2190/A Plan to Get Intel
From Radiant Heart MUSH
A Plan to Get Intel | |
Date of Scene: | 15 December 2024 |
Location: | The Shed |
Synopsis: | Veronica comes to Usagi after her encounter with Koan at the mall, wanting to get answers, share information, and offer a plan of her own - to disguise herself as one of the Senshi, so she can provoke information out of those scoundrels! Despite her concerns, Usagi agrees with Veronica's plan, and Sailor Mars II is born. |
Cast of Characters: | Usagi Tsukino, Veronica Perenna |
Tinyplot: | Black Moon Clan |
Tinyplot2: | BMC: Rabbit Hunt |
- Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Usagi arrived at the Shed as herself, not in henshin. After Amy's phone call, she had a feeling she knew what this might be about, but she still wanted to meet with Veronica - to reassure her, but also, to get more information, so they could try and figure out just... anything that was going on about the new enemies that have shown up.
She'd thought they just wanted Chibiusa - and sure, that they were hated the Senshi too, but, all the rest? It had sounded crazy. Amy could tend to focus on just a few things though - so as she enters the Shed, she's hoping that Veronnica will be able to tell her more, and maybe even some things Amy hadn't picked up.
"I'm here," she calls as she enters, just in case Veronica is here before her, and either way, pulls out a chair to plop down in.
- Veronica Perenna has posed:
It's the 15th of December, shortly after that run with Koan and her inelegant manners that showed no regard at all for the lives of other people. She did show a pretty strong grudge towards the Senshi, but as someone who is friends with Usagi, going so far as to call them tyrants...
Well, she had only really known a Moon Kingdom existed and that Usagi was Princess Serenity, but those were things she had learnt almost a year ago, not during the incident with Beryl's portal in Juuban Plaza. Any more about the Silver Millennium, she is unaware of.
There certainly is some bad blood between them, at least. "Hi, Usagi-chan!", Veronica does a small nod towards the blonde girl, entering with a smile despite not coming with any sort of good news. "I think some people may have it with Princess Serenity", she drops why she is here directly.
- Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Amy-chan told me a little bit about it," Usagi admits, leaning forward as Veronica drops her news. "But I really, really don't know why. I mean, it was a long time ago! And the most I really did was try to unite Earth and the Moon."
This last part is a bit of a complaint, in a faint whining tone, because well - this is coming out of the blue.
"Did they say what they wanted? Or what problem they had with me?"
- Veronica Perenna has posed:
"She has called herself Koan of the Spectre Sisters, and she has a black upside-down crescent moon on her forehead, plus purple catlike hair and purple eyes. There was also a jewel there when she transformed", Veronica frowns with displeasure over the discrepancy between Koan's words and her actions.
"I don't think her words hold much weight, but she is a small-time thief who thinks her cause is much nobler than it is, calling herself a revolutionary fighting against Senshi tyrants that act like gods, and yet not having any care about the wanton destruction she causes", Veronica replies emphatically. The dislike she holds for Koan is palpable.
"Amy-chan was there too, but with a Senshi costume, and she immediately drew her ire like a magnet", she adds with a scoff. "I don't really know what she may have against you, do you know anything about why these Spectre Sisters feel wronged?", Veronica asks in a much softer tone.
- Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Koan of the Spectre Sisters," Usagi repeats in distaste. "I've encountered once before. She tried to kill Chibiusa - she's a little girl who made herself my and Naru-chan's roommate - with her sisters, and we managed to hold them off while Mamochan escaped with Chibiusa..."
She frowns even harder at the rest of what Veronica has to say. She doesn't know why Senshi have to do with Chibiusa, except - well, except that Chibiusa knows Pluto, and she wants the Silver Crystal, and she's a weird little girl who's probably definitely from another dimension and -
"A long time ago, the people of Earth thought of us as gods, and they didn't... like it," she says, slowly. She's not being careful with her words in the sense of trying to hide something - just in the sense of trying to convey so much history in so few words. "But that was more than a lifetime ago; that was humanity's lifetime ago. I don't know why she hates us so much, or why they're after Chibiusa, but... it's not good."
