Hoping for a Miracle (Hinoiri Kirara)

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Hoping for a Miracle (Hinoiri Kirara)
Date of Cutscene: 19 July 2024
Location: Music Room
Synopsis: While everyone else is off fighting Beryl, Hinoiri takes the alone time to see if all the studies she has done with magical music can give her what she wants almost more than anything. To be powerful and useful again.
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara

Hinoiri sighed and glanced towards the door one last time. Nobody was going to come. Nobody would. Why should they? Most of them… most of them weren’t here.

She glanced at her phone once more. A lot of the sparkles had gone to Paris, it seemed. Fighting Beryl.

She should have been there. She should have joined them in fighting. But she couldn’t. She didn’t have any magic. She read over the email from Rashmi again and sighed. Everyone had gone. And she’d been left behind. But… but it was fine. She could just do research on her own. She adjusted the strings on the guitar one last time before double checking all of the sensors were placed correctly and the equipment was properly recording.

“Don’t be upset or mad at all,” Hinoiri sang softly. Anger. Rage. Fury. It all led back to dark energy. To Sunset of Sora. “Don’t feel regret or sad at all.” Even if it hurt, giving up dark energy was the best thing she’d ever done. It had to be. “I’m still able to help the mahou, one and all. And I’m fine, I am totally fine… I will stand on the side as they shine…”

Her fingers moved over the guitar strings, plucking the notes in a slow, gentle rhythm. “I’m not fine, I’m not fine…”

“I can’t fire sparkles, I can’t throw the fury of the moon, I can’t take another fight scared of my doom, hoping for a miracle. I can’t save the broken, can’t control water or even flame. Can’t keep down this unspoken invisible pain, always hoping on a miracle, a miracle. Always hiding alone. Always wanting for more. Like I’m still at that mirror longing to shine like Sora said I could shine…”

Hinoiri had it all. She’d been ‘special’. But in one fell swoop she’d lost it all. Her mentor. Her home. And now? Now she was here. And she’d given up what made her unique here. Her power. Dark energy. She longed to use it, but she couldn’t. No matter how tempting it was. Because she’d lost that right. She’d almost destroyed it all. And now?

Now the people who had saved her were off trying to stop Beryl. And she could do nothing but wait here. Being helpless. Being useless. Defenseless. Worrying about them. They’d be fine, though. They always were. They’d continue to shine and she… she would be nothing.

“All I need is a change… All I need is a chance… All I know is I can’t watch from the side. Open my song, open my heart, open my soul…”

If only she had power. Power not made of darkness. Of hurt. If only she could just have a chance to do it, there’d be no limits to what she could do. She could be useful. She could be there, fighting WITH them. Help them like they’d helped her. See how magnificent she could be.

“I could shield from darkness, make new magic and power show. Someone please just let me know where do I go? I am hoping on a miracle, a miracle. I would heal what’s broken, show these mahou something new!” Her fingers danced on the strings as she felt a small tear on her cheeks.

This place was filled with magic. She’d seen it. Every single time she’d tried to do anything it felt as if new magic just appeared. So why was it now, when she needed it so desperately, it was absent?

She was better now, wasn’t she? Wasn’t this what was right? How could she show them she was better if she didn’t get the chance?

“Who I am inside? So what can I do? I’m sick of hoping for a miracle, so here I go!” Hinoiri said, a small smile forming on her lips. Was this it? Was music the key? She’d done so many tests. If she did it just right, would her magic appear for her?

“I am ready! Come on, I’m ready! I’ve been diligent and dedicated and steady! Power me now as you’ve helped them in this city not long ago when you made them a miracle!” Hinoiri closed her eyes and tried to feel it, to feel something. She got magic from Coco’s song, Madoka’s and even Niji’s. So…

Why not her song?

Once again, that fear washed over her.

If she could have magic here once… had dark energy taken her chance? Was she no longer worthy? Would she never be worthy?

The last of the notes on her guitar were soft, sad, weak.

“Am I too terrible for a miracle?” Hinoiri asked. The final note hung in the air and she sat there, sighing once again. Slowly, she unattached the sensors before making her way to the station, confirming what she already knew.

There was no magic in her music. There never was. It didn’t matter if she sang Coco’s song, the Black Beauty Sister’s song or one brought on by Kirakirafantastica magic. There was no magic in her. She pulled out her phone one more time, reading over the email again.

If there really were so many miracles in this place, shouldn’t she have gotten some kind of powers then? So she could fly off and help them? Join them?

… Or maybe they didn’t need her. Maybe… maybe people like her didn’t get happy endings. She pushed delete on the system, wiping the records of her little session. The last thing she wanted was for any of them to know she was trying to find magic for herself with this. Or worse, think she was using it for terrible reasons.

Maybe Takashi’s plan would work. Music didn’t have the magic she needed.