1968/Not So Shrimple Treasure Hunt

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Not So Shrimple Treasure Hunt
Date of Scene: 24 September 2024
Location: Yumegahama Aquarium and Marine Center
Synopsis: Yuri puts up one of those towers Sunbreaker had, and in conjuction with a cursed treasure youma further blessed by Gaito, sets out to protect it. Barely able to endure the intervention of Yellow Pearl Voice, Equivalence, Jolly Roger and Magical Rocket Girl Red, she flees with the charged tower, while her colleague gets purified, and the coin retrieved, an appearance by Aqua Regina granting the pirate a white pearl.
Cast of Characters: Coco Kiumi, Hinoiri Kirara, Erika Shimizu, Amanda Faust

Coco Kiumi has posed:
There had been quite the movement in Gaito's palace ever since Yuri came back with that tower that had been entrusted to her by Eudial, though most of it had been due to bickering on who should get to use it. "My Lord, please let me take charge of this mission. I was the one who got it here and I will give you results, I promise", Yuri start arguing her case. "Yes, just because you happened to be in the right place at the right time. My lord, I am certainly the most capable for this mission", Isuru pleads her case to Gaito, watching the entire situation unfold with a sneer. 'Always the same story, these four', he thinks. "I am certainly the best suited for this situation, none of you have ever worked with Sunbreaker", Maria butts in, interrupted by Eril making a moking grin at her. "Yes, yes, the time with the burned book", she chants. "You really made Lord Gaito mad there, while I successfully found another enemy of Obsidian as soon as she had entered the Earth."

"Enough, enough, my dears", Gaito starts breaking up the quarrel, having gotten his amusement out of the little scene. "There is a weird signal not too far from my palace, whoever brings it back to me with be the one chosen for this mission. Are you up the to the task?" he looks at the entire group. "Yes, my Lord!", the Dark Lovers say with a single voice. Fast forward to their return, Yuri is standing spitefully confident amongst the group of dejected Dark Lovers. "Good job on capturing that youma. That coin may have made it strong already, but I will give you a gift for the occasion", Gaito smiles touching the head of a giant squid in a net made of water. The dark aura that appears around it breaks its prison and it soon starts changing shape, taking on a humanoid shape. "Architeuthis, at your service", the newly formed sea demon smiles, tossing the coin in the hair with bravado. "Yuri will you in on the mission, just accompany her and do everything you are told", Gaito orders.

A few hours later, Yuri and Archite are standing in front of a manta ray of the Yumegahama Aquarium and Marine Center. "So this is where is we are supposed to be planting the tower?" Architeuthis says, glancing at the object Yuri is holding, dark energy concealing it from mundane eyes. "Yes, it has quite the attendance", Yuri explains, looking at her fellow sea demons weirdly when he kneels. "What are you doing?" Architeuthis murmurs something unintelligible before replying to Yuri. "Paying my respects for a fallen brethren. Our hunter and one of your mermaid princesses was here too." Yuri scowls at that explanation. "Try not to get too distracted if this hunter shows up today. We need to defend the tower, you know that?" At Architeuthis's nods, Yuri smiles. "Time to find that dumb talisman!", she declares, placing down the tower and activating it. Immediately the construction spikes with dark energy, making every civilian in the aquarium collapse as it drains them of energy. Hopefully it will be able to find the talisman, and as for what Eudial is looking for... She is not sure that should be found, honestly. Even more so if it means risking Cyprine's fate.

