Setsuna Meiou

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Setsuna Meiou (Scenesys ID: 95)
"...dead scream."
Name: Setsuna Meiou AKA: Sailor Pluto
Gender: Female Series: (CC) Sailor Moon
Origin: Sailor Senshi Grade: N/A
Clubs: None yet Age: 16 (physical) Generally mistaken for 19-20ish
Group Information
Groups Radiant Heart Academy


Since the Fall of the Silver Millenium, Setsuna has fulfilled her duty to guard the Gates of Time and protect the timeline that will result in it's rebirth. It has been a long and lonly time at her post that she has spent watching the world through the Gates, and only occasionally stepping out into the world when needed. However, recently something has happened. There has been an event that has broken the Gates. Physical matter can no longer transit the gates, and the future is in an almost cataclysmic flux. The Past is still visible through the Gates since it has already happened, but due to the damage they have sustained, finding given events can be time consuming. Now, with her post no longer needing to be guarded, Setsuna finds herself at loose ends...but strangely freer than she has been in milennia.


Physics and Biology, Nursing, Teaching, The World's Best History Teacher via Personal Experience, Sewing, VERY Well Read, All the Dumb Party Tricks, Being Mysterious and Inscrutable, Rich (yes, it's a skill)

Vital Trivia

Height: 178cm (5'10" fpr those using Imperial)
Blood Type: A
Birthday: October 29
Likes: Physics, Biology, Green Tea, Shopping, Sewing, the color garnet
Dislikes: Cockroaches, Eggplant, the Study of Music
Favorite Food: Green Tea
Least Favorite Food: Eggplant
Favorite Subject: Physical Sciences
Least Favorite Subject: Musical Theory
Online Tag(s): Unknown


Title Date Scene Summary
More Than One Way To Store December 6th, 2024 After Rabbit Hunting Season, Usagi visits Case del Outers to drop off Hotaru and update Setsuna. Their discussion includes many things - the fight, the new enemies, a vacation, and the magic of storing food in a dimension that doesn't expereince the normal passage of time.
Drive-by Prince-down November 27th, 2024 Eudial decides to take Mamoru's heart crystal in front of... well... everyone. And they have opinions about this. Not since Beryl has there been a red-head who was struck with such raw, primal hatred and rage.
She's Going to Dismantle the Earth, Isn't She November 23rd, 2024 In the aftermath of the experiment that brought Entrapta to Earth, Bow brings her to Nurse Meiou, but why is it Bow that gets the shot? Rashmi shows up to save the day and Bow's throat and Entrapta is folded into the recipe that is Radiant Hearts Academy.
Walpurgisnacht October 31st, 2024 On October 31st, 2024; a powerful and sudden storm strikes Tokyo. But to those in the know it's not a storm, but the legendary Witch, Walpurgisnacht.
Information sharing session September 20th, 2024 Hinoiri meets up with Setsuna, Rashmi and Koji in order to get some help on the weird tracking system she stole, as well as exchange information about her Eclipse Zone towers. Additionally, Setsuna and Rashmi lend Hinoiri a book of ancient magic that will definitely NEVER cause them problems, especially if it's real.
Days of Our Outers Episode 1913: Kaiju Crushes September 1st, 2024 Michiru brought home a kitten that just happened to be a youma once upon a time. The next morning everyone discovers the new house pet. Everyone loves the new house pet, but Hotaru doesn't want to be left alone with him.
Admiral or Mom August 28th, 2024 Chrono, Rashmi, Setsuna and Fenix go to meet Chrono's mother. While she doesn't remember him, she does try to offer what support she can to the young officer. And meet all of his friends! Such a fun lot... Beware of tea.
A Fry-day in Electric Town August 28th, 2024 Setsuna and Usagi spend a day in Akihabara!
Arthrafall: Debrief and Destress August 19th, 2024 Chrono getes rushed to the hospital by Molly after the battle at the docks, and they are met there by Rashmi and Setsuna. Together they get a chance to talk, once Chrono is awake that is.
She'll hardly miss one... August 9th, 2024 After Setsuna gets pulled away by an 'emergency', Hinoiri swings by to ask her a few questions about some medical/magical theories. However, when she senses magic from a piece of jewelry left out with Setsuna's random baubles... she can't help but take it with her. This will certainly have no long term consequences.
