1676/Timeline Shift: Precure, not Puella?

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Timeline Shift: Precure, not Puella?
Date of Scene: 18 June 2024
Location: Penguin Park - Museums
Synopsis: The Satyr Marsyas invades Penguin Park from another timeline, and it's up to Hope Blossom, Puella Red, Bow and Hinoiri to hold back his Kyubey Deadbeat! To provide help Sayaka comes in, transforming into Cure Euterpe!
Cast of Characters: Sayaka Miki, Madoka Kaname, Bow, Hinoiri Kirara, Amanda Faust

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Maybe there was something about the Penguin Park that attracted the vitriol of those who seek to disturb its peace, or maybe it's just a very convenient spot for many targets. This time the looming evil has chosen the museums as its spawning ground, and more precisely the area in front of the Art Museum, where an orb of light could have been attested to be visible for about one hour and a half, and for those who may have stumbled there previously, there was a feeling of outwards pressure, as if something was trying to break out.

Attempting to attack or otherwise disrupt the orb would merely cause it to fade after the impact and reappear at a slightly different position, no particular discharge of energy having happened as a result. It's as if it wasn't quite there. Eventually though, it does start radiating energy, a dark aura coating it and it blossoming and unfurling into a portal, light inside and dark at the edges, out of which walked a satyr holding a double flute, an aulos.

"By Hades, not summer", he groans as the sun shines down upon him, shielding his eyes with his right hand. "Of all times this stupid spell should have sent me to." He snaps his fingers and a pair of large slightly triangular sunglasses appear over his head, not unlike stylized horns. "Damned Moritasgus", he curses, before standing straighter and addressing the general crowd. "You lot with your warped belief of what music is, prepare to be blessed by real music. The great Marsyas is here now, although it saddens me to say this is but a temporary concert I am throwing to you all. Once I have distorted the version of my enemy's pesky envoy this timeline has given rise to, I will sadly have to go back, but until then, be blessed!"

His speech over, he starts playing his aulos, his cheeks puffing and reddening as he blows and blows and blows into the instrument. For all of Marsyas' effort though, the music just plainly isn't that great, the notes dying down each time they get close to achieving truly pleasant sounds. All in all, it's a forgettable experience.

Even so, that is enough to produce what he wants as the air starts rippling with energy, forming a giant ring in the air which then starts turning into a vaguely feline form that as it gets more and more defined and a giant version of the being known as Kyubey forms, but there is distinctly something wrong about it. It doesn't look as calm and imperturbable as the usual Kyubey. This one carries himself with a distinct act of ferocious superiority. "A shame Puellae have been so inefficient. I will be a lot more harsh with them, and you will be there to help me", the giant Kyubey says, looking at the satyr. "Uhm, ok?", Marsyas says, clearly caught by surprise.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka and Lydian were on patrol when they first ran across the orb a half hour ago. After poking and prodding it for a bit, they decided to call Gretchen in to look at it. Once she arrived, the Witch Chara's response was... less than helpful.

    "Yup. It sure is a portal," confirms Gretchen crossing her arms.

    Lydian pressed for details. "Okay but like... what kind? What can you tell us about it?"

    The dark fairy shrugged. "I mean... not much? I can tell you that it's not a Labyrinth. I'm kinda hesitant to poke at it too much considering our history with weird portals."

    Madoka frowned sternly and crossed her arms. "We can't just leave it here. Someone could fall in!"

    Gretchen shook her head. "I don't think this is the kind of portal that wants to draw you in. It almost feels like something else is trying to get out."

    The trio discussed this for some time, making very little progress, up until the moment the satyr appears. Madoka grabs her two fairies and holds them close as she dives for cover, watching as the strange being... plays 'real' music?!

    Lydian pouts. "I have so many opinions about this music. None of them are good."

    Gretchen glowers and points at the appearance of giant Kyubey. "What manner of uncuddly nightmare fuel is that?!"

    "The enemy," states Madoka. The time for speculation is over. "Gretchen, you're still on sick leave, so... Lydian? Shall we?" The pink girl extends her hand to the tiny art fairy.

    The chara firmly nods. "You bet!"


Bow has posed:
When Bow is not in class or otherwise occupied with his personal life or helping fight evil on this world, he tends to want to spread his version of music. He had found a nice spot to sit in the shade, and with his violin out, he was busking to the passerby. He doesn't ask for tips or anything, but he has a small sign promoting his Travelogue (WowBow) and his music channel (Bowstring) as he is working on playing some relaxing classics from Etheria. He had missed the arrival of Masyas, but that doesn't mean that he was ignored.

That is until a new sound hit his ears. It sounds... pretty terrible to be honest. It's shrill and then like... "Are you sure your pipes aren't clogged?" he asks as he looks up, genuinely wanting to help the... the...

"...oh wow. Those are some FANCY PANTS!" he says as he notices the Satyr's legs. "But you have some really small feet, I think? How did you cram your feet in there?" he asks about the hooves, looking at Marsyas and studying him curiously, his head tilting. "Are you cosplaying?" he asks, finally. "Wait wait, are you a furry? Like a sheep one? That's pretty baaa-aad! But I mean that in a good way. That cosplay is the goat!"

But anything else he was about to say is lost when... unfun-sized Kyubey arrives. Bow's whole demeanor changes at the arrival as he sets his violin in the case and grabs his phone.

First is a message.

<PHONE> Bow texts Sayaka Miki: Uh, there's a giant kyubey here! :picture sent:


Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
It was a nice day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing. On days like this, ex-villains like Hinoiri... was trying to clear her head by walking around the city. She had her MP3 player (gifted by her best friend) and just trying to calm herself after her recent--

"Oh for I swear to bucking them in the face apple baskets!" Hinoiri said in the equivalent of smashing all of the angry things she wanted to say into a single sentence that made absolutely no sense.

She took out her headphones and had her phone out, about to text someone. Museum, trouble, get your sparkle butts down here or she'd just wait for someone to spawn in and--

Oh. There was Madoka. And Bow? Sayaka's new boyfriend? Huh. She probably had it--

"OH TARTARUS NO!" Hinoiri said with a *heavy* fury as the terrible magic music spawned the worst. Possible. Thing.. It was a good thing that she had that necklace on or that spike of anger would have brought on a whole new level of anger! She looked around before, well... She grabbed a rock. And threw it. At the pipe-player. "I am *not* dealing with a MORE ANNOYING KYUBEY! This week has been hellish *enough* without... UGH!"

