1962/Status Report

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Status Report
Date of Scene: 20 September 2024
Location: Function Hall
Synopsis: After a lot of research, Hinoiri makes a report to Coco. While she's not found out everything she'd like, she's learned quite a bit of information to share with her patron and, more importantly, a moment to express her gratitude for what the other girl has done for her.
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Coco Kiumi

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara was sitting in the club room, papers stacked by her. She'd called Coco in, to give her some information on all she had gathered.

On the papers a USB stick was waiting, filled with informaton for her patron. Additionally, the little device she had stolen from Gaito's youma was waiting besides it, now turned off.

Hinoiri had spent days making sure everything was filed properly, dotted her I's, crossed her T's, making certain that everything she needed was there.

Now? Now she was ready. So she waited, patiently, nervously, for Coco to arrive. Because, well... While she didn't realize this? In some ways, she saw this as... a project. And she wanted a good grade.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
A knock, and after knowing it was all good to come in, Coco walks in, accompanied by Hippo, who had taken to follow her just about everywhere he could fit in after the thing with the audition. Because surely there was a need for someone to make sure things didn't get weird around there. Or weirder than usual, at least.

Of course, Coco had really insisted he was making too much of a fuss, but he really insisted on coming along and after much discussing, she agreed, on the condition that if Hinoiri didn't want him there, he would step out of the room without protests. Or eavesdropping. It was his turn to have to relent after that.

"Hello, Hinoiri!", Coco smiles to the fiery girl with a wave. "How have you been recently? Things looking up for you?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara glanced over to Coco and... then... her eyes went lower. And she saw the penguin.

In a sailor suit.

"... Did... did you get a new mascot? This isn't a kyubey situation, is it? Cause I punted him and I'll punt a penguin if he's giving you trouble." Fortunately for Hippo, he was not a kyubey!

She then gave a small nod. "They have been. I've been working on some things, making good progress. Remember the shop we were at the other day? I managed to swipe this from them," she said, motioning towards the little gps screen, now turned off. "And, with some help from colleagues of mine, I managed to get this!" She motioned to the USB stick. "I'm not exactly sure what they're looking for, but I'm sure now that we have this magical signature, if we can compare it to the signature of other magical items, we can figure it out. Or at least in the ballpark of what it does," Hinoiri said proudly.

"Also, I've managed to pick up quite a bit of other information on magic, as seen in my most recent reports right here," Hinoiri said, motioning to the papers. Most of it... likely meant little to the mermaid. But it was the thought that counted, right?

Coco Kiumi has posed:
A scowl appears on Hippo's face when he hears himself threatened of punting. "Who do you think you are? I will have you know it is my job to protect the mermaid princesses, and if you think you can just punt me away, you are sorely mistaken!", he shouts, flapping his tiny arms at her as he goes into a rant.

"I am no mere mascot, Aqua Regina appointed me specifically to guard them and the Sealing Key, and-", a giant fan appears out of nowhere in Coco's hand, and she hits him over the head, sighing and glaring at him. "Hippo, stop. You don't need to shout to explain yourself, and Hinoiri was only concerned about me."

The yellow mermaid puts away the fan... somewhere, before she addresses Hinoiri. "Well, you heard it from him, but he's no Kyubey anyway. As for him giving me trouble, he is a handful, but he means well, even if he doesn't always... do it well."

Coco nods over the mention of the shop the other days. She does remember the device even if she only saw it vaguely before Hinoiri snatched it. She does have a hunch at what they might have been trying to track down, but she will to actually check the info out before confirming it.

"What has been going on here? And who is Kyubey?" the still irked Hippo asks, especially after Coco's comment, looking at the princess sifting through the stack of paper. It was interesting information, and it deserved a more thorough read, but nothing really stood out to her as immediately applicable. Still, the amount of work Hinoiri put in the gathering and analysis of information couldn't be understated.

"I will explain that later, Hippo. Good job, Hinoiri, you did great with this", she says placing the stack back on her table, her glance turning to the radar. "I think I might know what they were doing, but could you please tell me what you found out, please?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times at the little mascot. Wow, he had a bit of a mouth on him, didn't he? He--

She did snort at the fan, at least. Judging by it being magically summoned, she doubted it did much actual damage, but sure was a way to shock him into silence. She should find out if she could get something like that for Takashi.

She nodded. "Ahhhh. So he's one of THOSE mascots. Gotcha..."

Of course, when Hippo asked who kyubey was... "Uhhhh, I think in this world? Stuffy satan. I think that'd be the term? Not up to date on all the 'evil' things people have in mind here who make deals."

"Well... at the moment? All I know is we don't really know what they're looking for. I'm guessing it ties into something of yours, but it doesn't seem to be looking for the key I..." She glanced down to Hippo for a moment. Should she mention she stole it in front of him? "Know you have. Are there any other weird, magical objects your people have that they might be looking for? Say, a unsealing lockpick? Perhaps an enchanted back massager? Maybe an arcane espresso machine?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Hippo is not quite sure what to make of that "THOSE", but he is staying put for now, he has already been chastised for his temper. Besides, the matter of Kyubey sounds like it's of a higher priority than that. "So, what does he do deals about? I trust you have made none with him", he glares at Coco.

"I couldn't even if I wanted to, he only gives magic", Coco reassures him. "He is really not to trusted, but he lets you be if you have nothing he could want." Still, she shakes her head slightly as she thinks everyone will have to deal with the consequences of his contracts.

