1560/Days of our Outers Episode 1560: Grand Acquisition Auto

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Days of our Outers Episode 1560: Grand Acquisition Auto
Date of Scene: 20 May 2024
Location: Pikarigaoaka Ward
Synopsis: Haruka helps Setsuna buy a car.
Cast of Characters: Setsuna Meiou, Haruka Tenoh

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
It's a typical weekend day at the home affectionately known as the Casa del Outers, around late morning.

The day finds Setsuna sitting in the kitchen, fortifying herself with some extra caffiene and absently reading a book as she waits for her blonde housemate to wander out of bed.

At a glance, it's apparent that she's been up for at least a little while, as rather than her normal 'bombing around the house' wear of some oversized geek t-shirt worn as a one-piece dress, she's actually wearing something more suitable for going and interacting with people out in the world.

In this case, a shortsleeved chambray blouse tucked into a knee-length denim skirt.

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
Haruka Tenoh does eventually make her way out of the labrynthine passages of the maasive house (which are really just only that bad when you were up too late the night before). Somewhat atypically, instead of jeans and a t-shirt she's in a long dress - with a scarf at her neck. It must have matched her mood better today. But right now she's otherwise not looking as ready to go anywhere as her housemate Setsuna - hair's a mess and while he clothes are well put together, her feet are barefoot and her eyes are half open.

    "Oh good, if you're up that means there's coffee." she mumbles to Setsuna as she staggers into the kitchen. "Please tell me there's coffee." Haruka doesn't normally go for the coffee early with the same gusto as Setsuna, but sometimes she's... not the best maker of decisions for Future Haruka late at night.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
At seeing the state Haruka is in when she shambles into the kitchen, Setsuna arches an eyebrow.

She is aware that Haruka, unlike the teal-haired demon of a 'morning person' that lives with them is, like herself, often in need of some caffienated fortification of a morning.

This morning seems a bit more on the 'extreme' side, however.

Still, Setsuna anticipated the basic need, if not the severity...and as she waves at a chair, she gets up and walks over to the coffee maker in the corner which she'd already had queued up with Haruka's preferred morning brew and style so that all it takes is a single button press and a very short wait, "Sit. Sit. I figured you'd be up soon, so I had things ready to go."

A blissfully brief wait later, she's stepping back over and sliding a large mug with a picture of a coffee bean over the words 'or I cut you' on it, "Here you go, Haruka. Rough night?"

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
Haruka shakes her head, blonde scraggly hair kind of going everywhere when she does. "No, rough morning." She clarifies. "Last night was 'fun', but there weren't enough hours between the night and the morning." she protests. "Can't you do something about that? You're like... the Time Lady." she says, even though she knows that her friend and closer-than-a-sister has Taboos, and more importantly, is not going to alter time to offset Haruka's poor decision-making skills anyways.

    She takes the coffee with an expression of the most pure thankfullness that can only be proffered to one who gives out the morning's life preserver. She drinks deeply of it despite the fresh heat. "Well, at least I came home with all of my cars which is more than I can say for everyone there." she says, with a chuckle. "That would have made for a very awkward conversation..." and then she pauses, takes another drink, and squints at Setsuna.

    "Wait, would you even be mad if I lost one of our cars in a race?"

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna rolls her eyes and snorts as Haruka pleads with her to alter the flow of Time itself to help her get over the effects of too little time resting, "Oh sure. I roll back time to give you more sleeping in, and then the floodgates are open. 'Pluto, can you roll back time? We need more time to study for finals!' 'Pluto, can you roll back time? I want to get a head start on studying for next years' classes.' 'Pluto, can you roll back time? I need more time to get ready for a date!' 'Pluto, can you roll back time? I got distracted thinking about time travel and I accidentally burned my cheese sandwich, can you do something about that?' 'Pluto, can you roll back time? There were two really good options for lunch and I want to try the other one!'"

As she goes through the litany of possible requests, she occasionally shifts her voice a little to do impressions...there was definitely an Usagi, an Ami, and a Minako in there.

She sits down an shakes her head, "Sorry, Haruka. You're just going to have to power through like everyone else."

Haruka's comments on what she was doing with her night get a raised eyebrow from the other woman...but then she asks Setsuna a pertinent question, at which point the greenhaired woman blinks and takes a sip of her coffee while she obviously takes a moment to think.

After a short pause, she hrms, "...well...on the whole, not REALLY. I mean, I can get a new car easy enough."

