1820/Rainbow Unicorn Rescue Attack!

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Rainbow Unicorn Rescue Attack!
Date of Scene: 01 August 2024
Location: Plot Room 1
Synopsis: Hinoiri's rescue is upon the mahou and they have managed to track down the dastardly Songstopper... But... What's this?! Songstopper was sent by... Sunbreaker?! AKA, Hinoiri Kirara?! What could this mean?

It means shame. So much shame.

Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Hinote Kagari, Rashmi Terios, Molly Skyline, Laura La Mer, Usagi Tsukino, Madoka Kaname, Amanda Faust, Takashi Agera

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
It had taken a bit of snooping from the resident detective and his Chara, but the two had managed to find the hotel where Hinoiri was being held captive.

... And it was actually a rather nice hotel. Top floor, room in the very back. The group, had they taken the elevator or stairs, would likely get a few looks. The door itself? A standard key-card door. The light on it currently red, alerting it was bolted locked.

Those who came from outside would see... the curtains were drawn. But there were also bolts on the windows, bars over them. Ones that looked like they had been added recently. Possibly via magic...

And if Hinoiri was held within, they wouldn't truly know until they looked inside... Well. Unless they could sense magic. There was DEFINITELY magic near there. And if they asked any of the housekeeping or maids, whenever they talked about the room they got this distant look in their eyes and seemed unsure if someone was staying there or not.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari knows it was a youma that kidnapped Hinoiri so he's henshined for the big rescue and adjusts his fedora, as one does, for dramatic effect. "It was a dark and stormy night, the damsel-in-distress lay somewhere within the confines of this here flophouse." he says in a gruff voice, eyes hidden by his mask, hidden by his fedora. This makes him EXTRA mysterious right now.


Less gruff voice: "..have no idea what exact room she's in except somewhere up here." he says, less drama filled.

"Any ideas, dollface?" he asks Rashmi.

Look, Tracy is in there somewhere, hamming it up.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Swiftwind is becoming a surprisingly vital part of the early warning system, these days.

With Pulp Noir's sleuthing skills to lead their way, Rashmi had called Molly and Usagi, to let them know the trail had gone hot. When the group entire rocks up to the hotel, Rashmi looks up, and just chuckles at Noir's narration, bobbing a head in answer and seeming to have no issue at all being called 'dollface.'

Setting up a quick telepathic communications net, she clears her mental throat. << Well I know we all shouldn't storm in all at once, just in case... >> Looking up at the building, she thinks it over for a moment, then nods decisively. << Noir-kun, Molly-chan and I take the advance, you guys hang back a little down the hall from us. When the Barrier goes up, that's when the fight's gonna happen anyway so that'll be the signal. Does that sound good to everyone? >>

Molly Skyline has posed:
Molly is standing next to Rashmi while the instructions are going on, in her barrier jacket with Starcrash held close to hand, naturally. When going in to a combat situation, one should be ready for combat, afterall.

And it's been at least a week since Molly's has a proper fight. Well, longer, since she stayed behind from Paris to protect the city and literally nothing happened.

<< Okay, so, as an artillery mage, I should be the last person to volunteer to take point, >> she offers, << But since I also seem to be really good at getting punted through brick walls and not getting all my bones broke, if nobody else is up to poking the nose in first, I'll do it. >>

Said artillery mage rests Starcrash on her shoulder, so the staff's blue, star-shaped crystal is hovering over her left shoulder. She flashes a grin at the person in the fedora, and bobs her head, "We got this, I'm sure."

Laura La Mer has posed:
A kidnapping was a dire matter, and even if she wasn't aware of what this perpetrator youma could do, and she certainly wasn't able to accomplish any considerable feat of magic, but she can't just ignore it either. With things as Tokyo as serious as they are, she doesn't feel she should limit herself to activities of the Witch of Delays. At the very least, she can try to keep the alicorn fairy safe while those with magic fight the one responsible. If she can sneak around.

Arriving on the place, she nods towards the heroes that have gathered. "Hey, everyone", she speaks up before she is brought into Rashmi's mental challenge. <<Huh, this is quite useful. About the kidnapee, I can at best serve as a distraction, but you can count on me. I will use any opportunity to my advantage.>>

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Sailor Moon is standing by on a nearby rooftop - well, sitting by - waiting for everything to start. They'd realized that sending everyone in at once was probably a bad idea, so once Rashmi had spread the word, she'd come along with the others and found a perch.

<<You got it! I'll be on the rooftop, and when I see the barrier start to spread I'll come running. It'd be good to like, blow out a window so I know where you are, just in case no one has time to say anything?>>

Anyone who happens to be passing by will certainly see Sailor Moon just chilling around.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Tiny little creatures often have ways of getting where they're not supposed to. Especially tiny little fairies who are invisible to most.

    Those who can detect magic might sense a particularly dark and grumpy presence snooping around the hotel. It's a little difficult to tell if it's a Witch or a Chara, or if its one being or several, which for those who know her is a tell tale sign that Gretchen is nearby. It's a little hard for her to hide it even within her Labyrinth.

    The tiny Labyrinth portal seems to be snooping around the top floor, wandering here and there, noticing the effects of magic but not really understanding what it is. Eventually the portal widens, and out come not one, but three X-Chara.

    "Any idea what they might be up to in there?" asks Tia, twirling her parasol around.

    "I dunno but I bet it's something dumb," says Gretchen.

    "That would seem to be the established pattern," says Rens, putting her hands into the pocket of her labcoat. Glancing off in the direction of the entrance and lobby, she adds, "Be cautious. There's another Chara nearby. Possibly other magicals, too."

    Gretchen glances off to the side and says, "I feel them. Be ready to bolt at any time."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy smiles and waves to the staff. Clearly they are cosplayers!

    They go up an elevator and then... well, it's just a keycard door. Amy considers it, rubbing her chin. <<You know, when you have access to explosives and know everyone will make up some natural explanation for the damage you do, the issue with locks, doors, and walls' relative toughness really stands out if someone magical is actually trying to keep you out.>>

    She steps back, looking around at the others. <<I mean, if one of you has hacking magic or something go ahead, but like, I think I can just blow through the bolt if we need to.>>

    It's a moment before she thinks to add, <<Although honestly, I guess some if not all of us are probably strong enough to just smash the door down, too.>> She may not have thought to say it until someone's already done it.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon has been... well, if we're honest, he's not been out looking for Hinoiri - since last he'd heard she was abducted by someone calling themselves a worker for the smartest person in Obsidian, which... while obviously not true, since he didn't send the youma, did mean that whoever took her had ties to Obsidian, and he couldn't really be seen going against that. That doesn't mean he hasn't been hoping to run across her and maybe send some Sparklesquaddies to deal with it though. There's still a lot of information in Hinoiri's mind! Even if that mind is currently crammed into a housecat sized horse.

