Administrative Office

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Administration Office.png
Allied Faction: Radiant Heart Academy
Allied Groups: Radiant Heart Academy
Location Type: Public Space
Grid Locale: Radiant Heart Academy
The Administrative Office is a bit of misnomer - it's not a single office, but rather, the building which houses a variety of administrative offices. The two most important for students are the Guidance Counselor's Office and the Nurse's Office.

The Guidance Counselor's Office at Radiant Heart Academy is not a terribly large room, but it's more than big enough for it's intended purpose. Longer than it is wide, the narrow rectangular room has the door on one end and a large window that looks out over the campus on the other. Positioned in front of the window is a large teacher's desk with a padded office chair, it's back to the view behind. Facing the desk is another pair of chairs, these both of the large, soft armchair variety and dark green in color. The floor is covered with a thin grey carpet and the walls are likewise painted a neutral color.

There's a bookcase positioned against one wall off to the side. Several of the shelves hold books with titles like "Guiding the Youth" and "Career Options". They don't look like they've been taken down very often. Other shelves have pictures or knickknacks of various miscellaneous description. The other wall has a big poster on it. The poster has a large, cartoon sun grinning and wearing sunglasses, and underneath it in big orange letters it says, "Be the Best You That You can Be!!!!!".

There's a potted plant in the corner which looks like some kind of fern and is definitely fake. The room is lit by fluorescent lights in the ceiling.

The Nurse's Office is actually an infirmary fit to take care of any students that manage to get themselves in minor scrapes and to triage and treat students who manage to hurt themselves more severely pending transfer to somewhere where higher-order care is available. Given the budget Radiant Heart boasts, the infirmary's a bit bigger and more well appointed than most. There are several beds and to an eye familiar with the medical world, there's enough well-laid-out kit that it's quite likely that, in extremis, one could actually do surgery here.

Still, most of the room is broken up with little rolling-wall medical dividers, with the bulk of the area set up for the kind of service one would need for a typical average assortment of students. Reasonably nice chairs, little triage areas, that kind of thing. The walls have various posters one might see in a doctor's office, though most of them are a bit more aimed at student-level things like common adolescent illnesses and the like.

