it but I shouldn't discuss my previous research applicants. I don't want to taint the data."

Whether or not she's even registering names seems to be uncertain, but the purple girl peeks inside and says, "Should be good now. I'll have the fans going though. It'll be fine! What's a Kururun?"

She pauses, then adds, "Actually, that's a good place to start! If you're okay with being interviewed, I mean." She looks at her swivel chair, then flops into it. Then, she slaps her own knees and a puff of dust comes out.


"So. What are you? I'm not sure exactly where to start, but that seems to be a theme so far. People not what they seem to be. Which, I should mention. Awesome!"

Laura La Mer has posed:
Not new to magic then, but it seems Entrapta was more focused on studying rather than actually having it herself, so perhaps there is still hope for this then. "And you have only dedicated yourself to studying it then? You don't have it yourself, right?", Laura inquires, already debating taking out one of the Tropical Pacts to let this girl have a go.

She doesn't know how it would interact with her not being human, especially knowing Laura too needed a special compact, but she doesn't seem to be magical, so maybe it will be fine.

"She is Kururun", Laura points to the seal fairy, who has hopped onto the table and raised a stubby arm to greet Entrapta, cheering with a cry of "Kururun!"

A smirk appears on Laura's face when she gets asked what she is, an answer proudly given to Entrapta just a few seconds later. "I am a mermaid", she smiles brightly, letting her form come back to that of a mermaid. "I don't blame you for thinking it's awesome", she nods pleased.

Entrapta (281) has posed:
Peering at the seal fairy, Entrapta almost misses the transformation. She was touching the little creature's extended arm when things got Magical! "Oh! Hey yes okay nice!" She nods at the little critter, then turns FULL ATTENTION on Laura! It's kind of like being stared at by a fan club honestly. Maybe a little too intense.

"I've encountered some of your general type before, there were an entire species of them back home." Pause, thoughtful headtilt. "Technically they were the same species as I am, but with a specific connection to magic that led them to certain abilities, but in general! It's a common theme!"

Now that she's not listening though she has time to peruse what she's heard, and as she does it's like a momentary lull. Then, "Yes! No! I don't have magic, but I've been apparently living in a world with a magical field for my entire lifetime. So there was a lot to experiment on, and most of my own tech is slightly dependent upon it. Not much use here, but I'm adapting! Data gathering is still the same, after all."

She pauses then rolls to her computer. "La Mer..." she says, clearly typing something. "What group should I put you under? I have to categorize, and I assume that you're not the same as..." She pauses, clicking around on her mouse. "Co Co? I should get a file for names, hrm."

Laura La Mer has posed:
It might be a little intense, but Laura is the kind of person that basks in the attention, so she doesn't mind at all Entrapta having a good look at her. Rather, noticing the other girl's interest, she extends an offer to her. "I don't know if you ever got the chance to back at your home, but feel free to touch my tail."

"Hmm, odd that mermaids in your world are just normal people. We tend to be more reclusive here. I am only in Tokyo because the Witch of Delays has started attacking the world of humans", she reveals nonchalantly, reaching over to pet Kururun.

"And that is why it's important that you don't have magic. How would you like to become a Tropical Pretty Cure yourself? That's the mission entrusted to me by Grand Ocean's Queen, and find people who can oppose the Witch and her minions. Surely, you find it good, right?" Laura winks with surety.

"That's also the kind of magical warrior I am, a Tropical Pretty Cure, with the only difference I use a Mermaid Aqua Pact to transform rather than a Tropical Pact", she explains, observing Entrapta's enthusiasm positively. Maybe she does have a heart of sunshine.

"So you have met the princess of the South Pacific Ocean", Laura muses. "I am Grand Ocean's Queen candidate, but I don't get my powers from being a Mermaid Princess as those like her do. I have my Aqua Pot, my Mermaid Aqua Pact and my rings instead."

Entrapta (281) has posed:
Eyes lighting up (not literally) Entrapta says "Yay!" Then she comes over and touches the scales on Laura's tail! She strokes them, then gets down and has a deep up-close look. "Fascinating," she says, not keeping the enthusiasm to herself. She has enough for everyone.

"Well, I said. They just have a specific connection to the magic. It's a crystal in their area that gives them the ability, so it's likely because of proximity." She's studying the scales, speaking distractedly, then looks up.

"Hmm? Oh I have more than enough to do already, I have a lifetime of research ahead of me! It's so exciting!" Boo, she's not interested in actually -having- magic? Yet she loves it so much? That's...new.

"Let me get some information down, just a second." She pulls back, then types rapidly into her keyboard. If she's new to it one couldn't tell. "Tropical Pretty Cure. That's the grouping? Okay, that leads to the assumption that there are others that aren't tropical, or aren't pretty." She pauses, looking out from behind the monitor quizzically. "Well, dont worry I'll figure it out. I do want to try any magic you think I can try if possible, for science! I have so much to learn!"

So, is that a yes or a no? It wasn't entirely clear.

From her workstation, she can be heard talking to herself. "Aqua Pot, possibly other tools involved, rings? Rings, right, yes."

