2278/KKF Donut party!
From Radiant Heart MUSH
KKF Donut party! | |
Date of Scene: | 29 January 2025 |
Location: | The Shed |
Synopsis: | Hinoiri invites everyone who sparkles with not-dark-energy to the shed for a donut party and to let them know about... the time loop. And to not tell those at Obsidian due to the dangers in such. Also, to share some info about Riventon having a hand and whatnot. Unfortunately, the recent loss of Molly hangs over many heads. |
Cast of Characters: | Hinoiri Kirara, Tsubasa Yuunagi, Hinote Kagari, Rashmi Terios, Amanda Faust, Coco Kiumi, Sayaka Miki, Miho Inada, Usagi Tsukino, Chibiusa Tsukino, Koji Silvia |
Tinyplot: | Hinoiri's Endless Loop |
- Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
The shed was setup rather simply. There were tables, some chairs, and a lot of donuts on said tables. The donuts were from a place called Pastry Patty's, a place none of them would recognize most likely.... And they were amazing.
Why? Because they were from Kirakirafantastica, and if there was one thing that ponies knew how to do, it was make an incredible donut. It helped that their ingredients just... didn't work the same as on earth.
Hinoiri was in the shed, standing in front of a whiteboard, a marker in hand and leaning on it...
Already she felt utterly exhausted and she hadn't even DONE anything yet. But well... the time loop had been INCREDIBLY exhausting. News had been filtered out about a meeting/announcement for all of the sparkles, today, and it was just a little bit before the event would start now.
- Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
Tsubasa has been wanting to make other contacts. Yes, he's part of the Air-Sea-Land-keteers of Hotaru, Laura, and himself, but has only made a few contacts outside of that. So when he saw the notice about a meeting in the Shed, his interest was piqued and he slips in through the door, stepping to the side as he notices the boxes of donuts.
But he's not going to be the first one to take one, and the shiness that he feels when he's in his mundane form is shining through as he finds a place to sit where he's not too close, nor too noticable. Wing is the flashy one that would be in the middle of it all. Tsubasa is more... watch the world but only interact if interacted with. It's a hard balance to keep.
There's a little wave to Hinoiri. Where does he know her from...?
Oh. Right. That whole sun thing. He might duck down a fraction of an inch more than his already small size.
- Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari could use a 'freaking distraction' right now. He arrives , brushing brown hair with a hand as he walks in. "Hey." he says, in a low mood but not quite depressed fashion. "I heard there was donuts." he says. "This a get together?" he asks Hinoiri standing in front of a whiteboard.
With Hinote is Tracy, his detective Guardian Chara and El, someone who isn't his chara who has a blindfold on, that he removes when they're inside. He places his hands in his pocket. "Looks like you're about to give a talk." he says
- Rashmi Terios has posed:
Bleary-eyed and looking utterly worked over by emotion, Rashmi slips into the Shed... and for the first time, does not pause to drink in the wonder of a shed that is bigger on the inside *and* has full electricity. Instead, she drifts to the front of the room, and gives Hinoiri a brief, but *tight* hug. "I told you," she murmurs to the other redhead, trying on a smile... but it falls away pretty rapidly, not the best fit for her headspace today. "And thanks, for earlier. It really means a lot."
With one more squeeze, she drifts to the donut table, placing half of one on a small paper plate.
When Hinote enters the room, Rashmi makes her way to his side, nodding blearily. "She is... it's gonna be interesting, too. Time loops are a thing, you'll like it." With that, she finds a seat near the back, where she can -- hopefully -- go unnoticed in favor of the speaker of the day.
- Amanda Faust has posed:
A meeting for everyone? ...Given recent events, that's not exactly surprising.
Like Hinote, Amy's not exactly feeling great, but... Life goes on. She can't just lie in bed all day -- well, perhaps she could, but she's not feeling that awful. Yesterday she... okay she got a note to skip morning classes but eventually she got up and ate and showered and went to school and came back to the dorm and lived.
And there are still small happy things. News of manga updates. Which she reads, not like she can just mope all day. At lunch she passed some boys from anime club crowded around a clip playing on someone's phone and took a curious look... "Wait, Nia gets to fight at the end? I don't remember this!" "Oh yeah no they made the final fight scene way better in the movie. Look at this! It goes so hard, right?!" She watches, wordlessly, the final battle against Anti-Spiral.
As she enters the shed she reflects on that scene. A supernatural battle of wills... fighting with the power of one's soul... She looks at her soul gem ring.
That kind of thing may happen in real life. Perhaps their wills will make a better world...
And something smells good. Amy snaps out of her reverie, going over to hug Rashmi and Hinote and grabbing a donut for herself as well. Nodding at the mention of time loops. "Yeah. I guess time travel is way more common than we thought. By which I mean it's happened like... I'm not even sure how many times."
She takes a bite of the donut and her eyes go wide. "Woah, these are really good!! What place makes these?!"
- Coco Kiumi has posed:
With the notice about an announcement from Hinoiri, Coco's thoughts leaned towards a breakthrough Hinoiri had made for her research. The redhead had made it clear that she was going to expand her range now her music research was mostly over, and that's about the most significant thing she can recall.
The mermaid raises an eyebrow with a small smile when she sees Hinoiri in front of the whiteboard. She has certainly come prepared for this. All they are missing is individual desks. "Hi, Hinoiri", Coco waves at the unicorn, passing by the donuts and helping herself to two of them, before taking a few more after a glance to where Hinote and Rashmi are.
The blonde girl then approaches Hinote, waving at the detective and Rashmi and smiling at Tracy and El. "How is El doing?", Coco asks him, while also passing him a donut or two and doing the same to Rashmi while giving a single one each to the Chara Guardians.
She tries not to appear too concerned about Rashmi's bleary look, since that's not actually the place for it, but she is not doing a very good job at that. Keeping things inside has never been her forte.
- Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara took the hug with a small smile, squeezing Rashmi back just as tightly. "Sorry... I just.... sorry," she said softly. This.... couldn't be easy on her. On any of them.
She then waved to Tsubasa. She wasn't familiar with him, but he seemed nice. Nervous around her, though. She... couldn't be surprised. She likely had a bit of a reputation at this point. Then to Hinote, she nodded. "Yeah. It is, you're welcome to as many as you like."
Then Amy. Well, Amy at least knew wha this was about, but the donuts... "Well... they're from my home. Kirakirafantastica. Portals back up. Well, it was. It'll probably come up again before long."
She gave a smile to her benefactor when Coco came in, waving to her. "Hey, Coco."
Of course, there were likely others, and she tried to greet them where she could, but as more and more entered the time was finally here. "So, uhhhh... I'm sure you'll all curious why I called you here. The answer is fairly simple. About a week ago, I experienced a... well, someone told me to say I was 'Groundhogging'," she said, shaking her head. "But basically, a time loop. Repeating the same day over... and over.... and over. While I don't know exactly how long I was stuck in there, I did spend a... very... very... *incredibly* long time there. I saw a lot of things, learned a lot about people." She glanced to a lot of different people then. "Got a lot of lip from certain others." Mamoru would get a look then.
"But I also learned a lot, about myself. I realized I was doing a lot of things wrong and... I'm... trying to do better, now. Ask for help more. And.... Additionally... I was... well... I recently... had gotten access to a bunch of different magical things, and... stole one, that allowed me to kind of cobble together a henshin device of sorts. I became Equivalence."
"I uhhhh... do realize that... the way I went about it, was wrong. And my attempts to try and do as much as I was, to try and do everything, was only causing more damage. I've returned what I stole, made a lot of apologies and ummmm... learned... a lot, I think."
