1888/A Song in the Park

From Radiant Heart MUSH

A Song in the Park
Date of Scene: 25 August 2024
Location: Penguin Park
Synopsis: Seiko attempts singing in the Park while Hinote searches for Madoka's Charas. An X-egg appears!
Cast of Characters: Seiko Akai, Hinote Kagari

Seiko Akai has posed:
Its a beautiful day in Tokyo. The sun is shining. Its warm but not too warm. Cool but not too cool. The temperature is just right. People are having fun in the park. Children are playing. A few people are playing games of chess or checkers or really any games. Its just a good day all around.

Seiko is in the park today. She has been working up the courage to just sing. She hasn't had the courage to really sing lately but right now, She is feeling like maybe she can. She quietly moves to a corner of the park where there aren't many people. She doesn't exactly want to disturb a bunch of people.

With her as always is Hoshi. Hoshi is flying around Seiko looking a little annoyed. "Seiko-chan! Come on! If you don't sing soon I'm going to just chara-change you!" The little chara threatens.

"You wouldn't." Seiko responds as she turns to face the unknowing 'audience'. "Okay Okay! Just. Keep your shorts on."

"I'm not wearing shorts! I'm wearing a skirt!" Hoshi responds as she floats around in front of Seiko showing off her idol skirt set.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari was in the park because he heard talk from some very small kids about a tiny floating girl in the park. So he was trying to investigate because it could be Gretchen, or Tia, or Rens...! And right now he was on their case heavier since the other night, wearing a grim expression as he looks around.

Tracy, the tiny detective chara, is floating nearby, head buried in the collar of his trenchcoat, hands in his tiny pockets as Tracy says: "I sense another chara, Hinote." he says. "The game is afoot!" he says, floating forward dramatically. "It was a dark and sto---oh it's just Hoshi."

Hinote Kagari seems to relax heavily when it turns out the tiny floating girl was just Hoshi, Seiko's chara. With Seiko, in tow, too, as he approaches and gives a wave. "Hey, Seiko-chan." he says. "Hey Hoshi-chan." he says with sigh as he looks over at the other people in the park. "I'm glad to see you two!" he says.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko is just about to open her mouth to sing but stops as Hinote and Tracy appear. "Hi Hinote-san! Hi Tracy-san!" She gives a little wave and a smile. "I was just about to start singing. I'm trying to get over my fear of crowds. You know? I wanna be able to just perform!" She smiles as she looks at the Detective duo. "What are you doing here today?" She asks curiously as she smiles and puts her hand on her hip.

Hoshi flies over to Tracy and smiles to him. "Whats it like being a detective? I never thought about detective work. I've always wanted to sing and dance!" She sings out the words 'Sing and Dance' And twirls around happily. "Its a lot of fun!"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari says. "Well I WAS following a lead, potentially, on an X-chara trio calling themselves 'The Meaniedokas'. Gretchen, Rens and Tia." he says. "BUT it turns out it was just Hoshi and you here." he says with a little coy smile. "If you see those three, be careful. They're playing some dangerous games. They're Madoka Kaname's Charas. She has... a lot... of charas. There's those three that got away from her, and she has basically three more still hanging out with her, Brai, Medo and Lydian. I don't even know what they all represent? You'd need to ask her if your curious." he admits, sheepishly.

Tracy crosses his arms. "detective work is serious business, we we're on a stakeout when we heard some kids talking about a tiny flying girl. Then they called me a tiny flying boy. So we kinda put two and two together, you see!" he says, dramatically.

"Oh, you we're about to sing?" Hinote says, as he ignores the crowd- being savvy enough to not draw attention to it for Seiko's sake. Tracy? Tracy lifts his fedora up a little. Looks all around and whistles for the drama.

Thanks, Tracy.

Hinote grabs Tracy and shoves him into his suit jacket suddenly.

"You can do it, you'll be fine!" he urges. Tracy makes a tiny fuss for a moment.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko smiles to Hinote. "Well. Here we go!" She exclaims as she prepares herself by taking a sip from a water bottle.

"Oh That sounds really important. I'm glad you're on the case! Oh! Seiko-chan is finally going to sing!! You should listen She's really a good singer!" Hoshi grins and turns to watch Seiko. She stays by Hinote and Tracy for the time being.

