Hinoiri Kirara
Hinoiri Kirara (Scenesys ID: 131) | |||
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Quote | |||
"I don't. Like. To lose." | |||
Profile | |||
Name: | Hinoiri Kirara | AKA: | Sunbreaker |
Gender: | Female | Series: | (OC) Geode Girls |
Origin: | Geode Girls | Grade: | 9 |
Clubs: | Yearbook, dirtbike | Age: | 14 |
Group Information | |||
Groups | N/A |
Hinoiri is everything YOU wish you could be. Strong. Tough. Athletic. Smart. Perhaps not the top of her class but definitely up there. More than that, though, she is dangerous. She knows when, how and where to strike to shatter your defenses and break your resolve. Those who get in her way or competed against her often find themselves humiliated, mocked and with all kinds of nasty rumors whispered about them. However, she's not a fool. She knows better than to fight when the odds are stacked against her, instead waiting to strike until her opposition is vulnerable. Little is known about her, however. If she has any family, nobody could say.
She is definitely NOT from some strange fairy world, though. That is for certain. After all, that'd just be silly. Right? ... Right?
Broke the cutie, Not from around here, Don't. Test. Me., Bookworm, Likes to get her hooves dirty, Will read you like a book, Wasted potential, Early to rise, Who dyed her hair?, SCIENCE! And science, Memorized the equations, Notice me Senpai, World conquerer-in-training, I CAN HANDLE IT!, Nice and sweet until she's not, Impromptu song and dance number, Earning her wings... with violence, Not as smart as she thinks she is, Not a morning person, Sunburned, Re-learning the math, Nothing casts a bigger shadow than the sun...
Vital Trivia
Height: Unknown
Blood Type: Unknown
Birthday: Unknown
Likes: Unknown
Dislikes: Unknown
Favorite Food: Unknown
Least Favorite Food: Anything with meat in it.
Favorite Subject: Yes.
Least Favorite Subject: Unknown
Online Tag(s): Unknown
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Cure La Licorne | February 4th, 2025 | When Chongire tries to take motivation energy from the beach goers of Tokyo, he runs into La Mer, Cure Wing, Pagemage, Amy and Pulp Noir. But when it looks like he might actually win, Cure La Licorne makes her debut! A redemption over a year in the making finally comes to a head as she takes her place besides her friends! |
Wellness Check: Hinoiri and Entrapta | February 3rd, 2025 | Worried about Rashmi's slide into depression, Entrapta and Hinoiri, separately, converge on her dorm room to offer help, comfort, hot cocoa, and videogames. The scene is fraught, but at the end of it, two of Rashmi's smartest friends now know each other, and Rashmi has cause to be proud of Hinoiri, and even fonder of her kohai, Entrapta. |
Delinquent Moves | February 1st, 2025 | Hiniori is the bat. |
Siege of the Twin Fires | February 1st, 2025 | The two flameborn clones attack Cafè BAKE Neko, expecting an easy victory, and they get a sound lesson for their trouble, courtesy of Cure La Licorne, Rocket Magical Girl Red, Snow Angel Mou Fubuki, Tuxedo Kamen, Sailor Venus, Sailor Moon, Kunzite and Yukihime. |
A Cat's Frantic Escape | January 31st, 2025 | Finding herself in a weird situation, Veronica takes refuge on campus, and soon enough runs into a lot of helping hands... and petting hands, to her embarassment. |
KKF Donut party! | January 29th, 2025 | Hinoiri invites everyone who sparkles with not-dark-energy to the shed for a donut party and to let them know about... the time loop. And to not tell those at Obsidian due to the dangers in such. Also, to share some info about Riventon having a hand and whatnot. Unfortunately, the recent loss of Molly hangs over many heads. |
So I can surf now | January 26th, 2025 | Hinoiri tells Sayaka about the loop, the things she'd done and, most importantly, Equivalence... And agrees that the two of them will definitely need to go surfing again later. Preferably when it gets warmer. |
Emi Has Questions | January 26th, 2025 | Emi has questions for Hinoiri. It segues way into a trip to the dreamworld and a meeting that might predict future trouble for Hinoiri. |
On the road to the Korma | January 26th, 2025 | Hinoiri and Rashmi have a brief, if meaningful, discussion about what happened during the time loop. |
KKF Donut run | January 24th, 2025 | Hinoiri grabs Rashmi, Sayaka and Usagi on a donut run to Kirakirafantastica... and lets them know about the time loop. And getting dumped. And also about her mentor replacing her. It has been... a week. They decide that some helpful girl time is needed. |
Early Loops: Veronica | January 21st, 2025 | During one of her earlier loops, Hinoiri attempted to gather what information she could to try and help make up for the pain she caused Norie. Her first step? Questioning her roommate, Veronica. Also, petting their cat. |
Everybody Leaves in the End | January 20th, 2025 | Hinoiri comes home to Dianora sitting on top of a pink trunk full of all of her belongings. It is exactly what it looks like. Dianora is convinced she needs to break up with Hinoiri for her girlfriend's own good, and there's no changing her mind. |
Drawing Nature | January 18th, 2025 | While Hinoiri is chillaxing with some painting of the sunset, Laura decides to jump in and get a portrait of her own done! The two discuss life, here in the human world, for those who just... really, aren't. |
Spirit Ember: Sense of Self | January 16th, 2025 | When the Spirit Ember Guardians find Catra in the school cafeteria, her true Etherian self is revealed. With the help of unexpected allies (join the MakeArt Club!), Catra finds her self-worth and stands on her own two feet. More trials await! |
Vroom Vroom | January 15th, 2025 | Mamoru asks Haruka for motorcycle lessons, then proves his new dad syndrome by not being able to shut up about Chibiusa until they get back to motorcycles with Hinoiri who is STRANGELY APOLOGETIC. |
Time Loops: Mamoru | January 15th, 2025 | Over a multitude of loops, Hinoiri asks Mamoru about his estranged jacket and he has many, many responses... Which all culiminate in a very, very confused Mamoru and an even more stressed Hinoiri. |
Time Loops: Amy | January 15th, 2025 | During the time loop, Hinoiri encountered Amy and shared quite a bit of her 'looping' issues with her... as well as allowed the other girl to experience a few things free of the consequences of reality. However, during this she learns a bit more about the other girl than she'd ever realized. |
Time Loops: Chibiusa | January 14th, 2025 | Across the many time loops, Hinoiri had met with a small lady, the original small lady, in fact. She learns the origins of Chibiusa and finds a bit of a mirror in their situations. Both made mistakes. Both struggled to keep up with the legacy they found themselves in. Both need to blow off steam. Both frustrate Usagi and yet, for some reason, find her often protecting them. And she lets Chibiusa in on a little secret... it's gonna suck, and she's going to be angry and upset and sad... but, most of all? That it's okay. |
Time Loops: Ryoko | January 14th, 2025 | During the loops, Hinoiri met with Ryoko for (almost) daily fencing training! It paid off... but may cause some trouble to brew. |
Mid Loop: Niji | January 13th, 2025 | During the time loops, Hinoiri met with Niji a few times... and played in the arcade a LOT! So. So much. Unfortunately, it made many of Niji's lessons incredibly tense. Fortunately, Niji wouldn't remember any of them. |
Time Loops: Jadeite | January 12th, 2025 | Hinoiri encounters Tamaki, or as he is known, Jadeite, across multiple loops. While he offers help, it isn't until the final loop she's finally able to accept it... and asks him a few questions about his own path of redemption. |
Time Loops: Agera | January 12th, 2025 | Hinoiri goes to Riventon to ask him for help... and learns a lot about him. He is willing to do the right thing, sometimes. But also the wrong thing, MOST times. Also, he has something of someone she cares for. A lot. |
Time Loops: Madoka and Kamiko | January 10th, 2025 | During the time loops, Madoka has caught onto Setsuna's trolling and realizes... something is up. Eventually, she figures out it's Hinoiri looping! ... Then she figures it out again, and again, and... Hinoiri eventually snaps. But, later still? She asks for help... |
Loops: Emi | January 9th, 2025 | Across all of the timelines, running into Emi was something that happened often, with a youma that, frankly, was horrifying... And one that Hinoiri had to eventually accept that it wasn't her duty to fix. Because what Emi needed was more than just a defeated youma... it was a link to the others who could help her when she needed it. |
Recovery Loop: Rashmi | January 8th, 2025 | Hinoiri reaches out to Rashmi for advice and help after her perfect loop... and learns some things. For example, Rashmi DOES have a breaking point. But also maybe it's okay to accept that not everything depends on her entirely. |
Mid Loop: Koji | January 7th, 2025 | Hinoiri ambushes Koji... over many loops. Getting angrier. And angrier. And angrier with each one... until, finally, she manages to find out his deal. It turns out he isn't the one trapping her... and his history mirrors her own. However, while he cowered from the light in the darkness... she chased it, even as it burned her. In the end, the truth was somewhere in the middle. |
Recovery Loop: Sayaka | January 7th, 2025 | After her perfect loop fails to BREAK the loop, Hinoiri has a bit of a breakdown and runs to her best friend for help and to destress. She confesses to being Equivalence, as well as some other mistakes, and Sayaka manages to convince her to, well... reach out for some help. Admittedly, not something she has ever been good at. |
Mid-Loop: Coco | January 6th, 2025 | After far too many loops, Hinoiri starts trying to find out what the source of all of this weird magic is... one of the first people she investigates is Coco, her patron. Still, while she doesn't get all of the answers she seeks, she does get some advice and a few ideas. She even decides to spend the day having fun, for once. After all, what does it hurt? |
Time-Loops: Marinette | January 6th, 2025 | During the time loops, Hinoiri ran into a young girl undergoing her own finale... and seeing Ladybug meet her end only drove the girl further and harder than she'd ever driven before. Fortunately, she has others reaching out to pull her into the future when she can no longer carry the burden herself. |
Maybe you can be Defreshing | December 30th, 2024 | While, due to her other activities, Melona is generally ignored when it comes to dark energy quotas as she assists in repairs and helps out in labs, she does still have a small quota. With very few ideas, she looks at a certain mostly-disassembled and wrecked ice cream cart that she had stolen oh so long ago. Many rivets and poundings later, and something has been created - the return of the Dippin' Dots Cart. Well, our heroes can't let that stand, now can they? |
Jweater Jreams | December 27th, 2024 | Somehow, the Jimono is back as ugly christmas jeans sweaters, and Prinzessin Nichts has somehow been affected?! ... ... She's also weirdly chill. Huh. |
Consequences of Helping | December 8th, 2024 | Equivalence runs into a bit of a problem when she's ambushed by Riventon... who is testing out the new weapon SHE helped him make. After being tossed around, he prepares to vaporize her... will to fight, only for Tuxedo Mask, Sharpsong and an exasperated Pagemage to step in and save her. |
Study Hall Fangirl | December 4th, 2024 | Hinoiri agrees to help Marinette study... and they, unfortunately, get sidelined with Marinette's hobby. And find out that Marinette is a little bit of a Ladybug fangirl. Fortunately, Hinoiri warns her to keep it on the down low, you never know how crazy some fans can get about totally fictional characters. |
Grand Theft X-egg! | December 2nd, 2024 | Utau stole Hinoiri's Dream, and now she's using that X-Egg to cause trouble. Thankfully, Amy, Sayaka, and Madoka are on the scene and save her! Except... Norie did leave a calling card. |
There IS a point | November 29th, 2024 | Hinoiri asks Ryoko for another favor... teach her how to fence. What follows is a surprisingly kind, gentle and fun match betwen the two. They even have, dare I say it... a good time. If one filled with a lot of sweat. |
Please Don't Tell Madoka | November 28th, 2024 | Kamiko confronts Hinoiri about what she was doing with the towers. What she finds is Hinoiri in mourning because she's lost her dream and her Heart's Egg. Kamiko tries to comfort her but she's absolutely terrible at being a goddess so it has mixed results. Also: time loops bad. Don't do them! |
Feeling Blue | November 28th, 2024 | Hinoiri and Sayaka go to meet with Blue... and find out if she's eligible to be a pretty cure. It turns out she's not, but not for the reasons she'd expect. Love... isn't the answer? |
Dreamless | November 27th, 2024 | After losing her Heart Egg, Hinoiri reaches out to Double Trouble for comfort and a distraction from the misery of losing her dream. Warning, heavy cuddling, lovey dovey talk and dramaaaaaa. |
No Work For Fire | November 26th, 2024 | Seeking a new avenue to create a Deadbeat, Fuhai ends up channeling her feelings into the Deadbeat of the sun goddess Xihe. Can she, Cure Suzhen and Geode Girl Loyalty calm the despondent goddess? |
Donuts and Eggs | November 25th, 2024 | When Hinoiri runs into Utau, she doesn't realize that her old co-worker might have a grudge with her, over her prior antics with Norie. Just a minor thing of taking the one good thing in her life, so nothing major. Utau's response is to steal Hinoiri's dreams and leave her depressed... Fortunately, Pretty Cure Sharpsong and Tuxedo Mask arrive to get her to medical care. However, there is still the business of rescuing her heart egg. |
Help! I Have Too Many Robots! | November 24th, 2024 | Moments after Horde Prime's transmission and the sudden appearance of half a dozen Horde bots in their dorm room, Hinoiri arrives home. After so many times of them helping bail out Hinoiri, it's finally Double Troubles turn to call on her to help them get the bots where they need to go. And of course they reveal the broad strokes of their plan and debut their new faces to her. She's their girlfriend. She deserves that much. |