"... So, uhhh, after repeating the same day a few.... hundred or thousand times... I really didn't want to repeat all of this again. So that's why I hosted this meeting. Also, those donuts are from my home, Kirakirafantastica, help yourself. I got plenty. And that's all, thanks for coming. If... you need to ask anything, now's the time."
- Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari accepts the donut and smiles at Coco. "Thanks." he says. "El's adjusting. I don't think she's used to a lot of things." he offers. I think Utau treats her like darn.
The two charas accept donuts, with gratitude. Tracy is eating his donut and El is looking at it curiously. Maybe... she isn't used to being given snacks by anyone.
He looks to Hinoiri as she explains all that and he opens his mouth and seems to take it all in and process it mentally. As he then shoves a donut into his mouth as he chews and considers.
"What the heck caused you to timeloop?" he asked. "Why? Who the hell is Equivalence." he seems confused.
When the idea of stolen magical items are mentioned he checks his mental inventory. Nope. Tracy still there. He doesn't have any other magical things to steal.
He then asks. "So you we're just waking up the same day again and again? There's like, a movie about that in America. Starring Bill Murray." he says.
"Was it like that?" he wonders.
- Rashmi Terios has posed:
At being handed another donut, Rashmi can't help but smile and nod her thanks to Coco. "Thank you very much," she says... and it's clear she sees the worry in the mermaid's eyes. Closing her eyes for a moment, she simply shakes her head. "Now's definitely not the best time," she murmurs, and settles in to listen to Hinoiri's explanation.
And it *wasn't* much more substantive than when she'd been approached privately, but still it's good to see everything being addressed in the open... Though a part of her worries at the idea of her friend being dogpiled with questions. While listening, she picks at her donut... And really, with Kirakirafantastica donuts being the Magical Platonic Ideal of everything a donut is, was, or ever could be... The urge is *powerful* to stretch out a donut and a half for as long as physically possible.
- Amanda Faust has posed:
Amy stops eating the donut and looks at it and the box, wide-eyed. "Did... did you give Norie-san a supply?"
And then: "Equivalence?! But she-- but you--" Amy holds a hand to her face. "Yeah, okay, we probably already had this conversation. And... like you said, you're trying to be better now." She seems to accept that as enough said about any issues she had with Equivalence.
Any questions? Nothing important you didn't already tell me, she thinks, but after a few moments of thought as others ask things.
"So how many loops did it take before you just started trying to speedrun the day without talking to anyone you didn't have to because you'd already heard what they say? You... already know I think I'd be unable to pretend things were normal by loop 3, but I didn't get to remember your answer."
What caused her to timeloop? Amy stands up straighter and points at Hinote. "Okay yeah that's a way better question did you ever figure it out?!"
- Coco Kiumi has posed:
A time loop. Not unheard of to Coco as far as magic goes, though the movie reference flies over her head. She isn't giving it much thought either, though. She has never heard of one as long lasting as Hinoiri, and the yellow mermaid looks at her long, but Hinoiri looks overall ok to her.
"Go ahead and eat it, it's fine, you will like it", Coco warmly encourages El after Hinote's explanation and the Chara's hesitation. Though she doesn't know how much that's going to be true.
If Hinoiri had come to her, during one of the many loops she is saying she has had, then Coco must have told her about Sara, as much as she doesn't think she could have been able to cause it. But with dark energy in the mix, who is to say?
From what she know, Gaito certainly has all the reasons to take action against Hinoiri. She doesn't share her thoughts for now, waiting for the answer to Hinote's question.
A tilt comes from Coco when she admits to have stolen for the purpose of having magic again, though she doesn't show anything more than that. Coco had told Hinoiri that she would have gotten things wrong the first times, and that it would have come with owning up to the things she had done.
Her admitting it, especially when noone even remembered a lot of things that brought her to this decision, is a great moment for the unicorn.
- Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
Tsubasa is pretty lost, admittedly. He's listening to everything, but for now, he's trying to just parse it all. For someone that hasn't been as exposed as others to everything, the young Precure reaches for a donut to pull it in to munch on. When he does, his eyes light up and his little cheeks pudge with fullness as the sparkles light up around him. "Mmmmmm." he murmurs blissfully.
"Is KiraKiraFantastical like Sky Island then?" he asks. Another bite. Savor, savor. Swallow. "...like a land that isn't exactly attached to Earth but can be accessed? And that's where you're from? Is that why you were having the continual loops?"
With everyone else asking much better questions than him, though, he busies himself with chipmunking the rest of the donut.
- Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara took a slow, lingering breath. Trying to answer the questions in order. "As for what caused the time loop, it was another sparkle's attempts to... fix something of mine that was better left broken. I can't give more than that, for their safety. But they know what happened and it won't happen again. I'm not even entirely sure *why* it caused that, but I'm not at liberty to say who it was. It's really better that nobody knows that something like that could happen and the thing of mine that caused it when mixed with her magic was disposed of, back home. And... no idea, on that movie. I watched Steins Gate with Amy a lot, so... that's sort of like it?" she said with a shrug. "I don't watch many movies, sorry."
She then glanced to Amy and nodded. "Boxes of them. Riventon is working with her to see if he can find a cure using them since, well... they have.... a huge impact on her. I don't know how successful it'll be, but fingers crossed. Heh."
As for the speedrunning? "Ummmm... I honestly... didn't... do much of that. Or tried not to. At least until... people... died..." Hinoiri mumbled, her arms crossed and glancing away. "... That didn't happen in the end, though."
Finally, she glanced to Tsubasa. "Yeah, something like that. Another world with dragons, ponies, griffons, all kinds of things. No humans, though. I'm a unicorn from there. The portal opens at random intervals, so it's not an exact science in returning."
"And... uhhhh... I learned... personal things, from some of you. And some of you also... well... asked to do things, in the loops, to know the consequences of them. I also learned some things... like... the fact Riventon has one of Sayaka's *arms*. I don't know *why* or even *how*, but he has one and... I'm... very doubtful that's a good thing."
- Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari eats his donut. Tracy eats his donut as he pulls the brim of his Fedora in thought. El finally eats the donut gratefully. She seems to enjoy it! Hinote Kagari however seems thoughtful, but then the final question comes into view.
'Why the hell does Riventon have Sayaka's Arm!?' he thinks. Finishing his donut. He can't ask Hinoiri why he has it, she already said she doesn't know why. So he considers opening 'The Case of the Missing Arm!' as he grabs another donut.
"I don't think any good is gonna come of him having the arm, either." he says. "Considering he's a jerk scientist by all appearances" he says. "Probably all sorts of mad science done to it already." He offers.
Tracy narrows his eyes at Hinote. Hinote narrows his eyes back at him. "M--mystery!?" goes Tracy. "Please, no---"
"Chara Change and figure out the mystery of the missing arm...!" says Tracy. A fedora magically appearing on Hinote's head as he tackles the white board Hinoiri was near and starts drawing shapes and things on and lines between boxes and and and---
- Amanda Faust has posed:
It happened because of another sparkle and magical interaction which shouldn't be repeated. And Hinoiri disposing of the item in KKF is why she had the chance to get donuts... and now Norie and Riventon have a supply to work with. Amy smiles at that news.
Hinoiri didn't do that. Interesting! Until people died. Amy just nods solemnly. If... if Amy'd looped, Monday, the only thing on her mind would be making sure none of them die.
She has at least some thought of what it might be like to repeat time over and over desperately trying to stop someone from dying, due to the aforementioned anime. She rewatched it like a year ago after Mado revealed there were multiple timelines. Maybe she should check out the spinoff series...?
She looks away awkwardly, blushing slightly at the mention of learning personal things. And nods at the comment about trying things. She heard the results and has started inconsistantly coming out to a few normies but hasn't just like, told the entire school.