A corridor away, Coco is conversing with Hippo, casually going through the various tanks to ensure all the sealife here is healthy this week too. "We haven't had major incidents that required explanation", the mermaid princess tells him. "And all the head ups to the center, I have done them while transformed, so I had the Veil backing me up too." The penguin(?) nods as they keep walking, just as people start falling down around them. "One of the Dark Lovers, " Hippo exclaims tensely, just about at the same time Coco takes note too. "Yuri! And... some other guy? Has Gaito started losing confidence in sending you alone?" the yellow mermaid exclaims as she sees who is left in the room. "The Princess of the South Pacific and Aqua Regina's hapless servant, I see." Hippo scoffs at that. "We will see who is hapless once we are finished with today."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Yuri snickers, then continues. "Be it as it may, this is just a precious find I had, and one my lord decided to bless me with. You should be able to recognise this tower too, do I have it right?", Yuri continues lightly. A look and a nod come from Coco as the gizmo is brought to her attention. One of Hinoiri's creations from a while back. She should probably be told these are still being used today, the blonde girl considers. "Yes, and you will be stopped here like always! Yellow Pearl Voice!" she declares, the pearl in her shell locket responding to her and starting to shine with a yellow light. A kaleidoscope of colours covers Coco's clothes as those change into her yellow gloves and boots with flowy extensions, as well as a yellow blouse with a yellow skirt, while her pearl expands into her trusty E-Pitch microphone, its blue shape settling comfily into her hand, the yellow jewel nestled safely in the head's center.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara was, admittedly, still... not in the best frame of mind. She had finally told her 'girlfriend' that she was hiding something... but that wasn't quite enough. And she'd been having a few more little outbursts and after nearly slamming another student into the lockers when they had said something she hadn't found altogether appreciative, she had decided perhaps she should take a teensy bit of time to unwind. She didn't want to have another dark energy incident, now did she?

So of course no sooner did she arrive at the aquarium, that people began to collapse. "Sora... damn... it... I swear it it's one of my towers..."

Oh, she didn't care who it was. She was going to make someone CHOKE on it.

She stormed out from the building, not even giving anyone she knew more than a wave and a 'Go kick their flanks' as she stormed out. Bucking using HER TOYS that SHE COULDN'T PLAY WITH ANYMORE!

It wouldn't be long before Yuri would likely hear the whistling sound of a metal boot coming DOWN at her face! "You shouldn't be playing with magic you can't understand!" the masked magical girl snapped.

Erika Shimizu has posed:
    It was a nice day. It was a fine day. Erika Shimizu and Amy Faust were totally on a friendly outing to the aquarium for both fun and a little bit of school related project work or something, when people start keeling over. That's never good but...
    See here's the thing.
    When you're an undead pirate captain in search of your treasure in hopes of breaking the curse of blood laid upon you and your crew... You kind of know when one of your coins goes missing.
    Erika Shimizu, the dread pirate Jolly Roger, has been looking high and low for that coin.
    So when she can *feel* it turning up at the aquarium of all places; where she had been spending quality time with a friend for once, and the very place where she had practically started her magical journey well over a year ago...
    "Oh carp oh carp oh carp oh carp!"
    Well. The petite blonde goes running.
    That's when the girl produces a much similar coin to the youma.
    Flipping her coin into the air it sails end over end...
    "Under a black flag we sail and the sea shall be our empire! Take what you can. Give nothing back!" She declares as the coin comes back down. And when she catches it, Erika Shimizu is gone, clad in the regalia of a pirate captain, Jolly Roger draws a single flintlock pistol from her greatcoat and twirls it on her finger.
    "Alllright ye sad lot... Just *WHO* thought it was a bloody good idea to steal a coin from MY treasure?" She demands. "I oughta scuttle ye AND yer youma for touchin' my booty! ... --Treasure. Me gold. Ye get the point!" She declares as she aims her pistol and unloads the single shot at the humanoid squidbeast.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Desperate for excuses to go out and do something after admitting she has little life outside magical girling to Miho, Amy eagerly goes to the aquarium with Erika! She can't even remember the last time she went to one.

    At the moment, Amy is looking at a tank of tropical fish, watching orange-with-white-stripes fish swimming among anemones at the bottom of the tank. "...Kinda felt like I should see them since I'm here, but it's not like fish are really exciting to watch. Do you think they've got any shows with octopi or dolphins doing tricks coming up?"

    Amy turns to look at Erika for response, and that's when everyone falls over. Amy sighs, "Oh, come on..."

    And so, running alongside Erika is Magical Rocket Girl Red, who is... looking around in concern at all of the tanks. "Wait!" She shouts, when Erika fires her pistol, then looks at the squid youma and the dark general beside him. "How can you make us fight here and endanger these innocent sea creatures?!"

    Despite this, she fires what *looks* like a grenade launcher at the feet of the two foes, but instead of exploding concussively it just spreads a bunch of those little shock-sensitive poppers around the floor that go off when stepped on or stomped near.