News Flash: Catra Does Her Job! | November 24th, 2024 | Catra's on the clock, and she's got a deadline to get dark energy collection finished by. So she's hard at work, until Rashmi, Amy, and Hinoiri show up -- and then it turns into an absolute cluster. But hey, that kind of thing makes the best news and gets all the clicks. |
Direct Action | November 23rd, 2024 | Ember drags Hinoiri and Scorpia out to deploy one of Eudial's towers, but make it less harmful. Somehow "less harmful" also means thirty wolflike Grimm. As per her usual, Ember ended up running away, but she got what she came for, and she even did less harm that the last time. Operation success! |
Double Date | November 19th, 2024 | Shiori meets Hinoiri at Korma Chameleon for a low-key dinner date, and who should be their waitress but Rashmi? As soon as she gets off the clock she joins them to hear the story of how the couple met. One thing leads to another and it gets Double Trouble worrying a bit more about the future. |
Text: SHE LIKES NOTHING! | November 19th, 2024 | Hinoiri asks Takashi for some advice... it goes poorly. |
Questionable smuggling | November 17th, 2024 | Hinoiri goes to the Korma to ask Rashmi about what is being smuggled into RHA... and how safe it is. |
After the show | November 16th, 2024 | After Dianora was shot, Hinoiri and Double Trouble spend the evening together, enjoying some cuddling and comfort after a rather... brutal engagement. They liiiiiiike each other. |
Crystal Cooperation | November 16th, 2024 | Takashi introduces Glimmer to Light Hope's 'little sister' - Night Hope. |
ShimmerCode: Cat's out | November 14th, 2024 | Catra joins Hinoiri on her game channel, Shimmer Code. Together, they decide to conquer the world... as dual unicorns with the most powerful forces imaginable. Violence and excessive magic. Oh, right, and teamwork, I guess. |
What would you do | November 12th, 2024 | Hinoiri goes to Usagi to ask about forgiveness... and then ask what she would do, put in the same situation where the one she loved was put in danger. She hopes the answers she gets are the ones she needed. |
A Star's Secret Unveiled | November 8th, 2024 | Radiant Heart Academy's Music Department has rented out a venue for their seasonal recital, and tickets have sold out. But disaster strikes when Tellu decides to take a go at snatching a heart crystal during the performance! With Dianora shot and Double Trobule's true form is revealed! Bow, Amy, and Sayaka are on the scene to save Double Trouble and Tomoko, but when Hinoiri makes the potentially disastrous choice to go Sunbreaker again, can they stop Tellu, the youma, *and* keep Hinoiri on the side of light? |
On Probation or Emi Is Such a Rebel | November 7th, 2024 | After being caught skipping class, Emi receives a dressing down from her probation volunteer, Mister Sato. Hinoiri overhears, discovering just what a delinquent her neighbor is. |
Out of the zone | November 5th, 2024 | Hinoiri calls on some of the people she knows, Mamoru, Naru and Amy and they bring a fourth, Usagi, to discuss... the closing of the last Eclipse Zone. But first, they must do some recon! Also, they plan for magical karaoke! Yay! |
Walpurgisnacht | October 31st, 2024 | On October 31st, 2024; a powerful and sudden storm strikes Tokyo. But to those in the know it's not a storm, but the legendary Witch, Walpurgisnacht. |
Sunshine in your Heart | October 29th, 2024 | Usagi introduces Hinoiri to Laura, in the hopes that they can solve each other's troubles. And yet - something doesn't quite work. Perhaps they need to build up resonance? No, Hinoiri, that's not what resonance means! |
Met a friend of yours... | October 28th, 2024 | Hinoiri talks with her roommate, Dianora, about an upcoming project. Can Scorpia be trusted? Well... yes, actually. Who would have thought the cinnamon roll was good?! |
Scorpion meets Unicorn | October 27th, 2024 | Scorpia introduces herself to Hinoiri and tells her they'll be working together soon. This... will definitely be good. Right? Probably? Maybe? Hopefully? |
Motorcycle Mechanic Meeting | October 23rd, 2024 | Amy and Usagi meet up with Hinoiri as she's working on a motorcycle club project and the three talk about life, magic, fashion and anything else that crosses their minds. |
Harm Reduction | October 18th, 2024 | Ryoko goes looking for Hinoiri to ask how to harm people less using the towers Eudial is sending her out with. She literally cannot have a single conversation without gushing about her girlfriend. |
Texts: Heads up, please? | October 15th, 2024 | Following some recent news, Hinoiri reaches out to some of her contacts in Obsidian to ask them to keep an eye on Hawkmoth, just in case. And maybe spread a bit of misinformation, too... while pondering the terror that is the sparkle. |
Cafeteria Chatter | October 15th, 2024 | Is there even such a thing as a non-working lunch for mahou? Usagi, Mamoru, Bow, Hinoiri, Naru, and Adrien share a good deal of information over one busy lunch. |
Neither Yeet Nor Yoink | October 8th, 2024 | Equivalence comes through Mamoru's window bringing injuries and a Vast Mystery. |
Pony vs Cat | October 8th, 2024 | Hinoiri comes to confront Catra in a mall while the cat is destroying things. A battle ensues! Followed by a talk. |
Just a small surprise... | October 7th, 2024 | Hinoiri invites Sayaka over for a bit of magic examination... and gifts her a cake! Little does she know that Sayaka has a similiar idea... |
Happy Doka Day | October 5th, 2024 | It's Madoka Kaname's 15th Birthday! Well actually it's the weekend after the actual birthday when it's a bit more convenient to celebrate. Sayaka, Amy, Usagi, Mamoru and Hinoiri have all been invited. Gifts are given, food and treats are provided, and Sayaka displays new cakemaking skills. Special guest appearance by Homura Akemi. |
Lessons in Falconry and Magic | October 4th, 2024 | Sensing the happiness she so disdains, Hosshiwa attacks Pikarigaoka's Falconry School and turns one of the falconers into her Terribad! Hope Blossom, Equivalence, Puella Red and Sayaka come and reproach her about it, and thanks to the Love Crystal she got from Blue, the bluenette can transform again, into Cure Sharpsong! |
Not So Shrimple Treasure Hunt | September 24th, 2024 | Yuri puts up one of those towers Sunbreaker had, and in conjuction with a cursed treasure youma further blessed by Gaito, sets out to protect it. Barely able to endure the intervention of Yellow Pearl Voice, Equivalence, Jolly Roger and Magical Rocket Girl Red, she flees with the charged tower, while her colleague gets purified, and the coin retrieved, an appearance by Aqua Regina granting the pirate a white pearl. |
Friends along the way | September 23rd, 2024 | Hinoiri decides to give Double Trouble the chance to know they're a magical girl now... or keep it hidden for the drama. Not a hard guess which one they choose... They also begin to suspect their girlfriend might be making even more terrible choices. Pfft. What are the chances of THAT though? |
Between a Roc and a Hard Place | September 21st, 2024 | Ember deploys one of Eudial's portal towers, but doesn't manage to defend it. She got what she came for though: she found the dust emblem she was looking for, and some clues as to just who it is that has it. Big new Grimm debut and try to put a strain on Ember's relationship with Scorpia. |
Information sharing session | September 20th, 2024 | Hinoiri meets up with Setsuna, Rashmi and Koji in order to get some help on the weird tracking system she stole, as well as exchange information about her Eclipse Zone towers. Additionally, Setsuna and Rashmi lend Hinoiri a book of ancient magic that will definitely NEVER cause them problems, especially if it's real. |
Status Report | September 20th, 2024 | After a lot of research, Hinoiri makes a report to Coco. While she's not found out everything she'd like, she's learned quite a bit of information to share with her patron and, more importantly, a moment to express her gratitude for what the other girl has done for her. |
Mahounet: The Math Ain't Mathing | September 17th, 2024 | Rashmi calls Hinoiri to the rooftop for a working lunch. The project; to work out how to make a communications spell that can be handed out in portable to all mahou regardless of magical type. Also news about the hunts that Tomoe and Easter are staging is exchanged, and much more besides. But the important part: this is not a project that would work, without Hinoiri's knowledge. |
Texts: sunshine in your heart. also pings | September 14th, 2024 | Having learned Laura is recruiting, Usagi contacts Hinoiri to see if she's still hoping to find magic. Meanwhile, Hinoiri's had her own recent adventures - including one that involved a ping...but from Gaito?! Could that be a coincidence? (Events referenced are in scenes 1944 and 1946) |
Mylio's Bad Day | September 13th, 2024 | In which Coco, Equivalence, and the Shadow Shogun ensure Mylio has a bad day. Also, a GPS is discovered. |
Villain to villain | September 12th, 2024 | After Hinoiri's recent first floundering attempt at being a sparkle, Hinoiri reaches out to the one person she feels can understand not being enough... Catra. In a surprising twist, the feline has advice that can both help AND not make things worse! Mostly. |
But where has the magic gone | September 9th, 2024 | Sayaka and Madoka are invited to Hinoiri's little testing area to run some experiments, while Naru takes notes of her own. The four of them proceed to come up with a few theories and compare the different styles of magic and what they all mean... |
Toppers at the Altar | September 8th, 2024 | A beautiful day goes south when a bride is left at the altar while Hawkmoth is searching for a new target! It's up to Ladybug, Cat Noir, Lunar Knight, GG Loyalty, Hope Blossom, Puella Red, and new hero Equivalence to stop Groomacidal before she wages war on men and love as a whole! And on the hero side of things, Equivalence is just starting out, but her tactics seem to be creating some friction... |
Surprise Exchange | September 5th, 2024 | Starcrash gets a location fix on an upgrade module in the middle of the night, so Rashmi comes all the way out to help Molly try and retrieve it... only for it to disappear before they can find it! Meanwhile a strange new Mahou named Equivalance has appeared, who can really kick. Coincidence?! ...Nah, couldn't be, that's silly. |
Role reversal | September 4th, 2024 | Naru and Hinoiri talk about life powered and unpowered, both of them having been on both sides of that equation. There's coffee and cake to fuel the conversation. |
Experimental Lyrics | September 4th, 2024 | Hinoiri experiments on some of the records she picked up on sale... only to pick on that REALLY rubs Chiyo the wrong way. The shattering record and yelling manage to attract a wild Molly towards the scene! |
Witching Hour | August 31st, 2024 | Part 1 of the final confrontation with the Meanie Dokas! The sparkles have found Gretchen's Labyrinth and intend to put a stop to her mass brainwashing, but Rens and Tia stand in their way. What follows is a chaotic battle followed by the purification of the two X-Chara. |
If I Had A Nickel | August 30th, 2024 | Some social in Game Center Crown. |
Sharing a cola | August 24th, 2024 | Gretchen is lured in by Hinoiri's promises of Soda and... well, soda. The two discuss what it is, exactly, that she's up to and they share a bit of their own perspectives about how things turned out. In the end, neither of them feels the other is... entirely detestable. They might even be, dare they say it... likeable. |
We're In Deep | August 20th, 2024 | Hinoiri and Usagi reconnect, talking about singing, the rules of royalty, Paris, and of course, magic. |
Just don't ask | August 12th, 2024 | Hinoiri as a tiny alicorn has gotten trapped in a net! It's up to Adora to save her! But, who's this?! CATRA! GASP! Can these two work out their trauma or will it just make matters worse?! It's them, so guess. |
She'll hardly miss one... | August 9th, 2024 | After Setsuna gets pulled away by an 'emergency', Hinoiri swings by to ask her a few questions about some medical/magical theories. However, when she senses magic from a piece of jewelry left out with Setsuna's random baubles... she can't help but take it with her. This will certainly have no long term consequences. |
Exchange of information | August 7th, 2024 | Hinoiri meets with Kyouka and Setsuna for a quick exchange of information, where she turns over a lot of the information she knew about Obsidian. Now? The sparkles will have a little bit more information about their enemies. |
Sculpt me like your earth alicorns | August 5th, 2024 | Jadeite comes and checks on the little alicorn and the two discuss the life of being ex villains... also, Hinoiri is a model now. Very proud. Much majestic. |
Grimm Business | August 4th, 2024 | Ember goes to recover a dust emblem. She releases her grimm and they start to cause the havoc she wanted, and also havoc she didn't. Cats were a terrible choice. In the end there's massive destruction and she doesn't get anything except a concussed girlfriend, a bruised ego, and a doomed certainty that The Grim Queen will be displeased. All because Hinoiri just happened to pocket the dust emblem just before she was put in mortal peril by the Grimm. |
Tell Me How You Really Feel... | August 4th, 2024 | Hinoiri *finally* reaches out to Rashmi, and the two share a lunch in the Korma's greenhouse. Hinoiri vents her frustrations, her worries, and her despair... and gets a nice meal, hard conversation, and a good hug. Sunset of Sora is laid to rest for good. |
Takoyaki Talk Time! | August 2nd, 2024 | Following Hinoiri's rescue in scene 1820, her brave rescuers go out for some takoyaki. |
A Cute-able Replacement | August 2nd, 2024 | Dianora comes home to the dorm room only to discover her roommate is back, and she's a tiny alicorn! It's adorable. It's cute. It's a affirmation of their love. But most importantly, it's the therapy Hinoiri needs. |
Rainbow Unicorn Rescue Attack! | August 1st, 2024 | Hinoiri's rescue is upon the mahou and they have managed to track down the dastardly Songstopper... But... What's this?! Songstopper was sent by... Sunbreaker?! AKA, Hinoiri Kirara?! What could this mean?