She shrugs, "...I mean, sure, the GT40 has some memories attatched of you making me scream...but mostly I'd be surprised you LOST."

After a momentt, she then snaps her fingers, "Ah, yes. That reminds me."

She looks more directly at Haruka, "When you feel adequate for facing the day-ball, I'd like you to go with me. I think I've found a suitable vehicle for me to drive around."

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    Haruka snickers. "I know, I know. Some things are static, unchanging - like the flow of time, I suppose... Thankfully humans re-invented coffee." She says. "Or... I think they did. Did we have coffee in the Silver Millenium? We must have, otherwise the whole society wouldn't have needed Dark Energy's help to fall apart." she says, a bit of grim humor from her.

    Then Haruka nods. She kind of knows the answer. Between Setsuna and Michiru - well, Haruka has Patrons who will pick up the tab for at least the occasional bad idea.

    "Well, that's why it was a question. You'll find all of our cars in the garage. No new ones though, I'm pretty sure the other people aren't as lucky to have two beautiful women with bountiful bank accounts living with them, I'd have felt too bad." she notes.

    "A car suitable for you?" she asks, leaning down to finish the last of her coffee, before finishing. "...Setsuna-san, for the last time, bumper cars are not allowed on Tokyo city streets." she says, sounding incredibly serious except for the mischevious sparkle in her eyes when she looks up from her coffee to note it.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
When asked about having coffee in the Silver Millenium, Setsuna actually pauses and gets a slightly distant look, "...well, it wasn't COFFEE, but it was something that slotted into more-or-less the same kind of 'space' coffee fits into."

She frowns a bit, "...I remember seeing people drink it, but I never got around to trying it myself...hrm..."

She trails off, then shrugs, "...so to answer your question, 'no, but yes'?"

The dig about bumper cars, however, causes Setsuna to look at Haruka with a very flat glare.

However, it's easy to tell that there's no real heat in her expression...more the moderate exasperation of one knowing they're still dealing with something they're not living down for a good long while yet, "...look, it's not MY fault that I'm having problems picking up driving cars. They only travel on the GROUND. I'm perfectly fine piloting vehicles that can travel in three dimensions as Nature obviously intended...as you have AMPLE example of."

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
Haruka smiles. "But your ability to make cars - at least digital ones - move in three dimensions, however briefly, remains impressive." She says.

    "But. In all seriousness... are you sure there's something you're confident you can drive out there? Not because of any jokes or anything but... I do think you should have something and I'm willing to work with you to keep all four wheels on the ground. Video games are fun, but they aren't like real life - and I think you'll do better if you allow yourself to." she says, quietly.

    "So it's really about your own confidence." she continues. And if there's something besides cars Haruka knows about, it's self-confidence. "Though I also have to ask... why? I know the helicopter is a bit unweildy to land at school, but it's not like most of the teachers don't take public transit, too." she says.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Haruka's comment about Setuna's rather bizaare and even humorous antics with digital simulators get the older woman to frown briefly her before she blows a raspberry at the dishwater blonde.

Then she calmly finishes off her coffee and puts her empty mug in the dishwasher before turning back and shrugging and answering the other woman's question, "Couple of reasons. For one, it'd be nice to have something we can all pile into for a day trip or drive or whatever. For another, it'll let me do some shopping in more bulk without people looking at me funny like the last time I tried to go shopping on foot."

She shakes her head, "YOU know we have dimensional pockets, and *I* know we have dimensional pockets...but the average passerby looks at me funny when I load up half a cubic meter of shopping with no obvious car to put it in."

Setsuna shrugs, "Going and doing some more piloting for Rashmi and a few of her friends got me thinking. I'm fairly certain that, at some level, the reason trying to drive a car was throwing me was because the little bit of experience I've had with vehicles was either with ones that move in three dimensions...like the Bell and most of the vehicles we had in the Silver Millenium...or were things one didn't really 'drive' in the same sense, like a horse."

She leans against the island, "...in any event, I've found something I think fits the bill that I can at least drive adequately if I'm careful...and should still be good for us even once you've passed on a little more of your insane combat driving expertise...but before I bought it, I wanted to take you to go see it and get the opinion of the expert."

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    Haruka shakes her head. "This is why most people in Japan do their shopping relatively close to their cooking, on the way home. You know. On foot. You sometimes think too much in terms of a European or an American." she says, blutnly. But it's not cruel, it's more of a gentle reminder than anything.