She tries not to think of the parents who don't think much about their kid anymore. That's... probably for the best. God, what will they tell Molly's parents? Amy shakes her head a little. Think about that later.
Amy is a bit startled at Hinote's outburst... oh right, maybe he doesn't know. "Just to be clear, when she was a Puella Magi, she could regenerate better than any of us. I did see her lose her arm once to that wicker-doll-monster at the haunted abandoned doll shop. She grew it back. ...So it's probably from around then. ...The magical possibilities of having of piece of someone are certainly concerning, though..."
- Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka has been enjoying that sensation of happiness quietly while Hinoiri went over what she'd experienced, most of them things she'd already been told together with Rashmi and Usagi, so she didn't have much reason to comment.
The news about a magical girl trying to repair an artifact of her home definitely raised questions, but that was exactly what Hinoiri wasn't comfortable divulging, so she kept quiet there too.
When Hinoiri brings up her arm and where it is, her face scrunches by reflex, and the bluenette almost seems like she is choking on the donut before finally swallowing and starting to cough. "Sorry, one moment", she says with a hoarse voice and tears in her eyes while Ula places a hand on her shoulder, breathing roughly for a few more seconds.
She remembers fully the only instance she has ever lost an arm, and it's not something she looks back to fondly. "We were fighting for a Witch", Sayaka mumbles. "Me, Riventon, Mami, Rashmi, Norie and a few others." She does stare confused at Amy for a second, before shrugging slightly and going ahead.
"At times it was more of a quarrel than a fight for the Witch, and things happened, and I left the arm there at first when it was regenerated. When I came back there later, it was gone, so Riventon must have taken it. He also gave me his business card then", Sayaka adds. There is certainly a lot she is glossing over unless pressed.
Hinoiri may recall how she later used it to get the unicorn out of the dusk zone when she had escaped there after she set her own dorm room on fire during what Sayaka now suspects was a quarrel with Double Trouble. Riventon had never cashed in on the favour Sayaka owes him for that, though.
- Rashmi Terios has posed:
...Ah. So Riventon had actually *kept* the arm. ...Rashmi's cheeks color slightly, as that particular fight happened to be one of the most humiliating moments of her short, violent career as a magical warrior.
And, like Amy, she spends a good deal of mental bandwidth trying not to think about what would happen if *her* time-loop was Monday. How long she'd spend gaming out the encounter until it ended differently.
If such efforts even had a chance of succeeding.
Tears stand out in Rashmi's eyes, and she reapplies herself to her donut. It may not be medicine, but it does help lighten the crush of her dark, grieving mood. Enough, at least, to smile in genuine amusement at Hinote's Chara-changed antics.
And with that in mind, she raises her hand. "Hinoiri-chan... I know it was a lot, and repeating the same day every day for who knows how long was horrible, but... Were there good moments? Just like... stuff you can remember, that made the whole mess easier to bear?"
- Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a nod. "I don't either, honestly. Him having... well... anyone's arm is likely something that's not good. But I'm not really sure what to do about it. I kind of realized I needed to like... discuss this today, too. Because it kept getting forgot by me and... the loops were very, very, very mentally intensive," she said grudgingly. "Sorry I uhhhh.... didn't really bring this up earlier. I was hopeful Riventon would just... turn it over to me, but welllll..."
And Sayaka almost choked. Okay, so maybe she should have referenced that earlier. Her bad.
Then Rashmi's question made her nod. "Oh. Yeah. Honestly? All of you people. I uhhhh... I made a lot of mistakes. But... I kind of... started to fell apart. I did what I thought was a perfect loop. Fought off the witch, the youmas, everything. Did it all by myself... and it did nothing. I... was still stuck there. No out. I was going mad. So... I reached out for help. And... well... I think... I think the thing that made it bearable is that, when... I really needed it, when I kind of accepted that I... couldn't... do it alone? I wasn't alone. There were a lot of people who had my back and... didn't leave me to suffer alone. That's what made it the most bearable. Despite everything I'd done, I had people who trusted and helped me."
- Hinote Kagari has posed:
"What brought you out of the loops, dollface!?" asks Hinote speaking like amix of a New Yorker and from Detroit from a 1940's Noir movie. It's the chara-change. Tracy cheers Hinote on nearby as El processes this. She finally says. "OHHHH His chara-change trigger must be 'Mystery', isn't it?" she asks turning to the room. "Interesting.."
Hinote Kagari suddenly steps away from the board. The first square says 'Science!' and the second square says 'More Science!' and each one has a tiny picture of Chibi-Riventon with Sayaka's arm in a glass tube. He has a clip board. The final Square?.
"Science! MORE Science and suddenly, dollfaces, we're beset by a GIANT HAND MONSTER!". The last square has Chibi-Riventon cackling. "I got to really HAND it to you sparkledorks!" he says in the panel with a giant hand attack Tokyo!
Then the fedora disappears. And then Hinote slacks his arms to his side. "Okay. What'd I do?" he asks. He looks to the whiteboard. "You know what I don't wanna know." he says storming back to the donut table and giving Tracy the sideye.
- Amanda Faust has posed:
Amy blinks at Sayaka and furrows her brow. "Wait, that was when?" Sayaka cannot be wrong about when Sayaka lost an arm, obviously, so Amy must be. She's remembered things wrong before... "I... guess I'm remembering wrong, sorry..."
Amy thinks back to the candyland Witch, and the friends who happened to be there to help her. Youmas? "Wait, there were youmas attacking that day too? Geeze... Did... did I figure out you were looping, when you just, soloed the Witch...?" (She absolutely did suspect time shenanigans of some sort.) Amy tries to imagine what that would have looked like, Equivalence showing up that day and fighting the Witch like a soulslike speedrunner. She shakes her head. "Sorry, I guess that's not important."
She smiles. "We've-- I guess you already heard this but we've been trying to help you for a long time, and I'm glad you finally got to... to feel that. To understand that. Like... Like finally understanding that I deserve a future..." That last part is new, unless Hinoiri had a discussion about that issue in one of the loops. She walks up to give Hinoiri a hug.
Amy turns and stares at the whiteboard and Hinote's drawings, and then smiles and laughs, genuinely amused.
- Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco fidges nervously that bluenette starts choking, and listens awkwardly at the explanation of how Riventon got to own an arm. That certainly didn't bide well. All the more so due to the insane regeneration that girl has.
At least now she knows that Sara wasn't involved in Hinoiri's time loop, and that's a weight off her back. If she were able to do something like that, Coco wouldn't be sure how to get around something like that. "Is there anything I should know with regards to me?", she asks still, not wanting to overlook something.
"I am glad you decided to ask for help", Coco smiles with a radiance that you'd think she accidentally created a Live Stage somehow. Hopefully Coco had pointed Hinoiri to Noel then, but the important thing is she is out of that timeloop and is now letting go of the need to overachieve.
It's in the span of a few seconds afterwards that she gets up from her chair and gives Hinoiri a hug for that, giving her a warm and heartfelt "congratulations" at the same time.
- Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara stared at the drawing by Hinote's... chara... and just... she had... wow. There were... no words.
He wasn't wrong, though.
Sure, it was... deranged, mad, wild...
But he wasn't WRONG.
"... Yeah, probably something like that."
Then she glanced to Amy. "Yeah, a few times. A few people realized something was up, at least. I was a bit... wild... during those loops." However, Amy's reaction? That made her blink and then she smiled, giving the girl a hug back. "Yes. Yes you do."
She then gave Coco a hug back too! "Yeah, you and I had a few talks, too. I uhhh... confirmed your belief about the key and whatnot. It wasn't Sara behind anything, you showed me quite a bit. It was... nice. Really, really nice. So thanks."
