Hinote Kagari

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Hinote Kagari (Scenesys ID: 82)
"Look, don't you wanna know the answers, too?"
Name: Hinote Kagari AKA: Pulp Noir
Gender: Male Series: (OC) Shugo Chara!
Origin: Chara Bearer Grade: 8
Clubs: Drama Club Age: 14
Group Information
Groups Radiant Heart Academy


Hinote Kagari is a passionate actor in Radiant Heart Academy's Drama Club. Always wanting to play the leading hero, he however often gets stuck playing the villain despite his desire. Regardless, he continues to act and play with all the passion his roles deserve. Hinote Kagari can see the magical world around him and is curious about it, and constantly seeking answers, represented by his guardian chara which hatched from an egg that appeared in his bed one morning, Tracy- the detective chara with a flair for the dramatic.


Wants to be the guy, Not the guy, Has Questions, Seeking Answers, Acting, Always Behind the Eight Ball, Here's looking at you, kid.

Vital Trivia

Height: Fill Me Out!
Blood Type: Fill Me Out!
Birthday: Fill Me Out!
Likes: Fill Me Out!
Dislikes: Fill Me Out!
Favorite Food: Fill Me Out!
Least Favorite Food: Fill Me Out!
Favorite Subject: Fill Me Out!
Least Favorite Subject: Fill Me Out!
Online Tag(s): Unknown


