From Radiant Heart MUSH

Date of Scene: 12 April 2024
Location: Plot Room 1
Synopsis: Sunbreaker has created a pair of high flying wrestling pros to fight the sparkles, can they defeat them in time or will they need to tap out before an Eclipse Zone forms? Tune-in to find out! With Bow, Kingu, Mercury, Jupiter and Loyalty all working together, surely they can bring home the belt!
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Niji Dasshu, Bow, Ami Mizuno, Makoto Kino, Sugata Shindo

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Another day, another strange surge of that... feeling... of weird magic. The land being tapped into. This time in the Yumegahama district. A large domed building had been rented out, recently... and inside the building? The magic could be felt.

Outside the building there was security. Of course there was... It looked like they were being jerks today.

Inside the dome, Sunbreaker was... studying. Because of COURSE she was. Sitting off on her lonesome, feet propped up, the middle of the building was a wide, open clearing... with a pulsing tower. Easter security was running about, blocking the entrances... but they were just mundanes.

Inside the building was where the real security, the youma, the kindabads...

The Fruit Bats...

Were waiting.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji Dasshu found herself, once again, pulled by the blinking draw of her geode necklace towards yet another location where someone was causing a problem - though she wasn't aware it was a specific someone yet. By now, she'd gotten used to it - being pulled off a daily run or heading home from practice to go whack a youma on the head before it could drain their energy or otherwise cause problems and push the goals of evil.

    But she didn't often collide with mundane security to do it. Usually she could get pretty close in her normal form - it was hard to sneak anywhere anyways when you had the most multicolored hair in the Four Wards.

    She'd circled the building twice in civilian form before giving up on that plan. Now, Geode Girl Loyalty was in full henshin, looking up towards the side of a building across the street, wondering if she could glide down from it and go through the dome. But whoever owned the building didn't deserve that. "I should probably find a way in without causing massive property damage..." the blue-skinned henshin'd hero mused to herself out loud. (Loud enough for others to hear, at that.)

Bow has posed:
Bow was a bundle of nervous energy. With Ami here, he's hoping that if this, this is really an Eclipse Zone, they might be able to field test their idea of taking over the Zone generator. Though he knows if they do that, it may tip their hand - and it will open Sunbreaker to the idea of trying to improve it = but he's weighing that against the idea of actually TESTING the idea, which is always a great idea. Decisions, decisions.

For now, as they discuss how to breach the building, Bow is henshin'd up, his bow tucked away next to his quiver for the moment as he has out the tech pad to try to get a better scan of the building and perhaps grab a layout to help the others to share.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
The Eclipse Zones were areas that Ami was still doing her best to keep an eye on. There was still a lot to learn, a lot to do, and she was trying to keep on top of it. Especially now that there were such distractions as the prom gone. Who needed the distraction of romance when there were more important things?

She's with Bow working on that task at hand dressed in as inconspicious of attire as she can be: Jeans, sneakers, and a light jacket for the weather. Just a normal person doing normal things with her glasses perched on her nose. As soon as she changed the energy drain would be far harder to handle.

"Okay," she remarks quietly aside to her friends. "I've got as many reading as I can from here. I should transform and we can... Find our way in?" Did someone *else* just say that?

It didn't matter much as she reaches for her henshin pen to transform quickly forgetting for the fact that Bow might not want to SEE that.

Makoto Kino has posed:
For the moment, Sailor Jupiter is mainly playing backup while Bow and Ami do their thing. Analysis is not exactly her strong suit. She can keep watch, though, so that's what she's doing - standing a little back, green eyes scanning the area.

She doesn't like the feeling on the wind.

"I could always knock on the front door," she suggests, in a tone that reads more like 'go kick the door in'. "Make some noise for you two to use as a distraction?"

Sugata Shindo has posed:
Sugata may not have a blinking geode, but he did feel the strange, off-putting sensation in the air, and he does know better than to ignore that kind of thing. Tokyo is a city where anything could happen - including people being shoved into mirrors.

So he follows the sensation, letting Samekh guide the way, the miniature cybody far more attuned to strange energy than Sugata is. He'd transformed on the way, and as a result Ginga Kingu, in full military-inspired attire, is making his way downtown, walking fast.