- Amanda Faust has posed:
Riventon has Sayaka's arm... Amy is picturing a certain page from The Witch's Servant and the Demon Lord's Horns, amused at the thought of Sayaka's arm being at last a minor annoyance to Riventon and his pals, although it probably doesn't work that way...
Hinoiri saying she got wild just gets an understanding shrug from Amy -- she knows Amy has seen a story about what it's like to loop through time trying to save someone again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again, so she's certainly not going to judge or find it odd that such a situation might do things to a person.
She smiles at the hug back, noting quietly, "Rashmi helped me see that. And maybe you did too, even if I don't remember it."
Coco asks if any timeloop stuff pertains to her, and Amy, ever curious, cannot help but wonder what things she might hear. Obviously Hinoiri talked to many of them in private, but there yet may also be... well, fascinating things to hear from other timelines. Who knows!
- Miho Inada has posed:
Well its been a long day for Miho, with classes and club practices. The mahou finished with her practice, showered, and then headed to the Shed. She's been taking time to go there, and practice with her snow animals a bit. Especially since its away from the school, and considered a safe practice area.
As Miho appoarches the area, she henshins into Yukihime. The mahou takes a deep breath before blowing snow out of her hand. The snow condenses into the form of a bunny. It sits up on its hind legs, and looks around. Yukihime's eyes glow a little as does the bunny's. It takes off running towards the Shed.
The bunny hops over towards the group before pausing. There's a second where the bunny blinks a little bit. It looks confused before it starts to hop over. The bunny stops in front, and nose twitches while it sits there looking innocent. For now, the bunny just sits there, watching...
- Coco Kiumi has posed:
"I am glad", Coco smiles, stepping back from her position. That does sound like something she would have done. That probably included at least one karaoke session since both of them are peculiar about singing.
Maybe Hinoiri had even visited her kingdom. She was overdue for a sight of the seas that wasn't as gloomy as Gaito's palace. Maybe a walk to the Gardens. Maybe beach volleyball. Tokyo certainly didn't lack ways to have fun.
Touching the Sealing Key at her neck, it's good to finally put that mystery to rest, she thinks. She is going to have to tell Noel the two of them are going to ambush Caren lately. Now she really doesn't have any reason to keep quiet.
"These donuts are really good", the yellow mermaid says instead, melting after that first bite. She had never tasted something this special even in her own kingdom, and she knows a lot of recipes from there.
- Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Usagi's been quietly lurking in the Shed this whole time, but as Coco compliments the donuts, she reaches out to take another - maybe it's her third. Or fourth. Don't worry about it!
"They're amazing," she agrees, "And thanks for bringing them, Hinoiri-chan."
There's no need to mention that she'd helped, not when it was a secret that she knew where the portal was.
"I'm glad you're done with that timeloop nonsense - and I'm... guessing that's how you got so good at that new Rivals game?"
It's a minor mystery solved, but some of the usual energy in her voice is gone. Small wonders, with the recent loss to their numbers.
- Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari looks over to Tracy and crosses his arms. El looks over between the two of them. Then his eyes look to the bunny that entered into the shed. Hinote blinks and leans down to it and pets. "Hi little guy, you lost?" he asks.
Hinote then looks back up and nods. "The donuts are pretty great." he says. "Donuts from another world, must be made with something special..." he considers. Hinote Kagari considers.
At least it isn't turning into a mystery.
- Rashmi Terios has posed:
With more people coming in, and Hinote's 4koma being judged more or less accurate to likely real events, rashmi looks down at her plate... And over half a donut remains. Part of it from picking at it like a bird, to keep the happy feelings stretching as far as possible, but part of it is... she just isn't hungry at the moment.
Sighing quietly, she picks up her plate, and walks to Usagi, dropping into a chair next to the blonde, and offering her remaining half over.
"Given the place of origin, Hinote-kun, probably part of it is there's just magic soaked into *everything,* even the flour that makes the donuts. It's wild just to think about."
- Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
"Yeah, the donuts from home really are unique. A lot of the food tastes different there, though. I imagine Rashmi-chan has the right of it. Everything there is magic. There's also like... genetic divergent amongst our food, due to how it is grown. We may have 'cabbage', but our corn is different from this world's cabbage, as it were."
"And oh yes. Rivals. That game... I have played it so, so much. I spent a few days playing that... then like, fifty loops in the arcade. Games are fun and all but I don't think I ever want to play another as long as I live. Cause... Sweet Sora... I could taste the pixels, I swear. Three jumps, pivot 10 degrees south, partial jump, throw, block, unleash ultimate, double dash..."
"... Wait, what was I saying?"
- Miho Inada has posed:
The bunny seems have an odd aura that Hinote would feel when he touchs the bunny. That and its cold. It hops over to Rashmi, and looks at her a moment. It stands on its hind legs, watching Rashmi a long moment. It gives Rashmi a small ankle hug, and that calm aura seems to flow for a second before hopping back to Hinote.
After a second or two, the bunny nose twitches. "Is there any more doughnuts left?", the bunny asks with...Miho's voice. The bunny melts as the magic is spent. Standing at the door is Yukihime. She takes a moment to breathe out as she closes her eyes. Yukihime opens her eyes, and her sight's returned. "Sorry, I thought nobody would be here so I could practice this spell a bit more.", she admits.
Yukihime moves over to Hinote, and gives him a quick hug and cheek kiss. "Hey Hino-kun.", she says before hugging his arm a little bit. She's a bit...cold. Snow maiden. "I probably shouldn't use this spell here. My apologies.", she says.
- Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Rivals? What type of game it is?" Coco inquires to Usagi. Admittedly she is not the most active Arcade goer. You could tell her people from another timeline had visited and she would believe it. Usagi was definitely more passionate about it than her. Thinking back to the twintailed girl's streams, Coco did recall she did quite well there.
"KiraKiraFantastica must be really special. Magic at home is limited to cooking itself, we don't actually have it as part of the food." They are clearly missing a lot, with these results. She gives a stare at the overabundance of boxes. "I don't think they are particularly hard to prepare either in your world. Is that right, Hinoiri?"
"Your bunny looks really soft, I don't think it's actually a problem", Coco tells Miho. "We have been hogging the Shed, but we are already done."
- Hinote Kagari has posed:
Oh it's Miho. Well. Yukihime. "Yukihime~" he says. He smiles and returns the cheekkiss and lets Miho hug his arm. This is the first time he's smiled since, well. Molly. He isn't gonna wax on that right now. Does Hinoiri even know?
He's sure that if it's important, Rashmi has the right to bring it up. She was her closer friend after all.
"Have a donut. There's some left. We've been resisting the urge to stuff them all into our mouths." he then motions over to the tiny angel chara. "This is El. A Guardian Chara, who I'm doing some casework with, since her owner is involved in a dangerous mess." he says.
El floats over. "Hello!" says the Angel Fairy. With another donut in it's hands. Tracy also has one floating over near the whiteboard, nodding at it. His best work!
- Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara glanced towards Yukihime and nodded. "Help yourself. Just uhhhh... explaining the time loop thing."
Then she glanced back to Coco. "Hmmm? I mean... I've never been able to make anything like these. They're probably about as hard to make in this world, just Pastry Patty's cutie mark is for them, it's kind of like... her destiny. To make donuts and whatever. But the ingredients there are top notch. I just... ordered a lot. So, so many of them."
"But, ummm... to summarize... I was stuck in a timeloop forever, met and talked with a lot of people, Riventon has Sayaka's arm from... ages ago and is likely going to do something headache inducing with it if he's ever not overworked, I went home, got a lot of donuts, came back here and... yeah." She glanced to Rashmi. "If anyone wants to take some more donuts home with them? Go ahead. I got a lot for this reason."