Title Date Scene Summary
Cure La Licorne February 4th, 2025 When Chongire tries to take motivation energy from the beach goers of Tokyo, he runs into La Mer, Cure Wing, Pagemage, Amy and Pulp Noir. But when it looks like he might actually win, Cure La Licorne makes her debut! A redemption over a year in the making finally comes to a head as she takes her place besides her friends!
Suspect Emi! February 3rd, 2025 Hinote investigates the library, detecting traces of unusual dark energies that accompany Nightmares for the first time. He also meets a very suspicious Mister Sato.
KKF Donut party! January 29th, 2025 Hinoiri invites everyone who sparkles with not-dark-energy to the shed for a donut party and to let them know about... the time loop. And to not tell those at Obsidian due to the dangers in such. Also, to share some info about Riventon having a hand and whatnot. Unfortunately, the recent loss of Molly hangs over many heads.
The Gates of Disorder January 27th, 2025 On a rainy afternoon on Yumegahama Beach, Viluy of the Witches 3 seeks once more to make fitting Daimon hosts from humans. Determined to save the innocent, our heroes plunge into the abyss, and enter the Dusk Zone. Chrono, Rashmi, Princess of Sarek, Pulp Noir, and Amy give it their best - and Star Devil gives it her all. Even the brightest stars must fall. (CW: Description of Injury, Description of Violence, Character Death.)
DREAMScape: Death by Glamour January 23rd, 2025 Haru Minato has a dream.. a wish to be the top male model in the world! When a strange egg grants his wish in a twisted stage scape, Amy Faust, Yellow Pearl Voice, Hope Blossom and Pulp Noir must stop Lunatic Charm and Glimmer Brightmoon from causing more mischief!
TCOS: Turm January 14th, 2025 The second of the five Knights of Trial has been located and a team is ready to take on the archer who tirelessly defends her tower!
Rabbit Hunt, Take Two January 8th, 2025 It's field trip day for the Radiant Heart Elementary students, and three of the classes are here at the Fire Museum in Shinjuku, with chaperones Usagi, Mamoru, Amy, Veronica, and Tamaki, in place to make sure Chibiusa is safe! Unfortunately, Koan's there too. Even more unfortunately? This is not the year 1994. Looks like the Black Moon Clan has finally learned that they're in the wrong one.
TCOS: Bauer January 7th, 2025 The first of the five Knights of Trial is located after a bit of searching, and after examining it, a plan has been put into place to see about luring the Prinzessin Der Nichts to the statue it inhabits so it can be defeated and the gemstone within it sealed.
Fancy Meeting You Here... December 12th, 2024 Miho Inada accidently teleports into Hinote Kagari's room. It's as awkward ad it sounds.
Heroes and (Reluctant) Villains December 10th, 2024 Catra is out stealing energy again... and of course the heroes are there to stop her! Sailors Charon and Uranus along with Pulp Noir step up for the fight, and Entrapta expresses her scientific curiosity! And after tonight, Catra has... Well the jar is full, but is it enough? Just how full it needs to be was never really discussed.
TCOS: Explosition Exploration December 9th, 2024 A group of mahou show up to the wreck of Aloisia's ship to check for clues as well as deal with the wreck so its tech doesn't spread uncontrolled. They steal everything that's not nailed down, and then encounter Prinzessin Nichts once more... with explosive results.
Offerings December 5th, 2024 Hinote and Miho go the the banks of the river to talk. Hinote tells Miho about the witch her fought, and how traumatized he is of it. Miho offers what solace she can, and a prayer/offering to the gods above in the form of a song to grant Hinote peace.
This Witch Has Teeth December 3rd, 2024 There's a Witch in Mitakihara, and she is hungry. Amy, Madoka, Kyouko, Hinote, and Takuto are able to stop her ravenous hunt... at a cost. CW: NPC Death, descriptions of blood and violence.
Direct Action November 23rd, 2024 Ember drags Hinoiri and Scorpia out to deploy one of Eudial's towers, but make it less harmful. Somehow "less harmful" also means thirty wolflike Grimm. As per her usual, Ember ended up running away, but she got what she came for, and she even did less harm that the last time. Operation success!
Like a Duck in Water November 21st, 2024 Hinote finds Miho practicing with her naginata. The two talk about Walpy, and Miho admits to Hinote about how scared and overwhelmed she feels with everything. Especially after Walpy. After the long talk, the pair spend some time star gazing.
