1703/Hospital Visits: A Ray Of Sunshine

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Hospital Visits: A Ray Of Sunshine
Date of Scene: 25 June 2024
Location: Mitakihara General Hospital
Synopsis: Rashmi, Usagi, Chiyo and Amy visit Hinoiri in the hospital, bringing much-needed advice, lectures, encouragement, and more! Also Chiyo brings a cathartic pillow-beating, because Hinoiri.
Cast of Characters: Rashmi Terios, Usagi Tsukino, Amanda Faust, Hinoiri Kirara, Chiyo Sakai

Rashmi Terios has posed:
When Hinoiri sent out a desperate 'HELP!' through her phone... It was unfortunately already behind a Barrier, and did not have Device-boosted ability to text across dimensions. Thus, as was the case with several other mahou, Rashmi's backlog of frantic requests for clarification, location, and all the rest had to wait until the Barrier came down, and were already irrelevant.

And the *moment* she learned what had happened, she'd sent another series of texts;

    << TXT to Hinoiri -- When you can read this; I'm coming to visit as soon as I can. >>
    << TXT to Hinoiri -- How long're you gonna be there? Can you have snacks? >>
    << TXT to Hinoiri -- Also d'you have a book preference? >>

It's been like that for a bit; it's fair to say that Rashmi has actually been fretting since hearing that Hinoiri has been hospitalized, and when asked why her answer is a simple one.

"Because I told her to ask for help when she needed it, and when she did I couldn't help her."

Which is why she shows up at the sign-in desk after class today, with a fairly heavy shopping bag in one hand; whether or not her questions were answered, she made her best guess where she had to, and followed instructions where advised.

And it's in this state of mind, with this bounty in her hand, that she knocks gently on Hinoiri's door before peeking in. "Hey... You awake?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Usagi isn't too worried about Hinoiri - Mamoru's already told her that he visited, that he healed her, that he was civil, so she wasn't even reduced to a crying, guilty mess because of it -

But she's going to visit anyway, because she wants to check in. Especially since she's going to be... away, though probably not for too long, soon.

Despite that, it still takes her a little while to get to Hinoiri's room - there are nurses that she's made friends with to greet, and share candy with - pineapple lollipops shaped like gems that many of the nurses coo over, and Usagi is proud to tell them they're her cousins' design, from Nounamu Sweets run by her cousin and relative!

Hinoiri, Rashmi, Amy - they might all hear the sound of Usagi makes casual conversation with every nurse she encounters on the way, and half of the doctors. It's probably a good warning to Hinoiri that she's coming, something to wrap her nerves around.

Catching sight of Rashmi knocking on the door and peeping in, Usagi blinks, surprised - somehow? She didn't expect to run into other people, but then, not everyone who got that frantic text were able to be reassured with the knowledge, shortly after, that she was fine.

"Hi Rashmi-chan," she says quietly, mindful of disturbing others. "Want a lollipop? It's one of Daifuku-chan's. I've got some for you too, Hinoiri-chan."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy would tell Rashmi, "But others were there to help her!" But, she can understand feeling like you broke a promise, too.

    Amy kind of gravitates towards her -- there aren't that many redheads around -- and so catches up just as the door is opening. She nods in greeting but doesn't want to be too loud as the door is opened, just in case Hinoiri is asleep. She leans past Rashmi, trying to peer in and see.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara had not... been awake for long when the door was knocked on. In fact, when Rashmi peeked inside, she'd be greeted to Hinoiri sitting up groggily, one eye half closed and the other fully closed. And her hair an absolute mess. And a little drool in the corner of her mouth. "Who dah..." she asked. Looked at Rashmi. Their eye(s) met... and then Hinoiri squeaked, blushed, and quickly wiped her face on her blanket, desperately trying to get her hair in... some semblance of normal.

You didn't see nothin'.

And oh gosh, she could hear Usagi coming. Oh Sora they comin'.

Once she was... something approaching presentable, she'd clear her throat. "Com--" And then kind of choke on the words. Dang it. Flem.

"Come on!" she said on the second go.

She... looked a little better. Well, aside from being covered in bandages. And her hair being shorter because of the burns. And that really was a LOT of bandages and cooling pads. "Heyyyy... ummmm... there. Good morning."

It was not morning.

"Errr, wow. What time is... oh... uhhhh... heh... err. Y-you know, the pain killers they have me on could knock out a horse... literally... eh... heh heh... oh Sora..." she groaned, burying her face in her pillow.

She was such an idiot.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
One does not *ever* turn down offered candy, when one rooms with its maker. So when their eyes meet, and Hinoiri flails, Rashmi finds it the perfect time to pull her head out of the doorway and accept with a bright smile. "Thanks, Usa-chan, and hello Amy-chan!"

So it's with the lollipop tucked against her cheek, she opens the door fully to reveal Usagi and Amy, slipping in and lugging the shopping-bag toward the bedside table.

"School's out," she says in answer of the time. "Brought all the homework you missed, and a few extras. The worst part about being in the hospital is all the time you have to fill, y'know?"

Is there ever gonna be a time when that doesn't come back around to bite her? Maybe, but that is not this day.

"I heard about what happened," she says quietly, as she starts stacking up folders, books, and more paperwork... And a Japanese-language copy of Lord of the Rings, because maybe she'll read for fun when she has no other option? "I'm sorry I couldn't be there."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Candy is shared with Rashmi and Amy, before Usagi enters the room, moving closer to the bed as she looks over Hinoiri. Her hair is burnt, so it's going to be cut shorter than usual, and she's covered in bandages - necessary, but she'll be fine again soon, thanks to Mamochan.

Still, she knows painkillers make people loopy. "Mamochan lost track of time when he was on painkillers too. Sleeping is good for you, when you're injured and stuff; let's your body put all its energy into healing."