    It's Gretchen's energy signature he's actually tracing; though he doesn't know it belongs to the chara, it's absolutely different; akin to Dark Energy but also distinctly its own thing. It's as he gets closer to the hotel, that other wisps of energy tickle Axion's sensors. Not enough for him to know much of anything except that something magical is going on, but that's also enough for him to start snooping around.

    Unluckily for Hinoiri, the rules of coincidence will probably lead Riventon to her soon at an inopprotune for her time.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
The door, meanwhile, remained unmoving and unyielding, a constant sign that it remained un-blownup.

Within, however, the youma was sitting on the couch, watching television. Alas, despite its many attempts, it could not figure out how to order the super amazing divermatron 9,000 for only 8 easy payments of...

... It couldn't figure out it had to dial a 9 before the outside line. Alas. It would be unordered as such.

The room itself was kind of messy, with food on the table. Old, stale food for the most part... and some hamster food. The youma, a harpy-like creature, was not moving much. Until... it's ears tweaked. And a moment later...

They'd all hear an all-too-familiar shriek of indignant *RAGE!*'


Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Gretchen frowns as she looks down the hall in front of the room. The sparkles were coming closer. They were coming here, she was sure. It was then that she heard some very familiar rage. The X-Witch blinked as she turned to her fellow dark fairies. "Everyone, back in," she orders, and her fellow Chara dive back into the black opal-esque aperture to her Labyrinth. The little portal shrinks, squeezes its way under the door, and then expands inside of the room. The three X-Chara pop back out, and both Gretchen and Tia start focusing on the youma while Rens starts looking around. Gretchen crosses her arms and starts making demands. "Okay, dummy! We want all your toys, all your candy, and all your video games!"

    Tia chimes in, "All of your tea, too!"

    Rens adjusts her tiny glasses and says, "I imagine you aren't quite the type to indulge in scientific journals, so I wont bother asking."

    Gretchen sniffs the air and says, "On second thought maybe we don't want your candy." Tia follows suit and then covers her nose in immediate regret. Now... where did that rage scream come from?

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir had no problem walking around like normal like this. Yes, cosplayer. Maybe. He looks over to Rashmi and says into the telepathy. << You're the boss, doll. >> he says as he hangs back, before drawing his hand into his coat. But he doesn't draw out his gun just yet.

That might be unwise in a place like that.

He's hanging back, down the hallway as Rashmi requests, looking at the others nearby.

<< Be safe. >> he adds, finally. << This'll become a tangle. >>.

Then there's that shriek. << Ow my ears. >> Then he 'ehs?'. << There's charas behind there... >> he says to the group.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
<< Molly-chan Noir and I aren't combat *specialists,* >> Rashmi reminds. << So having one hard hitter with us is just good sense. Also when we open the door, blow out the first window you see for Moon-chan? >>

As the party makes their eventual way to the door, Rashmi blinks sharply, wincing away from the shriek of utter, chromatic raeg.

<< ...Welp, looks like this is the place. >>

Rashmi takes in a deep breath, and holds her hand up to the door, as an intricate seal spreads out beneath her feet.

    << *BONG!* >> << TIME-SPACE BARRIER >>

A bubble of green-black, staticky energy forms in front of her hand, then spreads rapidly outward, shunting the middle third of the hotel and a good chunk of space on either side half a dimension over.

Immediately on the heels of the Barrier locking into place;

    << *BONG!* >> << SOLAR SHIELD -- RED SHIFT >>

A small disc of wavery, barely-contained magical energy forms in front of Rashmi's hand, and immediately collapses, throwing an impact roughly akin to a speeding car at the cheap wood of the doorframe.

If it's magically toughened, it'll be a start. If it's not, well... it'll be overkill, and Molly will probably have a sightline on a window. It's not the real hotel, so who cares about property damage now?

<< Go! Go! Go-- wait what? Charas? >>

Laura La Mer has posed:
<<If we get in that way, let's wait until the Barrier is up. Less chaos as soon this is over>> Laura suggests to Amy. Doesn't anyone else find it a tad exaggerated to jump straight to blowing it up anyway?

Laura covers her hears with a frown when that high pitched shriek of rage. What was up with that fairy? That was one annoying sound. Well, at least if she has the time to be angry, then she is not unwell.

<<Charas? There?>> Laura looks surprised at Pulp Noir. <<Maybe we can get them to open the door from the inside. Less energy spent if it works.>>

Apparently, bombing the door will have to be the way, Laura observes as she keeps a safety distance from the door being attacked.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    The barrier that goes up thwarts Riventon's attempts to trace what he may one day discover are chara, but absolutely confirms something's going on. He's on the outside edge of it when it goes up, and then the sound of the door being removed from this plane of not-existence helps him zero in. He's not hiding his own signature, but he's also not emitting a lot of energy - he just makes his way up a stairwell to see what's going on. If it's just some random feral youma he doesn't need to get involved. If it's Joker, he may need to cheer on the sparkles.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    At the sound of FEATHERED(?) RAGE, Amy acts fast! She's suddenly pointing an overly large-barreled pistol at the lock and blasts it!

    The lock, and anything directly behind it, are in for a bad time.

    So is Amy, who put together a weapon in an instant without thinking the details through and has to deal with more recoil than she expected, smacking herself in the head with the 'gun' and stumbling back against the wall.

    "Whaaa?! Oh. Um, yeah, go go go!" She changes her weapon to a normal (for her) gyrojet pistol and... does *not* rush in first since she's ranged, but she'll follow after the melee attackers!

    ...Are there any melee attackers?

Molly Skyline has posed:
Molly waits while Rashmi is busy working on getting the door open. Well. 'Open' is perhaps a term being used loosely, given the fact that she's blowing it open with magic rather than just, y'know, using hte doorknob, but close enough. Open is open.

"Starcrash, charge one Star Barret," she instructs her staff.

<< ARMED >>

Molly waits until the door is, indeed, good and truly opened, before basically just stepping through the opening and probably making herself the first target, like all good artillery mages do. She levels Starcrash at the window and fires, and as ordered a single barret hits the window and blasts glass out into the street; the barret itself keeps going, eventually slamming into the building across the street and leaving a crater.

"Alright!" Molly turns her head left and right, looking for the Youma (and figuring out stuff like where the doors are and where the walls are at). "Let's do -- this... Rashmi-chan this Youma does not look very big," she comments, out loud instead of using the mental connection. She lifts her free hand to scratch behind her head, "Like, honestly, I feel kind of bad about this, we're all here and it's just not very big."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
A window shatters, a bolt firing through and ultimate cratering a portion of a building nearby, and Sailor Moon is so glad for barrier magic. Really.