"Here!" Samekh says sharply, the transparent blue-white bubble keeping him securely separated from this world coming to a sudden halt before a large domed building.

Well, at least it wasn't as stereotypical as an abandoned warehouse. He's circling the building when he hears a voice mentioning getting inside without causing property damage. The blue skinned girl with rainbow hair? Definitely a surprise.

"Surely that depends on how massive the property damage is? A window or two wouldn't be all that expensive to repair."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
For the moment there was no movement from security. While they were aware of their surroundings... there weren't actually any threats (as far as they knew). So at the moment they were fairly relaxed, standing on guard duty and watching to make sure nobody tried to sneak in.

There weren't any events today, just a 'project' within, as far as they knew. So they had little reason to suspect anything would be going 'wrong' shortly.

Within, the little kindabads and bat-like humanoids with fruits on their chests roamed the halls, keeping an eye out for trouble.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Loyalty taps her foot on the ground. "Well, I guess I gotta figure a big place like this has to have insurance, right?" she says.

    Running into random people like this used to shock her but she was kind of used to it now. Sugata wasn't pulsing dark energy or telling her to keep away from the spooky feeling building so she figured he probably wasn't a threat to her, or he'd have said something. Bad guys tended to be loud mouthed like that. "Guess you felt the bad juju somehow too." she offers. It's an observation more than a question. "Well, this is entirely too much thinking about it anyways, a window's less important than keeping people from getting hurt by whatever is happening there..." she notes. The Geode Girl looks around for something, finds nothing, and decides 'screw it, people might be getting hurt or get hurt soon' - and then she's off, leaving a rainbow colored trail behind her. Shortly thereafter the sound of broken glass and also potentially alarms fills the air as she just kicks her way through a side window at incredib;y high speed, her blurring rainbow trail coming to a stop directly in front of some of the actual youma guards.

    "Yep, totally bad stuff happening in here." she says, looking around for something solid. "Shoulda brought the bat..."

Bow has posed:
Bow has to admit that the bat is pretty amazing, all things said. Out of the corner of his eye, the archer notices the sudden rainbow trail as the Geode Girl makes her move, and rises to his feet, switching from the tech pad to the bow. As Niji flies in and announces their presence, coming to a halt within and in front of those youma, Bow draws in a breath. "Net arrow." he announces, the arrow drawn from the quiver and he pulls back to aim.

Locking in on one of the kindabads, he lets the arrow fly, where it travels across the way, and as it gets close to the target, the canister on the tip of the arrow pops open, and the net that was canistered within expands, smacking into the kindabad, wrapping and entrapping it as the weighted sides of the net snap and latch together, bringing the kindabad down.

After that arrow is fired, the next arrow up is -- "Grapple arrow!" And he fires a grapple line from his building to the window that Niji just went through and he anchors it to offer an exagerated wave of his hand to Mercury and Jupiter. "After you!"

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Sailor Mercury finishes her transformation leaving her standing a bit taller than before and not just due to her heeled boots. There was always something about transforming into Sailor Mercury that left her feeling more confident in herself. More at ease.

Her hand lifts to press her earring activating her Mercury Visor which sweeps into existence over her eyes allowing her a full readout of what was currently going on. The movement of the guards, estimates on how many were within, and of course the readings on that building power that left her feeling yucky.

"Oh. There's two other figures on the roof," she explains with a gesture in the direction that Niji and Giga Kingu were with a bit of curiosity. "It seems we're not the only ones interested in interfering. This will make things easier."

Looking to Bow she shrugs. "I'm all right with Sailor Jupiter 'knocking', how about you?" She sounds amused while saying this because she just knows it's going to involve lightning and a lot of punching.

There's no need though because Bow has already set into motion earning a chuckle from her in response. "Sailor Jupiter first," she suggests knowing full well she wasn't reeeally the best at entrances. Though she could offer cover when needed.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
People could be hurt, and a building this large and mostly clean was sure to have insurance. And if it didn't? Not their fault.
Hernce the window is broken, Sugata climbs in after the blue-skinned mahou, pausing at the sight of the... Humanoid figures in black and grey. Enemies, probably.

"Star Swordo! Diamant!" He calls, grasping for his chest. A pulse of light from the mark of Samekh, and Ginga Kingu pulls the shining white energy sword free, and strikes out at the nearest kindabad!

