1919/The Offer

From Radiant Heart MUSH

The Offer
Date of Scene: 03 September 2024
Location: Sports Pavilion
Synopsis: Miho is off training herself, trying to make herself tougher to deal with youma. Hinote and Amy notice Miho, and offer to answer any questions she has before a Kyubey shows up with an offer for Miho. Miho turns down Kyubey's offer, while Hinote and Amy suspect that Miho is experiencing an Awakening to her powers.
Cast of Characters: Miho Inada, Hinote Kagari, Amanda Faust, Kyubey

Miho Inada has posed:
    Well, its been a few days since Miho seen Laura transform into a Mermaid in front of her. So, yeah, magical weirdness all over. She still hasn't adjusted to all the craziness thats been going on in her life. The girl has decided that it might be best to stay away from a lot of her new friends for their own safety as she learns just what she is. At the moment though, Miho is on the track in sweats, running her frustrations out.

    Miho rounds the track, focusing on her breathing as she approaches the finish line. Normally she would sprint at this point, but after she gets to line, she stops. The girl makes a few leg movements before throwing a few punches, and a stiff leg kick. She steps in, and throws a vicious cross at the at the end. One can tell that she's been heavily trained.

    After the combination, Miho stretches her legs, and starts to run again. She's set that next time she's not going to fall to the ground, and be useless. She has to be able to stand on her own. If she can't handle just a lone...being by herself, how is she going to save others. Her mind races with thoughts of just how small she is compared to what she saw from what she assumes were others with magic.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari helped deal with a big dumb, world ending situation last night so he decided to sir in the bleachers to watch people do sports today, Tracy taking notes in a tiny booklet, like some of this is useful information, who finished first, who kicked the most soccer balls and so on.

When he saw Miho Inada, he wandered over, today dressed in just a black T-shirt and shorts, sunglasses perched on his forehead as he gives a little wave, as she runs on by.

"Inada-san." he regards, quickly.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    It's a pretty nice day to be outside. Honestly, after last night, it's a pretty nice month to be, in general! So Amy is just relaxing on the bleachers reading manga on her phone until she hears someone speak and glances up. Oh, it's Hinote, talking to... some girl she doesn't know well.

    Maybe she should try to socialize?

    Amy stands up and sort of step-hops down the bleachers to the bottom step. "You know her?" She asks Hinote, and offers Miho a smile; the bleacher might be high enough to bring them eye to eye.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho slows down, and walks over. She gives a small bow to Hinote. "Evening, Kagari-san.", she says politely. The woman unzips her sweatshirt/jacket combination, and puts it over to the side with her back. She has on a fitted black workout shirt underneath that's meant to soak up sweat. The woman seems to be tracing something in the air with her eyes a bit. Miho takes a small breath before nodding a bit. "And evening to you, Tra...", she says before stopping as a young girl approaches.

    Miho turns, and bows to the new arrival, before toweling herself off some. The woman takes a moment to close her eyes, and steady her breathing. She lets out a small sigh before looking back over at Hinote. She coughs a little bit. "Excuse me, just a little allegies.", she says. She doesn't know how many people are magical or not. The woman tries to sense if there's any other presences around besides Tracy. She still can't see Tiny Detective, but she can feel his presence, and able to trace the movements now. Seems taking away the pills has helped her.

    "I am Miho Inada. Recent transfer. Forgive my rudeness.", she says to Amy. Miho puts the towel down next to a duffle bag before grabbing a water bottle. The woman takes a quick sip.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari looks over to Amy Faust. "Yeah. That's Miho Inada. She's magically aware. But not quite magical herself. Potential but..." he looks back up as Tracy floats nearby him. "Heya, Dollface!" says Tracy. Hinote says. "I don't think she can hear you yet." he whispers to him. Tracy nods with an 'oh!'.

"Hi Inada-san. Another potentially world bending event happened last night. So checking in on you." he says.

"Inada-san, this is Amy Faust. She's also magical a might be able to answer your questions if you have any." he says.

"..if she's willing." he smiles at Amy.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Here she was looking at manga, when there was this to look at... Maybe she should come by the track more often... Amy tries to push away and strangle that thought. No! What the hell!

    Yet Inada-san is apologizing for rudeness? Amy shakes her head. "You're fine. Amanda Faust. Amy for short. Tenth grade, nice to meetcha."

    Hinote explains. Amy looks at the chara, then back to Miho, and nods. "I'm always willing to provide helpful exposition! What would you like to know? Although... If you have magical potential but aren't a magical girl yet, there's something you should know. If you see a sort of white cat-fox creature with red eyes--"

    <<Really now! Trying to turn people against me? What have I ever done to you, Amanda Faust? Did I fail to grant your wish? Are you unhappy with it?>> The voice they can all hear in their heads sounds like a young boy, or perhaps a magical mascot. As a white fox-thing with some red marks on its body and red eyes and sort of... ears hanging from his ears walks out from under the bleachers, and looks up at them with an unchanging :3 expression.

