1753/The Shy Girl Singer and the Detective.

From Radiant Heart MUSH

The Shy Girl Singer and the Detective.
Date of Scene: 14 July 2024
Location: Radiant Heart Academy
Synopsis: Just after Scene 1751, Hinote catches Seiko just outside The Shed and the two have hard talks.
Cast of Characters: Seiko Akai, Hinote Kagari
Tinyplot: Dark Kingdom Finale

Seiko Akai has posed:
"Seiko-chan! You should go back in there! There are a bunch of Magical people just like you are now! You could make all sorts of new friends!" Hoshi is flying right in front of a pacing Seiko Akai. She trodges back and forth and back and forth again. "Come on Seiko-chan! This is your chance to shine!"

"Stop Hoshi! Just stop I am scared! There were so many people in there and I only knew like three of them there! I was freaking out! I can't go back in there. People will just make fun of me. Don't you get that?" She asks as she continues pacing back and forth. "I'm barely magical. You changed me what, once? And I am still trying to understand all of this. You are who I dream to be right? but how do I get from where I am to where you are? It doesn't make any sense." She throws her hands up in the air and just stops. "I'm hopeless. You will have a better chance getting someone else to be a star."

"Seiko-chan..." The rather disappointed Hoshi hangs her head and just falls in behind Seiko. She shakes her head. "You don't believe in me do you?"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari left The Shed with a morose expression on his face. He has to speak to his mom and dad about... things and then prepare to go to Paris via some magical teleport into a park. Tracy, his chara, a tiny 1920's detective looking fellow was floating beside him. "It was a dark and stormy night..." he said, gravely. "For once. I agree with you." he said wryly with a smile, despite the pleasant summer weather.

He'd look up finally and see the girl with the chara who ran out of the meeting. He'd jog over. "Hey. Uh. Wait a minute. Don't run away." he said as he'd try to catch up.

"You! You're a chara bearer. Right?" he asked.

Tracy would finally catch up and remove a tiny magnifying glass and look at Seiko through it with a big eyeball, before looking over at Hoshi.

He'd lower his magnifying glass as he says. "Sure looks like it to me, kid." he'd tell Hinote.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko pauses and looks up as she is addressed. 'Don't run away.' She takes a deep breath and forces a smile. "Umm Hi." She softly greets Hinote. "I think. I mean. I have a Chara..." She comments before looking at Hoshi who looks a little upset right now. 'You don't believe in me, do you?' The words echo in her head as she tries figure out what to say to that. "This is Hoshi. She is who I wish I could be... I guess."

She looks up at the tiny detective that is looking over her and then over Hoshi. "Awww he's cute!" She comments as she watches the antics of Tracy.

"I... I believe in you Hoshi. Its just really hard right now. I mean, In the span of two days everything is upside down. There was a room full of magical people and it was just... normal?"

"ANd you belonged in there. You're a magical girl! You will be able to transform someday and do amazing things! You just gotta believe!" Hoshi explains.

"Umm nice to meet you. I'm Seiko Akai, Grade 8."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari nods. "This is Tracy." he says. "I could see some magic stuff before I became magical. I got tired of people giving me the run around. I got a taste for investigating, myself and well. You know. You wake up with the egg, right?" He laughs.

"Hinote Kagari. Grade 8." he says.

"She's right, you know. It takes a lil bit, but you'll be able to use character transformation to merge together. Just."

"Look this stuff IS overwhelming. But making friends help. Have you um. Chara Changed, yet?" then he pauses. "Voluntarily or involuntarily?" he shoots Tracy a look. Tracy tries to look innocent in all this.

"Or. Do you have no idea what I'm talking about?" he asks with a nervous chuckle.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko looks at Hoshi, giving her a sharp look. "What? You wanted to be someone who could put themselves out there and sing! I just helped you to become that person." Hoshi comments before flying over to Tracy. "Nice to meet you. I'm Hoshi."

Seiko sighs. "Yeah I know what a Chara Change is. I'm on the hook to sing at an upcoming fun night because of her." She shakes her head. "Its really a challenge." She winces a little. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm kind of shy. I don't like the idea of putting myself out there. I've been picked on a lot and bullied. I just don't know how to handle things, you know?"

Hoshi rolls her eyes, "Seiko has the talent to have her dream. She just needs courage! I'm going to help her become a pop idol! Just you wait! She is going to be awesome in the spotlight!"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari gives a wry smile. "Involuntarily then. You can cheat, and chara change whenever you want. But...I mean it isn't a crutch. You'll have to do this stuff on your own. Eventually." he says.

"If it's uh. Any consultation. Whenever someone infers a mystery or investigation around me. I turn into a 1920's hardboiled detective and I get slapped a lot for calling girls dollface." he says with a smirk. "I can't control it but the slap always knocks me outta it."

He takes a deep breath. "Shyness..." he says. "Can be hard. I used to have stage fright. Er. I'm in the. Drama club." he says. "And have been since I was little, But my dad, had a saying and it was that, nobody on Earth has died of embarrassment." he nods.

"Remember. A chara is your dream. follow it." he says.

Tracy gives a wink at Hoshi. "Heya, Dollface." he says.

"Ugh." goes Hinote.

Seiko Akai has posed:
"Wait You're telling me that we can choose when we chara change?" She looks at Hoshi. "You got me on the hook to sing at that thing and you were going to force me to deal with it on my own?!"

Hoshi blinks a few times, blushing at Tracy before turning to Seiko. "Ummmm I said I would help you! See I wasn't going to leave you alone to do it. I will be there cheering for you." She then notices just how angry Seiko is over the whole thing. "Ummm I think I'm getting tired... I think I'm going to..." She flies into Seiko's bag and right into her egg. She takes cover in there for the time being."

