It’s your girl, Hinoiri! (Hinoiri Kirara)

From Radiant Heart MUSH

It’s your girl, Hinoiri! (Hinoiri Kirara)
Date of Cutscene: 12 July 2024
Location: RHA dorms
Synopsis: Hinoiri decides to try streaming on her new channel, Shimmer Code! It... it doesn't go very well... Better like, comment and subscribe!
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara

“Hey, gamers, welcome to my new gaming channel, ‘Shimmer Code’,” Hinoiri said into the camera, a small, knowing smirk on her face. “A friend of mine recommended I try doing this whole streaming thing and it looked like fun, so I thought why not? I’ve mastered quite a few games, so I figured, hey, why not let the world at large see my next example of gaming splendor?”

Hinoiri then reached over and grabbed the controller. “So, I’ve been trying a bunch of different games lately, this one is a bit more slow paced though. A card game named Chrono Ark. Apparently you’re playing as a little girl who’s trying to reset time or something? I don’t know, but I figure I might as well find out. How hard could it be?”

“What do you mean I DIED?! How did I DIE?! Wait, that’s a reflect… oh for Sora’s sake! FINE! Let’s try this then!”

“YES! FEEL MY FURY! FEEL THE FURY OF ANGRY ARMOR MAN!” Hinoiri shouted as she cackled with mad delight!

“What do you want from me?! Tell me what you need!” Hinoiri yelled at the screen, shaking the controller as, for the fifth time, she died due to not drawing any of her big explosive cards.

Hinoiri flailed her feet out, her head buried in the couch as she knelt there, gamer frustration coursing through her veins as she struggled, valiantly, to get through a rather complex fight against a clown.

“What do you mean he’s her-- WHAT?!” Hinoiri yelled, gesturing wildly at the screen. “That doesn’t, what kind of sick game is this?! That poor kid!”

Tears flowed down Hinoiri’s face as she stared at the screen. “T-that… that’s so beautiful… d-despite everything, s-she just didn’t give up. S-she’s such a brave l-little trooper…”

“I’m going to make him eat a PINECONE!” Hinoiri yelled, shaking the controller furiously. “I’ll SHOW YOU! Feel my thirty-two card combo!”

Hinoiri stared at the monitor, shaking her head. “Yeah… this… this was a dumb idea.” She didn’t know why she thought this would be a good idea. Who’d want to watch her flail angrily at video games? Ugh, why did she even CHOOSE something like this? Usagi obviously had the right idea. Action games. Nobody wants to watch her flail and get emotional over a silly card game.

The mouse idled over the ‘post’ button. What was the saying? ‘Once it was online it was there forever’? Maybe…

Maybe before everything happened, she could have confidence that people would like it. Now? This whole ‘Shimmer Code’ thing seemed silly. She was hardly a people person, anyway. Oh well. She got to her feet and stretched a little.

Still, it had been fun. Spending a few days learning about recording, editing, all of that. But the end result just… wasn’t good. She was going to go for a motorcycle ride. Clear her head.

A few minutes after she left, the door opened and a small, adorable little head peeped into the dorm room. “Onee-san?” Dianora asked. She looked around the room before walking over towards the computer.

Slowly, a less-than-innocent smile formed on her lips. Her hand reached out and, very gently, clicked the mouse.