A Star's Secret Unveiled November 8th, 2024 Radiant Heart Academy's Music Department has rented out a venue for their seasonal recital, and tickets have sold out. But disaster strikes when Tellu decides to take a go at snatching a heart crystal during the performance! With Dianora shot and Double Trobule's true form is revealed! Bow, Amy, and Sayaka are on the scene to save Double Trouble and Tomoko, but when Hinoiri makes the potentially disastrous choice to go Sunbreaker again, can they stop Tellu, the youma, *and* keep Hinoiri on the side of light?
Walpurgisnacht October 31st, 2024 On October 31st, 2024; a powerful and sudden storm strikes Tokyo. But to those in the know it's not a storm, but the legendary Witch, Walpurgisnacht.
Somebody Get the License Plate On That Thing October 27th, 2024 Hinote Kagari wakes up after 'Scene 2023: Trial of the Magical Love Rose!' in the infirmary at school!
Trial of the Magical Love Rose! October 26th, 2024 Hinote Kagari tries to make use of an old urban legend! Amy Faust, Mamoru Chiba and Veronica Perenna are there to pick up the pieces of this bad decision!
The Greatest Mystery of All... Girls! October 22nd, 2024 Hinote asks Rashmi and Bow for romance advice. Also they discuss runestones! Rose Theft Plans are made!
Casual Friday & Sailor Eclipse Strike! Love Gone Wild October 13th, 2024 Mamoru received horrible news about his apartment prospects - and now, Sailor Eclipse and Casual Friday are being buearoacy's worst nightmare. Good thing Ladybug, Rashmi, Pulp Noir, Bow, Sailor Jupiter, and Puella Amy are on the scene! And of course... behind the scene, is where Kazuo is using the power of lawyers to get the job done. Sailor Eclipse was just a liiiiittle too successful though, and now Usagi Tsukino really needs to find the one and only Miraculous Ladybug.
Walking, Talking, and Most Importantly, Shopping! October 5th, 2024 Miho asks Hinote to hang out, and do some shopping with her. Miho meets Chiyo. After Chiyo leaves, the two go to a jewelry store, and buys a few items while discussing Family and Magic. They finish the night out with burgers on their notadate! Or is it a date? *blush!*
After-Action Refueling September 16th, 2024 Hinote refuels Miho with Curry House food. A Discussion is had!
Ultra Japan September 15th, 2024 Well, Ultra Japan was a sucess, until the last set. During the last set, a large Youma horde attacks the festival. Good thing the good girls and guys were attending. During the confusion, Yukihime awakens to her powers. And the very good news?! Everyone who attended, thinks the attack was actually part of the closing set, so...yeah! Magic is still not real, and everyone loved the anime style finish to the festival!
Baby Come Back! September 14th, 2024 Utau wants Hinote back in her life. Seiko discovers that one of her Idol's isn't what she thought she'd be.
Coffee, Questions, and Parents... September 11th, 2024 Miho invites Hinote to Midori-Ya to ask a few questions, and enjoy some coffee. Converstion is a mixture of Magical Shop, Parents, and other topics. Typical Teenage Conversations! Still no answers as to what type of Magical girl Miho is, but Hinote did get a weekend pass to Ultra Japan!
The Offer September 3rd, 2024 Miho is off training herself, trying to make herself tougher to deal with youma. Hinote and Amy notice Miho, and offer to answer any questions she has before a Kyubey shows up with an offer for Miho. Miho turns down Kyubey's offer, while Hinote and Amy suspect that Miho is experiencing an Awakening to her powers.
Mmm Candy! September 2nd, 2024 Seiko, Hinote, and Sayaka visit Nounamu Sweets! The conversation turns to magic!
Such Things As Dreams Are Made Of September 1st, 2024 The final confrontation with Gretchen. Amy Faust, Pulp Noir, Sayaka, Usagi, Mamoru, Melona, Mami, Taro, Seiko and Yuki make their way through X-Paradise and into Gretchen's lair where all of her gathered dark energy is kept... in a giant new body for herself! Tensions are high, and the future seems bleak, but the light in the tunnel is very much not the end. Make way for Hope Concept!
Witching Hour August 31st, 2024 Part 1 of the final confrontation with the Meanie Dokas! The sparkles have found Gretchen's Labyrinth and intend to put a stop to her mass brainwashing, but Rens and Tia stand in their way. What follows is a chaotic battle followed by the purification of the two X-Chara.
If I Had A Nickel August 30th, 2024 Some social in Game Center Crown.
