2215/Rabbit Hunt, Take Two

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Rabbit Hunt, Take Two
Date of Scene: 08 January 2025
Location: Fire Museum, Shinjuku
Synopsis: It's field trip day for the Radiant Heart Elementary students, and three of the classes are here at the Fire Museum in Shinjuku, with chaperones Usagi, Mamoru, Amy, Veronica, and Tamaki, in place to make sure Chibiusa is safe! Unfortunately, Koan's there too. Even more unfortunately? This is not the year 1994. Looks like the Black Moon Clan has finally learned that they're in the wrong one.
Cast of Characters: Usagi Tsukino, 280, Chibiusa Tsukino, Hinote Kagari, Mamoru Chiba, Jadeite, Amanda Faust, Veronica Perenna
Tinyplot: Black Moon Clan
Tinyplot2: BMC: Rabbit Hunt

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
It's Wednesday afternoon and the elementary school years of Radiant Heart Academy are having a field trip day! Given that Radiant Heart Academy has hundreds of elementary school students, the various classes had each been assigned a different location to visit and learn on-site.

Chibiusa's kindergarten class, along with one of the second grade classes and a fourth grade class had all been assigned the Fire Museum in Shinjuku, and thus, sixty children, their teachers, and chaperones had been bussed over to the museum. Located in Yotsuya Fire Station, the multistory building contained a basement full of preserved and replica fire trucks (that visitors could sit in for pictures, with careful instruction from museum staff), multiple helicopters to view, and various replica and original fire-fighting uniforms from periods dating all the way back to the Edo period.

The three classes from Radiant Heart Academy have been here for about an hour, and the students are being guided towards the staircases so they can go down to the basement, and see those model fire trucks for themselves. With the students are the teachers, naturally, but also the chaperones - a mix of parents and other students at Radiant Heart Academy, who had volunteered to look after the younger years as (an excuse to get out of class) an opportunity to invest in their community.

Among those student chaperones is one Usagi Tsukino, who has been following after Chibiusa's class carefully. Even if Chibiusa wasn't going, she would have volunteered to get out of class - but considering there's enemies about, after Chibiusa? Of course she's here too. Dressed in her school uniform and carrying around a backpack with supplies for the younger years, she looks around as they walk past an exhibit of fire fighter uniforms throughout the years.

"Man, this place hasn't changed since I was in elementary school," she whispers to Mamoru.

Koan (280) has posed:
On this Wednesday, in this admittedly exciting period of history on Earth, Koan of the Spectre Sisters is out on the prowl - theoretically, to hunt the Rabbit, but practically, in hunt of men. Who fight fires. Firefighting men. Firefighters.

Yes, she did see a very fetching calendar while browsing at a supermarket and get the entirely wrong idea about every day fire-fighting attire, what about it? This, here, now, at the Fire Museum, she will surely find all sorts of images - and all sorts of men, flexing their muscles as they haul about hoses and the jaws of life (whatever those were), and various other items with their big beefy fireman bodies.

...Except she's been walking the museum for a while now, and all she's seen are children, teenagers, various people speaking another language and taking an assortment of pictures, and bored adults with the groups of children.

Not a single, well, single slice of hot beefcake around. What's even the point of this place if it doesn't capture the majesty of fire-fighting?! It's practically false advertisement! Who cared about photos of the original fire department of Tokyo, or replica fire trucks, or heavy-looking uniforms? Where are the hotties?!

She's frowning, chewing on her lower lip as she looks around, as she retraces her steps, growing more and more irritated. Koan's dressed up for the day, in a pale purple button down top, the collar pressed nearly and the buttons undone to the second button, to reveal a mesh-black top worn underneath. The top is tucked into a mid-thigh-length black skirt, worn with a belt with a burnished silver buckle, and knee-high black socks and high heels, her voluminous purple hair falling down her back save for her distinctive cat-ear shaped buns. The upside down black crescent moon mark on her forehead is clearly visible, and some people have shot her looks over the presumed tattoo, though they've been too polite to say anything.

She'd really been hoping to have a 'meet cute' with a handsome fire-fighter, and here she is with no handsome fire-fighter... and no sign of the Rabbit, either. Oh boo.

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa hasn't been kidnapped or had any attempts on her life in the past few days, so the universe has decided to put her in the same location as Koan. Just to keep the little girl on her toes. She's here with a gaggle of kids and, most importantly, Mamoru and Usagi.

    Why? Because Chibiusa is well aware of what her situation is and, while she knows it's dangerous to leave Radiant Heart, she's not just going to stay cooped up in her dorm for the rest of her life. Being here with those two and her friends is literally the safest place she can be.

    Besides, why would the Black Moon Clan even care about firefighters? They couldn't possibly have any interest in them. Museums like this are clearly for kids like Chibiusa to gawk at all the cool things that grown-ups do.

    Luna-P is not visible. She's here, but Chibiusa has turned her into a hairpin and hidden her for the moment. Disguised as a pin, as opposed to using a Disguise Pen.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari was asked to chaperone and of course he said yes because he's getting out of a quiz of sorts right now brought on by the science class and boy did he not wanna discuss the speed of light like ever ever again.

So thushly, he was here, replete in school uniform, hands to his waist. Emboldened by their heoric backdrop of the firefighting musesum.

"Is there a Detective museum, this is unfair representation, I'm telling you!" says Tracy into Hinote's ear.

Hinote sulks in posture suddenly and follows after the group.

"I'm sure that's covered in the law museum..." he whispers. "Now be quiet, it looks weird talking to myself."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Equipped with a supply bag and a big first aid kit, Mamoru's also been rather like one of the helicopters they were viewing at the museum today. You know. Hovering. He's at least trying not to look like he's got his eyes on the windows and doors as much as he's got them on the kids.

"That was like five years ago," Mamoru whispers back to Usagi. "I'd be surprised if it had."

He schleps along, wishing he had a silver crystal lollipop in his mouth right now but he needs to set a good example. He still makes a sorrowful face at Tamaki over it.

That glance back at Tamaki makes all the blood drain from his face, because he sees Koan behind him. He indicates Jadeite should turn around, and as they continue to walk, he briefly puts his hand on Chibiusa's head and his other arm through Usagi's (stay calm, stay calm) and he places the image of Koan behind Tamaki front and center in his own thoughts so they can see.

And he walks a little faster, making sure they're behind Chibiusa, blocking the view blocking blocking blockinggggg and he says apologetically to the teacher in charge of the chaperones as they pass, "Need some air."

Jadeite has posed:
Tamaki, for all his faults, has a lot of family back in America, and thus a good amount of experience with kids. While Usagi and Mamoru stay near the center to keep an eye on Chibiusa directly, Tamaki has wandered around, keeping an eye out for suspicious entities. None so far, fortunately - he nods to Mamoru as he sweeps back around. All clear!

"What do you say we take the girls out to get snacks after school?" he offers Mamoru, seeing that sulking face. "I'm going to need some too at this rate. I can't figure out where they sell calendars."

