1400/Just some minor bruising

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Just some minor bruising
Date of Scene: 11 April 2024
Location: Radiant Heart Academy
Synopsis: After training with Fuyuko, Hinoiri is... looking a little roughed up. Nurse Meiou has opinions about 'toughing out the pain'. Namely. Not doing it. Unfortunately for Hinoiri, in her angry ramblings she accidentally gives the nurse everything she needs to know who she really is...
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Setsuna Meiou

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara was... bruised. And battered. And well... she looked like she'd gotten a bit overdone.

A training session with Fuyuko was not an easy thing. Sure, some people could handle it. MAybe. IF they were smart. Even moreso if they paced themselves. If they made sure to NOT overdo it. To tell their sensei they couldn't go any further.

Hinoiri operated on the mindset of 'Push through the pain' and 'If I can't keep going, I need to go anyway'. She didn't believe in things like pacing herself, or rest, or not practicing something ten thousand times until it was perfect. So long as she worked ten times as hard, she'd always be the best, right? Failure only counted if you failed when it MATTERED!

So she was, admittedly... a little groggy when she zombie walked through the school one morning, lightly chewing on her morning apple.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Oddly enough, the kind of 'push through the pain' attitude was sadly all too common amongst a certain subsect of the students at Radiant Heart.

Unfortunately, it was an attitude that annoyed the hell out of Nurse Meiou...though in fairness, such a reaction was a fairly common one amongst medical professionals as a whole towards patients who try to substitute stubborn for rest.

Thus, as Hinoiri zombied through the halls, Nurse Meiou strides past her in the opposite direction...and as she does, she reaches out to snag a finger in the back of the redhead's collar and proceeds to start pulling her back down the hall in the other direction, "Ah, Miss Kirara...it seems that you're heading in the incorrect direction this morning. The Infirmary is this way. Come along, now."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara let out a startled yipe when she was grabbed by the collar and yanked back. "W-what?" she asked. Hopping a little. AShe tried to resist but, well, she was caught offguard. "H-hey! What, what do you think you're doing? I don't need to go to the infirmary, I'm not sick!" Pause.

Was she?

NO! She wasn't sick! She'd know if she was sick! Wouldn't she? How did one know when they were sick? She didn't have a temperature so she was certain she wasn't sick. She finally reached up to grab the teacher's wrist and considered practicing one of the tricks Fuyuko had spent the morning teaching her... But...

.... Frankly, attacking the school nurse was in VERY bad form...

"I'm NOT sick, nor am I hurt, what are you doing? I demand you release me this instant!" As she kind of hopped backwards futily!

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
After a few moments of tugging the shorter young woman along, Nurse Meiou pauses, allowing her to get her feet fully underneath her.

UNFORTUNATELY for the redhead, said nurse was taking that moment to critically look over her body, "Not hurt? So there shouldn't be any reaction when I do...this?"

And as she says 'this', Nurse Meiou lightly pokes Hinoiri right on one of the worst of her bruises.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara was many things. Stubborn as a mule was one of them. So when the finger was pushed against the bruise? She let out a sharp, deep intake of air. And there were a few tiny hints of tears forming in her eyes.

A definite reaction.

She stared up at her, eyes shimmering slightly, before shaking her head. "Nope. Just a minor bruise, that's all. I know you're used to delicate little softy wofties who start bawling the moment they get a little scratch, but I'm made of sterner stuff. I just went a little hard on an earlier workout. That's all. Let me go," she snapped again, trying, and failing, to tug away.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Nurse Meiou sighs and pinches her nose, "Miss Kirara, despite whatever line of BS that someone has sold you and FAR FAR too many other people who attend this Academy, pain is NOT 'weakness leaving the body'. Pain is, in fact, your body telling you that something is WRONG. The fact that you KNOW it's wrong because you helped put it there does NOT make things better."

She scowls and gives a look to the younger woman, "In point of fact, that kind of thing actually makes you WEAKER since the way one gets stronger is by exercising and then HEALING from the damage done exercising. So SKIPPING or SLOWING the 'healing' part serves only to make the process SLOWER."

The taller woman then leans down a little so she's more at Hinoiri's eye level and gives her a stern glare, "So you have two choices right now. You can go back to being a BARBARIAN or you can come with me to the infirmary so that I can doublecheck your wounds, get you some stuff to help you heal and give you some mild analgesics so that you don't go through the day feeling like crap."