Because that would have been super awkward.

The window that was shattered isn't very far, so Sailor Moon hops to her feet, backs up... and runs and LEAPS! SUPER JUUUUUUUMP -

"Sailor Moon Kick!"

She practically flies across the distance, barreling through the window foot first, momentum carrying her forward until she crashes into (and probably destroys) a hotel couch or arm chair.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Gretchen burst in and... and the youma stood there for a moment, a very, very annoyed looking alicorn in his hands. About the size of a large cat. With a very familiar mane. Hinoiri blinked a few times. "Oh buck me..."

And then was YEETED back into the room she had just been trying to escape. "Now, bad Hinoiri, stay on the bed or you'll go BACK in the hamster ball!" the youma warned.

Hinoiri bounced on the bed, hooves pulled into her chest, wings against her back. And blinked a few times. Blink blink. Blink. Well, okay. It was just... Gretchen. Maybe she could bribe them to not tell anyone, then--

And then there was a barrier. Oh double buck her. Well, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. So long as--

BOOM! The room was rocked by a cataclysmic explosion. They could hear a groan of despair from the other room. Okay. Fine. So it was a lot of them. She was fine, though. She knew she was fine. Probably. Maybe... maybe it wasn't anyone who knew her? Maybe--

Sailor Moon kick.

Okay, OKAY! So if she just played dumb, then--

"Ah ha ha ha ha! Finally, you've come! But don't believe for a moment you have won!" the harpy themed youma yelled. "For now, you face Songstopper! The greatest creation of Sunbreaker! If you desire to free Hinoiri Kirara, you must defeat me!"

For a moment, there would be silence. And then they would hear that incredibly frustrated, angry, fury filled and yet oddly sparkly/rainbowy shriek from the other room... and then what sounded, oddly, like a tiny alicorn banging its head on the wall.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Gretchen stares directly at the annoyed alicorn and tilts her head. "Hey, don't I know you from somewhere?"

    As the barrier goes up, the three X-Chara get a little nervous, and then glance at the door. A couple of explosions later, and the three dark fairies are looking past the smoke and shrapnel and at Molly, Rashmi and Amy.

    Gretchen gets grumpy and starts flailing her arms in the air. "I'm not the youma! I just got here!"

    Tia closes her parasol and points at the actual captor, Songstopper. "Your target is over there."

    Then Sailor Moon comes in through a window and the three tiny X-minidokas dart out of the way, diving past the youma so they don't get caught in whatever crossfire this is.

    Which means, after the three of them do a little more infiltration, they end up hovering over the bed that Hinoiri has been confined to. Gretchen crosses her arms and smirks down at the alicorn. "Well, well, well... 'the greatest creation of Hinoiri Kirara', huh?"

    Rens adjusts her glasses and asks, "I don't suppose you would know anything about that, would you? Since you seem to be an alicorn, as Hinoiri was often so insistent upon pointing out, and you seem to have a very similar mane."

    Tia glances at her two sisters and then at the tiny alicorn, then covers her mouth to stifle a giggle. "That uncouth creature out there wouldn't happen to be your doing, would it?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Sailor Moon picks herself up from the wreckage of the chair, dusting herself off. That was... slightly more successful than she expected it to be, honestly? By a certain definition of success.

She's all set to give a heroic speech, halfway to the pose, when Songstopper starts talking, and then she just -

Everyone gets to see the sight of Sailor Moon just giving up. The pose drops. The In The Name of the Moon does not get said.

Instead? Despite being fully in henshin, this is so an Usagi response they get: she reaches up, shoves her hand fully against Songstopper's face, and just shoves the poor youma over.

"Nope." And she just walks to the door where the scream of chromatic rage came from, and kicks the door in.

"HINOIRI, WHAT THE FU- Gretchen-chan?"

There's an audible restructuring going on, as Sailor Moon takes in Gretchen and - two more minidokas - and Hinoiri banging her head against the wall with a packing peanut of all things and -

"Nope. Nope. You three should probably go home. Hope's probably worried about you, since the great Sunbreaker is sending youma around."

She is giving Hinoiri such a look.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Gretchen?! Who are those?!" Amy asks. She's surprised but not suspicious -- she doesn't think Gretchen is behind this, or anything. She does rush in to face songstopper -- leaping through the doorway so that she'll go over where any readied shots that were aimed at center-of-mahou-mass would be aimed -- and.

    Sailor Moon is shoving the bird youma to the side and.

    There is a tiny alicorn. Just like Hinoiri's and Swiftwind's drawings!

    ....Come to think of it, HOW did Swiftwind draw that? With his mouth? ...Not important right now!

    "I didn't realize ponies from your world were so small."

    Then she holds her hand to her chin thoughtfully. "Or I guess from your perspective, humans are so big? But then, with no humans in your world, or ponies of your world in ours, I guess there was no way to know, huh? Are you uh, okay? ...Wait was this youma acting alone, or...?"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
And the Greatest of all of Sunbreaker's Creations just... gets toppled over like a toddler.

It takes a moment for Rashmi to recover from what she just witnessed, and before long she just shakes her head, trying to get some sense of... something... back into her brains. << ...So uh... I, um... think this was... kind of a false alarm? I mean, there's a youma here, but I'm pretty sure if Sailor Moon can just push it over it'll fold like a tower if Noir punches it, once. >>

Eeeeedging into the room, she kneels down next to the youma, holding it down with one hand, and curiously poking at its forehead with the other. "Hey uh... *Why?*"

Because isn't that the *real question here?

Then she lifts her head, and calls out. "Hey so if this thing says it's the greatest of Sunbreaker's creations, can I get some verification here?"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir draws his pistol when the barrier goes up, draws other another one and goes in, AUTOMATICS BLAZING. Tracy is proud of this. This does mean he's shooting up the room with very powerful guns that are actually shooting water. He also...

Misses Songstopper and everyone else entirely as he stops shooting and says.

"Give up, you're made!" he yells.

"Look, didn't Hiniori say she isn't doing this bull anymore? I think you're confused, chief!" he says to Songstopper.

"Oh. so don't punch it?" he asks.

Laura La Mer has posed:
The door was down and Laura follows everyone else in as they rush into the room. "Go, go, go? Do you have a spy or militaristic background?" she wonders. "It fits out situation, though, so a good way to do things", the pinkette tells Rashmi.

That youma... She calls herself Songstopper. "Your heart must be of stone", Laura points to the harpy irritated. "What do you have against music? Songs are something that anyone can appreciate, and doing it with your friends brings even more joy. How dare you try to stop that!?"

