Aftermath of the Time Crash (Setsuna Meiou)

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Aftermath of the Time Crash (Setsuna Meiou)
Date of Cutscene: 01 July 2023
Location: Earth - Setsuna's Mansion
Synopsis: Sailor Pluto returns from the Gates of Time
Cast of Characters: Setsuna Meiou

An exertion of will through the Garnet Rod deposited Sailor Pluto into one of the safe houses (more like a safe MANSION, but when one has time to build wealth through the ages via looking at the future, why settle for 'house'?) she had set up. After quickly checking the security system to make sure she was alone, the Guardian of Time collapsed onto a couch and relaxed for the first time in longer than she liked to remember, the Key to the Gates of Time clattering to the floor as it slipped from exhausted fingers.

It had been a LONG...she blinked and shook her head...ninety eight hours, seventeen minutes and fourty seven seconds since the Gates suffered a catastrophic failure. While the fail-safes managed to keep the Gates themselves MOSTLY intact, functionally, they would not work again for a very, very long time. Even IF replacement parts could be HAD in this time period, it would take the efforts of a civilization approaching Kardashev Type 2 to restart them once more. Frankly, it was a testament to the engineering of the Silver Milennium that enough systems were still intact enough for her to get them even FRACTIONALLY functional, and THAT took four days and change of constant work.

Gloved hands rubbed her face as Pluto pushed herself back to a sitting position, "...okay, time to take stock. The Gates...the Gates are all but done. I was able to get the Past Viewing functionality working again, but the AI assistance is GONE, so any searches will be manual. I MIGHT be able to cobble something together to get very basic search assistance back, but even if it's possible it'll require custom-built parts, so that's not gonna happen anytime soon. Reading the Future's even worse. With all these new magic talents running around, there's too much chaos in the system. Getting a reliable read for all but the most certain events is basically impossible with no realistic hope of repair. I can probably reliably predict the weather tomorrow...but beyond that, forget it."

A long, weary sigh preceded her shaking her head. Leaning forward, she picked up the Garnet Rod and used it to push her increasingly tired form to her feet, "...and physical transit is right out." Slow, tired steps took Pluto into the nearby kitchen where she began rummaging around for something to eat, "...I need groceries." After a few moments, she shrugged, grabbed a couple of pizza pockets out of the freezer, then tossed them into the microwave and leaned against the counter to wait, " phrase the question as the current generation does...what do?"

The Senshi of Time looked around for a few moments, then remembed where she'd stashed a tablet computer. Letting it boot up while she got her food and something to drink, she came back and started looking over some files, "...well, even if I don't have go guard the Gates any...more..." One could almost watch Pluto's thoughts grind to a slow halt as her own words sank in. Now that she had a few moments to relax, some of the ramifications were becoming clear...and the big one was that she's finally realized...

...she doesn't have to stand watch over the Gates of Time anyore.


A nervous little giggle escaped her mouth...which quickly ramped up to full-blown CACKLING for a moment before settling back down into giggles for a good few minutes.

Once or twice, she managed to get herself back under control only to break again.

Finally, Pluto took a deep breath, got her composure back...the straightened up JUST long enough for her traitor memory to supply a line from a show she watched through the gates out of boredeom more than once. Indulging in a bit of theatricality, she threw her hands up and shouted:


Whereupon she dissolved into fits of giggles for a while longer.

Once she finally had herself together once again, the Senshi of Time went back to eating and looking over her tablet, "...okay, with the Gates not working, I don't have to stand guard over them constantly anymore. I can go do things and see stuff and take days off more than once or twice a decade."

Standing up, she dropped her dishes in the dishwasher, then headed towards the bedrooms, "...okay...before I make any decisions, I need to go sleep...and shower. Not in that order."


After sleeping in a SINFULLY long time, the Guardian of Pluto walked back into the kitchen, picking up the tablet that had been running some searches overnight for her, " it looks like the area Luna reported she thinks the Senshi are going to wake up in is pretty nearby...and for Serenity's sake if nothing else, I should try to help her daughter's court. Hrm. Looks like the school where they'll likely be going needs a Nurse..." She frowned in thought, "...pretty sure I got nurse accredation for one of my cover IDs..."

A bit of searching through files later, Pluto nodded to herself, "There we go." A quick few commands, and documents started getting printed for use later, "...Setsuna Meiou, age 20, fresh out of an accelerated Nursing program, first in her class...and application in to this Radiant Heart Academy for their school Nurse..."

"Setsuna Meiou. I'm Setsuna Meiou."