Jet/Shark Bait Rescue Op August 9th, 2024 Rashmi, Chrono, Amy, and Setsuna are all waiting for Molly to show up, when they get a distress call instead, and come to rescue her from a... jet bomber turned youma, with shark teeth? Perfectly normal day!
Exchange of information August 7th, 2024 Hinoiri meets with Kyouka and Setsuna for a quick exchange of information, where she turns over a lot of the information she knew about Obsidian. Now? The sparkles will have a little bit more information about their enemies.
The Best Kind Of Quest I August 6th, 2024 Riventon tries to steal one part of a relic bound for RHA.
To Fix One's Heart July 31st, 2024 'What the hell've you been up to these past few weeks, anyway? I was beginning to think you'd tried to go back to Etheria, or what's left of it.'

Words that had been echoing in Adora's mind. This world isn't her world. This world isn't her /time/. Etheria needs her.

Adora has been mostly missing since the incidents surrounding her corruption, so when Swiftwind suddenly was warning her allies that she was about to do something incredibly stupid, well...

It's time to stop her. Before she does something she can't take back. Even if it might be too late.

The Meloncholy of Setsuna Meiou Episode 1786: A meeting in the City of Lights July 24th, 2024 In the aftermath of Beryl's demise, Setsuna meets with Usagi in Paris.
Leavin' on a Jet Plane July 21st, 2024 Following the huge fight in Paris, Setsuna and Hotaru head over to meet everyone there and play taxi for those who need it.
Welcome home! July 13th, 2024 After the events of Moon moon, Hotaru tells the outers of her many adventures while they were gone. Including the fact she met a dragon, a phoenix AND a mermaid! Then it's time for dinner and SNUGGLES!
Act 10: Moon Moon June 27th, 2024 The Senshi (and Naru!) are taking a trip to the Moon, in search of a variety of important artifacts. The fallen Moon Kingdom is a place of many memories, but there is much for our heroes to gain.
The Meloncholy of Setsuna Meiou Episode 1701: Preparing for a Trek amongst the Stars June 25th, 2024 Setsuna takes Usagi on a Voyager out to dinner one early eveninng, where the two discuss things like Deep Space, Nine people going on the coming Enterprise, and attempts at making the Next Generation of Senshi attacks.
This time it's Personal June 20th, 2024 Hinoiri gets re-personed with some help from Amy and Setsuna. However, as they work, Hinoiri discusses some of her beliefs and theories and magic, dampening the spirit of one puella, only for the ninth planet (still one) to help lift them again.
A Doll Visit To The Nurse's Office June 14th, 2024 During school, Doll-Amy comes to talk to one of the only people in school who knows about magic and isn't in class. Talk about the daily life of mascots, book recommendations, and the frustration of stealth missions.
Radiant Infirmary Episode 1644: Give the Boy a Hand. June 6th, 2024 After some minor surgery thanks to Setsuna and Mamoru, Ikuto and Mamoru and Setsuna and Usagi go to WcDonald's.
The Meloncholy of Setsuna Meiou Episode 1626: A Magical Afternoon June 3rd, 2024 Setsuna is practicing a new attack when Chrono and Rashmi sense her energy.
Sunset Aftermath: Ex Astris, Scientia. June 2nd, 2024 In the immediate aftermath of the defeat of Sunbreaker, Coco's magic comes back...and Setsuna discusses various things with her...including one of Setsuna's favorite television shows. Happens right after The Sound of the Bell of Hope (Coco Kiumi).
Mer-Visit to the Outers' Space May 26th, 2024 Wanting to check in on Coco, Amy and Yuuto head to the Casa del Outers. Letting everyone in there is Haruka, who also lays down some ground rules for everyone's safety. Their visit is definitely a well of joy for the recovering mermaid.
Burns Yet Again May 25th, 2024 Following Hinoiri's assault on Coco, Setsuna shows up for a timely rescue, providing the now powerless mermaid with a safe haven and important treatment for her wounds, and then informs her she will have someone to get along with for the duration of her stay.
Sleight of Laptop May 24th, 2024 Setsuna comes by Mamoru's hospital room for a visit after-hours and finds out that he's really not mentally doing so great at night-- and has a potential distraction for him. Ft. Anko the cat.
Days of our Outers Episode 1560: Grand Acquisition Auto May 20th, 2024 Haruka helps Setsuna buy a car.