And then Mamoru's face drains of color. Which can't be because Tamaki wants a calander for - well, for artistic reasons, among other things - and he keeps his face chipper and normal as he's spun about to the figure in question. Who he recognizes from Mamoru's descriptions of the orange kitten woman who wants to shake Chibiusa like a mouse.

"Excuse me, Miss?" Tamaki says, waving. "Sorry to disturb you - I'm trying to figure out where the gift shop is? I wanted to ask if you'd seen it."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy is chaperoning, to help guard Chibiusa and because her friends Usagi and Mamoru are there!

    It seemed like a good idea at first, but Amy has perhaps not been around anyone younger than 12 for more than brief interactions in a very, very long time.

    On the one hand, having once been the 'little professor' type herself, she treats even small children more like people than most adults do, and earnestly answers endless 'why' questions to the best of her ability.

    On the other hand, she is about as easily annoyed and exasperated as anyone else.

    She has no idea that Koan has not learned basic internet skills and no reason to expect that she would be here for any reason but hunting Chibiusa (why hunt Chibiusa continues to elude her.)

    Earlier she asked why they would need first aid kits, and someone said there will be lots of small children around, and she went 'ah' and so she has her medium-size first aid kit slung over her back as well as her messenger bag with personal supplies like a water bottle and sandwich.

    Unlike Usagi, she's never been here before and so is getting mildly interested in the exhibits rather than watching the entrances.

    Amy looks over curiously at Usagi and Mamoru having a whispered conversation, so she's paying attention when Tamaki speaks up. "Hmm? Which girls?" She blinks. "Why would they sell--" And then bursts out laughing, and quickly quiets down, unable to stop grinning. "I don't-- I think that's at fundraisers or something, not at a museum."

    The mood is suddenly very cold. And when Tamaki turns, Amy looks, and her expression goes cold too. She then tries to put on a poker face, and walks around Tamaki and Koan, trying to interpose herself between Koan and Chibiusa while Mamoru takes her out of the room...

Veronica Perenna has posed:
Ostensibly, Veronica is here to provide a helping hand in guiding the kids throughout the museum. However, she too is standing guard to make sure risk stays well away from Chibiusa. And firefighters have never been her interest, so the best she can do is distract the kids with sleights of hand. That she is good at.

Some seemed to like those at least, even if some teachers probably weren't appreciating she was distracting them from what the museum had to offer.

Hey, if they are not paying attention now, best to stick with what actually works, Veronica would tell them.

"Sorry, I will continue another time, it wouldn't be fair of me to keep you from these beautiful red fire trucks", she mimics the sound of one while pointing them towards the closest one as soon as the teachers' attention is directed towards another group of rambunctious children.

She doesn't immediately join the group with Chibiusa though. She has a disguise to assume first.

Koan (280) has posed:
There are a lot of children at the Museum. Even outside of the three elementary school classes that are here today, there are parents with children too young for school, tourist families visiting to see a famous attraction, and teenagers ditching school just to take pictures in the fire trucks, because the museum is free, and a great way to pass the time.

It's not a great place to start a fight. It's not a great place to be trapped - a tall stone building with large vehicles and hundreds of people inside.

It is, very unfortunately, the place where they all are, and Koan, her attention caught by the blond boy who rocks up to her, waving, has gotten pretty tired of it.

"What?" She asks, startled, and then, "The gift shop? You could have asked one of the staff here, they would know."

She purses her lips, and then sighs, "Fine, I did see it, when I was looking for an actual firefighter. It's over..." and then she turns, at just the wrong moment, and sees a flash of pink hair on a tiny body, rushing away. Jadeite will see the way her eyes widen and then narrow to tight, focused points, her exasperation fading away to cold focus.

"It's over there," she says sharply, and points right in the direction of Mamoru, Usagi, and Chibiusa. She shoves Tamaki back, stepping forward. Light ripples across her body, and suddenly she's in the outfit she'd first appeared in, the outfit she trashed mall shops in - a striped pink full-body attire, and a fluffy purple skirt, a large jewel at the center of her hairline.

"Is that you, Rabbit?"

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa doesn't notice Koan, distracted as she is by what is apparently a floating detective fairy, but the Luna-P hairpin does and gently starts vibrating. Before Small Lady can figure out what the issue is, Mamoru is already sending her a telepathic image. She suddenly grows stiff and starts to wonder if, possibly, the three of them could just... casually walk out of here before Koan notices them.

    She also hopes, quietly, that the other sisters aren't literally just waiting outside or something. If Mamoru's still holding onto her, he might feel that idea crossing her mind.

    It's a bit too late, though. She hears Koan's voice, and her spine freezes still. A more mature and emotionally put together person might ignore the enemy's voice, pretend she didn't hear, duck around a corner and try to hide long enough to disguise herself or something, but we're talking about Chibiusa here. She has the mentality and looks of a 5 year old, despite her actual age.

    Her wide, terrified red eyes look back at Koan. A fatal mistake she realizes too late. "Nope! You must be thinking of someone el-- ABRACADABRA!" She pulls the pin out of her hair and throws it at her, then starts running ahead. Mid-air, it turns back into Luna-P, who spins in the air as large catlike ears start emitting a huge volume of pink smoke, barreling towards Koan.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Wow," Usagi whispers with exaggerated offense, "I can't believe you're calling me out. We're supposed to be the united mature chaperones, looking back and remembering our like, totally bygone years with super fond remembrance and whatever."

Her tone is cheerful, light, as they walk around, just enjoying the day.

And then there's Mamoru's hand, and a vision of a woman with purple hair and a black moon sigil, and she stiffens up, eyes going wide, hustling with Chibiusa and Mamoru, hoping against hope she doesn't look, one hand on her broach in case she does -

And then she does. "No, wait, Chibiusa - oh that works," in a strangled tone, as Luna-P goes sailing forward with a billowing cloud of pink smoke. The smoke envelops everything, and Usagi grabs her broach and calls out -

"Moon Crystal Power, Make Up!"

In a flash of light and ribbons, Sailor Moon stands in the museum, and they do not want a fight in this museum, there are children bustling about, there are people screaming because of the smoke, because of the light from the transformations, and Chibiusa ran ahead.

"Koan! We don't have to do this here, there's all kinds of kids around!"

Mamoru is the better escape artist - she just needs to try and distract Koan long enough.

One of the people who isn't running around and screaming is a nine year old from the fourth grade class, sees the kid running ahead, and lunges forward, grabbing her hand - "Hey, hey, there's an emergency exit behind those sets of samurai gear," he says hurriedly. Chibiusa might realize she recognizes him from New Years - his name is Junichi, and he'd come over to hang out with Shingo, because Usagi had so many of her friends at the Tsukino house. "You're Shingo-kun's cousin, right? You look like you're gonna hurl, I don't know what's going on, but there's only like two rabbits that matter right?"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy's pokerface is as bad as Chibiusa's if not worse. For some reason two pairs of red eyes give Koan that 'oh shit' look.

