2263/DREAMScape: Death by Glamour

From Radiant Heart MUSH

DREAMScape: Death by Glamour
Date of Scene: 23 January 2025
Location: Mitakihara Ward
Synopsis: Haru Minato has a dream.. a wish to be the top male model in the world! When a strange egg grants his wish in a twisted stage scape, Amy Faust, Yellow Pearl Voice, Hope Blossom and Pulp Noir must stop Lunatic Charm and Glimmer Brightmoon from causing more mischief!
Cast of Characters: Utau Hoshina, Glimmer Brightmoon, Madoka Kaname, Amanda Faust, Hinote Kagari, Coco Kiumi
Tinyplot: DREAMScape

Utau Hoshina has posed:
Lunatic Charm is standing atop a building overlooking a storefront. In front of the storefront is a boy with black hair, looking into it. His name is Haru Minato. He's staring at the ads and pictures of the dashing, handsome male models. Oh, to be liked and a recognizable star of FASHION the boy thinks.

Lunatic Charm, is accompanied by a small angelic looking chara, El. Il is currently fused with Utau. So isn't here in physical form. Lunatic Charm looks over to her companion for the evening, Glimmer Brightmoon. "I sense a powerful dream. Normally. I'd steal the X-egg. But today's goal is different." she says as she lifts her wrist and summons a golden egg, that seems segmented in parts, glowing with an electronic blue hue from a strange watch-like device on her wrist. The egg seems to glitch in space. Like it's defying reality to exist. It feels. Dark.

She lets the egg spin in the air and float down towards the boy.

Haru Minato looks at the weird egg as it floats there and projects a big, bright blue button....

* WISH *

He reaches out and----

Utau Hoshina has posed:
+===============================<* DREAMSCAPE - The Grand Catwalk *>===============================+

The Grand Catwalk is a large stage with a walk out to the center of the audience chamber. Many seats sit around, filled with glazed eye 'fans'- people from the street before that seem to be in a trance like state as they await the next fashion model to walk down the catwalk.

You are here now. There's no way out. You might feel compelled to watch the stage. Can you resist it? There's an anticipation of a star you're waiting on!

Haru, Haru! Chants some of the crowd.



Lunatic Charm blinks, even she's not immune. "Haru... kun... <3" she says, from the audience, before snapping out of it. "What!?"

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon gave a small nod as she nodded towards Lunatic Charm. She wasn't... entirely... back to full power. Stuck using dark energy, unable to use her runestone powers, she had to use more Etherian Magic styled magic.

She really didn't get the whole... 'dreams' thing. But Easter needed her and they were doing a lot to help her, so like... she wasn't going to NOT assist Easter's number one when they asked her to stand in as muscle. She was even wearing her 'Horde' outfit. Yes. Evil general cosplay was VERY important to the asthetic, thank you very much.

Of course, as it call began... She was... well...

The big question was where she got a big sign that said 'HARU-KUN! <3' on it and why she was holding it overhead. "You can do it, you can--" Then paused, shaking her head a few times. "Oh... oh wow. What... what is that? Was that?" she asked, pulling her head away to turn and focus on Utau. "That's... that's strong. Is that supposed to happen?"

She looked at the sign and... tossed it away. Only for another fangirl to catch it and hold it up.

And she struggled, desperately, to resist looking at the stage... But... but Haru-kun was up there... gahhhhhhh.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka Kaname is happily walking down the street holding a gaggle of plushies in her arms. If you look closely, all the plushies have hair the same shade of pink as hers. Some of them are moving and looking around. One of them is eating a chocolate. In fact they are actually all chara and she's just walking around giving her fairy companions a big hug. None of them notice Glimmer or Lunatic Charm nearby.

    Then suddenly the world changes around them. Madoka holds her chara tighter and looks around, "Huh? Is it a Labyrinth? Kamiko-chan you're supposed to warn me!"