"I only got to know this after we helped Usagi during the assault on Gaito, but Gaito has a brother, he may be looking for him. Both of them have inherited the power of the Panthalassa", she informs Hinoiri.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small nod. "Yeah, Coco has it in one. Lots of deals, often backfire, ruins lives in the process. He tried to make a deal with me a few times, but I wasn't having it."

However, the commentary on Gaito made her freeze for a moment and her mouth fall open. "Oh for buck's sake. You mean there's a SECOND Gaito out there? Should we just go to like, local saunas and find every guy there refusing to wear a shirt and drinking wine?" Hinoiri asked, the annoyance just clear in her voice. "That's not good, though. Any objection to me spreading the word? Cause that'd be like... what... a Beryl getting a second Beryl? Oh buck..." The thought of THAT particular danger made her shudder.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"It's a good thing you had the sense to stay from him if he that terrible a guy. I suppose that now everyone has been warned about him, right?" It's a weird thing he hasn't heard about him with how long he has been alive, but then again, they have their hands full keeping the seas safe, so perhaps it's not that surprising.

Coco shakes her head at Hinoiri's observation. Aqua Regina has at least been able to spare them that problem. "Unlike Gaito, who was kept in the depths of the oceans, he is somewhere on land, unaware of who he is, which may also be why he hasn't caused problems, if he has a similar temperament Gaito. The shirt thing may still be possible, though", she smiles at Hinoiri impishly.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara couldn't help it, she gave a small snicker at that. "Oh, great. He doesn't know it? So maybe there's a sparkle out there running around with that power, fighting on their side. What is with everyone and their memory issues? Why can't they just be orphans like the rest of us, or from other worlds? None of this 'I have no idea who I really am and refuse to wear a shirt' nonsense," Hinoiri said with a playful snicker.

"But, either way... I think that's all the information I really have for now. Magic doesn't really make a lot of sense, but I think there are a few ways to amplify your capabilities, especially when you sing with others. Emotional state has a lot to do with it and with some help, could probably make something that'd make your song stronger, but it'd likely be difficult to move. Good if you can lure someone dangerous into a trap, though."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Maybe he will stumble on us sooner or later, and it should be easy enough to recognise the emblem of the Panthalassa", Coco laughs at Hinoiri's idea. Honestly, that would be quite helpful, as much as it would rile Gaito up. "I don't think it's a matter of memory, though. He has just been grown as if he were human."

She ponders the matter of Hinoiri's enhancement proposals. It doesn't really sound all that difficult, or even alien to her. In fact, it sounds like... "We mermaid princesses have a similar thing. If we sing while our hearts are together, our songs become all the stronger for it, and we can purify more and more. All 7 of us, there should be nothing we cannot purify. You know how things are with Sara, though. Anyway, does it work like that?" she asks Hinoiri.

"The others are busy managing affairs in their kingdoms right now", Hippo chimes in. "I don't really know when they will be able to come here." Coco looks at him. "I hope they do. It would be nice having another mermaid princess here."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small nod. "Exactly, you've got the gist of it," Hinoiri said with a smile. "Get all of you together, and you'll be stronger. But it can likely work with others, too. While their songs might not be sparkling magic like yours, music has a power all its own. Uniting people towards a common goal. And that? That power can be exceptional."

"Though, on that note... do you want me to keep doing research like this for you? Or do you feel you've gotten your moneys worth now and want to cut me loose at this point? Not... technically a lot more I can do right now unless you want me to keep free-ranging magic stuff when it comes up."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco smiles radiantly when Hinoiri brings up music's power to inspire. "I have been doing something similar, singing at events, for charity, and my love for singing aside, it's fantastic thing music can do. I am expanding on that", she affirms proudly.

The mermaid takes a second to think when Hinoiri's question comes up. It's not like she is in a hurry to do anything, and honestly, considering how well this has gone, she would be up for letting this continue. "I intend to read your report", she nods towards the stack of papers. "But I am ok with you free-ranging things, and finding more unconventional patterns, regardless of their use."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
"Sweet. Like I'm tenured then, heh. Easy enough to do. If you're willing to keep footing the bill for it, I'm more than happy to keep finding out what magical stuff I can. This has actually been a lot of fun. I really do love just... getting my hands into the base of magic and going wild."

She then got to her feet and stretched out, lifting one hand up and the other up and over to grip the first. "Nggggg... though... as it is? I think I'm gonna head out. This has been fun, but I got school work to do. I do hope this has been useful." She started towards the door, then stopped.

She paused for a moment, before muttering a 'oh, buck it', under her breath...

Then walked to Coco and gave her a hug. "Thank you. A lot. I mean that. You.... didn't have to trust me with this, especially considering all I did to you. It... it really means a lot to me that I can count on you. That... some of you sparkles will give me a second chance. So thank you."

She'd then pull back, before heading towards the door, her face a little red.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco is about to turn her gaze away from the papers and wave at Hinoiri when the unicorn unexpectedly comes back to hug her. She is so surprised that she stays still long enough for Hinoiri to say her piece and then pull back without any asking her to undo the hug. "It has been really nice working with you, Hinoiri, and thank you for actually using that second chance well", she smiles after her once she recovers from the surprise, watching her walk away.

"I am guessing that was not an usual scene", Hippo tells Coco once Hinoiri is out of the room. "No, she wasn't, but it's something to be really happy about. She needs to be more at ease not just with others, but with herself too", the mermaid of the South Pacific replies, feeling ecstatic at having seen Hinoiri express herself like that.