- Amanda Faust has posed:
Amy blinks at Hinoiri talking about videogames. "Fifty loops? ...I'm glad you got a break and a chance to relax, some." Which calls back to all the times Amy suggested Hinoiri -- after a lot of loops -- relax, take a break, take some time for herself, etc.
She wouldn't have thought Hinoiri would find that break in gaming but life is full of surprises. "I haven't gotten into Rivals, but I used to main D.Va sometimes." She looks to Coco. "It's a character shooter, where players on two teams pick characters with specific abilities and each team has to compete to accomplish objectives.
There is a bunny. Talking. Amy stares at it. "Oh 'that's a neat trick. I kinda wish I could puppet some kind of drone bodies to do that." Amy folds her arms. "Although, come to think of it, we haven't tried replicating my doll shape and seeing if my soul gem would recognize it..." That's a totally normal thing to think about.
Amy looks back to Hinoiri as folks talk about how magical KKF is. "I'd love to see it some day."
- Miho Inada has posed:
Yukihime nods her head a bit as she changes back into Miho. The young woman takes a moment to compose herself. "Thank you.", she comments. She gets a doughnut, and goes back to Hinote as she nods to El.
"A pleasure, Miss El.", Miho says. She offers a nod. The young Mahou looks at Hinote a moment. "Don't do anything dangerious. At least not without back up, or support of some kind.", she says.
The woman looks to Amy a moment. "I don't know if its...droning or puppeting. I just enchant some of my snow to perform a simple task, but I keep a connection to it. Like I can use my senses through it, but...", the woman tells. She rubs her forehead. "I had a few...accidents while trying to move with the spell. And...when I touch others with the spell, I feel like I'm draining a little bit.", she admits.
Miho takes a bite of the doughnut before squeaking. Yeah, Miho and sweets! She melts a bit into Hinote's side. "Ok, this is insanely good. I'll have to stay away, or I'm gonna eat them all. And Time Loop? Like the 'All You Need Is Kill' loop?", she asks. Miho looks to Coco. "Oh, she was made of snow and magic. I can do other animals, but bunnies are my favorite."
- Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
From within the cubbies, a tiny shuffling noise is made. Luna-P rolls out and starts floating around the room. She's not doing much except floating around and spinning through the air.
At the opposite side of the Shed, a careful observer might notice two pink spiky hair buns hiding behind the various desks in the room, sneaking their way towards the donuts. Someone who looks might realize that Chibiusa is actually just standing at her full height and isn't like... squatting or crouch walking or anything.
She looks over her shoulder to see if she's been spotted, and then she bolts towards the donuts.
- Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari dodges some awkwardness- for now- but will explain to Miho later that El is his Ex's Guardian Chara. He relaxes and smiles as Miho melts into his side. His eyes then catch movement. Did something just come from a cubbie and start spinning around the room? He frowns.
He asks Miho. "Was that when you teleported into---" he pauses before he says 'my room' and coughs. "Where I was?" he asks. Cough cough maybe he's choking on donuts.
THEN SUDDENLY, movement from a cubbie!? A shuffling sound? "Alright, what is that?" he asks with a frown as he looks to Tracy and looks back to the spinning object.
He's too busy with that to notice Chibiusa at all behind them. Does he..he need to transform is this an intruder?
- Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco frowns slightly at how Hinote explains Utau's situation. She gets why he did that, just she can't help but feel bad for how El was essentially abandoned. At the very least the Angel Chara is in good hands right now. And has discovered the joy of donuts.
Even if... Probably introducing donuts with the ones from KKF wasn't the best idea. The normal ones will never be able to live up to that level. What will El think once these are gone?
"A... destiny?", Coco blinks, staring surprised at Hinoiri. Not because of any disbelief, just thinking of how it would feel, getting assigned a destiny. "Do people like that? Having your fate chosen for you?"
Coco reserves Chibiusa a smile when she spots the pinkette. "No need to sneak about, they are for everyone. What's your name?"
The mermaid nods to Amy. "I guess that checks out with the name. Very intuitive", she says simply.
- Rashmi Terios has posed:
The emergence of spiky pink odango catches Rashmi's eye, and despite herself she can't help but smile. She knows that hair, and with a glance at Usagi and a raised eyebrow, she slips out of her chair... right as Chibiusa bolts for the donuts.
However, she doesn't scramble to block, simply approaches to a respectful distance, then crouches down to put herself at eye level. "That," she says to Hinote with a chuckle, "is for Usa-chan to explain. Hello again, Chibiusa," she says gently, smiling through the sadness that is very evident on her face. "It's good to meet you properly! D'you mind if I have one more donut, please?"
And she is in fact not making a single move to bully past Chibiusa or restrain her from the donuts. Rashmi has had hers, and her seconds can wait.
- Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
"Maybe in the future you can come with me," Hinoiri told Amy. She, admittedly, was still nervous about letting others know where it was. Especially... more people. But, honestly, Amy was probably on the list of people she could consider bringing. "... Uhhhhh... I have no idea," she said to Miho. "Never... heard of that?"
Then... Luna-P! Huh. That meant that... And there Chibiusa was. She gave a light chuckle, but didn't say a word. Wasn't her problem if the kid got hyped up on sugar. That was her mom's problem.
"Huh?" she asked, glancing back to Coco. "Oh, kind of? Like, it comes when you figure out your destiny, the thing about yourself that makes you special. It uhhhhh... is kind of like... well... what you're good at. A representation of your talents. It's not picked for you, more you pick it."
"Hey, Chibiusa-chan. Nice to see you as well. Surprised Usagi-chan didn't bring you."
- Koji Silvia has posed:
The door to the Shed opens once more, and a new figure slips inside...
Koji actually forgot this was a thing happening today. He comes in with a piece of Pocky sticking out of his mouth and his school backpack over his shoulder. As he moves along towards where the boards and other information are posted, he doesn't seem to clock what's going on, or he's not saying anything. Out of his pack... or conveniently hidden by it, he takes out something to post up on the board, Mainly just small incidence, things spotted in the city, and a write-up about the weird event at the game-shop.
This is what happens when your neighbor is also a magical boy and desires 'reports'. Once he's got it all laid out, he snaps off the pocky with a chomp and turns to look at the goings-on.
- Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Usagi's been chatting quietly but when Hinote - and then Rashmi - bust Chibiusa's hiding spot, she slaps a hand to her forehead and siiiighs a little. Despite the antics, she's actually hiding a little smile. Lowering her hand, she gestures towards her future daughter and says proudly. "This is Chibiusa-chan, and she's Mamochan and I's. Even if I thought you were with Naru-chan... I guess as long as you're here on campus it's fine to sneak around?"
She is considering if it's good parenting to encourage your child to wander off, but then, Chibiusa is technically older than her and more importantly sneaking to the safest place on campus, so...
"Oh, right, Chibiusa-chan, you don't have to sneak the donuts! Hinoiri-chan brought them to share. They're magically delicious, so you should eat like... at least three?"
She's gonna sneak some for Mamoru, actually, but that's later.
- Amanda Faust has posed:
Droning or puppeting? "Is there a difference?" Amy wonders. "Oh... you sense and speak through it, but don't control the body directly?" She nods. And quirks an eyebrow. "All you need is Kill? What's that? I love bunnies, too! They're the cutest animal."
Upon being told they can all take extra Amy is absolutely assembling whatever she can to wrap a few and take them home. Paper towels, at least.