    The tiny goddess chara wiggles out of her Bearer's embrace and protests with flailing arms. "It's not a Labyrinth! Don't be a dumb. It's... some other... possibly hostile pocket dimension." She turns around and looks at the stage. "I... think? Why does this feel like what the Embryo is supposed to be?"

    Sio cheers as she looks at the catwalk. "Yeeeah! Haru-kun! Get it!"

    Lydian joins in shouting, "Woo! Let's go!"

    Madoka looks up at the stage and holds her chara a little tighter. She feels so drawn in and yet she knows, she knows, that she doesn't really care about such things. Out of seven Chara Eggs, none of them became idols or models after all.

    "Lydian, with me. My Heart: Unlock!"

    And she henshins into Hope Blossom in front of Kamiko and everyone, because of course she does.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Seconds ago, Amy obliviously walked by the building; she smiled a little, happy to see some boy so enthused about fashion. It's good to have dreams! Don't let people tell you guys can't be into fashion, random kid!

    And now she's pulled into... whatever this is.

    It's not a Witch's Labyrinth; at least, it doesn't feel like it. She doesn't think she's near the Forgotten District. She can't... remember how she got here, though. A dream? Her memory seems too clear, and her phone works normally; at least, the software does. She doesn't get lost trying to find apps she knows or have text on the screen change when she looks away.

    Her attention keeps being pulled to the runway though. Like a videogame cinematic that wants to make sure she's looking at the cool thing when it happens. She waves a hand in front of some random girl next to her to see if she reacts and, lacking anywhere good to hide and transform, also does so in front of Hope Blossom and everyone, because what else can she do?

    The flames of her henshin don't put her in her magical girl outfit, though. Instead she tries to imagine what someone who belongs at this... event, whatever it is, would be wearing, and lands on 'goth'. T-shirt and skirt over mesh, choker, belt, (flat) boots; all black, of course.

    Seeing another henshin go off in the crowd, she weaves her way through the crowd towards Madoka -- hooray for being smol! -- but keeps periodically looking up at the stage...

Hinote Kagari has posed:
"HINOTE THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT!" yells Tracy. "I sense The Embryo...!" he yells as Hinote quickly calls out. "Fine, but if I swear to god this is just an excuse for another cake run..." he says.

He's walking into the city when---

Suddenly Hinote Kagari is in a crowd, and he looks up at the stage. He winces. Tracy looks up with wide eyes at the stage. "This place is too glitzy for my tastes. MY HEART: UNLOCK!" he calls out as he transforms into Pulp Noir, also in front of everyone. Everyone else is too busy looking at the stage anyways.

But there's nothing to handle. Yet. He frowns. Time to investigate?

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco is on a walk at the Mitakihara Ward, enjoying the many verdant spaces it has to offer despite the several skycrapers that give its streets an imposing look. She has been spending a big part of the day at the Pearl Pier after Nikora has called her on an emergency. For some reason, tons of people chose to check in that day, and the hotel needed an extra pair of hands.

Now however, she has been let go, and she is enjoying peeking at windows here and here when her feet bring her to a more urban side of the ward. Such as the one currently hosting ads and pictures of the lean, handsome models promoting clothes.

A very brief sense of dizziness overtakes her as the world around her starts changing, and suddenly she is holding a "Go Haru!" sign, and in front of a catwalk. Feeling a weird sense of mild regret that she can't explain herself, the blonde girl immediately tosses that signs away, and looks around at the adoring crowd.

She immediately rules out a Witch's Labyrinth, it's too happy and joyous for one, and while Gaito could be doing something like this, she doesn't really get why he would choose this subject. For now, better just stand back and start looking for anomalies.

Utau Hoshina has posed:
Lunatic Charm looks at Glimmer. She frowns. "I think we got pulled into someone's own wish. This is dumb. Try not to think of Harrrru-kun." she says almost sing song. She shakes it off.

"FINALLY." the announcer, from nowhere in the dark of the stage area says, over speaks. "THE BOY YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THE! MAN WITH THE PLAN! HARRRRU MINATO!" says the announcer.

