1916/Mmm Candy!

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Mmm Candy!
Date of Scene: 02 September 2024
Location: Nounamu Sweets
Synopsis: Seiko, Hinote, and Sayaka visit Nounamu Sweets! The conversation turns to magic!
Cast of Characters: Seiko Akai, Hinote Kagari, Chiyo Sakai, Sayaka Miki

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko has had a good rest since the events that transpired the previous night. Hoshi too! The Chara bearer and the chara are in good spirits today and happily exploring the Pikarigaoaka district. Seiko's grandparents live in Mitakihara district and the pinkette just hasn't gotten to explore a lot of the city. So when she happens upon a candy shop, its a bit of a surprise to her. Hoshi flies over and looks through a storefront window before flying back. "Seiko-chan! Lets get some candy!! We did good last night. Not only did we get the X-egg we were after! We helped the other magical people! I think it calls for sweets!"

Seiko smiles and nods to her Chara. She checks her pockets and finds her stash of Yen. Thankfully she gets an allowance for doing chores around her grandparents house. So she has a good bit of Yen on her. Happily she enters the building.

Immediately Seiko is swept away by the different candies. The colors and different smells in the place definitely appeal to her senses. Quietly she walks over to a display counter where she looks at the various wagashi. "Wow! This place is amazing! I don't know where to start!" She comments to Hoshi but makes sure the comment is ambiguous enough to sound like she is just talking to herself.

Hoshi for her part practically has her face plastered against the counter just drooling over the candies. "They look so yummy!" She comments as she just kinda floats where with her eyes all big.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari has closed and updated casefiles. It was time to go relax a little. He'd given out too many lollipops last night and needed to recover his stash, so off he went to Nounamu Sweets.

Today, he's dressed in a white button down shirt with a brown vest, over which a ruddish reddish-brown suit jacket sits buttoned up halfway from the bottom. He's wearing a pair of brown khaki pants and brown dress shoes. Sometimes rich boys are gonna rich.

He walks into the shop and oh, there's Seiko-chan. He looks over to Hoshi and back to Seiko. "Thanks for your help last night, Seiko. We REALLY needed...that kind...of help at the time." he says. Trying to infer Purification.

He walks up to the shop's counter to wait his turn now.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Behind the counter is an older man who was currently working at a table diligently forming and shaping the candies that were on display. Old, worn hands work the soft mochi to pinch, press and shape it into floral designs with just the slightest dab of color to turn it shades of pink, yellow, and green where needed. The only tools he uses are little paint brushes and bits of shaped wood clearly designed for such purposes. It's all done with the speed of hands long ago skilled at this art.

He glances up when Seiko arrives to regard her with a simple nod of greeting, and a quiet grunt. All he says otherwise is, "Customer," aloud to alert the others here that there was someone up front.

Chiyo steps out from behind a half-curtain quickly after that wiping her hands off on a white towel looped through the belt of her apron.

"Welcome!" She greets cheerily only to pause with a flick of her gaze toward Hoshi. A deep breath is drawn, and she makes sure her smile doesn't fade. Charas were always a handful to deal with. Hinote's arrival as well earns a little twitch to her eye in recognition. It was going to be a day.

"Hello again," she greets to Hinote as well before she asks, "How can I help you? If you need any suggestions I'd be happy to make some based on what flavors you might like. There's also some tea if you want to drink with your snacks," she offers.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka had promised Kamiko with some candy if she started acting better with Madoka, so she is here at Nounamo Sweets to buy some for her.

She has come here with Ula, who is sitting on her shoulder, and has been brought up to speed with the events of last night. "That's awesome, I hope Madoka is going to rest better from now on."

When she comes in, she waves at Seiko, Chiyo and Hinote. "Hey, how is it going? Are you all right?"

To Chiyo specifically she asks, "Chiyo-san, could I have a bunch of assorted candies, please?"