Seiko takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. "Caaaaaan. Anybodyyyyyyyy. Find Meeeeeee. Somebody tooo loveeeeeee!!!" She sings out acapella and lets the notes ring out. "Each morning I get up I die a little. Can barely stand on my feet. Take a look in the mirror and cry Lord what are ya doing to me. I spent all my years in believing you, But I just can't get no relief Lord! Somebody. Somebody. Can anybody find meeeee Somebody to love..." She sings out happily.

Not far from the singing chara bearer and the Detective Chara Bearer, An early teenage boy quietly listens to the song. He smiles and seems to be enjoying it. But something seems to change with his countanence. He seems to be down. "I will never be able to have a family." He comments to himself. "Its hopeless." Despite the quiet tone of the boy, that word seems to echo out.

Hopeless... Hopeless... Hopeless...

The boys face seems to go blank as a non-discript egg floats out of his chest. "Its just hopeless. I can't even talk to a girl. Its hopeless." The boy says again and again. Then a second voice joins his. The non-descript egg turns black and a white X appears on it.

Unaware of what is going on, Seiko continues singing, "Everyday, I try and I try and I try! But everybody wants to put me down, they say I'm going crazy. They say I got a lot of water on my brain. I got no common sense. I got nobody left to believe... Yeah yeah yeah yeah!"

Hoshi shudders. "Umm... Something feels really wrong." She looks at Hinote and Tracy, "Do you feel that? It feels like something dark is nearby." She looks around and sees the egg floating there over the boy. "Its... An X Egg!" She quickly flies up to Seiko and begins flying around in front of her face. "Seiko! we need to Chara change or something. Its important!"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari releases Tracy after a bit. He and Tracy will have a talk about awareness later as Seiko begins to sing as he closes his eyes, and nods along with the song, leaning up against a nearby tree when...

Tracy pulls his fedora down. "It was a dark and stormy night. There was a nagging feeling in the air. Something as wrong in the city. I could feel it in my bones, my very existence. An X-egg was on the loose." he says, voice filled with mellodrama as he looks over to Hoshi, and nods to Hoshi, grimly.

"An X-egg!?" asks Hinote. He looks to Seiko. Can she character transform yet? or just Chara change? He doesn't know. But he nods. "Sorry about this." he says as he turns in the direction Tracy fingers in suddenly and he holds his hands out in front of him, and in an unlocking motion, yells "My Heart: UNLOCK!" as Tracy enters his egg. (Black and white, Noir style, with a band on the upper and lower, with a magnifying glass emblem.) and he holds it, merging with it, and on the otherside of the flash appears... Pulp Noir!

Pulp Noir grips the edge of his fedora as he takes a deep breath, before he starts jogging in the direction of the X-egg.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko stops singing and looks at Hoshi. "Whats going on?" She looks around and sees the dark egg over the boy who is completely out of it. "What is that thing, Hoshi?!" She asks as she doesn't know what to do.

"Its an X-Egg, Seiko-chan. Its what happens when a person punishes their dream. The dream becomes corrupted and an X-egg is formed. We have to do something!"

Then Hinote transforms right in front of her. "Oh Wow! Is that Chara transformation?" She asks.

Hoshi nods, "Yes! He is using 110% of Tracy's power."

"Can we do that?" Seiko asks as she looks at the events taking place. Her heart is racing and her knees are weak. She's never been in this sort of situation before. She's never seen any type of monster. Let alone an evil egg! "Should we run?" She asks.

"No! We can help! We can Chara Change and you could sing to the boy. Maybe it will help him to stop punishing his hearts egg!" Immediately The horseshoe pendant Seiko is wearing transforms into a star. "Do it Seiko-chan!"

Seiko quickly takes off running towards the X-egg and the boy. She starts singing the first words that come to her mind. "You don't have to do this. You can achieve your dreams! You don't have to hurt now, You're more than you seem!" She sings out her voice ringing in the air.

