1896/FYI, You're Magic.

From Radiant Heart MUSH

FYI, You're Magic.
Date of Scene: 28 August 2024
Location: Administrative Office
Synopsis: Hinote Kagari visits the girl who fell unconscious at Scene 1894, 'First Frost', and expounds some information about what happened.
Cast of Characters: Hinote Kagari, Miho Inada

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari has questions, so he's arrived at the nurses office infirmary to speak to the girl who fell unconscious. The one Onihime got home. Today, he's dressed in a white button down shirt with a brown vest, over which a ruddish reddish-brown suit jacket sits buttoned up halfway from the bottom. He's wearing a pair of brown khaki pants and brown dress shoes. Rich boys are gonna rich.

He had picked up her bag from the ground when everyone left and also had that to deliver. For now the brown haired boy sits on a chair in the infirmary, waiting for the girl to wake up.

The nurse on duty said she should be waking up soon, it was just a gas leak, so he was told.

Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.

Tracy, the tiny detective chara (A small fairy) is glued to the window, looking out of it. He might be investigating the cafeteria you can see from the infirmary. Mmmmm. Food.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho is still in her uniform from yesterday. Nothing much has changed. She's lost in a dream, everything blanketed in snow. A woman is seen in the distance, saying something. Miho can't quite get a good look at the woman, but senses that she must get to her. The snow gets worse and worse as she travels, and it deepens. Soon, she finds herself deep inside, before getting buried in it! Thats when Miho shoots up in the bed. "EEEEK!", she yells out! Yes...she just yelled in the nurse's office. It doesn't take long for the nurse to show up, and then glare for a second. "Bad dream...", she tells. The nurse shakes her head, and gives Miho a glass of water.

    The Nurse leaves, as Miho grabs the glass. Her hand is shaking a bit. The magatama hairpin in her hair was green a little bit ago, but not has a blue-ish tint to it. Miho tries to take a drink of the water, thats now ice. She blinks a few times, confused a bit, but puts it down. There's a slight headache as she looks towards the window before noticing Hinote.

    "S-sorry! Did...my friend get back to the school ok? And second...Is that my cd?!", she asks. Yes, Miho is looking at the bag. She had to fight off a cute boy for that! Well, not fight off, but well, you know, its a music thing! Thats right, music! There's a slight blush on Miho's cheeks.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari isn't about to make Miho fight another cute boy for the CD. So he hands the bag over easily with a smile. "Your friend got on fine. And. Yes. That's the CD you dropped." he says.

He rests his arms to his side as he relaxes. "Seems they iced your water a little too much." he says. "Stuff like that been happening a lot to you recently?" he asks. Miho doesn't react to the tiny person at the window who also now floats over to sit on Hinote's shoulder.

"I don't think she's magic." says Tracy. "Unless she's ignoring me." he says. Hinote listens to this, his eyes tracing to the right a moment before looking back at Miho.

"Have things like the alleyway uh. Gas leak. been happening to you a lot, also?"

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho takes a deep breath, and lets it out. Her CD is safe. Yeees. Her percious! She takes a moment to look at the glass of ice a moment. "I've...just been having really bad headaches for about a month now. Been having bouts with them for a bit, but they got really bad about a month ago.", she tells. "But nothing really weird. Doctors just said that I was stressed out.", she tells.

    The young woman pauses a moment as she thinks back about the alley...Gas Leak? Was it a gas leak, and she was just dreaming? But the pain, and the headaches. The weird cold sensation from the drunk...Flashes of Onihime and Pulp Noir flare in her mind before she grabs her head a bit. "G-gas leak? I must have hit my head or something...", she tells Hinote. The woman looks around for her medicine. Its on a desk next to Hinote, but there's a note for the nurse to not allow Miho to take the pills.

    "Pardon me, can you give me my meds?", she asks. "Its for the headaches.", the young woman tells. The date on the bottle is roughly from when things were happening in Paris. "Also...I don't know. I just...feel like something else is around...I don't know. Can't really tell cause of the headache...I think I'm imagining things.", she tells Hinote.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari nods. "Gas leak is what the authorities said. But..."

"I think you remember things differently don't you? You tried to help that downed girl from the crazed man, right?" he asks curiously.

He looks over to Tracy, which looks like he might be looking out the window to Miho as he looks back to Miho. "I can't give them to you." he says as he picks up the pills and the note. "Nurse says no." he says, handling the note over as proof.

"You feel like something else is around, but don't know. Have any idea where it might be?". Tracy sits on his right shoulder and looks around holding a magnifying glass, and is assuming Miho means something else is here.

"Is the game afoot!?" he asks.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho thinks back. "We just left the subway, and realized how late it was. We ran to the alley, and was going to take it as a shortcut...", she says. "Something felt...wrong. I stopped.", she says. She looks at the note, and makes a face though. The young woman sighs a little bit, and there's a small bit of fog that comes out of her mouth. She takes a moment to breathe a little bit. "I can't really tell. Its close, but not close. Its more like over by you.", she says.

    "Yeah, I remember...A young woman...turning into a oni with a kimono...A guy with a water gun. The drunk who tackled my friend...", she says. The woman holds her head, as the memories go through her. "Something about demanding protection?", she asks. The woman looks very confused. "It feels...like there's other things around, too. There's so much around...My head feels like its splitting..."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari places his hands into his suit jacket's pockets. The pills go with them after he gets a good look at the bottle and it's date. Those are dates scrawled into his head for reasons. Paris.... Tracy grimaces as he looks at the date.

"Yes, that's correct." he confirms. "Did you know when these pills we're first prescribed the world almost ended?" he asides, casually.