She then stands up straight and folds her arms, "...that way you can not only actually possibly LEARN something here at school, but you'll actually get some BENEFIT from the roughing up you've gone through."

The nurse tilts her head a little, "So what's it going to be? Will you actually USE that prodigious intellect you are rightly proud of...or are you just going to act like a meathead?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara stared at her for a long, long moment before sighing. "Of course pain isn't weakness leaving the body. I'm not an idiot." And there it was, a bit of frustration, annoyance. How dare she be treated like an ignorant child! "I know that. This isn't part of a new workout regime." Well, okay, it was, but not entirely. Part of it was. A small part.

"Ugh, how to explain it to someone like you..." she muttered. "This isn't a workout. I'm learning new motions. It's self defense training. I just... take all of it more seriously than most. You're just getting in my way at this point," she muttered bitterly. "But fine, you're a nurse so I assume you'll be as annoying as possible to get your way. That's what your lot always did at my last school. So let's get this over with, shall we? I swear you're as bad as the sparkle skirts somedays..." she grumbled, at least no longer resisting and instead following her.

... Self defense training, huh. She'd never shown up to any of Kyouka's classes, though.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
As Hinoiri concedes and starts following along, Nurse Meiou sighs and rolls her eyes, "And how well do you think learning new motions is going to work when you're having your movements thrown off by shots of pain from the obvious injuries you're carrying?"

She waves the younger woman into the infirmary and points her at a bed to sit on, "Let me dress those bruises and get you some cream to help heal them. Take the day off. HEAL. You'll be the better for it tomorrow."

The comment about 'sparkle skirts' is either missed or ignored as she reaches into a drawer for a pack that she had pre-made with pills, bandages, and some wound cream.

She walks back and reaches out to tap Hinoiri's forehead, "...and as for learning new motions? Well, you're in luck. There's something you can do that not only will let you take it easy for a day to heal, but also takes advantage of your intellect. Tell me, have you ever heard of 'image training'?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a flustered, annoyed little hmph. "Things like bruises only slow down people who aren't willing to put in the effort needed," she muttered. "I'm not like a lot of them... but fine," she said after a few more moments and closing her eyes. "do whatever you need to, medic. I swear, if I didn't know you were so good at your job, I would have shoved you out a window by now for this," she groused.

Someone was bitchy today. "Of course I know about image training. Imagine the spell, focus on the results, then when you--" and stopped.

"Err, I mean. Imagine the results of an action, as if you have an attacker, and then practice in your mind what you would do. I've never been any good at it. I'm more of a hands on learner. Always have been, likely always will be. What does that have to do with anything?" she asked, her cheeks burning.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Nurse Meiou snorts, "For one, we're on the first floor, so pushing someone out a window won't accomplish much."

She then goes about dressing any minor scrapes Hinoiri has and otherwise does a bit of fussing to make sure she's not ACTUALLY injured and just trying to power through things, "For two, I'm one of the LAST people you need to hide being magical from, so don't waste your time bothering."

The nurse then steps away and comes back with a small bottle with a few pills and a small bottle of water, "Take two of these every six hours until tomorrow. And eat this candy. It's got some healing magic in it, so you should be about recovered by then."

She then straightens up, "...and I'll grant some people are much better at learning via practical methods...but when other methods of training are contraindicated, you can still get at least SOME benefit from image training rather than none or training that will teach you the wrong motions because your body isn't responding the way it should due to injuries."

That done, she cleans things up, "...and finally, no defenestrating anyone unless you're in Prague. Apparently, it's a tradition there."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara sighed and gave a small nod. "Right, right... sorry. I forget, some of you people know and some don't. Unless Usagi-chan told you. In which case..." she then sighed. "Sora I hate this place," she muttered, taking the pills and then drinking from the water.

She looked at the candy and glared. "Last time I got something like that it ended up purifying me. That'll just handicap me right now. Especially considering the number of people who want to stab me," she grumbled grouchily. She stared at it, before shoving it back.

"... So, are you like Fuyuko and Kyouka, then? Magic, but not really anymore? Is that how all of this stupid world works? Some of you lot just get to bypass the stupid lock?"

Hinoiri crossed her arms and glared at her... before... finally sighing. "Sorry. I'm... not mad at you. I'm just... antsy. Got punched one too many times. Tired of it. I'm not supposed to be punching people. I'm supposed to be destroying people with magic. But here I am. Learning all the stupid tricks of the trade and it is so obnoxious. Why are hands so delicate and yet they're what we use to fight with?"

