1843/Exchange of information

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Exchange of information
Date of Scene: 07 August 2024
Location: Administrative Office
Synopsis: Hinoiri meets with Kyouka and Setsuna for a quick exchange of information, where she turns over a lot of the information she knew about Obsidian. Now? The sparkles will have a little bit more information about their enemies.
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Kyouka Inai, Setsuna Meiou

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara took a slow, deep breath, nervously, and lightly, glancing at the documents she'd gathered. In a strange twist, she'd asked Kyouka and Setsuna to meet with HER! In Kyouka's office. Why? Because, well... she had important information. And as they were the only adults she knew who were, in one way or another, magic.

So, as the time approached, she gulped and knocked on the door, stepping into the office right on time and... "I'm... sure you're curious why I asked you two to meet with me. Well, ummmm... the answer is simple."

"I know you're both aware of magic and I know you both interact with a lot of the sparkles. I know you're not allied with Obsidian and... I believe you both understand the concept of tact and subtlety."

"Yellow Pearl Voice has, recently, hired me to help do research on magical music for her and, well... I realized... there was likely some other information that might help those of you who... oppose Obsidian."

"And as I *apparently* never worked for Obsidian, all of the information I learned *must* have come from my own private sources and, therefore, there is no conflict of interest or backstabbing involved on my end," Hinoiri said that with just a little (lot) of bitterness to her tone. Technically, a lot of this information she WOULD have kept to herself... except they 'unmade' her. And so, this was payback. Sure, it was minor payback, but...

She held out two small folders to them. "Inside this is all of the information I have on... quite a bit of information about Obsidian. How they get around, their youma, their Door network. More importantly, I have a list of many of the Doors located on campus, so closing them and ensuring that Obsidian can't just pop in and out of the grounds should be easy enough. I also have information on the dusk zone, the Eclipse Zones and the reactor in the heart of Obsidian Tower."

"... If not obvious, it would be best that none of this information gets out that it came from me. But... I figure the two of you know best how to ensure it gets to the right people."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Inside the office, Kyouka is leaning on her desk, arms crossed, apparently talking with Setsuna although whatever they were discussing is apparently less important than Hinoiri's arrival as she falls silent when the knock comes on the door and the girl enters.

    It honestly takes quite a bit of patience from her to have granted this chance to Hinoiri at all. The Obsidian ex-pat had seriously injured several people who are quite dear to her, not to mention stealing her own magic, however temporarily. But if there's one thing that Kyouka prides herself on, its pragmatism.

    Doesn't mean she has to be nice about it, though. She doesn't seem particularly welcoming. She also manages not to laugh out loud at 'tact and subtlety'. She's not sure about Setsuna, but she's pretty sure those things have never been part of her reputation.

    Still... she accepts the folder, taking it and leafing through it briefly before closing it again. "Thanks. This will be useful." Her tone is cool, but sincere. It will be useful. Giving this to her doesn't undo all the things Hinoiri did, but it's also a lot better than doing nothing.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
For her part, Nurse Meiou had decided to hear Hinoiri out before making any kind of judgements.

While she, too, had had more than a few people she cares about injured by the younger woman...at the same time, she had been granted a second chance by the Princess.

Which, granted, was one of the reasons that she helped fix Obsidian's efforts to 'unperson' Hinoiri several weeks prior.

At the moment, however, she's...unsure. So far the girl has not really done much to make amends...but then again, it's been a rather busy time and she can at least understand that having one's entire world torn down means sometimes it takes a while to get yourself back together enough to start building it back up again.

Thus, when Hinoiri enters and says her peace, Nurse Meiou manages at least to not snort when 'tact' and 'subtlety' are words that came out of Hinoiri's mouth...but she DOES smile a bit at the rather venomous tone that the researcher has about her former workplace.

It is, as the saying goes, a smile that has teeth.

Similarly to Kyouka, Nurse Meiou gives the contents of her folder a cursory flipping-through before she closes it and nods to Hinoiri, "Indeed it will, Miss Kirara. Hopefully, all of the information you've provided here pans out."

She pauses, then goes on, "...which isn't to say I think you're lying...it's just that if some people over there have had a brainwave, some of this may be out of date."

Closing the folder, she then goes on, "...as well, I'm glad to hear that you're putting your intellect to constructive use."