    Fortunately, Chibiusa deploys a smoke catball! As soon as smoke has broken LOS between her and Koan, she transforms, too -- people can briefly see a fiery light in the smoke -- and suddenly more smoke grenades hurtle out of the cloud, filling the room with more pink smoke.

    After Sailor Moon says her piece, a figure wrapped in a white hooded cloak steps next to her, and from height and red hair and glimpse of face it's Magical Rocket Girl Red, who just gives her a slight nod, sticking close to her for now since... following Sailor Moon's voice feels like the play here, since no one can see in here.

    After a moment's thought, Amy adds -- spoken loudly enough for Koan to hear -- "She's hunting a kid. Do you think that matters to her?"

    Koan said she sees herself as a rebel fighting tyrants. Maybe she'll be baited into arguing?

    Amy opens the cloak -- her senshi costume is on underneath -- and holds her right arm out slightly, pointing at the ground. She whispers, 'Do you have fire protection? She burns hot.'

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"Nope no Rabbits here!" Mamoru says, eyes widening when he hears Koan, but absolutely not looking back, no, he keeps his eyes on Chibiusa, throwing the catball like a smokebomb. He doesn't hesitate, he reaches into his pocket and -- a second after Usagi cries out her transformation, he calls his:

"Earth Prism Power, Make Up!"

Behind the end of the bright lightshow there's a dimmer one with darker, more vivid tones, and shadowy sparkles...

...and then Tuxedo Kamen strides out of the smoke in front of Chibiusa and Junichi. He holds out his gloved hands and says without any messing around or smiling or condescending, "They might have someone watching the exits. Time for some more magic. Let's get out of here. You too, Junichi-kun."

Well, Chibiusa did say Abracadabra, and threw a smoke bomb -- and this guy is dressed as a magician but in a mask. He even has a top hat.

Jadeite has posed:
Well. Shit. So much for the distraction plan.

Tamaki spins behind the curtains of the photo he was shoved towards as the smoke goes up, and Jadeite spins back out. Not hte most elegant transformation, but the Veil is the Veil and he'll take what he can get.

"Glory of the Snow!" he shouts, and icy flowers blossom - civilians jump out of the way (and, key, AWAY from Koan and the fight) -

Until there is a briar of icy roses walling off the space between the kids (and Chibiusa and Mamoru and Junichi) and Koan and the other mahou.

"Some like it hot, huh? You'd think that'd be handy on a beautiful winter day like this - but I can't have you blowing smoke when the kids are out having fun. I'm going to have to ask you to cool off," Jadeite says.

Veronica Perenna has posed:
Finding the privacy of a column in a corner that doesn't have many visitors, if any at all, Veronica's calling card twirls in the air, leaving behind herself sparkles of moonlight, and letting the Princess of Sarek appear. Enveloped by the shimmers a second time, her figure shifts, becoming equal to that of Sailor Mars, from the top of her black hair to the bottom of her red heels. For the second time, her eye level doesn't change any, interestingly.

She isn't sure what prompted everyone to bring Chibiusa away, but she walks a brisk pace that turns into a run for the fake Sailor Senshi. Is it Koan that awaits there, or another one of the Sailor Senshi that she has the displeasure to meet? Has she transformed already, and have Usagi and Mamoru had the opportunity to do the same?

"I would stay away from her, Koan", the Princess of Sarek speaks in the voice of Sailor Mars. "I won't let you lay a single finger on her, or on any of these kids. I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and Passion. I am Sailor Mars! In the Name of Mars, I will chastise you!", she makes sure the Spectre Sister hears her. The more distracting she is, the better.

"Sailor Moon!", she smiles, waving at her specifically. "Am I just in time?" Aka, how is Chibiusa, she implies, not knowing if Koan has spotted her already.

Koan (280) has posed:
It is the Rabbit, and it certainly doesn't look like Koan cares about anything that could be getting in her way - there's a look in her eyes, determined and nearly feral, someone seeing the finish-line just in front of them. A ball of flame lights up in her palm, but she doesn't throw it.

There are people screaming, running - parents scooping up kids, the other chaperones rushing the students away, people caught in the regular staircases starting to panic as they see the crowds rushing in - and in that panic there's Koan, standing facing three Senshi, one unfamiliar, but two dreadfully familiar indeed.

"Sailor Moon, Sailor Mars, and the pitiful fallen soldier you let history erase... all of you against little old me? What a wonderful New Years gift, letting me be the one to bring Prince Demande your heads!" Her words are almost playful, but her voice drips with hate. Her hand is thrust forward, and the fire spills from her heand - and then an icy wall of roses comes up, blocking them all just in time. They melt away, but it means that no one is struck by her attack, not this time. "What - Sailor Mercury, too?!"

But no, it's not Mercury. It's... some man. Blond hair, blue eyes, military uniform - "Don't tell me, you're the King's butler?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
(With Chibiusa)

Junichi's eyes go wide as Tuxedo Kamen strides out of the smoke, all long longs, billowing cape with it's red underside, and sleek domino mask. It's like seeing Batman come striding through the chaos, only better dressed.

"Whoa... Little Usagi-chan, you know some cool people." Of course he's not going to argue with the Super Hero Magic Man that's come striding out of the smoke to save the day. "Whatever you say!"

(With Sailor Moon)

"I sure don't," Sailor Moon whispers back, grimacing. "I mean, I'm kinda resistant, but only in the normal magic way, I learned that the hard way with Hinoiri."

And then, there's Sailor Mars on the scene, with the most perfect entrance, and later, when they aren't face to face with a fiery jerk in the Fire Museum, she is going to ask Veronica how she got so good at the role that fast, because that was pitch perfect. "Sailor Mars!" She calls out, "You made it just in time."

In her hand is the Spiral Heart Moon Rod, the weight of it growing more familiar all the time. She swings it up, pointing at Koan, planning on Moon Healing Escalation, to make sure none of the civilians can be collateral, when she hears - the soldier you let history erase? And her eyes go wide with confusion.

"Let history erase - what are you talking about? Why are you doing any of this?"

Aaaaand then Koan says she's going to take their heads and ew, ew, what is with all the violent and gross imagery, every time?! Ice briars interfere with the shot, but as the ice hisses and melts, steam and smoke exploding out, more people scream. The civilians are mostly getting out of the way, but there's so many people here.

This isn't the place for a conversation. This is the place for getting out. So she takes the Spiral Heart Moon Rod - and just chucks it at the nearest window, which shudders, cracks - and then ultimately shatters, enormous panes of glass falling and crashing to the floor. The fire alarm - ironic - starts going off.

"Sorry Museum," Sailor Moon calls, "But we need a better emergency exit! Everyone, let's get her up and out of here!"

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa hears Jadeite get called a butler and winces. It's one thing when she and Chiyo unbearably tease him with silly hairstyles. It's something else when someone insults him with hostility. She's too afraid to feel her anger, but she's still offended.

    Luna-P stops emitting smoke and bounces away as the ice walls go up and the magicals appear. It interposes itself between Koan and Chibiusa, ready to act as a catball shield should Koan try something.