She crosses her arms. "And while you are at it, end this farce of kidnapping someone. You don't really have much of a chance", she waves to the other mahou. "They are all really competent, you know?" She is angry at the youma for multiple reasons now, but hopefully her talking does help keeping it distracted.

She would also have lots of questions about the mini triplets being just that, and what seems to have corrupted them, but that's not now.

Molly Skyline has posed:
Molly takes all of this in.

Songstopper is just... like she said, not very big. Also, at this moment, Sunbreaker is tiny. And the youma jsut gets pushed over by Sailor Moon, and while she knows Sailor Moon is powerful and not to be trifled with, that just seems to be far too easy. Like, embarassingly easy. She's honestly sad for the Youma. And it shows on her face.

"Starcrash, uhm... charge another Star Barret, just... just in case," she mumbles, blushing softly as she says it. "Just... I don't know. Make it a quarter normal strength or something."


"Okay, fine, one quarter strength." Molly rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

<< ARMED >>

Molly lets the spell sit ready to go, and returns her attention to Hinoiri, and after a moment she just can't hold it in any longer, and the laugh she's been suppressing is barked out. "...Sorry," she says immediately afterwards, still blushing, "It's just... last time I saw you you set me on fire, but now you look just... so cute. You're like a little unicorn version of a garden gnome or something and it's adorable."

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Just because things are not going poorly enough for Ex-Sunbreaker, in all of this chaos Riventon pokes his head in from around the corner of the door.

    "Herregud!" the boy scientist explains, barely able to keep stifle the laugh long enough to get the foreign exclamation out. "Oh no it makes so much sense now OF COURSE the youma who says it's by the smartest is from YOU... ahahaha and I was worried people would think it was MINE like I'd be that tacky." he says, just kind of letting it all out in one breathless yammer.

    He's giggling and looking around at the assembled sparklesquad. "Don't worry, no worries, I'm not here to fight, haha, I think you've got... you've got this covered." he says, looking around at the magical girl squad with Pulp Noir. "I just... let me get my phone I need to take a video IS THAT A PACKING PEANUT"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara just gave a groan of despair when the charas came in. "Great, and the three stooges arrive first. "Great, and first comes the three stooges."

That's right, she'd been stuck in this hotel room for a few days, she'd watched some very old television. And her voice borderline sparkled. "It is NOT my doing! I put it in STORAGE! I never actually finished it because I realized it would be a BAD IDEA!"

Aaaaand then... Sailor Moon. The little cat-sized alicorn face hoofed. "Just... just destroy the youma... or, honestly, me at this point. I care a little bit less each second I have to spend with it."

Meanwhile, the youma was flailing. "H-hey! You can't just, just push me around! I am the great Songstopper! Created by Sunbreaker, her most fiendish and clever creation!"

"NO YOU'RE NOT!" Hinoiri yelled, once again in a rage. "I TOLD YOU ALREADY, I AM SUNBREAKER!"

"You're not Sunbreaker, Sunbreaker is a unicorn! You're a pegasus!" Songstopper yelled before... getting held down by Rashmi! And flailing!

Right as Hinoiri tried to leap off the bed to charge the youma with a fury and--

The moment her hooves touched the floor, the youma just *disappeared*. Reappearing by her side, scooping her up and giving her a little bop on the nose. "Bad. Bad Hinoiri Kirara. Bad. Stay on your kidnapping mattress or it's back in the hamster ball." He then just dropped her on the mattress and she let out another shriek of indignant fury, burrying her head in the pillow.

"Now, as I was saying! If you wish to rescue Hinoiri Kirara, you must--"

"DON'T YOU DARE!" Hinoiri shrieked.

"-- Defeat me! ... Or, well, wait a week. Sunbreaker set me up to let Hinoiri Kirara go after a week if nobody showed up. I'm not sure why, she seemed reallllllly upset at the time and I haven't seen her since. Do... do any of you know where she is?" The youma pushed its fingers together. "When she was making me she seemed really sad and kept mumbling how nobody would actually come and rescue her if she was kidnapped alone, but then she put me to sleep and then I woke up and did my job. But she hasn't even come to tell me I did a good job or anything."

Hinoiri gave another shriek of shame and fury into the pillow. "It was a *poor decision*!" she yelled. "I was in a foul mood, okay?! I was sad and upset and angry and dark energy does some bad things at that point and so I started to make this and I never finished because I snapped out of ittttt! I don't know how it activated but can you please just finish it off pleeeeeease?"

".... She is a very annoying captive," Songstopped said. "She keeps trying to stab me with her horn and anyone can see she's a pegasus and NOT a unicorn like Sunbreaker."

"I'M AN ALICORN!" Hinoiri shrieked.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
"Silly pegasus, unicorns don't have wings. Pegasi do. Oh. Um, if any of you are hungry there's some food on the table." An old cheeseburger, the hamster food... "I'm not really sure what pegasi eat and she lights herself on fire whenever I try to feed her the little tablet things. I don't know, but I am pretty sure that's not healthy. Also, she barely touches her water."

And then... they might see it. On the side. The hamster water bottle... at least it was big. And only half full. And the hamster ball which... was admittedly VERY big, probably actually made for cats or dogs.

Hinoiri, meanwhile, was burying her face in the pillow and wondering what horrible, terrible things she had done to warrant this. Well. Aside from all those terrible things she'd done. "And what about this looks okay?!" Her face was practically glowing red.

And then Riventon. Her eye twitched. She took a slow, deep breath.

And she leaned down and tried to get the packing peanut off her horn so she could properly stab SOMETHING!

But alas, it was on there snuggly and she lost her balance, toppling forward and onto her back with an indignant shriek, flailing her hooves for a moment. "I take it back. Just end my existence, please."

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Gretchen looks down at the tiny alicorn as her smirk turns into a frown. There might be some point at which the X-Witch gets so infused with darkness that she doesn't feel at least a little bad about kicking someone while they're down, but she's not there yet.

    "You're so inefficient with your energy use," complains Gretchen. "With the same energy you spent making a youma that will annoy team rainbow for about as long as it takes to tell an unfunny 90s joke; I could've made toys, or a new TV, or a roller coaster!"

    Tia interjects, "Or a new tea table!"

    Rens taps a clipboard in her hands with a pen. "Or a new chemistry set, not that it would follow conventional physics."

    Then Sailor Moon barges in and gives her opinion, only to get responded to with a 'harumph' from the fancy fairy and two stuck out tongues from those less dignified.

    "I said you're not my mom!" says Gretchen, before she turns back to Hinoiri. "Funny how things work out, huh? You used to be so mean and tough and you'd always push me around. Well now I'm the Big Scary, and you're the Tiny Sad, and you have to feel bad while I gloat about how much better I am than you!"

