1208/From three valentines to one

From Radiant Heart MUSH

From three valentines to one
Date of Scene: 29 February 2024
Location: Dorms #1
Synopsis: Back on valentines day, Hinoiri met with Double Trouble after a loooooong, long day. Nearly losing one of her few friend's lives and... well... Double Trouble, however, didn't hesitate to see how to take advantage of this situation.
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Double Trouble

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara came home... late. To be honest, she came home INCREDIBLY late. She left by the time Double Trouble had gotten home and.... frankly... the entirety of Valentine's day just about, she'd been gone.

And when she came in, she just... walked forward, glanced at the cake and... "Huh... how good is it?" she asked. Before...

Plopping down on the bed. She looked like a mess. Like she'd been crying. Like... well... She looked like shit. "Me and the Starfish are broken up. Also, I almost killed her accidentally. Also, if you see Kyubey, ever, stab him, punt him, I don't even care just get *rid* of him. He is an infection that needs to be purged from this world."

She then gave a sigh. "... Today has been rough but... oddly... nice? In the end? I think? How's yours been?"

... WELL SOMETHING CERTAINLY HAPPENED! "... Can you get me a slice?"

Double Trouble has posed:
Double Trouble was home. They had arrived home shortly after classes were out. They were disappointed to see Hinoiri wasn't home, but delighted to find a cake. Hinoiri was always feeding their sweet tooth. It was one of their favorite things about her.

It was a big enough cake, they knew Hinoiri had meant to share it, so they paced themselves. If the unicorn hadn't wanted them to eat any, she wouldn't have left it out so invitingly. But they wanted to make sure there was enough for them both to have some later. So they just took a small piece: a quarter of the cake.

When Hinoiri finally came home, they were laying on their bed watching videos on their phone. So as soon as the door opened she had their full attention. She looked like shit, which honestly, is a pretty common way for her to arrive home after being gone all day. She has a punchable face.

"It's delicious," Double Trouble said, zipping from their bed to the cake in a flash, and cutting the second quarter into to two slices. One for each of them. They bring the cake over to Hinoiri and sit down on her bed next to her, holding one of the plates out for her to take just moments after she asks for a slice.

"I don't know who Kyubey is, but if I ever find out, I'll make sure he pays for whatever it is he did," they say, sounding dead serious. Then they lean in and plant a kiss on Hinoiri's cheek as their tail wraps around her to squeeze her in a weird hug.

"My take away, though, is that you're all mine now."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara nodded and then, verrrrrry slowly... she sat up. "Ngggggg..." she grumbled, before leaning against them. She took the cake and gave a sound not unlike a murloc. "Yeah. More or less. Heh. Sayaka-chan made this cake. Well, the half of her that wasn't... depressed. So. Turns out.... depression hits puella hard. Real hard. And I didn't know this. I kind of told her everything. Well, not everything everything, but the truth about how I felt about them..."

"She didn't take it well. However, we didn't realize how... depression could affect them. And I thought she died. But Sailor Moon and her friends managed to bring a miracle and she's okay now. But yeah. We're done. I'm gonna get her like... a gift card or something. We talked. Worked things out and... yeah."

"... I... I didn't like this. She didn't deserve this." She took a small bite of it and then blinked and... "You know what? This is some dang good cake. Girl does have some talent."

"... So... yeah. I'd had plans today, you know. For both you and her. But... instead I ended up busy all day and nearly killed one of you. So... really, I'm surprised you sound *happy* to have me all to yourself. I figured you'd be bored of me by now."

That'd be like getting tired of a random exploding machine! Who knew what it'd blow up next?! Other than itself?

Double Trouble has posed:
They have a plate with delicious cake in their hands, so they can't facepalm like they want to. "On Valentine's Day? Oh you oblivious unicorn," they say and shake their head. The rest? All of it feels like it just follows. It's another story of Hinoiri messing up one thing and it spiraling out of control.

It's absolutely perfect.

They'd kiss her again, but they're both eating cake. It can wait. "How could I ever be bored of you, darling? I have to work at making drama, you just go through life and drama finds you." They take another bite of cake up onto their fork and then reach out to boop Hinoiri's nose with it. "You're the opposite of boring." Omnom, they eat the cake.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small nod. "You know, you're not wrong. It's like... I don't even do anything, it just... happens. One moment everything is good, the next, bam. Everything is on fire, I haven't even really done anything to cause it and now like... everything is on fire. Sure, some of this is my fault, but not nearly enough to warrant... this," she says, motioning around. As if to explain the reality of... all of this. Of what happened, what she'd done. How she'd done it.

