So this Belkan wants to go into business...
So this Belkan wants to go into business... | |
Date of Cutscene: | 23 January 2024 |
Location: | Earth - Casa Del Outers |
Synopsis: | While looking over some business proposals from Hannah, Setsuna does some quick consulting about TSAB regulations with Chrono. |
Cast of Characters: | Setsuna Meiou, Chrono Harlaown |
<TXT From Setsuna Meiou> Chrono-kun...I have a few legal questions about TSAB and laws regarding unadministered worlds.
<TXT From Chrono Harlaown> Go right ahead. I'll answer what I can.
<TXT From Setsuna Meiou> So I have Hannah-chan here with me with some business proposals. Apparently she wants to leverage her advanced knowledge somewhat to establish a business and is asking if I can provide her capital. Now, I imagine that TSAB probably has rules about someone coming in and obliterating an economy with hyperadvanced technology, correct?
<TXT From Chrono Harlaown> ... Yes. Yes we do. There are... measures... that are permitted. But it's Hannah, so I'm concerned. Please let her know she'll need to fill out and submit forms TD-673 and TSAB-BEL91401 and submit them to me before she proceeds.
<TXT From Setsuna Meiou> That's about what I figured. I'll see what she's got that's not more disruptive than her putting a thumb on the scales, tech-wise. Hell, it'll probably be less disruptive than whatever her asshole uncle has supplied to Obsidian to get their help. Come to think of it, she'll just be leveling the playing field in that regard, I imagine. Which might change how some of the regulations regard it.
<TXT From Setsuna Meiou> In any event, from what she's telling me, even what she's going to do is mostly a cover. Her main goal is to be able to secure supplies and material to properly leverage her Meister skills to give proper support for our Device Mage contingent.
<TXT From Setsuna Meiou> I know I would feel a lot better if we already had an established place to fix Nicomachea or S2U if something happened to them, much less the the other Devices whose names I don't know yet.
<TXT From Chrono Harlaown> That'd be fine. There are avenues for this, so long as she follows all proper channels, there will be no issues. Please ask her not to force me to confiscate her... everything.
<TXT From Setsuna Meiou> Don't worry. I'll be keeping a hand in to make sure the brakes stay on. But I take it the general gist of things is 'keep it reasonable and everything will be fine'. I'll keep it ACTUALLY reasonable rather 'Belkan Reasonable'. đ
<TXT From Chrono Harlaown> Hm. Between you making sure she doesn't go too far and her making sure YOU don't go too far, maybe things won't get out of hand... I'll review the paperwork this weekend if she gets it to me by thursday at 4pm.
<TXT From Setsuna Meiou> ME? Go too far? What gives you THAT kind of idea?
<TXT From Chrono Harlaown> ... Do... do you want a list? Because there's a list. Hold on, are you at a computer? It might be easier to send the whole record.
<TXT From Setsuna Meiou> ...
<TXT From Setsuna Meiou> Just give me the top two or three examples you think prove your point.
<TXT From Chrono Harlaown> Ahem. You want the top two or three examples to prove the fact I should be wary of you going too far and getting excited, therefore going far beyond what should be the progression of this world's natural technological development?
<TXT From Chrono Harlaown> Just so we're clear?
<TXT From Setsuna Meiou> ...sure. Let's go with that for now.
<TXT From Chrono Harlaown> Well... Christmas, for one. Delivering all those gifts using an, ahem, rather powerful ancient artifact. Some of the stuff you have in your 'void', don't think I failed to notice a certain sizeable monster costume(Don't ask how I discovered its history, I blame the lost logia known as wikitraps). When you went shopping for books with Rashmi recently... Shall I go on?
<TXT From Setsuna Meiou> None of those are 'too far'. All cited examples are a perfectly acceptable amounts of 'far'.
<TXT From Setsuna Meiou> And they were just going to throw out that Godzilla costume! It's a piece of film history!
<TXT From Chrono Harlaown> Mmmmm hm. I've gazed into your abyss, Setsuna. I am well aware of how dangerous you can be.
<TXT From Setsuna Meiou> I am harmless! The soul of innocence! So what if i made a habit of rescuing bits of history before they were destroyed. A girl needs a hobby.
<TXT From Chrono Harlaown> You are, intentionally, harmless. But accidentally... not so much.
<TXT From Setsuna Meiou> ...
<TXT From Setsuna Meiou> ...anyway, I'll get back to you later. Hannah's almost finished her dinner and I've skimmed most of these proposals. I'll make sure she gets you that paperwork as soon as we get it finalized.
<TXT From Chrono Harlaown> Of course. And sorry, Setsuna.
<TXT From Setsuna Meiou> Sorry for what?
<TXT From Chrono Harlaown> But sometimes being part of a family means getting called out on things that may cause destruction or chaos on a global scale.
<TXT From Setsuna Meiou> Look, you know well and good that any chaos I cause is strictly limited to my immediate area and only when I'm off duty. No need to apologize, though. This touches on your work and I understand that that means 'Grumpy Enforcer Chrono' has to come to the fore.