    It's not an actual attack, but maybe it'll buy her a few seconds to think of something better while the enemies figure that out!

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Looks like Coco won't have to tell Hinoiri about the tower, the mermaid princess waves back as she sees the other girl flee the building. Undoubtedly a good thing since things are about to get dangerous. "That was some bad luck", Hippo comments as he recognises just who the fugitive was. To be stuck in a place with two sea demons ready to fight?

"You are finally here", Architeuthis intervenes as he sees the magical girl pirate appear, slouching slightly as he looks at Jolly Roger with a frown. "It's really your own fault for letting it disperse and contaminate us sera creatures, you should at least recognise that. But now that the King of the Deep Seas has granted me sapience, my life is going to turn around with a place at his side. The day of his ascension is close, kids. You don't have more than a month and a half."

"That is your hunter, then? Well, then since everyone is here, how about all of you get some music for it?", Yuri says proud, a piano materialising at her side. Dreadful notes full of dark energy spread in the air, evoking subtle feelings of pain and despair and making Jolly's bullet drop like leads once it comes close to them. The light of the Live Stage flickers lightly as they reach Coco's ears, making her grit her teeth from how hideous it feels to her. Even if Yuri's dark musical talent isn't as good as the Black Beauty Sisters', it still revulses her to her core.

"Whoa, this is some nice music", Architeuthis whistles in response, stabilising the dark energy now he is made of. "Is this supposed to be a hindrance?" he asks with levity as Red's crackers fall around them. "Let me just do... this!" he declares, as his arms turn into tentacles, stretching out impossibly to strike at both Red and Jolly Roger. "Didn't even have to go anywhere."

"Glad to have you here, Red, Jolly! They are trying to do something with one of Sunbreaker's old towers!", she warns before bringing the E-Pitch microphone to her lips. "Legend of Mermaid: Pichi Pichi Voice, Live Start!"", Coco declares before starting to sing a purifying melody that directly fights off Yuri's own music and starts besting it. The melody of the oceans starts narrating about the nostalgic song of a faraway world, and a promise to always be connected as long as the paradise of the seven seas is remembered, the fantasy of a night where stars like pearls release a wondrous light and give everyone a shining future.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Equivalence was sent back from the song of the piano, pulling herself back to land on the wall and... Oh, cool, her boots stuck to it. She stood there, far above Yuri, an annoyed look on her face. As if a bit of dark music would hurt her!

... It did, though. Not as much as it likely should have, though. There was a bit more darkness in her still than she cared to admit, she was so far from being a true sparkle. But she wasn't fully dark energy at least.

And then Coco's purifying melody started and it managed to soothe the savage darkness. "So, that coin is one of yours?" she asked, glancing to the pirate. She was... actually, familiar. They hadn't run into each other often though, at least she didn't think so.

... Listen, Sunbreaker got beat up by a LOT of people, she couldn't memorize all of them.

Besides that, however, now that the song was helping to reduce the dark song, she kicked off the wall and launched herself down at Yuri. "Hey, Yuri? I think you need your keys to be RE-MALIGNED!" Before she tried to KICK the piano.

Yes, that was right, she was going RIGHT for her very expensive piano. Rude.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Incoming tentacles! "Oh no." This sort of attack always makes Amy nervous. It's not like she has the strength to win any sort of grapple.

    "You don't owe anyone anything just for giving you life, you know! Only a bad, cruel parent would demand you hurt people in return for existing! If you're really sapient, you should be your own squid!"

    She does have a defense against grapples, though, pressing tiny shaped charges against the top or underside of the tentacles and setting them off to blast holes through them.