"Your Magatama changes colors. You can sense my Chara. Even if you can't see or hear him." he asides. "Also, your cup iced over." he asides.

"I think your sensing all the magic weirdness in this school. Does the medicine actually help your headaches?" he asks.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho nods her head. "I'm sopposed to take them when I feel the headaches coming on, and Chara? And the world ending? Magical what now?", she asks. THe woman just gives this look of bwah?! She looks at him a long moment. "You...have a really crazy imgination. I mean, honestly.", she says. The woman shakes her head a little bit as she takes a few deep breaths.

    "All I know is that the meds dull things, but the headaches have been getting worse since I got invited to the school. I don't know how or why I was invited, since my parents didn't apply, and I havn't entered any competitions in a very long time.", she tells. Invited to the school, without applying..."The meds havn't been as effective as they were in Kyoto, but...", she tells.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari snorts. "Magical Weirdness." he says. He gently finally removes his hands from his pockets and bows. "My name. Is Hinote Kagari. I'm a detective...of a sort." he says. "I dealt with too much weirdness... and lots of people told me to stay away from it. I won't do the same to others." he says, digging hands into a palm a moment in remembered frustration.

"So when you have questions, and I have answers, I'll give 'em." he says.

"A Chara is a fairy that represents who I want to be. His name's Tracy. He's a detective. Because he's tiny me." he says. Tracy waves, even if he can't be seen.

"Yes. Around the time these pills we're prescribed, a monster from the sun tried to destroy the world, basically. It happened in Paris." he asides.

"-and yes. Magic weirdness."

"Oh, you just got an invite one day, eh? Not an uncommon story here." he says, as he places his hands back into his pockets.

"Think you'll be okay, now?" he wonders.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho just blinks. She can't sense the guy lying. And that drunk last night...something was definitly weird, and it wasn't a gas leak. But the world being closed to being destroyed? Thats a bit much. "And you're telling me that I could sense something that's going on on the other side of the world?", she asks him pointedly. "You'd think something like that would have made the news. And you're trying to sell me on this, claiming something like water freezing, and my meds not being meds? I mean...You'd think you'd have a bit of proof as a detective, wouldn't you?", she says.

    Miho shakes her head a bit. "I think I'm getting a headache from a different reason. I mean, this is a very hard sell. I'm pretty sure I only imagined the fire last night. But I havn't seen anyone here...whose magical...", she points out. Well, Miho is coming from Kyoto, and raised by parents who were normies. If Hinote looks at the prayer beads on Miho's wrist, he'll notice the craftmenship on them is similar, but not quite the same as the magatama. Like a different craftsman who learned from a similarmaster, or under the one who did the Magatama.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari dismisses Miho's concerns. "Normal people see the world differently. That's why you see 'Gas Leak' or 'Traffic Accident' a lot in the news...when it's actually like possessed furniture golems animated by a guy trying to steal energy from a boatload of people." he asides. "Paris was... I don't know what fixed that." he says. "Something like a miracle." he says.

He knows the truth but. Saying a bunch of kids from school died and was brought back to life is a little much for anyone. It was a miracle though.

He eye's the prayer beads and asides. "Those look old." he asides to the beads. "Family heirloom?" he asks curiously.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho nods her head. "Yeah, from my father's side. The hairpin with the magatama was from my mother's side. My dad wore them when he walked out to fights for luck. Gave them to me before I came to Tokyo. Said it was storied in his family that the beads were a good luck and protection charm.", she tells. The woman holds the beads close to her. She looks at Hinote though. "That girl who came in, with the flames. She had a magatama as well, but the stories I heard of her do not match who she was last night.", she says. The woman rubs the back of her head.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari looks up from the floor a moment in thought. "Fights?" he asks. "Was he a boxer... or an army man?"

Hinote Kagari nods. "She did have one. I don't know who she is. But I know you can trust her." he says. "She helped fight that man." he asides.

"What we're the stories you heard? Maybe It'll jog my memory." he says.

Meanwhile, Tracy floats closer to Miho and looks at her through the magnifying glass. It's like he's trying to examine her.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho looks at Hinote a moment. "He was a MMA fighter. He trained me. Either way, I always heard that she was sickly, and rarely was allowed to leave the house. I mean, I remember seeing her a few times, but never really spoke to her. That didn't look very sickly to me.", she tells.

    As Tracy examines her, Miho's energy is a bit different. More primal, like its a purified spirit that seems to be attached to the magatama. The beads are more refined though. They're a very very old form of magic. An ofuda spell is attached to the beads.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari eyes Tracy. Tracy floats around Miho and comes back to Hinote. He whispers into Hinote's ear. Hinote Kagari nods a bit. "Right." he says. Is he talking to Tracy? or agreeing with Miho that her farther was an MMA fighter? It's hard to tell for an outsider looking in.

"There's some sort of enchantment attached to your beads. Also. You're magic." he says.

Hinote Kagari lifts the phone out of his pocket and says. "Ready your phone." he says. Before he rattles off his phone number.

"Text me if you have questions. I should let you rest now. But your headaches probably have to do with you being magical, while dealing with the other weird magic around here. I can't prove it. Call it a detective hunch." he says.

He finger guns with a tongue click as he places the pills from his pocket back on the side table of the infirmary bed. "Take care." he says.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho nods a bit, as she pulls out her phone. She catches the numbers quickly before putting her phone away. She takes a deep breath as she looks out the window. "Ok. Thank you.", she says. The woman rubs her head a bit though. She's magic? RIght now, Miho doesn't exactly feel very magical. She feels like she can barely stand at the moment. That and she's getting very thristy, and still waiting for that ice to thaw out. After that, she just lays down, and falls asleep fairly quickly.