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko smiles and nods, "I would love to try something good and tea! Tea sounds really nice right now." She gets out her yen and sets some down. "What do you suggest for someone celebrating a little Something sweet with a fruity flavor would be nice. I like fruits." She comments as she continues to look at all of the candies. "They all look really yummy."

Then there is a familiar face. She turns and gives a smile to Hinote. "Hiya Hinote-san! Its good to see you." A bright smile crosses her face and she gives a polite bow. "You are most welcome. I am glad we could help." Hoshi turns and looks at Hinote looking for his Chara so she could go and hang out with the detective. "So how are you doing today? I just wanted to celebrate a little bit and it was suggested we get some candy. I haven't been to this part of town too often and didn't know this place was here. So I figured I would give it a shot.

Hoshi grins and nods, "It was my idea!" She exclaims before flying back on the hunt for the other Chara.

Seiko recognizes Sayaka from the previous night. "Its going fine. I'm fine, just needed a good rest. How are you doing?"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
At least Hinote isn't here with Tracy today. He seems alone. Even Chara Bearers need breaks from themselves once in a while. Sayaka enters and she gets a wave. He has questions for her, but...now's not the time... place. "Hey, Sayaka-chan." he says.

"Celebrating is good!" he tells Seiko. He looks back to Chiyo. She's smiling, but her eye twitches. "..Alone today!" he says as he tries to waylay Chara fears. "I'm actually curious if you have any more of those Silver Crystal lollipops." he says. "I'm fresh out. And if you don't, I need a new suggestion!" he says.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai relaxes just a little at Hinote's remark only to chuckle quietly. "Okay. No offense, had some bad experiences lately. We had a bunch of... Visitors the other night demanding candy." Her hand lifts to tap a finger to her lips. "Gretchen's doing I think." She knew the chara had gone rogue after all.

With a sidelong glance toward Ojiisan she keeps her voice relatively low, yet easily heard by the group. "Okay, something fruity. We have some mandarin tanghulu," she suggests gesturing to the skewers of fruit slices that were encased in glossy glass-like sugar. "They're fun to eat. Also we have some dango mochi with a yuzu glaze. It's different but seems popular so far."

"And of course," she adds with a grin toward Hinote, "We have the silver crystal lollipops. They seem to have a following," she adds with amusement as she reaches up to the top of the shelf to pull out a jar with numerous of the gem shaped candies wrapped within.

"Hi Sayaka. I'll put together some mixed items for you then," she agrees as she starts to dole out the various candies to Hinote, Seiko, and Sayaka. The softer, fresher candies are on plates so they can enjoy in shop of course.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Unlike Seiko who had seen Sayaka detransform when Madoka freed her from her contract, the bluenette has only ever met Star Shine, but when Seiko answers back to her similarly, she smiles and introduces herself.

"I am Sayaka Miki, Grade 8 at Radiant Heart, and I am doing well, thank you. A happy occasion? What are you celebrating?" she looks at her with interest at the enigmatic joyous occasion.

"Hey, Hinote", Sayaka says. "I didn't know they still make those lollipops. I remember the special event. They were a steal, weren't they?"

Sayaka laughs awkwardly when Gretchen is brought up. "She was here too, huh? Sorry for that, but we told her off, about that and more. And, she goes by Kamiko now", Sayaka mentions, more to bring Chiyo up to speed than it having anything to do with her causing a mess.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Hoshi seems a bit saddened that Tracey isn't around today. But she doesn't let it get her too down. She flies back to Seiko and looks at the different candies again. She isn't making a pest of herself today so that is good. "The mandarine one sounds yummy." Hoshi whispers to Seiko who opens her purse. Hoshi nods and flies into the purse, not wanting to be trouble. "I get some candy for being good, right?" She asks curiously.

Seiko smiles, "I would like to try the Mandarin Tanghulu, The dango Mochi with yuzu glaze and one of the silver crystal lollipops!" She hands over the yen for the order and just smiles. "Nice to meet you by the way. My name is Seiko Akai. I started school not too long ago at Radiant Heart Academy!" She smiles brightly and waits patiently.