Laura La Mer has posed:
Laura smiles at the fascination that Entrapta holds when looking at her tail up close. Really, who isn't awed by mermaids? It certainly feels good, even if Entrapta's approach might be more scientific than most. Though, she is also best friends with Yokina, who took a print of her tailfin, so that's no problem.

"That is a bit boring, I thought that they were actual mermaids, you know? I guess that it doesn't make the difference to them", she shakes her head thinking that it's kind of a shame for them.

"Tropical Pretty Cures are only one of the Pretty Cure types around", Laura explains to Entrapta, taking out a Tropical Pact from her Aqua Pot. "They use this a compact like this one and a Heart Swirl Ring to transform, and the latter typically appears if..." she stops talking and furrows her brow when she doesn't notice any reaction. She can't even say it's because they haven't resonated.

"There are two situations here. Either you have no magic potential, or something else is taking it up, and that's why the Tropical Pact is still inert", Laura sighs, feeling a bit of disappointment. She will have to just stick it to it. One day she will find one, she knows.

"The Aqua Pot is something I have had even before I became a Pretty Cure. It is also my home, and what I use to recover the motivation power the Witch's minions steals. And it takes bubble photos too. The other things I have are my Heart Swirl Ring, my Perfume Shiny Ring and my Marine Heart Swirl Ring."

Entrapta (281) has posed:
Coming out from behind her station, Entrapta puts her elbows on her knees and listens intently to what Laura has to say. She takes notes, but mostly she listens. Her face is inscrutable, but in a fascinated and intent fashion. She wants to know, so bad.

"Oh! You're testing me too, that's fair!" Nodding she smiles, leaning more forward. Not afraid. "You're looking for data too, that's great! We're going to get along fine!" Huge grin, meaning every instant of her words. Fellow searcher of knowledge yay!

"But, okay. Hang on." She looks at her notes, of what she's learned so far. "Can you tell me how it came about? Pretty Cure?" Pause. "Also, what is a Pretty Cure? Am I even phrasing that right? Is a pretty cure a noun or an adjective? Never mind! Tell me history, what made ...this?" She grins, motioning to the magical tools.

"Are you the only type? Are there different ones? How are they different? Ooh, was there one Pretty Cure in the beginning?" Okay now she's just fantasizing.

Laura La Mer has posed:
Looking for data? Laura blinks taken by surprise by Entrapta's assumption that she is a fellow researcher. She looks at Entrapta embarassed, not having prepared to deal with this misunderstanding. "No, no, no, that's not actually what I am doing. It's just like I said earlier, I am looking for people that are currently fighting against supernatural threats, or they are going to", she tells her.

"And well, a Pretty Cure is a legendary warrior that are responsible for protecting people with the force of their hearts from the darkness that threatens to consume the world", Laura starts explaining. "There are different types to do that, and I have met Pretty Cures that aren't Tropical, but that is something they should talk about, not me", she states resolutely.

"However", she gives Entrapta a bright smile. "I can tell you something about their history. The Witch of Delays was already trying to steal people's motivation power centuries ago, but when things had started to look troubling, the legendary Pretty Cure showed up, and together with the Land Heart and the Marine Heart Swirl Rings, her pure heart was able to stop her!", the mermaid comments excitedly.

Entrapta (281) has posed:
Entrapta beams! She was not expecting to get a solid YES from her musings! "That's great, that's actually incredible! So much to learn though, you mentioned a...witch of delays? Can I get you to talk about that for a moment?" She's definitely keeping up, good with whatever she can learn.

"Are you fighting witches too? Or is it a different kind of threat? It sounds like there's a lot going on." The room has mostly cleared of smoke now, so she's able to breathe quite fine. Also it looks as if nothing's on fire. Which is always best.

Laura La Mer has posed:
"Of course I can! I have come up to warn people about her! Right, Kururun?", Laura addresses the seal, who has been watching the note taking Entrapta has been doing with curiosity. "Kururun!", the fairy exclaims affirmatively with her cheery tone.

"Like I have said before, I am Grand Ocean's Queen candidate, and its current Queen has entrusted me with this mission after our home and we learnt the Witch of Delays was going to attack the human lands next. She is completely unlike those creatures that are also called Witches", Laura frowns at the recollection of the curse Kyubey is responsible for.

"She is intelligent, unlike the Witches, and has her own personal goal to create a world of eternal delays where nothing happens, no matter the cost, and she sends out her dark generals from the mansion she lives in so they can steal people's motivation. That's why a Tropical Pretty Cure has a heart of sunshine, because it's someone full of motivation who has the best odds at fighting back."

Entrapta (281) has posed:
Entrapta narrows her eyes, looking closely at the seal for a moment. Did I see them earlier? Cute. Oh, talking right! She perks up and listens to Laura once more, the seal vanishing from her memory. Not registered, error. "Got it!" she says, nodding firmly. Notes, taken. Brain, engaged.

"Surprising similarities, the other named witches also were servants of a form of entropy. A word without activity would be one of extremely high entropy." Is she right about that? Maybe. If so, there are at least philosophical links between the two.