She walks closer to Hinoiri's side of the bed, and puts a small bag of candies on the bedside next to her. "Some of Chiyo-chan's candies; I always have plenty, and the lollipops are good for you."

Purification laced, with a touch of healing. It would help with the pain, and it would also sting if she happened to have any dark energy right now.

Usagi's sure she doesn't, because otherwise Hinoiri would be a lot more ornery in this hospital, but, "We're going to put a lo-jack on you, if this keeps up. Almost all your coworkers have it out for you and they're obviously getting pretty comfy with doing damage... you should consider having someone with you everywhere you go."

She's not scolding, and it's a genuine suggestion. But there's also no apology for not being there. Hinoiri's seen the text messages she sent, in the immediate aftermath, and those will have to stand.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy just figures Hinoiri might still be out of it on painkillers at first. And then she says as much! "Yeah. I know." She gives the exact time from her watch. "It's fine. Relax. Save your strength for when they take you off the painkillers, you're still gonna hurt. ...I think? I regenerated any burns I got lately, and the one time I touched a stove as a toddler..." She looks at her hand. "...My brain kind of stopped recording memories for a bit."

    Ominous. Topic change! She puts a hand on Rashmi's shoulder. "Others were there." then moves her hand back. "But, I get it."

    She takes the offered lollipop but doesn't put it in her mouth yet, since she's talking. She steps a bit further into the room ad looks around. She fails to completely surpress a wince at Usagi's comment about needing a bodyguard.

    "Soooo... how're they feeding you in here? Last time I was in the hospital, the spaghetti was awful. And then I found the sauce packet I'd missed." She smiles at her little joke about herself.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara actually flinched when the others mentioned... well... she'd put more than her fair share of people in the hospital. The momentary flash of guilt was clear on her face, but she tried to hide it by... giving a small, nervous little chuckle. "Y-yeah... Chiba-san mentioned that too. I'm not really sure what a lojack is, but... well... not sure it would have helped in this case. I couldn't really get a phone signal in the market anyway. Heh... eh..." she muttered, looking away.

"And... thanks. I've mostly been sleeping or working on an upcoming project. Not... dark energy this time. Just studying magic for another one of the sparkles." She sighed and laid back down, collapsing on her pillows.

"It's fine. Sparkles always pop up to save you when you need it in this city, right? So... I'm fine. It's fine. While I'm in here, I've got someone keeping an eye nearby at all times anyway. Even if you can't see them. This one... this one was pretty much my fault, anyway. I... taught her how to do this. I taught her how to use fear. How to... scare people. Why to do it. It's... only natural that this happened. So there's really nobody to blame for this one but me. I guess I'm just really talented at making people hate me. Maybe that's why everything happened. Heh..."

She then glanced to Amy. "And... not too bad. The vegetarian options tend to be pretty lame, though." She then reached over to the suckers, taking one, peeling it and pushing it in her mouth. "Thanks," she mumbled, before nervously suckling on it...

... Honestly, she kind of regretted it because, somehow, it managed to make her feel like more of a foal but no going back now.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Why Hinoiri doesn't want to talk about it, Rashmi isn't completely sure, but... she's not about to run over the girl anyway, so she simply nods knowingly. "Can confirm," she says. "I got asked to help with the project, so we'll be working together on it."

Settling in, she listens to Hinoiri's explanation, and closes her eyes for a moment. "...Wow, that's... wow," is all she says after a moment. "I mean... I can't really argue any of that, but like... It doesn't have to be that way anymore, y'know?" Shrugging helplessly, she looks over her shoulder to Usagi and Amy, eyebrows rising. Maybe *they* have something more uplifting than she can manage at the moment?

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"It's a kind of tracking thing, for finding stolen cars and stuff," Usagi says, and she's a little amused that Mamoru had mentioned it too. The flash of guilt on her face is a good thing, and not because Usagi plans on being mean to her - but she did this. She did this to people over and over, even after the Outer Senshi almost killed her for it. Now she's feeling it for herself... and feeling bad is the right way to feel.

"Are you going to do something about it?" It's a pretty blunt question, but Usagi waves a hand, trying for a 'not attacking you' vibe. "For like, the part with this girl... I mean, look, that's awful, but it sounds like you've figured that out. You're not up to fighting this girl, duh, but, do you want to do something about it - try and connect with her, try and avoid her, tell people about her? Because sitting and feeling guilty, that's not going to help you. You think too much as it is."

The problem with smart people is they all think way, way, way too much, about everything, all the time, whether an issue is complicated or simple.

"And as for the part about making people hate you... you could do something about that, too. Like, think about it as something you're doing instead of just something about who you are?" Unfortunately, the make her feel better button is broken! The practical stuff button is working though.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    What even is a lojack? "It was the brand name for something to track your car if it got stolen, a long time ago. Nowadays you can probably get a GPS tracker you can check from an app on your phone."

    'This one was pretty much my fault, anyway.'

    "We gave her a chance. We didn't kill her, she still has a chance. You didn't teach her to make people riot and fight eachother, or trap them in a burning building."

    Amy quirks an eyebrow, thinking. "Honestly? I guess... you must've, in a time that meant a lot to her, but. I don't think I've ever seen you use fear? You always like. Knocked all the civilians out and threw some weird monster at us, basically. Man, your quiz monster actually got some of us to admit our fears and you never used them against us! So like... That you did it that time was bad, but I think it's good you never felt like making it habitual."

    Okay, now she wants to try the lollipop too. "What flavor are these?" She asks, pulling the wrapper off and putting it in her mouth and raising her eyebrows. "Pineapple?" Surprising, but neutral.