"... Also, I know nothing about Prague so if that's a reference... I do not know, or care."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Nurse Meiou had not heard the name Fuyuko before, but doesn't let that show as she responds, "...something like that. Though in some cases it's by design and some it's via VERY unique circumstances."

While the comments about not WANTING to get purified because it'll be a 'handicap', people wanting to stab her, and 'destroying people with magic' all lead her to some perhaps accurate conclusions, she for the moment says nothing regarding them.

Instead, she sighs, then nods, "That's one of the downsides of uncessary pain, dear."

The subsequent gripe about the delicacy of fingers gets a shake of the head, "If you're worried about your fingers, there ARE martial arts that focus primarily on strking with other parts of the body such as the heel of the palm, elbows, knees and feet, all of which ARE far more resilient to damage than fingers."

She steps aside, "As far as it goes, you're all done...and similarly I don't mean to come off as domineering...but I do not like seeing those in my care in obvious pain. So in the future, if you get banged up training or otherwise...stop by of a morning and at the very least I can get you something for the pain."

There's a pause, then she snorts, "As for Prague? It's something that might come up when you get to World History. 'The Defenestration of Prague'. Short of it is someone threw a diplomat from a window and it started a war."

Nurse Meiou then shakes her head, "...funnier thing is that over the centuries, it happened THREE MORE TIMES."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara was getting sloppier. She didn't realize it, though. She'd been running around too much. Overdoing it. While she didn't realize it, she was outing herself, revealing so much... Worst of all, though? She... didn't even realize it. She was pushing herself so hard, too hard, that it was only going to cause her more trouble in the end.

But, as always, that was just the kind of person she was. The kind of things she always did to herself, in the end.

"I know all about necessary pain," Hinoiri muttered. "And... yeah. I'm learning a lot as it is. I just find the... fingers... annoying..." she muttered.

However, she then scowled and actually jabbed her finger into Setsuna's chest. "I am *not* in your *care!*" she yelled. Her tone suddenly shifting aggressively. "I don't *need* you or *anyone else*! I can take *care* of myself!" It was such a minor comment to get so furious about, but she almost sounded enraged. Like Setsuna had personally insulted her with it.

"I am so *sick* and *tired* of all of you treating me like I can't take care of MYSELF! I... I..." Then she stopped, and pulled her hand back. "I'm... sorry. I don't... know... where that came from. R-right. Mornings. Here. I'll... I'll see what I can do...."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
As she gets poked in the chest, Nurse Meiou stares down at the offending finger, then arches an eyebrow at Hinoiri...but does nothing beyond that for the moment.

There are a LOT of signs there are a number of issues that need to be dealt with...but, sadly, she's fairly certain that now is not the time to address them.

Instead, she waits until Hinoiri apologises...and her expression softens, "I'll be here, Miss Kirara. Please...take care of yourself."

She then hands the younger woman a Snickers bar, "...and take this as a snack for later. You'll likely need the protien and energy to heal and lunch is still a few hours away."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a soft sigh and then shrugged. "I take care of myself just fine," she muttered. "And your snickers here suck. Are they even real chocolate?" Still, she opened it and took a small bite of it... Looking annoyed.

"... I'm... sorry. I don't... want... to yell at you. Just... its been a tough week. You of all people are probably... the last person I should yell at. Considering you've already helped fix one stupid mistake of mine and I've caused you other trouble," she muttered, lifting a hand to her forehead. Still...

"Just... nevermind." She hopped off the bed. "I'll take care of myself. I'm not going to need to yoink you again or anything like that. I'm not letting those idiots help with my work anymore," she muttered, starting towards the door.

Her head hurt now, though. She really needed to go blow off some dark energy.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Nurse Meiou frowns and looks at Hinoiri as she walks away...those parting words from the younger woman bouncing through her head...until just after the door closes, when the weight of the various statements and clues that Hinoiri has let slip finally overcome the resistance of her disguise magics...

At which point Nurse Meiou puts two and two together and is FINALLY allowed to come up with 'four'.

Whereupon she blinks and whips her head around to look at the now shut door...which she stares at for a good minute before sighing and going to sit at her desk...but not before snagging a couple of migraine pills and downing them.

She can feel a headache coming on...