Exit Stage Left May 17th, 2024 Nurse Meiou arrives at Hinoiri's dorm room to aide the drained Double Trouble in making their way off campus and to a place where someone else from their team can come fetch them. It's not even a costume if they're disguised as a drama student.
Paranoid Android May 15th, 2024 Bow finally has Crystal Hope removed - but at a tremendous cost.
The Meloncholy of Setsuna Meiou Episode 1537: I Need The Most Giggle-bites That They Have May 13th, 2024 Setsuna needs help with a computer set up. Amy knows just the things she needs.
Days of Our Outers Episode 1534: Don't Let Her Nail It To My Door May 10th, 2024 Mamoru comes to the Casa to offload some of the chocolate he's nearly swimming in. Discussions about the ongoing strain between Usagi and the Outers happen.
For the Applause May 9th, 2024 Sunbreaker brings Double Trouble to Mamoru and Mamoru tells her to get Setsuna too because WOW DT IS IN SUCH BAD SHAPE, omg.
Days of Our Outers Episode 1520: The Beacons are Lit April 29th, 2024 Following on the events of Scene 1513, Michiru comes home to find Setsuna curled up in bed. Fortunately, she is able to comfort her friend and housemate...and she calls for others who will help even more.
Days of our Outers Episode 1513: Revelations April 29th, 2024 On the heels of escaping the portal to the reflection of the past, Usagi finds out about Hotaru's presence in the Casa...and things come to light about her past. With all parties fragile and with nerves raw from their recent ordeal, words are shouted, cold declarations are made...and a rift thought healed is torn open once more.
Days of Our Outers Episode 1530: Gondor Calls for Aid April 29th, 2024 Following right on the heels of 'The Beacons are Lit', Rashmi and Chrono come to visit their friend and help her find her center again. She then fills them in on the current friction amongst the Senshi, gives them some context for what happened in the past, and let them know about Saturn.
Clock Look April 29th, 2024 Riventon and DG Girl Aon have up to something screwy with a new type of clock. Luckily Pluto, Charon, Jupiter, Tuxedo Kamen, Cure Wing, and Mou Fubuki are on the scene!
Days of our Outers Episode 1498: Dimension Past: Outer Aftermath April 25th, 2024 The Outer Senshi (and Sunbreaker and Rashmi) make it out of Beryl's time portal. There's cuddling to be done.
Dimension Past: End of an Era April 25th, 2024 Those who traveled through Beryl's portal have had a variety of revelations, adventures, and experiences they'll never forget. They might have been separated along the voyage, but now, they've been brought back together for the end: it's the fall of the Silver Millennium, and the only way out is through (well, that, and magical connections to the Earth's very own special guy).
Dimension Past: Prop Hunt April 24th, 2024 Trapped in the past but seeking advantages, Sailor Pluto walks the aftermath of a tragedy on the hunt for those items most useful to the Senshi of the Present. CW: description of fatal injury, death.
Dimension Past: Chaos in the Kingdom April 23rd, 2024 Trapped in an echo of the ancient past, Hope Witch, Rocket Girl Red, Sailor Pluto, and Sailor Venus find themselves in the midst of a monster attack in the Golden Kingdom. Their deicsion to intercede ends the attack early, but in this tumultuous snapshot in time, the people of Earth - mistaking them for the people of the Moon - are none too pleased with their rescuers.
The Sound of Silence April 23rd, 2024 Thrown into memories of the distant past by Queen Beryl, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto witness something no-one should ever have seen. In the halls of Titan Castle, they see Sailor Saturn awaken to end all things so that they may be born anew. The see her awaken and they give her hugs.
Dimension Past: Back to the Past April 22nd, 2024 When a youma fight interrupts Queen Beryl's latest plans, she faces the mahou themselves, putting on a terrifying show of power - particularly when she takes note of Tuxedo Kamen. The taunts and insults of our heroes don't go over well, and the Queen of the Dark Kingdom decides to send the group on a trip down memory - transporting them to an echo of the past! Trapped first in the center of the Fall of the Moon Kingdom, our heroes eventually find themselves somewhere less awful... but still trapped. CW: war, death. You came for back to the future but eneded up in Saving Private Ryan
That's No Moon April 19th, 2024 Mamoru goes to ask Setsuna about Sailor Charon!
The Meloncholy of Setsuna Meiou Episode 1424: Flight 3 Nonstop to Nagoya April 18th, 2024 Setsuna takes a few friends on a helicoptor ride.