    And a thought crosses her mind. "You said you're working on a magic thing, even while... Um. Is there stuff people can learn about magic even if they can't use it?"

    She lifts her hand and looks at her ring. "Maybe learning stuff could apply to the magic I can do, too! It would. Probably be a good idea to learn something about the processes providing life support for my existence, now. I can't exactly look this stuff up on Wikipedia."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked and glanced to Rashmi. "Really? Oh, that'll be useful. You have a device, right? My biggest concern with the whole project is that a lot of earth's technology can't track or measure magic. At Obsidian I could ask Riventon if I needed it, and I could use magic. Since... obviously... now I can't... my options are limited. I have done a lot of work on magical music already, though, so I should be able to get... some progress even without a device, but it would help with tuning things."

Her hands clenched, though, when Usagi started questioning her. And they'd see it, for a moment. That anger. That frustration. But she closed her eyes, reached a hand up to stroke her necklace, and took a slow, calming breath. "I... was apologizing to her... when she snapped and locked me in a store with her, then spent... however long I was in there torturing me. Now? I'm going to try and avoid her. The only thing I can really say is... don't kill her. She's... a bitch. And a terrible person. But I don't think she's evil. I think she's just trapped. In a lot of ways."

She then turned her gaze to Amy and that was definite annoyance. "She was like that when I trained her. And if you never saw me use fear, you really weren't paying attention. That was what I tried to use best. Magic, at least here, is heavily based on emotional state. The more determined you people are, the strong you seem to become. I was scared I would have to kill one of you and I was scared she would, too. So... fear. Make you too afraid to fight me, so you'd run, and I wouldn't... have to hurt you anymore. And yes, I know it was a stupid idea. But I wasn't... exactly the sovereign of good life choices."

Then she looked to Usagi. "I'm *trying* to be better, okay? I really am. What am I *supposed* to do here? I've given up dark energy, I've given up my power, I've apologized every chance I get, I'm even trying to help the sparkles I can help with my knowledge. I spent who knows how long trapped being tortured by that bitch and I *still* didn't turn to dark energy, despite how badly I wanted to so I think I should get maybe a LITTLE credit for trying! It's not like there's some grand gesture I can do to undo all of the mistakes I've made, but if you have a better idea I'd really appreciate it! Otherwise why don't you get off my back or just get in line to stab me like everyone else I used to work with?!" she snapped. Then cringed. Yup. Temper was still there.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Rashmi starts to speak, but quickly subsides, because that's not *quite* anger that's causing Hinoiri to go off... but something closer to frustration, as far as she can tell. So she sits there as Hinoiri spills her fears, her upset, all of it... And at the very end, while Hinoiri is cringing, Rashmi simply... looses a quiet sigh.

"Hinoiri-chan... You really need to stop bottling it all up like that. But like... Serious question. Now that you're here, where you are right now? If, *if* you had the ability. would you want *anyone* to feel what you felt, suffer like you did, ever again? Or would you do your best to stop it from happening? Don't tangle yourself up in details; assume you have the ability to stop it."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Hinoiri was in the hospital. This was news that Chiyo had come to know just as Usagi, and Rashmi had. One was her cousin and the other her roommate so she was bound to have been told the news as well. It's after a bit of contemplation that she decides to visit, because she was still angry at Hinoiri in many ways, and she hadn't actually *seen* her since her heel tu---Uh. Heels digging in attempt?

She's trying, she was told. She's injured. She's *trying*.

Chiyo stands outside the door a moment as she approaches hearing the voices speaking within. Her hand lifts to the doorknob, hovering there a moment, before commiting to actually turning it to push the door open and stride inside. Just in time for all her self-convincing of giving Hinoiri a chance to be met with the very same person snapping at Usagi.

The plum haired girl pauses, stiffly, with eyes rising to gaze sharply at Hinoiri. A single deep breath is taken. Then she moves.

There's not going to be anyone that can stop her determined stalk toward the bed as she gently brushes past Usagi. With one quick motion her hand reaches out to YANK the pillow out from beneath Hinoiri. Petty? Perhaps.

"Oh, screw you! It's going to take TIME and PROOF that you aren't going to do something INCREDIBLY STUPID again you giant arrogant horse butt!" What? Hinoiri was always making horse remarks! The pillow comes down to PAFF and PAFF again as she whomps Hinoiri over the head with it gripping the edge of the 'soft' object in both hands as she swings it overhead like a far more massive weapon might be.

"THIS is for all the people you hurt!" PAFF. "THIS is for making me work to death to heal them because you took out my cousin-in-law who is our only real healer!" PAFF. "You are SO LUCKY you're already in the hospital because that means I can't PUNCH you for things! Augh!"

The third downward swing of the pillow drops it back on her releasing it as she crosses her arms with hands tucking beneath her armpits so she won't grab it again.

"If your 'Sora' showed up and asked for forgiveness, would you just go 'Yeah sure no problem' immediately? I'm pretty sure the answer is 'NO'!" A deep breath, slightly calmer, "I'm glad you're trying but it's gonna take some time!"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    'If you never saw me use fear, you really weren't paying attention.'

    Amy cocks her head to one side slightly, confused. "But... you were... until you went all crazy, with the Sunset thing, you were always the reasonable one. I mean, that's why I respected your call for timeout. ...Wait, did you think we'd stop fighting if you asked just because we were afraid?"

    She tries to remember Hinoiri being Worse. Aside from the whole Sunset thing. And a frown flickers across her face as she remembers Hinoiri talking to the hypothetical post-Fade Amy telling her she, Current Amy, was already dead, and being mad at that, but... it feels distant now. Is this just adolescence? I remember getting over stuff quickly until I was like 20ish...