"At least we know it was worth it to break a window."

Makoto Kino has posed:
"Oh," says Jupiter, sounding impressed as she watches the net arrow and then the grapple arrow both do their thing. "Okay, that is better. But you don't need to worry about me..."

She'd already spread her arms a bit at her sides the moment the commotion started, fingers slightly splayed in the air, and the eddy of spring-scented wind that was forming around her strengthens enough to loft her into the air. "I'll go ahead!" she calls back to the other two, aiming herself for the broken-in window.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
As Loyalty made her way inside, she made sure EVERYBODY KNEW! Well, inside, at least. There were a few glances from the guards outside, but they quickly returned to focusing on the outside. They weren't to go inside, that was the orders. And they followed orders.

Inside, the kindabads charged at her! One in the lead jumped up annnnd...

Was netted. Shrieking as it crashed to the ground. Meanwhile, the rest were charging forward, only for one to get cut down by Sugata's sword! These.... were kind of the push overs of the magical world, it seemed. That, at least, was good. For them. Every moment they didn't have to spend fighting something truly terrible was a time for them to deal with the threat and NOT be overwhelmed.

Speaking of being overwhelmed, as Jupiter comes in, already only a pair of the fruit bats remain. A strawberry and mango. They stared at them....


Sunbreaker sighed and then reached out to the table... on it, a small metal bell was wrestling. She rang it once and...

A moment later, they'd hear... cheering? From the direction the fruit bats were running!

Sugata Shindo has posed:
There's easy and there's too easy. This? Definitely the latter. As the rest of the enemies turn and run, Sugata draws his sword back to a resting position and turn to face the new arrivals. And...

"The two of you are with Sailor Mars?" He asks the two girls in colorful skirts, remembering Guardian Daifuku's confident assertion that Sailor Mars was with a Sailor Moon based purely on attire. "Sugata Shindo, or Ginga Kingu. I'm with Wako and Takuto. Shall we follow the sound of ominous cheering?"

The question is dry... and man, these Star Drivers really don't care about the identity thing at all.

Once everyone is confidently heading in... Sugata probably isn't the first to enter, but he may be among the most baffled. Blue pyrotechnic sparks flare out as he passes through to the sound of cheering, and Samekh pops back into existence to sweep his arms up and bow, apparently pleased by the reception.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji understands wrestling. So on some level, the Geode Girl understands what she's walked into. On. Some. Level.

    On another level, there's an announcer that calls out her much-disliked henshin name of "GEODE GIRL LOYALTYYYYY" as she enters which is its own kind of hell, even as she appreciates the rainbow pyro that goes off. "What the hell kind of ridiculous nonsense are you up to this time..." she says, looking down the long entrance towards her and sticking her finger out accusingly "Sunfaker! It's you again! Someone get me a fire extinguisher!" she yells as she stomps down the ramp towards her. (And incidentally the ring.)

Bow has posed:
As soon as Jupiter and Mercury are away, Bow grabs the bow to make his own sling across to the building. Landing within as the others are chasing off the fruit kindabads, the archer is following after them as he hears that bell and the cheering. There's a look of curiosity, but he continues on his way, as he steps onto the platform, suddenly an announcer calls out over the sounds of Epica's 'Crimson Bow and Arrow'.


    ____   ____  _       __   ___     _   __ ____   ___     ____   ____
   / __ ) / __ \| |     / /  /   |   / | / // __ \ /   |   / __ \ / __ \
  / __  |/ / / /| | /| / /  / /| |  /  |/ // / / // /| |  / /_/ // / / /
/ /_/ // /_/ / | |/ |/ /  / ___ | / /|  // /_/ // ___ | / _, _// /_/ /
/_____/ \____/  |__/|__/  /_/  |_|/_/ |_//_____//_/  |_|/_/ |_| \____/  

Bow stands there for a moment, completely awestruck as the pyrokenetics go off. "Oh... OH WOW!" he squees, eyes bright and all sparkly. And then he strikes a HEROIC POSE!

Totally a face.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Sailor Mercury wasn't quite as spring-breezey fresh as Jupiter to travel, and so she uses the line that Bow provided quite simply: By taking her tiara off. It's brought over the line, and both ends are grasped as she ziplines into the area herself.