Erika Shimizu has posed:
    "Oh carp." Jolly Roger says when Red tells her to wait. Maybe she shouldn't open fire with delicate water tanks around. Thankfully her shot uh. Well not so thankfully it doesn't hit its mark, but thre magical musketball plops to the ground harmlessly where it fizzles into glitter and seafoam.
    Jolly Roger simply tosses aside the spent pistol, where it also turns to sparkles and seafoam as it hits the ground.
    "My fault?" She balks.
    But to answer Equivalence, she nods. "Aye, it be a part o' the treasure that cursed me." She says before the walking tako platter starts lashing out with his tentacles.
    "PREPARE FER MELEE!" The pirate crows, flashing a grin as she draws a cutlass from her greatcoat. And then another cutlass to DUAL WIELD. But she doesn't stop there as she tucks a cutlass into her teeth and draws a THIRD SWORD to TRIPLE WIELD like a TRUE ANIME PIRATE.
    Much swashbuckling ensues as she dodges, weaves, and slashes at tentacly badness that comes for her.
    "th' hecksh th day f asenshun?" Jolly Roger asks with her mouth full and teeth clenched.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Both sea demons shiver when they start hearing the purifying songs, the song as disruptive to them as the Black Beauty Sisters' is to Coco. They have to thank the darkness spreading from Yuri's piano that their aren't writhing in pain as they would usually be from this kind of harmonic song. It also helps that the dark tower helps stabilise it.

Yuri certainly agreed that kicking her piano is quite rude and she doesn't appreciate at all the consequences: the boot actually breaking through the side and messing up completely the wooden structure, the darkness still filling the air around them thanks to the tower. "Look at what you did!" the green-haired sea demon pouts, pointing her finger at Equivalence furiously. Which is more than a gesture of annoyance, because just after she does that, a small tendril of water erupts out of it, travelling with speed and precision right at the grey magical girl.

,"What are you even spouting right now?" Architeuthis barks with equal confusion and irritation at Red. "I am simply on the winning side, and if any of you were smart, you would run over here and beg us to take you in", he replies with a malicious air. "After all", and he turns to Jolly here, "the day of Lord Gaito's ascension is where he will be free of Aqua Regina's shackles, get revenge on her and gain dominion over land and sea alike."

The squid demon stares befuddled at the triple wielding pirate before in fact remembering that he is not supposed to stand there at incoming attacks and striking out with his tentacles to wrap around her. Before he can do that however, Red's changes come in, blowing holes through them and forcing him to call them back, leaving him exposed to Jolly's attack.

"Damn it!", he yells, improvising a flimsy layer of dark energy that only gives him enough time to dodge two of the three sword, the last one procuring him a wound on his arm. "You are all eyesores", he grimaces, his mouth turning into a beak that then... is fired on at Jolly? Another one grows instantly in its place before being likewise fired at Amy before being itself replaced. In the background the dark tower keeps filling with energy, and the piano Equivalence has broken starts self-repairing quickly.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Equivalence yelped as her foot slammed into the piano. "HA! How do YOU like it when I break YOUR shit?" You know what, this was kind of fun. Obsidian destruction, excellent past time.

What wasn't excellent was that now her foot was stuck. "Uhhhhh..." she mumbled. Hopping on one foot. "Exactly, look at what I did!" she said. "If you don't knock this off, I'll do the same to--"

And then the tentacle hit her and she was sent FLYING away, sailing through the wall and slamming against one of the walls of the aquarium... and slowly sliding down it. "O-ow..." she groaned, opening her eyes...

And seeing Jolly fighting with three... swords? What? Oh, she must have hit her head harder than she thought. She slowly wobbled to her feet. "Listen... listen here you aquatic wannabe pianist. I know like, three piantists and all of them are twice the pianists you are so. So knock this off before we do to you what you're doing to that sonata!"

Annnnnd then she fell over with a thump. She was gonna need a moment.

Erika Shimizu has posed:
    One, two, three swords sure are a doozy. And as the squid demon loses tentacles to Red's explosive charges, Jolly Roger strikes out with her blades... Until...
    Holy carp the thing just launched its beak at her.
    Erika goes down with a cry of pain, launched with the impact of the beaky toothyness of the demon's attack, she slams into a nearby wall and collapses to a knee, dropping her swords as she sputters and gasps, the blades turning to seafoam and sparkles as they hit the floor.
    "Ye think yer on the winnin' side...?" She mutters. "I'll show ye then. I'll show ye what a *real* sea monster looks like..." She says as a dark shadow crosses over her face and she slowly stands.

    "Let no joyful voice be heard...!"

    Jolly Roger says, intoning deeply as she raises a hand to the sky.

    "Let no mahoushoujo look up at the sky with hope...!"

    She says, growling.

    "And let this day be CURSED by we who ready to wake..."

    She says reaching into her greatcoat...