    "...I know I'm kind of oblivious sometimes, but... were you really trying to be scary the whole time and I just didn't realize? Or am I forgetting something?"

    She looks sadly at Hinoiri ranting, somewhat justifiably. Amy wants to give the poor girl a hug. She approaches the bed. "Um..." she clasps her hands together and fidgets with them. "Would you like a hug?"

    Rashmi asks a question, and Amy raises an eyebrow. There's no way she could want that, right? And even if she did, she's smart enough to tell what the right answer is and lie. It's not much of a question... But she keeps this thought to herself, and watches Hinoiri's reaction.


    Amy looks shocked and holds out a hand. "Chiyo--oop" She barely catches the lollipop falling out of her mouth. "Chiyo, she's inj--" Amy starts to protest, but then Chiyo's making a pretty good case with having had to be the one healing Hinoiri's damage to everyone else.

    At the mention of Sora, she winces and looks back to Hinoiri. Damn, that's a good point.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Honestly, it's none of Usagi's business if Hinoiri is going to be studying magic, especially if she's doing it with one of them, because she's sure her friends and allies are going to be careful. Rashmi, is sure to be careful, if she's invovled and knows about it. Usagi's not the studying type, and she's pretty sure Ami won't get involved, if only because they have plenty of things to keep an eye on themselves, so it's not her business.

So she doesn't speak up about devices or studying or tracking magic. And when Hinoiri's face tightens with anger, but she controls herself? When she touches her necklace and confirms that she apologized?

She's actually a little pleased, and she's apologizing. Sometimes an apology isn't enough. Sometimes you've messed up so much that a few words can't make it better, and you shouldn't get tortured about it, but -

And then Usagi stares at Amy for a moment, honestly in surprise, "Maybe you got lucky, and never ran into her when she wasn't the reasonable one. She and Riventon were about the same when it comes to reasonable - almost, right up until you disagree with them on something."

And then Hinoiri snaps at her, and she's demanding credit and Usagi is forgiving with her friends.

She's got a temper when it's not her friends. Rashmi might be trying to gently reach to Hinoiri's heart but Usagi opens her mouth to -

Oh, hi Chiyo-chan, venter of her spirit, beloved cousin, honestly true blue hero.

She probably shouldn't be so pleased to watch an injured person be battered with a pillow, but, Usagi's a princess, not a saint.

"Chiyo-chan hit on a lot of it," she says dryly, and reaches out and tugs her cousin away from Hinoiri and into a wrap around hug instead. "But you know, since you asked, good job. When everything went wrong and you got a taste of what you spent like, a whole school year dishing out, you didn't decide destroying the world was better than suffering what you put a bunch of people through."

Probably the worst part of that statement is the obvious sincerity, the lack of sarcasm. She's a kindergartener getting a gold star for doing the bare minimum.

"But there's no grand gesture. There's no one and done solution. You have to keep showing up and you have to make the friendship gestures! You have to reach out to people! You have to show up! You have to support others! You keep acting like you're doomed to never have friends, that it's just the natural state of the world that people hate you, but people hate you because you're mean to them and if you stop being mean, new people won't hate you!"

Oh, she's gotten her started. There's a shaft of light coming through the window or something, and sparkles coming out as she removes one arm from hugging Chiyo and points at Hinoiri.

"You have to decide, every day, that you're going to be a friend. You have to decide that you're going to be nice, and you're going to make friends, and you're going to be someone who makes other people have a better day. I didn't ask you those questions to make you feel bad, I asked you them so they'd break through your mopey woe as me saditude so you could realize that you're the only one who can make you have friends! Maybe you don't have magic right now, but you can and do and will have friends if you stop seeing everything as an attack and start being a friend back!"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara glared at Rashmi next. "Of course I wouldn't. That's why I'm--" Only for the door to be opened and Chiyo to come marching in. She let out a startled, flailing squeak as her pillow was stolen. "W-what in the--"

PAFF! PAFF! PAFF! She squeaked again, covering herself as best she could, though... admittedly the hits were a lot more painful than she'd ever admit. On account of the burns (albeit less severe than they had been) and the fact the pillow wasn't exactly the world's softest.

When the assault stops, she keeps her arms up. Slow, deep breath. Making sure it's safe. She grips the pillow, the frustration clear on her voice. And ohhhh. Oh that last line from Chiyo? THAT hurt. And she kept her head lowered, focusing on the pillow she tried to adjust. Trying to get her temper under control. She wanted to be good. To not... revert.

Was it a test? Were all of them working with Rashmi? See if they could get her to lash out? She'd have stormed out by now if she could. She lightly puffed the pillow in her lap, struggling to keep any tears of frustration from falling. She couldn't run from her troubles until she calmed down. Lashing out and fighting back wouldn't solve anything. And she didn't have the ability to just let it blow past her and not bother her. So bottling it up was really all she could do.

"Yes. I was an asshole. I hurt people. And I made excuses all the time for why it was okay. I haven't been the best person. Sora... Sora didn't do anything wrong. I've been here a year and in that time how many people have I hurt? How many people have I attacked? I almost destroyed your world. She spent my whole life... trying to direct me to be better. I can see that, now. But I was too arrogant to realize where I was going. What I was doing. All she did was banish someone who caused her nothing but grief. So just... please. Don't involve her in this."

She just focused on poofing the pillow, long after its poofiness levels had been re-poofed.

"And I was the reasonable one, Amy. But frankly, that's like saying I was the driest person on the swim team. Dark energy... it changes you. It makes you... it brings out the very worst part of yourself, okay? I knew what I was doing was dangerous, I knew it could backfire, but I was so bucking certain that I could handle it. That I, alone, was strong enough. And in the end, all it took was... a reminder. And I slipped."