Upon being told she could see the magical land of talking ponies, she squeaks, "Really?! Thank you, that'd be so cool!" Inwardly there is only a tiny cringe at the thought of Amy as she was just a couple years ago getting excited over same.
Overhearing Hinote mention El, Amy remembers the strange idol contest and turns to them. "Say, miss chara, how uh... have you been doing, away from your... dreamer?"
- Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
Luna-P smiles at Hinote, with that unchanging, slightly offputting smile. It floats through the air in a sort of lackadaisical way that is very, very intentionally distracting. Meanwhile, Chibiusa is reaching up to grab a donut while her faithful and potentially demonic catball is serving as a distraction. She freezes still, midgrab, when she's spotted, and her tiny red eyes glances towards Coco.
The tiny pinkette grabs a donut and turns towards Coco, holding the treat in both hands as she glances around the room. Usagi is here, so... they can't be that bad, right? She recognizes Rashmi.
"Chibiusa Tsukino," is the name she offers the mermaid. "The shool thinks I'm Usa-chan's cousin." She glances up to Rashmi as she approaches, and steps aside to let her get another donut. As opinionated as she is around Usagi or Mamoru, she's quiet around strangers. Her quite stare hides her shyness.
Hinoiri gets a glance, and Chibiusa isn't sure how to respond. To her future mom, Chibiusa explains, "I don't feel unsafe on campus. Besides, Naru-chan was told I was coming here."
Yet she says this all in a stiff way, like she's still not sure of the social situation. Feeling safe in this case doesn't necessarily mean 'not shy'.
- Miho Inada has posed:
Miho shakes her head. "No, wasn't then. I had did a bird, and while following the bird, I ran full speed into a tree. I...yeah, did not see the nurse for that. And yeah thats about right, Amy. I give the magic a basic command. Its still my magic.", she tells.
The young Mahou pauses. "A friend let me borrow it. Its a manga where this guy kills a alien leader during a fight, but the aliens use time as a weapon. They restart the day when they get killed. The human gets stufk fighting the same alien over and over.", she explains.
Miho takes a moment to stretch a little. "Also, I have gotten better. I promise not to show up there unless invited. Sorry to suddenly appear there.", Miho says to Hinote. "Oh Amy, You were right. I ummm, can...appear places I shouldn't be.", she says. There's a heavy blush.
- Coco Kiumi has posed:
And with Hinoiri's explanation, Coco's puzzlement goes away as quickly as it came. Mostly, at least. Seems a bit of a odd name to give to it if you are choosing it yourself. It's definitely a romantic view of fate overall. "An interesting way to look at destiny. But very kind. It must give you a big boost of confidence, when it happens."
"Hi, Chibiusa-san, nice to meet you. I am Coco, a friend of Usagi, and a mermaid from the South Pacific", Coco introduces herself with a friendly expression, before she registers Usagi claiming the pinkette as their daughter.
"Oh, really? Congratulations, Usagi-chan!", she cheers. Given the pinkette's apparent age, she is considering a form of magic similar to their pearls. "What made you decide to have her?" Coco asks jovially.
- Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Noticing Chibiusa's shyness - because she certainly is quieter, more stiff and less opinionated right now, which only makes sense, because there are so many people, Usagi makes a circuit around the room - stopping briefly at Koji to throw an arm around him in a half-hug and say - "Don't forget to get a donut, and say hi, okay, Mr. Sneaky Ninja?" - before making her way to Chibiusa's side.
If her hand drops down to pat Chibiusa's head, truly who could blame her? Her future daughter is, in her very biased opinion, the cutest little girl in the world, and if she's being shy, she needs support!
"Yeah, that's fair - and since my phone's buzzing, I bet that's Naru-chan texting me that you're on your way." She reaches around Chibiusa and wraps two donuts in a paper towel before looking around for Luna-P, spying her freaking out Hinote... yeah, alright, she's leaving the little demon too it. "These donuts are from Hinoiri-chan's home, so they're pretty amazing. I'm going to make sure some gets to Mamochan and Kazuo-kun and everyone too, so make sure you eat up, okay?"
Glancing over the room, taking note of everyone here, she starts pointing out people, practically beaming when Coco introduces herself in particular.
"Rashmi-chan and Coco-chan here are both incredible, and they've been my friends since almost the beginning. They've got supportive magic, but they can hold their own too. Hinote-kun is the one with the little fairies around him - he's a detective that's always looking into things. Hinoiri-chan is the one with red and gold hair, and she's the host today. She's one of my good friends and she's kind of a genius with magic. You can trust her."
This, she hopes Hinoiri hears - because Hinoiri once asked if Usagi thought she could be forgiven, and Usagi was honest in saying that Hinoiri had done unforgivable things... and in saying that Hinoiri could still improve herself, still be someone Usagi called a friend. Can still be someone Usagi is right now, telling her daughter she can trust.
"You already know Amy-chan... Miho-chan is pretty new at this, so I don't know her super well, but hiding over there in the corner is Koji-kun, and he's also one of my good friends. You can trust him - he's the stealthy, planning sort, and if you're ever in trouble, you can rely on him to help you get through it."
With these probably overwhelming introductions offered, she turns to Coco with the biggest grin, "Thanks, Coco-chan! And, definitely as a sign of our love, of course!"
She'll explain the whole time travel thing later - unless Chibiusa does it now, preferring to keep that at least a tiny bit under wraps given this is Hinoiri's donut explanation party, not her own, but also? Super true.
- Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Thank you," Rashmi tries to chirp... and mostly succeeds... before rising back to her feet and, once Chibiusa's got her treat and is moving away from the table, fetches her own donut... Then pauses to turn it over in her hands, looking up and smiling brifly as Usagi's introductions sweep to and past her... then, absently getting another donut to put on a separate napkin and hand over to Koji.
"Seriously, have one. It's like... if the Donut Kami came down from the heavens and imprinted upon your mind the cosmic ideal of all that is donut."
With that cryptic summary, she wanders nearer the entrance to the Shed, eyes more on her donut than anyone in the room, and leans against a wall.
With the influx of new people here, most who've not heard, the urge to spill is great... but maybe wait a bit before dropping that bomb near the Eternal Toddler...
- Amanda Faust has posed:
Amy winces when Miho says she ran into a tree. "You can trust Nurse Meiou. Setsuna-chan is a really nice person. And I'm sure kids at school have gotten far more embarassing injuries than 'I ran into a tree while experimenting with magical powers.'"
She nods at the timeloop explanation. "Yeah, kinda like that."
Aaaand Miho is all embarassed over appearing places she shouldn't. Amy rolls her eyes. "People are just people, you know. I guess... They make some things seem like such a big deal to you, when you're a teenager the first time, like it has to be super embarassing, but... People are people. Think of what doctors like Nurse Meiou have to see and hear about to do their jobs."
She takes a bite of donut and chews, and wonders how hypocritical she is, for feeling embarassed at Hinoiri mentioning having learned personal things from all of them. It did not escape her that Hinoiri may have learned what she meant about peering into the darkness of humanity's imagination searching for familiar feelings; Hinoiri may have asked why her Familiars are like that, and honestly, Amy would tell her if she really wanted to know, especially after how many timeloops she's lived through.
She didn't ask in this timeline... but who knows what happened in others? Only Hinoiri.
And then she hears Coco say 'congratulations, what made you decide to have her?' and BURSTS OUT LAUGHING.
- Koji Silvia has posed:
Some polite gestures are reflex, and Usagi is given the kind of return-hug that usually only comes from family or close friends. The donut is accepted from Rashmi with a softer smile, and a soft 'Arigato', but it seems the girls are all moving past to do other things. Which is perfect for him. Looking down at the sweet and then back up, his eyes go specifically to Chibiusa.