The X-egg turns to Pulp Noir and to the singing girl. "HOPELESS!" It snaps at the two and a beam of Xes goes flying toward the two of them.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir gets closer as he looks back at Seiko...who has chara changed. That's good. He looks up at the X-egg as he draws out a pistol, looking like a Colt .45 automatic, from his trenchcoat as the masked detective swings it around to point at the X-egg. "Things are not as hopeless as they seem...!" he says, before firing at the X-egg!

Seiko might be expecting a BANG. That doesn't happen. Instead it's the sound of powerful, running water spouting from the barrel of his gun as he looks determined.

Singing. Maybe singing can soothe the X-egg. Can her singing purify it? He can't. It isn't in his wheelhouse.

"Look, if we can at least, soothe it enough, I can get it to Kaname-chan. She might be able to help fix it from there if we can't." he says to Seiko.

Then, a series of X's get shot at him. Okay. Then they target Seiko. This worries him more, can Seiko handle that in only chara-change? He doesn't know, so he throws himself in front of Seiko to tank the shots for her, drawing his arms in front of him as he waits for impact.

And it hurts, throwing him to the side a moment on the ground as he offs. Okay. He'll pay for that tomorrow with a backache probably.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko sees the attack coming at her and quickly jumps away trying to avoid the attack. She then sees that Pulp Noir jumped in the way of the attack.

"Hopeless!" The X-egg retorts as it fires off those Xes at Pulp Noir. It would definitely hurt a bit. Then the X-egg gets the idea to start flying away. It moves flying across the park. A few small children see the dark egg flying and quickly run away trying to avoid the scary egg.

Hoshi winces as she sees Pulp Noir get hit with the attack that was meant for Seiko. "Seiko-chan, I don't know if it will work but we have to try a Chara transformation." She explains. "Like this." She demonstrates. "My Heart: Unlock!" She does the motions showing how its done.

Seiko blinks a few times. "Ummm okay." She stands up straight and does the motions, "My Heart: Unlock!" Immediately Hoshi's egg, A brightly colored egg with stars all over it, appears and closes around her. Seiko blinks and pulls the egg close. It passes through her into her heart and her appearance changes. Her outfit becomes much more like Hoshi's. A Idol's Skirt outfit done in pink. She smiles and winks as a star flashes behind her. "WHAAaaaaa!!!!!!!!"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir narrows his eyes a moment due to the shiny transformation effects, but when Star Shine comes out the other side, he seems relived. "Great!" he says as he lifts his gun again and starts chasing the X-egg as he takes a hard breath and fires another water stream towards the X-egg. It's more powerful than a firehose, for sure, at least.

"So." he asks coyly. "What's your name? I'm. Pulp Noir. Like this." he admits sheepishly, since discussing henshin names isn't something he does a lot of.

But it's only a momentary question.

"I need stronger artillery!" he says as he reaches back into his coat to pull out a tommy gun. Which he quickly starts firing rapid pulses of water into the sky after the X-egg.

"The last time I fought an X-egg, it turned into an X-chara. I really hope we can stop it before that happens!" he says. "Any ideas?" he asks Seiko.

Seiko Akai has posed:
The newly transformed Pop Idol blinks and looks at Pulp Noir. "I'm umm Star Shine, I think? I haven't exactly had time to figure anything out." She turns and starts chasing the X-egg.

Star Shine smiles and she can hear Hoshi's voice inside her. "Sing Star Shine!"

"Sing what!" Star Shine responds. The X-egg turns to while its flying away and begins fireing more Xes at the two would be heroes! "Thats not very nice! You Deviled Egg!"

"It doesn't matter! Just sing! Sing now!" Hoshi tells her.

The new magical girl opens her mouth and lets out a long sustained single note. A rainbow of notes goes flying, countering the Xes coming at her and hitting the egg! The egg starts trying to get away again. Several of the water shots from Pulp Noir hit the egg as well. The egg is officially outnumbered and it knows it.

"Thats nice and all but how about an actual song!" Hoshi comments inside her.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir looks away from Star Shine as he gives a coy smirk. "You'll figure it out. All sorts of crazy stuff happens." he says as he looks to the X-egg as she sings a long sustained note and a flurry of rainbow notation emits from her, smacking into the X-egg as he fires. "I can't...purify it." he says. "Why don't you try soothing it with a song? All I can do is fire guns and... I have..."

"...Detective powers that aren't very useful at the moment." he admits sheepishly.