A Mollycious Kidnapping August 29th, 2024 Molly is kidnapped by an Aloisia making seemingly-desperate moves. A group comes to stop her, and information is revealed.
Ramen & Racing Talk August 28th, 2024 Hinote meets Molly at her mother's ramen shop. They talk about things, such as how Molly wants to race fast cars eventually!
FYI, You're Magic. August 28th, 2024 Hinote Kagari visits the girl who fell unconscious at Scene 1894, 'First Frost', and expounds some information about what happened.
First Frost August 26th, 2024 Trying to get back to the dorms, Miho and two other students run into a being with Dark Energy. Onihime and Pulp Noir notice the presence of Dark Energy and rush to the scene, only to find one of the students knocked out, about to become a snack for the Dark Energy being. Onihime and Pulp Noir fight the spider youma off. Onihime finds another Magatama in the presence of Miho, but it leaves more questions then answers.
A Song in the Park August 25th, 2024 Seiko attempts singing in the Park while Hinote searches for Madoka's Charas. An X-egg appears!
Hitomi More Like Fightomi August 25th, 2024 Hawk Moth is getting back into action, by creating his first akuma in quite awhile! The target? One Hitomi Shizuki, frustrated with her negligent boyfriend. Luckily, Pulp Noir, Cat Noir, Ladybug, Sharpsong, and Goldenweb Yorotsuchi are on the scene!
I'll Be Your Friend August 23rd, 2024 Cure Wukong, Amy Faust, Sailor Moon, Sharpsong, Pulp Noir and Hope Blossom show up to fight two Witches at once. The two Witches are cooperating very closely with each other, and that makes them particularly interesting to the Meanie Dokas. After a dangerous yet festive fight, Gretchen shows up at the last moment and takes the Witches captive, storing them within her own Labyrinth.
Cruising for a Bruising August 18th, 2024 The Witch of Delays' servants don't waste any time with the Aqua Pot and Laura secured in the Witch's mansion, but Hope Blossom, Magical Rocket Girl Red, Wind Dancer and Pulp Noir aren't intending to let them do as they please! With their valiant resistance, the incident gets solved for the better when Laura comes back and unlocks the Mermaid Aqua Pact, doing her first henshin as Cure La Mer.
Lazy Tea Time August 10th, 2024 The Meaniedokas have acquired one of Dr Numeri's spheres, and use it to create their very own Layabout! Gretchen backs it up by adding her own Familiars to the mix, and Keaka comes in to support the X-Chara's ambitions to create a better world. Pulp Noir, Laura La Mer and Hope Blossom show up to stop Gretchen's plans. They try to convince the Meaniedokas to stop, but their pleas fall of deaf ears.
Drive By: Candy Crush August 9th, 2024 Eudial was riding hot, searching for a pure heart talisman! Unfortunately, Chiyo has ended up in her sights. Fortunately, there are quite a few sparkles to step in and stop the candy girl from dropping for good!
Grimm Business August 4th, 2024 Ember goes to recover a dust emblem. She releases her grimm and they start to cause the havoc she wanted, and also havoc she didn't. Cats were a terrible choice. In the end there's massive destruction and she doesn't get anything except a concussed girlfriend, a bruised ego, and a doomed certainty that The Grim Queen will be displeased. All because Hinoiri just happened to pocket the dust emblem just before she was put in mortal peril by the Grimm.
What Gretchen Wants August 3rd, 2024 After Scene 1822, Hope Blossom shows up too late to catch Gretchen. She has an in-depth conversation with Usagi, Hinote and Amy over the nature of Gretchen and the Meanie Dokas and what her plans probably are. Plus a bit of speculation about time travel and those with time powers.
Takoyaki Talk Time! August 2nd, 2024 Following Hinoiri's rescue in scene 1820, her brave rescuers go out for some takoyaki.
Meaniedokas at the Mall August 2nd, 2024 A youma starts trouble at the Mall and gets pasted by Gretchen's Vending Machine Familiar. Then her Familiar goes out of control and several magicals work together to take it out! Gretchen starts talking about her plans to those who ask. Sailor Moon, Sayaka, Amy, Molly, Weisser Ritter and Pulp Noir all have very pointed questions to ask the wayward X-Chara.
Rainbow Unicorn Rescue Attack! August 1st, 2024 Hinoiri's rescue is upon the mahou and they have managed to track down the dastardly Songstopper... But... What's this?! Songstopper was sent by... Sunbreaker?! AKA, Hinoiri Kirara?! What could this mean?