    Chibiusa looks at Junichi and blinks. "Ne-- Um! I mean. Y-yeah, cousin. I'm his cousin." She glances towards Koan, and then back at Junichi. She's worried about him, but... it's not like Koan is after him right now, is she? She glances to Tuxedo Kamen, and then to Junichi. "Look, that woman's a crazy. We need to go!" Taking him by the hand--

    It's a lot smaller than the last time she shook it.

    --she starts to drag him towards a window, glancing back at Mamoru to see if he'd protect the boy, too. "Luna-P, come back here!"

    The dutiful catball bounces and bounds towards its owner, occasionally flashing that unchanging smile at Koan.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy hears... well, a lot. Jadeite's here, of course, and Sailor Mars's introduction can be heard through the smoke... and Koan responds. Pitiful fallen soldier? Wait, that's her? Hey, new piece of information gained, once they figure out what the heck it means... "You remember my voice that well?" When moon asks, she hisses, "She means me!"

    She tenses to do something, but then the ice wall appears and stops the fire, and then the Fallen Soldier is holding her arm out, pointing her finger at Koan, and there's a BOOM and for an instant a pencil-thin line of orange light appears in front of her aimed to pierce Koan. The name she hasn't given yet means 'copper that strikes fire', and true to that name she's attacking with hypersonic orange-hot copper; it's only in that state for several feet but that is enough (and then it disappears back out of existence so as not to punch through or set fire to the wall behind Koan)

    After her attack Amy has time to hear Sailor Moon's command, "I don't think I can explode her that precisely!" But she starts circling around Koan on the opposite side from the broken window as she thinks about how to reposition her.

    "'Fallen soldier?' I don't know what you've heard, but it would appear that rumors of my death are greatly exagerated. I'm right here." She intones, glaring at Koan.

Veronica Perenna has posed:
Ok, that's a new name there, and she hasn't even tried to get information out of her yet. Koan really likes talking, doesn't she? Keep it coming, Koan. "Prince Demande can come get them himself, if he wants them so much! What are you trying to do, Koan?" she asks in a stern tone. A shame she can't make the obvious pun.

Usagi is fielding a lot of the questions already, and more importantly, she has created a opening to get out of there, fast. Usagi's warning to take the impromptu exit does tell Veronica that there is no need to act like Chibiusa isn't there.

"I will be there!", she gives the window her back until she is sure Chibiusa and that other kid have been taken out of there. "If he is a butler, what does that tell us about you, Koan?", she taunts the purple general in the meanwhile. Once Chibiusa is out, Mars II jumps out, assuming no interference from Koan.

Jadeite has posed:
"You're really not up to date on my employment history, are you?" Jadeite says playfully - and with a surge of power, calls up another wall of icy roses. They're making their ways out window-style, but he's not risking Koan lobbing a fireball back here while they're on the way out. (And even if the melting ice terrifies people, well - better scared than dead! )

"Tell you what. If you can find a king more beautiful than my current employer, I'll trade up."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
He's focused, Tuxedo Kamen is so totally focused! He says firmly, "We're teleporting, Chibiusa-chan. Luna-P, be a pin in Chibiusa-chan's hair again." And he takes another step to take Chibiusa's other hand. One more second-- HEY! He's my KNIGHT you absolute WALNUT!"

One more second in which Mamoru's hand flies up, glowing, and as he yells out "Tuxedo la Smoking Bomber!" a bright and impactful extremely uncomfortable laser floods out from his palm.

"Okay, here we go!"

Honestly it looks really really cool: he swirls his cape in such a way as to momentarily obscure Chibiusa and Junichi, and his legs, and as the cape keeps going up it turns out they're not behind it and oh neither is he--

--and they will appear very suddenly in an alley, behind a car -- they can see the people pouring out of the building and getting out their phones and herding children, and Jadeite and Usagi can tell that Mamoru's not terribly far if they look for him, but he's out of the area. And so are Chibiusa and Junichi.

Koan (280) has posed:
There's a lot of responses to her - from stern demands that Demande come get what he wants himself to suggesting she's not up to date on the butler's employment history -

And then Tuxedo Mask calls her a walnut (RUDE), says that the butler is a knight (really?), and takes the Rabbit -

"No!" She rushes forward, but there's ice, crawling up again, and a window being broken, along with a call to get her out, and she looks at them all with loathing, before tossing her head with a cruel laugh. "So you're a knight. This is all so interesting, Sailor Moon. I didn't realize how many toy soldiers you broke in your climb to the top. I wonder, when you sit on your throne of lies, looking at everything you destroyed, do you think it's worth it?"

And then there's a boom and a pencil-thin copper-flare of flame rushes towards her and Koan jerks her head to the side. A cut is torn in her cheek, and quickly burned shut.

She freezes, realizing what's happened.

"My - face. You burned my face you wretched little shit! I'll wipe you from the records myself! DARK FIRE !"

A spiraling pillar of electric blue flame goes spiraling towards Sailor Amy, Sailor Moon, and Sailor Mars II, ready to envelop them in fire - and the Tuxedo La Smoking Bomber finally connects. The flames might be rushing to envelop them, but Koan herself? Toppling out the window.

She screams, and then flips herself over in the air, landing with a scramble of limbs just a foot from the ground, floating in the air as so many Dark Generals do.

Jadeite has posed:
Jadeite had hoped to get a little more information out of Koan about that king, but! The yelling about Sailor Moon is helpful enough, he supposes. It sounds like the kind of thing he would have said a year ago, still dancing on Beryl's strings. Maybe this is about the Moon Kingdom again?

(...oh no. He hopes they don't have to go back in time to see the world be terrible AGAIN. Once was enough!)

But he's bought enough time for Mamoru to escape with his precious cargo, which means now it's time for Jadeite to play knight properly - and shield his princess and allies until they can fight back!

"GLORY OF THE SNOW!" he roars, and huge icy flowers blossom in front of hte broken windows, blocking the fireball in a crackling, steaming mess - and leaving plenty of mist for his allies to use to find a good place to fire back!!

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Luna-P, for some reason, follows Mamoru's command. Perhaps it recognizes the voice of its king, or perhaps it understands that it's true master's will is the same as his. Either way, it quickly takes its place of disguise in Chibiusa's hair just moments before the teleport.

    It does, in fact, look cool. From her point of view, it's just a swish of his cape and she's suddenly in another place. She's quiet for a moment as she contemplates their objective, and the full implication of what it means. Her red eyes go to Junichi, and then up to Mamoru. "Whatever you do, don't say this kid's full name in front of one of Them. Ever."

    "Luna-P, become a snake camera," she whispers as she pulls the future toy out of her hair, causing it to transform into a snake camera and smartphone. Small Lady slips the snake under the car and moves it from side to side, trying to find where the fight is, or figure out if there are any other Dirty Clanners in the alley with them.

    On the one hand, they can float, so this might not work out as well as she had hoped. On the other, she's not seeing any hostile looking feet.