The stage alights and ONTO THE STAGE walks a boy in a black body suit, with a purple jacket, swept black hair, stunning blue eyes and looking HANDSOME as all get out.. struts onto the stage. Showing off for all the fans. The Cameras. "I am the IDOL everyone craves...!" he says, throwing his hands upwards with a flourish!

As he says this, DARK ENERGY Suddenly flares to life from the boy, as pyrotechnics alight from the stage, exploding behind him in fire as he dissapears into the flames and throws his hand up into a vogue across his face!

The explosions rocket high into the air before carreening downwards... towards the crowd...! Quickly! Somebody do something. The DREAMSCAPE is now running out of control, as the fans all cheer at Haru for their incoming apparent demise.

El watches in horror from Lunatic Charm's shoulder. "Utau-chan...d..do something!" she pleads. Lunatic Charm flicks El away. "Glimmer, watch for those. They're probably dangerous." she says as she takes skyward.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon blinked a few times before glancing towards the stage. "Watch for-- oh. On it!"

She struggled to resist the urge to charge forward and start screaming about him... And the reason she was able to resist this was because FIRE!

She dashed up before putting both hands together, then pulling them apart. A magical circle formed between her hands, the pink light of the circle tinged with darkness, before she held it overhead. It expanded over the crowd in a light show, forming an, albeit temporarily, barrier if the raining fire got... burny.

It likely wouldn't last for long, but hey! That's what these tests and stuff were for, right?

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Sio starts tugging on Hope Blossom's shoulder. "Oh, look! Red-chan is here. Is she a fan of Haru-kun, too?"

    Hope glances in Amy's direction, and smiles and waves at her, but she doesn't have a lot of time for pleasantries before Kamiko suddenly starts tugging Madoka in a different direction. "Doka-chan, watch out! The pyrotechnics!"

    Hope Blossom looks up and forms her branchbow in her hands. She fires a few glowing pink bolts, trying to trick shot the fire out of the air. It's the only thing she can really think to do with such short time. "Duck, everyone! Get down!" she tries to warn the crowd.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir is inching through the crowd... and... oh. No one see's him. Because they're all looking to the stage as HARU MINATO comes out. And he looks and and, he twitches a little.... Haru-kun... please elope with me---WHAT NO. Why was he thinking that!?

He isn't able to get backstage because suddenly it explodes in fire and he draws his arms up front of him as he jumps backwards. He looks to the sky and frowns even more as he reaches into his coat and draws out two silver pistols...

"Ace in the hole." he calls out as he fires a barrage of homing, magical shots into the air as they race up, having the same idea as Hope Blossom: Shoot them out of the air.

"I don't think they CARE." he says as he suddenly eyes Lunatic Charm over there. Oh.

Well THAT makes sense. This has to be her fault, somehow. Always the Jilted Ex-dame! It's like 'The Butler Did It'!

Coco Kiumi has posed:
A weird feeling of joy crawls its way into Coco's mind at the announcement of Haru's incoming and the mermaid princess has to force herself not to give out a cry of admiration just then. She starts tapping her foot repeatedly, thinking that this place's antics are going to be overstaying their welcome fast.

She isn't any closer to figure out the cause of this small realm, but that starts mattering a lot less when the people around her start cheering to their danger. Haru Minato... Never heard of that name among Obsidian, but she isn't going to let this trick continue any longer.

"Yellow Pearl Voice!" she cheers, the pearl in her shell locket responding to her and starting to shine with a yellow light. Coco puts on a smile, and a kaleidoscope of colours covers her clothes, an everchanging brilliance that soon after blossoms into the yellow idol of the seas, grasping her trusty E-Pitch microphone that holds her pearl, exhuding joy from the center of the Live Stage's gleaming radiance, floating a meter from the ground.