Turning her attention to Hinote she smiles to him, "Yes it is! Between the other day and last night, I just wanted to do something to actually celebrate. I mean, It is cause to cheer ya know." She grins.

"A pleasure to meet you Sayaka Miki! I am Seiko Akai Grade 7 at Radiant heart Academy." She blushes a little. "Oh just a little change in life. So much has happened in the past few days that I just wanted to celebrate over it all!" She smiles.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari wilts when Chiyo says the shop was ransacked. "Oh. So that's where all the candy was coming from." he says dryly. "Yeah." he says, lower voice. "There was a whole thing with Gretchen last night. Everyone came home in the end though." he says. "So it shouldn't happen again." he says with a cleansing breath.

"Yeah it is. That was a big deal last night and you helped a lot." he says. "I mostly have been trying to get those eggs and Gretchen home. Just glad it ended that way." he says as he looks to Chiyo. "I'll take half those lollipops." he says to her.

He then looks over to Sayaka. "I'm glad they still make them!" he says.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai hmms knowingly with a nod as the talk of things last night, and Gretchen, and changes in names are filled in. "I'll try to remember that. I haven't run across them msyself in awhile outside of the... incident."

"We managed to stop most of them so I think they may have gotten candy from other places, too. Still there was a lot to clean up after." Thankfully it did seem as if there was still plenty of candy in general here.

When Seiko offers over the money she takes it, and heads to the register to ring things out. What change there is comes back to Seiko along with her plate of tanghulu, the mochi, and the lollipop. "The tea is over there," she explains gesturing to a serve-yourself table near some of the cafe seating. "Feel free."

The other orders are put together while she listens, and adds, "I'm Chiyo Sakai, grade 11 at Radiant Heart. Nice to meet you."

"We'll probably be making the lollipops for quite awhile. They're kind of a joke as well as being tasty and pretty. I'm glad they're so popular," she adds with a chuckle of amusement.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Some candy for being good. Sayaka smirks at that, it really is an effective bribe. She is here for a similar reason after all, though the Chara isn't her. And probably Hoshi hasn't been brainwashing people en masse. "Getting into a new school sounds like a very good reason to celebrate, especially if things are going well. Has your Chara been nice?" she asks Seiko. Hoshi did just talk of things that made it seem the other way.

Sayaka nods as Hinote brings up the purified Chara shouldn't try anything again. Then again, she hasn't lost any of her temper towards Madoka so. "She shouldn't have to, she got what she wanted, and dark energy isn't messing with her anymore", the bluenette agrees.

"That's well deserved, you really did amazingly with it. I haven't seen a promotion going as crazy as yours." She hmms as she considers. "I should also get something for me too. Can I get some chestnut manju? Do you want anything, Ula?"

At Sayaka's question, she floats closer to the counter, observing the products. "Some dangos, please, Chiyo-san?"

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko smiles and accepts her sweet treats. She takes them to a table and sets them down before going over to the tea table. She pours herself a cup of green tea and adds a little sugar to it. With that she takes her tea to her table and sits down.

The pinkette smiles and starts with the tanghulu. Taking a bite, she closes her eyes and lets out an 'MMmmmm'. "Oishi!" She states in a very cheary tone! She takes another bite before she gets a tug at her shirt from her purse. The tug gets her attention and she looks down at Hoshi. "Alright. You win." She lets the Chara take a bite of the tanghulu.

Hoshi's eyes turn into hearts and she lets out an "OISHI!!!" as well sounding like Seiko said it again! She takes another bite before letting Seiko finish it. Seiko just giggles a little over the whole thing.

"When Chiyo mentiones that the shop had been ransacked, Seiko frowns. "Who would do that to such a nice shop!?" Then she hears the familiar name from last night. "Oh. That makes sense strangely." She shakes her head. "I'm sorry that happened. Not all Charas are like that." She comments softly.