    "I don't see any of them nearby. We might be alone down here." She looks up to her alternate father and says, "Do you need to take a break? We can be quiet here for a bit."

Veronica Perenna has posed:
"What are you saying, Koan? What problem do you have with Sailor Moon? Just say it already instead of dropping all these vague statements. The only throne of lies I see is the one you are trying to build for your prince", Mars II reacts offended at the insituation.

"What is your history with her and our protegée?", she adds, a weird inflection accompanying the last word. It is clearly a hasty last second swap after Jadeite's warning to avoid saying her name.

Things get a lot chaotic in the next few seconds, with them out of Koan's sight, a sigh of relief coming from Mars 2. "Prismatic Wall!", she extends her arm outwards, a barrier as pure as moonlight rising in front of her to hold out that fire as best as it can in conjunction with Jadeite's pretty ice flowers. She is so going to paint them later. Possibly Jadeite too, if she can get his ok.

"Did they get out of here?" she tries to confirm with the other defender, her eyes fixed on Koan, ready to do anything about her barrier when the dark general comes for them again.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Tuxedo Kamen, taking his hat off and briefly fanning himself with it, slides down the wall to sit on the dirty pavement, and on the little cracks in it where crabgrass and dandelions and moss grow when no one looks for a long while. "I won't," he tells Chibiusa simply. And that means he won't.

He gives the two kids a lopsided smile. "Yeah, sorry, I can really only teleport myself and one other person. But you're both small so it's okay, I just-- I just need a minute."

He exhales, vanishing his hat and taking his gloves off. He vanishes them too, and puts a bare hand on the ground, where it glows the same gold as the exploding laser, earlier, just not as bright. "Sorry the field trip ended up like this. I can bring you two back to the school one at a time in a couple minutes, or I can bring Chibiusa-chan back to campus and then get you back with the rest of your class once the fighting's over."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
(With Chibiusa and Tuxedo Kamen)

"That woman is definitely crazy," Junichi agrees, as he sees fire build up in her hand as though it were nothing, and it's fire like he's never seen, blue and chilling. Chibiusa takes his hand, and he wraps his fingers around her. His hands are larger than hers, and he's suddenly protective - he's never really hung out with a much younger kid, but seeing how scared and brave she is? He can't help but puff up his chest and try to be tough. "Look, don't worry! There's no way this cool guy would ever let anything happen to -"

There's a moment of being enveloped in Tuxedo Kamen's arms, and then - suddenly, they're just on the ground, in an alley not that far from the Museum.

"-you?" Junichi's jaw drops in awe. "That was amazing! Dude! You're so cool!"

And then Chibiusa says that lady can't learn his name, and he looks a little paler, all of a sudden. "Wha - my name? But... I thought they were after you? That means we have to worry about you!"

When their stalwart protector looks a little tired - maybe a little sickly - Junichi looks worried for a moment, before rallying, digging in his pockets for - "Here! I've got a granola bar, the teacher gave us snacks on the drive, but I wasn't hungry. it's got like, nuts and grains and stuff. We're safe with you! Nothing to worry about. Shingo-kun's not gonna believe our field trip was a real superhero day."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Incoming fire! Amy does have a brief 'oh shit' look on her face, but not panic -- she hits the deck, suddenly clad in a pink firesuit which... will probably help, maybe, a little! Fortunately, ice and prismatic walls are on the way to help too!

    Amy stands, "Thanks! Her fire is hot, we're going to need to keep layering defenses like that!" And then she turns towards the broken window and

    an explosion as she mahou jumps flings her up to and through the window!

    Since Sailor Mars gave her introduction, Amy has been thinking 'wait, what? I'm supposed to have an intro speech?! Uhhhhhhh...' What does she value?

    Morphological freedom and ethical hedonism! Also mercy over justice, and happiness for all. But those aren't catchy to shout. How can she phrase that...

    Amy leaps out the window, does a somersault, and lands, her outfit changing back to the senshi uniform. She stands imperiously, turning towards Koan and holding one arm up in front of her, across her body. "'Wretched little'... No no no, that's a terrible guess! I am Sailor Chalcopyrite, the Pretty Guardian who fights for the freedom to enjoy life as your truest self! And in the name of that Truth...!"

    She sweeps her hand to the side like a starship captain who's just given a dramatic order, "I'll stop you, from hurting any more people in your light cone!"

    Nailed it!

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
(With the other heroes)

"Broken toy soldiers... and princes... and thrones of lies - I didn't even get to sit on the throne! What is this about?! Are you - or your Prince Demanding - just mad at my mother?! Because she's gone -"

And then there's everything happening, and there's fire everywhere, but there's also ice and a prismatic shield up, to block the fire, and Koan is down there...

With all the people who evacuated. Well.

"She fell out the window! Let's go!"

As she follows Amy out the window, she claps Jadeite on the shoulder - "Good reflexes!" - and then flips out, landing with a perfectly elegant pose.

People are still running screaming, but she points directly at Koan and says, "As my charming fellow soldier, Sailor Chalcopyrite said, we're here in the name of truth! And love, and justice too! We won't let you keep threatening people - especially that wonderful little girl!"

Koan (280) has posed:
It takes some deeply undignified scrabbling and scrambling, but luckily by the time Sailor Chalcopyrite is down on the ground, she's upright and hovering daintily in the air.

"Truth? You want the truth? I will give you more than that -" And she thrusts her hands out, but when the fire rouses, it doesn't fly for them, but rather flies around them, forming shapes - solid-esque figures in the flame, faces that appear and vanish. Shadows are cast upon Koan's face. "I'll give you the truth. The Black Moon Clan has seen what you will bring about! I know your future. You are the reason this world falls. You are the reason this pitiful world of the year 1994 crumbles! You claim that you've never sat on the throne, Sailor Moon - and for the sake of the world, I will make sure you never do!"

And then the flames blaze forward, a roaring tiger that tries to envelop them.

And then she's behind Chalcopyrite, backhanding her - thankfully without a hand full of flame.

"Soldier of Truth, who fights for the freedom to live as your truest self... no wonder you died. Your very nature would have stopped the abomination that was!"

Jadeite has posed:
Jadeite walks to the broken window, to the edge, preparing his shields once more as Koan rages against the future and Sailor moon -

And laughs.

"OH, the fearsome Sailor Moon, in her infinite cruelty! Her love of sweets! Her habit of feeding cats in the street! No doubt she would transform into some malignant tyrant - she has a heart of ice cream, after all! We fear the turn of the millinium here in 2025 - to think that Sailor Moon could stretch her daintily gloved hand to the past and make herself queen before she was even born!

"No wonder you don't recognize any of us! Either you are even more badly informed than I thought, or you've come from some strange future. There are plenty of tales you could tell to make me fear what is to come - but since you're spewing the same bullshit that I was when I danced like a puppet on a string for Beryl, your story's melting faster than an ice cube in hell! Glory of the snow!"