"If you really want to be an Idol, you should rethink your special effects. Legend of Mermaid: Pichi Pichi Voice, Live Start!", she announces with vivid enthusiasm, with words painting a vision of a faraway world's nostalgic sog, a promise to always be connected thanks to the shared memory of the paradise of the seven seas. The oceans' melody radiantly shows the fantasy of a night where stars gleam like pearls and release a wondrous light, sure sign of a shining future that awaits everyone.

A purifying aura spreads with the music's positive emotions, weakening and hurting all the dark energy in the area, and where the explosions would fall, a Live Stage isolates the would-be victims with a Live Stage to try and repel the fiery danger.

Amanda Faust has posed:

     As Sio asks that, Amy makes it through the crowd and now they can read I <3 HARU on her shirt.

    Amy didn't put it there...

    'Red-chan' smiles back at Madoka and starts to wave and then HER HARU-KUN COMES OUT ON STAGE AND SHE HAS TO SEE HIM!

    Whatever magic is doing that has been struggling to find hooks in her mind to pull on but it finds something and for a moment she's staring and hanging on to every word. Yeah shut up announcer she's not here for you she's here to see HARU-KUN!

    The spell cracks a bit when he announces that everyone craves him. That... doesn't sound like something someone she'd like that much would say...

    Oh no! A disaster! At HARU-KUN's show! He wouldn't want that, now, would he?

    Kamiko shouts a warning and Amy is leaping into the air, "Already on it!" She sweeps her hand from left to right, tiny missiles appearing behind her shoulders and zipping off to ram into and explode some of the falling pyrotechnics away! She can't get all of them, but hopefully it helps!

    Goth-Amy lands on the edge of the stage. "Hey! You should..." She holds a hand up to her head, "Be more... careful..." this might be misinterpreted as her imitating his earlier gesture...

Utau Hoshina has posed:
Various shots: Arrows, Gunshots, Mini-Missiles rocket up into the sky to catch the stray pyrotechnics. Some crash down, but hits shields instead. They explode in the air, all of them as the fire on the stage dies down to unveil... Haru Minato, again, but this time he's in a fashionable formal suit, purple, same swept hair as he points across the stage. Dark energy flares up again.

It kind of feels like X-egg energy. But not. It feels like The Embryo at a point, but it's clearly not. It's quickly blipping between the two. It feels wrong the longer the DREAMSCAPE exists.

"You can't upSTAGE me on MYstage!" Haru shouts at Amy as he points dramatically.

"Amy-chan?" suddenly says one of the voices in the audience. "AMY-CHAN!" says another. Soon there's a small, but growing chorus over the Haru's for... Amy!?

"NO THIS IS **MY WISH!**" screams Haru Minato as laser lights light up behind him and a fog machine roars to life.

Fog floods the stage and surrounding area as lasers, in impossible purple rake across the stage towards Amy. As the crowd dissolves into a weird chant of 'Haru-kun!' and 'Amy-chan's!

Lunatic Charm can see Pulp Noir above the fog. She snorts. Of course her ex is involved! "This is so dumb but I like it, too." she says as she hovers over Glimmer somewhere. "Hey Glimmer, shoot the jerk in the mask and fedora." with a pause. "Wait. Can you see in that fog anyways!?" she asks.

El frets even more about this. This feels. Wrong. More wrong than Utau *usually* does.

A song from Yellow Pearl Voice hangs in the air. The wish reality seems to hate this. Weird electronic blue lines show through the ground a moment.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
There was... so... so much going on.

She lowered her hands, the shield flickering out and wow there were now explosions... And that singing. Ugh. Why did that singing feel like... something... sizzling over her body? Kind of? But not really?

Ughhhhh. She did NOT like this. And now they were yelling for Amy?! WHO WAS AMY?! SHE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT ANY OF THIS WAS!

"No I CAN'T see in this fog!" she screamed. "OH MY GOSH I MISS TELEPORTING! HOW DO NORMAL PEOPLE DEAL WITH THIS?!" she screamed before running off.