    "Kyubey!" Amy whirls on it. "Well, no, but..."

    Kyubey scratches one of those ears with a hindpaw. <<Then can you really decide for anyone else whether she would rather have her wish granted?>> It looks up at Miho, face unchanging. <<Miho Inada. Would you like to form a contract with me and become a magical girl?>>

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho listens to Hinote for a second. "You mean to ask did I experience a headache last night? Since I stopped taking the pills for the headaches, things...have felt different.", she admits. "When I start to get a feeling or notion in my head, I kinda turn towards it, and breathe out a bit. Though, this...school has a lot of weirdness to it.", she admits. The girl takes a moment to take another sip.

    As she listens to Amy, she sees...Kyubey. As Miho listens, she holds up a hand. "Contract? My dad was a MMA fighter. And the first thing he told me about fights, have at least 3 lawyers reading the fine print on fight contracts.", the girl says. There's a sharp pain that hits her though, and the temperture around her drops a bit. Miho reaches up, and touches that magatama hairpin in her hair. After a few seconds, the pain subsides. She hasn't felt one of those in a minute. "How come...I can see you, but I can't see...", she says, looking at Kyubey then Hinote. Miho just feels off by this sudden appearence.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari looks over to Amy. Amy starts warning about what he images is Kyubey. What's that saying? Speak of the devil and he'll show his face? Hinote's expression darkness. "That's a good reply. That's Kyubey. His offer of a wish is real. But it comes with prices... Amy-san outta explain." he says.

Tracy flails at Kyubey. "Hey, chump! Back off with the rigamaloe." he says as he raises his fists.

Like Tracy is about to sock Kyubey one. He doesn't. Yet.

"Tracy. Don't." says Hinote, boredly.

He notices the temperature drop. It's summer. You can feel such things, as he looks to Miho. He raises a brow. There's that...temperature control magic again?

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Always have lawyers read over the contract. Kyubey remains expressionless. <<It's not that kind of contract.>> It adopts a posture like an angry cat when Tracy approaches, and hops backwards -- then sits and calmly grooms a paw. <<The transaction, one completed, cannot be reversed by me or you. It is called a contract, but there is no legal system involved. As miss Faust can confirm, the conditions are no more enforced by a court than your need to breathe air and consume food and water if you wish to continue living as a human being.>>

    It raises the groomed paw to wash its ear. <<As for why you can see me and not the Chara, I do not know. Perhaps it is because I am communicating with you telepathically.>>

    "Well... umm... that's all... true..." Amy is caught a bit off-guard by the sudden reappearance of Kyubey. She looks at Hinote, at Miho, at Tracy, at Kyubey. Kyubey looks back. Amy looks away.

    "You get... a wish. But you don't have unlimited magic. You have to hunt... terrible monsters, Witches, to resupply your magic. If you ever run out... your life will be over. There is... something else you should know, if you are seriously considering his offer, but which..." She glances at Hinote, then at Miho. "...I would rather not burden you with otherwise. ...Did you say you stopped taking your pills? You're getting headaches?"

    Kyubey turns its head to look at Miho again, wordlessly.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho mutters a bit as she looks at her water bottle. "...And it was strawberry flavored. Its at least 70 degrees out here, how can my water be frozen?!", she mutters. The woman shakes the bottle a few times before letting out a small sigh. A little bit of fog comes out her lips. Miho puts the bottle on the bench.

    "Basically, kill or die type of deal?", Miho sums it up. The girl takes a long moment to compose herself as she sits on the bench. She listens in a bit more before getting asked a few questions. "Yeah. The first one wasn't too bad, but the timing of it, Hinote said a major thing happend. Won't tell me more details other then a sun youma, correct?", she asks. "Doctors thought that maybe the stress was getting to me, and I was having stress headaches. So, they gave me some pills, and about a few days later, I got an invite to the school. Don't recall applying, nor being on any real teams that would cause them to scout me.", she tells.

    "Hinote and the school have said I'm not allowed to take the pills anymore. The headaches have...lessen, but not gone away. Apparently, I can sense things, like Tracy. My...sense if you can call it that has been getting sharper, but the pain hasn't been as bad. Like...I can feel something icy further away, but don't know what it is...", she admits. Miho doesn't seem to notice the change of temperture around her. Her green magatama has changed slightly, carrying a bit of a blue-ish green hue to it now.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari watches as Kyubey speaks. Just because it's truth doesn't mean he has to like it. Hinote watches Tracy try to bum-rush Kyubey, in a bar room brawl style of situation. Hinote looks mocked-shocked when this happens.