    Rens clears her throat and says, "Perhaps we should save the gloating until we're a bit further along in our plans? We aren't quite at 'Big Scary' status yet, relatively speaking."

    Gretchen points at Songstopper while responding to Rens. "Oh yeah? Well I bet I can beat that thing up!" A tiny bow appears in her hands, and she charges a dark arrow with it for a moment or two before firing directly at the monster. The attack carries... quite a bit more force than what a Chara can produce on its own. Even an X-Chara.

    After a moment, Gretchen reconsiders her decision. "Oh shoot, that arrow cost energy... I need that back!" she declares before diving through the air towards Songstopper and, should she manage to grab the bird youma, drain it's energy directly. Rens and Tia join in and suddenly they are all over the youma like a pack of tiny piranhas.

    "Stand and deliver!"

    "Terribly sorry but I need this for science!"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Poor Hinoiri. "No, nooo, we won't destroy you!" Amy says, concerned.

    And then. The harpy babies Hinoiri. Oh dear.

    And then it gets worse. This was... This was clearly a project made by someone who thought no one cared for them and wanted to test if--

    "DUDE!" Amy looks at Hinoiri, dismissing her gun and thrusting her empty hand out at the youma. "I tried to befriend you! I suspected you were from a magical world and didn't care! Why would you--" She holds her other hand to her face. "Right. I guess you were... emotional when you made it. I'm sorry you felt that way."

    And to her credit, she did abandon the project.


    "Is... is that a good thing?" Amy tries to remember. "Wait, how did this thing even recognize your native form? Or, your native form plus wings, anyway."

    Her eyes follow the youma's gaze to the hamster bottle. Oh dear. Amy is suddenly very glad she didn't get kidnapped while she was a doll. Especially if she had also had to ear.

    It is... impossible not to find this a little amusing, but Amy's not bursting out laughing and she also looks sympathetic.

    Seeing her struggle with the packing peanut, Amy strides forward and reaches down to pluck it off. "We're not ending your existence. And you shouldn't be judging your... your natural appearance by our standards."

    Also, chara stuff is happening and those definitely aren't Madoka's charas she's seen before, so they must be the new ones. Amy turns and looks at them. "I'm sorry, wait, are you... Are you actually evil now, Gretchen, or...?" She looks between the three of them, and back at Hinoiri, a bit confused.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"I know I'm not your mom," Sailor Moon calls as the three charas go on a little rampage. "I don't know why you keep saying that! I'm not motherly!! I'm big sisterly at best!"

Hey! Hey!!!

They're not paying attention at all. Riiiiiight... Okay so the youma can teleport! And it goes right to Hinoiri. Right. Well.

"Well, Hinoiri Kirara already should know that when she got kidnapped the last time, I came looking for her and the other victim," there's at least two people here now who weren't there, she doesn't need to be giving up identities!

She's about to pick Hinoiri up, but Amy is on it, so instead she looks at the three charas, noticing now that all three of them have the darker coloring that Gretchen favors over the others she's seen, and -

She takes her cellphone out and snaps a picture of them, then wonders if she has Madoka's number, then... wait! The communicator! These are the gift that keeps on giving!

SAILOR MOON to HOPE BLOSSOM/WITCH: Hey, three of your chara are attacking a youma at a hotel. They were kinda making fun of Hinoiri-chan for getting kidnapped but, I mean, earned? I have a picture!
    SAILOR MOON to HOPE BLOSSOM/WITCH: i told them to go home but they said i'm not their mom ://///

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir says. "Don't let those charas go anywhere, they're persons of interest!" he announces.

He then turns to the youma and puts one of his guns away as he frowns hard and then...

Watches the X-charas swarm the youma and he stops. And he turns to Rashmi and says.

"You know what. I'm okay with that. Maybe I don't need to punch it." he says as he looks over to Molly. "You gonna shoot it?" he asks.

"Maybe knock some sense into it, doll."

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon wants, so badly, to give Hinoiri an 'I told you so' but that would indicate that he was in any way responsible for her current miniequine state and he's not ready to announce that to the world.

    And then the youma is being attacked by a tiny squad of X-Chara he kind of recognizes? "What in the heck is going on here. Did I get stuck in the Dusk Zone again?" he asks as he watches them mob the youma. He's not helping, but really, when does he ever.

    He has his phone out too, and it's not entirely all focused on Hinoiri. "DT would kill me if I didn't get video." he says, when Hinoiri looks up at him. He almost sounds apologetic. Almost.

    "But look, Hinoiri! Look at all of the people who worked so hard to find you. At least you got the answer to the question you made the youma for."

Laura La Mer has posed:
They are offered food... Which she had a lot to be saying about. She isn't sure if she would eat something that unhealthy, and it definitely looked like it had seen better days. "I can't really be surprised at a kidnapper being so lousy", she says flatly, watching the food with the expression of someone who would like nothing more than toss it in the bin.

"I am really glad you don't have a habit of kidnapping mascots, you don't look like you have any qualifications of feeding a fairy. Have you done any research? At all?" she demands. Everyone knows that fairies might need specialty food too, right?

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Waaak!" Rashmi exclaims, as Songstopper just teleports out from under her hand, and just... stares, as the Chara fall upon it like starving pirahna. "Uh... Noir-kun I figured you *were* gonna have to punch it, but uh. Think that's gonna be covered."

And then her face scrunches up, because *Riventon is biting her lines and that means she has to agree with him.* And nobody deserves to have to say 'Riventon is right.'

"...Riventon is right," she says around a sigh. "Also what's up with the mascot cosplay? Did something go really wrong, or really right?"

Look it might actually 8be* her normal form, you don't know.

"Um... Gretchen-chan, other Chara? My friend Molly-chan's about to shoot it, so like... don't be there?"

Molly Skyline has posed:
"Alright everyone MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" Molly shouts, as she adopts a focused combat stance, whirls Starcrash in a wide spinning circle in her hand (no she didn't almost drop it halfway through, really needto practice that just a little more) and brings it to a halt, pointing it right at Songstopper. "You've done far too much evil, and it's time to teach you a lesson." She narrows her eyes. "Starcrash!"

<< READY >>


And a single, fairly small, pearly-white shiny barret issues forth from Starcrash, rocketing straight into Songstopper's face. Like, right in the middle. The middle of his face. But at its low-strength version, it's really just like being punched.

By Jason Momoa. (Wearing brass knuckles.)