    "Most people don't exactly load up a car with groceries anyways, and if you're worried about looking weird when doing it, you're still gonna be in that spot." she says. "But I can see some reasons why having a car we can all fit in might be good, and really, both of you should be able to drive it."

    Then she pauses. "I'd teach Hotaru-chan too except I'm pretty sure her feet won't touch the pedals. Not if we can fit you and I into the same car without putting us through a trash compactor first, anyways."

    "But... I'll go with you, for sure. If only to make sure you don't give Michiru and I more ammo to tease you with. At some point it's just too easy."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna gives Haruka another one of those flat looks for a moment, then shakes her head, "There are four of us living here now, and we have guests over often enough. I'd like the option to not HAVE to stop by the store every evening on the way home to buy more toilet paper and instead just get the huge pack that'll last us a few weeks. Also, I occasionally need to make a purchase of something largeish and having things shipped is sometimes less than practical."

She snorts and shakes her head, "...yeah, it's going to be a while before teaching Hotaru is in any way going to be a thing."

Setsuna then waves, "Well get yourself together and we'll go, then. If you don't mind, we can take the train to the place...that way if things meet with your approval, we can just drive it home."

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    Haruka nods. "Yeah, we're not driving over there because that would entail you driving back alone and... I'm not sure -my- heart is ready for that yet." she says, confirming it.

    "And no, I think... it would do Hotaru some good to have someone to ride along with who isn't me. Or that lady from the Witches 5. Her idea of road safety... isn't... and that's coming from me." Haruka notes.

    "Alright, alright. Let me... hmmm." she pauses, and turns to Setsuna. "You know, I was gonna change clothes but now I think it'll be funny if someone tries to 'girls don't know cars' at us so I'll stick with the dress. The rest of me, though... still a mess. Give me like..." she pauses. "Ten minutes?" she adds, as she gets up to make another cup of coffee from the fancy machine, now awake enough to use it.

    "But yes, I agree overall... there are good reasons for us to have a 'family' car - doubley so if I don't have to drive it. A family car doesn't take corners quite the same - it will throw me off."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna nods, smiling, "Well...yes...I imagine it will be amusing if someone does the 'girls don't know cars' thing at us."

She then waves a little at Haruka, "...though I DO imagine you'll probably want to at least wave a comb at your head."

She makes some vague gestures to indicate that Haruka is rocking some bed head.

That all done, she waits for Haruka to be ready, then she leads the other woman out and into...THE REAL WORLD!!!

Which, in this case, mainly entails the two of them going outside and taking the twenty-ish minute commute from the edges of the Pikarigaoaka Ward into Tokyo proper.

Once off the train, it's only a brief walk before Setsuna is leading Haruka down the street towards a Nissan dealership, "After the...LAST time..."

She trails off a moment at the reference to her LAST purchase of a vehicle, "...I figured buying something a bit more...local would probably work best. Thus..."

And she waves her hand towards the Nissan storefront just as they arrive.

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
Haruka nods. "A brush, a comb, a bucket of water, maybe some plaster of paris..." she notes, seeing her own reflection in a surface.

    An aggressive hair-taming later and a commute behind them and the two women are headed into the dealership proper. "Yeah, I feel like maybe you would do better with the visualization of something in person rather than on the internet." Haruka says to Setsuna. "I may tease you about it until the end of time - but I don't think you'd have made that purchasing decision had you been able to stand next to it and realize that you were going to need to use the helicopter just to get into the truck from the ground." she says cheekily.

    "But I am curious as to what you've found that does suit you. Well, us. We all have to get out of it, so hopefully no large white panel vans." she suggests. "Or flame stripes. They're a little tacky and clash with Michiru's whole ocean thing."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
As Setsuna leads Haruka into the Nissan dealership, they have a few moments to themselves as the sales staff on this lazy afternoon have a bit of a decision on whom gets to 'help' the two young women who just walked in.

On the one hand, neither of them is dressed or carries themselves in a way that screams 'MONEY!!!!' like Michiru can when she's putting even a token effort in...so common wisdom is that they are unlikely to be buying.

On the other hand, both of them are rather easy on the eyes. And nothing particularly is going on at the moment.

Thus, just as Setsuna comes to a stop in front of one of the display models of the latest Nissan Rogue, a middle aged salesperson appears nearby and asks, "Welcome to Nissan Suginami. How may I help you two young ladies today?"