It means shame. So much shame. |
Did somebody say... | July 23rd, 2024 | After her recent run-in with KKF magic, Hinoiri, now a tiny alicorn, ends up lost in the city... but fortunately she runs into SWIFTWIND! Unfortunately, this means that Swiftwind is the only one nearby... as Hinoiri is KIDNAPPED! By a mysterious youma claiming to be serving the most brilliant and glorious of Obsidian's leaders! Who could they be?! |
My little problem | July 21st, 2024 | Hinoiri and Takashi work, once again, on helping her get power as she complains about some of the sparkles. And they have some success... Small success. A little bit of success. And an itsy, bitsy problem. |
GENESIS: Hinoiri Kirara | July 20th, 2024 | After a chance meeting, Keaka finally offered a prospective hero the power to be themselves.
And Hinoiri said yes. What happens when you disable safeties and hack the Abhorrent Weapon generation process to create an Abstractum instead, and then target it at someone who an Abstractum can't be made for? You get a Hinoiri youma, apparently! |
Kiruna Group | July 17th, 2024 | Takashi brings Hinoiri to the Secreter Secret Lab. |
Liked and Subscribed | July 15th, 2024 | Double Trouble and Hinoiri spend a cute time snuggling in their room a little while after Double Trouble secretly posted Hinoiri's video to the internet. Double Trouble thinks she should pursue internet content creation now that blowing up the sun is not an option. It is a sweet re-affirmation of their relationship in which words such as brilliant, ridiculous, and fiance were used. |
Nother Nefarious | July 11th, 2024 | Madoka finds out about, and even helps, Hinoiri with her research! After some singing, the two discuss the nature of Gretchen... And Hinoiri learns quite a bit about the origins of that particular chara. And realizes that they all might have quite a bit more in common than she realized. |
Jacket shopping | July 7th, 2024 | While trying to get a new jacket, Hinoiri gets an offer she didn't expect from a source she wouldn't imagine... Keaka. |
A Rainy Witch of Dancing | July 7th, 2024 | Incomplete. A Witch has caused civilians to dance through the streets of Yumegahama - luckily, on hand to fight are Amy, Sayaka, Madoka, and Young Lacuna. |
Letting go... | July 5th, 2024 | Hinoiri tries to understand... painting. For relaxation. Fortunately, Michiru is more than happy to step forward and offer her some advice. Hinoiri is a little surprised to find out the girl knows much about painting, though. How little she knows... |
Let me teach you... | July 5th, 2024 | Hinoiri and Niji finally begin studying Loyalty's magic and, together, start making some breakthroughs... |
Help me put all this together | July 4th, 2024 | Hinoiri and Coco work to get the magic testing equipment setup, though there's a bit of a... problem. Fortunately, Hanzo is able to swing in and offer some advice on how to operate the electronic part of the device and together they manage some success... and a small pack of otters. |
Illegal Serve | July 3rd, 2024 | Ladybug and Cat Noir stop a Layabout and rescue Hinoiri despite the youma's blatant foul play. |
The cake is... | July 1st, 2024 | Taro decides to come and try and intimidate Hinoiri... unfortunately, after just being trapped in a building with an angry pyromaniac, the alicorn cake isn't going to cut it. |
Kind of Horrifying | July 1st, 2024 | Usagi comes to Hinoiri's dorm shortly after her door's been covered in blood(?). Hinoiri opens the door in time to see Usagi in front of her blood covered door. Somehow, that's not the horrifying thing in this scene. Featuring: teh ever looming threat of the fade, the agony of making friends, and suggestions for an outlet. |
You really pissed her off | June 30th, 2024 | Takashi sneaks in a visit to Hinoiri, checking up on his favorite unicorn... and learns some information about who's been attacking her. He also... offers her a possible taste of magic. Which definitely won't backfire. |
Playing Cat and Unicorn | June 29th, 2024 | Catra tries to finish off Hinoiri while she's in recovery! Fortunately, Sharpsong, Bow and Pagemage are able to keep her off, though it costs them when Catra can't leave empty handed... |
Minions care too! | June 27th, 2024 | Adrien comes to visit Hinoiri while she's in the hospital. The two talk for a bit and he even gets permission to slap her, if it ever comes down to it. It's doubtful he would, but you never know. She also gets a new plushy from a new friend. |
The Pony in Her | June 25th, 2024 | Sayaka comes to visit Hinoiri in the hospital after her enigmatic message, and much cheering is had about Hinoiri's improved life conditions, even with the looming threat of Obsidian's assassination attempts. But one question remains: can Hinoiri find a way to harness Kirarafantasica's magic for the side of good? |
Hospital Visits: A Ray Of Sunshine | June 25th, 2024 | Rashmi, Usagi, Chiyo and Amy visit Hinoiri in the hospital, bringing much-needed advice, lectures, encouragement, and more! Also Chiyo brings a cathartic pillow-beating, because Hinoiri. |
And a Lousy Unicorn | June 24th, 2024 | For all the ironies, Mamoru goes to visit Hinoiri in the hospital after she's badly burnt by Chaar. |
Just a few things | June 24th, 2024 | While in the burn ward, Hinoiri has a mermaid visit her to check on how she's doing. The answer? Not the best. But, at the very least, she's feeling a little better now. Fortunately, Coco is able to distract her with work and a gift! With the groundwork laid, soon Hinoiri can begin her study of the mermaid's song. |
Doom and Gloom: CONSEQUENCES | June 23rd, 2024 | DG Girl Chaar has found Hinoiri at the grocery store, and this reunion of student and teacher is not going well for the unicorn. Luckily, Black Lynx, Hope Blossom, Nanoha, Katsuko, and Rocket Girl Red are in the area and ready to be on scene! CW: injuries. |
Take Me Out To The Ballgame | June 22nd, 2024 | Namakelder interupts a baseball game with a pitcher Terribad. Loyalty, Sharpsong and Katsuko knock it out of the park while Hinoiri provides color commentary. |
Cruising for a Bad Time | June 21st, 2024 | A day cruise is heading from Yumegahama's port to some of the scenic waterside locations around Tokyo, and there's no way it will go wrong, right? Well, at least with this many Shitennou and Senshi around, Naru and Hinoiri are sure to get a good hit in without consequence. Right? Featuring: Sublime Thunder, Jinxes, and Whirlpools That Give Up. |
This time it's Personal | June 20th, 2024 | Hinoiri gets re-personed with some help from Amy and Setsuna. However, as they work, Hinoiri discusses some of her beliefs and theories and magic, dampening the spirit of one puella, only for the ninth planet (still one) to help lift them again. |
Pompa-Pony | June 20th, 2024 | Phantom gets his revenge on Hinoiri. Fortunately, Page Mage, Daifuku, Puella Amy and Katsuko are there to rescue her with a song! |
A Melodious Agreement | June 19th, 2024 | Coco offers Hinoiri a job, and with the exception of a minor hitch, the two of them are able to see eye-to-eye and end up having a break together. |
Dusted off by Ancient Relics | June 18th, 2024 | Hinoiri runs into a youma of ancient egypt and is rescued by some sparkles of less ancient tokyo, Lacuna and Stellar of the past. She... makes an impression. They make one as well. After, she has some questions for Fuyuko. |
Timeline Shift: Precure, not Puella? | June 18th, 2024 | The Satyr Marsyas invades Penguin Park from another timeline, and it's up to Hope Blossom, Puella Red, Bow and Hinoiri to hold back his Kyubey Deadbeat! To provide help Sayaka comes in, transforming into Cure Euterpe! |
Texts: gone swimming in magic lakes lately? | June 17th, 2024 | Hinoiri Kirara texts with the adult Lacuna, after encountering the young version in scene 1672. |
Little cogs | June 14th, 2024 | Hinoiri and Naru talk about apologies and uselessness and how to survive a magical world with plenty of enemies and no powers. |
The Road to Betterment | June 13th, 2024 | Coco introduce Yuuto and Hinoiri to each other, but the atmosphere ends up being quite tense with everyone going their separate ways when Yuuto and Coco have different opinions on Hinoiri. |
Texts: you unpersoned me | June 12th, 2024 | Hinoiri Kirara just found out her bank accounts (and personal accounts) were nuked. She has a few questions for Fuyuko Yuuhi. Like, THE FUCK?! And then a few for her other big name in the business. |
A future turned not so terrible | June 12th, 2024 | Cure Wing, Rashmi, Yellow Pearl Voice, Katsuko and Geode Girl Loyalty rescue everyone's most well known unicorn, Hinoiri, from a bad end. They all then go to ramen together, where Hinoiri... learns of another consequence of being banished from Obsidian. |
Comfort Food | June 8th, 2024 | Hinoiri goes to the Korma and, to her surprise... despite running into many of the people she hurt, they all seem more than willing to give her another chance. Maybe she's not quite as hated as she once feared... |
On the road again... | June 7th, 2024 | On the way to the Korma after her recent armageddon, Hinoiri runs into someone who went through a little armageddon of their own. The two talk for a little and he shares a little advise. Meanwhile, Hinoiri starts to feel the pull of magic, but.... she's certain she can resist it, this time. |
An Ice Intervention | June 5th, 2024 | Gaito wants to make an example of Hinoiri, but Double Trouble shows they can bring out the claws for the occasion. |
Texts: Be better than me | June 5th, 2024 | Hinoiri sends a text to Catra while she's still in the hospital. This leaves neither of them in a good mental state, sadly. |
Dramacorn Medical Ward | June 5th, 2024 | Following the talk with Takashi, Hinoiri and Double Trouble enjoy a little rest before the approaching storm... |
Sunset of Sora: Her aftermath | June 4th, 2024 | Takashi comes to meet with Hinoiri in the hospital and let her know how Obsidian is taking the news of her de-powering. Chances of murdering her? ... Terrifyingly high. Her self esteem? Under the ground. The damage to her is more than just skin deep it seems. |
Texts: A New Dawn | June 3rd, 2024 | After she got brought back from the Sunset of Sora, Hinoiri texts Sayaka to let her know she is at a hospital. |
Sunbreaker broke the Sun | June 2nd, 2024 | Hinoiri Kirara, the Sunset of Sora, finally destroys the sun. Casting the world into darkness until her own sun takes over. However, as lost as she is in the darkness, all of the friends (and rivals) she'd made over the last year refuse to let her end on that path. In a brutal, magical fight, they peel back every layer of her anguish, anger and despair, making sure that she can hear them. Showing her that, no matter what happens, she's not alone. She's seen. They came for her. And, through sparkles, violence and a massive special effects budget, they get their unicorn back... and she actually learns a lesson. The right one, this time. |
What is evil | June 1st, 2024 | Keaka is run into by Sunset of Sora while examining things in the dusk zone... it goes about as well as could be expected. Keaka learns a valuable lesson... jerks were jerks, even when they were, once, on your side. |
I know that magic | May 30th, 2024 | Sunset of Sora attacks Loyalty and, as she takes her power, realizes it's not just any magic. It's Kirakirafantastica magic. Loyalty makes so much sense now. She decides to show Loyalty what loyalty earns you... and fortunately, Cure Wing and Madoka are there to step in and protect the fallen mahou. Sharpsong joins in as well, bringing a song that is all too familiar for the dark mahou, managing to pierce even her darkened heart and forcing her to flee. |
Burning Nightmares | May 29th, 2024 | Usagi uses the connection she has with Mamoru to try and connect with Hinoiri. While there is some part of her still there... there's a lot of darkness enveloping her. |
Starbreaker | May 28th, 2024 | Stellar confronts Sunset of Sora. But she actually has a plan? |
Taking the stage | May 25th, 2024 | Hinoiri has set her eyes on the local musical sensation, Yellow Pearl Voice! What follows is a flaming ambush, leaving the mermaid not just wounded, but trapped in her natural form. Will this spell disaster for the young mermaid? |
Grievence with HR | May 24th, 2024 | Hinoiri decides to grab a pair who have bugging her, but Lacuna comes to stop her. Devouring flames versus Devouring void, which wins? Either way, the crazy girl. Unfortunately, now the girl focused on destruction has gained the ability to do even more damage to others... and herself. |
Burning Cat Toy | May 24th, 2024 | Hinoiri decides to steal another toy wielding mahou's power, but fortunately the cat was out of the bag and Black Lynx managed to save her... unfortunately, it took his power and his no-burn-ward membership card to do it. Luckily, the Knight of Dawn knows the location of the nearest hospital! |
In the Graveyard of Eternal Gauges | May 23rd, 2024 | Sunset of Sora breeches the Eternal Gauge's Precure Graveyard, prompting a battle between Phantom and Sunset. Phantom does something desperate to end the battle - and both are forced to retreat - in different ways, and the Graveyard is sealed, for now. |
Worse than ever before... | May 23rd, 2024 | After defeating a youma on her own, Molly is riding high! Unfortunately, Hinoiri is coming in low... Leaving Molly in the hospital and making Rashmi consider what she's truly willing to do... |
Lab partners | May 20th, 2024 | Not long before her fall, Hinoiri comes to Takashi with an interesting development... and a proposition. Who wants to play with MAGIC? Remember, so long as you take notes it counts as science! |
Devour the Earth | May 18th, 2024 | It really was a wonderful earth prince they had there... a shame something terrible happened to him. As Hinoiri gets more and more out of control, she devours all of the power of her newest prey... Mamoru Chiba. The earth has been eaten, what comes next? |