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara groaned and wanted to diiiiiie. "Bite me," she told the charas. Which, ironically, likely sounded oddly adorable. "I am NOT the tiny sad! I'm not sad! I am filled with rage! More rage than my body can hold!" It was very much tiny rage. And a bit of tiny sad. "You're not even a big scary to a mouse!"

The youma, meanwhile... was prepared! As the tiny's came at it... "Wait, don't!" Hinoiri yelled. But alas, it was too late... As the three charas would find themselves snatched out of the air and captured... in the hamster ball.

"Ha ha, you think you can defeat me so easily? Now I have... one... two... three... four hostages! Truly Sunbreaker will be so pleased with me!"

"... I've spent the last few days trying to murder him, he is oddly effective at stopping small, cu-- small, magical things..." Hinoiri said, voice filled with sparkly exasperation.

The youma, meanwhile, very gently placed the hamster ball on the table with the hamster food. And once it let it go, the girls would find... they'd be able to escape it again. It seemed whatever it touched became effective at catching things. Fortunately, not all of her rescuers were hamster sized.

"I know, I know," Hinoiri said with a sigh. "I was in a bad place, okay? I just... when they saved Naru, a part of me just thought, you know. I just never had friends before, okay? And I think we've all seen how well I could handle dark energy. But I DID get over it..." she grumbled. "W-wait, careful!" And amy would find... that it had taped the packing peanut to her horn. It took a few tugs.

"Oh no," Hinoiri said.


... And then the griphon plucked a handful of its own feathers and THREW them at Amy.

Hinoiri groaned. "Did I mention I never finished him?"

"And I have researched how to feed fairies!" the youma lied. "I got her a cheeseburger! IT's vegetarian! See?"

"A CHEESE BURGER IS NOT VEGETARIAN!" Hinoiri screamed so hard her voice actually cracked. The rainbow has been cracked. And her eye was twitching.

"There was a uhhhh... I was working on some magical stuff from before my... ummmm... before I gave up dark energy. And there was a feedback loop and *this* happened. I'm fine though, really. AND DON'T YOU DARE! PUT THAT PHONE AWAY, RIVENTON! STOP IT! NO PICTURES! DON'T YOU DARE!" she shrieked indignantly.


"... I really never finished him, I swear," Hinoiri objected as the youma danced. "It really only has one actual finished attack, so long as--" Then paused. "Oh shoot, no no, hit it before--"

And fortunately, Molly hit it! And the youma was FLUNG across the room, hitting a wall and... "Ugh... and now... Hinoiri is rescued... by the power of love... and despite being an unlikeable little prissy brat--"


"Her friends rescued her... I am sorry, Sunbreaker, I have failed you... nooooo..." And then it melted away.

"... Is it possible to die of shame on this world? Because I feel I may..."

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    'Are you actually evil now?'

    Gretchen crosses her arms and grumps at Amy's question. "I'm not evil. I'm just doing things the right way. My way."

    Tia flies next to Gretchen and answers, "We're gonna make a cool place that only cool people can go to, and we're not gonna let any dummies play with us!"

    Rens also joins in, flying next to Gretchen's side, arms crossed. "We're going to make a better world. We just need a few energy donations to make it happen."

    Gretchen then looks at Sailor Moon, aghast. "Did you just...?! Are you for real?"

    Hope's response is immediate.

HOPE BLOSSOM/WITCH to SAILOR MOON: omg she's there?! Don't let her leave!
HOPE BLOSSOM/WITCH to SAILOR MOON: also I'm sorry she's rude I think she's mad but never tells me why ;_;

    Rashmi would get responded to, but Gretchen and her cohort are suddenly being attacked by Songstopper! Rens and Tia flail against the inside of their hamster balls while Gretchen just crosses her arms and starts...


    Gretchen is suddenly radiating darkness, and her eyes are filled with rage. Her tiny body heaves with slow, heavy breathing. Her voice, when speaking, is very, very, Calm.

    "I. Am not. Some tiny little mascot you can push around. I pretended to be that. I tried. I tried so hard because I thought if I just kept my head down and hoped, them everything would turn out fine. It didn't."

    The moment the hamster ball stops being unbreakable, and its defenses start to fade, Gretchen's dark aura explodes, sending shrapnel everywhere. "I am not a mascot. I am a GOD!!" As her voice raises, it begins to squeak, severely undercutting her attempts at being taken seriously. Feeling impotent in her rage, she raises a hand to slay the youma, only to see he's already dead.

    Furious, and out of people to pick on, Gretchen turns to the other two minidokas and zaps their hamster balls. The three of them gather together as the X-Witch opens a portal. Gretchen glowers down at Hinoiri and says, "No matter how many lessons you learn or how good your grades are, you're still a dummy!"

    Then the three of them are gone. Those who can sense the presence of Gretchen's Labyrinth can see it speedily flying away.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Oh, huh, this is stuck on there good..." Amy gently, then firmly, pinches the horn with her other hand and starts to pull the peanut harder--


    Amy aborts her attempt and turns, arms crossed defensively in front of her, from what is surely a storm of feather missiles, or feathers as hard as steel and sharp as glass...!

    Oh those are just regular feathers. "...Huh."

    She turns back around and crouches again to finally finish pulling the peanut off, and then looks at Hinoiri with her arm across her knees, concerned. "Look, it's okay..."

    Man, it is really tempting to pet her.

    Amy stands up. "Right, I see it, that pose makes it look like I'm talking down to a little kid, sorry."

    She stands and turns to see... Gretchen.

    Not evil, just making a better world with a few donations of energy. "Okay, look, I get it, I think, can we just talk for a bit?"

    I am a GOD!!

    "That's not something people in their right mind say! Gretchen! New ones! Come back!"

    But then they're gone.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
    SAILOR MOON to HOPE BLOSSOM/WITCH: She screamed that she was a god and flew away.
    SAILOR MOON to HOPE BLOSSOM/WITCH: sorry madochan, she definitely is mad... if you want to talk later, i'll try and break down everything they all said? one of them is very fancy and one of them is very uh riventon.

Lowering her communicator, Sailor Moon looks around the room... and since Amy won't do it, she does. Namely, she picks up Alicorn Hinoiri and holds her up more to eye level.

"Okay, so, are you trapped like this? Are you good? Do you miss your thumbs?"

This whole thing was. Awkward. And she's going to do her best to plow on as though it wasn't!

"Riventon, do you have any ideas on how this happened? On account of your whole... business partnership?"

Takashi Agera has posed:
    She did, in fact, scream that she was a god. This -also- got a round of laughter from Riventon, but not as hard because he knows X-chara can be legitimately dangerous, unlike the tiny horse there who will be lucky to light a bunson burner.