Days of Our Outers Episode 1420: A Secret Laid Bear April 17th, 2024 Sailor Pluto inadvertantly frightens poor Hotaru...but the young woman quickly bounces back and decides to base her new secret identity on her new protector.
A Funny Thing Happened... April 15th, 2024 Following the events of Lunch Zone, Rashmi heads to Casa del Outer, to visit Setsuna and talk through the day's doings.
The Meloncholy of Setsuna Meiou Episode 1405: Rectifying Conflicting Impulses April 12th, 2024 After learning about Sunbreaker's identity, Setsuna goes to consult with the person she regards as her moral compass: Usagi Tsukino. Discussions are had about the redhead in question...and later possibilties are floated about enacting retribution towards Chiyo's 'date' to the prom.
Just some minor bruising April 11th, 2024 After training with Fuyuko, Hinoiri is... looking a little roughed up. Nurse Meiou has opinions about 'toughing out the pain'. Namely. Not doing it. Unfortunately for Hinoiri, in her angry ramblings she accidentally gives the nurse everything she needs to know who she really is...
Radiant Hearts Prom 2024 April 6th, 2024 The first ever prom at Radiant Hearts had it all! Dancing, great food, three singers, hip throws, off-world travelers and fireworks!
Radiant Infirmary Episode 1380: It's not black tie, is it April 4th, 2024 Bow comes to the Infirmary to ask Nurse Meiou to chaperone the Prom...while there, it's revealed that he's using repurposed Horde tech. Concerns are raised. Words are spoken.
Days of Our Outers Episode 1261: A Firefly explores her surroundings March 11th, 2024 Rashmi comes to visit Setsuna and meets the Dreaded 'Catastrophe' and her henchwoman 'Lokitty'. She briefly gives in and becomes 'Cataclysm' before the power of food defeats the villains like the badguys in Hostess Twinkie ad.
Days of Our Outers Episode 1234: A new Arrival Settles In March 4th, 2024 Hotaru is welcomed and settled in to Case Del Outers... not knowing exactly who has taken charge of her.
Days of Our Outers Episode 1226: Helping Hotaru Hide March 3rd, 2024 Hotaru and Setsuna get to play secret agent as they employ some misdirection and obfuscation to make sure nobody follows Setsuna home with Hotaru. Once there, dinner is chocolate chip pancakes and Hotaru discovers the coolest bed of all time.
A Small Girl, A Small Favor March 1st, 2024 Takashi comes to the school nurse seeking to find a more permanent place for Hotaru Tomoe to hide out.
Matchmaking Methods Act 2: The Infirmary February 24th, 2024 Coco goes to the infirmary to try and get Nurse Meiou's cooperation on the romance plan she and Cho have setup. Setsuna decides to give it.
Rebuilding the Rebellion February 21st, 2024 Sayaka and Rashmi bring the unconscious Bow to Nurse Meiou so he can be looked at, and after important contributions by Setsuna and Koji, and an additional service by Ula, it is with Hope and Resolve in a sparkling future that they part with the knowledge that Bow, now Luke, has provided them.
Cursed Questions February 20th, 2024 Ahmya has questions for Setsuna, alongside Kaori!
Road Rash Remedy February 19th, 2024 After being dropped off by Haruka, Hinoiri gets to experience the joys of having pieces of gravel plucked out of her back. Ow. Still, she's tired and the infirmary beds are comfy.
Radiant Infirmary Episode 1130 February 18th, 2024 Chiyo stops by the Nurse's Office for some help from Setsuna! She also shares some interesting news, on two fronts.
Brain Trust February 6th, 2024 Riventon reaches out for help. Sailor Mercury, Pluto, Page Mage, Naru, and Mamoru answer the request... and Riventon gives them the data without starting trouble?!'
Days of Our Outers Episode 1061: An automotive 'favor' January 30th, 2024 Setsuna takes Haruka out to test a 'nice Volkswagen' at a 'local test track' for an acquaintance. While that description is TECHNICALLY leaves a LOT out.
Days of Our Outers Episode 1036: A Business Proposition January 24th, 2024 Hannah visits the Casa Del Outers to ask Setsuna for some business advice and perhaps an infusion of capital. During the meeting, Ami wanders by. Things are let slip, questions are shelved for later, Setsuna is bewildered by Ami downplaying herself, and Ideas are passed to Hannah.