A birthday intervention. | May 17th, 2024 | Hinoiri gets a big surprise when Sayaka, Madoka, Double Trouble (as Dianora) and Ikuto throw Hinoiri her a special birthday party. After the first impact that moves her, Hinoiri shows a lot of enthusiasm. |
Sunsetting | May 17th, 2024 | Following the events of a surprise party that Hinoiri could have never imagined receiving, she finally feels brave enough to face whatever message her mentor left for her. Unfortunately, what she finds is so much less than she'd ever imagined... and more painful than she would have believed possible. |
Aggressive support | May 16th, 2024 | Hinoiri runs into Marinette and after some... agressive support... Marinette manages to even get Hinoiri to play with dolls, something she has... never done. |
Squash you like a... oh no. | May 16th, 2024 | Sunbreaker attacks! Fortunately, Amy and Cure Wing are there to try and put a stop to her neferious deeds! However, Ladybug has joined them.... and Sunbreaker does NOT approve of her outfit. She has some solutions. But, you know what they say about opinions and everybody having one... |
Irreplacable | May 13th, 2024 | Hinoiri comes home to spoil a convalescing Double Trouble with treats, ask them some hard questions about their past, but most importantly ask them why the heck they impersonated her in the first place. For once the chameleon chose to be vulnerable and it ended with a kiss. |
Plotting On Her Downfall (1) | May 12th, 2024 | Sailor Moon has invited those impacted by Beryl's time portal - either directly or indirectly - to enjoy a meal of ramen and cupcakes, as well as plot on Beryl's downfall. |
Continuing lessons | May 11th, 2024 | Sunbreaker has another lesson with Catra and, in the process... learns a lot more about what her relationship with Adora truly meant. And what the Force Commander was asked to give up. |
Haven't We Been Here Before | May 11th, 2024 | Sunbreaker confronts Ginga Kingu about what happened to Double Trouble. An uneasy understanding is reached. |
Appetite for (Destruction) Friendship | May 11th, 2024 | Hinoiri comes across Bow as he's enjoying a post work meal. They talk a lot about their respective SOs and share information that they may not have known about the other. But hey, they agreed to be friends for Sayaka's sake! |
What do I gain | May 10th, 2024 | Hinoiri decides to visit her best friend to discuss some recent developments... as well as get her advice on some things. In a strange twist nobody saw coming, she takes a good lesson from it. |
Careful what you eat | May 10th, 2024 | Takashi tries to wait out the effects of devouring too much of Beryl's portal magic while Sunbreaker fills him in on everything she learned... and thanks to Beryl? She learned quite a bit. |
Break a Leg | May 9th, 2024 | Double Trouble goes out as Sunbreaker to try and make some enemies and get her in trouble so that she'll maybe pay more attention to the important things in life: them. They come across Ginga Kingu having just defeated a youma, and see the perfect opportunity, biting off more than they can chew. Their performance is a crushing success. |
For the Applause | May 9th, 2024 | Sunbreaker brings Double Trouble to Mamoru and Mamoru tells her to get Setsuna too because WOW DT IS IN SUCH BAD SHAPE, omg. |
Checking on her lackey | May 7th, 2024 | Hinoiri goes to meet with Adrien, check up on him... however, his promise of friendship and that people would be there for her, well... Suffice to say, she doesn't take it well. Now he's left knowing who she is and, worse, she has given him an offer he... might not want to refuse. |
Mirage Zone | May 3rd, 2024 | Sunbreaker teams up with Phantom to create an Eclipse zone... and unfortunately for Rocket Red, Hope Witch and Daifuku, the two are a terrifying duo. Worse, Daifuku runs into some problems of her own! In the end, everything comes crashing down... as the second Eclipse Zone goes up. |
What are your rules | April 26th, 2024 | Catra has finally come up with her rules... and now there's only one more thing for Sunbreaker to do. Teach her dark magic. Surely this will all go perfectly well in the end. After all, Catra with someone actually teaching her how to make more bad choices is certainly a recipe for success. |
Hunting the Witch | April 26th, 2024 | Sunbreaker follows Beryl through space and time to learn what the source of her power is. She discovers it... and realizes while they are both bathed in the light of the sun, only one of them is worthy to wield it. |
Days of our Outers Episode 1498: Dimension Past: Outer Aftermath | April 25th, 2024 | The Outer Senshi (and Sunbreaker and Rashmi) make it out of Beryl's time portal. There's cuddling to be done. |
Every girl wants Flour, right | April 25th, 2024 | Hinoiri runs into Madoka in the super market and the girls chat about standard girl things. Flour, eggs, world domination... They give each other some advice and, maybe, learned a bit about each other. |
Dimension Past: End of an Era | April 25th, 2024 | Those who traveled through Beryl's portal have had a variety of revelations, adventures, and experiences they'll never forget. They might have been separated along the voyage, but now, they've been brought back together for the end: it's the fall of the Silver Millennium, and the only way out is through (well, that, and magical connections to the Earth's very own special guy). |
Dimension Past: Construction in the Cosmos | April 24th, 2024 | Madoka, Rashmi, Amy, Hinoiri, and Makoto successfully escaped Kunzite - and landed on the Moon, where they encounter Princess Serenity, Sailor Mercury, and a very lost construction worker. A discussion of futures, presents, and the ethics of the Prime Directive ensues. |
Dimension Past: Questions of the Moon | April 24th, 2024 | Queen Serenity seeks to enjoy a moment of peace on yet another beautiful day in the Capital City of the Moon. Sunbreaker seeks knowledge. Maybe at least one of them will get what they want? |
Flames and Shields | April 23rd, 2024 | Sunbreaker decides to train with Aloisia. To her surprise? She finds the girl... competent. Huh. Now she has to meet this Otto, surely such a great warrior will have a leader who... damnit. |
Dimension Past: The Radiant Dark | April 23rd, 2024 | Echo-Kunzite needs energy for his Great Leader. He means, to protect Earth and Endymion. Yes. So he goes to get some. By eating a city. It's all fun and games until senpai notices Erika... |
Gachas, tests and friendships | April 22nd, 2024 | Hinoiri and Sachiko meet and the two hit it off like a house on fire. With people screaming for help. And so much destruction. And... it just doesn't go well. At all. Oh dear. |
Dimension Past: Back to the Past | April 22nd, 2024 | When a youma fight interrupts Queen Beryl's latest plans, she faces the mahou themselves, putting on a terrifying show of power - particularly when she takes note of Tuxedo Kamen. The taunts and insults of our heroes don't go over well, and the Queen of the Dark Kingdom decides to send the group on a trip down memory - transporting them to an echo of the past! Trapped first in the center of the Fall of the Moon Kingdom, our heroes eventually find themselves somewhere less awful... but still trapped. CW: war, death. You came for back to the future but eneded up in Saving Private Ryan |
A Competitive Karaoke Date | April 20th, 2024 | After asking Yuki to go on a karaoke date with him Ikuto calls in multiple friends to chaperone the pair. When Hinoiri gets invited as well, the singing gets competitive. |
Lunch Zone | April 12th, 2024 | During a stressful day at the Eclipse Zone, Sunbreaker orders lunch... and unfortunately makes the worst possible mistake with young Rashmi. Well. Least violent, worst mistake. |
INTO THE RING! | April 12th, 2024 | Sunbreaker has created a pair of high flying wrestling pros to fight the sparkles, can they defeat them in time or will they need to tap out before an Eclipse Zone forms? Tune-in to find out! With Bow, Kingu, Mercury, Jupiter and Loyalty all working together, surely they can bring home the belt! |
Just some minor bruising | April 11th, 2024 | After training with Fuyuko, Hinoiri is... looking a little roughed up. Nurse Meiou has opinions about 'toughing out the pain'. Namely. Not doing it. Unfortunately for Hinoiri, in her angry ramblings she accidentally gives the nurse everything she needs to know who she really is... |
Sparking Coals to Build a Fire | April 8th, 2024 | Sunbreaker wants to learn to fight. Fuyuko knows how to fight. It's only as natural as 1+1=2 for a schedule of lessons to begin. |
Yoru's Mugging | April 8th, 2024 | Hinoiri has captured Yoru and it's up to Ikuto and Madoka to rescue him! And they'll do it with love, friendship and the power of single handed clapping against cheeks! |
Radiant Hearts Prom 2024 | April 6th, 2024 | The first ever prom at Radiant Hearts had it all! Dancing, great food, three singers, hip throws, off-world travelers and fireworks! |
The perfect gift | April 2nd, 2024 | Sunbreaker gives Norie a little gift... one that has rather cruel consequences. Surely nothing bad will come of this choice. |
The Final Mermaid Rescue | April 1st, 2024 | Caren, aka Purple Pearl Voice, and Sunbreaker meet while both are on the way to free Noel. Things start out tense, but the two of them eventually cooperate. Happens after Scene 1395: Voice in the Dark |
It's time to play! | March 31st, 2024 | The mahous come to stop an Eclipse Zone from being put up and find... oh dear. A gameshow?! Can Pagemage, Rocket Girl Red, Hope Blossom, Cure Spanner and Bow stop Sunbreaker before things get out of hand?! Probably. |
Eclipse Investigation: M&M&M&M&M&... | March 29th, 2024 | Gretchen makes an incursion into the deeper, darkest parts of the Eclipse Zones. While she manages to get her tiny hands on an important book of information, it comes at a steep price... Being captured by Sunbreaker. Fortunately, she's not eggbreaker. But the dark mahou has a few prying words for the little egglet. |
Laboratory Ledgers | March 25th, 2024 | Wherein Aloisia Stauss meets Sunbreaker while she's organizing various lab ingredients and introduces herself. |
Catnapping | March 24th, 2024 | Sunbreaker decides to have a 'talk' with Ikuto. With Phantom showing up to supervise, Yellow Voice, Amy, Pulp Noir and a pair of Madoka's Charas coming to help as well, things son devolve into violence. But on the upside (likely downside), Sunbreaker uses this as an opportunity to test someone she's been working on. Introducing... The Timber Wolf! |
After the Thaw | March 21st, 2024 | After Sunbreaker's recent... cooling off period with Beryl, Double Trouble and Hinoiri take a moment to calm down and just bask in each other's presence... And Hinoiri shares something with Double Trouble she never thought she would. The secret of how to get to Kirakirafantastica. |
Texts: it's me, moon girl | March 20th, 2024 | Hinoiri texts Usagi to rub the benefits of Obsidian in... and to warn her that the next time they fight, it's on for real. |
A Totally Normal Concert | March 20th, 2024 | Utau Hoshina holds a fan appreciation concert. People chase sparkling drinks, hear a concert and ask questions. A certain masked detective steals important information- and it isn't Sunbreaker's fault this time. Utau asks Kukai to the prom. Utau also hates Coco, whoever she is. |
Put On Ice | March 18th, 2024 | Queen Beryl has opinions on Sunbreaker's failure to obtain the Orange Rainbow Crystal. Lacuna, summoned to help one of her charges, has opinions on that. Unfortunately, no one but Queen Beryl leaves happily. |
Rainbow Crystals 6: Orange-ins Unknown to Baseball Kind | March 17th, 2024 | Baseball practice goes awry when Niji catches the Orange rainbow crystal instead of the ball! Luckily, Hope Witch, Guardian Daifuku, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Kamen, Zoisite, Jadeite, and - Sunbreaker?! - are here to save the day. Wait, what's this?! A totally explicable and yet sudden betrayal from Sunbreaker?! |
Trouble comes in pairs | March 17th, 2024 | Sayaka checks on Hinoiri after the latters recent near death experience. They talk a bit and discuss their new relationships, as well as new friends... amongst other things. All in all, they both seem to be doing pretty good. |
FIX HER! | March 15th, 2024 | After Sunbreaker's recent encounter with She-Ra's temperment (and sword), Double Trouble finds themselves in a race against time to keep their unicorn. Forcing them to track down Mamoru and ruin the prince's date with his princess, Usagi. |
She-RAGE! | March 15th, 2024 | She-Ra comes and proceeds to demonstrate the destructive capabilities of dark energy when wielded by an Eternian. Sunbreaker nearly dies in Double Trouble's arms, Riventon goes through half a city block, She-Ra cries, Catra saves her crazy ex and Mami... well, Mami is just Mami. But, finally, She-Ra's nightmare is almost over... almost. |
Eclipse Investigation: H&R | March 13th, 2024 | Hinote and Rashmi investigate the Eclipse Zone! And discover... they suck. But they do manage to get some hands-off training. |
A Break For Reptiles | March 13th, 2024 | In their guise as Shiori, Double Trouble drags Hinoiri off on a date to the zoo to get her away from her obsessive studying. There's daydreaming about the future, daydreaming about each other, and daydreaming about chameleons. And then they go looking for bugs. |
Eclipse Investigation: A&U | March 13th, 2024 | Usagi plays distraction while Mercury tries to investigate the eclipse zones. While only a little bit of info is gathered, Mercury finds she can access parts of them... but, fortunately, Usagi manages to get out before things take a turn for the worse... and she has to *study*. |
Texts: you have sunackies?! | March 11th, 2024 | Usagi texts Hinoiri for the first time since learning her identity. After all, she has to know more about these sun-snackies. What do you mean they're suna-ckies?