Then, she pauses. Looking things over, she shifts and pushes at the notes. Like she's not sure about something. "Miss La Mer," got the name right yes! "is there any of your magic that I could, actuall see? I don't know if you know the point of all of this, but it's to help me find a way to identify your magical type, so we can link you with the others. The magical girls. To speed up response time, make it so you can fight as a more cohesive force. Communicate."

She also kind of wants to experience it, but that's just her. She likes magic.

Laura La Mer has posed:
"Something about my magic you can actually see", Laura repeats unsure, thinking that all of her attacks are going to be rather problematic. "You see, I have three attacks: a huge rotating water stream, a strong flow of uncountable bubbles and a whale that I can pilot to purify the enemy. All of them would kind of wreck this place, so I can't really use any of them here. Of course, I can show you how I transform, so I hope that's enough."

"Pretty Cure! Tropical Change!", she announces as a pink sphere surrounds her, her body changing to her human form with a dress made of blue energy as the giant bubble pops. Placing the Heart Swirl Ring sideways into the keyhole of the Mermaid Aqua Pact, she twists it upright and its seashell cover splits in half, revealing a purple base with white stars and blue waves on the left side and white hearts on the right side, surrounding a blue circle with a motif of crystals all around a white sphere.

"Let's put on make-up! Shine!", she declares spinning a pen with a glowing blue tip in her hand and rotating the circle as it turns pink, a water pillar rising and whirling before dispersing in 2 pink, 1 red, 1 lavender rose and 2 yellow spheres. "Face!" The pink spheres land on her cheeks, giving them a pink blush. The yellow spheres then briefly make her eyelashes glow yellow, adorning them with three pearls and making her eye colour turn pink with the exception of the blue heart at the bottom of her irises.

The red sphere lands on top of her hair, making it grow much more voluminous and colouring the middle section blue, then 2 giant pearls land on top of head's sides, the pink hair above twisting itself around them. Finally the lavender rose sphere lands on top of her lips, colouring them with the corresponding lipstick.

Another rotation of the Aqua Pact's circle and Laura calls out "Nails!", passing her pen on top of her left hand's nails, painting them azure while those on her right hand automatically change to match, before moving it to her toenails and painting them pink.

"Dress!" One more rotation and she draws a pink outline of a star vertically in front of herself, that then spins around rising above her head and descending to her waist before duplicating and the two stars move in opposite directions transforming her clothes into her magical outfit and placing the Mermaid Aqua Pact in a small pink bag appended to her waist.

Jumping upwards with a splash of waters, finally Laura introduces herself. "The Shimmering Ocean! Cure La Mer!"

Entrapta (281) has posed:

Entrapta's eyes are ridiculously wide, shining with an inner child's joy. She pauses, talking into her recorder while she's staring, and says, "Waterproofing check. Success." Then she shuts it off and drops it on the floor. Hey, gir's got her priorities.

Damp-Trapta almost teleports around Laura, laughing! Her laugh is high, mostly giggles, as she looks at every angle, ever bit!
Eyes! "HEARTS!"
Glow! "Wowwww..."
Lips! "Gah!"
Nails! Her head pivots, staring.
Dress! So many angles, vipping around to look at the details!

When Entrapta slows down she's almost hyperventilating, as she wrings out her coveralls into a safe space. "I can't believe I wasn't recording! You have got to be strong, that's so much more magic than anyone I've ever met!" She falls into her chair, and kicks it into a spin!

Well, that's 'I like it' apparently. In Entrapta. Scooping up her recorder, she starts talking. "Subject showed intense magical aptitude, focused on water but conversation allows for other elements to be available for other members of the Pretty Cure, including but not limited to non-elemental aspects. Highly appropriate, systemically dense, attire focused upon maximum affinity. List highly, collate and form."

She seems to be getting into the science again. But her eyes are on magic.

Laura La Mer has posed:
Laura grins at the excitement Entrapta shows over witnessing her transformation, being really endearing seeing that pure joy reflected in her eyes while she moves in a whirlwind all around her. Her enthusiasm might be a power of its own the way she is learning to know Entrapta.

"Hehe, you can bet on it, I became a Pretty Cure because I really wanted to help my friends in a moment of high tension, and that's how I got where I am now!", Cure La Mer announces, watching her move around and capturing every angle almost like she is a photographer. Curiously enough, she doesn't seem to mind at all having gotten damp in the process.

"I can see that has satisfied you", the Pretty Cure tells her, taking out the Aqua Pot and getting a towel out of it. Somehow that one is completely dry despite Laura's house being completely underwater. "Here, use this, you seem to need it", she smiles, handing her the towel.

Entrapta (281) has posed:
Spinning in her chair, Entrapta reaches out for the towel. For a moment it's whirling around her, until she literally falls out of the chair. Onto the towel, still recording. "I have more than enough to work with now, and a water sample too!" She uses the towel on her face, then grins. "Might need to take a bath though."

And Entrapta glances at the computer, then at her hands. Then at the room. Then at Laura, and says, "Next time though I should move these tests outside! Hm. I wonder if I can get a proper lab."

I wonder if that's what bedrooms are for in this world? Well, we'll have to wait and see. For now, Pretty Cure is registered in the database. And the experiments continue!