It means shame. So much shame.

B-Point: The Monster at the End of This Book July 15th, 2024 (Content Warning: Death and Serious Injury) Having suffered heavy losses and overcome great odds, our heroes cross the final threshold, and initiate battle with the Demon Metallia. Under their combined force, the last of the Doom and Gloom Girls meet their end, with the extraordinary sacrifices of Guardian Shokupan, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Jolly Roger. Finally, the demon Metallia is pushed to her last legs... so why does the boss music come back on?
B-Point: Twist the Knife July 15th, 2024 CW: Graphic death and aftermath. Sailors Moon and Jupiter, Cat Noir, Pulp Noir, and Tuxedo Kamen face off against Fem of the Doom and Gloom girls. Fem dies badly.
B-Point: Split the Party July 15th, 2024 Part of the Anti-Beryl Squad lands without the rest of the Anti-Beryl Squad in the catacombs and fights dark energy rats and plant youma girls in a cave of bones. And Bow and Glimmer argue a lot.
B-Point: The Main Event July 15th, 2024 Having quite literally devoured the heart of Metallia, Queen Beryl has become something more than the sum of both their parts, a towering figure set on destroying all Paris if that's what it takes to get rid of her enemies. But our heroes won't let that happen. With so many brave hearts gathered, so much determination put into the fight, it's inevitable that victory comes. Goodbye Beryl. You won't be missed.
B Point: Roll the Bones July 15th, 2024 Content Warning: Implied Death. Jolly Roger and Bow's spirit reunites with Pulp Noir and Yellow Pearl Voice in the catacombs and find an ossuary of walking bones for their trouble. Much spooking happens and Jolly Roger apparently sacrifices herself so the others can progress.
B-Point: Deliver the News July 15th, 2024 There have been losses. Tuxedo Kamen and Pulp Noir are burdened with sharing the news with Glimmer, Guardian Sukiyaki, and Sailor Moon.
B-Point -- Calling All Heroes: Again! July 14th, 2024 Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen have gathered together their friends and allies for a planning session, and a warning: they have the location of the Dark Kingdom, now, and Metallia with it. This time, the Mahou will take the fight to the enemy, instead of being taken by surprise.
The Shy Girl Singer and the Detective. July 14th, 2024 Just after Scene 1751, Hinote catches Seiko just outside The Shed and the two have hard talks.
Crossing light and water July 12th, 2024 When a Layabout pops up on a club of students encouraging local tourism, it's up to the mysterious detective Pulp Noir and the Device Mage Zephyr to stop it from causing more mayhem and help Laura take the motivation back!
Bringing Down The Green(House) May 18th, 2024 Cure Sledge makes his debut! With the help of his new allies, they take down the monster that was threatening the Greenery Day Festival!
An Awaited Meeting May 13th, 2024 With a chance to finally catch up with Hinote, Ikuto receives the information he's been waiting for: the location of his father's violin.
Dimension Past: Construction in the Cosmos April 24th, 2024 Madoka, Rashmi, Amy, Hinoiri, and Makoto successfully escaped Kunzite - and landed on the Moon, where they encounter Princess Serenity, Sailor Mercury, and a very lost construction worker. A discussion of futures, presents, and the ethics of the Prime Directive ensues.
Scouting vs. Recruitment March 25th, 2024 Naru and Hinote run into Corona near the Shed. She is very adamant about not being engaged in 'recruiting'.
Catnapping March 24th, 2024 Sunbreaker decides to have a 'talk' with Ikuto. With Phantom showing up to supervise, Yellow Voice, Amy, Pulp Noir and a pair of Madoka's Charas coming to help as well, things son devolve into violence. But on the upside (likely downside), Sunbreaker uses this as an opportunity to test someone she's been working on. Introducing... The Timber Wolf!
The Mystery Of The Shed March 22nd, 2024 Rashmi calls Hinote to the woods, to reveal to him the mystery that is The Shed! Rashmi learns more about Chara, while Hinote learns more about all the weirdness flying around Tokyo of late. Also that books from space can talk and, probably, think for themselves.
A Totally Normal Concert March 20th, 2024 Utau Hoshina holds a fan appreciation concert. People chase sparkling drinks, hear a concert and ask questions. A certain masked detective steals important information- and it isn't Sunbreaker's fault this time. Utau asks Kukai to the prom. Utau also hates Coco, whoever she is.
Eclipse Investigation: H&R March 13th, 2024 Hinote and Rashmi investigate the Eclipse Zone! And discover... they suck. But they do manage to get some hands-off training.