A conversation that stretches many topics, from Beryl, to ascension, to the essential need to have people with you. |
Eclipse Investigation: B&S | March 10th, 2024 | Bow and Sayaka make a move on the Eclipse Zones, with the former investigating while the latter tries to talk some sense into Sunbreaker... Asking the most important question. Is this really what Sunbreaker wants? |
The Academic Dishonesty Bros. | March 9th, 2024 | The Academic Dishonesty Bros Plagi and Ariasm are selling essays behind the bleachers! Unfortunately for this conjoined youma... nobody liked that. Sailor Mercury, Sailor Jupiter, Tuxedo Kamen, Pulp Noir, Hope Witch, and Rocket Girl Red join forces with Sunbreaker to bring down these cheaters! |
My Corn isn't angry NOW! | March 7th, 2024 | Sunbreaker has a 'talk' with La Crima after their recent... kidnapping incident. It goes as well as you'd expect for a girl with anger issues and another girl with... issues. |
An X-citing Space Experience! | March 5th, 2024 | Utau Hoshina creates an X-chara. Everyone comes to stop her! |
Just a little something... | March 3rd, 2024 | Hinoiri gives Chiyo a gift, for Sailor Moon... and Usagi and Chiyo finally come clear to her... And Hinoiri accidentally comes clear to them. Two of the three handle it better than the last. |
Influential Meeting | March 1st, 2024 | Hinoiri and 'Shiori', who is certainly NOT Double Trouble, have their first meeting on valentines night... It starts rough and ends with a kiss. Sometimes improv can be fun, no? |
Oh No, Cornsequences! | March 1st, 2024 | LaCrima makes good decisions and finally gets her just just reward in the form of a whole bunch of heroes to save Naru and Hinoiri from her clutches and bet up her corn. |
From three valentines to one | February 29th, 2024 | Back on valentines day, Hinoiri met with Double Trouble after a loooooong, long day. Nearly losing one of her few friend's lives and... well... Double Trouble, however, didn't hesitate to see how to take advantage of this situation. |
In the field of the Corn | February 29th, 2024 | Norie visits Naru and Hinoiri... So, of course, Hinoiri antagonizes her. She is so good with people. |
The Corn comes for thee | February 27th, 2024 | While meeting with Naru, Hinoiri discovers that she upset La Crima at some point... when they're both kidnapped. By corn. Oh dear. |
The Corn is always watching | February 27th, 2024 | Hinoiri and Naru discuss their new lives as captors of the corn. Naru... sends many texts. |
In the wrong zone | February 26th, 2024 | Yuki experiences her first day as a magical girl... by running into an Eclipse Zone and meeting the DG girl of gluttony, Drie. Fortunately, Kingu and Hope Witch are there to save the day! |
Project Eclipse Begins | February 24th, 2024 | Sunbreaker has initiated Project Eclipse! A plan that is flawless, perfect, definitely has NO flaws! So secure in her victory, in fact, she lets the girls tour the area. |
Petty | February 24th, 2024 | Sunbreaker attacks in the park, but with Platinum Royale and Sailor Mercury around, it won't go far! ... Though, wow. Mercury, kick ABOVE the belt! |
Let the Beat Drop | February 23rd, 2024 | Sunbreaker challenges Takuto to a DANCE BATTLE! Riventon makes sure Wako can't interfere! Unfortunately... Before the battle can finish, well... Hail to the Kingu, baby. |
Challenging Times | February 22nd, 2024 | Ami's decided to schedule some fun, and Usagi, Haruka, and Hinoiri answer the call! Sweet times take a dip into the spicy when Hinoiri gets fired up, but the Senshi end the day with some fun on the games - and some info, for Haruka. |
Do Unicorns Dream Of Witches | February 21st, 2024 | Hinoiri has an odd dream... |
Texts: You Need A Sleepover | February 20th, 2024 | Hinoiri finally texts Usagi back after the situation with Sayaka. A break up has occurred! There's only one possible thing to do! |
But I DID win! | February 19th, 2024 | Hinoiri finally beat Haruka! It only cost her... almost everything. Fortunately, Mamoru is around to help take the edge off. And then it's off to the infirmary for... less owies. |
Road Rash Remedy | February 19th, 2024 | After being dropped off by Haruka, Hinoiri gets to experience the joys of having pieces of gravel plucked out of her back. Ow. Still, she's tired and the infirmary beds are comfy. |
Motorcycle Mystery | February 19th, 2024 | Hinoiri runs into a kid she thinks might be a friend of Dianora's while working in the motorcycle club, Itsuki... unfortunately, it seems the kid is asking questions about a recent bike accident. Oh dear... Hinoiri better think fast. Quick! Redirect her to someone else! |
The Rainbow Scheme | February 17th, 2024 | Riventon and Sunbreaker head off to the dusk zone to work on a small... side project that has to do with the rainbow crystals. As well as discuss how their own research is going. Dusk bonding, you could say. |
Try the Taiyaki! | February 17th, 2024 | A very exhausted Mio meets Katsumi and Hinoiri. Taiyaki is had and new friends are made. |
Texts: Soon To Be Someone's Bathrug | February 16th, 2024 | Hinoiri met Corona, and didn't enjoy it. She texts Fuyuko soon after. |
Fuyuko's new friend | February 16th, 2024 | Sunbreaker meets Corona, a new 'friend/rival/soon-to-be-taxidermy-paperweight' of Fuyuko's. It doesn't go well. Fuyuko is DEFINITELY going to get some annoyed texts later. |
I was stupid... So stupid. | February 14th, 2024 | Sayaka, Klarissa, Ula and Hinoiri reunite for Valentine Day, but the pressure becomes too much, inducing Klarissa to flee just after Madoka joins them. After everyone catches up to Klarissa, a terrible truth is revealed to them. |
Mermaid and Unicorn: Epilogue | February 14th, 2024 | Sayaka, once more whole, meets with Hinoiri. The two... have a lot to talk about. To clear up. But... in the end? They're both better for it. It was a long, winding road to get here, but now they're both where they need to be. Just because they're enemies doesn't mean they can't be friends. |
Cats love (ice) cream, right | February 13th, 2024 | Sunbreaker goes to meet with Catra after her recent... spat... with Adora. And the two have a long, long talk about their pasts. Their pain. Their losses... and what it takes to be seen. Song parody: Promiseland. |
Breakfast at RHA | February 12th, 2024 | There's a little bit of everything in the morning rush to get fed and caffinated before class, conversation and teasing, some couples being cute and oh yes.. food. |
English Mahou Shoujos, Do You Speak It | February 11th, 2024 | The weekly meeting of the English club welcomes several new members (that is, if Ren has anything to do with it). Bonus: most of them already speak English! |
Family Discount | February 11th, 2024 | Usagi and Ikuko visit Nounamu Sweets only for a family secret to be revealed! Hinoiri has her suspicions of their magical identities (incorrectly) confirmed when Chiyo and Usagi are revealed to be second cousins. |
The games we play! | February 10th, 2024 | After the recent... accident in their home, Dianora and Hinoiri go with Usagi to replace some of their lost games. As well as a little bonus... stuffies! |
Little Talks | February 9th, 2024 | Somehow, despite everything, Sunbreaker and Sailor Moon are - almost friends. It makes it easier for information to flow between them. Sunbreaker learns a little more about Beryl, Sailor Moon, and ancient kingdoms. Sailor Moon learns a little more about Sunbreaker, and, - leylines? |
Go Get Me Those Crystals | February 8th, 2024 | There are seven Rainbow Crystals and Beryl wants themm all. Good thing she has two minions to pass the problem too, |
Payback Time | February 7th, 2024 | Sunbreaker decides to finally turn over the key to the sparkle skirts. By giving it to Usagi, who she believes can give it to Sailor Moon, who ca ngive it to Yellow Pearl Voice. However, when she tries to meet with Usagi and Naru to begin her grand plan she runs into a... minor snag. |
Sunbreaker's Last Appeal | February 7th, 2024 | Sunbreaker catches up with Sayaka and Klarissa for a final discussion to help the latter. Klarissa is past the point of listening though. |
Belkan vs Unicorn, round 1! | February 5th, 2024 | It's Kirara vs Steiner in an epic duel for the DDR trophy... who will go home a champion?! Belkan, or unicorn?! |
Rooftop Ramen | February 5th, 2024 | A trio of heroes decide to get ramen after a hard night's off-screen battle, and encounter Hinoiri. Continued miscommunications lead to some surprisingly honest thoughts - and leave our heroes waiting for the next time they catch up with Hinoiri. |
Unicorn and Kyubey talk | February 4th, 2024 | Following the events of scene 1112, Hinoiri flees from Klarissa... and gives in. She asks Kyubey if she can make a wish. |
Neighbors of Metal | February 4th, 2024 | Emi and Hinoiri are neighbors. |
Something Is Wrong With Her | February 2nd, 2024 | Adora, bleeding out and fueled by a horrid mixture of Dark and Eternian energy, is found by some helpful, good people (And Hinoiri). But can they save her from herself at this point? |
(Talking About) Adora | January 31st, 2024 | Sunbreaker warns Catra that something has happened to Adora. Catra opts not to heed the warning. |
Nothing Major | January 31st, 2024 | Hinoiri throws a tantrum to Double Trouble over something that TOTALLY isn't her fault. Infecting Adora. NOT her fault. AT ALL! |
How the cookie crumbles | January 30th, 2024 | Sunbreaker decided to make cookies for her favorite alicorn and his pet. But when some of her dark energy cookies find there way into Adora's cookies... well... surely everything will blow over quickly, right? ... Right?! |
Valentine's Day Prep! | January 29th, 2024 | Takuto and Hinoiri stop in to Nounamu Sweets just in time to catch their early prep for Valentine's Day. The holiday is explained, relationship confusion is discussed, and Hinoiri still doesn't know how to use 'yeet' properly. |
Unicorns and Dreams | January 28th, 2024 | Emi decides to keep an eye out for those with nightmares and runs into a literal night-mare, Hinoiri... who takes her slurping personally. |
Texts: Benevolent Ruler | January 27th, 2024 | Hinoiri texts Usagi with concerns following scene 1050. After all, if Mamoru (Culinary Guardian Sukiyaki) is gay, won't that have an impact on his GIRLfriend? |
Hungry for Action | January 27th, 2024 | Sunbreaker decides to take one of the DG girls out on a mentorship energy gather... running into Daifuku, Propel and Sukiyaki. Unfortunately for Daifuku... it turns out the girl is going through a few, ahem... boy troubles. Sunbreaker offers some totally helpful advice. |
Texts: Cheerful questions | January 24th, 2024 | Sunbreaker has some latenight questions for a certain kitty. |
Hot Wheels | January 20th, 2024 | Sunbreaker has the absolute perfect plan to ensure the sparkle skirts can't stop her AND won't know it's her! Her plan turns out, alas, to not be quite as perfect as she expected it to be. Between Sharpsong, Amy, Itsuki, Sailor Moon and Uranus it turns out to be a disaster. She loses more wheels this way... |
Control | January 18th, 2024 | In the weeks leading up to Project Eclipse and soon after the dorm explosion, Catra comes across an... exhausted Sunbreaker. The two have a little talk... And Sunbreaker poses a few hypotheticals for her. As well as two very important questions. Who does Catra want to be? And what will she endure to be it? |
A solution to a problem | January 17th, 2024 | Sunbreaker needs an interface for her towers and Takashi has just the person to recommend. A new acquisition known... as Keaka. |
Only Us | January 16th, 2024 | Hinoiri comes back to her dorm room and finally looks at the messages Dianora left her. Dianora comes home to find her unicorn is back. Neither of them is sure how to respond... so instead they sing about it. Hinoiri... hopes this counts as progress. |