She then blinked. As. Wait. Madoka was here. Hatred of Kyubey could wait. That? That was the sign for she should get out of here. She was going to just... inch away now. And take cover behind a pillar.

... Buck it she *hated* being the Naru.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Walking by Penguin Park functions as both regular exercise and patrolling, with how often something happens there!

    Amy shows up while there's already some commotion and gathered Charas about the orb, shortly before a... satyr? comes out. "Uhhh... who are you? I do like music, but what makes yours more real?"

    Oh no he's a horrible musician.

    "Um... buddy, uh... maybe take a music composition class?"

And then there's a ring. And a giant--

    "KYUBEY?!" And it's... judging the satyr? "Uhhhhhh... what?"

    Amy transforms, the orb of flame appearing and then leaving her in her costume. "What's this about? You got our wishes, you delayed Entropy, or so you say! What more do you want from us? Shouldn't you be out recruiting more potential--" oh, Bow's here. "--Puella Magi instead of... Whatever this is?"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Well, you can keep your poor taste to yourself! With lungs like mine, who needs reviewers?" replies Marsyas, trying to pass it off nonchalantly, even if he is clearly grouchy at Lydian's opinion.

There is an extended bliiiiiiiiink at Bow's speech. "Uh, so, listen, buddy", Marsyas wavers, drawn in by Bow's amicable aura. "This is actual satyr fur, 100% homegrown by yours truly. And the 'feet' are my hooves. You know, like horses?"

The music changes rapidly when it's Hinoiri's rock who flies straight against Marsyas' aulos, smashing it into pieces while he stomps furiously. "Did you know how long it had accompanied me!? I used it in a music fight against Moritasgus himself, and I was this close to winning if he hadn't cheated at the last moment. It was a prized relic!"

Luckily a combination of Hinoiri shying away and Amy making yet another dig at his skill distracts Marsyas from inflicting a payback onto her. "Ugh, see, this is why you need me. You wouldn't recognise talent if it hit you in the face."

"The unchanged is weak, acting in the shadows when all of you haven't given up your energy yet. I am especially disappointed he failed to recruit you", he says, staring at Madoka. "When I am done with you all, history will change, and I will dictate how you live and die."

Bow's message receives no reply (Sayaka must be busy with fighting a Witch), but there is one more mahou about to join the fight. The portal trembles as yet another figure steps out of it, this one a bluenette in a Radiant Heart Academy school uniform, that anyone would be able to recognise as Sayaka Miki, accompanied by the plushie of a girl with blue eyes, long silver hair and white wings.

She removes a few droplets of sweat from her forehead. "That portal was unending... Seriously, Marsyas, making it that long won't help you any! Uh, why did you make a Kyubey Deadbeat?" she exclaims, eyes wide in surprise as she stares at the giant Incubator.

"Ah, you arrived finally!", the satyr grins in satisfaction. "Watch my Deadbeat change history and make Puellae's lives worse, including the you from here!"

"As if!" Sayaka denies before looking around herself at everyone, her expression making it clear Madoka is the only one she recognises. "Let's go, Eu-Eu! Sorry for being late, Madoka, everyone else, can I count on your help?" she requests, pronouncing the first name like "Yu-Yu". "Let's get them, Sayaka!" is the plushie-girl's cry.

The bluenette takes out a compact, opening it to reveal a journal. "Historic Legacy Pretty Cure, Fount Charge!", she exclaims, writing into it. Accompanied by a flurry of musical notes, water erupts out, surrounding the bluenette in a vast pillar of water, before it all falls down into a large spring, a vision of an idylliac vale and covers all of Sayaka's besides the head in blue energy.

A huge flute of steel appears in Sayaka's hand, and the bluenette gently blows into it as an octave of water droplets rise up from the spring arranging themselves all around it like a diatonic scale.


Dancing and playing the flute, she leaps into the first droplets, the water molecules sticking to her and replacing part of the blue energy with a white shirt cropped around her neck and shoulder blades and wide straps holding the shirt up that stick out diagonally.


As the musical dance continues, the second droplets collides with the flute, splitting into three smaller ones that decorate the hems with frills, make the shirt partially part in two sides and connect them with blue ribbons, and give her a blue breastplate that conforms to her chest with a golden stripe just slightly away from the rim.

Sayaka Miki has posed:

The third one dances around Sayaka, gently touching her on the front, the back and on the ears, each time becoming smaller and smaller until it vanishes. In the touched places, multiple things appear: a diagonal and large white band with a golden border decorated with electric blue notes, a blue ribbon sealing the band behind and earrings with 4 teardrop gems in a line, azure, blue, white and azure.


A very long jump makes Sayaka rise up above the fourth one, hitting it with the metal flute like a bat before it hits the ground and bounces back onto her, giving her two golden armbands with Hercules knots and a laurel crown.


Reaching up for the fifth one with a jump and a pirouette, Sayaka cradles it with a smile while the flute is held at the side like a scabbard, before it spreads onto her, giving her a white cloak with a golden rim and a a golden oval ornament that holds it in place.


The sixth one forms a C clef, swirling around her before turning into a blue skirt with a diagonal cut and a white hem held up by a dark blue belt with a yellow buckle.


The seventh one vibrates intensely and plays around Sayaka and throws parts of itself as golden musical staves that imprint themselves around her skirt just above the hem, repeating the sentence at https://ibb.co/D9gkvfZ instead of musical notes.


The height one falls into the spring, and Sayaka dives into it, catching it before it transfers to her legs, covering them in white stockings with jewellery placed along the central frontal part of the leg, resembling mermaid scales and her feet with teal boots with a golden top rim. Reemerging with a leap, the illusion fades as the bluenette falls onto the ground, a sword now inside the flute-scabbard. "Making a splash! Historic Legacy, Cure Euterpe!"

"So, you have come, the thorn in Marsyas' side", the giant Kyubey stares at Sayaka. "At least he had the common sense to recognise he ought to turn to me, even if never defeating you, Hope Blossom and Hitomi was pathetic." He leaves words behind as the section of his back opens, and giant rocks similar to Grief Seeds are thrown to Hope Blossom, Bow, Puella Red and Cure Euterpe!

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Gretchen is the one who sees Hinoiri first. She points accusatory at the artist formerly known as Sunbreaker and shouts, "There she is! She did it!"

