An Egg! (Seiko Akai)

From Radiant Heart MUSH

An Egg! (Seiko Akai)
Date of Cutscene: 08 July 2024
Location: Seiko's Dorm
Synopsis: Seiko gets a surprise first thing in the morning
Cast of Characters: Seiko Akai

Its a beautiful morning. Birds can be heard singing outside. The sun is shining bright. Everything is perfect. Seiko Akai is slowly starting to wake up. She must have been sleeping well because her hair is a mess and she may have drooled a little in her sleep. All in all though, she is awake and feeling good. As she wipes the sleep out of her eyes she feels something under her blanket. Something warm... and hard. "What in the world?" She quickly pulls her blanket back to discover an egg. Its a pretty egg, Bright yellow with stars on it. Its also much bigger than a chicken egg.

Seiko blinks a few times. "An Egg?" She cants her head. "What is an egg doing in my bed!?" She asks no one. Quickly she backs away. "This is weird! I didn't have an egg in my bed when I went to sleep. Certainly not one that was decorated! Did one of the girls prank me?" She looks at the door. Its still locked. "No, no one could have gotten in. Then... Oh gods. Did I lay an egg?" She gasps and starts to panic a little. "I knew girls make eggs from health class but those are small! Microscopic! Not the size of that! Why didn't they teach us about this in school!" She reaches out and touches the egg. "Its still warm. Is something going to hatch out of this?" Another mystery. "I wasn't enough of a target before and now I'm the girl who laid an egg!" She facepalms. "Well I don't have to show it to everyone. Maybe I can keep it hidden." Picking up the egg, she holds it for a few moments before sliding it into her backpack. "Maybe someone will know about eggs around here."