Garden Crasher | January 14th, 2024 | Sunbreaker decides to break into Nounamu Sweets greenhouse to retrieve some flowers. This draws in EVERY SPARKLE IN A THREE-HUNDRED YARD RADIUS and teaches her to fear the hammer of Daifuku. Beware, there is cat tail grabbing. |
Communal Prizes | January 14th, 2024 | Sayaka hosts a game of tombola for Klarissa, Tadase, Amy and Hinoiri. Sweets are shared and photos for the yearbook taken. What will it take for Klarissa to have fun with everyone? |
When You're Good To Mami | January 13th, 2024 | Hinoiri asked Takashi for help finding a witch, so he called in his witch-finding expert. However, Mami's been infected with magic from Kirakirafantastica, and so when she shows up everything gets a little bit more musical. |
An Office Meeting | January 12th, 2024 | With Sunbreaker in the office (again) before Takashi, questions are asked and favors are traded. |
Curry Time | January 11th, 2024 | It's a boisterous gathering at Korma Chameleon! Chiyo, Sayaka, Klarissa, Hinoiri, Niji, and Usagi make it a busy day for Rashmi. |
Sunset Simmer | January 11th, 2024 | Sunbreaker has approached Beryl with an opportunity for collaboration. Project Eclipse is rising. |
Just a tip | January 9th, 2024 | Hinoiri swings by the Korma to pick up a meal and drop off a small christmas gift for her favorite waitress, Rashmi. absolutely nothing to be worried about, at all. |
After the BOOM! | January 8th, 2024 | Sayaka heads to the Clover Tower to retrieve Sunbreaker... who is burned, confused, exhausted and hauled by Riventon. After which... she carries her home. To safety. |
Top of her class in burns | January 8th, 2024 | After the explosion, Hinoiri needs some time to recoup. With Sayaka and Klarissa fretting over her, Naru's care package and Setsuna's medical expertise, can they truly fix this girl? ... No. Of course not. However, Setsuna CAN break out into a small musical number. I'm sure that's nothing to worry about at all. |
Before the Explosion | January 7th, 2024 | Hinoiri passes out... again... while studying. Her roommate has opinions. Sunbreaker has opinions of these opinions. She blows up their apartment like the calm and rationale actor she is. |
To the top | January 6th, 2024 | Hinoiri runs into Ami, the girl who manages to consistently be top of the grade in every single exam. Hinoiri goes in, ready to throw down. Alas, Ami... turns out to be likeable. Nooooo! But that's fine. Hinoiri will just use this to her advantage, somehow, to destroy the brainiac. For only SHE can be top of the school. |
Yoinking your tall thing! | January 4th, 2024 | Sunbreaker yoinks the outer's tall thing! For absolutely dastardly reasons... She needs a nurse. |
Only a light chewing. | January 4th, 2024 | Kazuo tattled, so Mamoru's here to heal Naru, and Hinoiri finds out what he can do. |
Texts: Texts 4 help | January 3rd, 2024 | Hinoiri sends out some texts for help with... relationships. Fortunately, she has a great support network. Ha ha. Ha... ha... In the discussions she learns a bit about herself, about Takashi... and the meaning of family. She also stays up WAY too late and learns about EMOJIS! The unicorn is developing, people, be afraid! |
Star Search Concert | January 3rd, 2024 | Easter's plan to pull Heart Eggs and Energy from an entire concert comes up against Sailor Moon, Yellow Pearl Voice, Hope Blossom... and Ikuto?! |
New Years Makeup | January 1st, 2024 | Hinoiri grabs Sayaka and Klarissa for a new years date... and ends up sharing her true nature. The twins learn just how broken Hinoiri actually is. Can broken people fix each other without destroying the world? Maybe. We'll find out. (Song warning: Sedgeie ready as I'll ever be parody) |
Favorite Lackey | December 31st, 2023 | Hinoiri visits Adrien after finally getting back to town. The two chat and she finds out her lackey is dating her other lackey. Cute... In a strange twist, she even offers some good advice before leaving in a rush. |
Peddling Petals | December 31st, 2023 | Hinoiri tries, and fails, to keep some flowers she stole from her mentor's garden alive. Fortunately for her... Chiyo's grandfather may have a solution. And surely all the dark energy she'd been using on them won't cause any issues, right?... Right? |
Perfectly Balanced as all things should be | December 31st, 2023 | Sunbreaker and Loyalty run into a small hitch, each summoning their backup dancers... who quickly become the main event. It turns out, magic is pretty important for the whole magical girl thing. Starring Stellar and Lacuma as overworked, grouchy workers! |
Holiday Return | December 28th, 2023 | Hinoiri returns from her trip and finally goes to see Sayaka and her duplicate. However, the twins give her a gift that has a startling effect on her... and she tells them exactly who she is. In a musical number. (Song warning: Little Miss Perfect Parody) |
The results are in...! | December 27th, 2023 | Hinoiri, Dianora and Takashi go over what they discovered on their little vacation... And what they will tell the rest of Obsidian they discovered. Also, a few theories. |
Love is something I don't even know... | December 26th, 2023 | Hinoiri plots a date with Dianora. One that is thoughtful, caring, loving and wonderful. Dianora says it's love. Hinoiri isn't convinced. And she has a long list of reasons to explain why she's not capable of love. Dianora doesn't care and loves her little drama-corn anyway. |
Seattle Street Strikers | December 21st, 2023 | Sunbreaker and Mami hunt a witch together and discuss a few things... And yes. Sunbreaker thought Riventon was hot once... once. She fails to notice the issue. |
Seeing Seattle Sights | December 19th, 2023 | Hinoiri takes Double Trouble out on their first date... it starts out in glass houses and ends on an a slightly bearable note. |
All work and no play | December 18th, 2023 | Dianora has some important questions for Hinoiri. Primarily, why invite her on this big trip if it was just business? Hinoiri, of course... doesn't understand why they'd do anything BUT business. Sigh. Stupid pretty unicorn idiot... |
What's cookin' | December 17th, 2023 | Hinoiri runs into a recent addition to her floor, Makoto. The girl who once threw her head over heels. While she doesn't have a chance to try her baked goods, she makes some introductions. |
Silver Crystal Shockwaves | December 16th, 2023 | Takashi, Hinoiri, and LaCrima meet up unintentionally to discuss bonkers energy readings and maybe demigods and also magic and mummies. |
New Double Trouble | December 12th, 2023 | Hinoiri decides to check up on her girlfriend, Sayaka and Klarissa (Angrier Sayaka). She brings stuffies and they are adorable. Even if she's going to leave town for a bit, she can't just let them feel unwanted, after all. So long as she keeps faking it, surely Sayaka will never learn just how terrible she is, right? |
A Horse Is A Horse, Of Course, Of Course | December 11th, 2023 | Sunbreaker ambushes Adora...to fangirl over Swiftwind. Conversation is had, scritches are given, donuts are eaten. |
You daughter of a pony, I'm in! | December 9th, 2023 | Hinoiri has one final job before she's ready to get to work. She combines the tactician, the chameleon and with her insider knowledge, they form the perfect crew. The time has now come... for grand heist Kirakirafantastica. There's just one question to ask... Are you in? |
Texts: Matters of Duality | December 7th, 2023 | Ula contacts Hinoiri over the situation with the two Sayakas. |
Totally just a one time thing | December 3rd, 2023 | Sunbreaker goes to Naru and Usagi's dorm to deliver a message for them to deliver to Sailor Moon, to meet with her on a nearby roof. Sunbreaker then proceeds to insult Sailor Moon's hair, her wisdom in even coming and tells her, for all her silly hopefulness... in one way, at least, she was right. And that they would never, ever, EVER, under any circumstances, be friends. She only let very special people be her friends. Like Usagi. Now that girl knew how to wear double rope hairs in a way that WORKED. |
Texts: Hands off | December 2nd, 2023 | Hinoiri, Madoka and Sayaka have a bit of a... chat. Happens after 829/I need to tell you something and 834/Hinoiri did what!? |
Meeting Notes: Sunbreaker | December 1st, 2023 | Sunbreaker's been involved in yet another incident with a fellow Obsidian employee. This time, she's sent to speak with Obsidian's assistant director of HR, Fuyuko Yuuhi... who doesnn't seem particularly interested in castigating her for it. |
Rise of the Tater Tot | November 30th, 2023 | (CW: Graphic horror descriptions) Sunbreaker decides to youmafy a random kid at a local diner. Unfortunately, she was a ghost and now the world be trippin'. Hematite takes it as well as can be expected. Confusion, dark energy, angry rants and name calling shenanigans occur before they are, finally, able to break the two dark generals apart. Don't do dark energy, kids. Not even once. |
I need to tell you something | November 30th, 2023 | Hinoiri decides to tell Madoka about Sayaka, to get her help with the bluenette... unfortunately, Madoka already knows. Hinoiri... doesn't take this news well. |
Like a House on Fire | November 29th, 2023 | Sunbreaker comes across Ryoko setting up for a board meeting, and gives her the good ol' Obsidian welcome. |
Which Witch is Which! 1 | November 27th, 2023 | La Crima, Mami and Riventon hunt witches for SCIENCE! Hope Blossom and Sunbreaker also help. For s-science? Bring your spoons! |
Calling in the guns | November 27th, 2023 | Ula comes to Hinoiri for some help with Sayaka. She... is not actually that effective. So instead she calls in the ultimate weapon for good... Sparkle skirts. She fails to learn any lessons from this. At all. But at least between Daifuku and Usagi, the blue puella is getting some help she needs. |
Texts: Calling for Backup | November 27th, 2023 | Hinoiri reaches out to Usagi about Sayaka's on-going crisis following the revelation about soul gems. Usagi in turn reaches out to Chiyo. Takes place during scene 811. |
Violins Inherent in the System | November 26th, 2023 | Sunbreaker enacts her plan to corrupt the magical girls! It.... does... not go the way she expects. And nearly ends up in her demise. But hey! She... she won one. That counts, right? Sailor Neptune, Uranus, Sharpsong and Red had better keep on their toes before things get... intense. |
Girlfriends Again | November 18th, 2023 | Sayaka and Hinoiri have another date. Sayaka asks to become actual girlfriends by the end of it. |
Magic Tutoring | November 17th, 2023 | Sunbreaker teachs Double Trouble more about how to wield magic... they also discuss their future and where they came from. Absolutely nothing could go wrong. |
Unpause the Sneeze | November 16th, 2023 | Double Trouble has been a little too busy to notice that their roommate got a girlfriend. So when they find out, well, they freak out in the most adorable way that only Dianora could. There is screaming. There is (pillow) fighting. And so. Many. Feelings. |
Hey, RIBBONS! | November 15th, 2023 | Hinoiri ambushes and interrogates Madoka, over a motorcycle ride... she also gives her a miracle pop. Terrible advice is then given and ignored, Madoka instead opting to follow worse advice. |
Secret of The Phantom Silver Crystal Candies! | November 12th, 2023 | Working off the popularity of the viral video from Hematite asking for the Phantom Silver Crystal, Chiyo has used the opportunity to market a jewel shaped candy! The lollipop release party is complete with decorations and a cardboard cutout of a screenshot of Hematite for photo ops. Darien, Hinoiri, Sayaka arrive for the event! When Usagi arrives so does the real Hematite! |