Associated Logs

Title Date Scene Summary
Office Hours 1 -- Homura July 1st, 2023 Homura visits Kyouka's office and has a request.
Mysterious Transfer Student July 3rd, 2023 A reluctant Hannah, yet another Mysterious Transfer Student, is called into Kyouka Inai's office. Things don't go as expected, Mahou Fight Club gains a new member!
Office Hours 3 -- Madoka July 3rd, 2023 Madoka gets called to the Guidance Office because she had a rat on her shoulder.
Office Hours 4 -- Darien Shields July 4th, 2023 Darien was out late and gets a lecture.
Office Hours 5 -- Naru July 5th, 2023 Naru stops by and joins in a plot to capture Usagi for a meeting.
Interview with a monkey July 10th, 2023 Cho visits Kyouka for advice. Actual advice. Non-magical advice. This may or may turn out poorly for everyone involved.
Office Hours 8 -- Runealy July 12th, 2023 Runealy stops by Kyouka's office with some questions.
Meeting Miss Meiou July 15th, 2023 Ami wanders into the nurse's office. Not all is as it seems.
Normal Luchtime Conversations July 18th, 2023 Kyouka and Setsuna sit down and have lunch together.
Office Hours 9 -- Takashi July 21st, 2023 Takashi's in trouble. Only Inai-sensei has a different lesson than he expected.
Are The Answers Out There July 21st, 2023 In the aftermath of When Succulents Attack, Usagi Tsukino finally braves the Guidance Counselor's office. Her conversation with Kyouka Inai is not comforting, but it is clarifying.
Office Visit -- Hotaru July 27th, 2023 Hotaru and Kyouka have a pow-wow. Hotaru is... a little defensive.
Never boring at RHA July 28th, 2023 Naru comes to Kyouka with a few questions after the mall 'explosion'.
Ghosts of Summer Break August 2nd, 2023 Himeko visits Kyouka's office during what it supposed to be summer break.
Office Hours -- Coco August 7th, 2023 Coco stops by Kyouka's office to discuss missing a previous class.
Minor checkup August 8th, 2023 Hotaru is taken by Takashi to meet with the school nurse, Setsuna, after the former has another seizure. The nurse soon learns that this girl isn't quite all she appears.
New Perspectives August 15th, 2023 Usagi has something to say to Kyouka, and hopes donuts will ease the conversation. A discussion on the nature of evil, Dark Energy, and how to deal with Darien Shields begins.
Office Hours -- Miho August 16th, 2023 Miho meets Kyouka, which turns out to be to talk about the events of The Dangers Of Falling In Love.
Outer checkups August 23rd, 2023 Hotaru has trouble breathing and so she goes to the school nurse for some help. Setsuna does her best!
Landmines August 25th, 2023 Kyouka figures that giving weapons to the enemy is fine, if they plan to shoot their own.
Office Hours -- Nanoha August 26th, 2023 Nanoha comes by to see Kyouka after her friends are worried about her.
An Unfortunate Presentation August 27th, 2023 Kyouka shares what she has found out about Midnight Tokyo with her trusted allies.
Sincerity and Respect: Black Roses August 27th, 2023 Hematite goes to menace Kyouka Inai. It works as well as can be expected.
Counselor September 5th, 2023 Rashmi shows up for her appointment with Kyouka with a different agenda than the one she's initially had; right now, she just needs to know how Kyouka handled the sudden, severe presence of mortality that comes with putting on the skirt. And Kyouka has her leaving, feeling *much* better than when she came in.
Respect your elders September 5th, 2023 Chrono heads to RHA and meets with the headmistress to discuss... his enrollment. She seems nice. They work out his stay there, even.
Fights We Didn't Start September 7th, 2023 Usagi and Darien arrive at Kyouka's office to learn the details of Naru's kidnapping by Sunbreaker.
Flour for the Rumor Mill September 10th, 2023 Chrono and Rashmi decide to visit Setsuna with a gift of AMAZING food! Then they discuss shared fiction... also, dragons. Dragons are real.
Office Hours -- Greta September 12th, 2023 Greta gets called in to speak to Kyouka.
Limitations September 14th, 2023 Kazuo has a favor to ask of Kyouka. Kyouka has an answer and advice. For once, Kazuo is willing to admit it's *good* advice.
Radiant Infirmary Episode 432: Burns in the ward. September 16th, 2023 This time on Radiant Infirmary...a mahou comes in suffering from a Dark Energy infection. But with the power of memories and magical confections, Nurse Meiou is able to heal her.
Radiant Infirmary Episode 463 September 19th, 2023 This time on Radiant Infirmary...a mahou in need of some records comes in. Nurse Meiou manages to help him out and dispenses some classic strategy advice.