Problems with Hinoiri or not, if one of the people she burned can forgive her enough to let her study them...well...that speaks well for her.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara took a slow, deep breath. Well, they didn't laugh in her face. Or throw it back at her. Or yell at her. Or tell her to get lost. In fact, they took it and seemed more than willing to give it a chance.

Well, admittedly she didn't know... how tactful they could be. But she hoped they'd know better than to tell people they couldn't trust that it came from her.

"Some of them... possibly. But, well. In general, they tend to not be the most... the smartest people. On top of that, the Doors in particular are not easy to setup and can only be put in certain places, due to the nature of the magic. If they could move them easily, they likely would. But in many cases, they'd either have to hope nobody found them, or just give them up entirely. Locating others would likely be... difficult, but finding all of them on the school grounds probably wouldn't be the hardest thing in the world."

"So, ummmm... I guess... that's all. Give this information to the people you thing can use it best. I uhhhh... I'll see myself out," she said, giving a quick little nod before, rather sheepishly, backing away and stepping out from the office, closing it behind herself.

Well, she did it. Yay! Information distributed. And this would at least make it harder for Obsidian to do... well... cause her problems here.

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Kyouka may be many things, but needlessly petty isn't one of them. Or perhaps her pettiness has just metamorphosed into the sort adults tend to favor- less throwing papers in faces and more short-changing the bill at a restaurant. Either way, the papers are safe.

    Hinoiri, it seems, is safe too. Kyouka makes no move to accost her or get in her way as she says what she came to say and then turns to depart again. The information about Doors is definitely interesting.. she'll have to compare notes with some of her othr sources. Hinoiri is far from the first ex-Obsidian agent in her stable of contacts, of course. But that doesn't make the information useless. She's well aware that each person may know things that the other people did not, whether intentionally or simply by coincidence.

    "Don't worry," She says, as Hinoiri makes her way back to the door. "If I wanted to hurt you, I'd do it myself. Ratting you out to the corporate assassins.. definitely not my style." Perhaps that was meant to be reassurance. Either way, she huffs a sigh as she pushes off the desk and moves around it to slide the folder of papers into one of the drawers.

    "Well, that was less painful than I feared." she comments to Setsuna.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Nurse Meiou rolls her eyes a little at Kyouka's rather...unreassuring reassurance and tells the departing young woman, "Have a good day, Miss Kirara...and feel free to come see me if you need anything for your studies."

Once she's gone, Setsuna relaxes slightly and looks over at Kyouka, "Fair enough."

She waves the folder a little, "Between the stuff the Headmistress arranged and this, we should be able to make this place far safer than it was."

She opens the folder and glances inside again, "I particularly like the idea of getting rid of these doors. Having backdoors into one's fortress like that is ALWAYS a bad idea."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    "That's assuming this information is actually good." Kyouka sounds mildly skeptical. "I don't trust that girl completely, but even if I did, you yourself pointed out that if the folks at Obsidian had half a working brain-cell they'd be changing things once they realize they have an asset that's been cut loose. Still, more information is never bad thing- just need to make sure to do the footwork of confirming it before we put serious effort into acting on it."

    "You're right though. I don't know if this place was really intended to be a fortress, but we can take steps towards making it into one."

    She considers. "Maybe we leave one of the doors open. After all, if there's only one way in, and we know exactly where it is.. I'm assuming you're familiar with Hannibal's double envelopment tactic from the Battle of Cannae. Purposefully leave a weak spot in your lines to lure the enemy into a trip. Could be useful."

    She shakes her head slightly. "Either way. I'll speak to my other Obsidian sources and see what I can corroborate, if anything."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
The mention of Cannae gets a snort from Setsuna, "That mostly worked because they tried to learn from the battle at Trebia but Hannibal was a step ahead of them."

She shrugs, "Either way, it was a mess of a day."

Oddly enough, she speaks about it as if she had been there personally.

After a moment, however, she shakes her head, "...and while I can understand the idea of having a trap, since we can't keep watch on it constantly, it'll probably be best just to eliminate the pathway altogether."

She then taps her chin, "...though if it's possible to get rid of them on our side but still trap their remains on the other side, that could be a nasty surprise to leave..."

She finally shrugs, "...and I'll check with some of the research and defense minded experts I know and we'll see what we can do."