    Hope Blossom watches the trail of the thrown rock with a blank expression. "Somehow... I don't think that this is her plan, Gretchen-chan."

    Hinoiri has certainly been spotted. Madoka seems content to leave her alone, though Gretchen seems to be harboring her own silent grudge. The dark fairy points at her own eyes, and then at Hinoiri. Blossom tells her, "Behave," and Gretchen responds by pouting.

    When Madoka hears what Giga-Koob says, her eyes widen and then narrow. "The unchanged?" Then, Sayaka appears, and Blossom smiles at her friend, only to get confused at her change in henshin. "Wait... is that a new henshin? Did you get out of your contract?"

    A lot is happening, and Hope Blossom doesn't have time to really process it all. Gretchen, on the other hand, has plenty of time to sit back and thing. "Doka I'm pretty sure that these two dummies are from another world. So is this Sayaka-chan."

    "Another world?!" Hope Blossom is shocked, but already rocks are being thrown at her. Gretchen vanishes through her Labyrinth portal to get out of the way, but Hope has to actually superjump to avoid the oncoming rocks. Glaring at the mega Kyubey, Hope shoots back, "That's a lot of big talk from someone who melts like a marshmallow! Since when did you get a combat upgrade?"

    As Hope jumps around to avoid attacks, she summons her branch bow and unleashes a spray of homing arrows, mostly focusing on Kyubey. At some point she lands next to Alternate Sayaka and says, "Well, even if we're from different timelines, it seems like we're still friends, so I'll help you out!" Then she jumps away again. If she's going to use the form that has mobility, then she may as well use it.

Bow has posed:
As there's silence from Bow's phone, he frowns a little. "Hey, Madoka!" he calls over to the puella after his armor snaps into place and he unfolds the bow, a magical string threading itself from the top to the bottom. "Sent a message to Sayaka, haven't gotten a call back from her yet, but it's been a few days." He starts to say to her as the satyr speaks to him. He was about to ask a question, when there's a new arrival.

Now. He said it had been a few days since he saw Sayaka, but he did not expect Magical Girl Makeover. And like when he first realized he had feelings for this world's Sayaka, his heart skips a beat in it's symphony. "Saya... you... wow..." he starts to stumble over his words.

But then Madoka saves him the embarassment when Gretchen speaks up. "Oh, another world! Right, got it!" he says, letting out a breath. Shush, heart, we'll see our Sayaka later he reminds himself.

As the attack is lashed out, he leaps backwards, getting back into the fight. "Hooves like a horse? I uh..." Don't want to think too much on that, to be honest. Fortunately, he has a giant kyubey to distract him, as his fingers tug against the bowstring, which sounds out in a melodious note.

<Ice Arrow!> he calls out, and the forming arrow makes it's own song as it's formed, one that is still and cool as he draws back on it.

And once he has it pulled back, he aims upwards and fires, releasing the arrow to splash a freezing blast against the marshmallow like creature.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara peeked out from behind her pillar... blinking a few times. And she ALMOST yelled at the guy. Almost. Served him right! But, you know. As often as she yelled at the civilians for drawing attention to themselves? She wasn't going to do that.

"Gretchen, if I was going to cause problems I WOULDN'T use a KYUBEY!" she yelled out. Yes, she'd cause problems. Possibly attack other worlds. But KYUBEY?! She drew the line somewhere even at her worse. However, not like she could really help her.

Instead, she had her phone out and... Wait. Was that SAYAKA? Oh. Oh my gosh. OH MY GOSH. She took out her phone and she, in fact, start recording this. Because you know what? She was going to make sure that Sayaka got a copy of this later... And Bow, probably. He'd probably like that and mayyyyyybe it'd earn her slightly less ire from him? And Madoka. It could help make up for prior slaps maybe a bit?

... Huh, maybe she could be a magical reporter. And why not? She could record people doing magical stuff! and... being... cool...

... Oh gosh she was so lame.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy frowns at the comment about talent, but Big Kyubey is a Bigger Problem.

    When he says 'I will dictate how you live and die' she holds her hands out in front of her and starts firing rocket-propelled bullets from her pistol at him.

    And then there's... Okay, look. The Kyubey knows about them, the satyr said 'from here' and 'change history'. Either this is AU Sayaka or future Sayaka who has... become a Pretty Cure instead of a Puella Magi? "How many more people are going to alter the timeline!?"

    "I'm glad to help you, alternate Sayaka-san, but could someone explain what's going on?!"

    She reflexively dives out of the way of the grief seeds but then stares at them. "Wait, are you just giving us recharges?" She tries to see if they're full or not.

    Alright, time to get down to business! Amy shouts an introduction, "Nice to meet you! In this world, I'm Magical Rocket Girl Red! I'm sorry if I was weird in your universe!" She calls her rocket launcher and shoots at the Kyubey to test how resilient he is.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
The Grief Rock directed at Sayaka is repelled as Sayaka detaches her flute-scabbard from herself and puts her sword's hilt inside it, musical notes appearing as magical energy charges further. "Precure Shooting Crescendo!" The sword is fired off at that moment and it pierces through the rock with such force to split it in half sending the parts to the side before the swords vanishes and reappears at Cure Euterpe's side.

"Hello, Hope Blossom!", Sayaka smiles when she is addressed by Madoka. "Gretchen is right! I hopped out on here because he insisted to make a mess of another me. Like I would ever let that happen!", she shugs, with a pitying smile directed at Marsyas. "I am so glad to have all of you here though. How is your Hitomi hanging out? Can you call her in to help?", she asks as the she prepares her next strike, another blade showing up as she makes a dash for Kyubey's side. "Thanks, Blossom!" she adds in the meantime.

Madoka's rain of arrows mostly centers Kyubey, his increased size making it difficult to dodge all of them. That's one thing the real one would have had considerably less problems with, nevermind that this Kyubey still only has one body since he hasn't established himself as the true one yet. He does take some damage from them, as evidenced by his wince as they fall, but he doesn't seem too bothered about being turned into a porcupine.

A friendly if confused wave is given to Bow as Sayaka notices the stammering. This really isn't the time for her to solve her confusion though. After the rock is dodged and both of them form two craters in the ground, the ice arrow is fired and it actually strikes him in the chest, covering the area in a patch of ice, a shudder traversing his body.

Puella Red's bullets all fill Kyubey of holes where they strike, revealing a small spongy texture that may be familiar to any who might have struck Kyubey before.