"This one wasn't even my fault. I just... didn't want to lie to her anymore. She worked... so hard on this. The good side of her. Or... whatever? Is it the good side? Or the less... hurt side? Whatever..." she took a bite and sighed.

She smiled none the less. "I was... pretty miserable, earlier. But then she came, we talked... and she's okay. Heh. She got her miracle. I think... inthe end? I think she's going to be okay. I think we're friends and... I like it that way." She sighed and closed her eyes. "So... What does that make us?"

She then glanced down to her cake... then to Double Trouble, and a smile formed on her lips. She put a bit on her fork and... "Say 'ahhhhhhh'," she said. and yes, she would give some of her cake to Double Trouble.

... She'd never done it before, okay? It was a silly thing, she wanted to try.

Double Trouble has posed:
She asks a question, and then immediately follows it up with an offer of cake. Double Trouble's priorities are clear. Their tongue shoots out and wraps around the piece of cake pulling it off the fork before it can even get all the way into their mouth "Mmmm," they intone. "You're mine and I'm yours."

"But you can't really date me as far as the rest of the world is concerned, and you can't date Dianora," they say. They tap their fingertip against their lips a couple of times and then grin. "So I need a new face."

They say it and almost immediately start to shift, their body fading into inky blackness before reforming. She's a girl. She's got long purple-black hair and flawless makeup. She's got an assortment of rings and spiked studs in her ears, and a black leather choker with spikes and an assortment of necklaces. Everything else she's wearing is black, right down to the combat boots.

"Yuuhi-san has work she wanted me to do, and I was going to do it as Glimmer, but as fun as playing her evil is," the girl says, "I think you deserve an original character." Then she leans in to kiss Hinoiri at the corner of her mouth.

"Call me Shiori. Shiori Ishii."

Clearly Double Trouble had already thought this one out.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times, staring at her. She then snickered. "Really? I'll be honest. I'd figured you'd have come up with something else by now. But you really want me all to yourself that much? Creating a whole original character and all? I *must* mean quite a lot to you, huh?" Then blinked. And Double Trouble Could see the moment that thought became more than jsut teasing and... actually... penetrated her head. The way her eyes went wide and her mouth fell open. "I... I mean that much to you?" she asked softly.

Then she stared at 'Shiori'. And blink. Blink blink. The leather. The black. The *spikes*.

Her eyes narrowed a little suspiciously, but a smile was on her lips. "Oh my goodness gracious... just how long have you been planning this, you conniving roommate of mine?" she asked in a teasing tone. "I'm... flattered... I think. Shiori... chan? Would it be? Or should I try and come up with a nickname for you, too? Maybe... Perfy. Lots of perferations. Do they hurt, shifting into them like that?"

Double Trouble has posed:
The work is so apparent, too. Everything about Shiori is so cohesive. She's an entirely different person. She sits differently. She moves differently. And she emotes differently.

Her lips press into an amused smirk and lifts her eyebrows and just nods. "Mmhmm. You'd think after as many times as I've told you, it'd sink in by now. I love you, Hinoiri-chan." She leans over and lays her head on Hinoiri's shoulder then before casting her eyes to look up into Hinoiri's that are right there.

"Please not Perfy. There's a princess back home named Perfuma, and she's insufferable," says Shiori. "And they don't hurt more than anything else. I don't really know how to describe the way it feels." She nuzzles her head against Hinoiri's shoulder a little more.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara looked the other girl up, down... left, right. Taking it in. She was.... glorious. Sure, Shiori was nice. But Double Trouble was... magnificent. This was what they were. Who they were. And she smiled before leaning in, gently putting a kiss on her ear, right on one of the piercings. "Can you feel that?"

"... It's weird, I guess. Never had that, before. And now I... have a lot of people who care about me. Some I care about. It's... disconcerting, if that makes sense? I wonder if it's connected to the magic of this world. Maybe it makes people more... vulnerable."

".... And no, not Perfy. I'll stick to Shiori for a bit. Get to know my new girlfriend. Find out about her." Pause. "Wait... so... is Dianora moving out? Or are you like... Dianora's legitimate actual big sister?" She then snickered. "Did Dianora introduce us?"

Ahhh, of course. If there was one thing Hinoiri was good at... it was being the audience. And she wanted to know the *story*.

"... I... I really love that about you. I think. The way you can just... be this. And I think... I might... kind of... I... think I really like you too... I might... I may... I..." And she looked away. And kind of mumbled off to the side. "Maybe I can love and maybe I love you too..." she muttered softly, as if whispering it would make it easier to say.