"Once purified the eggs should make their way to their respective people. Thats what I noticed the first time anyway." She shrugs. "At least between Sailor Moon, Hope Concept and umm Star Shine... They should have all been purified. I hope anyway. More X-eggs buzzing around could lead to a lot of chaos."

Turning her attention to Sayaka she smiles. "My Chara has been good of late. She kinda got in someone's face a few weeks ago and was trying to see if she could be seen by them. Thankfully she learned from that mistake and has been mostly good."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari whews when Chiyo says it wasn't too bad. "That's good." he says. He looks over to the tanghulu the chara bites and he looks over to Chiyo. "I'll try one of those, too." he says softly.

He looks between Sayaka and Seiko as he looks at Ula. Did... Ulu not disappear when Sayaka broke her contract? How does that work? Is.. Ula... something else? He wonders. More questions he can't ask just now.

He makes his way to the tea as he looks over to Seiko again. "Yeah those X-eggs we're all fixed and went back to their proper owners. There was... well a lot." he says.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"Chetnut Manju and dangos," Chiyo agrees with a solemn nod as she reaches inside the case to grab a bit of each with a pair of tongs. It's offered over to Sayaka as the others start to talk about x-eggs and the like.

"At least it's nothing I have to worry about now. Provided no more try to come here at least. Honestly, I'm a bit surprised how much seems to keep falling at my doorstep given everything."

A little shake of her head comes as she moves around the counter. Hands dust off on her apron absently as she does. "Just try to keep any issues away from here if at all possible. I can't defend things like I used to."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Good they stopped, that sounds really awkward. And eventually they would have done that with someone from Obsidian." Better for everyone that behaviour was cut off as soon as possible.

"Ah, you were there last night too", Sayaka blinks when Seiko starts listing some of the people present. "Moon and Star Shine really came through with the purification. Everyone else was no slouch with holding in the dark energy", she muses before identifying herself. "I am the girl who had the cape and the fortissimo hairpin." After all, it's obvious by Seiko must have recognised Sayaka if she had been there.

Ula peers curiously at Hinote when she feels herself being stared at, but she doesn't make mention of it, keeping any doubts to herself. Instead she looks at her dangos as the sweets are given to Sayaka. "Thank you, Chiyo-san", Sayaka turns over the money for all orders before placing everything in her bag. "I hope your shop stays safe from any incursion, regardless of its potential magic nature", she tells the purple-haired girl.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko blushes and looks at Sayaka. "Yes I was there." She looks down a moment blushing at the comment about Moon and Star Shine. "I remember. I saw you there. I'm really happy for you." She smiles. "I'm umm..." She mutters her name softly, "Star Shine." She blushes not wanting to really blurt out her secret but what difference does it make? Sayaka knows she was there, Chiyo obviously can see charas if she saw Gretchen and Hinote has seen her transform. The only one present who isn't magical is the older gentleman making candy!

She sets down the confectionary and then picks up the mochi. She takes a bite of it and smiles. "This is really good!" She then gives the rest to Hoshi, sharing is caring after all. Finally she comes to the silver crystal lolipop. She gives it a lick and smiles. "This place is fantastic!" She grins! I'm totally coming back here. Your candy is amazing, Chiyo-san!"

Turning her attention back to Hinote, She smiles. "I'm glad they are all back with their people. I would hate to see dreams like that stolen or worse... crushed." She shudders at the thought of someone actually breaking a hearts egg. "That would be terrible."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai flashes a smile at the compliments that are given. A tip of her head toward the older man indicates, "It's mostly Ojiisan's work, but thank you. I did come up with the lollipops though," she admits with a chuckle. Nevermind she knew how to make most of the candy as well. It was still Ojiisan's shop.

Though the older man remains there, he only breifly glances up. Overhearing what a bunch of teenage girls were chatting about wasn't his idea of a good time and the old radio that was on the table beside him playing music quietly likely helped to hide what they were discussing as well.