And then leaping! To try and climb some of the walls, if she could get up on the catwalk then...

... She made it like, two feet. Then fell off to land on her back.

"I hate this place..." she muttered.

It was, at that moment, that she remembered... Right. She could fly. Ugh. How did flying work? Dark energy was WEIRD!

She put her hands together and formed a magical circle under herself. Okay, dark sorcery, don't fail her--


A moment later Glimmer burst through the fog below, shooting up and almost hitting Lunatic Charm, before managing to reach out and grab a bar from the catwalk! "HA! TAKE THAT, FOG! Okay, right. Who's in a... oh my gosh. Dude! Are you cosplaying from the Mer-Mystery novels?"

She then launched a blast of dark energy at Noir! "Either way, on the clock! Also will whoever is singing that STOP IT?!"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir can hear this. "I can hear you, you know." he says as the fog covers him as he draws his fedora over his eyes. "It was a dark. And Foggy night...!" he says as he grows silent. He ducks into the fog, as to make himself a smaller target. He draws up a pistol and --- it's too foggy. He might hit one of the screaming fans around him.

Aha, a target pops up from the fog on the catwalk and---

Crap she shoots first. Glimmer's shot rams into him, sending him tumbling into the crowd as he wonders...

'What the hell a Mer-Mystery Is' and 'What the hell does Utau have to do with this'. Is this a new kind of X-egg? Why does it feel... weird and wrong now to him.

"What's your deal with blondie!?" he shouts at Glimmer as he fires his pistol back at the only target he can see well enough at the moment, Glimmer, a magical laser shot blasting from the gun's tip.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Hope Blossom watches as Amy gets on the stage and now people are... cheering for her? Soon she finds that she herself is, too.

    "Yaay, Amy-chan! Break a le-- er, wait don't do that! I mean.. Knock 'em de--... eheh..."

    Kamiko squints at the stage, and starts trying to pull Hope Blossom towards it. "You're missing the point! We gotta get on stage, too!"

    Hope pats the divine fairy on the head, and then leaps onto the stage. Landing amongst the fog, she dramatically points a finger at Haru and says, "Sweet dream, but it's time to wake up. It's dangerous to play with fireworks while sleeping!"

    She hasn't yet noticed Glimmer or Utau, so there isn't really a possible culprit other than the boy. He seems like a normal kid who just got hit with some kind of dark magic, so it's a good thing that they have at least two purifiers here.

    Thrusting a hand into the air and striking a pose, Blossom shouts, "Hope Garden!" as twenty or so branch bows appear around Haru, weaving and braiding around each other and trying to wrap around the would-be idol.

    Madoka looks over as she hears Coco's singing and says, "Don't listen to the critics! Keep singing!"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    The mental influence isn't exactly subtle. Amy's mind is racing ahead trying to outsmart it.

    Mental influence. Is it possible goals are corrupted?
    Do we have time to check?
    We're open-minded about possibly liking guys, right? Or is that the influence?

    "Be more... careful..."

    And then the wonderful and amazing Haru is... mad at her? Accusing her of trying to upstage him?

    That tears it. She won't hold admiration for such a person; the spell's grip was slippery at best, and now it loses hold completly. She glares at him. "I don't know who you are, but--"

    And then he's shouting, and fog is everywhere, and the crowd is cheering... for her?! Amy's eyes widen in alarm and she turns and looks at the crowd. Uh. She should have an outfit for this occasion? But who would embrace this?

    Amy feigns confidence, holding her hand up into the air and snapping her fingers. Pink sparkles travel down her body and give her.. some semblance of an idol outfit? There's a golden tiara/hairband with points sticking up from it vaguely evocative of a crown, a short red cape clasped at the chest by a red bow over a black vest clasped under the bow over a sleeveless white blouse, with a short red skirt with gold and white accents and black lacy trim and black thigh-highs and black calf-length boots with little red bows on the front. Phew! Idol outfit!