Days of Our Outers Episode 1029: On Bookstores and Apocalypses January 21st, 2024 Michiru arrives home from her afternoon of shopping only to be melodramatically greeted by her older housemate who had just been to Watanabe's Books. After talking about how easy it is to get lost in that store, the conversation turned to the apocalypse Michiru dreams about, and how she wishes she wouldn't.
Personality Clash January 21st, 2024 After the encounter with Riventon and Firefly, Sailor Mercury insists that Tuxedo Kamen and Sailor Moon join her in a trip to Setsuna's house to ensure they are all right, as well as discuss the incident. Some tensions arise before dinner, and more information is sought by Setsuna and Ami.
Top of her class in burns January 8th, 2024 After the explosion, Hinoiri needs some time to recoup. With Sayaka and Klarissa fretting over her, Naru's care package and Setsuna's medical expertise, can they truly fix this girl? ... No. Of course not. However, Setsuna CAN break out into a small musical number. I'm sure that's nothing to worry about at all.
Days of Our Outers Episode 985: An Bookish Evening for Planetary Bookends January 8th, 2024 Nurse Meiou returns home after a very long day to find that Ami has taken her up on her offer to let the younger woman crash at her place. A relaxed conversation about reading, studying, and romance ensues.
Days of Our Outers Episode 971: Ami Visits Casa Del Outers! January 6th, 2024 Ami stops by Casa Del Outers to deliver a New Years gift to Setsuna, and she gets to see what the Nurse is like in the mornings on her days off. She also gets to see Michiru baking bread!
Yoinking your tall thing! January 4th, 2024 Sunbreaker yoinks the outer's tall thing! For absolutely dastardly reasons... She needs a nurse.
Radiant Infirmary Episode 962 January 3rd, 2024 After getting roughed up AGAIN by a youma, Naru stops by the Infirmary for help getting cleaned up. A little catching up is done and some ideas are put forth.
The Princess is Who December 31st, 2023 Michiru and Setsuna arrive home after the events at Soryuu Shrine and debrief with Haruka present by way of communicator. Plans are made to reunite the couple while still guarding their precious wards.
The Meloncholy of Setsuna Meiou Episode 943: Boxing, Tea, and Taboos. December 30th, 2023 In the wake of hearing what the Taboos her Mother laid on Sailor Pluto were, the new Princess decides that they WILL NOT STAND and does something about them.
Where in Space/Time is Setsuna Meiou December 29th, 2023 The Senshi of Time and Space believes that she can isolate herself again. The senshi + time space administration bureau has other opinions. It's time for some permanent family leave. CW: Found family, hugs, commentary on massive truck.
Days of Our Outers 956: Christmas Together December 25th, 2023 After rescuing Setsuna from being trapped watching a door in an empty space, it's time for the three girls to share a Christmas together, as it should be.
The Meloncholy of Setsuna Meiou Episode 892: Camping at the Gates of Time December 17th, 2023 Following on from Soryuu Shrine: Silver Crystal, Sailor Pluto takes the newly identified Prince and Princess to safety at the Gates of Time. Brought along are Sailor Uranus as her guard and Kunzite as his. Naru manages to hitch a ride because she's NARU. Very tentative plans are made, tents are set up, futons are placed...and a gift to Mamoru and Kunzite of Sir Terrence Pratchett to keep them occupied.
Soryuu Shrine: Silver Crystal December 15th, 2023 The final shrine is assaulted. Secrets and hearts are laid bare. Does Midnight Tokyo end here? Does the door to Yomi open? Will the Moon Princess emerge? Who will live and who will die? The culmination of many intertwined fates, connect together to form a Bridge of Many Dreams.
I Was There December 11th, 2023 Mamoru is detecting before defecting! He has some questions for Sailor Pluto about what happened when Cyprine died, and gets a whole lot more information than he bargained for.
Calling All Heroes December 10th, 2023 The forces of Known Good gather in The Shed to learn about the true threat of the Midnight Tokyo Project. The danger is unveiled, the risks are discussed, and a plan is hatched.
It's ChristmasTime! Episode 869: Sometimes ChristmasTime is early! December 10th, 2023 Catra and Adora bump into each other at a ramen stand. Before things can get TOO awkward and/or violent, a surprise visit by �c#FF00F7�L�c/��c#E20BDD�a�c/��c#C616C3�d�c/��c#A922A9�y�c/� �c#713875�C�c/��c#54445B�h�c/��c#384F41�r�c/��c#1C5A27�i�c/��c#00650E�s�c/��c#1C5A0C�t�c/��c#384F0A�m�c/��c#544409�a�c/��c#713807�s�c/��c#8D2D06�T�c/��c#A92104�i�c/��c#C61603�m�c/��c#E20B01�e�c/� changes the vector of the meeting...and hopefully improves the week of both young women.