Seiko quickly goes into her bag and begins looking around in there before finding Hoshi's egg. She quickly taps on the egg, "Hey! You get out here! You can Chara change me during that concert thing! You got that? You can fix this!"

She finally sighs and puts the egg back in her bag. "Sorry about that. Hoshi is in trouble with me now." She frowns and then looks at Hinote. "Your father sounds really wonderful. My dad discouraged me from following my dream. He said it was too big and I may never attain it. I should dream smaller." She frowns.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari makes a straight face. "Don't be too upset at your chara." he says. "Sometimes, there's gonna be times they take over. Sometimes it's random. At their choosing. Sometimes it's a trigger. Mine is a trigger." he says as he takes a breath.

"You'll get used to it. I promise. Do you know. Anyone else magical?" he asks. "Besides me, which you just met anyways." he says.

"I mean. I can understand shyness not letting you meet many people..." he trails off a little.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko sighs and nods, "I guess. Sorry. This is just all new to me. Hoshi just hatched like 2 days ago." She shakes her head. "She hatched and the very first thing she did was chara change me and I wound up agreeing to sing at an event. I am really scared over the whole thing.

She looks at Hinote. "Yes. I know Laura, Rashmi and Amy. They told me they were magical and proved it after they saw Hoshi's egg. They said I was Magical too. Its still overwhelming really." She smiles softly. "Are all of those people that were in that shed... Are they really all magical?" She asks curiously.

"Yeah. I don't know hardly anyone here at the school because I only just arrived here a few days ago. I just moved into the dorms. I decided I would go to school here after I got a letter inviting me to attend Radiant Heart. Its a chance for me to be a little more courageous." She smiles.

"You can do it Seiko-chan!" Hoshi pops her head out of Seiko's bag and she waves her glow sticks. "You can be more courageous and you can be popular! All you gotta do is not be afraid to step into the spotlight!"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari ahhhhs. "Laura. I think I've met her. Mermaid?" she asks. "And I know Rashmi. We met when I went out as 'Pulp Noir' for the first time to try to handle this mess known as an Eclipse Zone." he says with a sigh and a frown. He shakes the frown quickly.

"Amy... red girl? And Well, you are magical. A chara change isn't very strong... I know I have my water gun when I chara change, but it isn't as strong as when I'm character transformed." he says.

"Amy. Rashmi. We're all at the meeting. But yes. Everyone there was magical...or at least. Knows what magic is and knows it exists." he says.

"We're gonna. Go to Paris. To fight a world ending threat." he says a little grimly. "So I'm a little worried myself." he chuckles nervously. Tracy shivers. "It was a dark and stormy night..." he says gravely, ominously.

"Yeah." he says.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Hoshi flies out of Seiko's bag and floats right in front of Seiko. "You should volunteer to go. You aren't ready for a chara transformation but You can sing and that can help make things better for those that can fight. I will even Chara Change you so you don't have to be afraid."

Seiko looks at Hoshi and then at Hinote. Then back to Hoshi. "You think I should go just to be a USO girl basically? Entertainment for the troops?" She blushes "But... Thats going to be basically a warzone! Won't I just get in the way?" She asks curiously.

"Its a World Ending Threat Seiko-chan. It doesn't matter if you are here or there. The danger is the same. At least there we can do something to make it better."

Seiko looks at Tracy and nods, "I think I want to go along. I'm scared. I'm terrified. I don't know how I am going to deal with the shyness but If I can do something to help out..." She gives a weak smile. "Do you think the others will let me tag along?" She blushes, "It would be cool to see Paris."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari says. "If your singing can bolster people, it might help." he says. "So. Show up to The Shed at 5pm. Today. Uh. I'll tell you what. Tuxedo Kamen told us. Say goodbye to your friends and family. Tell them you love them. Eat something. Drink something. Bring along some water." he says as he crosses his arms.

"This is. Right. A warzone we're going into. The Catacombs. In Paris. The others I think, will be happy to have all the help we can get." he says more dryly. "There will be monsters...we call them youma... there. And other stronger threats." he says.

"Just. Of course It's your choice."

Seiko Akai has posed:
"Songs Can bolster people even without magic! It stirs the heart! Thats why Seiko-chan can help without a chara transformation! She can sing! She is going to be an idol some day! I believe in her!" Hoshi smiles and twirls her glow sticks.

Seiko on the other hand looks very worried. She looks at Hoshi and then at Hinote. "Do you think I can do this? Or would it be better for me to stay behind on this one? I mean I am as green as they come. I've only been under a Chara Change once."

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari listens and says. "I don't know. But you'll never know until you try it." he says a little softly. "I know it can be hard trying a new thing, but sometimes you gotta bite the belt and give it your all." he says.

"Yeah, kid speaks the truth." says Tracy with a series of nods, floating there with his hat pulled down a little bit.

"Look I. Need to go. I have some things I need to take care of before 5pm. Show up if you think you can handle it. But no one is going to think lesser of you if you decide not to go. But."

"I hope you at least show up to wish us well off." he says with a wink. "Alright?" he asks.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko nods. "Thank you, Hinote-san. This is really kinda scary." She sighs and shakes her head. "I will be there to at least wish you all off. I don't know who I should talk to about this."

She looks at Hoshi anxiously. "Lets go, Hoshi. This is really a lot to consider."

Hoshi looks at her, "You can do this. I know you can Seiko-chan."