He shakes it off and pulls down the brim of his fedora, as he keeps firing his tommy gun at it, to at least keep it on edge/weakened for Star Shine to do something!

Seiko Akai has posed:
Star Shine blinks and she quickly thinks. "I... Ummm..." She doesn't know what to sing. She continues chasing the egg but she is at a loss. The only song running through her mind is the one she was singing just a few minutes before. Would that work? She hopes. "Got no Feel, I got no Rhythm. I just keep losing my beat. I'm Okay, I'm alright. I ain't gonna face no defeat. I just gotta get out of this prison cell, Someday I'm gonna be free, LOOOOOORRRRDDD!!!!" She sings out long and sustained. In unison with Hoshi's voice in her head she speaks. "Open Heart."

At those spoken words a wave of light outlined in a musical staff explodes outwards, engulfing the X-egg.

The X-egg says nothing more. The white X fades off of it and it returns to its normal color. The Egg then floats back to the boy. It floats back into his heart and he snaps out of his daze.

"Hey! You know you have all the time in the world to chase your dream. You can achieve it. Just you wait.

He blinks a few times and looks around. "Will you... Be my girlfriend?" He asks Star Shine as he tries to chase his dream right now.

"Umm I'm not your type. But don't give up! There is the perfect girl out there for you! Just keep looking!" She comments before turning back to Pulp Noir. "Umm... I think I did it right? What was all of that?" Her henshin breaks and Hoshi reappears.

"You Chara Transformed and it was really cool! Did you see the X-Egg get purified! That was amazing! You're a pop idol even if you aren't on a stage yet! You're a star!"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir lets the transformation fade when it's all over and he and Tracy are just there now as he looks a little tired. "I don't take hits too well." he admits. "And I don't have fancy attacks. But. I can do my best, too. And I can do it when it counts." he says.

"...not that it was ever a worry." he winks at Seiko. "You did fine. And the egg got purified. Also. Some guy asked you out so that's a pretty good job right there." he says with a giggle near the end.

"That was a character transformation, yeah. That's what lets you do the stronger things a chara-change won't. Also."

"A character transformation obfuscates who you are so. If you wanna be secretive, make sure to find safe places to do it and don't tell anyone." he offers.

Seiko Akai has posed:
Seiko smiles, "My attacks seem music based. So Singing is it! That was fun. I think I successfully sang a song in public. I'm not as scared now. I mean we just survived the attack of a killer egg. That makes singing in public a little easier. Right?" She asks as she laughs nervously.

"Yes That was strange. Still I can purify things? Thats kinda cool. I Just hope that I don't mess up in the future. That was just an egg. If it had hatched it would have been a lot worse." She frowns at that idea.

"Okay! I will be sure to hide when I transform. That was my first time ever even trying. IT was really weird but really cool too. So I guess this means I'm a real magical girl now!" She laughs again as she looks to Hinote. "So you were looking for X-charas? What are you going to do when you find them?" She asks curiously.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari nods. "That's good. Your dream comes from wanting to be an idol. Mine comes from. Wanting to investigate all the magic I run into." he says with a blush. He looks away a moment. "Fixing X-eggs is important. X-charas are more dangerous." he then shifts a bit.

"The Trio? Try to bring them back to Madoka-chan so she can work it out with them, or purify them. One's a tiny..oujo. One's a tiny scientist. and one's a tiny... well I don't know but her name is Gretchen." he says as he brushes the back of his head.

"Wanna go get some ice cream before the nearby stand closes? My treat." he says.

"Ice cream. Hey, I want chocolate chip!" says Tracy as Hinote begins to walk over to the stand.

Seiko Akai has posed:
"I met Madoka-san once. Didn't get to talk a whole lot. She mentioned she had a few Charas. I have one Chara and that one is definitely more than enough. No offense Hoshi-chan."

"None taken! I know I'm a handful!" She pokes her tongue out at Seiko before looking at Hinote. "Ooh!!! Ice cream!! Can we get Cookie dough?" She asks.

"Seiko smiles and nods, "If they have it we can get it. I am all for Chocolate Chip Cookie dough." She grins happily. "Ice cream sounds fabulous! Lets do it Hinote-san!"