"... I'm not asking any of you to forgive me. I don't even know if I *could* forgive me. But... don't... don't come in here and tell me I'm not. That I need to figure out *more* in order to be... just to be."

"I never thought I was doomed to never have friends, I'm not *that* over dramatic." Okay, that was totally a lie. "I just... I'm still figuring out how this works, okay? I'm... trying my..." And then she had to stop. She closed her eyes. She wasn't going to cry. She wasn't. Because one of two things would happen.

If she started to cry, they'd try and comfort her... or they'd accuse her of searching for sympathy. And she didn't know which was worse.

"I'm trying my hardest but... being... a friend... isn't something I ever... passed. The closest thing I had to lessons in that subject matter were probably the only kind of class I failed. And surprise, being the arrogant little unicorn who thinks she's better than everybody else and can't do anything wrong doesn't exactly attract people who want to teach you. So... I'm sorry... I'll keep trying... I'll keep messing up... and then I'll try again. If you have advice? Then... please. Share it. Otherwise... I just... I'll figure it out on my own..."

She then laid back down, the very, very over puffed pillow over her face. If she was going to cry, they at least couldn't see it.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Look, Rashmi would normally be the first to get in the way of Chiyo's pillow assault. And she *does* wince, every time the pillow connects. But she doesn't stop it. Not because Hinoiri deserves to hurt more, but because Chiyo deserves to react how she'd react.

"Hinoiri-chan," she says into the silence, as the current burn victim struggles to keep her tears down. "You *can* do it, no matter how bad you think you are at it. I mean... look. I never had friends until last year either, and I *still* don't know why that changed. Maybe having magic gave me confidence? Maybe there were just finally people around who could tolerate me? I don't know. But I know that if you want to keep friends, you have to... just... *care.* And I know you can do that, or you wouldn't have bothered to give me that Christmas present back when I was just the curry girl. Just... let people matter to you. Do like Usa-chan says, be the reason they smile. Like Marinette-chan's book, that was an easy little way to do that... but I bet you got all tangled up in guilt over *everything else,* and left it in front of Adrien-san's door."

Rashmi shakes her head, lifting her glasses and rubbing the bridge of her nose. "I mean if you want advice, start with that; try not to hurt people if you can help it, even if it's just like... calling Naru-chan useless or something. And care enough about someone, to want to make them smile."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai isn't going to do anything further from the way she's holding herself tight. It becomes far more obvious that she won't when Usagi wraps her up in that hug, and she leans into her cousin letting out a breath, letting her shoulders sag and her jaw unclench. Even her arms uncross to return the hug not really caring that she just assaulted someone who was being offered a hug before said assault.

What she does say after everything is said and done, and Hinoiri speaks again, is, "Alright. I won't mentio Sora again." That had been a very pointed verbal jab of course. One meant to dig in a bit because sometimes a good slap in the face was needed but her pillow attacking wasn't going to really hit home. That was just venting frustration.

"That. That is what you need to keep doing. Keep trying. Again, and again, and again if necessary."

"I know Dark Energy does awful things to people and brings out the worst in them. I've seen that more ways than one. But there were also times you were pretty decent, too, you know. You didn't keep fighting me when you saw I was having trouble with my powers. You --" Here she pauses having to glance aside to Usagi, and the others, before adding, "Really did seem to regret the situation that put Ojiisan in danger. You even cared about people when you thought you knew our identities but had them mixed up." One hand lifts to rake fingers back through her bangs.

"You know that's partially what makes this so frustrating and what you did so hurtful. Whether you believe it or not, you showed a lot of people that you *can* do better. I think a lot of us were waiting for you to walk away from Obsidian."

Her lips purse together as she regards the clearly upset Hinoiri feeling just a bit guilty in the pit of her stomach for attacking someone so clearly vulnerable right now. Just a bit. A smidge. "Yeah. A lot of us are probably going to be hard on you for awhile, because we have seen you can be better and we want you to be, too."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
I never thought I was doomed to not have friends, she says, which is a total lie. Usagi absolutely remembers being in an alley with this girl, as she told her that no one would come back for her, defend her, come back for her, all that stuff.

Usagi doesn't call her out on it, because she can tell she's going to cry. Instead, she takes a calming breath of her own, because someday Hinoiri Kirara will listen to the words she's saying and hear them instead of substituting her own reality, but the day is not today, and she's not going to yell at her about it.

She also could say a lot about Sora clearly did a lot wrong given that Hinoiri is the way she is and strives for the things she strives for, with her constantly putting people on pedestals or crashing them down, but, frankly, she does not have the wherewithal for it!

(Her eye twitches when she hears that Hinoiri's been calling Naru useless.)

And she nods, though Hinoiri can't see it, with what Chiyo says. "We know you can do better, that's why I told you to be better. And since you're asking for advice and you don't know what that means... it's the little things, and the big things. It's remembering people's names, and apologizing if you forget. It's taking an interest in people and listening when they talk to you. It's not insulting them, but saying nothing if you can't say something nice. It's being kind, even when it doesn't get you anything, and it's being honest without trying to be cruel."

She considers Hinoiri a little more, thinking about what she'd say to someone who didn't wind her up half the time.

"And it's inviting people to hang out with you, and to go out. Go on a walk, or hang out after class, or join a club. Try not to make everything a competition. Accept that it takes time. You're trying to speedrun things, but for some of us, there's nothing you can do, but continue to be someone who's better than Sunbreaker or Sunset of Sora, and let the healing happen."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Usagi has. Quite the rant. And Sunset. Has a lot to say.

    "...I mean, it can be that. Sometimes, everyone just hates you. Or they choose to be mean to you, just because they don't understand you." She nods at Rashmi mentioning her own problems. "But that's not... what's happening here? Like. We were trying to get through to you since day 1. Maybe the thing at the camp? Certainly by day 2, anyway, the thing at the planetarium."