He sends out a few ice shields - they won't fully block fire attacks, but they'll certainly take the sting out of most of them - especially one for Amy to land on and get her balance after being slapped silly.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy's stance relaxes slightly as she looks around at the fire, but when Koan mentions that she is from the future and has travelled to this pitiful world of 1994, her expression goes


    And then she's taking a defensive stance against a fire tiger and SMACK!

    Chalcopyrite stumbles to the side and whirls on Koan. "What'd ya do that for?!"

    Her expression softens slightly at the words. "I'll take the compliment, I guess, but... did you say 1994?! I was like seven in 1994, what do you -- uh. I'm from the past -- what do you want with nineteen ninty-four anyway?!" She shakes her head. "It doesn't matter. This is twenty twenty-four. Twenty twenty-five, sorry, New Year's just happened. You're in the wrong--"

    Realization flashes across her face.


Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa looks back at Junichi, and then forward to Tuxedo Kamen. She looks... guilty for a moment. How can she say it? She doesn't want to. She doesn't want to get anyone but herself involved, but... it's too late for that. There's no way to avoid her mom and dad getting caught up in this. Even so, she can still try to minimize the disaster this is turning into.

    Her mess is becoming everyone else's problem. Has become, already, and there's nothing she can do to change that.

    She smiles at the boy, somewhat apologetically, as she watches him hand over a granola bar. He's... kind, even now, just like he was in her world. Just like he will be in the future.

    "They shouldn't... They should only be after me, but..." she thinks out loud. "... It'll be fine," she promises," Just... don't give up on your dreams, and stay out of trouble, okay?"

    Of course, Chibiusa hopes that things will go different here, and that maybe this world wont have to suffer as hers once did. Maybe, with more magical defenders, with more friends, things wont have to get so bad. Even so...

    Small Lady is, as ever, still cagey though. This isn't something she can discuss in front of the kid. She frowns for a moment, then says to Mamoru. "If you do the teleport thingy again, take him first. I'll be safe here. Luna-P will help hide me."

    Plus, if they're alone, the two of them can just go home. One of her homes. Not the one she misses most, or the one she's most worried about, but a place she feels comfortable nonetheless.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"He is absolutely not going to believe it," Mamoru agrees with Junichi, laughing. He solemnly bows his head in thanks as he takes the granola bar, and you know what, carbohydrates and protein. Sure! He opens the wrapper and takes a bite, then appears his hat back out of nowhere to put the rest of it in storage for now.

He doesn't say 'thank you' for you're so cool, he's dignifiedly not blushing at all. He's cool to a ten year old! He remembers being ten. "You're cool, too," he says, in addition to Chibiusa's words, "looking after us like that. Thanks."

Listening to Chibiusa, Tuxedo Kamen pushes himself up off the ground, glow from his hand dying out, and he straightens up a little and leans to look down the street. The fire alarm is still going off, which is not ideal; he turns back to Chibiusa and Junichi.

"Right," he says to Chibiusa, nodding once, firmly. He'll be back in under ten seconds. Under eight seconds! It'll be fine. Then he reaches for Junichi's hand again, and he says, "I'm dropping you off by the cafeteria, okay? I'll tell the chaperones where you are, but make sure you go to the nurse and tell her what happened. She really will believe you, you can tell her Tuxedo Mask sent you." Why not aggro Setsuna slightly? It's fun!

The masked teenager counts down, then, holding Junichi's hand, and this time Chibiusa can see it from the outside, the magic teleporting trick. "One, two, three--"


Less than ten seconds later, he's back in the alley and looking for Chibiusa.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
The world of 1994?!

"I wasn't even born in 1994!"

That might make Amy feel old. It might make you, reader, feel old. It doesn't stop being true, though! She was born in 2009! The others have snappy responses, but she has only the honest truth.

"I'm not on a throne! All I want for the future is to get married - to have children - to be the best housewife there is! So you can take yourself and go running back, because there is nothing for you here!"

And then there is a flaming tiger coming at her, and the Rod is back in her hands, because she needs it to be, and she doesn't think twice about spinning tight for a -

"Moon Spiral Heart Attack!"

An enormous pink heart spins into existence, surrounded by dozens of smaller hearts - and they race forward. The flaming tiger crashes through the attack, significantly weaker for the effort, and it crashes through Jadeite's ice, rendered all the weaker - when it crashes into Sailor Moon, her crossed arms allow her to brace for impact, and though she skids back, her gloves seared, her skirt alight with small flames and her body armor marred with chars, she's able to quickly pat the flames out.

Veronica Perenna has posed:
No longer having the luxury of being able to use her powers without her disguise being meaningless, the best Veronica can do is jump behind a nearby column to stay safe from the roaring flames that have taken the form of that tiger.

Wasn't there a poem about something like that? She has her doubts Koan is doing it on purpose - Veronica's opinion of her isn't really all that high - and she is in no situation to enjoy the accidental callback anyway.

"You are more than three decades late, and this world, we will always protect it from the people like you that really want to ruin it!", the fake Mars throws herself at the Spectre Sister, a punch extended towards her.

Koan (280) has posed:
"You BURNED my FACE?!" What do you mean what was that for, Chalcopyrite?! Koan raises a hand again, ready to swing all the harder - she doesn't even notice what's going on with her flaming tiger. She's in the process of swinging when the words strike, and then, she's frozen, staring at Chalcopyrite and Jadeite with a look of distant, blank horror.

"Twenty... twenty-five?" She repeats finally, and her eyes flick to the sky. "Impossible. It's not up yet. Impossible. In 2025 the world was still a ruin, billions dead. This world - this world can't be the year 2025."

But she can see the shocked realization in Chalcopyrite's eyes, hear the mocking satisfaction in Jadeite's voice, and she realizes that they're telling the truth.

"It can't be. To be in 2025 - for the world to be like this - it would have to be -" The wrong one. She would have to be in the wrong past. The wrong timeline entirely. She spins, looking anew at Chalcopyrite, at Jadeite, at the world, and - "You are -"

And then Sailor Mars just absolutely decks her, and she's completely unprepared for that and goes stumbling back, nearly falling on her rump. Her head fully snapped to the side, at an angle that would make near everyone wince for their own poor necks in unconscious sympathy, a red mark instantly starting to rise as her cheek begins to swell.

There is a moment of complete stillness, as her hand rises to her face, tracing the imprint of Sailor Mar's knuckles, before she looks up and her eyes burn with hatred. And then? And then she straightens up, throwing her head back, and she laughs.

"I'm in the wrong one. The wrong past. The wrong world. There's no saving my timeline, no stopping my people's suffering, no undoing what was done to all of humanity - but I suppose that means I'll just have to make do with petty revenge."

And then she takes one of Jadeite's half melted shields, jerking the icy remnants out of the ground, and in the blink of an eye, almost too fast to be scene, she's in front of Sailor Mars, and she slams the full weight of the shield against her body in a brutal smash to the ground.

"I mean, I was already going to kill you. I was going to stop you from ever keeping us down. I was going to save the world. But since the Rabbit's decided to bring us to a fresh new world... why not make sure you can't have your shining empire?"