"Good, glad we'rem ignoring the white rat." he says with a breath as he looks to Amy and Miho as he goes to pull his fedora down. He isn't wearing one right now so he huffs embarrassedly. "Amy is. Better to answer that last question. Puella Magi business isn't mine. It is her's though." he says.

"Yeah. Those pills are blocking magical senses. Now she believes me about the school." he snorts.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Kill or die type deal? <<Fighting monsters is commonly understood to be the duty of magical girls. If the monsters weren't dangerous, there would be no need for magical girls to defend other humans from them.>> Kyubey grooms its other forepaw. <<It is a hazardous occupation, like being a soldier or a firefighter. And just as soldiers and firefighters receive specialized equipment, Puella Magi receive magical powers to better fight Witches!>>

    Kyubey pads around in a little circle like a cat that has found a spot to lay down, and does so. <<Unlike soldier and firefighter though, magical girl is a profession that can only be performed by human adolescents in their second stage of growth. Also, soldiers and firefighters do not receive a wish.>>

    As usual with Kyubey, all of that is true, so Amy can't really say he's lying... She focuses on the other issue at hand. "What were these pills, exactly? Can I see your prescription? Have you talked to the school nurse about it?"

    Amy looks around. "Icy?" She holds out her hand, palm-up, and her ring disappears, the soul gem in its egg form sitting on her palm, a deep ruby red. Amy closes her eyes and concentrates, trying to feel Witches or significant sources of dark energy in the area.

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho pulls out an empty bottle of the pills. She hands it over. Nothing really out of the ordinary with them. Basically its the type of pills that are prescription strength aspirin. The script on the bottle though, its around the time of Paris. As Amy senses, there is a youma nearby. A very low level one. Yet, Miho is feeling it, but doesn't know what it really is yet. "Apparently the school nurse said I'm not allowed to take them.", she says. The woman takes a deep breath.

    Miho watches Kyubey for a long moment. "Yet the flaw in the arguement is that firefighters and soldiers know the price, not the reward. You can grant any wish one desires, but the question I must ask is what is the price of my wish? This type of magic...seems to have a heavy cost, based on Amy's reactions.", Miho says. The woman bites her lip a little bit as she talks. Kyubey has some interesting comments, but something is nagging at Miho. Some primal instinct is warning her. Its making her feel cautious.

    Miho looks at Hinote. "Maybe you can explain things a bit better then I can on the pills. As far as I can tell, the pills are sopposed to just stop the triggers that cause my headaches? Like if I'm stressed out, its sopposed to calm me down?", she asks. Miho doesn't know much about her pills outside just the basic explaination that the doctor gave her and her parents.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari watches Tracy continue to try to fight Kyuibey. This won't get old for a while for Hinote.

Hinote looks to Amy. "Basically just big Aspirin, but it was blocking her senses. If she intends to want to see magical things, she needs to not take them." he says.

He looks up a moment though because Tracy looks up and he 'ehs' a moment into the air. Does he sense something?

"Is there something nearby Trace?" asks Hinote.

"I don't know." says Tracy.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Ugh... there is a monster nearby... We should probably take care of it." She opens her eyes and takes the bottle in her other hand. "...This is just a painkiller. But... the nurse knows what she's doing. Did she say anything about the cause of your headaches?" She hands the bottle back.

    <<I cannot grant any wish one desires. Some wishes are beyond your power.>> Kyubey flicks an ear and opens one eye. <<You have been told the price. You will fight Witches and other monsters for the rest of your life. If you run out of magic, your life as a human and as a Puella Magi will end. If the wish, or protecting others from monsters, is not worth that cost to you, then we cannot help eachother.>>

    Amanda looks at Kyubey. "You know, I do still have some questions for you. Like whether it's possible for me to control a body like that. Having an expendable scout would be invaluable in many situations." And also other questions! There are absolutely several times she said 'that's something that perhaps I should ask Kyubey' and they're not coming to mind right now. So frustrating!

    I never take notes at the D&D table... so this is how it feels when you make that mistake in real life... I'm definitely writing things down next time I think of something to ask!

    <<I told you before: I am not like you. I am not a Puella Magi.>>

    "I know, you're a space alien."

    Kyubey lifts its head. <<Oh, you knew that? How did you come by this information?>>

    Amy shifts her gaze around awkwardly. "Well, uhhhhh..."

    Kyubey stands up facing her, swishing its tail a couple of times. <<There are also other things I wish to know. Yesterday one Puella Magi and two former Puella Magi became normal humans again, all of them alive! This is quite an incredible feat, and something I would expect humans to celebrate! It also means that the outcome you wish to warn Inada-san about is reversible!>> Its tail flicks. <<Wonderful news for all Puella Magi and all who will consider making a contract with me! Amanda, you have always been one of the most reasonable contractees. Would you be willing to talk to me again?>>

    Amanda glances at the others, then back at Kyubey. "I do... have some questions. Contact me... telepathically, later." <<If you're so agreeable, meeting again will be good for both of us!>>

    Amy sighs, but inclines her head slightly. She turns to Hinote. "So... why does she get headaches from magic, then?"