    His wish? "Your wish almost blew up the--" Amy starts to say just a bit haughtily as she was getting into character to steal the show and maybe defuse the magic, but lasers rake over her, shredding the cape and tearing parts of her outfit, and burning her! "HEYEOW!"

    She glares at him as the sparkles run down her body again, returning the outfit to pristine condition. "No, no, the one who cares for them is..." And then she waves a hand at Coco, "YELLOW PEARL VOICE, COME ON DOWN!"

    Amy steps aside to make room on the stage for the mermaid princess, while glancing over at Haru for any more tricks, and singing backing vocals into the microphone suddenly in her hand. Probablly from the dream warping.

Utau Hoshina has posed:
Fog glowers over the ground obscuring the view, and lasers rake across Amy. There's a snap that rings out across the stage as the fog wisks away suddenly..! The stage has changed again! Haru Minato has changed outfits, again!, this time a white-shirt, fashionable blue jeans. The latest sneakers. He looks cool by teenage standards. "Haru-Hater...!" he says, still pointing at Amy.

"HARU HATER BOOO!" yells the crowd as they start throwing things at Amy. This is not a magical attack. Just throwing things they had in their pockets, jackets, nearby they throw they can pick up. At least one chair falls short of Amy. Whoops.

Purifying singing, with back up now, causes blue electronic lines to appear on everything now. The stage glitches out of reality a moment before reappearing. Those on it probably feel weird about this, left floating in the air as if it was still there.

Lunatic Charm can't help but laugh at Pulp Noir's misfortune. El puffs her cheeks. "Enough! I've had enough you... you...!" she shouts at Lunatic C--no. No El is screaming at Utau Hoshina right now as El spirals down into the fog somewhere, the tiny fairy vanishing in amongst the fog and crowd!

As Haru readies his next dramatic move, sweeping a hand through his hair... branches grab at him, holding him in place before he can do another vanishing act to change fashion again. "What!?" he says!?

Now's the time perhaps, to strike!

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon had everything under control. Entirely under--

NOPE NEVERMIND! "She's a coworker and a friend, why?" she wyelles... before a laser hits her. She shrieks and--

Plummets from above, into the fog, disappearing amongst the crowd.

Agggggh, there were peopl EVERYWHERE! There were dancing and yelling and the singing purification made her head hurt and oh she just wanted to SCREAM at all this! Why was everything going so wild now?!

On the upside, this meant she couldn't interfere with the hero's moves.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    The singing is distorting this strange DREAMScape, and Madoka can't help but notice. She wonders... why exactly? Is the song damaging everything? Is it the purifying properties of the music, or something else? If the former...

    Brai takes a seat on Hope Blossom's shoulder and says, "If there's any one thing that needs to get purified, I bet it's our precious Haru-kun." Turning to Madoka with all sincerity in her voice, she pleads, "He's filled with Dark Energy. You have to help him, Hope-chan!"

    Madoka has to keep reminding herself that she has no idea who this guy is even if it's really hard to not focus on him. It's such a mental distraction that it's hard to think about anything else aside from how weird this all is. Even so, whether she likes or hates the guy, purifying a target has never gone wrong before.

    "Right," says Hope Blossom, pulling the Dumpty Lock out from behind her collar. She opens her mouth to begin the incantation before noticing Glimmer. "It's her!"

    Brai waves her arms in Madoka's face. "Nevermind that! Just do the thing! Do the thing! While he's still wrapped up!"

    Madoka shakes her head for a moment, trying to clear her mind, and then focuses on Haru for a moment. She makes a heart shape with her hands and calls out, "NEGATIVE HEART: LOCK ON!"

    Thrusting her hands forward, she aims the heart-beam at Haru.


    All at once, the area is flooded with pearlescent rainbow light, as a wave of cleansing energy flies directly at Haru.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir is currently trying to get a bead now on Haru as the fog dissipates. GOOD. He's caught up. He can't purify. He can only shoot magical bolts, water, and punch like a freight train. He's about to help weak him plenty though when his hat suddenly flies off his head!?