Before he can get any further in his spiel, however, Setsuna raises a finger towards him and says, "Just a moment, Mister..." A look is given at his nametag before she goes on, "...Ichigo. We'll probably have need of you, but I was wanting to get the opinion of my expert here...and I imagine she'll probably have some questions you can answer."

Which is a statement delivered so quickly and abruptly that it puts the poor man a bit on the back foot.

Setsuna then turns to Haruka and says, "So this is what I was thinking would be good. It looks like it has basically everything I was needing...but you're the car guru."

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    Haruka tilts her head and then starts to pace around the car. It's less of 'looking at the car for information' and more 'happens to be looking at the car while thinking' and 'looking at it while trying to move from her standard thought to a more practical thought pattern'. Which isn't the easiest thing.

    And the words that eventually leave her mouth are words that few humans would ever hear Haruka Tenoh say, even if they spent most of their lives around her. She puts her hand to her chin. "Mmm. What's it got in terms of... safety features?" she asks.

    A further consideration, she opens the door and looks in and considers... cargo space. Another strange moment. She turns back to Ichigo. "And... what sort of complimentary maintenance can we expect?" she adds.

    "And... in terms of options, what do you have we can drive off the lot today?" she asks. That last question, she knows, is the kind of thing that will get the salesman's attention enough to actually start pushing on getting the full info for the other ones.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
After getting a bit thrown off his game first by Setsuna's well-timed interjection...and then a few moments later by Haruka's series of highly pertinent questions, Ichigo blinks several times in confusion before one can almost watch him mentally change gears as he realizes that the blonde seems to know a thing or two. So with a mental shrug, she dispenses with the normal song and dance and just goes to answering her questions, "Well, this year's Rogue has a five star safety rating from the national review board. On top of that, it's got the most safety technologies of anything in it's class. Automatic Emergency Braking with Pedestrian Detection, Blind Spot Warning, Rear Cross Traffic alerts to detect things behind you when backing up out of the field of view of the standard backup camera, Lane departure warning to prevent unintentional lane drifting on the highway, Rear Automatic Braking to prevent running into something darting behind you while backing up, standard front and side airbags..."

The litany goes on for a few moments...but it's basically got all the standard and a few new safety gadgets.

By the time the question about service comes up, he's much more settled, "Oh, yes. Drivetrain is warrantied for five years, as is the transmission. Basic maintenance like filters, lubricant, coolant, and tire pressure is complimentary for the first year, and we have a modest package deal for years after that. Just pull into any Nissan outlet, they'll scan your car and change your fluids and filters as needed. Generally takes about twenty minutes or so."

Finally, Haruka gets to the question about 'what can we get TODAY?' Which causes Ichigo to pause for a moment. He frowns slightly in thought, "Well, it depends on what of the various cosmetic and other options you wa..nnn..t..?"

Looking over, he seems to have trailed off because Setsuna has stepped into his field of vision behind Haruka, and she's holding up a very distinctive-looking black credit card and pointing at it...and this seems to have caused the salesman's brain to reboot.

A few moments later, he shakes his head, and obviously changes gears once more, "...OKAY...well, then...if you don't mind a small fee..."

Behind Haruka, Setsuna smiles and shakes her head, "...and I can see you don't...well, that means that basically any option, color, package, what have you is probably available at ONE of the Nissan dealerships here in Tokyo, so for said fee, I can just run the rush paperwork, have it transferred and trucked over within an hour or so."

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    "Well, if it's going to be your car primarily, we should get it in kind of a dark-green black sort of color, right?" Haruka asks, after a moment of consideration. She's more than happy to talk around Ichigo like he's not there when needed. "Unless they have it in garnet red. And red tends to attract more attention than we like, so maybe not even then." she says, to Setsuna. She is going to let the money side of things slide - normally she'd be tempted to haggle, but really, Setsuna (and Michiru) were so used to splashing the stuff around she was getting a bit more rusty herself. And... well, if they weren't worried, what was the point. Heiress and Time Lady indeed.

    "It's going to be... very important to me that the other tall lady here can have her issues resolved if she has any. Just by pulling in. There's got to be some sort of all-inclusive warranty, right?" she asks. And who doesn't like an upsell? No self-respecting salesman. "I want something no-bs where I know it's taken care of because I don't want her to have any trouble." Setsuna has had enough trouble in pretty much her whole life anyways. Her very long life indeed.