Double Trouble has posed:
Shiori smirks and lifts up her head, looking right at Hinoiri. "I know humans all look the same to you, but Dianora is Italian, and I am Japanese," she says, bringing a single finger up to tap at her cheek pointing to her flawless makeup and epicanthal fold. "We're not related at all. I'm a bad influence, and she's innocent and pure. You met me out somewhere in the city. Maybe at an occult bookstore. I'm into that kind of thing."

Hinoiri confesses her love. Double Trouble knows she loves them. They've known for a long time. But hearing her say the words? Even if she couched them in maybes? Well, that feels good. It feels good in a way they've never felt before. They've heard people tell them those words before, but it was never real. They were always a character. This stupid unicorn loves them for them.

Shiori turns her shoulders toward Hinoiri, reaches across her body with her far hand to turn Hinoiri's face toward her and then plants a kiss right on her lips. It's brief, but electricc

"I'm not moving in. I don't even go here. I'm only here because I'm your girlfriend, but for some reason I keep coming around and causing trouble," her lips spread into an evil grin and there's a flash of mischief in her eyes.

"So let's cause some trouble."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times, opening her mouth, then sighed. "Ugggggh. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be rascist but like... where I come from everyone has like... bright colors and stuff! People come in like, five shades and past that it's far more subtle! The body language is easier for me to identify, but like... the actual... things like... origins? That's still so hard for me," she mumbled softly. "Sorry..."

Aaaand then there was a kiss. She squeaked, her eyes wide, staring at the other girl. Blink blink. Blink. Bliiiiiink.

"Y-you know. Okay. Ummmm. I..." Wait, was she getting flustered? Why was SHE getting flustered? She got OTHER people flustered. Slow, deep breath. Calllllllm. Then she snorted.

"Wait, you're a bad influence on ME? I am hurt! Wounded! Insulted! I'm the one who's bringing this world to its knees~" she said in a playful tone. "But... yeah, I guess for now. Until my glorious reign, they can thing you're the nasty one." Pause. "Just... don't be too nasty to the wrong people, okay? Some of these girls are actually tolerable." She then snorted. "Is it weird I actually had a moment of 'My roommate is going to HATE my new girlfriend'?"

Double Trouble has posed:
Shiori Ishii's hand falls away and then brushes down the side of Hinoiri's shoulder to grab ahold of her hand, so that their arms both reach across them. "You keep that gremlin away from me," she says, her voice low and threatening. Then she ironically winks, with a smirk. "Fortunately, we're never in the same room at the same time."

"Think about it from your friends' perspective, though. I'm a bad influence on Hinoiri Kirara," she explains. Then that mischief flashes in her eyes and she grins so much her teeth show. "Or at least I aim to be."

She squeezes Hinoiri's hand and gives it a tug. "So, I know you're beat, but it's Valentine's day and your girlfriend has been sitting around your room all day wondering where you were. Let's go do something."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a light snort, though she leaned into the hug, closing her eyes and resting her head on her. "Mmmmm... Well... Technically this morning I was meeting with Sayaka-chan... and you know. Ruining her life. But she's good now... So..."

"What better way to move on than to, that evening, run into this fun, new girl? And decide to try a brand new experiment with her?" she asked, winking. "Does that sound like the proper 'performance' for my troubling little performer? I wonder if I could play the 'slightly upset and hurt maiden' for you to come and cast your terrible whims upon?" She gave her a tiny little kiss on the underside of her chin.

"And we can do it anywhere you like, my new influencer. So long as like... it has vegetarian options if we're eating there."

Double Trouble has posed:
Shiori Ishii lets go of Hinoiri's hand and leans back, pressing her index finger against her pursed lips and furrowing her brow thoughtfully. Then she holds her finger up and says, "Curry!" Oh she's pleased with this idea. "I could murder a vindaloo."

She leans in and gives Hinoiri another quick kiss at the corner of her mouth, and then stands up and shimmers back into Double Trouble for just a moment before pulling their necklace out of their pocket and dropping it over their head, shimmering into Dianora.

She turns around and grins at Hinoiri. "Okay, onee-chan. You have an important night out ahead of you. I'm going to go have a sleepover with some friends, so I won't be here when you get home," she says, giggling the entire time. Then she goes over to her wardrobe and pulls out an already packed bag. Was she planning this? And just skips over to the door.

She turns with her hand on the handle, and says, "She'll be there in like an hour." Then she's out the door.