And then, as Sailor Mars is likely still picking herself back up, she's whipped around and grabbed her by the throat, lifting her up with nothing but the strength of her arm and her rage, all Sailor Mars' own body weight pulling her down against the hot hand clamped around her throat.

It's not burning. Not yet.

"If I kill your Senshi now, will I break your indomitable heart?"

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa sees her dad vanish and, for a moment, her breath stops. She said she was okay, but...

    Koan is right there, just around the corner.

    And disaster can strike in a second.

    "I... I can't run anymore... I gotta be strong..." she tells herself, and reaches for Luna-P. The snake camera turns into a gun. A small handgun. The same make as the one that shot flowers at Usagi just a few weeks ago. "I wasn't willing to actually shoot my mommy, but... She's not my mommy."

    When Tuxedo Kamen returns, he might find Chibiusa's hands holding a gun. Her form is... a bit more careful than the last time he saw her hold that weapon, and she's actually practising discipline this time, not letting the finger rest on the trigger.

    "I'm not gonna let her do it. I'll protect the future of this world, too."

    She sneaks up to the corner, hearing the sounds of battle nearby, and Koan loudly realizing what she figured out a while ago. Dummy. Go look at the calendar. Her tiny red eyes spy her target. The gun feels so much heavier now that she knows the ammo is real.

    Sailor Mars is in trouble. She has Rei-chan. She's going to---!

    Chibiusa doesn't even hesitate this time. She rounds the corner. She lines up the shot. She squeezes the trigger. The gun rings out and a bullet flies directly at Koan. It doesn't matter that she's an unsteady shot when her gun has an AI of its own.

    Granted, this is still effectively a mundane bullet against magical henshin armor.

    Poor girl is gonna learn the hard way that she's not Homura Akemi.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    You BURNED my FACE

    Amy's eyes widen and she holds her hand to her own cheek. Koan did not leave a visible mark, cuteness is not so easily marred. "Ohhhh. Sorry, you did try to burn my all of me though." She speaks, while Koan is having her own stunned realization.

    And then the watches unsympathetically as the lost time traveler gets decked and begins to rant. "Dumbass. It's not revenge when we're not the ones who-- No!"

    Amy steps towards Koan, hand out, palm aimed at the Specter Sister's forehead as she lifts Mars in turn. "Don't do it. Stand down and we can talk about thi--"


    Amy blinks. For a split second, she wonders if she somehow fired her own attack accidentally, then realizes the sound came from over there and turns to look.

    Well she sure wasn't expecting that! Shocked, she shouts, "Where did you get a real one?!" And then, alarmed, she gestures for Chibiusa to run away! "Get out of here!"

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"Oh shit," says Mamoru, seeing Chibiusa vanish around the corner, and then there's a sound, it's so loud, it's so loud, and his heart stops as he realizes what that sound was, and it was just as Chibiusa went around the corner--

This is all flashing through his head as he goes from pained shock at the sound of the gunshot echoing around the alley from its mouth to running, diving around the corner after the tiny girl.

There she is. She's holding a gun. She just fired a real gun but okay her finger is off the trigger again-- Tuxedo Mask just grabs her off the sidewalk - SCOOP! - and jumps away with her, and oh no he's laughing, oh no, he's jumping them away at speed over car-roofs (without setting off alarms) and building-roofs and bouncing from one streetlight to the next... and laughing. "Attagirl!"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
She's from the wrong time. She's from the wrong time and she's after Chibiusa and Chibiusa is from the wrong one and oh, oh, Chibiusa is from the future -

Koan is saying things - things that are too much to process, about how the world should be in a ruin and there should be people dead - billions of people dead - a throne - a king - Chibiusa -

And while she's having these realizations, Koan is moving, and Sailor Moon is seeing everything she feared playout before her eyes, because that's Veronica being attacked for something that's her - her... future... self's fault?

(It's a mindboggling idea. Maybe it shouldn't be. Madoka told them about multiple timelines, about all the worlds she remembered, the times that had been and weren't, but that's still different from knowing there's a future out there - and different from -

"Koan, you put her down! Put her down, okay, there's no reason for this, you said it yourself! This isn't your world! I'm not the person you knew, none of us are!"

And then there's the BANG heard round the world, and Sailor Moon's hand flies to her mouth in shock(ed delight) as Chibiusa fires a real fucking gun at Koan.

In the back of her mind, a part of her is processing that she could have totally shot her with a real gun. In the present of her mind, she's thinking, I owe that girl a cake.

And then she remembers -

Purification attacks don't hurt people without Dark Energy.

"Moon Healing Escalation!"

Silver light floods towards Sailor Mars II and Koan - giving Sailor Mars II a sense of comfort and rejuvenation, and a burning like peroxide on an open wound for Koan.

Jadeite has posed:
She's from the future, and she's going to burn it all down in revenge since she can't change the past?

Jadeite had done that. Tamaki would probably do it too, if it came down to it. There was still a possessive,angry streak in him taht would end this world and the next if Mamoru died.

Still. He's trying to be a better person. Mamoru wouldn't like it if he ended the world for him. Mamoru DEFINITELY wouldn't like it if this lady blew up the world for her people. Perhaps Jadeite's read on what Usagi and Mamoru are like is wrong, and they will cause the apocalypse, and this woman's vengeance is righteous -

And he doesn't care. HIS prince, HIS princess, HIS friends. (and HIS shield! What the hell!)

"Losing them wouldn't break her heart," he tells Koan, his sneer jagged in his face. "But thanks for letting us know there's something to fight for. A knight needs a king and queen, after all."

And he drops his hand - and an enormous bell made of ice forms above Koan. "Snow Thimble."

Either she drops Veronica to dodge, or she's forcibly being dragged off Veronica by several dozen pounds of ice falling. She can float, sure, but can she float with ice on top?

Veronica Perenna has posed:
Despite having been the one to hit Koan, the disguised princess of Sarek winces a little at the odd angle Koan's neck lands in. Though, she is still glad that it did something to stop her, even just for a second or two while they take a second to recover from the constant fire she was sending at them.

A chill goes down her spine when Koan gets up and laughs like she has lost all reason, and the speech she goes into does a lot to reinforce that impression. Before she can so much as say a word, the ice shield knocks her down, air knocked out of her lungs in the process.

An aching groan comes out of her mouth in the process, and then Koan lifts her up like she is made of feathers, her vision blurring with that hand choking hers, her own trying to get the dark general to loosen her grip and let her breathe.

Koan (280) has posed:
Koan is in the midst of choking Sailor Mars - is preparing to ignite her hand, to sear away head from body and leave the future queen to weep and mourn the way Koan has -


And then she's shot in the back, the bullet striking right between her shoulder blades, and her arm slackens as the pain radiates up her nerve as the bullet - falls to the ground? Oh... right... bullets don't do much about those who transformed. Especially when they're amped up by Dark Energy.

Sailor Mars is able to draw an extra breath as Koan's grip goes lax, as she turns her head to stare into the Rabbit's red eyes.

"This is all your fault, Rabbit. We followed you. You lead us to these people."