    "...I don't know that it's easy, just because it seems like the path of least resistance for me. Because I'm scared. Of the thought I might have made someone's life worse."

    "Your mentor... Maybe you're too kind, to someone that hurt you. But I guess that's a start. Being able to. Look for ways that someone who made you feel bad, didn't mean to."

    "Advice..." She furrows her brow in thought. And licks her sticky hand and puts the lollipop back in her mouth. She thinks for a long time, and paces.

    She takes the lollipop out to speak clearly. "...You said that social skills classes were the only thing you ever failed. You came to Earth, to a completely different planet, and you get good grades without any sort of remedial classes. You're smart. And I know how it is, when... when you're the smartest one in the room, 99% of the time. How can you not get arrogant and think you're always right, when every time someone disagrees with you on a matter of scientific fact or trivia, they're wrong."

    "It's easy to get so used to it that you don't notice the few times you're wrong. Or that that expertise... doesn't translate to feelings. When people won't just be logical and see things how you do." She stops pacing. "Jesus, I must've been kind of a little shit."

    Amy resumes pacing, waving the lollipop lightly. "Yeah... like, I could feel bad for people when they were victims of circumstance. But being dumber than me? Served 'em right! And you end up thinking... that same kind of objective fact and rightness, applies when it can't. And being blind to the fact that the way you don't get feelings, is like someone else not getting math. I looked down on everybody who wasn't book-smart, until later in life."

    "But you can... learn, I think. And I think you already are? Like, you're talking to us like we might be able to help you, rather than assuming we can't. That's already progress!" Amy grins earnestly.

    "...I don't know that I ever wanted to make someone smile. Until Hannah. I didn't... think of it that way, at least. I see a neat thing I think others will like and I want to share it with them. I'm not sure why I couldn't do that. But uh. I guess what I'm trying to say is... You're, you're making progress. Seeing that we're all in this together, rather than thinking that you alone must shoulder some great task. And I think, if you keep on that route... it's got to get you there eventually?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara sighed and slowly groaned from under the pillow. "It wasn't that big a gift. It was just a little bauble that got mixed in with the things Riventon and I stole from the castle. It didn't really do anything but sparkle more with its magic," Hinoiri muttered. "I just thought it was something you'd appreciate and I didn't know you were one of the sparkle girls at the time."

"... And yeah... I did... I left him a note... nobody answered when I knocked..." she mumbled softly. Sure, she knocked once and then *ran*, but she, technically, knocked.

"... And I wouldn't attack someone's family. Or you when your powers didn't work. I didn't... I wanted to prove I was good enough. It doesn't prove anything to fight someone when they can't fight back... and... for the record? I'd never call Osaka-san useless. I mean, she even laid out Thetis in one solid punch, and she doesn't even have magic. Not to mention she is pretty smart and probably supports some of you pretty well..."

And, believe it or not? She was trying to hear them. To listen. She wanted to shut them down. To yell at them to get out.

But instead, she listened. "I... do mean it... I won't... I won't go back to that. To who I was. To what I was. You all... worked too hard to give me this second chance... So... I won't let you down. I'll try and be better. I..." Slowly, eventually, she moved the pillow off her face and sat up, hugging it in her lap. And oh yeah, it was obvious she'd been crying, silently as she could, under it. But she thought she'd covered it well.

"Yeah... I... I'm trying. I'll keep... trying... but... I didn't mean to look down on people. I... I know most people couldn't keep up with me when I did things with magic. But I know there's a lot of stuff I can't do. I couldn't even try to make half the sweets that Sakai-san does, or come close to Tsukino-san in one of her shooters, or be half as tolerant as Terios-can is... I've seen some of your customers, there were times I wanted to flip the table myself... and... I don't know nearly as much about modern technology as Amy-san."

"... And I know I'm probably... a bit... too competitive. I'll try and work on that. It's just natural to ask people who have expertise in a field for advice when you don't know how to proceed. Isn't it?" she asked softly.

"It's not that I thought others weren't better than me in some things... it was I just didn't think it mattered. Because one day, I'd be sovereign, and then they'd be advisors and... who knew what else. So it was okay. I just overjudged myself too much."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai listens as well though she doesn't know what to say after a few moments. Especially when talk of being competitive comes up. All she can do to that is nod in agreement. Yes, yes, she was *far* too competitive.

"Winning is great but it doesn't have to be in everything. Being a good loser is just as important as being a good winner."

"But yeah, first things first. It sounds like you want to get back into the magic thing. You ought to get back into the people thing first. Like... Rooftop ramen, or hanging out. Just be present for awhile, too."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Well I *do* appreciate it," Rashmi says about the gift. "Mostly because you didn't have to do it but you did, and little kindness stack *really* high. You were a good customer, Hinoiri-chan. You can apply that *broadly,* and be at least a third of the way there. And Chiyo-chan's right, you *do* have it in you to just be considerate. Just, y'know... more of that, y'know?"

Amy's talk about being the smartest person in the room has her head tilting to one side for a moment, as a thought comes to her. "Y'know, speaking of asking the experts... If we are gonna be working together, there's actually something you can do that'll help both of us. See... I know the way you learned magic was in a school, so, you probably have your own kind of magic science to work from. Well... Measurements are measurements, right? 39 inches is 1 meter, they're just different numbers for the same thing. So... I'm gonna need to learn Kirakirafantastica measurements, if I'm gonna translate what Nico-kun says for you. ...Would you be willing to teach me?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Doesn't matter if it was a big gift. It was considerate and thoughtful and kind. Just like how giving Chiyo-chan a gift, when you thought she was Sailor Moon was. Just like how telling me where all the fake Silver Crystals was."