Chiyo looks back to the store with a sigh. "I've got to finish some work in the back. Please enjoy yourselves!" With that she hurries back behind the half-curtain to return to work.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote looks at Chiyo. "Huh?" he asks. "...did something happen with..." he doesn't complete the sentence, since he doesn't know how 'out in the open' Chiyo was with her powers. "...Message heard. If you need help, I can give you my number." he says. "But I'll try to kite problems away from here then." he says. "If one happens in the area."

He looks over to Seiko and takes a deep breath. "I need to warn you about some things. About famous figures that aren't so actually nice. But soon. For now. Candy." he says as he waggles his eyes brows.

He looks over to Sayaka and says. "Last night was. Something. I'm glad it came to the end it did."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Oh, you are Star Shine, I see", Sayaka comments when the Veil stops concealing Seiko from her. "Good job yesterday. Are you new? I haven't seen you around much." She led herself very well for someone new at the craft.

"Thank you", Sayaka mutters awkwardly serious for a second. "I stuck with it because I thought the worst of Kyubey's treachery was behind me, but I am just not cut out to be a Puella Magi. I don't know if I will find some other way, but I will see what will happen."

"Dreams are really delicate, it's a good thing you were there for them", Sayaka agrees all too well considering the whole thing with Gretchen.

"I see, take care, Chiyo-san, have a nice afternoon", Sayaka waves as the purple-haired girl gets swallowed up by work. Hopefully it's not too heavy.

"Yeah, it really was. I already informed Ula of everything, and it kinda was crazy to narrate", Sayaka replies to Hinote. "We are used to craziness around here!", Ula counters before biting into a dango.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko smiles a little. "Yes I am new. I just transformed the first time the other day and then last night was my first time really finding out what I can do." She blushes a little. "It was kinda cool working together with the others. "I wouldn't have the first idea of what its like to be a puella magi. I've met one of them before and they explained about the white cat rat thing."

She looks at Hinote and nods, "I dunno who is good and who is bad so I dunno. I guess I just look got the best in others." She smiles and takes a lick of her lollipop.

Turning to Chiyo she waves, "Thank you Chiyo-san! I look forward to seeing you again!" She smiles and waves as Chiyo walks back behind the curtain.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari turns to Sayaka. "Yeah. She's new. Information is good to know." he says. "Just. Time and place to share." he says softly as he draws his hands into his pockets.

"I will tell you the company, Easter, is responsible for a lot of X-egg creation and theft." he asides when he's sure the old man working on confections can't hear them.

"So just. Beware of them." he says softly.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"After I got used to it, my soul being in a gem wasn't really that bad a deal", Sayaka considers after taking out her manju. Though, she is vastly understating what it took for her to get there. "But the way our emotions impact our magic, I am not really any good at that. As for Kyubey himself, he really is a rat", Sayaka scowls briefly.

"I doubt anyone is listening in on us, and the noises of a crowd help conceal our discussion. Not to mention, the Veil", Sayaka points out, nodding in the direction of Chiyo's grandpa. "Still being cautious is useful, I wouldn't be surprised if Kyubey is actually listening in on us somewhere out of sight." As a matter of fact, he wasn't, but Sayaka did not know that. "And anyway, he can see I don't have my Soul Gem", the bluenette adds, raising the hand with no ring.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Easter. Did she hear that name before? It is confusing. She knows that one of the pop idols she listens to is a part of Obsidian. She was told about that. "I will keep an eye out and watch out for them." She states to Hinote as she takes the warning to heart. She pauses and puts the two together and has to laugh a little. "Easter. Eggs. Ummm What in the world!" She laughs a little to herself.

"I wonder what would happen if we purified the cat-rat thing?" She hmmmms... "It would be pretty interesting to see don't you think?" She laughs again. "Thats right! You are free of him. You can do whatever you want now. So do you think you are going to become a magical girl again? Like a different type this time? Or are you going to enjoy the civilian life? I can't imagine life without Hoshi-chan now. We rely on each other."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Be careful", Sayaka tells Seiko. "It was someone from Easter who had first corrupted Gretchen. Try to keep a close eye on Hoshi", she warns.