Seekrit Plans in Seekrit Hideouts December 7th, 2023 Rashmi shows Setsuna the Secret of the Shed, and the two discuss plans to both stage a refugee camp beyond the reach of reality, and stage a cooking tournament beyond time and space. Both are equally awesome.
Budget Cuts December 5th, 2023 Cyprine, the most powerful of the witches five decides to take matters into her own hands, facing down Sailor Moon, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and special guest Stellar. Unfortunately, welllll... It turns out there were time for some budget cuts and as she brings in two salaries it just made good financial sense. (CW: Death)
TSAB Requires Extraction December 4th, 2023 Chrono has been corrupted and needs some help from his allies to remove the dark energy from himself! Rashmi brings him to Sailor Pluto who calls in for aid from the legendary.,.. SAILOR MOOOOON! Things are about... to escalate.
Grant Unto Us the Path of Light November 29th, 2023 Usagi and Darien visit Sailor Pluto to give her the actual details on who, exactly, she offered refuge to -- and Setsuna has gifts!
The Meloncholy of Setsuna Meiou Episode 793: A Modest Proposal November 20th, 2023 Nurse Meiou invites Chiyo and Makoto out to eat at the cutest hotpot resturaunt in existence. Discussions of a morale-boosting event are made, some early details are hashed out, and Chiyo provides some newly-developed magical supplies for the Infirmary.
The Meloncholy of Setsuna Meiou Episode 772 November 16th, 2023 Setsuna has a text conversation with Rashmi, then takes the younger woman on a trip to the Gates of Time...where Rashmi learns a few things about her taller friend...not the least of which she is an inverterate pack rat.
Srs business time November 13th, 2023 Chrono has a gift for two of the women in his life... as well as some very serious news. Also, he asks Setsuna out... on accident. Fenyx is highly amused.
Senshi Side Stories Episode 741: Rooftop Meetings, Hot Chocolate, and Food Battles November 11th, 2023 Following the near assasination of Hannah Steiner, Sailor Pluto decides to make an effort to improve the healing that she can offer as the Magical School's Nurse. Additionally, the idea for a morale-improving event is floated.
Radiant Infirmary Episode 702: 'Sailor Europe' Arrives! November 4th, 2023 Nurse Meiou gets to meet 'Sailor Europe'. After a bit of confrontation about the rather interesting attempt at deception, Nurse Meiou helps the errant Princess to shore up her cover story.
There Are No More Do-Overs November 2nd, 2023 Usagi and Setsuna have a lot to talk about. Featuring: ramen, the mercury computer, the concept of being the sole survivor, and teleportation.
A Word Among Letters November 2nd, 2023 Usagi and Setsuna get read (hahaha) in on the cipher Naru and Mamoru have been working on from Nephrite's journal. Secrets are desperately kept, then shared anyway.
Only the best girls October 29th, 2023 Chrono introduces Rashmi and Setsuna to a new friend, Fenyx. While she's a little... confused about being human/midchildian, she gets to experience a lot of new and thrilling new things.
Radiant Infirmary Episode 665 October 28th, 2023 Makoto gets sent to the Nurse's office to get her records updated. There she finds an ally and the patron facilitating her roomate's cooking adventure.
Costumes and News October 24th, 2023 Setsuna invites Chrono and Rashmi over for a halloween preparation, sharing her talents of costume design... and they share the news of their new relationship.
Radiant Infirmary Episode 602 October 16th, 2023 This time on Radiant Infirmary; Adora has been self-dealing with severe wounds. However with the power of teacher intervention, a very competent magical Nurse, and the power of food therapy, she soon finds herself back on the road to recovery.
Days of our Outers Episode 603 October 16th, 2023 Meeting up at home, the Outers discuss how to deal with enemies, yeeting badguys, the priveliege of kneecaps...and finish off with a food run.
Radiant Infirmary Episode 588 October 12th, 2023 Hinoiri is feeling...good? Something MUST be she goes to visit the Nurse to get herself checked out.
