BBpost: Witnesses Claim Mysterious UFO Sighted Above Juuban Preceded Terrifying Destruction!

From Radiant Heart MUSH

BBpost: Witnesses Claim Mysterious UFO Sighted Above Juuban Preceded Terrifying Destruction!
Date of Cutscene: 09 December 2024
Location: The Internet
Synopsis: The digital landscape of Tokyo is full of posts and clickbait online articles about UFO sightings, alien attacks, and freak storms within hours of the events in BB Post 8/5. Many of these posts were retracted within a day, as the Veil set into cloud and alter memories. Here is a sample of one which remains:
Cast of Characters: Usagi Tsukino
Tinyplot: Black Moon Clan

Witnesses Claim Mysterious UFO Sighted Above Juuban Preceded Terrifying Destruction!
It appeared in the sky above Juuban Ward, right here in Tokyo: a massive crystalline object shaped like a distorted star! According to eyewitnesses, it was undeniably a UFO! The strange object was seen hovering over Tokyo after a bizarre hole was ripped into the sky. Weather reports and photos show that the weather was perfectly ordinary, a blue sky with medium cloud-cover, warning of later rain, but nothing unusual... but afterwards?

Afterwards, eyewitnesses have declared that saw everything from a freak hailstorm that destroyed windows and buildings, to alien invaders attacking the innocent!

    Here are statements from witnesses:

    'It was like, totally crazy! One minute, I was just shopping with my friends, and then there were these people in the sky, yelling about rabbits and blowing things up! I mean, you'd aliens would know the rabbit is on the moon, right?"

    'I always believed UFOs were an American problem, you know, a result of too much sugar in the cereal, or all that corn byproduct! But today... today, I saw it with my own eyes! It definitely wasn't as cute as those cartoons made it seem.'

    'Sailor V rescued me!! was kind of weird to see her without the mask though. And since when does she have twintails?'

    'I know what everyone's saying, but there's no way it was a real UFO! No, no, it was some kind of government conspiracy! An accidental reveal of some new weapon, and now we're all in for it - well, I didn't see anything! And you better not publish my name!'

    Plenty of exciting statements! The aliens among us seem to be sparking all kinds of conversations among the public - just take a look at what's going on over on the Bird App if you want to see more.

    Already some are claiming this incident was a hoax and stating that over-excited glory hounds are just looking for their two minutes of fame. They claim this incident was yet another of the strange storms that have struck Tokyo in recent months, and nothing more, and that hail could easily explain much of the damage.

    However! This reporter would remind those disagreeable skpetics that the hailstorm argument has a difficult hurdle to surpass: where is the hail?

    Yes, that's right - by the time emergency responders arrived to cordon off the street and assist those injured in the panicked escape from the intersection of X Street and Y Avenue, not a single hailstone was there to be found.

    All that remained was a scene of chaos and destruction, on what had been an ordinary day.

    Only you can decide, dear reader: have alien invaders come to harm our city? Or is worsening weather simply too much for some citizens to cope with?

    Editor's Note: This article remains as commentary on the confusing social media outcry that resulted from Friday's events. Please note that this publication is aware that the matter has been definitively settled as an unusual weather phenomenon. We are preserving our article in the name of journalistic integrity.

    Editor's Note 2: No, we will not be changing the title. It is NOT clickbait!