    "It's a safe car though, and that's my big concern." she says, back to Setsuna. "I just want you to be able to know if it makes any out of place noises you can deal with it without waiting for me."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Sensing that Haruka has given her approval of her choice, Setsuna smiles and gives her friend a hug, then walks over to Ichigo and hands him the credit card before pointing at Haruka, "What she said about maintenance. Gimme all the goodies, and I'll take it in black."

Ichigo takes the card and holds it slightly reverently and stares at it for a moment before shaking his head and saying, "Sure thing. Let me just head over to the office and see who's got all of that."

He wanders over to the office...and after a few moments discussion seen through the windows, the words 'Holy...is that a BLACK CARD?' can be heard.

Setsuna covers a giggle, then says, "I'm glad it has your approval..."

She then grins knowingly at the blonde, "...even if I get the impression that you won't even want to TOUCH the wheel except in extremis."

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    There isn't much more of a pure smile that Haruka gives than the one she gives when she's huggeed by Setsuna. It's the same one as when she's hugged by Michiru albeit for slightly different reasons. She turns to the woman and smirks as she overhears the salesman gaggling. "I am starting to think you enjoy doing that. Is this your version of getting pretty girls to swoon at you?" she asks, smirking a little bit.

    "Mostly... I just wanted to be sure it was something I could be confident you were safe in. Cars... we can get more cars. There's only one of you." Haruka says, putting her hand on her hip.

    "And I mean I wouldn't choose to drive it over one of the ones that came with the house on its own but... if it means I get to have all of my favorite people with me? I'd drive it. Still better for you or Michiru to get the time behind the wheel though. It is slightly more subtle than landing on a helipad to go to one of Michi's peformances, I'll say that much."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna smiles as she shifts so that she's standing side by side with Haruka and looking towards the office. After a few moments thinking about it, she shrugs, "Eh...maybe a little. I went through the effort of getting one, after all...and until recently, I basically haven't been really using it all that much."

She then takes another look at Haruka and rolls her eyes, "Not that you have to really put EFFORT in to get girls to swoon most of the time. You just give them that rakish look and I'm seeing an uptick in girls brought in from a sudden loss of consciousness."

There's no accusation in her tone, just exasperation that is very clearly MOCK exasperation.

Her smile softens at the comment about 'one of her', "Thanks, Haruka."

Setsuna then snorts, "Fair...fair...though don't feel bad asking me to fly you two somewhere. I can swing it most days, and I need to put at least a few hours a month in to keep my flight rating up."

She shakes her head, "Heck, I let Rashmi 'con' me into taking her, Amy-chan, and Miss Skyline on a day trip to Nagoya the other week. So don't feel bad if you two want me to fly you somewhere."

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    Haruka grins. "Actually, I should probably have you teach me to fly, too. Even if it's not quite the same as having the rubber meet the road, it's really hard to call myself the Sky King if I'm not... fully capable of piloting the Sky Thing." she notes. "So maybe what I should be saying is, next time we have somwhere to go that it makes sense to go together, we should start on that path." she notes. "Then we can be a proper force to be reckoned with - on the sky! on the ground! In the sea! All of that." she says, grinning still.

    "And then... just think of all the extra girls I can make swoon. Girls not in your area of responsibility." she adds with a wink.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna just shakes her head in mock exasperation at Haruka, and Ichigo comes back out, "Okay, I've got some stuff for you to sign for the contracts and sales and various documents and the like. The dealership over in Nakanoa had one that matched what you wanted, so we're getting that ferried here as we speak."

A quick bit of thinking puts that other place MAYBE three miles away as the crow flies. Call it thre and a half on the streets.

So Setsuna sits down with the salesperson and starts signing, "...initial here, here, here, here, here, here, sign and date here, initial here, sign here, initial here, here, here, here, here, here, sign and date here and here...and that's everything. Here's your card back...and I can see them pulling up just outside."

And indeed, a look through the glass doors shows a black Rogue up on a transport truck.

Ichigo gets up and waves the two women forwards towards the door, and as you watch, then truck's carry surface shifts back and tilts down to touch the ground...at which point the driver undoes some straps and then engages the winch to slowly let the car roll back onto the ground and onto it's tires.

Then there's some quick disengagements, the truck is righted back to it's normal orientation, and finally a clipboard and package are handed to Ichigo, who signs the board and hands it back, then takes the package and hands it to Setsuna, "Here you go, Miss Meiou. You are now the proud owner of a brand new Nissan Rogue. Drive it in good health, and feel free to come see us anytime."