Movie Night 2: The Two Towers October 9th, 2023 Chrono, Nanoha, and Setsuna surprise Rashmi in the hospital room with cake! And the Two Towers! And cake! And *Nicomachea!* And *even more cake!* Good times are had by all, and of course Chrono can't leave without being an awful troll about his own recent events.
Poor choices October 7th, 2023 Setsuna is running from the truant officers and Hinoiri has a bike and doesn't really care to NOT get in a high speed chanse through tokyo, so what can you do? Poor choices ensue! At least nobody is interrogated this time.
Pity Stayed Her Hand October 3rd, 2023 Following the events of Culminating Plans, Setsuna visits Rashmi's hospital room to apologize for failing to kill Sunbreaker. Rashmi has some Big Opinions About That, but by the time the conversation is over, perhaps the gaping wound in Setsunas soul hurts a bit less. Also with more Tolkien Quoting!
Culminating Plans October 2nd, 2023 Sunbreaker has it out with Sailor Moon... but when the outers get involved, suddenly Sunbreaker finds out the consequences of her actions. Something that shakes her to the core.
The Magic of Time October 1st, 2023 Naru comes to visit Setsuna at home. Magic is discussed, and cute photos of a certain cat are shared.
Deadliest Prank October 1st, 2023 (TW: Belief of impending doom) The 'death curse' placed on Molly is making its way through her system, forcing her to go for help... Can one TSAB agent, a magical dessert cook and a pilot of space, time and Pluto save her? Hopefully... At least, if she was in actual danger.
Sunset Setsuna -- At The Hospital September 30th, 2023 When Setsuna learns that Rashmi has gotten herself landed in the hospital, there's nothing for it but to visit. With presents! And ideas! And what would have been a boring evening waiting to heal is made so much better!
Days of Our Outers Episode 523: Haruka Did What September 29th, 2023 Following the events of Haulin' Pt 2, Haruka returns to Casa Del Outers and relays what has transpired. Hugs are had and much Khorma Chameleon is gotten.
Haulin' Part Two. The Embiggening. September 27th, 2023 A 'new' villain creates a youma at a car show. Sailor V shows up to fight it...and gets help from a new ally! (CW: Truck Puns; Corporate Slogans; Gratuitous Ferrari Hate)
A Small Visit To The Nurse's Office September 21st, 2023 Amy returns to the school nurse's office for supplies and to find out what Nurse Meiou knows about magic. She finds a small surprise... and she and Setsuna do their best to make each other feel better about their situations.
Laugh it up, Space Boy September 21st, 2023 After Chrono has a bit of an existential crisis, Setsuna meets with him following her OWN...small problem...and attempts to help him cope. Literature is involved.
Days of Our Outers Episode 489: Setsuna Has a Boyfriend September 21st, 2023 Following the events of 'Laugh it up, Space Boy', Michiru and Haruka come back home that evening to find Chrono and smol Setsuna passed out on the couch together. The teasing will be remembered for ages.
Gimme a break September 20th, 2023 Hotaru always likes to share... but sometimes... she really shouldn't. As Setsuna learns the hard way and causes the nurse a... tiny problem.
Radiant Infirmary Episode 463 September 19th, 2023 This time on Radiant Infirmary...a mahou in need of some records comes in. Nurse Meiou manages to help him out and dispenses some classic strategy advice.
Haulin' September 18th, 2023 What is that noise outside the Outer Senshi's shared domicile?
Poking the Bear at Casa Del Outer September 17th, 2023 Michiru ambushes a barely-awake Setsuna...because CLEARLY a barely-caffiniated Setsuna is the best Setsuna to lay heavy news upon.
Radiant Infirmary Episode 432: Burns in the ward. September 16th, 2023 This time on Radiant Infirmary...a mahou comes in suffering from a Dark Energy infection. But with the power of memories and magical confections, Nurse Meiou is able to heal her.
Mahou Rifftrax 1 September 15th, 2023 Rashmi and Setsuna decide to introduce Chrono to the first of the Lord of the Rings trilogy... it takes hours. But is worth it. He, for the first time ever, chilled a little bit.
Flour for the Rumor Mill September 10th, 2023 Chrono and Rashmi decide to visit Setsuna with a gift of AMAZING food! Then they discuss shared fiction... also, dragons. Dragons are real.
The Blue Griffin's War Room September 4th, 2023 Hannah Steiner reveals herself and her plight to her compatriots, even as she asks for their help against their Uncle. Failing to push anyone away, she finds true friends and allies.