Gimme a break September 20th, 2023 Hotaru always likes to share... but sometimes... she really shouldn't. As Setsuna learns the hard way and causes the nurse a... tiny problem.
Office Hours -- Momo September 21st, 2023 New student Momo Sasaki stops by Kyouka's office to get some advice, Naru assists.
A Small Visit To The Nurse's Office September 21st, 2023 Amy returns to the school nurse's office for supplies and to find out what Nurse Meiou knows about magic. She finds a small surprise... and she and Setsuna do their best to make each other feel better about their situations.
Questions and souls September 26th, 2023 Naru has some questions for Kyouka about souls and witches and the stealing of them.
Philosophical Questions October 3rd, 2023 Following scene 545 (in which Sailor Moon rescued Sunbreaker from the Outer Senshi after getting thoroughly burned), Usagi Tsukino seeks Kyouka Inai for advice.
Emergency Counselor Session October 11th, 2023 Cho goes to Kyouka for some advice and guidance. To everyone's surprise... she receives it. Kyouka's gonna hit her quota at this rate.
Radiant Infirmary Episode 588 October 12th, 2023 Hinoiri is feeling...good? Something MUST be she goes to visit the Nurse to get herself checked out.
Luck is Needed October 13th, 2023 Kyouka and Naru have a chat in the infirmary after Naru is shot in scene 600.
Radiant Infirmary Episode 602 October 16th, 2023 This time on Radiant Infirmary; Adora has been self-dealing with severe wounds. However with the power of teacher intervention, a very competent magical Nurse, and the power of food therapy, she soon finds herself back on the road to recovery.
I Punched a Boy October 23rd, 2023 And Norie didn't like it, but got sent to the guidance counselor anyways because she actually energy drained him actually. Kyouka and Norie have a chat about what to do about it in the future.
Radiant Infirmary Episode 665 October 28th, 2023 Makoto gets sent to the Nurse's office to get her records updated. There she finds an ally and the patron facilitating her roomate's cooking adventure.
There Are No More Do-Overs November 2nd, 2023 Usagi and Setsuna have a lot to talk about. Featuring: ramen, the mercury computer, the concept of being the sole survivor, and teleportation.
Radiant Infirmary Episode 702: 'Sailor Europe' Arrives! November 4th, 2023 Nurse Meiou gets to meet 'Sailor Europe'. After a bit of confrontation about the rather interesting attempt at deception, Nurse Meiou helps the errant Princess to shore up her cover story.
Let me explain... November 28th, 2023 A coffee struggle and conversation about secrets and plans and translations.
Grant Unto Us the Path of Light November 29th, 2023 Usagi and Darien visit Sailor Pluto to give her the actual details on who, exactly, she offered refuge to -- and Setsuna has gifts!
I'm Definitely Not A Murderer December 5th, 2023 The day after Cyprine's shocking death, Usagi Tsukino comes to Kyouka Inai's office.
Twin Housing with Kyouka December 11th, 2023 Sayaka and Klarissa come to Kyouka for help with clearing matters over enrolling Klarissa in RHA. No special revelations are made?
I Was There December 11th, 2023 Mamoru is detecting before defecting! He has some questions for Sailor Pluto about what happened when Cyprine died, and gets a whole lot more information than he bargained for.
Meeting 'The Counselor' December 21st, 2023 Chrono Harlaown, TSAB Enforcer, finally meets with Kyouka Inai, RHA Counselor. Can these two professionals manage to keep their emotions in line long enough to not murder each other?! ... Yes. Obviously. Why... why would anyone even ask that? Who WRITES these things?!
Radiant Infirmary Episode 962 January 3rd, 2024 After getting roughed up AGAIN by a youma, Naru stops by the Infirmary for help getting cleaned up. A little catching up is done and some ideas are put forth.
Advice over Mirror Lives January 15th, 2024 Following Sailor Moon's suggestion, Sayaka and Klarissa head to Kyouka. The counselor manages to stop a quarrel as it was forming and gives out life advice to the two bluenettes.
Advice over Mirror Lives January 15th, 2024 Following Sailor Moon's suggestion, Sayaka and Klarissa head to Kyouka. The counselor manages to stop a quarrel as it was forming and gives out life advice to the two bluenettes.
Radiant Infirmary Episode 1130 February 18th, 2024 Chiyo stops by the Nurse's Office for some help from Setsuna! She also shares some interesting news, on two fronts.