"Marsyas is trying to change history through Kyubey. If he wins, the one you know will be replaced by this one throughout history. And you know what it means, right?" Sayaka explains to the redhead in a rush.

Meanwhile, a giant paw is directed towards as Kyubey seeks to squish her. "Marsyas helped me! And there will be no melting from me, you are just an annoying insect!" he says. At the same time his ears become transparent and penetrate the ground without damaging it, extending and traveling, one towards Amy and one towards Bow, with a clear coloured stripe indicating their movement. They will hit them once they emerge! Sayaka gets a Grief Rock ejected from the hatch on Kyubey's back instead.

Bow has posed:
There will be time to figure it out later. Well. He already knows. This isn't his Sayaka. And Bow seems to understand the stakes that this version of Sayaka presents to him. There will be no losing this world's version. "What's he got against you?" he does ask though as the Kyubey sticks his ears into the ground. As the light races towards him and heaves the ground, the Etherian archer runs forward.

Just as they are about to converge, he leaps, twisting, <Grapple Arrow!> An uplifting tone as the arrow is fired and he uses the grapple line to lift him into the air. As he gets height on the Kyubey's ear, he releases the grapple, reaching for the drawstring again.

<Anchor Arrow!> is called for. And in his fingers, a pair of arrows form. He fires them down on either side of the ear as chain stretches out between them as he tries to pin the ear to the ground and perhaps hold the Kyubey in place.

"Should we be targetting Marsyas, then?" he asks, trying to figure out exactly who he should be aiming for next.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara was keeping her phone out for now, recording the conflict as best she could. If nothing else, she was sure that Sayaka would at least be amused to see Bow helping... well... her. But like. Not her. Timelines were weird. And at least it wasn't alt-time her. Because then--

Annnnnd Hinoiri felt a sudden pang of guilt. Wait. Was this a world where Sayaka hadn't had to save Sayaka? Or... no. She shoved that idea away. Baaaad thoughts lied that way.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    "Hi, Bow-san!" calls out Hope Blossom, with a brief wave.

    At the recharge comment, Madoka turns to Amy and says, "I'd be careful trying to use weird Grief Seeds from another world. They might work in reverse or something!"

    Gretchen reappears behind Hinoiri's pillar. "I bet you would! You'd make some weird fiery Kyubey. Or maybe like... since he's like a marshmallow, I bet you'd make a s'mores youma! How could you tarnish the good name of s'mores like that?!"

    Poor Hinoiri. She has enough problems without an angry fairy accusing her of imagined crimes. Hope Blossom is too busy to chastise or supervise Gretchen, and the X-Chara knows it.

    Regarding Hitomi, Madoka gives Sayaka a hesitant glance before saying, "U-um... Hitomi-chan actually doesn't have any powers here. Sorry. I don't really think she's going to be able to help us."

    The thought of Hitomi having powers confuses Madoka a bit. Did she ever have potential? Wait a minute. This Precure Sayaka is probably from a timeline that Madoka has no connection to.

    No time to think about that. What Madoka should really be worried about is making sure that their Kyubey doesn't get replaced by even worse Kyubey. When she sees the giant paw coming, she holds up her branch bow to brace for the hit, getting smacked back and bouncing along the ground as she tumbles. When she finally lands on her feet, she looks down at her bow, which has been snapped in half, and summons two more in its place. She leaps back at the Big Kyubey, landing right next to him and alternately swinging each of her branches at him. Each impact, if they hit, is met with an explosion of pink magic.

    Gretchen, meanwhile, is speculating. "Wait... if there's another Hope Blossom, and another me, then..." She silently calculates numbers in her head. Another Gretchen means another Homura, which means... what... another 100 or so timelines? "Multiverses are weird."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    He's still made of marshmallow. "Does this one have multiple bodies too?" Amy wonders.

    "'The one'? Who, you? ...Wait, you mean Kyubey?! Would just have always been a weird giant who throws rocks at us?"


Scorn has two cures and a magical boy trapped inside her handbag terribad. She waves her hand out as the kindabads get wiped out, poofing into black smoke as they're attacked and taken out. "Stop, Sailor V!" she says dramatically.

"I have three of your friends. Two Precures...." she says with wide eyes. "I'm going to make you an offer!" she says. "You..."

"For these three friends." she says. "You come with me and you sleep forever in the mirror..." she says.

"And I'll let these three others go.."

Sailor V dismisses her chains, and points towards Scorn. "What about the other girls you took? How could I even trust that you'll let them go? You'll just try to take us all."

    Giant Kyubey turns to Mallory. "Well, if you make a wish, I can make you a magical girl here and now." The Inc-huge-bator cocks its head sideways. "Does that meet your definition of 'hero'?"

    And then giant black feathers hail into the two of them, making a giant pincushion of Kyubey and draining Mallory's energy. As he falls to the pavement and loses consciousness, he hears Scorn yelling, "Did you think I don't SEE you over there?!"


    Amy shakes her head. Yeah she's not sure what would happen to the timeline. It's insidious how making Kyubey big might butterfly effect into who-knows-what?

    The ears tunneling through the ground (WTF. Kyuubey what even is this.) are pretty obvious, so Amy rocket-jumps into the air to avoid them -- she hopes! -- and fire another couple of rockets down at Kyubey At Home.

    While soaring through the air, she glances at Gretchen. "What, you don't remember them?"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Just the fact I keep ruining his plans", she explains matter-of factly to Bow as water starts covering her legs. "Precure Accellerando!" she says, moving out of the way at vastly increased speed before using the momentum to inflict a deep strike of her flute sword into Kyubey.

"Aiming at Marsyas would only force him to take a part into the fight, and it wouldn't solve the problem of Kyubey. Keep at it, that's the right way!", Cure Euterpe spurs Bow. And she has reason to, because his dodging attempt is successful, even if his attempt to restrain Kyubey not quite as much.

"She doesn't!?" Sayaka stares at Madoka. Thinking of an Hitomi without powers is... really unnatural to her. Might as well talk about a world with only half a moon. Or something. That train of thought is derailed when she sees Madoka get hit. "Are you ok!?" she shouts, even as she is relieved to see her friend get up and ready another strike, and then one more, a bright smile showing up on Cure Euterpe's face. Strikes which do hit their target, each explosion enough to push him back so he cannot retaliate.