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho takes a long moment before thinking a bit. Then there's another sharp pain that hits her, causing her to hiss. "I...don't think its from sensing magic...", she hisses out. THe woman holds her head a moment before shaking it. "Its feeling more...like something is warning me...", she tells. This time, there is a little bit of snow falling. It melts quickly in the air, but still...snow. "Kinda like, look over here, or something is going on and you need to pay attention.", she tells. She looks at Kyubey a long moment. Her eyes go pale for a brief second before going back to normal.

    The young woman takes several deep breaths, and seems to be forcing herself to settle down. The headache starts to settle down a bit. "Between that and the dream I have of being buried in snow while trying to reach a woman whose trying to tell me something. Things have been stressful. I can't blame the docs for that. I mean, when I told them about that, I think thats when they decided to call it.", she tells.

    Miho watches Kyubey a second longer. "Sorry, but I just...can't give up my life like that. I know what you're offering, but I want live my life my way. I can't just be a magical hunting dog.", she says. The woman takes a deep breath. "Apologies." Was that to Amy or was it to Kyubey, who knows.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari looks to Miho. "That's a warning. There's a youma nearby." he says lightly. "Tracy senses it. I think Amy does too. You do too." he says. "Where is it? Where do you feel it?" he asks as he looks around and motions for Tracy to come over. "I don't like the idea of these things being in my school." he says as cold as the snow that appears around him temporarily.

"I felt snow. For a second. I think your dreams mean something. As to what. I don't know." he says.

"But honestly. I think you're magical and you're experiencing awakening of some sort." he says. "If I had to fathom a guess."

"I don't listen to white rats spouting nonsense on a matter of I hate 'em." he asides to Miho.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Kyubey stands and nods slightly, a rare human gesture from the creature. <<Unfortunate, but it is your choice to make. If you ever feel like sacrificing yourself for the good of others, I will be around.>> It pads over to Amy, lifting its forepaws onto the first riser and rubbing its head against Amy's foot like a cat. Amy looks uncomfortable, unsure how to feel about this. Then it turns and walks away, pausing only for a few seconds. <<Oh, Amanda. Do you remember how to use telepathy?>>

    Amy blinks. <<Uhh, I think so? Testing, is this going through?>> And that is transmitted to the others' minds as well.

    <<Good!>> Kyubey resumes walking away.

    Amy looks from him to Miho. "Dreams don't mean your crazy. Freaking doctors. When did these headaches start? Did Nurse Meiou tell you anything about them? Like... she said to just let them happen?" Amy looks skeptical.

    She glances to Hinote. "Also, we might wanna take care of that monster."

Miho Inada has posed:
    Miho shakes her head. "I havn't met a Nurse Meiou yet.", she ells. The girl gets up, grabbing her bag. She stretches her back a little bit, and rolls her neck. "Its not on the school grounds, but just a little past it.", she tells. "At least thats how it feels. As for the headaches, according to Hinote, when something happend in Paris. Thats when the dreams started to.", she tells. The woman nods to Hinote about the awakening. "But I'm already awake. I was about to head to the dorm to sleep so you two can deal with whatever that is.", she says.

    "Also, I'm feeling a little dizzy...", she says. THe woman shakes her head, and starts to stand up, but ends up falling back down on the bench. "I'll be fine in a moment. Just...been pushing myself too hard, training.", she tells. The woman breathes out, and stands back up. She shuffles along a bit, seemingly more exhausted.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "You should see Nurse Meiou." Amy insists. "...She knows about magical stuff, too." she adds, to try and persuade Miho. "Oh um... we should exchange contact info, so you can text me if you have further questions."

    Once that's taken care of, she nods to Hinote. They'd best get a move-on to fight that monster.

    Miho sees Amy take several steps in that direction and sweep her hand over her soul gem, and--

    An ovoid of flame-colored light grows from her gem to surround her, enveloping her, lifting into the air with her unclothed silhouette curled up inside, long hair floating as if she's under water before the light cracks and shatters and Amy, now covered in flames as if from an explosion, snaps back, and the flames fade to leave her new outfit in place.

    This being the first time she's seen it, Miho somehow feels like she could see flames disappearing from each part of her body in turn to leave that part of her magical girl outfit in sequence -- red chestplate, red circle skirt with a black belt with a pair of pouches, armored red kneepads and armored white boots with red trim, a white bodysuit from the neck down under it all, white gloves with red trim, and finally a white hooded cloak--

    --but for all practical purposes the whole outfit kind of appears at once, the red-themed Puella Magi hitting the ground running as the last of the flames vanish from her body. "Let's go!"