Setsuna smiles, takes the package that she opens to retrieve the keys from, "Thank you, Ichigo...have a nice day."

And with that, she waves Haruka over to the new vehicle.

A press of the remote, and the sound of the doors unlocking is heard...then Setsuna walks over to the driver's side, opens the door and gets in.

And immediately has to spend a good few moments adjusting the seat since by default it's not set to 'monstrously tall'.

Once she has the seat where she wants it, however, she spends a few moments fiddling with mirrors...and then she just leans back in the seat for a minute or so, sokaing in that whole 'new car' smell before she fastens her belt, and with the push of a button, starts the car, "Well, unless you wanted to go somewhere else, head home?"

She then blinks and smiles, "...better yet, let's go home via Korma and get some celebratory curry."

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    Haruka nods, watching the entire spectacle with some degree of... bemusement? It's strange to her, sometimes, to realize that she's the closest thing to 'normal' of the three older girls in the household - sometimes it's nice to have Rashmi over to help with that, but then there's Chrono... she chuckles to herself, just a little bit, to consider that the girl who races behind a darkened helmet is the one who at least can't walk into a car dealership and order one on a whim.

    But when the car is actually there, and she gets in the passenger seat, it's a much more businesslike Haruka. "Sure. Korma sounds great. Just remember to take it slow. We're in no rush." she says. She doesn't actually tease or go after Setsuna right now, but she's watching her closely - and ready to intervene if need be. But she has a suspicion what the woman lacks is as much confidence and practice as anything, and she won't get those if Haruka is too aggressively overprotective.

    Still, she does hope they get hime with Korma and in the first car they purchase today... As long as they make it back in one car, the curry will be celebratory indeed. "To the Korma!" she says, dramatically pointing a finger forward and then using that finger to set up navigation for Setsuna to it. She can't assume the other girl has memorized how to get there on four wheels, after all.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna then reaches into the breast pocket of her chambray shirt and pulls out an index card with an honest-to-God checklist on it.

She visibly runs down the list, checking mirrors, making sure everything is set up, checking everyone's secured, making sure the parking brake is disengaged, etc.

One thing she DOES do is retrieve her phone and take a few seconds to pair it to the car.

Nodding to herself, she puts the list away, puts both hands on the wheel and closes her eyes and takes a deep breath to center before she opens them, checks mirrors while reaching over to the shift column and moving it to 'D', then slowly easing off the brakes and 'merging' into the nonexistant (at the moment) traffic.

Fortunately enough, one of the features is a built-in Google Assistant...so when Haruka says 'To the Korma!', it's already plotting the best route to the place she has favorited in her phone by the time the blonde hits the 'navigate' control.

And as Haruka surmised...part of it was confidence...and part of it was also apparently just needing to feel the feedback from the vehicle.

She's not QUITE at 'little old lady driver' levels...but there's certainly an element of 'this is my new baby and I'm being overly cautious with it'.

One nice thing is that, when the turn signal is fliped, the dash screen helpfully shows the view from a camera in that side's respective blind spot.

Thus, the trip for food is probably far slower than Haruka would LIKE...but by the same token...it IS quite successful by the standards she set, "Well...that wasn't as hard as I was afraid..."

She takes a deep breath, then looks over, "...thanks for doing this with me, Haruka."

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    Haruka just smiles. Because the checklist means Setsuna is taking it seriously and had studied, and she had a lot of faith in her housemates when they were prepared. Surprises and shocks were more Haruka's thing.

    And to be fair to Setsuna - pretty much everyone moves slower than Haruka would like in any vehicle with any sort of movement. So in a relative sense - everyone is slow compared to her, meaning she can lean back and just relax at Setsuna's New Driver New Car speed.

    And then Setsuna gives her thanks, and Haruka sits up and turns to look at her, almost shocked. "...You're welcome, but I hope you know I was happy to do it. From the time we met, I was in need and you gave me a lot, Setsuna-san. Even before we knew who I was - that we were Pluto and Uranus - you were there for me when I needed someone. Times like this - I am glad I get to give a little bit back. And then on top of that, you're my teammate, my ally... so anytime you need my help? Just ask. You're important to me. You're *family* to me. And helping you makes me smile." she says, before leaning back.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna smiles, takes a few moments to secure everything as the gate to the driveway closes behind them, then turns the car off and says, "Well, then...let's go inside and have our celebratory dinner!"