"Maybe. He probably wouldn't have had reasons to throw rocks unless someone had acted rebellious towards him but the possibity would have been there." is the explanation. The dodging is successful, but 1 of the rocket strikes misses, hitting the ground, while the other forces Kyubey onto his knees as he gathers himself.

That brief moment is enough to send both ears at Bow while Euterpe is busy keeping Kyubey's at bay with the pavement. That is really bad. A Grief Rock meanwhile flies at Amy, undeterred by the wounds sustained. Lastly, he tries to squash Sayaka, his unblinking eyes wanting to end this frustrating fight now.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara froze when suddenly... Gretchen was there. Slow, deep breath. Slow... "Gret-chen?" she said gently. "I am *trying* to be nice right now. I'm wearing my necklace. I'm not using dark energy. So can you give me a break?" she muttered, turning to focus on it.

"But yeah, they are. If you go deep enough into different you can run into all kinds of things. Where I come from I was a unicorn, in some worlds I might be a griffon, in another I might be a goat. Go far enough, you might find one where *I'm* Madoka and you're... my..." And she imagined that and went pale. She would NOT look good running around in pink. Mayyyyybe black and pink? But Madoka was too poofy and oh my gosh, no. She did not want to imagine a world where SHE was the 'Madoka'. She... liked... Madoka well enough. Over there. Away. From her.

"Let's not think about any timeline where that's reality. Let's instead focus on how... pink... your Madoka is. Or something."

She went back to focusing on the battle and... "Bow, look out!" she yelled out. What? Those ears were coming fast! And being on the sidelines was... it was rough. She wanted to help. Or like. Smack talk. Instead she had to hang out with Gretchen and--

"Oh Sora is this what it's like? Are you the Naru of chara? That's... that's rough," she said, glancing up at Gretchen.

Bow has posed:
It makes sense that Sayaka has no clue who he is. In her world, Bow, Glimmer, all of Etheria has probably never made contatct with Earth. And really, Sayaka and Bow dating is lightning in the proveriable bottle and most likely to never be repeated anywhere else in the multiverse, considering the unique circumstances that brought Bow to this Earth. With one ear supposedly anchored for a moment, Bow is moving along. "What do you think, Madoka? He looks pretty squishy, maybe if we combine my fire arrow with your multiple arrows..." he suggests to her.

He lands on the ground, scrambling along as his fingers move along the bowstring, figuring out what he's thinking about, as Madoka taught him. How does fire work, what does it feel like? How would he create it in his hands. Friction. Heat. The burning sensation, the warmth, the spark.

<Fire Arrow!> A sharp note, as the flaming arrow appears.

He was just about to draw back, when suddenly, Hinoiri's warning reaches his ears - a moment too late. One of the ears crushes into his abdomen, pressing in, lifting him off the ground. Bow lets out a sharp gasp of pain as the breath is knocked out of him, he can taste blood in his mouth.

And the loaded bow flies out of his hands, sliding along the ground...

...and ending up at Hinoiri's feet.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    "I'm okay!" calls out Hope Blossom to her concerned Alt-U friend. It was a pretty direct hit, but henshin armor exists for a reason. It's a good thing she's not running around in Chara Change like she used to be.

    "Okay, gonna be honest here," starts Madoka, looking at the giant Kyubey who apparently thinks he can do a better job. "I'm pretty sure if I saw a mysterious beautiful raven haired girl chasing you down an alleyway and trying to shoot you with purple magic? I would probably be automatically taking her side, not yours. Sorry."

    Not that she really wants to give actual Kyubey that much credit, but... well, the little rat knows what he's doing.

    Gretchen, meanwhile, is yelling at her Bearer. "Doka-chan I'm pretty sure that comment only makes sense to like... you, me, and one other girl who isn't here right now!"

    Is she the Naru of the Chara? Gretchen tilts her head. "Huh? Naru? No! I have powers! Look..." She opens a portal and a tiny benotafraid flies out. "See? I can make these little things. I'm totally big and scary." After a pause she adds. "Okay, maybe not big but I can totally be a mean if I wanted to! I'm only holding back because I'm not a dummy."

    Was that a passive aggressive comment? Well... yeah kinda.

    Madoka hears Bow mention a team attack and says, "Oh, right! Like we talked about. I guess we-- Oh no!" The pinkette sees the hit, and her immediate response is to place herself between Bow and Kyubey, filling the air between them with a torrent of arrows. Several of these pink bolts hit the ground and stick straight up, creating a magical minefield as Madoka tries to cover the potentially wounded. "Bow, are you okay?"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    > Just the fact that I keep ruining his plans.
    "Oh boy what a mood! That was me and Scorn for awhile, wonder what happened to her? ...Water means you go faster?!"

    And then Amy turns to Hinoiri in astonishment. "You've been to alternate universes?!"

    *THWACK!* A Grief Rock smacks into Amy in midair while she's not looking.

    "Owgh..." Loosely clinging to it as it flies through the air, she rapidly switches weapons, firing another couple of bullets at wish-dot-com Kyubey's giant head, and another rocket.

    She then leaps off the rock with a backwards somersault before landing back on the ground. "Honestly, I'd kind of like to see alternate dimensions! It'd be cool aside from--" She waves her rocket launcher at coobie.

    Madoka recounts some incident from her past. "Yeah I dunno if I would've ended up becoming a Puella Magi if you were like that, too." Not that anyoen else can see what she just imagined.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Kyubey shakes his head at Madoka's observation. "Homura Akemi is just..." Whatever he wanted to say never actually finishes, because Amy's attacks hit him just then, leaving whatever he wanted to say next a mystery as he crashes to the side.

Him not being the only one to crash to the side draws Sayaka's attention, who immediately asks Madoka since she positioned herself as Bow's protector. And just after she got hurt herself. At least she can take relief in knowing the field of arrows is protecting her too. "How is he doing? Did he get hurt much?"

At least Puella Red managed to deal with her attack without many problems and even used it as an improvised vehicle. "Impressive!", the Precure shouts out.

And with the giant Kyubey still dazed from Amy's strikes, the minefield actually is an effective countermeasure to preventing him from doing any further damage, and furthermore as he tries to think of a way out of his predicament, he is being left open to attacks!