That much is incredibly obvious. Usagi winces a little, apologetic.
"Sorry, that's obvious. Amy-chan told me about wearing a Senshi costume. I'm kinda worried about that, honestly, because I don't want anyone getting hurt."
- Veronica Perenna has posed:
"A girl named Chibiusa they are trying to kill and that now is your roommate", Veronica repeats, placing her left hand on her right shoulder and her right hand under her left elbow, pondering. "And has she told you anything about why they are after her?"
She suspects the answer to that is negative, for no reason other than she guesses it would have probably warranted another Shed meeting, but it's definitely intriguing.
"How long ago are we talking? Do you know what the Senshi back then were like?", Veronica shifts straighter, her curiosity playing a part in her interest just as much as the thought that there is probably something important.
"At the same time, looking like a Senshi would give more chances to get information out of them, so I think Amy's was a good move. I should probably do something like that, too", Veronica considers regardless of the risk.
- Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"She has not," Usagi confirms with a world-weary sigh. "She's keeping it to herself. She also hasn't told us where she's from or who her parents are or really... anything useful, except that these guys are after us."
She doesn't think she wants to reveal that Chibiusa is a burgeoning thief, after her Silver Crystal. Why poison the well like that?
"Um.... between eleven and fourteen thousand years ago," Usagi admits with a sheepish shrug. "It was a long time ago, and it didn't go well for anyone, so I don't know why thsese people are mad about it. Me and the girls and our cats are the only people from the Silver Millennium, and Mamochan and his boys are the only people left from the Golden Kingdom, so why so it's not like anyone's being oppressed. We're in high school!"
Deep breaths girl, calm down... and immediately groan, bringing a hand to her forehead.
"Amy-chan's inspired you, hasn't she?" It's not really a question. "I can't really stop you, but I do think it's pretty... dangerous, for you to be doing that, you know? But I guess everything we do is dangerous... ugh."
- Veronica Perenna has posed:
Yeah, they are stumbling in the dark if Chibiusa is refusing to talk. They really need to know more about what is going on, and these Spectre Sisters seem to have had quite the loose tongues so far. Probably better odds than Usagi's new mysterious roommate.
"That is a long time", Veronica expresses surprise, eyebrows raised. "But you did say that your mother had inspired the myth of Selene, so it also checks out. It would have to be something that ancient." The brunette hmms. "It is also an awful grudge they are harboring, you are right", she takes that into account.
"I am not new to taking risks, though. I have been Sunbreaker, Phantom and Oresky so far." She leans closer to Usagi in a conspiratorial manner. "The video of Oresky doing that silly song and dance on Clock App is actually me. I wanted to embarass him to Mirage after he trapped some kids in a box", she smirks.
"It would also be the first time I do anything like that for the hero side, anyway, so there is no risk of causing alarm on our own side this time. The best choice is probably one of you straight up here. What about Sailor Mars?" Veronica asks with a wide smile.
- Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"That many disguises?" Usagi looks impressed, giving Veronica a once-over again - "Sunbreaker, Phantom, and Oresky - okay, I admit I don't know who that is, but that's a really funny thing to do to someone."
What, she's fifteen, identity theft is hilarious.
"And... if you're already doing it to make trouble for the villains, I guess you're really not doing anything out of the ordinary... and Mars-chan has been really busy lately - okay." She hopes she doesn't regret this. "You're a hero too, and you know what you're doing. If you want to masquerade as Sailor Mars, I'll let the other Senshi know what's going on, so they don't trip over you, okay? Just... please don't get hurt. If it looks like they're going to get you, run. They're really strong, especially in a group!"
- Veronica Perenna has posed:
"Thank you, Usagi-chan, I really appreciate that", Veronica bows her head once she receives the blonde girl's approval. Hopefully they find something useful out of it, but even if it turns out she put herself in danger for nothing, better to have tried than not.