"That would be nice", Sayaka grins slightly on the matter of Kyubey. If there just was a way to make him better... "But no, that's all him, he doesn't have any dark energy in him. As for what I will do from now on..." Sayaka just stares aside at no specific point.

"I don't really know. I had to stop being a Puella for the reasons I said earlier, but I don't know what to do know. I don't even know where to start looking for something like this. Kyubey was always hanging around watching and actively recruiting, but I don't know anyone else like him", Sayaka shrugs.

"If the Fade ends up claiming me, maybe that was the only way." At hearing Sayaka saying that, Ula glares at her. "Don't even joke about that, Sayaka! Why would you think it's ok for you to forget?" The burst from the koi mermaid takes Sayaka aback. "I don't want to, but I don't know what to do about it", she frowns defensively.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko nods slowly. "I am keeping Hoshi-chan close. She's my dream. I am not going to let them corrupt that. I'm going to be a pop idol!" She smiles happily at the thought.

So we can't purify him? Darn. That would have been funny! I don't know a lot about the other types of Magical girl work. I heard that the Rat thing recruits new Puellas. I know that Guardian Charas are born of a strong desire for their dream. But thats about it. Its not like someone just throws you a henshin device and says transform right?" She pauses and looks at a nearby mirror for a moment longer than she normally would.

"That would be horrible. To forget all of this and to live a completely normal life. It would be rather boring. I mean you can't tell me you wouldn't feel like something was missing if you were claimed by the Fade."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Wanting to have people cheer and admire you all around while you shamelessly bask in their praises?", Sayaka teases briefly before actually complimenting it. "I really hope it becomes true, that's a beautiful dream."

"I have no idea how it works either, but I don't think it's like that. Sailor Senshi have been chosen by the planets, I think? And I have no idea what the deal with the Pretty Cures are. I never found out. There seem to be at least two different types. Do you know anything about them?" Sayaka inquires, biting a piece of manju.

"I don't really want to forget, but I can't just keep them without magic. Hope Concept says I have a few weeks until then, but I don't know where to start looking", Sayaka sighs, looking at her hand. It will be hard, saying everybody goodye. Ula lightly taps her cheek. "You will find a way, I know it", she encourages her.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko blushes and looks at Sayaka. She laughs a little bit. "Singing and dancing, enjoying the spotlight. I'm still kinda scared of the spotlight but I'm getting better with it. "Its a journey but I know I can do it. I've seen what happens when I get chara changed. Hoshi says that a chara change shows who I can be. And a transformation is when I use 110% of her power.

She shakes her head. "I've no idea how the Pretty Cure work. Its something you will have to find one and talk to them about it. I've not met any Pretty Cure, to my knowledge anyway. I know that Laura has been looking for Pretty Cure. I could ask her about it." She smiles.

"Then don't let it happen! You are still magical! You will find a way to be a Magical girl again right?" She smiles bright. "You're still awesome!" She sucks on her lollipop again, enjoying the flavor of it. "You've got this!"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Sounds like you are all set", Sayaka smiles. "As long as you keep training, you can do it. Though, I can't really help you with that. I am a pianist, not a singer. I don't know the first thing about singing", she admits. And even then, her focus is classical music. A bit too antiquated for songs, she feels.

Laura? That's another name she hasn't heard of, especially not in relation to Pretty Cures. "I hope she finds them, and that she is a better recruiter than Kyubey. Maybe if we ever meet we will end up talking about it. Do you know what is it she wants in her magical girls?"

Sayaka brings a napkin to her mouth, cleaning a bit of chestnut cream that had ended there. "I don't have any magic right now, but thank you. I still intend to do my best. And I should go do that and also give Kamiko the various candies I'd promised her if she behaved. Chara Guardians, right?" she laughs slightly. "See you around, Seiko and Hoshi!" both her and Ula say as they exit the place.