Which is something Cure Euterpe realises too, when she leaves her sword aside for a moment and detaches her flute. "Precure Vivace!" A rapid and enthusiastic melody spreads around the battlefield just then, a rallying music that improves morale and gives anyone that needs it that extra push.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara glanced to Gretchen. "I would be more powerful than all of them put together if I didn't care about the consequences. You're not... entirely... dumb. You know what I mean. You have to be as useless as Na... as useless as *me*. Or you'll just make everything *worse*. And you know it as well as I do. It's... it sucks."

"... And I'm sorry."

Her eyes wavered to Amy. "Yes? I mean, I'm *here*, aren't I? But only this one and my home. it's just the theory!" she yells to her.

But then, the consequences of her actions... of her attempt to help. Bow... Bow was hurt. Buck.

And that bow and arrow skidded along the ground towards her. And for a moment, the flames were reflected in her own eyes. Bow was... hurt. And the bow was right there. That was Sayaka. Not the Sayaka from here, but A Sayaka. And that jerk was threatening Bow's girlfriend and HER best friend. Nobody could get mad at her... not for that.

Not for doing what was required.

She held her phone up to Gretchen. "Hey, Halloween omelette, hold this and keep recording. It's for Sayaka." Then she ran. Like. A foot. Okay, more leaped. She rolled, picked up the bow and arrow. She wasn't the best at archery. But magic. She knew magic. There was a light spark in her hand as she pulled the arrow back. Bit by bit. That familiar tingle in her fingers.

That little exciting rush as she felt the magic coursing along the string. She pulled it back, gulping.

Power. Magic. Real. This was *it*. This was everything she was. Everything she was capable of. Everything she deserved. Everything she could be if only people would stop getting in her--

She shook her head and looked away from the arrow, towards the monster. The flames no longer reflected in her eyes. She... she wanted to be better. She had to be better. She'd caused so, so much hurt. So much pain. She'd hurt the people who'd helped her. They deserved better. They all deserved better. So she aimed the arrow.

And she let it go. "PINK GIRL! PURIFY IT!" she yelled.

The arrow would fly through the air, flames streaking across the sky, before erupting in a dazzling display of rainbow light, with just a small tiny hint of Kirakirafantastica purification in the arrow's core, just a tiny hint of it... And, unnoticed by Hinoiri, there was, for just a moment, a little shimmer on the bow string where her fingers had been.

"Holy... uhhhh... w-wow... Bow? Uhhhhh... you... you okay buddy?" she asked, staring down at the bow.

Want. She wanted it. She realllllllly wanted it and Bow would likely never know how desperately she wanted to just turn and run away, cackling like a mad woman.

... But she wasn't going to steal her best friend's boyfriend's bow no matter how badly she wanted to. Bow was cool.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka immediately frowns as the Incu-bigger starts talking about Homura. She's starting to get uncharacteristically angry. "Homura Akemi is what? Is just what? What kind of bad thing are you gonna say about her? You know what? Never mind. I just realized that it doesn't make a difference."

    On the brighter side, this alternate Sayaka sure is friendly and nice. It's good to know that their friendship spans dimensions.

    Gretchen wants to yell at Hinoiri more, but... honestly? The battle is getting more heated and now isn't really the time. Plus she just apologized and well... "I... I guess I can let things go. I'm honestly still a little grumpy about things, but that could also just be the darkness talking. You know how it is."

    When she's entrusted with the phone, which for the record is relatively big enough that she has to hold it in both hands, she more or less shuts up and focuses on recording. "H-halloween omelet?" She had to think about the nickname for a moment before realizing that it didn't actually make her angry. It's hard not to get mad at Hinoiri, but sometimes it's also hard to stay mad at her.

    Madoka, who was already set up for a team attack with Bow, looks back to see that Hinoiri now has his weapon. Hope has a short panic attack before Hinoiri calls out her intentions, then she pulls the necklace containing the Humpty Lock from behind her collar and lets it hang there for a moment. She immediately imagines an attack, but hesitates for a moment to think of a name. Good thing Lydian is with her right now.

    "Spring Rain Dazzle!" she shouts as she fires a pink arrow at Hinoiri's shot. Then, as the two projectiles merge into one, Madoka makes a heart shape with her hands. "OPEN HEART!"

    Sparkly rainbow magic merges with the combined arrow cleansing it and adding purification power. Madoka's efforts are pushed further thanks to alt-Sayaka's morale boost. Then, she stands back to observe the results.

    She also casts a suspicious eye at the satyr. What is he gonna do?

    Gretchen, meanwhile, keeps filming. It's only fair for Sayaka-chan to see her alternate self, right?

Bow has posed:
Bow's hurt. That strike against his side is obvious. He holds his hand against it as he takes a moment to recover. He's going to definetly feel it in the morning. But for now, he couldn't draw back his bow if he wanted to in order to fire. So, instead, as Hinoiri draws it back and fires and Hope Blossom joins into the shot.

"YEAH!" he yells, pumping the fist that isn't on his hand as he watches the attack race towards the giant Kyubey.

Then Hinoiri asks if he's okay. "Yeah. I'm great." he manages to say, hand holding his side as he moves to hold out his other hand. "Thanks for taking the shot for me." he offers with sincerity - hand out for the return of the bow.

....for the return of the bow.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Overseas Knockoff 9Bei is dazed! Amy's instincts shout SHOOT THE CORE NOW! PUNISH HIM WITH A SUPER MOVE! And everyone else seems to be feeling the same thing, spurred on by the song of Crossover Event Alternate Skin Sayaka!

    Amy glances behind her, then points at today's monster. "Well... I guess if you made the Kyubey bigger... we'll just have to make our weapons bigger too! Face the might of a mahou (demon cannon) shoujo!"

    A giant recoilless cannon over 10cm wide and 3.4m long poofs into place on her shoulder. It must weigh over 200kg, and she's struggling to hold such an awkward object steady -- until built-in thrusters do so for her! She's getting better at this! The red-headed Puella Magi grins as she takes aim...

    "Fire one!" *BOOM!*

    It's a big metal ball going like half a kilometer per second! The backblast is an instantaneous gout of flame like a giant muzzle flash.

    "Fire two!" *BOOM!*

    Second verse, same as the first!

    "Fire THREE!" *BOOM!*

    The third one is loaded with explosives, just to be sure!

    "So long, deadbeat Kyubey! Trouble this world, nor its past or future, no more!"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
With everyone giving their all into it, once she has finished bolstering morale, she grabs her sword again, lifting it as she takes a deep breath. She steels her focus as she doesn't want to mess up her own attack, not when she feels Marsyas has never prepared such a large scale attack before. Exhaling the breath she has been holding, she channels her magic into the sword, that starts being coated with the favour of Apollo, luminous flames bane of illusion and corruption, a purifying attack that fights for truth and justice.