"I will be careful", she promises in front of Usagi's concern. Running is pretty much all she can do then since using anything other than the standard enhanced strength would ruin her cover.
"Can I ask you to tell me a bit about what things were like for her in the past? I intend to practice being her, but knowing that might help me pass as the real deal even if I don't have fire powers. And the rest of you too, please." The latter admittedly is not a strict necessity.
- Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"As much as I'd really like you not to get hurt or be in trouble, you've been fighting almost as long as me. I'd be pretty mad if - well, no, I probably would not be mad if someone told me I didn't have to be in a fight," Usagi corrects herself with a little laugh, "But... the point is, I guess I don't really have the right to tell you not to do it?"
The Princess of Sarek has seen plenty of danger, and she has her own magical threats to face. Telling her that she can't do this would be like saying she's not good enough.
"Um... Mars-chan is a miko, so she sometimes uses ofuda for minor threats. And she prays before the great fire, and can see the future sometimes! ...it's not a great thing, honestly. And she's very passionate, but also pretty suspicious of people. Does that help?"
- Veronica Perenna has posed:
"That's all good, progress is much better than walking in the dark", Veronica insists on her reassurance to Usagi. "And of course, you will be the very first to know if I find anything out from these Spectre Sisters."
She doesn't expect that to calm Usagi's worries down given how dangerous the situation make up needs to be, but she is really convinced this will be a good idea.
"That is good information in case I need to delve deeper into what the kingdom was like for you, but if you feel that is more than you would like to reveal, I understand that", Veronica gives Usagi a smile.
- Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Progress is better and it's always important to have intel, and... thanks. You can also tell Tuxedo Kamen, or any of the Senshi. I'll let them know what you're doing, so no one thinks you're up to no good... but I'll keep your secret from all the not Sailor Guardians, okay?"
She figures that's a compromise everyone can live with - fewer people who know, the better the disguise works, but if the other Senshi think she's actually Rei-chan, that could trip her up just as much.
"Something else you should know is that Mars is the Guardian of Flame and Passion, fighting under the protection of the Planet of Fire, and the Planet of War - Mars is both, you know? In case you ever want to do a whole introduction speech."
- Veronica Perenna has posed:
"Telling the others sounds good, and their backup should probably help if an unforeseen issue pops up. Thank you, Usagi-chan!", she smiles gratefully. She is gonna work not to let it get to that point if she can help it, but if it does, best to have them be in the know, yeah.
Good thing she likes drawing, so going around with a series of fake charms shouldn't be too hard, even if they are just going to be decorations in her hands.
"Ok so, let's give this thing a go", Veronica transforms into the Princess of Sarek first and then into the Sailor Mars disguise. "There we go, Usagi-chan. How is it going?"
- Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Mhm, that way you'll have help, and no one will be surprised. Thank you, Veronica-chan. This is something pretty dangerous, but you're still helping us out."
Her gratitude - and her worry - are real, and they shine in her eyes. And then? Veronica becomes the Princess of Sarek - and then Sailor Mars. And she looks just like the real thing - slightly taller than Usagi, slightly thinner, her long curtain of black hair with the purple undertone, her amethyst eyes, and of course, the red-purple-white colors of her fuku.
"Wow! You look... just like her!"'
- Veronica Perenna has posed:
"Sailor Mars" makes a pose, right hand resting firmly on her hip, while the left arm hangs naturally at their side, standing relaxed and looking at Usagi with a smile. "Naturally, Usagi-chan. Now I only need to learn to sell it too, and we should be set for the next encounter with the Spectre Sisters."
Hopefully, without Chibiusa being made a target of again, but she should be prepared for that not going as hoped too. For now, she should probably find another private space to try this at. The Shed wouldn't do, in case someone walks in, and Sailor Mars shouldn't hang out at her dorm room either.
For now, she just addresses the amazed and worried heroine in front of her. "I look forward to working with you, Usagi-chan. I am optimistic about this."