It messes up his shot, a magical jet of water flying past Haru's body. He curses and moves down to pick up his hat and put it on his head. He pauses.

He takes off his hat and looks inside it.


Inside the hat is a sobbing, tiny angel fairy as the bright and firey purifying light illuminates the inside of the hat.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Haru-hater? Amy puts her hands on her hips and smirks at him. "That's the best you can come up with?"

    But somehow it works, and she's being pelted with random objects. She turns and looks at the crowd, fear and confusion in her eyes at being hated and bullied--

    No! Stay in character!

    She stands up straight with one hand on her hip. The audience was pretty easily swayed before... maybe it'll work again? "Really?" She relaxes her stance and smiles, "I'm not here to spread hate," she throws out her arms, "but love!" She leans over, holding a hand to her cheek in mock astonishment, "Who could hate widdwe ow' me?"

    Idol?-Amy stands up straight and holds up an arm. "Remember the cuteness you fell in love with!" She turns dramatically to face Haru again, cape and skirt twirling!

    And he's, uh. Held in place by branches? What? Amy quirks an eyebrow at the dark generals she's seen before, but... Okay, she can roll with it.

    Brai calls for purification. Amy turns to the crowd. "Unfortunately, purification is beyond even Amy-chan's powers! But you know who can?" She motions for Hope Blossom and Yellow Pearl Voice to come up on stage, ready to support the latter's song! (Can magic give her some kind of cue? Sheet music? Anything???? Otherwise she'll improvise backing la-las and such, as before!)

Coco Kiumi has posed:
The fog that starts filling the catwalk and the audience clings around the borders of the Live Stage, not allowed in by the radiant sphere's magic, and a line of Live Stages appear all around, called on by the purehearted peace of the seas' song. The lights would cut through the darkened air, the songstress' effort to help out the visibility for her friends.

"Your wish is only putting people in danger, and worse thing, I don't think you are actually realising it!", Coco shouts at Haru. "If you really want to be famous, responsible for people, then start acting like it! You have a precious dream, actually work at it! You can really bring out something beautiful!" It was both annoyed and motivational.

Then? When she is called down by Amy? A Live Stage moves to where the redhead is, and a cheerful shout cuts through the air, and the blonde girl leaps down to Amy, landing perfectly at her side. "Gladly!"

There is a moment when the mermaid princess places the E-Pitch in a way both of them can sing in it, and then it is with a radiant expression that she announces the next song. "Pichi Pichi Voice, Live Duet Start!"

The pure song sings of a morning sun reaching out to the blue sky, a wish that endures, riding on the winds of the aurora, travelling with faith sleeping in the sparkling sea, confident that hearts embrancing the same wish are One, even under the star-crossed sky.

Utau Hoshina has posed:
Haru Minato is caught in place. He can't move. It makes him a sitting duck. Open Heart tears through him... raking dark energy away! As this happens, the world starts to glitch more into strange electronic blue wireframe.

"No it's my WISH!" screams Haru Minato through the Open Heart, and for a minute, it looks like he might come out the other side still corrupted!? But that song...! That purifying song weakens him even more until the world suddenly does what can only described as a 'degauss', the world goes all rainbow, everything becomes wireframe, before pixelating away like a videogame's game over screen.

Haru Minato comes out through the other side... looking normal. Like he was before. Just a normal boy. Unremarkable. Maybe a little handsome. But nowhere like in that strange reality that already feels unreal and imagined even as it was moments ago. He blinks... and starts crying.

"All I wanted... was to be a model..." he says. "...it's so dumb but..."

"Yeah that's really dumb. You SHOULD cry about it!" says Lunatic Charm, still in the air. "GLIMMER RUN AWAY!" she shouts as she looks down at the boy. "Also. You stink. Also. I'd never date someone like you! Whoever you are!" she says, even though she was sing-songing his name maybe moments ago too!