    "...THE KRAKEN!!!"

    It is as she declares this that Jolly Roger pulls a small, cartoonishly cute little octopus from her coat.
    Davey, the octopus, Jolly Roger's mascot burbles as he blinks and glances around where she holds him aloft... And then.
    Jolly Roger PITCHES her mascot right at Architeuthis. The littler octopus goes sailing through the air in an arc before her starts to come down, visibly draws in a breath. And then exhales a thick plume of black ink right at the sea monster's face and eyes.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "You think we'll beg to join Gaito? Sorry, I already serve another princess, but anyway, do you really think you're the scariest thing in the room? That's cute."

    Amy smirks as the beak stabs into her shoulder, having pre-emptively turned off pain after remembering who she's here with. She starts walking towards Archie steadily, carrying an oversized pistol to match Jolly Roger's and firing high-caliber gyrojets whenever she sees one of Jolly Roger's attacks get through, indicating he's out of shields. Also she shoots the piano too, just because.

    "You stole the treasure of a cursed undead pirate. What do you think is after you? We don't stop. We don't die. We will reclaim her treasure. All you can do is run."

    She lets some blood seep out around the beak for effect before sealing the wound. In truth... well, she doubts this will get truly costly. Coco is here with inspiring music, and she has grief seeds. But maybe she can intimidate the monsters?

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Hinoiri's threat doesn't really impress Yuri any when she is knocked back and sliding down the wall. Instead, Hinoiri can probably hear her laugh haughtily in response. "All that has really happened so far is that you broke my piano and all you got in response making a trip all the way over there? And for what? A few minutes of reprieve!" She points out the piano having now finished repairing and glad it did so before the darkness reducing the effects of the melodious mermaid song got burnt away from the purification, wasting no time playing it again.

"Have this instead!", she exclaims, splashing another tendril at Hinoiri. The attack never reaches Equivalence though, the tendril clashing and being repelled by the Live Stage appearing around her. "You should know better than to think you will be able to hit someone defenseless", Coco reproaches the Dark Lover. "And for your trouble, all you get is more beautiful singing from me! Star Jewel: Pichi Pichi Voice, Live Start!"

The melodious voice sings of a sincere wish upon a shooting star, to find the seven lights, believing in the bond called fate, tears falling down in the cold waves. The magical notes talk a morning of rebirth, a determination to live through everything again, disrupting the dark energy in the area, affirming that something starts to shine once you open your heart, even if you got this far by playing it strong.

"Somebody make her stop already!" Yuri yells, starting to feel the beginning of a severe headache as the purifying song clashes with her self. He just gives Red a glance as if to say 'Suit Yourself', before obliging Yuri's call. "I will!", Architeuthis moves to intervene when Jolly Roger starts doing something. He doesn't really know what, but he instinctively cowers back at the impressive-sounding chant. And then... she tosses a tiny octopus at him. "Is that it?" he asks the pirate, ignoring the animal in pirate cosplay sailing through the air.

It is perhaps no surprise then that Davey has no troubles squirting him right in the eyes. "Ew! That's disgusting! Whyyyy?" the sea demon shouts, running around blindly and quite pathetically as he tries to take the ink off with something, anything. A pity there is nothing convenient like that around, because he completely misses the girojets coming from him, sending him crashing against the wall too. Yuri comes prepared for the girojects aimed towards her though, a dark energy shield solidifying through her music and protecting both her and her piano. "Will you all quit it!?" she expresses her frustration as she keeps playing her dreadful music.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Equivalence held up a hand. "H-hey. I'm not defenseless! I'm... I'm defensefull!" No. No she was not. She was off balance and recovering. "Still, appreciate the shield, Yellow Pearl Voice. Good save."

Slowly, she got to her feet, shaking her head. And... okay. There was a tiny, cute baby octopus. And the baby octopus chose VIOLENCE! She got small flashbacks of Sayaka's little mermaid. And then Daifuku's cat-hammer.

Mascots, purveyers of violence, or so it seemed. She could appreciate it, though. It-- Wait. Why didn't SHE get a mascot? She wanted a mascot. Oh, right, she wasn't a real magical girl.