Road Rash Remedy February 19th, 2024 After being dropped off by Haruka, Hinoiri gets to experience the joys of having pieces of gravel plucked out of her back. Ow. Still, she's tired and the infirmary beds are comfy.
Cursed Questions February 20th, 2024 Ahmya has questions for Setsuna, alongside Kaori!
A Small Girl, A Small Favor March 1st, 2024 Takashi comes to the school nurse seeking to find a more permanent place for Hotaru Tomoe to hide out.
All My Homies Hate Roy G Biv March 14th, 2024 In the midst of Zoisite fetching something from Kyouka in her office, they are interrupted by a battering ram of Mamoru, Usagi, Ami, and Makoto. Crystal talk happens!
Radiant Infirmary Episode 1380: It's not black tie, is it April 4th, 2024 Bow comes to the Infirmary to ask Nurse Meiou to chaperone the Prom...while there, it's revealed that he's using repurposed Horde tech. Concerns are raised. Words are spoken.
Welcome to Earth, Sarah Point! April 7th, 2024 In the aftermath of Scorpia's arrival on Earth, Bow and Sayaka show her to the school infirmary, explain the situation with where they are and help her pick a new name: Sarah Point! Next up: Language, Room, and Board!
That's No Moon April 19th, 2024 Mamoru goes to ask Setsuna about Sailor Charon!
Tired of Organic, Free Range Beef May 2nd, 2024 In the aftermath of disagreements with Setsuna and Michiru, Usagi sees advice from Kyouka. After all, what else is a guidance counselor for? Some realizations are made, and passions cool.
Tomato Tomoko May 11th, 2024 Tomoko visits the nurse's office after taking a volleyball to the face. Madoka ends up taking care of her and looking her over. Everything here is perfectly normal and there most certainly isn't a fussy nurse fairy telling Madoka what to do the whole time.
This time it's Personal June 20th, 2024 Hinoiri gets re-personed with some help from Amy and Setsuna. However, as they work, Hinoiri discusses some of her beliefs and theories and magic, dampening the spirit of one puella, only for the ninth planet (still one) to help lift them again.
Exchange of information August 7th, 2024 Hinoiri meets with Kyouka and Setsuna for a quick exchange of information, where she turns over a lot of the information she knew about Obsidian. Now? The sparkles will have a little bit more information about their enemies.
FYI, You're Magic. August 28th, 2024 Hinote Kagari visits the girl who fell unconscious at Scene 1894, 'First Frost', and expounds some information about what happened.
Saturn Hunting Season September 27th, 2024 With Obsidian now magically hunting Hotaru Tomoe, Usagi thinks it's time to read Kyouka in on the other danger that Hotaru houses. Some advice is shared.
Basically An Adult October 24th, 2024 Amy's dragged Taro to Setsuna for assistance, since he's planning on leaving Obsidian. Taro thinks he doesn't need help after all: He's Basically An Adult (no he's not).
Somebody Get the License Plate On That Thing October 27th, 2024 Hinote Kagari wakes up after 'Scene 2023: Trial of the Magical Love Rose!' in the infirmary at school!
boxing day November 20th, 2024 Usagi got the box back to campus, with the prize inside, even though no one expected it. In return? She gets a meeting with the principal, who finally lets her in on just what it is they're protecting.
She's Going to Dismantle the Earth, Isn't She November 23rd, 2024 In the aftermath of the experiment that brought Entrapta to Earth, Bow brings her to Nurse Meiou, but why is it Bow that gets the shot? Rashmi shows up to save the day and Bow's throat and Entrapta is folded into the recipe that is Radiant Hearts Academy.
Throne of Lies January 9th, 2025 The morning after Rabbit Hunt Take Two, Usagi gets Kyouka and Naru into Kyouka's office and shares with them what's been learned. Timetravel might as well happen - but someone else's future doesn't have to be ours. Also? A reminder that leaving people in the void between timelines is just killing people with more steps.
Radiant Infirmary, Episode 2300: Bad, Bad News February 6th, 2025 A couple days after the Gates of Disorder, a distraught Rashmi comes to the nurse's office to tell the story of what happened to Molly, and seek any kind of advice. Setsuna, one of Rashmi's very dear friends, provides comfort, advice, and a melatonin so she can get some real sleep.
Radiant Infirmary Episode 2354: Help Wanted February 23rd, 2025 Exhausted after the events of Breaking News and Catharsis, Rashmi petitions Setsuna for a medical excuse from school... And to relay the news of the night's terrible events. ...And to ask for an adequate workspace to work on Nicomachea. Which is granted... in the Gates of Time.