Remember, when you did things that were nice? Considerate?

"When I told you to be better, after the fight, this is what I meant: for you to listen and do better and try and be someone who we don't have to chase down and save from herself. Save from other people is fine though."

It's not like she can prevent that, now.

She did, in fact, cry. Usagi won't call her on it.

"We're all good at different things. We're all bad at different things, too. You're good at school, and learning, and figuring things out. You're bad at friendship and controlling your temper," blunt as ever! "But you can work on it. You don't have to stay bad at it; you can get better at it, the same way I've gotten better at English."

Rashmi is offering to be taught, which is a thing Usagi will truly never be volunteering for. More school? No way!

"Amy-chan's right. You'll get there eventually, as long as you keep working on it."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy listens and nods along. It's good to hear Hinoiri's made such progress. She can't help beaming a little at her knowledge of something being recognized. She's still got it!

    And she nods at the explanation. When Hinoiri is ruler everyone else would be advisors. Logically, it checks out. "Makes sense."

    She looks at Hinoiri's eyes. "...It's okay to cry, you know. With what you're going through... It's not really shameful to be seen crying here, at least if you're a girl. I mean. Although uh." She glances around between the others, awkward and unsure. "Possibly I am. Kind of ignorant of social norms on this side? I don't really. Talk to people much outside of class or clubs or magic stuff. I haven't like. Been issued a book of unwritten rules. Just like I didn't get one the first time."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small shrug. "I'm not... really getting back into the magic thing. I mean, err. I uhhhh... spent a lot of time working to help Obsidian understand magic. Since... this world doesn't really have it, and mine does. I studied their songs and taught them ways to amplify their power, showed some of them where the world's ley lines are, helped develop a number of magical tools to..." She trailed off and looked away.

"... So, ummm. Yellow Pearl Voice is hiring me to do the same for her. To... study her music, to see if it ties into Kirakirafantastica music. Since... there's a lot of singing involved as a kind of... focus. And there's another girl here... Geode Girl Loyalty. The magic girl with rainbow hair. She uhhhhh... her magic is... Kirakirafantastica magic." She mumbled off to the side. "I found out when I attacked her..." Before speaking up again. "So I'm going to help her understand the magic and see how it ties into the actual magic of my home. I'd be happy to have you join me in those lessons, Terios-san. But I should warn you, Kirakirafantastica magic is a lot about study, calculations, understanding things like dimensional... actually, you're a device user. You should be fine." Ah... ha ha ha.

"... Though there's a little bit more than 39 inches to a meter. About a third and... that's not really relevant, sorry."

Then she glanced to Amy and... thanks. Now she felt more self conscious. "Amy? I'm pretty sure the kind of people who would shame someone for crying are going to shame them regardless of if they're a boy or a girl."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Well I mean, I'm also a Device User who needs an assistant to help with the heavy number crunching," Rashmi says with a self-deprecating chuckle. "I'll never be more than workmanlike at math unless I drop everything else I'm doing and study only it, so... I'll try not to be *frustratingly* slow. But honestly, teaching Loyalty what she can do with her magic is an *excellent* use of your time and knowledge, Hinoiri-chan."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Mmmmm, you're both a little right and a little wrong on that," Usagi says, because as The Crybaby in the room, she would know, "Boys get it worse for crying, because it's not like, masculine and strong and all that nonsense, but it's a problem for girls to cry too, because you're not supposed to make a scene. But, also, she's obviously not crying, Amy-chan, her pillow was just sweating on her."

Because if Hinoiri wanted them to comfort her for crying, she'd have said something...

And she siiiiiiighs, but avoids saying nerrrrrrrrrd under her breath.

"Helping people like Coco-chan and Loyalty-chan is a great plan, especially since you were already friends with Loyalty-chan," Niji-chan! "And if she wants to learn from you, it's a good sign she probably wants to keep doing that."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy looks back at Usagi wondering if she's made a fool of herself. Then ahs and nods. And looks absolutely confused about how Usagi can have missed that Hinoiri was crying, what? ............OH. Oh. She nods again.

    She looks back to Hinoiri. "Can... can I learn about KiraKiraFantastica magic too? I mean... learning about actual magic from another world is still something no one on Earth gets to do. Even if my life's constantly a genre of fiction now-- well, two genres, like, fantasy isn't one of... A-anyway, I really am curious to understand and learn about how real magic works, too."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"Read some manga. It's... Not a hundred percent 'true' but it's a good way to learn some cultural tropes," Chiyo suggests as she reaches up to run a hand back through her bangs again. It was probably time to trim them. "I can recommend some things. Good slice-of-life manga that's not too out there. Manga Club has a pretty good collection of things, too, so you can just borrow it instead of buying them."

The talk of learning more about magic just earns a small shrug from her. The obvious tension of Usagi resisting the urge to groan over the technical sorts earns a smile as well. "See it sounds like you have some projects already. I've got my own so I won't bug you guys any on that."

Rocking on her heels she glances around, then looks uncertain about what to do or say at this point. "I guess I should get going. I've got, uh, some plans. Kind of."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small nod. "Y-yeah. I ummmm... hoped it would be. I was... admittedly... kind of... nervous. But... well, she seems okay with hiring for it. And ummm..."

"Loyalty... hasn't really... I haven't... had a chance to offer yet. I ummmm... haven't seen her at school. Well, or she's avoiding me... but... I'll offer, just as soon as I see her next. I don't... know if she'll accept. She just mentioned once I should so ummm... yeah..."

"And it's fine, Terios-san, I'm used to people not being able to keep up." And then she cringed again. "S-sorry. I didn't... mean that the way it sounded. It won't bother me if you're slow. Honest. And you're more than welcome to join, Amy."