"Precure Rondo con Toccata!" Accompanied by the bluenette's determined cry, the flaming blade swings towards the giant Kyubey, and burns through it with no clemency towards the evil it contains.

And to make the flames roar further, the arrow Hinoiri has fired from Bow's bow flies true, hitting the giant Kyubey straight between the eyes and setting it aflame.

And the intense purification grows even further with Hope Blossom's Spring Rain Dazzle, making the giant Kyubey protest. "That wasn't the plan, it would have been great, and much more efficient."

The two flaming attacks become three as Amy adds gigantic explosions to it, consuming and devastating the other Kyubey's body. And with all four of them, it quickly turns to ashes, disappearing as if nothing was ever there.

A glow of anger appears on Marsyas' face. "I will find a way to push you down, mark my words, Cure Euterpe! And all of you be thankful I am not from here, otherwise my vengeance would have been terrible", he promises like a sore loser, stepping through the portal. "Go, I will meet you again!", Sayaka smiles ardently with the confidence they had made a terrific team even if it was improvised. Having the presence of her best friends also meant a lot to her.

Alas, the portal was much weaker now, so she likely didn't have much longer here, with the additional consideration that she felt a strong pull, and she was going to be made to step through there whether she wanted it or not. A consequence of the spell Marsyas had used that had used her as the focal point, she realises.

"Amazing teamwork!", she exclaims, making a round of high-five through everyone, assuming Bow is well enough for it.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara held the bow still, slowly coming out. They'd... done it. They'd beaten the bad guys. They'd... they'd done it. And she'd helped. Heh. It was amazing. She'd been amazing. And Bow's--

... Right. Bow. She held his bow in both hands, looking to his hand. Then the bow. Then his hand. It was so, so hard. She held the bow out, letting him wrap his fingers around it... but it still took her a second to let go of it. Magic.

"Thanks. Uhhh, for letting me... use it. Heh. It's a really nice bow. Uhhh..." She reached up and rubbed the back of her head. Then her eyes wandered to Sayaka. Then the portal. And... "I don't know if you have a Hinoiri Kirara where you're from. I doubt it. But, um, if you do? I hope she's been as good a friend to you as this world's you has been to me." Pause. "But, seriously, never date her. Trust me. It's a disaster. Bow, here? Muuuuuuch better. Less world ending. Pretty cool. And..." She glanced to this Sayaka's belly and sighed. "You two share similiar tastes in shirts, it seems. So, ummmm... good job. Keep, uhhh. Kicking everyone's butt. Over... there. I guess." Giving an awkward thumbs up.

She managed to not steal Bow's bow and have to have everyone chase her down. She's calling today a win.

... But one day... one day those fires might... maybe... ignite again after all. It had felt nice. And no dark energy this time...

"... Wait, Gretchen? I... need my phone back. Uhhhh... Bow... I don't think I have your number. Should... I send this video to Sayaka and she'll send it to you two? Or like... do you two trust me to have your number for now?"

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    With the Megyubey defeated and Marsyas forced to flee, Hope Blossom leaps into the air with a cheer! "Yay! We did it!" Happily, she high fives with Cure Euterpe. Then she turns her attention to Hinoiri who is totally gonna give Bow his bow back, right?

    She's gonna give it back... right?

    Madoka is starting to be a bit worried. It's pretty clear that Hinoiri is trying to be good, but also... she misses having power. That must be pretty rough, assumes the Chara Bearer. All the same, taking someone else's weapon wouldn't be great.

    Madoka's not sure what she'd do if Hinoiri didn't give the bow back. Fortunately, she doesn't have to figure that out.

    Gretchen, meanwhile, still has the cell phone and is still recording. She's focusing on alternate Sayaka, mostly. When asked to return it, Gretchen floats over to Hinoiri and holds it up to her. "I got it as well as I could. Your phone is a bit bigger than mine."

    Madoka glances towards the portal and says, "I'm guessing it'd be a bad idea to try and visit your world. Still... I hope everything works out for you. Tell your Hitomi and your Madoka that I said hi!"

    It occurs to Madoka to tell this Sayaka more about this timeline, but... it might be best not to. No reason to complicate things.

Bow has posed:
There's a moment, when Bow settles his hand on his weapon and starts to pull it towards him that he can feel the hesitation from Hinoiri. His lips pull into a thin line and he gives her a moment. He'll unhenshin if he has to, in order to dismiss the bow = but she releases it and he pulls it to him. "You did finem Hinoiri." he offers to her, a small upturn on his lips. She gave the bow back. Willingly. It's all good.

Turning, he does share in the brief contact with this Sayaka. "I wish you safe journeys and that when you return home that your problems are resolved." he offers to her with a small bow of his head. "You are more than worthy to have a happy ending, after all."

There's a glance to Madoka as he chuckles. "I've already jumped from one world. Not ready to do that again." he says with a mote of amusement. "Just know... we all care deeply for the Sayaka of this world. And we'll keep her safe."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy whistles, impressed, as Alternate Sayaka lights her sword ablaze. She contributes her own attack, her hair and cloak billowing in the wind from the blast.

    She dismisses the gun and waves bye to Marsyas, "Mm-hmm, yes, of course."

    AU Sayaka will see them again! "Dang, really? I'd love to learn about your world if there's ever the chance!"

    She enthusiastically high fives too hard, which leaves both their hands stinging unless Sayaka was ready for it from her own Amy--"Ow! Ssss..." Amy shakes her hand, wincing slightly--"It was really cool meeting you, AU Sayaka-san! Or, just Sayaka-san to you, I guess. I hope things are going well for you there. And if you know an Amanda Faust, tell me I said hi! Being a Puella Magi is... working out better than you might think! I'm girlfriends with Hannah Steiner, if you can believe it!" She smiles, trying to seem cool by making wild guesses about what might be different in the other world.

    ...Although, thinking of might-have-beens and alternate possibilities, a sour look crosses her face, and she says more dryly. "...And if I'm still Mallory, tell him the magic pills he reads about are real and not magic and to look up hormone therapy. That should... get me looking in the right direction, I guess."