And She's flying off before any of the heroes can come after her.

El sobs in Pulp Noir's hat. "She's so mean now! More so than usual! I don't know what's wroooong! Hinote-kun do something! Please!" cries El.

* El has left Utau Hoshina's Party.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon was, slowly, picking herself up off the ground, from the music and fog and oh that blasted music was making her head hurt SO MUCH!

And then... then...

Then there was everything back to normal. "Uggggggh. Did we looooose?" she asked, shaking her head. She felt... GUH. "Wait, run? Oh, uhhh... Ha, later, losers!" she yelled, before starting to run and... ugh.

Okay, FINE! She'd do it, but she wasn't going to LIKE IT! She dusk ported away, leaving a small, sparkling explosion of dark sparkles in her wake.

"Gahhhh, I hate doing that..." she said, shuddering at how WRONG dusk porting felt compared to REAL teleporting. Stupid knockoff dusking.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Hope Blossom succeeds in crushing Haru's dreams. Oops. She winces and says, "Um... it's okay! Things like that don't happen instantly, but I'm sure if you work hard at it...!"

    Granted, whatever Hope Blossom might say, it doesn't really help that Lunatic Charm is saying quite the opposite. For now, Madoka's just glad that Haru's not suddenly the focus of all her attention right now. Now she can go back to quietly obsessing over Homu-chan like Godoka intended.

    Or was that supposed to be the other way around? Whatever.

    Kamiko, meanwhile, is looking over at the runaway angel chara and floating a bit closer to her. "Huh? Your Bearer is mean to you?" The divine fairy taps her chin and tilts her head. "But... you're not an X-Egg, so she must care about you at least a little, right?" Kamiko looks at where Glimmer and Utau were just a moment ago, considering what this new development means.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
"Don't listen to the dame kid. She ain't worth your tears." Pulp Noir says, gripping the rim of his fedora. "Take it from me." he says with a little smile. "If you work at it... if it's your dream..." he says. "Don't loose it." he says cooly.

He frowns to El. "Don't worry...I'm on the case. Stay in there for now." he says as he pats the top of his hat. El peeks out from underneath the hat, ruining his cool hat tilt.

"I don't know!" El tells Kamiko. "But there's this new kind of egg they used and it did all this. But that's all I know. Promise!" says El as she hides back under the hat. Where it's safe.

Pulp Noir takes in this information. He then swishes his coat and turns around looking over his shoulder. Now he's trying to be cool. "I guess we have a mystery!" he says.

* El has joined Hinote Kagari's Party!

Amanda Faust has posed:
    The singing is fun, although Amy hopes what's happening isn't hurting Haru too much... And then it's weird to see the world distort like a CRT -- she remembers those from childhood! -- and then derez... What the heck was that space? Those effects suggest it's computer-based, but... some kind of magic, reality-bubble-making computer?!

    "It's not dumb!" Amy responds, automatically, to Haru's words, reaching out to put a hand on his shoulder. She glares up at Lunatic Charm until she flies away.

    Then looks back at Haru. "You can work on your own cuteness. Or, er, handsomeness! Whichever you want! It's a fine dream..." She smiles and lets go of him, stepping back and posing. "It was mine, after all!"

    And then she drops character. "Err, well, the cute part. I didn't really wanna be a model. Or I guess, I never considered it...?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Go look in the mirror if you want to be dismissive towards someone, Lunatic Charm", Coco glares at Utau when she starts dismissing the dream. There were several problems today, but first and foremost, the angelic Chara Bearer should just learn that lesson. And yet, she runs away, shedding her angelic dream like nothing important.

A thought passes through her mind of telling Bow that Glimmer has been spotted helping Utau with something weird over Chara Eggs and whatnot, but there is probably a big chance that Madoka and Hinote are intending to clarify the situations to everyone already.

A pitying look is reserved to the abandoned Chara. Is there something they actually can do when a Chara is in this situation?