Then she glanced to Chiyo. "If... you need some... if you need any help with your magic... going out again? I'd be happy to help how I can. Just so long as you don't try and beat me with any more pillows. Or a fist," she added quickly.

She then gave a soft yawn, covering her mouth and wiping her eyes... and giving a small, appreciative smile to Usagi for the 'pillow sweating'. "But... I am still in recovery and am honestly exhausted. I don't mean to chase you out but... I don't know how much longer I can keep my eyes open... if that's okay?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
There's a squinty glance at Chiyo, at this continued mention of powers going out, but she'll interrogate her later. Things are a little less tense now, and Hinoiri is exhausted, and that's... fair.

"No, it's okay. I should get going too - oh, and, while you're all here, I guess? I wanted to mention it but - there's going to be a few less, defenders around for a little bit. Chiyo-chan already knows, cause duh, and Rashmi-chan, Pluto might have mentioned it, but - the Senshi and I are going to the Moon. Tomorrow?" She rubs the back of her neck sheepishly. "We need to... settle somethings. Take care of stuff. And waiting for like, a perfect day is a bad idea, so... we'll be back soon! Shouldn't be a long trip! But... just in case irony and bad luck and all that strikes, me and the others will be gone for a little bit, including our Mahou MSF, so be careful."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
The comment about Chiyo's magic earns a look over her shoulder, and a raised eyebrow at Chiyo. But a heartbeat later, she shrugs and turns back, smiling gently at the bed-bound unicorn. She opens her mouth to say something... And then announces a Senshi Field Trip. "...Oh. *Oh.* Right, okay. No Setsuchan was probably gonna mention it on her way out, so... Okay! Thanks for the headsup, Usa-chan, we'll hold down the fort while you guys are off. And uh..."

Rashmi looks left, looks right, cheeks flushing. "...Feel free to say no if it's too much but like... Can you um... Get some pictures while you're there? I mean of just normal moon stuff. Because like... *You're going to the mooon.*"

Look it's things like this that are why the Senshi are among the Cool Mahou Kids group, okay?

"...Anyway yeah Hinoiri, we'll let you be for now, but like... Seriously. Text me if there's anything you need, okay? You don't *need* to be miserable all the time, not even at the hospital."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Read some manga. It's a good way to learn cultural tropes. "It's how I learned!" Amy pipes up, cheerfully. "Well, more from TV and books, but... yeah..."

    She's gonna get to learn scientific principles about how real magic actually works! She does a quick fistpump, "Yessssss!"

    And then: The senshi are going to the moon. "The M--?!" she starts to repeat, then... "You've checked you can survive, then? Or did Pluto-san get you spacesuits somehow? ...Oh man. Yes. Get pictures. And maybe some moon rocks? Wait, there's no way we could explain where they came from to scientists..."

    "...'Shouldn't be a long trip'? It's only an entire light-second. ...Huh, I wonder if that teleport thing goes faster-than-light?" But who would know that except some kind of magic scholar?

    Amy looks at Hinoiri. "Does magic routinely go faster than light? ...Oh, right, sorry, you need to rest, I can... you can explain that in magic class I guess."

    Amy beams. And whispers to herself, 'Magic class!'

    "Um... so... before I go, do you, um, want a hug?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai turns a little red as gazes turn toward her with the mention of failing powers. Her throat clears a little but she shakes her head at the question Hinoiri posed to her. "I think, whatever it was, is settled now. I was at the hospital when everyone got super-healed. I'm not sure what was causing it... But it hasn't happened since."

A LITTLE guilty grin is cast toward Usagi and Rashmi before she focuses on the more serious issue at hand. "Right. Which is why we'll be extra on-guard for the time being. We can handle things here while you explore what you need to," she assures Usagi with a hand lifting to rest on her shoulder.

"But if you find any moon candy you *better* bring me some," she teases lightly.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara just blinked. Blink. Blink blink. Then she gave a sigh. "Right, the moon. Let me know if you find an angry mare up there." Pause. "That's... that's a joke. An old mare's tale from back home. Sorry. I couldn't... it doesn't really make sense, so not sure why I said it. I'll try and be careful..."

"... But considering most the times I've been getting hurt are because people are searching for and finding me... not really a lot I can do to be more careful..." Hinoiri mumbled.

"I will, Terios-san. Mostly I just need... actually I'd kill for a vegetarian korma right now, err. Not actually... but... yeah. I'll ummm, let you know if there's anything I do need. Okay? Honest... I just need rest, mostly."

She... she did not have the energy to explain the mathematics between magic and light speed... but...

"Yes, in theory magic could arrive faster, but isn't actually faster than light. It just... cheats." And then she closed her eyes and laid back.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy looks curiously at Rashmi when the subject of korma is brought up. "Are you allowed to deliver to hospitals?"

    Magic isn't actually faster than light, but it cheats. Amy holds her fingers to her chin. "That sounds a bit like how Kyubey explained it..." she thinks out loud, but... She just nods, and heads out. Pausing at the door. "...Good night, Hinoiri-san. ...Sweet dreams. You deserve them." She walks out.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"I promise, we'll take pictures and bring some moon rocks and stuff back. We're going to get goodies, after all," calling ancient relics that they're taking from the places where her friends met their ends 'going to get goodies', but, that's depressing, and... besides, it is pretty cool. "I'll watch out for scary old mares, don't worry!"

You never know, after all.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"If a hospital doesn't know I have food, I can deliver to anywhere I want," Rashmi replies with a small smile, tapping Nicomachea's charm and bringing out a small to-go box of the restaurant's sandesh, and carefully placing it on the table next to Hinoiri's bed, for after she wakes up. "And I *only* use my power for good. C'mon... let's give her room to nap."