Eeling fine | November 10th, 2023 | La Crima and Sunbreaker's familiars have a play date before the two have a little talk, as well as discuss each other's histories. Surely nothing bad will come of this. |
All washed up | November 8th, 2023 | Hinoiri nearly drowns, apparently it's dangerous to swim alone. Who knew? Fortunately, there's someone there to save her. Another classmate. With the help of Michiru, can Hinoiri not make a fool of herself? Or at least not die when she goes into the water? YES! |
Sunbreaker's Day Out | November 8th, 2023 | In the middle of a rainy day, Sunbreaker decides to try out a new spell on the sparkle skirts... it... doesn't go to plan. Between Yellow Pearl Voice, Madoka and the Red Princess, they manage to put a stop to it. |
HRmor goes where HR won't | November 6th, 2023 | Sunbreaker has a meeting with HRmor, Ko-Enshaku. Where she discusses her recent argument with a member of the witches 5. She threatens to maliciously comply, as she wasn't there to begin with. |
Thought I'd swing by | November 4th, 2023 | Hinoiri visits Sayaka's dorm room... with GIIIIIIFTS! Song and pool, the always right things. |
Texts: Take selfies! Post them up | November 4th, 2023 | Hinoiri tests Usagi to see how the test of courage went; she's surprised to get a reply from Sailor Eclipse. Featuring: felt coffee, a request for selfies, and new ambitions. |
Lunar Eclipse 2: The Hamster Ball-ening | November 4th, 2023 | It's the grand end to Sailor Eclipse's reign of ...terror? toyrror? and everyone's here! Hannah, Amy, Ginga Otome, Cure Spanner, Yellow Pearl Voice, Cat Noir, Himeko & Bakeneko, and even Sunbreaker join forces against Sailor Eclipse and her loyal boyfriend Darien in an epic standoff in Kobayashi Toy Shop! |
Texts: Dormmates and Chillax | November 3rd, 2023 | Hinoiri wants to prepare Sayaka a surprise... |
Face your Fears | November 3rd, 2023 | Molly and Rashmi encounter that which the two of them fear the most; Sunbreaker. Rashmi stands courageously in front of her friend while talking Sunbreaker into letting them go. |
Date with Justice | November 2nd, 2023 | Hinoiri and Sayaka have their first date and... it's not nearly as much of a disaster as it could have been. Who knows? Maybe they won't kill each other. Hinoiri gives AMAZING advice, after all. |
What's wrong with me | November 1st, 2023 | After the hangout with other villains... Hinoiri finally has a bit of a little breakdown. Rather than making it worse, Double Trouble takes steps to support the broken girl, even... making her feel better. But they're definitely NOT friends. This is JUST business. Nothing more, nothing less. Yup. |
Squid Show | October 30th, 2023 | Mizudori is playing with Improper Propriety at the Untidy Squid. Hinoiri happens to be in the audience, and afterwards they chat. |
Texts: New experiences | October 28th, 2023 | Out of the blue, Hinoiri contacts Sayaka. An awkward proposal... Does she want a date? |
The Stars Are Unbearable | October 27th, 2023 | Sunbreaker launchs an attack on the observatory, but fortunately a few magical girls (and an x-egg) are there to try and stop her! They... are mostly effective! Except Grechen. But she was adorable, so it was okay. |
Villainesses Night Out | October 24th, 2023 | Sunbreaker, La Crima, Catra and Double Trouble decide to go on a girl's night out! When they run into Adora, to nobody's response... they decided to mess with her. |
The Masquerade Ball of Princess Dia | October 21st, 2023 | The D----- Kingdom is hosting a masquerade ball to celebrate Princess Dia coming of age. It might be an expensive, ticketed event, but that hasn't stopped a variety of RHA cast members from attending! There are dances, conversations, and of course, the stunning revelation that Hannah is Sailor V! |
License to be bad | October 21st, 2023 | Hinoiri and Haruka run into each other while getting their licenses. They're both definitely classmates and definitely old enough to legally get their licenses. Yup. Just ask them. |
Rooftop | October 19th, 2023 | Rooftops are always so much fun! |
Naru's best date ever | October 18th, 2023 | Naru's first date with Hinoiri... it... nobody dies. |
Too much tv is not good for you | October 15th, 2023 | Sayaka and Hinoiri go to the Gullwing Cafè to relax. Or at least, that's the plan, because they get sucked into a Witch's Labyrinth on the way, so Sayaka accepts Kyubey's contract. Madoka and Brai catches up to them, as does Gretchen, and after a brief chat, Madoka, Brai, Sayaka and Hinoiri go to the Cafè as originally intended. |
Radiant Infirmary Episode 588 | October 12th, 2023 | Hinoiri is feeling...good? Something MUST be wrong...so she goes to visit the Nurse to get herself checked out. |
Spooked and Spookled | October 10th, 2023 | With the Culture Festival coming in just a few weeks, Usagi, Naru, and Adrien are hard at work setting things up for their classes event - a test of courage (much to Usagi's dread). They're joined by Sayaka, Hinoiri, and Amy, and conversations ensue about Halloween, jewels, and being tall. |
SUPER good mood | October 9th, 2023 | Hinoiri is in a VERY good mood when she meets with Dianora and comes so close to making a possibly good-aligned-ish choice... Fortunately, Dianora is there to help get her back on the dark and narrow. Close one. |
Sunbreaker's Embers | October 9th, 2023 | Sunbreaker decides to attack the culture festival, with a big tarp, her familiar and her tower. Yellow Pearl Voice, Amy Faust and Snow Angel Mou Fubuki are here to take care of her, however! ... At least she doesn't need to worry about Makoto Kino, she's just a civilian, after all. |
Poor choices | October 7th, 2023 | Setsuna is running from the truant officers and Hinoiri has a bike and doesn't really care to NOT get in a high speed chanse through tokyo, so what can you do? Poor choices ensue! At least nobody is interrogated this time. |
Two wheels, four legs, same thing | October 6th, 2023 | Hinoiri gives Adora a motorcycle ride to meets horses. The two talk about the latter's old fling and school... Hinoiri gives some of her VERY helpful insights on the matter. |
Who needs laws | October 4th, 2023 | Catra and Sunbreaker steal some dirt bikes and go joy riding! Also... Sunbreaker decides to do the healthy, smart thing and ask someone for advice and the proper way to react to some situations. |
It's Pronounced Rifle 2 | October 4th, 2023 | Noire Okana/La Crima Takae offense to Hinoiri Kirara. Like in general. And shoots her with a heartstealer rifle. Cat Noir, Yellow Pearl Voice, Onihime take offense to this. |
Culminating Plans | October 2nd, 2023 | Sunbreaker has it out with Sailor Moon... but when the outers get involved, suddenly Sunbreaker finds out the consequences of her actions. Something that shakes her to the core. |
The call of the Orange Pearl | October 2nd, 2023 | Sunbreaker gets called to Gaito's palace again, this time to answer a few question by the Mermaid Princess of the Indian Ocean, Sara. |
Miss the Road | October 1st, 2023 | Coco and Hinoiri meet at the arcade, shade a quick chat and then decide to play a game or two. Nothing like motorcycle games to bring people together, right? |
Poor Decisions | September 30th, 2023 | Molly runs into Sunbreaker and decides to annoy her against the advice of both Sunbreaker and her device. But surely there won't be any consequences, right? Like a big, terrible death curse or something? |
Growing up | September 30th, 2023 | Hinoiri decides to have a little talk with her roommate, Double Trouble, about her world... and future plans. Could this be the beginning of a beautiful friendship? HA! No. |
A Small Quid Pro Quo | September 29th, 2023 | Sunbreaker's presence is requested at a coffee place, wherein she meets Master Grimm, who has a proposition to make regarding a certain axe weilding Sparkle Skirt. |
Towering Problems | September 28th, 2023 | Sunbreaker attempts to drain more energy and cause more darkness to fill the world. Rashmi, Greta, Molly and the Princess of Sarek take offense to this. She takes offense to them taking offense. They take offense to her taking offense to... there's just a lot of offense all around. And Rashmi, despite her friend's efforts, pays the price. |
Payment Due | September 26th, 2023 | Sunbreaker decides to pay Naru a visit... for actually perfectly good and reasonable reasons. After that, a steady stream of totally unrelated guests pop by to keep her company. |
Men, Kote, Do, Tsuki. | September 25th, 2023 | In the wake of something emotionally destabilizing, Amy Faust finds herself cornered in one of the sports club storage rooms. Hilarity ensues. |
Yearbook of the Century | September 23rd, 2023 | Hinoiri is doing work on the yearbook... and a few students decide to investigate. Glitter... has mysteriously vanished, what could this mean?! |
IT HURTS IT HURTS ITHURTSITHURTSITHURTS!(CW:Gruesome wound) | September 22nd, 2023 | Sunbreaker got a little hurt in her last foray with Obsidian, requiring her to turn to Double Trouble for help. They... do. Though the apartment surgery is a little haphazard. But that's what MAGIC is for! |
Frozen Fish Fry | September 22nd, 2023 | Sunbreaker and Maria work to take down one of the magical girls, Yellow Pearl Voice, with a trapped concert! Will Sailor Moon and Greta Legend be able to stop their dastardly plan or will the mermaids lose a second of their princesses yet again? |
Subsidiaries | September 20th, 2023 | CW: Horror, potat. Some of the scariest people on the planet visit someone who has chosen to cheat Obsidian. He has chosen... Poorly. |
Cat and Pony show | September 19th, 2023 | Adrien gets a text from Hinoiri. After checking that she didn't have a stroke, he meets her roommate and stays for dinner. There's mexican. It's an experience. Also, she asks him about... his other life. Adrien? What is... hot? |
Of injustices and world conquering | September 17th, 2023 | Gaito, the King of the Deep Seas summons Sunbreaker to his presence, hoping to gain useful things from her abilities. Between their similar grievances, a shaky alliance is established. |
Not all games are equal | September 15th, 2023 | Hinoiri is playing a new phone game and... does not enjoy it. She turns to Minako and eventually Naru for help. It turns out, the game just sucks. |
How It Ended | September 12th, 2023 | Sailor Moon gathers her friends together to launch a rescue for Naru! Unfortunately, things won't always be as simple as they may hope. Can the power of love, friendship and a warehouse filled with sparkles save the day? Hopefully! Tune in to find out! |
How it's going | September 11th, 2023 | Not well. Not well at all. |
Scorn the Sunbreaker | September 10th, 2023 | Sunbreaker teams up with Scorn to take on the sparkleskirts! Introducing the dangerous and deadly duo of a terribad with a knockoff terribad! Can the sparkle skirts hope to defeat this menace?! |
Crying bunny and uncomfortable unicorn | September 8th, 2023 | Hinoiri runs into Usagi, grieving over the disappearance of Naru. She... offers some advice and tries to cheer her up. Not that she was responsible for any of these hurts or anything. Nope. Not at all. |
How it started... | September 7th, 2023 | Naru wakes up. Sunbreaker TOTALLY has all of this under control. Totally. Yup. Definitely. |
An accomplice | September 7th, 2023 | Hinoiri... has to ask for help. Even if she tries to deny it, rationalize it and accept it. Still... she gets it. |
Familiar yet new | September 6th, 2023 | Sunbreaker takes Double Trouble and La Crima out for a bit of villain's night out. A little dusk monster, a little fight with local wild life and a lot of dark magic. They even each get to take home a wonderful prize each. |
Narubreaker | September 6th, 2023 | Sunbreaker decides to have a little talk with Naru. Totally friendly. Not at all dangerous. But things might get a teensy bit out of control... Luckily, Kyouka can help, right? |