So, while the others distracted her, Equivalence leaped forward and... "Knock it OFF!" she yelled, racing forward (wasting only a second to try and shove Yuri out of her chair like a jerk) and leaping to spin kick the tower!

... She wasn't full sparkle yet.

Erika Shimizu has posed:
    It is a smug looking Jolly Roger that replies 'Aye!' when asked 'is that it'.
    Because once again, Davy does his duty. And once he's inked up the sea monster, the little octopus squibbles and wiggles along the ground and back to his proper place in Jolly Roger's greatcoat to nap some more until he's needed once again.
    And while Architeuthis runs around blindly, the drear pirate dusts off her coat.
    "Nay, I think her singin's a good thing." Jolly Roger says when Yuri demands someone stop Yellow Pearl Voice.
    This is when the pirate grins...
    Because she reaches into her greatcoat.
    As though she had a spare in her pocket, Jolly Roger pulls out a full sized SHIP ANCHOR.
    Which she chokes her grip on like a baseball bat.
    "Batter up!" She declares as she takes a MIGHTY SWING at the blinded sea monster to try for a home run.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy cocks her head at the forcefield blocking her shot. Oh well, someone else will handle that.

    Suddenly Davey! "Awww! He's adorable!" Amy almost squees. She jogs over to the blinded Archie instead. "Sorry, buddy. Guess you weren't on the winning team after all." She aims the gyrojet pistol at his head like she's about to execute him, because unfortunately she doesn't think Coco's song will turn him back into a normal squid--

    But then Jolly Roger comes in with a freaking giant anchor! "Woah!" Amy dives out of the way! And also yanks the beak out of her shoukder, no point in leaving that there.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Yuri gets unceremoniously shoved out of her chair, and she glowers at Hinoiri. She would have been less angry at a proper attack than this. Because, seriously? The grey magical girl's grand plan... is shoving her out of her chair? This is dumb, stupid and really offensive. "That has to be the worst plan ever", she tells Equivalence as much, her tone making it clear She is really offended. Getting back onto the chair, she promptly uses her notes to intensify the dark energy around the tower, protecting it from Hinoiri's kick.

Architeuthis doesn't have the same luck however, and he is so out of it that he gets slammed without any defense by Jolly's huge ship anchor and hit by Red's girojet to boot, putting him out of commission for good.

Seeing the squid sea demon out of defense, Coco sets out to purify the darkness out of him completely, ending the job Red and Jolly have basically completed. She raises her right arm, the bracelet on her wrist shining with white radiance as a halo of yellow light moves downwards from the mermaid princess's head and her clothes change again: her left glove now adheres to her arm with a pattern made up of water ripples, while on her left leg a stocking has shown up with the same water ripple pattern, and on her right hand and on her legs a yellow glove and boots with flowy extensions show up.

Corals radiate outwards from her neck, covered by a transparent veil with brown pearls and white stars decorating it, the same decoration that is applied to the layer of fabric extending backwards and downwards from above her skirt, another layer with the water ripple pattern on the outside extending in much the same way from below the skirt. The E-Pitch mic finally changes in an E-Pitch Headset that descends on Coco's head, the yellow yewel nestled safely on the right side. The Sound of the Bell of Hope ~Love Goes On~: Pichi Pichi Voice, Live Start!"

Why do you wish for an end to the dream,
Even though flowers bloom in ruined places too?

Even though the seven-colored wind, the seven-colored sky
Overflow with hope to the world.

You were just having the wrong dream...
The whereabouts of your love and the mystery of your memories
Were pierced by cold loneliness,
And you were suffering.

Pure white...
Your pure white wings, let them rest, and gently fall to sleep.
You've had the wish of wanting to live born now, haven't you? Now!
The sound of the bell of hope becomes the final song now...
This isn't a world made up of just strong people, so
Listen to my love in this song...

Hidden in your blue eyes
Was a beautiful heart that seemed it was about to break.
In the broken sky are the tears you've cried.
You don't have to hide all of your sadness.

Let's end this wrong dream...
Forget everything and sleep.
When a new dreams dwells inside of you,
You can become free.

Pure white...
I want to give you a pure white heart and gaze straight at you.
The truth is a very kind miracle, isn't it.
I'll leave you with my heart, and give you the first kiss...
In the heartbeat is the moment "something" is conveyed.
Listen to my heart inside of yours...