The Academic Dishonesty Bros. March 9th, 2024 The Academic Dishonesty Bros Plagi and Ariasm are selling essays behind the bleachers! Unfortunately for this conjoined youma... nobody liked that. Sailor Mercury, Sailor Jupiter, Tuxedo Kamen, Pulp Noir, Hope Witch, and Rocket Girl Red join forces with Sunbreaker to bring down these cheaters!
Rainbow Crystals 5: Mermadness of the Blue Crystal! March 7th, 2024 The blue rainbow crystal shows up at the island shrine in Penguin Park, just in time for Hanon of the South Atlantic Ocean to become transformed into the youma Rikoukeidar! Luckily, Coco, Yuuto, Hinote, Mamoru, Usagi, Ami, and Makoto are all on hand to help her out!
An X-citing Space Experience! March 5th, 2024 Utau Hoshina creates an X-chara. Everyone comes to stop her!
Guy's Camping Out March 3rd, 2024 A camping trip for Bow becomes a camping trip for a lot of the guys and new bonds are forged over mutual interests and good food.
Mochi Days are Here Again March 2nd, 2024 The warmer weather has lured several visitors to Nounamu sweets. Ren, Bow and Hinote pop in and Chiyo shows them around.
Rooftop Ruckus February 29th, 2024 placeholder!
Rainbow Crystals 4: The Good, The Bakene, and the Violet Crystal February 29th, 2024 Luna's rough day takes a worse turn when dogs start chasing her! The Bakeneko saves her - and promptly eats the Violet Crystal. Yikes! It's up to Luna, Magical Rocket Girl Red, Tuxedo Kamen, Hero Karin, and Hero Fu to chase her down, while Hinote and Tracy try to crack this case! At the end, Himeko shows up to save the day... but she doesn't look too good...
An Ox-citing advertisement February 28th, 2024 The Deadbeats seek to rewrite the history of the Qixi Festival and the Tanabata, but Guardian Daifuku, Cure Suzhen, Cure Wukong, Ginga Bishonen, Ginga Otome, Ginga Kingu, Hinote Kagari and Goldenweb Yorotsuchi are around to stop them!
Project Eclipse Begins February 24th, 2024 Sunbreaker has initiated Project Eclipse! A plan that is flawless, perfect, definitely has NO flaws! So secure in her victory, in fact, she lets the girls tour the area.
It's Not An Easter Egg. February 24th, 2024 Tadase helps Hinote out about his egg.
Hikawa Shrine December 5th, 2023 Zoisite attacks the next Shrine on the list... Hikawa Shrine. Unfortunately for him, all the Inner Senshi are in attendance, more magical girls drop in, and there's even a ghost handing out knives in the back room! Total chaos ensues!
The Masquerade Ball of Princess Dia October 21st, 2023 The D----- Kingdom is hosting a masquerade ball to celebrate Princess Dia coming of age. It might be an expensive, ticketed event, but that hasn't stopped a variety of RHA cast members from attending! There are dances, conversations, and of course, the stunning revelation that Hannah is Sailor V!
Theater and Televisions September 12th, 2023 Hinote Kagari meets Runealy Waldia under more pleasant circumstances.
The First Reposte August 24th, 2023 A group meets up in the sports pavilion! Adrien is practicing his fencing, Naru comes to practice her staff, Hinote is there looking for sword pointers, and Marinette is lost. New friends met and old friends reunited!
Summer Clubs are Still In August 19th, 2023 Garden Club is in session! Brief meetings and greetings.
Le Cirque qui Brule August 10th, 2023 A witch's labyrinth lurks in Juuban, inviting the unwary to a circus where the shows flametacular ending never stops. Officer Usagi is on the case - and before she knows (or agrees to it) is joined by The Red Princess, Puella Red, Yellow Pearl Voice, and Trager des Blauer Greif. The civilians Madoka and Hinote are drawn into the drama as well, and meanwhile Haruko gets a Witch's Kiss - can all this really be wrapped up in one thirty-minute episode of Radiant Heart Academy?
Maximum Mahou Mall Mayhem( August 6th, 2023 A chance encounte in a mall, has Hinote getting more answers than he bargained for. What will he do with this information going forward?
Food Court Chaos! July 20th, 2023 Runealy Waldia and Edelise Albrecht fight Hosshiwa off in a Food Court, also Hinote Kagari is pretty sure it's the world that's insane and not him.
Curried Audition July 12th, 2023 Hinote Kagari, actor extraordinaire, meets Prismara Bree Fish-out-of-Water extraordinaire.


Title Date Scene Summary
The Game's Afoot!... (Hinote Kagari) July 26th, 2024 Hinote Kagari and Tracy investigate a disappearance of an old foe turned .. ally...ish.
We'll Always Have Paris (Hinote Kagari) July 14th, 2024 Hinote Kagari weaves a ruse to his mom to let him go to Paris.
A Hatching Happening (Hinote Kagari) February 27th, 2024 Hinote's Heart Egg hatches and he's sill confused!
Go lay an egg (Hinote Kagari) February 24th, 2024 Hinote ruminates overnight and wakes up to an egg for breakfast, apparently.


Character Theme

Ambient Theme

Action Theme