TSAB meets TSSS September 4th, 2023 Agent Harlaown lost a lot of blood in the fight. Fortunately, Sailor Pluto found most of it. She then checked if he could survive some stress tests.
Digital Divide September 3rd, 2023 Chunks of the Artha fall out of space time, and everybody fights over them. Also the space police show up. Well. A space police.
Breakfast is...served September 3rd, 2023 Setsuna gives an impromptu cooking lesson.
Burns and Mermaid "Allergies" August 29th, 2023 Nurse Meiou gives Coco some treatment for burns the mermaid got from a Witch. Her "allergy" is also addressed.
A weekend meeting. August 28th, 2023 Ami comes to visit Setsuna at home. Tea is had and various topics are discussed such as Prague and why Setsuna must never go back.
Planetary Alignment August 27th, 2023 When everything lines up just right...
An Unfortunate Presentation August 27th, 2023 Kyouka shares what she has found out about Midnight Tokyo with her trusted allies.
The Most Distant Outers Commiserate August 26th, 2023 Michiru and Setsuna have a conversation...and together they put together some disturbing facts.
Outer checkups August 23rd, 2023 Hotaru has trouble breathing and so she goes to the school nurse for some help. Setsuna does her best!
This always happens around chapter 8 or so, or, A Gender-Bent Maiden and a Trip to the Nurse's Office August 21st, 2023 Amy is sent to the nurse's office with a stomach ache and nearly gets found out, or so her paranoia fears. Instead she learns some important things, one of which is even plot-relevant!
An evening discussion. August 15th, 2023 Setsuna and Luna finally get together to discuss what to tell Usagi and the other Inner senshi.
Nurses play games August 14th, 2023 To the shock of students, apparently Nurse Meiou not only can exist outside of school, but apparently she can DANCE, too!
Revenge Is Cold. Coffee Is Not August 11th, 2023 Haruka asks Michiru over for a date, but Setsuna crashes, and the two Senshi reveal themselves to one another _and_ Haruka! It's tough being a teenager with a destiny.
Why's it called a Supercar August 10th, 2023 Haruka takes Setsuna out to Fuji raceway to show her what a supercar can do...our poor nurse has NO idea what she's in for.
Minor checkup August 8th, 2023 Hotaru is taken by Takashi to meet with the school nurse, Setsuna, after the former has another seizure. The nurse soon learns that this girl isn't quite all she appears.
Evening Snacking July 31st, 2023 Norie Okana as La Crima tries to feed at Radiant Heart Academy. Magical girls try to stop her and... help her? What is this madness.
In the Wake of a Cat-astrophe July 31st, 2023 Nurse Setsuna conducts a wellness check on one Usagi Tsukino, and encountering a recovering Luna leads the nurse and secret senshi to only one conclusion.
Check Your Korma At The Door July 22nd, 2023 A group of students and one teacher meet up at Korma Chameleon and get to know one another better. Thanks to Kyubey, many are now suspicious of one another. The new girl Niji is oblivious to the mascot... for now.
Just Dropping Off Some Paperwork July 20th, 2023 Michiru stopped by the school infirmiry to drop off all her medical paperwork, and Setsuna spent a little time making sure the newest student at Radiant Heart was settling in nicely.
Normal Luchtime Conversations July 18th, 2023 Kyouka and Setsuna sit down and have lunch together.
The Dreaded Paperwork July 17th, 2023 A routine physical to have Hannah's government records check out results in her very dubious background crumble in the face of one very mysterious nurse! Hannah and Setsuna reveal their true selves to one another, and true allies are gained!
A Not So Disastrous Encounter July 16th, 2023 Usagi may have hurt her leg after the school dance. School nurse Setsuna may have some remedies.
Meeting Miss Meiou July 15th, 2023 Ami wanders into the nurse's office. Not all is as it seems.
Time and Space July 10th, 2023 An uncharacteristically distraught Haruka finds her way to Setsuna's office, and a strange connection is formed. Also, Haruka finds 3 things to fall in love with! (they're cars.)


Title Date Scene Summary
Revelations: Aftermath May 9th, 2024 What happened with Setsuna after Usagi stormed out.
So this Belkan wants to go into business... January 23rd, 2024 While looking over some business proposals from Hannah, Setsuna does some quick consulting about TSAB regulations with Chrono.
Aftermath of the Time Crash (Setsuna Meiou) July 1st, 2023 Sailor Pluto returns from the Gates of Time