    Then she brightens up. "And if you ever like, need us to help out over there? As long as you can get us back to our world after, please, don't be a stranger! Good luck, Sayaka-san!" She waves.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"I couldn't get here by my own hand, so this will probably be goodbye, Madoka-chan. I enjoyed fighting with you over here too. The three of us are a really close-knit team over there. Say hi to your Hitomi too!" She concludes with a smile to the other Madoka.

"Yeah, I don't really recognise you, sorry", Sayaka smiles bashfully, rubbing the back of her head with one hand. "But I will keep it in mind. You seem plenty nice though. Had we had the time, I think I would have enjoyed getting to know you, at least. Or getting to know you, if I will cross paths eventually." She is not quite sure how to respond to the admission she has her alternate self's ex girlfriend in front of her. Or her current boyfriend for that matter. Is Other Her coveted enough to have a complicate love life? That thought is blush-worthy, and a rather vivid one to boot.

"So, hello", she turns towards the phone, leaving a message to the Sayaka from here. "Pretty unbelievable that a Sayaka would jump in from who knows where, right? Another you is a pretty unusual sight. I have heard that the Hitomi here isn't a Puella. I hope you are still being friends with her even if you aren't a team. And keep her away from Kyousuke, she will be much happier that way. Take care. Oh, Eu-Eu, say hi too!" Sayaka adds, pushing the plushie girl into focus.

"Hi! I am Sayaka's mascot and companion, Euterpe, or Eu-Eu. Probably you don't have one here, with Kyubey being as he is, but I am sooo happy to be yours! Have a fun life!" And with that, she flies away from the camera.

"Thank you", Sayaka repeats once more to Bow. "I may not have gotten to know you in my home, but I wish all the best to you and Sayaka. You seem really different from Kyousuke", is her observation before she turns to Amy.

"I promise I will keep an eye out for her", Sayaka tells the redhead, catching on instantly despite the suddenness of the information. "Maybe I will get to know you in the future, but I wish you for her to have met this Hannah too! I really have to go now though", she finishes, skipping to the portal followed by Eu-Eu.

"Have a good life, everyone", she grins widely with one last wave, and soon the both of them are gone.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    As Madoka hears the warning about Kyousuke and Hitomi, she starts feeling a little mortified. "Eheh... I'll try to warn her." Is he really that bad of a boyfriend? Madoka kinda hopes that whatever's going on over there, this Hitomi will end up having a better time.

    Then again, she does kinda complain about being lonely, doesn't she? A part of Blossom is glad that her Hitomi never made a contract, but she's also sad that Sayaka ended up making one. Yeesh.

    This is something she'll have to talk about with Homura in detail. Eventually.

    "Have a good life!" Hope calls out.

    Gretchen echos the sentiment, saying, "If you see the other Gretchen, tell her she's not as frail as she thinks she is! Bye!"

    With alternate Sayaka gone, Madoka feels a little melancholy. That's one version of her best friend that she'll likely never see again. Then again, there might be all sorts of different alt-u versions of them out there. Far more than the ones she's connected to. It gives Madoka something to think about.

    Turning to everyone else, she asks, "Well... That was wild. Is everyone okay?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small nod. "Y-yeah. Thanks... it's... I hope it all goes well for you over there. You deserve it."

Then, well... she'd let Gretchen record for a little bit longer. But once it was done, she'd reach up to take her phone back. Her eyes on the chara for a moment. She'd... need to talk with her, now that she thought about it. She looked down at the phone message... before sending it to Sayaka. Sayaka would send it to the others, she was sure.

"Thanks, um. For saving... all of that. For being the... heroes again. See? Better now. I was almost useful this time. Uhhhh... sorry you got hurt, Bow. I was trying to avoid that. Thanks for ummm... not getting mad about me using your... Bow. It's... pretty impressive. Err. Nice... magic... you got there... heh? Really... uhhhh... shoots... things... good... and has a nice... bend and... string... to it? The fire arrow was... hot? And I'm... gonna... shut up and... goooo... now..."

Hinoiri's face had managed to get beet red as she kind of floundered by the sparkles. She did pause and glanced to Amy... before sighing. "Hey. You... mentioned wanting to talk to me before. Let's... meet up later. Okay? We can talk after class or something. For now? Ciao."

And then she put her ear buds back in and walked away quickly.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy tries not to show her disappointment at learning that Sayaka doesn't know an Amanda Faust. That probably means she never got magic, right? Damn...

    Still, she smiles and answers, "You too!" before Sayaka and Eu-Eu leave.

    She turns to Madoka at the question and shrugs. "I'm fine. Like, I got hit with a big rock, but... magical girls are tough."

    "...I just spent half a week as a doll. I'm starting to understand what Pluto meant about this becoming 'normal'. What do you think we'll have later this week? Aliens? Time travelers? A reality-bending villain that turns us all into animals to be part of their magic show?"

    If someone points out that they already have aliens, and probably time travelers, she just says, "See?!"

    Amy nods to Sunset. "Ciao."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Cure Euterpe's henshin costume:

Cure Euterpe's clothing consists of a white shirt cropped around her neck and shoulder blades, hanging loosely on her body held up by wide straps that stick out diagonally. The hems are frilled, while the shirt's two sides, connected by blue ribbons, part below her bust, leaving a large triangular section showing her belly. She wears a blue breastplate that conforms to her chest with a golden stripe just slightly away from the rim. A large white band with a golden border decorated with electric blue notes is worn diagonally across her upper body and sealed behind with a ribbon. Earrings with 4 teardrop gems in a line (azure, blue, white and azure) dangle from her ears.

Cure Euterpe has a white cloak with a golden rim that hangs for 3/4 on her back and for 1/4 on her front, covering half of the cami top's crop. The cloak is held in place by a golden oval ornament on the left side. At her wrists she wears golden armbands with Hercules knots, a magical knot that has the power to make wounds heal faster, part of the counsel Apollo had reluctantly bestowed upon his half-brother during one of his 12 Labours. On top of her hair, now long enough to reach the end of her back, rests a laurel crown.

A blue skirt with a diagonal cut and a white hem hangs just under the bottom part of the shirt, held up by a dark blue belt with a yellow buckle. Golden Musical staves circle her skirt just above the hem, repeating the sentence at https://ibb.co/D9gkvfZ instead of musical notes. Cure Euterpe's legs are covered by white stockings with jewellery placed along the central frontal part of the leg, resembling mermaid scales. Covering her feet there are teal boots with a golden top rim.