38/No alone time for you!

From Radiant Heart MUSH

No alone time for you!
Date of Scene: 06 July 2023
Location: Classroom
Synopsis: Cancelled.
Cast of Characters: Cho Konishi, Adora Rainbowfist

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi was laaaaate. Just a little late. Not her fault, though. One of the other students had needed some help with their math homework and she... still had a lot of trouble telling people no. Oh well. The kid had smiled, so that made it worth it.

But it meant when she arrived, the lines were clear and she had her bento box at her side, ready to go and...

However, arriving at the lunchroom, she noticed something odd. Another new girl? There sure were a lot of those lately. More importantly, she was sitting... alone. Oh. She'd seen THAT plenty of times. Heck, she used to BE that. Okay, she often was, but that was more because she jumped around too much for anyone TO sit by her. This was different! Sitting quietly in the corner was NOT healthy. And she had the cure.

TRAUMA! Wait, no. SAYING HI! There we go.

Cho made her way over and... "This seat taken?" she asked, sitting by the other girl regardless, putting her bento box on the table. "I'm Cho Konishi, are you new here?" she asked, smiling up at her. Huh. Dang. New girl was tall. Oh well.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
Adora Rainbowfist stands out. She's 5'7" and athletic, for one. Add the blonde hair, blue eyes and tanned skin, and you have someone who looks dang near alien at the school. Her uniform fits, though! The girl is currently struggling in vain with a set of chopsticks, looking like she's growing more and more frustrated as she keeps dropping them into her own bento box. Finally, she snags something from it with her fingers and tosses it into her mouth, much to the horror of the neighboring table. Her shoulders wilt a hint.

Then Cho is there, and she glances over with a blink. Her Japanese is decent, but clearly new to her. "Oh! Uh. No. No it isn't taken." She sits up again. "I just got here last week," she replies. "Adora. Adora Rainbowfist."

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi blinked a few times. Oof. She looked the girl up and down for a moment, cocking an eye before... "Rainbowfist?" she asked. "I really need to work on my geography. I'm guessing... hmmmm..." She stared for a few moments before... giving up and jsut shrugging. "Don't worry about the chopsticks, it takes everyone a while to get used to them. So... I'm guessing... German?" she asked. Not even close.

"So, let me give you some advice. Next time? Order the soup. They give a spoon with them, a lot easier to manage than just chopsticks," she said. "But, since it's a little late for that, here. Want a crash course on them?" she asked before picking up her own, then pausing. "Huh. Sorry if it comes off as rude, I've been trying to learn to be more direct lately. This might be borderline rude, though," she admitted.

"Half american myself, though. So I kinda... understand the whole... sometimes not always feeling like you fit in thing." At the very least, Cho was pretty talky. Getting her to shut up was the hard part. "But nobody should have to eat alone like that. Moving is tough enough without awkward lunches, right?" she asked.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"Uhm, yeah. I'm from Bavaria." Nobody knows anything about Bavaria, the Headmistress said! Adora furrows her brow a bit and nods, listening. "Soup. Spoon. Got it." She says it like she's taking very important mental notes, before she turns back towards her chopsticks. "Suuuuuure. No, not rude. I...I appreciate it, thanks." She offers an awkward smile.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi blinked a few times. "Ba... varia? Wow. I really do need to work on my geography. I hope there isn't a test on it." ... Ironically, she thought Bavaria was a country. She didn't realize it was ACTUALLY part of Germany.

She held up just one chopstick. "So, try to get it locked in your hand like this, okay? Just using these two bottom fingers. Make it a stiff rod, like... well. Chopsticks. Once you have it solid, you can use your thumb and index finger to kind of lift it up and own, to kind of squish things between them. It'll help for the basics. Once you feel more confident, you can use your middle finger to stabilize the top chopstick as you lift it up and down with the thumb and index finger, like so."

"And, worst comes to worst, you can do this," she said before lifting up her bento box and holding the chopsticks to quickly toss some things of rice in, as if she was incredibly hungry. She lowered it a moment later and swallowed, before snickering. "Just pretend you're half starved and nobody will notice you're using them more as a shovel than an actual eating implement."