Texts: Kidnapping O'Clock | September 6th, 2023 | Following Scene 376 and between scenes 380 and 382, Hematite texts Riventon for help. Riventon texts Sunbreaker for answers. |
Bruises and bruisemarks | September 2nd, 2023 | Hinoiri comes back to her dorm room to rest off the beating she got from Sailor Moon. Fortunately, her roommate, Dianora, is there to help provide a caring ear and a pint of ice cream. Such a sweet little thing. |
Sun vs Moon | August 31st, 2023 | An effort to recover a lost skirt turns into a battle for Usagi and Naru when Sunbreaker enters the scene! The fires of hate can't beat the power of two good friends! |
A ROOMMATE | August 29th, 2023 | Hinoiri gets bumped out of her single room to... a nice, albeit shared, room. Ready to murder the little brat who found her way into becoming her roommate, a recent 'friend' makes their appearance... My god. So much pink. |
Chameleon meets Unicorn | August 28th, 2023 | Double Trouble decides to introduce herself to another member of Obsidian, Hinoiri. From this, the shapeshifter gains a bit of info on the lay of the land... and prepares to take center stage. |
Fashionable Expertise | August 27th, 2023 | Adrien recruits his good friend Marinette to help him pick out clothes for Hinoiri. Nobody knows what the fashionista did to deserve this treatment, but what can you do? |
Lunch of Champions! | August 24th, 2023 | Hinoiri is taken to get curry for the first time in her life by Usagi and Niji. Rashmi is their server. All in all, Hinoiri is unimpressed, how good could this slop possibly be? ... Then her life was changed forever. |
Unicorn meets Dragon | August 24th, 2023 | Hinoiri runs into Lamya, Obsidian's resident dragon. The meeting goes... decently. |
Ice Cream in the park | August 20th, 2023 | Naru, Hinoiri, Adrien, Kyouka and Darien enjoy ice cream and conversations in the park. |
Perfectly normal Coffee | August 16th, 2023 | Experiences, nature and power pink fru fru coffee. Hinoiri and Naru have a chat. |
Two girls, two wheels, all danger | August 11th, 2023 | Hinoiri is trying to learn to drive with the tools she can currently access without dying... a scooter. Hannah 'helps'. |
Trial by Fire | August 11th, 2023 | Sunbreaker is annoyed and decided it's EVERYONE else's problem. Rashmi and Molly disagree. |
The Games We Play | August 6th, 2023 | Three girls enter a game shop, but only one can come out on top... of the scoreboard, anyway. Hinoiri, Niji, and Usagi meet for the first time in the field of digital battle (and the real world). |
No Youma, No Problem! | August 4th, 2023 | What Riventon and Sunbreaker hope will be a successful experiment, some of Radiant Heart Academy's magical girls are focused and working together to stop. |
Sunbreaker Goes Camping | July 31st, 2023 | Sunbreaker goes to a nice, relaxing day of energy draining at a local park. Some sparkleskirts(Amy Faust, Yellow Pearl Voice and Cure Sunny) get involved and end up ruining her day! Also, they hit her with her own bear. Who DOES that?! |
Walk in the park | July 30th, 2023 | Chiyo, Coco and Hinoiri all run into each other at the park's zoo... And have some of the weirdest conversations. |
Worth singing about | July 26th, 2023 | Fate ends up getting roped into helping Hinoiri understand dark energy... unfortunately, it means she also gets to learn more about Hinoiri's world. How hard could a song and dance number be, anyway? |
From distant worlds... | July 21st, 2023 | Catra and Hinoiri meet and commiserate over how friends are useless and why new worlds are weird. |
The Birds and the Unicorns | July 19th, 2023 | Hinoiri meets Scorn, the two measuring each other up and discussing totally normal and not at all dangerous topics. |
The Cabin for Gifted Individuals | July 19th, 2023 | Riventon comes across a strange, abandoned cabin outside the city. Inside, he meets someone who might finally be his equal... at least, in terms of arrogance. Who is this strange girl by the name of Hinoiri and can she really be everything she says? ... Probably not. |
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Mid Loop: Enlightenment (Hinoiri Kirara) | January 15th, 2025 | During the Timeloop, Hinoiri worked on developing some new skills. One she learned was yoga. And when one has an eternity to develop, well... even Enlightenment is achievable. But perhaps enlightenment isn't all it's cracked up to be... |
Crystal Dreams of Flames (Spirit Ember) | October 17th, 2024 | Having completed their initial investigaton, the Spirit Ember reaches out with more dreams... and they are responded to by a pair of young women in vastly different ways. |
Still not enough (Hinoiri Kirara) | September 8th, 2024 | After a recent magical fight, Hinoiri... well... she lets out a bit of steam. While wondering... what she's still missing. |
Foalnapped (Hinoiri Kirara) | July 23rd, 2024 | Hinoiri has been kidnapped... again. Except, this time? Is so, so much worse than any prior kidnapping... Perhaps the worst kidnapping she has ever imagined. |
Hoping for a Miracle (Hinoiri Kirara) | July 19th, 2024 | While everyone else is off fighting Beryl, Hinoiri takes the alone time to see if all the studies she has done with magical music can give her what she wants almost more than anything. To be powerful and useful again. |
It’s your girl, Hinoiri! (Hinoiri Kirara) | July 12th, 2024 | Hinoiri decides to try streaming on her new channel, Shimmer Code! It... it doesn't go very well... Better like, comment and subscribe! |
Better hated than forgotten (Hinoiri Kirara) | May 28th, 2024 | The Sunset of Sora struggles against the darkness within herself... a battle she is rapidly losing. |
How to choose a home… (Hinoiri Kirara) | May 6th, 2024 | Hinoiri has to consider everything she's done and, more importantly, why it had to be done. Does a home lie ahead for her, or just more loneliness? Which place can she truly call home anymore? (How to be alone song parody) |
Texts: Post Kidnapping Thanks | March 2nd, 2024 | Hinoiri thanks Chiyo for Sailor Moon's rescue |
Swiftwind RETURNS (Hinoiri Kirara) | February 26th, 2024 | Sunbreaker checks up on the remains of the cabin that Swiftwind has been staying at... and gets a delightful few texts from a little mermaid friend. It looks like Swiftwind is going to wreck someone else's place for a bit. |
She said SWIFTWIND! (Hinoiri Kirara) | February 2nd, 2024 | Sunbreaker is currently horse-sitting Adora's companion, Swiftwind. Unfortunately, she was NOT prepared for all contingencies... |
Make 'em afraid of ya (Hinoiri Kirara) | January 31st, 2024 | Sunbreaker, at the behest of Easter and Riventon, gives the DG girls a lesson on one of the greatest tools in their arsenals, as dark energy users. Fear. (Parody: Make 'em afraid) |
My past is not today! (Hinoiri Kirara) | January 16th, 2024 | Hinoiri has decided to, finally, give up on what she thought was her future. Instead, she'll seek a new one. Alongside her allies, like Obsidian. (Song: My past is not today parody) |
Only room for ONE Nightmare(Hinoiri Kirara) | January 14th, 2024 | Sunbreaker's got a new mug! She's very proud of her new mug. It shows how important and special she is. Gaaaaaze upon her mug. However, during her display... she uncovers something about a certain moon princess. And a way to repay an old debt. |
Tell me that I'm perfect (Hinoiri Kirara) | January 6th, 2024 | After blowing up her dorm room, Sunbreaker... is not handling Double Trouble's little therapy session well. At all. |
Post-Concert Procession (Hinoiri Kirara) | January 2nd, 2024 | Sunbreaker reports to Sanjo and Utau after the concert... and ensures they'll uphold their end of the bargain. |
Not easy having a good time (Hinoiri Kirara) | December 17th, 2023 | Sunbreaker arrives at Seattle and gets straight to work... Is there any surprise? And well... even with a song, sometimes even Sunbreaker can't decide what to do. On the upside, she's one step closer to figuring things out. Well... Downside, actually. |
Laugh Away the Pressure (Hinoiri Kirara) | December 7th, 2023 | Sunbreaker fills out some paperwork, does a few readings around Tokyo, plans a roadtrip, ruminates on an old lesson... and does a little song and dance number. Just another day in the life of Kirakirafantastica's favorite (only) representative. |
And that’s being Generous (Hinoiri Kirara) | November 30th, 2023 | Memory's of Hinoiri's fourth 'special' lesson flash through her mind after she makes a few... unwise... decisions in her quest for power. Leaving her with an important question... How much is enough? And helping her come up with a new plan, Project Eclipse. That's right, Eclipse is HER word and how DARE someone else use it! |
Honestly? I’ll find a way (Hinoiri Kirara) | November 20th, 2023 | Sunbreaker thinks about her recent failures, all she has lost, all she has gained, and ruminates over the first time she had seen that her mentor... wasn't as perfect as she'd believed. She begins to question... how can she find a way? |
Not capable of kindness (Hinoiri Kirara) | November 11th, 2023 | Sunbreaker ruminates over the second special lesson she'd received from Sora. Kindness she had often been shown, but was she even capable of such things? |
Ring of Fiery Pettiness (Hinoiri Kirara) | November 5th, 2023 | Sunbreaker saw a recent viral video on viewtube. Being the caring, compassionate person she is, she decides to help give her coworker a miracle he so desperately needs. You know. To help. |
Who was loyal to me? (Hinoiri Kirara) | October 21st, 2023 | Sunbreaker goes for a walk in the dusk zone and ruminates over one of her first lessons... just what did loyalty mean when nobody was ever loyal to her? |
From Sunlight to Moonlight (Hinoiri Kirara) | October 2nd, 2023 | Sunbreaker finds herself at a loss and ruminates over the final time she saw her mentor. When the sunlight in her life had turned its back on her... So why is it that the moonlight hadn't done the same? |
Enough is Never Enough (Hinoiri Kirara) | August 22nd, 2023 | Hinoiri ruminates over her choices and wonders... has... she done enough? |
A new love (Hinoiri Kirara) | August 8th, 2023 | While playing games, Hinoiri discovers a new love... One even she never could have predicted. |
The right target... (Hinoiri Kirara) | July 30th, 2023 | Hinoiri is bored... so she decides that it's time she makes herself known. |
- Standard
- Courtesy of Marinette: A V-neck orange t-shirt top with a black vegan leather short jacket over it. A cute belt with an oval buckle. A pair of black jeans with worn coloring over the knees, even slightly torn on the right knee. Over her neck is a pink ascot that is accented by the orange top.
- Familiar: Adajo Dazuru
People who Hinoiri cares about
Name | Who are they? | How much or why? |
Adrien Emile Gabriel | Patzy | Sweet, easily manipulated, good source of info. |
Double Trouble | Roommate | Eh, useful when hurt |
Ginga Bishounen | Sparkle Skirt | Nice hair. |
Greta Legend | Axe wielding psycho | Keeps axing her questions. |
Hinoiri | Herself | Less than she'll admit. |
Kyouka Inai | Counselor | Good style, good transportation, totally Inane-san. |
Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Fashion Designer | Good designer, friend of Adrien's. |
Naru Osaka | Troublemaker | Obviously has magic, will figure out someday |
Niji Dasshu | Nice kid | Weird hair, nice geode, unimportant. |
Sayaka | Cute | Best friend. |
Sailor Moon | Conflicted | ... Saved my life. |
Sora | Mentor | More than she admits. |
Takashi / Riventon | Colleague | First colleague, betrayed her possibly. Code: His mother's name is Ravenna Lilith Agera. |
Usagi Tsukino | Oddly comforting | Makes her feel... nice. Sometimes. |
Yellow Pearl Voice | Singing nemesis | Keeps singing at Sunbreaker! |