And then the Rabbit's teleported away by Tuxedo Kamen and sparkling silver lights sear through her, and her earrings - shaped like little black crystals - vibrate harshly where they dangle, and energy screams through her body, and her back arches, and her mouth opens, and she screams as black lines rise on her skin as the purification tries to burn away everything she's been -

Needless to say, she drops Sailor Mars, just as the ice falls atop both of them, great chunks of ice, and she is so sick of ice, she is so sick of that smarmy butler of a knight and with her last grasps of energy, Koan shrieks out the name of an attack -


And Dark Energy bursts from the ground beneath Jadeite's feet, not a pillar of flame - but a pillar of pure dark energy, rising up, encasing his whole body.

He is absolutely going to need to be purified, after this. He is also going to be hurting in the everything.

By the time the pillar stops spouting darkness, Koan is gone, leavin nothing but the alarms, the panicked citizens, and the Mahou.

Jadeite has posed:
Well. The good news is, he managed to pull damage away from the rest of the mahou!

The bad news is. Ow.

Jadeite's fallen to one knee, holding onto the wall to keep himself from toppling out the broken windows of the fire station, by the time the attack fades. His eyes glow like the depths of a glacier at noon.

"Did you hear that, my prince? My princess?" he says, struggling to get to his feet. There's blood flowing from his mouth, his nose, both his ears. He doesn't seem to care.

"A kingdom. A future kingdom. This flawed earth finally placed in loving hands, forever protected. Fair news from a foul creature. Just think - if the world is to end before you are ushered to the throne as saviors - if we start NOW, we can certainly ensure that end does not come to pass. This world shall be made beautiful between heaven and earth, wickedness cleansed - "

"A new kingdom of the Earth shall reign!"

Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
    Chibiusa watches the bullet impact and--- do nothing?! "What? But I shot her dead center. I went for the center of mass. Why doesn't real life work like the movies?!"

    Her childish objections go mostly unheard by anyone but Mamoru though, because they are up up and away and finally going off to safety. Chibiusa looks over Mamoru's shoulder long enough to see Koan attack poor Jadeite and then vanish. Alas, poor Tamaki. What did he ever do?!

    Aside from all the things that happened before Chibs was born, that is.

    Luna-P turns back from a gun into a hairpin, and hides in Chibi's hair. She lets out a deep breath as the melee vanishes in the distance.

    "Sorry... I said I'd hide, but she was gonna..."

    She frowns at the museum as it goes further and further into the distance, and she thinks about what she overheard Koan saying. Small Lady didn't get the full conversation of course, but she heard that terrorist realize that she was in the wrong timeline, and she heard Koan blame everything on her.

    Probably the most true thing that crazy woman has ever said. This is, after all, her fault.

    "I thought... I thought if I went into the past, I could fix the things I messed up," she confesses to Mamoru. "But I got lost, and I ended up in the wrong timeline. I was supposed to be born in 1998, but that's not really possible, because my parents are still teenagers in this universe."

    With a frown, she says, "I think they wanna ruin the timeline. Force you to have a bad future."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Tuxedo Mask saves Chibiusa just before... there's purification and Koan is screaming and there's ice and Koan is screaming an attack--

    "GET BACK!" Amy shouts to Sailor Mars, her attention back on Koan, holding her hand out as BANG! there's an explosion in front of her but that's not the attack, from that explosion a bunch of those orange-hot lines fire again at once, the DG Girl-killer attack that tries to put a bunch of those holes through someone--

    And Koan is gone, Amy not knowing if she hit or not. "Are you okay?!" She looks between Mars and Jadeite, stepping towards him and then hesitating, what can she do, what can she do--

    Oh he's okay and ranting madly like a villain? Wait. Like an idealist? Uhhhhhhhh

    "Hey. Easy there cowboy. They... who the heck knows what is the deal with their timeline, like, they were expecting all of you to be teenagers in 1994? That doesn't add up! Maybe you became very different people, or had different powers..."

    She looks off in the direction Tuxedo Mask and Chibiusa went. There's one friendly person who knows something about that timeline, and she's a six-(five?)-year-old child. It's probably not okay to bug her to tell them, but...

    The others must come to the same conclusion, surely, and someone will have more social skills than Amy to ask.

    She looks uncertainly at the others, her expression asking: What now?

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
A lot of things happen in rapid succession, but Usagi is still processing that Koan is from the future. That in the year 2025 there was supposed to be an apocalypse (again?! Another one?!) that killed billions of people (that's a LOT of people?!) and that she's supposedly some kind of queen probably (A THRONE OF LIES?!) and so she absorbs them in a kind of shell-shocked silence, in the aftermath of her attack -

Well, okay, that shell-shocked silence lasts for exactly as long as it takes for Koan to attack Jadeite, a pillar of darkness that makes her feel sick to even be near it and she runs forward in horror, only to stop dead when he starts -

"Oh no. Oh no, we aren't doing that."

Sorry Jadeite. This is going to hurt.

The Spiral Heart Moon Rod is summoned to her hand, and then she races in a circle around him? Oh, a trail of golden light is following her, and as she completes the circle, it glows bright, bright gold, before flood the space in the circle - and Jadeite - with white light.

"MoonHealing Escalation!"

Veronica Perenna has posed:
Veronica's lungs gratefully accept that breath she is granted thanks to Chibiusa's intervention, a resentful stare given to Koan when she gets enough presence of mind to, just as much for what she has done to her as the accusation she is giving to Chibiusa.

Taking a few short breaths, she is barely able to get away from the zone of impact as the ice strikes Koan, taking hold of a nearby table, miraculously intact despite everything that has occurred, and slowly hoists herself to her feet, frowning at all the aches that Koan has caused her.

"Hey, we did it", she smiles at Usagi, recalling the concern the blonde girl had over the danger taking on this disguise would cause. She was right, and she wasn't sure if Koan would have made good on her word there, but she is glad that they managed to make things end well, and that counts for everything.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
So much emotion floods through Mamoru as they make that run, including laughter still for a little while, but then it's so much more. A blinding, brilliant, gut-deep hope, protectiveness grown even more fierce, and the recognition the feeling bubbling up as--

Tuxedo Kamen stops in a different alley, somewhere in the city that's utterly unfamiliar, for the three seconds necessary to teleport back to his apartment. Koan is tough and terrifying, and he doesn't want them lead anywhere important.

Family. Family.

She has to be. She is. She has to be. Someone alive who shares his--

There's laughter again as Mamoru sniffs and puts Chibiusa down, dropping his henshin in the living room, still carrying the backpack and first aid kit. It's the crying kind of laugh, but it was such a happy warmth he had as he set her down. "First, that was amazing, Chibiusa-chan," he says, and it's SUCH a big affectionate smile, and he gets down to one knee and shrugs out of all the straps from backpacks and bags, and he holds out his arms and enfolds Chibiusa in the biggest hug.

"Second," he says more quietly, "we have a lot to talk about. But third, that sounded like a really bad fight, so let's put the plastic sheets on the couches, all right?"