    "Nope, I have no idea beyond what you guys know." he says, presuming, assuming, and pretending that she meant 'Hinoiri was kidnapped by her own youma' which he did legitimately have nothing to do with. "As far as Obsidian's concerned I'm supposed to be blasting her right now, but since what Obsidian doesn't see won't get me in trouble, I'm not."

    "Aslo frankly I think the company would be hard pressed to put her through anything remotely as bad as what she just went through. I wonder if I could show them this footage and they'd relax." Then he shakes his head. "Probably not, but I mean. Wow."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir 'heys!'. "A god!?" he says as he makes a leap to stop them but they're all gone. Away goes the labyrinth. "Ugh that's gonna be one hell of a debacle happening. Hey Sailor Moon, are you texting Kaname-san about this?" he asks as the gun goes away into the coat. It's done. The day is...

Saved? Better than it was? The Day is now acceptable! Yes, let's go with that last one.

"I think I need a root beer when we're gone here." he says cooly, drawing his fedora down.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"I really want to hear the answer to that, Moon-chan," Rashmi says, finally coming up behind the Senshi, staring at Hinoiri. "...This feels more like 'something went really wrong.' Bu-u-ut, we can talk about it on the way back, and if you're as hangry as I think you are Hinoiri-chan, I'll split a taiyaki with you? You pick the flavor."

There is just so much about this whole day that needs to be walked away from, and root beer and snacks seem like the perfect excuse.

Molly Skyline has posed:
Molly is just kind of... standing there. Watching Songstopper kind of... melt. After she hit it once. With one barret.

At a quarter strength.

The artilley mage looks over her shoulder, then does a slow spin around the room, looking at everyone present, as if someone might give her some answers. Rashmi. Sailor Moon. Riventon. Pulp Noir. Amy. She even looks out the window, after Gretchen and the others who appear to have fled.

"I uhh... that's... the easiest I've ever won a fight," she admits, resting the end of Starcrash's haft on the floor. "And I mean, I'm counting when I was thirteen and punched a boy in the nose, before I got my magic, so uhm... yeah." She shrugs her shoulders lightly. "That was embarassing. I'm kind of embarassed. Hinoiri? I'm sorry. I should have at least used a full strength barret. I feel kind of like I disrespected you. Next time I encounter one of your creations, I'll hit it a lot harder, okay?"

The purplenette looks in Pulp Noir's direction, and shrugs once again. "Well, knocked some sense into it, I guess," she muses. "Hey, Rashmi-Chan. I'll come too? I'm starving."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara glanced to Gretchen. Just... oh wow. Mood, little chara. Mood. Nobody took you seriously when you were like this. Wait, was that what she sounded like when she went mad with... when she went mad? Oof...

"That is not my fault," Hinoiri said firmly. "What? No. I know I'm tiny, I understand having to come down to my level. It--" She gave another indignant squeak as she was lifted up. Back hooves dangling there like an awkwardly held cat. "... Ehhhhh. I'm used to not having thumbs, hooves are nice. The suckiest part is like... getting kidnapped. Also, stuck in traffic. I just want to go back to my dorm room and sleep this off like a bad cram session. My dignity... is shattered, though. So... I guess... that's... par for the course. It sucks being tiny. We are NOT this tiny normally. Being an alicorn would be pretty cool otherwise. Except..." Then she sighed. "I didn't earn it, so it's kind of meaningless. Also, the magic I can do is realllllly kind of pathetic. And I swear if you show ANYONE at Obsidian this, I don't know how, or when."

"But I will end you."

It was not, in any way, ominous. It was more just kind of cute.

"... Though, admittedly, can you either put me down or at least support my legs? This is NOT how you hold a pony."

"... Double chocolate or dark cherry chocolate, please," she said gently. "I'm fine, really. It'll wear off before long. And there's no dark energy on me, either. Aside from this, I've actually gained quite a bit of data... sure, none of it useful, but in the future, who knows? I could summon cakes again! Before I was kidnapped, I could summon jolly ranchers." Pause. "I do not like jolly ranchers. But ummm... just... just get me back to my dorm room and I'll be fine. Really. I'm sure this'll wear off in a few days." Pause. "A month, tops."

And then she face hoofed. "Oh my gosh I swear... Molly, I'm *sorry*, okay? It's like, it was unfinished! It wasn't meant to be a tough fight, it was just supposed to annoy people enough and make you all feel like... you know... it was still somewhat a challenge to see if you'd still rescue me and I was NOT in a good headspace at the time..." She even managed to poke her hooves together. Those were NOT normal horse legs to bend like that.

"... But yeah, this is what I look like normally. Well. I mean. Without the wings. Only Sora had wings."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "She didn't originally have thumbs. Do you miss your squeedlyspooch?" After her flippant remark, though, a more serious thoughtful expression flashes over her face, but she doesn't say whatever it was.

    She glares at Riventon. "Obsidian has caused her enough trouble. They will use the video of her like this to hurt her. If you're her friend, then don't."

    She frowns as some random thought catches in her brain. "Why do you call it footage? You don't remember film. I don't remember film! Well, I've never used movie film, anyway..." Oh wait, shit, don't give weird clues about her identity, villains don't know about that. She's gotten too used to being open!

    She turns back to look at Hinoiri curiously. "Can you sleep this off?" Oh, it will wear off. She nods.

    "If you need a ride, Rashmi has a really big backpack. I do too but I don't have it on me. ...Actually I dunno if she has hers on her either? Maybe it's less of a problem with four legs or... wait, can you fly with those?"

Takashi Agera has posed:
    "I'm gonna avoid having to share Tako with you guys in full henshin, then." Riventon says. "I can rely on you all to get her back to a dorm room. And maybe... grab a stylus or something so she can text me. I don't think hooves work on cell phones." he suggests

    "And please try to not get kidnapped again, I hope you didn't have any more in-stasis youma. If you think of any, let me know." Beyond that Riventon literally just turns around and looks at the barrier, waiting for a moment before remembering he can just Duskport out, which he does.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
HOPE BLOSSOM/WITCH to SAILOR MOON: oh geeze. there's no catching her when she's like that.

HOPE BLOSSOM/WITCH to SAILOR MOON: sure, let's talk about this later. I still have a patrol to finish.

HOPE BLOSSOM/WITCH to SAILOR MOON: thanks for letting me know

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Grab a stylus? Amy holds a finger up in the air and declares triumphantly, "I do have one of those!"

    She pulls it out of her belt pouch. "I brought it since you're..." She gestures, and then holds it out for Hinoiri to take... however it is she takes things.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Everyone is being *so helpful* and *so considerate,* and Rashmi's having trouble not laughing. Finally getting herself under control, the redhead nods... Then just watches Riventon leave, as if waiting for him to be out of earshot before she says or thinks one thing that might encourage him to be like himself, more.