"Pink Hair..."
The first words from him, and he goes on, "Sorry... I just haven't met too many other girls with pink hair before. At least... not naturally pink. Funny enough? My mom's got pink hair too. So I know a little bit about the kind of personalities that come from having pink hair..."
And that's when he points to his eyes with two fingers, and then points at Chibiusa, as if to make it quite firm... 'I'm WATCHING you.'
- Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
Chibiusa sees Coco get an incomplete idea of the picture, and wants to correct her, but a part of her wants to make Usagi explain it. When her alt-u mom doesn't, Chibiusa suspects that there might be a reason. Even if that reason is probably just not pulling attention away from the matter at hand.
Also, Small Lady is distracted by an entirely different thing.
"You're a mermaid, too?" she asks, clearly excited in exactly the way you'd expect a small child would be at the prospect of meeting a real mermaid. Granted, she already knew Laura, but it could never hurt to know multiple mermaids. She looks up at her future mom and says, "How many mermaids and unicorns do you know?"
Usagi pats her head. Chibiusa allows it. Her expression doesn't much change but she shifts a centimeter closer to Usagi while nibbling her magic donut. "Okay!" she says. Then she looks at Hinoiri and says, "Thank you."
As Usagi introduces each of her magical friends in the room in turn, Chibiusa looks up at them, memorizing their faces. Amy, Rashmi and Hinoiri she knows, though the last two only a little. Hinote she's not sure if she's seen before or not. Coco, Miho, and Koji are new.
Koji gives Chibiusa a look and an accusation based on her hair color. She squints at him while Luna-P just turns towards Koji and...
Which is the same smile it always has, but now it seems somehow weirder.
"Whatever it is," says Chibiusa with eyes closed and her nose in the air. "I didn't do it. And if I did, it was an executive decision made by a Princess."
- Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Of course, of course", Coco smiles widely when Usagi "confirms" the simplest answer. "That choice must have been due any moment now, I am really happy for you two." Mamoru is probably in the background, and if so, he is being included in the congratulations. Otherwise, Coco will be seeking him later.
The yellow mermaid does raise an eyebrow when Amy laughs. She definitely doesn't see what's so weird about her question, and her stare to Amy would tell the redhead as much even before Coco speaks. "What is wrong, Amy-chan?"
Koji's reaction is just as perplexing, and she starts wondering what kind of person Koji's mom is for him to behave like that. Coco exhales amused at the tone of Chibiusa's response. "Chibiusa has solid bases already. She may have just checked your king, Koji-san."
"You can bet on it", Coco winks at Chibiusa. She is a bit interested that apparently the little kid has met another mermaid already, but that is superseded by the excitement the pinkette is demonstrating. "Have you ever been to one of our kingdoms?" If she gets a negative answer, the obvious response is inviting her to Coco's, and Usagi and Mamoru, too, of course.
- Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"I'm friends with two mermaids, one unicorn, and one boy who can turn into a Phoenix," Usagi reports promptly, smiling at Chibiusa being so adorable. "Plus a girl who's also the Monkey King. Coco-chan's a ruler of her whole mermaid kingdom actually, isn't that awesome?"
The ruler part won't be impressive to a girl whose mother and father rule a planet... multiple planets... (something Usagi has absolutely not come to terms with), but the mermaid part of it definitely will.
But as soon as she answers her adorable little daughter, she turns her head to give Koji a look. It's not an unkind look. It's not even a particularly stern look. It's a look that says, 'this is my little girl and upsetting my little girl means upsetting me so be NICE.
Truly, these Earth girls are proficient in the art of communicating a lot of words in a single stare.
And as Amy bursts out laughing, Usagi shakes her head. "I'll tell you later, Coco-chan, I know what she found funny."
- Miho Inada has posed:
Miho was distracted while talking to Hinote. She finishes her doughnut, and kisses Hinote on the cheek. She moves off to the side, before nodding to Amy. "Y-yeah.", she goes. Then as Usagi mentioned she wasn't sure about Miho's super.
"Its easier to say that I am a Yuuki Onna. A Snow Maiden. Or snowpire. Either works. I'm form an old clan from Kyoto."
- Amanda Faust has posed:
It's kind of strange to see Chibiusa so shy -- Amy's used to seeing her around her... parents, wow, it's still a little weird to think of that -- and the other senshi and the shitennou. And given that Chibiusa is usually the one amazing them with tales of future Usagi and her world and a whole other planet yet to be discovered, it's new to see her so incredibly amazed over meeting a (second) mermaid, apparently something that doesn't exist in her home universe?
And if it was, it was the executive decision of a princess! Amy gives a short, sharp chuckle.
Coco is confused. "It's complicated, but... You can tell that humans don't normally pop into existence already five or six years old, right?"
Usagi knows two mermaids, one unicorn, a boy who can turn into a phoenix, and a girl who's also Sun Wukong. And, Miho points out, a Yuki-Onna. Amy raises her hand casually, elbow bent. "Real live TSko. I know it's not exactly a mythological legendary creature, but... still something out of fiction." She smiles, it's just nice to see the child enthusiastically marvelling over new things.
- Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
Small Lady shakes her head at Coco and says, "No, I haven't been. Not to any mermaid kingdoms." Then Usagi mentions that Coco is a ruler herself and she says, "Oh, are you a queen? Or a ruling princess?" No, it might not be impressive to someone who is already a Princess and has already met several others in high leadership positions, but it could potentially make them peers in a way. They have something in common.
So there's a phoenix, too? Interesting. Chibiusa will have to remember that.
As for Amy's laughter, Chibiusa confirms, "There's a little more to it than that, but we can talk about it later."
The small Princess then looks over at Miho, the relatively unknown, and says, "A Snow Maiden. Like from the stories?" Chibs doesn't know much about actual Yuuki Onna. All she knows about is one fairy tale where the snow woman marries a guy.
She tilts her head at Amy and asks, "What's a TSko? Is that like telekinetics or something?"
- Koji Silvia has posed:
The look from Usagi is returned by a shift in the reflection of light off of Koji's glasses and a brow-arch that replies quite succinctly with a 'And a good friend cannot look out for your best interests?'.
The subtext is amazing and subtle but, Koji takes a breath and continues to hold the donut in his hand, his other hooked on the strap of his backpack as he gives one of those little shrugs, "I mean... Mamoru told me so much about you when we talked, and I was just happy for a chance to run into this daughter he was so Over the Moon for. He also told me about the whole alternate future thing. So I guess we're going to see a lot of each other soon. I mean... I still haven't seen the new apartment or gotten to help him set up all the gaming stuff, and we promised to go shopping together soon... which I'm sure you'd like to come along with, right?"
Moves and countermoves and then he looks back at Usagi, and waves it off with one hand, giving a smile, and a soft chukle, "You should have seen him gush. I swear I was about ready to smother him with a pillow how he broke it to me... I'm not kidding. You know how he can get when he's excited."
- Miho Inada has posed:
Miho smiles a bit. "That depends. I won't ask you to hold my child. I'm not strong enough to throw somebody off a mountian. I can teleport as snow flakes, so I guess thats like dancing on snow flakes like the Moon Princess. But I will not have ten kids! I mean, yeah. No, hard no!", she says.
The woman shakes her head. "The woodcutter story is one I try not to read. From what I have gathered, I'm kinda like the Gunma version, which is vampiric...And no I'm not biting people, and draining them.", Miho declares.
- Coco Kiumi has posed:
Amy's answer nets her a nod while the mermaid princess crosses her arms. "Of course I know, but humans aren't typically royals from the moon either. I don't see why Usagi and Mamoru can't have used a magic similar to that of our pearls to have a daughter."