The world was surely started from feelings of love.
It draws everything into it and becomes a big circle of love.

We make mistakes, we get hurt, we fight, we cry tears.
But even so, it won't end;
The feeling of loving someone.
La La La...

La La La...

"Fine Heart Pitch!" she declares, the purification of her song being condensed in a group of shining yellow hearts that fly out towards the the giant squid, making it return to his natural form, and the coin it was holding rolls all the way to Jolly Roger, ready for her to pick up. At the same time, the towers emits a ping as it gathers enough energy to find the talisman hindering Gaito's magic sight. Finally! Eudial's dangerous pet project can take care of itself as far as Yuri is concerned, she has what she came for, and she teleports gets out of there, piano, tower and all.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Opening a portal to her ocean, the giant squid is pushed through, letting it go back to the sea and survive. The tower had done its job, and she let it happen, what is going to happen now?, the mermaid thinks. A hand appears out of nowhere on Coco's shoulder, accompanied by a white light, a consoling voice speaking. "Keep up hope, things may have gotten harder, but the fight is far from over. Just keep trusting one another."

"Aqua Regina", Coco mutters in recognition and appreciation, the voice of the sea goddess indeed making her feel better. "And I thank you all for being here to assist in the fight against Gaito, and I am sorry you specifically have been inconvenienced today, Jolly Roger. I have a gift for you, a sign of your friendship with the sea and something that might help you in the coming days", the goddess smiles, her scepter shining as she gives the pirate a pearl of pure white. "May it awaken for you, fueled by the strong bonds of your Heart", she says with a calm and calming voice.

"And to you, child of somewhere else, try to let go of all the aggressiveness you hold inside", she turns to Equivalence. "You have a lot of good in you. Try to trust in the present more, and those around you. You don't need to cling to the anxieties of the past any longer."

She looks at the group one last time. "I can't stay here for much longer, but I want to thank you all one last time for what you do to keep this world safe, and for staying by Coco's side all this time. Stay safe, and I hope your days may be filled with joy", she says before vanishing just as she came.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    The enemies are gone and they day is saved, for now.

    Amy listens to the song and feels.

    'I was just having the wrong dream, huh? I'll enjoy the right dream as long as it lasts.' She mutters to herself, thinking of her earlier conversation with Miho.

    Aqua Regina's voice draws her attention out of her thoughts, and she turns to face the queen. "You're welcome, and it's appreciated." She's not sure what else to say, or what to comment on Jolly Roger receiving the pearl. It seems like more Jolly Roger's business?

    And then she remembers there's a new magical girl. She turns to Equivalence, dismisses her pistol, and smiles, holding out a hand. "Hi! New magical girl, I'm Magical Rocket Girl Red! It's nice to meet you! Well, I saw you at the wedding... and before... but we didn't really get to talk. Thanks for your help today, miss...?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Equivalence snorted. Ha, as if Yuri could--

And then the darkness was enhanced, deflecting her kick. OH THAT LITTLE--

And her rage jsut grew as the ping was emitted. OH COME ON! SHE CHOSE THE PATH OF VIOLENCE TODAY, AND SHE DIDN'T GET TO GET ANY OUT! The punching bag was going to get SUCH A MASSIVE BEATING! JUST YOU WAIT! They said a punching bag couldn't beg for mercy but she'd see about that. She--

And then Yuri escaped, while she rushed at her, far too slow!

"Dang it!" Equivalence muttered, practically seething. It was a good thing her hair was gray now or it might actually be on fire.

Meanwhile, she turned towards the others and... Aqua... Regina. Oh...

She went still and stared, her mouth falling open. A hand moving over her mouth. It... it felt kind of like... she was basking in the presence of Sora again. Not quite... but...

... And then she received praise. Not a scolding. Well, okay, she got told to let it go. But... she said... She had good in her. To try and trust in... herself more and...

Hinoiri choked a little, a hand moving over her mouth. "W-whatever..." she mumbled softly. Those words hit... deep. But she was trying to brush it off. "And... yeah. Yellow Pearl Voice is cool. Not going to leave her to fight alone, or whatever... hmph..."