Once satisfied, she clears her throat. "...So taiyaki at the cart by the school-- oh but wow I'm hungry, anyone else want to pick up takoyaki on the way? It's all batter and seafood, so Hinoiri-chan can have, like, one..."

Short jokes are not fair to make around Chrono. They are *absolutely* fair to make around Fairy Hinoiri.

" --and I don't think you've had that yet Molly-chan?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"She's had thumbs for a year! And for the record, I do absolutely miss my glow, a built-in light is very useful," Sailor Moon huffs. At the request for correction, she rolls her eyes a little and puts Hinoiri on her shoulder; either she'd manage a shoulder cat pose or she would be able to fly on those wings.

"You're totally welcome to get takoyaki with us, future brother in law! But - oh he's gone, oh well."

Her communicator buzzes with a new message from Madoka, and she looks over it, nodding to Pulp Noir. "Yeah, I was letting her know that they were here but that they're gone. She's pretty worried about them."

    SAILOR MOON to HOPE BLOSSOM/WITCH: Of course, I'd be worried if Luna was missing, and Gretchen and co are like, parts of you. Don't worry, I'm sure they'll come back!
    SAILOR MOON to HOPE BLOSSOM/WITCH: Good luck on Patrol. I'll show you a picture of tiny fairy Hinoiri too, you need something to laugh at.

"I'm down for takoyaki and taiyaki! It's been a while since I did a snack after fight with everyone."

Molly Skyline has posed:
Molly holds up her hands in the universal 'I'unno' pose, and shrugs her shoulders. "I've only just clued in that when you say 'Taiyaki' and 'Takoyaki' you're referring to different things," she replies. "And honestly, I've never had either, and I have absolutely no clue what they are, so yes I will definitely get a double helping of both and shove the lot of it down my throat, please."

The purplenette pauses, and giggles softly at Hinoiri, "Like, it's okay that it was unfinished, I just... I felt bad about it! Like if you were building a sandcastle and I stomped all over it before you were done, without waiting to see if maybe when finished, it could rebuff the determined assault of a vandalous teenager," she strikes her best villainess pose, "Experiencing hormones for the first time and mad about it." She pantomimes twirling a moustache. "But seriously, don't worry. Next time I will respect your full power, I promise."

Molly looks back and forth between everyone else, and grins in general. "Alright, let's go! Everyone follow Sailor Moon." She ohs, "And, Amy, when I'm out of my barrier jacket, I got new patches on my jacket." She furrows her brow. "Like, my not-barrier jacket jacket. That jacket."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir keeps his fedora down as he thinks. "Yeah some pasty fish sounds good. Yeah let's go to that joint." he says as he looks over to Sailor Moon and gives her a nod. "Good. Yeah she's looking for them. That's gonna be my next case. Since this one is uh."

"Well it's closed." he says curtly as he pulls the brim of his fedora up.

"Come on alicorn. Let's eat." he says, turning to the door.

Laura La Mer has posed:
Well, this whole thread was solved. This Songstopper really was a pushover. And in the end she will never know why it had chosen that name. At least the alicorn fairy is safe now. Laura approaches her now that the whole fight is over, having taken some shell-shaped cookies out.

She had reassured Kururun she was going to have more prepared later and explained what she needed it for, so the seal fairy let her take them. "Hey, these are fairy cookies, from Grand Ocean. These should make you feel batter than whatever that youma was trying to feed you", she offers them to Hinoiri.

"So, the plan is takoyaki now?" she asks, intending to tag along.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times. And picked up the stylus in her magic. "Oh my gosh this will be *so much* more useful. I tried using my phone with my hooves but they are ineffective! And... who doesn't remember film? Like... even my world has films. And I know your world has film theatres. And, wait. No. I am NOT getting stuffed in someone's bag. I am NOT luggage! I..." Then pause, slow, deep breath. "Buck me for having to say this. But... could... somepony please carry me? And not in your bag like abandoned homework?"

However, she was then placed on Moon's shoulder and let out a yelp, almost toppling over, spreading her wings out, standing on her tippy hooves. But remaining up. "O-okay. I think I got it. Yes, I can, technically, fly with these. Not well. But I can do it. But again, really, not well. And... oh. Yes. Just... just chocolate for me. Ponies like myself use a much higher amount of sugar to maintain our magical abilities." Pause. "Oh, one last thing. And... thank you Molly. And, um. Sorry about... sorry about... so much. Of what I did to you."

And then she lifted the hamster ball in her magic.... AND THREW IT AGAINST THE WALL SO HARD IT SHATTERED! "AND BUCK YOU YOU BLEEPING-- Wait, did I just BLEEP?!"

She did, in fact, bleep.

"... So he's definitely not going to punch me again, is he? Because I've been punched by him before and that sucked..."

And then she was offered fairy food! Her horn glowed and she took them, nibbling on one before... "Hmmm... actually... these are pretty good. But, for the record, I am NOT a fairy. I am a proud unicorn of Kirakirafantastica." Pause. "Well, I'm a unicorn. Kind of. Not so proud anymore..."

And then she lost her balance and fell off of moon's shoulder with a squeak. "Moon catch me!"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Well, I thought you'd like being on your own tw- four feet," Sailor Moon says, once Hinoiri says the thing about being carried, and she's wobbling but she seems to be okay, and Luna could manage being up there very well, so she turns a little towards the others, holding still while Hinoiri is offered a cookie -

Oh, that's Laura La Mer, isn't it? Well that's fine! She's a mature princess and Laura is being nicer than she had been with Taro, so it's fine.

"Takoyaki is usually octopus pieces in batter fried in balls. Taiyaki is a fish-shaped pastry stuffed with fillings, like red bean paste or cream or ice cream, even. They're both pretty good and - oh, I got you!"

Hinoiri is, in fact, caught, and now she's just being cradled, legs suppored in both arms, because clearly she cannot be trusted to keep her own balance.

"You did bleep, and you've got baby deer legs, so I'm just gonna keep holding you, okay? Most people will probably think you're a stuffed animal... let's go!"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Taiyaki's the fish-shaped one, takoyaki is these little... kinda like clam cakes but not? And with octopus and stuff instead of clam like the name suggests." She chuckles a little at Molly's villain pose, and nods at the jacket comment.

    Amy beams at Hinoiri's appreciation of the stylus. Her preparations were useful! Yay!

    Film? "Well... like... yeah but nobody I know has ever used a movie film camera... you used like... video... and it's all digital now..."

    Not in your bag like abandoned homework! Amy now worries that her own earlier experience was a little pathetic. "It's not... that bad... she kept books in there to read..."