"Ok, sure", Coco is quick to accept Usagi's promise of an explanation. She has certainly no problem waiting for a time they are alone, though that also makes her curious as to which lunar knowledge is about to be shared with her. Koji mentioning an alternate future does cast some light on what seems to be going on here, but the mermaid keeps it to herself for now.
"Yes, I am the South Pacific's ruling princess. That's how it works for the Seven Kingdoms", Coco confirms instantly before addressing what she wants to show the interested princess before her.
"So then, what do you say you and your parents come visit my home? It won't take long, we can be gone in the early afternoon and come back that same evening."
"What's the woodcutter about?" Coco asks Miho.
- Amanda Faust has posed:
Is that telekinetics? Amy gives a little wheeze at that. Still smiling kindly, she explains, "It means I was born and raised as a boy then my body was magically transformed into a girl's. In my case, when I became a magical girl. Fortunately, it turned out that my heart had always been a girl's -- and my friends here helped me realize that" she nods at Coco and Usagi, "-- otherwise, I would be rather cross."
- Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
Chibiusa hears a bit of what her alt-papa is like when she's not around, and she wonders if King Endymion was the same way when she was born. Gushing? Really? She already knew that Mamoru cared about her, but it's still odd to think about him in the context of him not being around.
Chibiusa isn't playing the subtext game, though. She's playing a different game entirely. There's a brand new donut in her hands, and the previous one has vanished. Will anyone notice that she took a second one? Sure, no one would care if she took a second or third one, but will they be keeping track when she takes a fourth?
"Maybe," says Chibiusa, in response to Koji. "Depends on where."
To Miho, she listens, and then considers. "Well... maybe you could throw someone off a mountain if you really believed in yourself!"
She's not going to encourage her to have 10 kids, though. That seems like a hassle.
Chibiusa looks up at Usagi, and then over to Coco. "Umm... Maybe, if we have time. I have to be careful where I go for now because some bad people are after me." After a moment's thought, she says, "It might be safer if I wait until I have a henshin."
Amy's explanation makes sense, even if the etymology isn't immediately apparent. "Oh! Huh. So are you happier being a girl, then?"
- Miho Inada has posed:
Miho sighs. "So the Woodcutters. While cutting wood, a father and son get stranded in the woods from a snow storm. They stay in an abandoned house. The son wakes up, and finds a Yuki-onna feeding on his dad. She lets the son live as he does not have kids to continue the bloodline on the condition thay he never tells anyone about her. A year later, the son marries a beautiful woman. She bares him 10 kids. One night, he tells his wife about the Yuki-onna. His wife turns into the Yuki-onna, and kills him on the spot for breaking his promise.", she tells.
- Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Koji is given another look - and this one says, 'you can watch out, but be nice.'
She's not going to ask Koji to trust Chibiusa-chan now, but she will ask him to be nice. Even if him mentioning alternate futures has kind of let the cat out of the bag, she... would prefer not to mention it in detail.
Huh. So Miho is the Yuki Onna type magical girl specifically. Alright.
Chibiusa is handed another donut, so no need to sneak, and then Usagi is just picking up a whole box from the leftover donuts!
"I'm going to bring some of these to Mamochan and everyone," she explains if anyone asks.
- Koji Silvia has posed:
After making the donut vanish into his backpack, which really means just hiding it going into Storage, he walks over to Usagi and puts a hand on her shoulder, and then... just silently nods as he heads off, "Sorry I missed the... whatever this was supposed to be. Good seeing you Coco, Amy, Rashmi. Sorry I didn't get around to full introductions. I hope the new cameras are working out for the hotel!"
And just like he came, he goes... a quiet opening and closing of the door.
- Rashmi Terios has posed:
"I'm gonna go too," Rashmi says quietly. ...Apparently she *also* has practice at pretending to be part of the wall furniture, but it's also easy to be unobtrusive when you're not... really in the present, in your head.
She looks from one person to the next, a sad smile given to each by way of apology. "I warned Hinoiri-chan, I wouldn't be great company... But I wanted to be here for her. It was... honestly really good to see everyone here again."
She seems about to say more, than pauses, and shrugs. "...I'll talk to you all later, I think... I need to go."
And with that, she just... slips out, on Koji's heels.
- Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
Chibiusa gives Miho a wide-eyed stare for a moment, then glances up to Usagi for a moment before looking back at Miho. "I'm guessing I heard a more kid-friendly version of that story. In the version I knew the Snow Lady spared the husband, but left him because she was mad."
Chibiusa is handed a donut... dang! She was spotted. She'll have to get less obvious. Usamom is deceptively sharp... or is it just that mother knows how daughter thinks?
"Good idea," she says to Usagi. "They deserve it." Then she grabs another donut and starts staying close to Usagi's legs, preparing to follow her if she goes somewhere.
As Koji and Rashmi start to leave, Chibiusa waves at the two of them with sprinkled covered pink frosted donut in hand.
- Amanda Faust has posed:
So are you happier being a girl, then?
Amy beams. "Yes. Very much!"
Amy listens curiously to the tale of the Yuki-Onna. "Does it make any sense to you as to why she did that? There sure are a lot of myths where exposing the 'true nature' of your lover kills you, or the lover, or the relationship. I don't think that need apply today, though..."
She taps her chin and looks thoughtful. "I'd really rather it didn't."
- Miho Inada has posed:
Miho looks over to Amy. "Yuki-onas are spirits of snow, ice, and winter. And its an old story. I rather it not be true either. But if you think of how the story is told, the son never knew his wife was the Yuki-ona. Either way, I have an English test to do in the morning.
Miho grabs a couple of boxes. "Besides, everyone I know, knows what I am. So yeah, too late to keep it hidden now.", Miho says. "Either way. good night everyone.", Miho says. She sends a text to Hinote, telling him that she got doughnuts to share before she beads off.
- Usagi Tsukino has posed:
As Rashmi departs, Usagi too gives the signal for them to start wrapping things up. Once the donut box for their friends is filled, she pats Chibiusa very briefly and then slips away to give Rashmi a tight, warm hug.
She's trying not to make it the kind of thing that could break Rashmi, but also - she's been wondering if there would be a good moment and there hasn't been but -
"If you need anything," she murmurs, and it feels so terribly inadequate, and her heat clenches.
And then she lets Rashmi go, to make her way.
Koji is given a wave, having slipped off while she hugged Rashmi, and then she turns back to the others, and smiles, more sadly now, "Let's go Chibiusa-chan. Mamochan, Makochan, Minako-chan, Kazuo-kun, Tamaki-kun they'll all be thrilled to try these."
- Chibiusa Tsukino has posed:
Chibiusa starts following Usagi as she moves about the room, stays back as Rashmi gets a hug, and in the way that kids imitate their parents she tries to give Rashmi a hug too. Then with a smile and a nod she tells Usagi, "Uh-huh! Let's go."
Luna-P follows after, as Chibiusa eats her donuts.
- Amanda Faust has posed:
As people pack up to leave, Amy absolutely takes at least three donuts, carefully wrapped in her pack for transport. Maybe a box. Can she have a box?
It's not every day you get magic donits. She is not leaving any to go stale!
She also hugs Rashmi before leaving. She's... not sure what to say. But red eyes look into Rashmi's with a look that says, if you need to talk... I will be there.
- Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco finishes her donuts and makes a grab for some last few of them. These ones are going to the aforementioned Monkey King as a worthy tribute, in case she has not been around. She will definitely appreciate them.
"Thanks for the afternoon", she looks to her friends, an extra lingering one given to Rashmi at her apology, reaching out for an embrace if the redhead seems to be ok with the gesture.
She then moves out of the door, her steps leading her to the dorms.