She glanced off to the side, trying to play it cool... Only for Amy to come up to her. She reached out to take the hand, shaking it. "Hey. I'm Equivalence. Magical Girl Equivalence. I'm uhhhh... from out of town. Used to working alone but... it's nice. Working with all of you people."

Erika Shimizu has posed:
    With the squidbeast defeated and Yuri forced to retreat, Jolly Roger drops her anchor.
    It hits the ground with enough weight to make the earth wobble for a beat before it dissolves into sparkles and seafoam.
    "Eheh heh~."
    And now she gets to listen to Yellow PEarl voice sing, as she stomps the ground once and flips the dropped coin into the air. Snatching the coin up in her hat the dread pirate twirls her hat in her fingers before the lady of the sea, Aqua Regina herself appears before the group.
    "Well, to what do I owe the surprise?" The pirate asks. "Yellow Pearl Voice 's told me all about ye, yer ladyship." Jolly Roger says as she dips into a low and formal bow.
    Only to receive a pearl. A gift. A sign of her friendship with the sea even...
    "Aha... Yer ladyship, ye can be certain it's a gift I'll be treasurin' for the rest of my days."
    And thus Aqua Regina leaves, vanishing back to her home in the sea.
    Jolly Roger's attention shifts now to Equivalence.
    "Out of town, eh? Well 's always good to make new friends." The dread pirate says, reaching into her greatcoat... To produce several bottles of Jan-Ken Pop cola. One for her, one for Amy, one for Equivalence, one for Coco, and even one for Hippo and Davy.
    "Drink up, me hearties, yo ho~."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy smiles warmly at the handshake. "Welcome! I hope you'll find folks here are really friendly! If, uh, you're an exchange student who just came to Radiant Heart, I promise you'll find friendly people there!" She considers for a moment, then decides to share: "I'm Amanda Faust, 10th grade. You can seek me out if you need a friend in all this."

    And then Jolly Roger is handing out cola, and this time they don't both have holes in them for the soda to pour right back out again! She unscrews the cap, then holds out her bottle to clink against Jolly Roger's, and anyone else's who wants, "Yo ho, me hearties!" before holding the bottle to her lips and pouring back a mouthful of soda to savor and then swallow.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Hello, I am Yellow Pearl Voice, or, yeah, Coco", she introduces herself to the new magical girl with a slight nod to where Aqua Regina was, acknowledging what she had said with a small happy smile. "Glad to have helped before, and really, I have to thank you for the help too", she smiles at the grey magical girl earnestly, about to ask her name when Amy covers that particular need. Equivalence, then. "Nice to meet you, Equivalence."

Only for curiosity to spring up on her face when she says Coco is cool. Where have they met, though? It is no doubt that she must be a friend of hers, but she thought all her friends already had brought up the magical identity they have. Oh, well, she is not going to press on that kind of subject. Either it will come up, or if Equivalence wants to, she will bring it up herself.

"Congratulations for recovering the coin, and receiving that gift", Coco brims with enthusiasm for her friend. That's really a doubly good day.

Which is also why she understands the pirate's desire to party, but an awkward smile is given back to Jolly as her friend offers her soda. "Thank you, Jolly, but I am really no good with soda. We can find something else to drink together another time", she offers to make up to the pirate.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Equivalence took the soda with a slightly nervous smile. "I... uhhhh. Thanks. And, yeah. New friends are great, I guess. Not really... used to that, heh. A friendly lot you girls are in this city. I uhhhh... I'm... really not comfortable revealing my secret identity, though. I uhhhh... I really need to know all of you better first, thanks. Though. Errr, Amanda. Great to meet you." She unscrewed the cap on her soda, taking a swig of it. "Good soda," she said after a moment, her cheeks a little red.

Eeeee. After fight sparkle soda exchange! That was good, right? "Sorry I couldn't help break the tower in time. Not... sure what she was looking for, though. But... I mean... we uhhhhh... drove them off in the end, right? So ummm... go team sparkles?" she offered, giving a little clink of the bottle if possible, before drinking some and... "Oh, and uhhh. Congratulations. On your ummmm... magic coin. I should probably go, but ummm. It was great meeting you all. Or whatever," Equivalence said before taking another drink, before bowing her head politely and sliding back and away from the others. A small smile on her lips.

That time went MUCH better.