The dismount is a quick release of one hand so she falls, and her tiara is brought back up to her forehead with a sweep of her hand brushing her bangs aside after she lands very nimbly on her feet. Chunky heels for the win.

The cheering though, as well as the crying out of names, has her looking more than a little confused. "Oh? Yes, we're with... We know Sailor Mars. I'm Sailor Mercury, pleased to meet you Ginga Kingu." She was in business mode so she sticks to business names.

Quietly though she asides to Jupiter, and any others nearby, "... What is going on?"

Makoto Kino has posed:
When the fruit bats took off, Sailor Jupiter started after them, but she checks herself long enough to give Sugata a curious look and let Mercury catch up. "Sailor Jupiter," she offers by way of introduction. "We do kind of come as a set, yeah."

The actual loudspeaker announcements, with theme music and pyrotechnics, get a singularly odd expression from Jupiter as she cranes her neck to try to see better what is actually happening. "...I'm gonna say shenanigans," she tells Mercury with utter seriousness. "I better back those guys up."

She strides ahead, heralded by green-tinted smoke and fizzing pink sparklers.

'Soldier of Love and Thunder! The one and only the tall and talented: SAILOR JUPITER!'

"Oh my god shut up!" she yells back at the announcer, blushing furiously.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
As they went through the doors, they'd see it... There was a CROWD! Of the footsoldiers of Obsidian. Dozens. No. Hundreds of them...

And there was an ANNOUNCER! Announcing it!

And Sunbreaker was there as well, on commentary.

"So, you've run into all of them before, haven't you Sunbreaker?"

"Indeed I have, Jim, and let me tell you. Not a single one of them terrifies me. But they've all got their bits. For... wait. Is that... ominous latin chanting? Oh. Huh. Nice. That one's Bow. Good kid. Not a heavy hitter, but he'd do well in the junior leagues. That.... Wait, GEODE GIRL LOYALTY? HA! Oh my gosh. THAT'S her name? No wonder she's never told me! Yeah. She's tougher than she looks, not that that's hard. But she's a fast thing."

As Gingu Kingu was announced, she shrugged. "I guess they'll let anyone be a king these days. Launched a sneak attack on an ally of mine once, doesn't seem to have much control, but hits hard. Mercury... ohhhh. She's... nasty. Likes to act sweet and innocent, but will hit below the belt the moment she sees an opening. As for Jupiter? Don't know her well, have only run into her once. Grounded her easy enough."

"In the end, I don't think they'll last long against the reigning champions. Ringu! Outu!"

And then two wrestling youma appeared! They... looked... ... Oh gosh. One was a weird dinosaur man... with a t-rex mouth for a hand and a TAIL for the other...

And the other... was.... a man made of brick. With a 'Rook' chess piece for a head.

"REX KING AND CHECKMAAAAAATE!" she called out. And the crowd went WILD!

"The rules are simple," Sunbreaker said. "Once eliminated, the sparkle will be put away, for good. If the champions are defeated, the zone collapses. But that won't happen. Other than that... there ARE no rules!"

A kindabad... in high heels, a tied up at the bottom t-shirt and way too short shorts (all of which was OVER its normal clothes) walked out, holding up a big sign with the number '1' written on it.


Bow has posed:
"What are we doing what is this, this is all so amazing!" Bow is clearly lost in the moment, even as Jupiter shouts for them to shut up. "But why? They're right, you're really awesome, Jupiter and I'm sure that you can... BY BRIGHTMOON, THAT MAN HAS DOUBLE-TROUBLE FOR A SHOULDER!"

And now, now he's pausing. "We need a strategy. If we all just go in their flailing about, they're probably too strong for us all to take on one at a time." He's looking around the group, trying to figure out what their abilities are, what they can do, and how to take them down... oh no.

Bow's always been the careful 'we need a plan' one. Glimmer had always said that while he can adapt on the move, he has to have that inital plan, and now he's kind of stuck in that mode where he's plotting. "So one of them is made of stone, the other is a lizard guy. And... we have lightning and water, and ... why didn't you bring Friendship with you?" he asks Niji.. "...and uh..." A pause and a looking at Ginga.

"Hi, I'm Bow!" he greets. "We haven't met. Can you tell me what you do like real quick while I figure out a plan?"

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Loyalty turns and stops midway down when she sees her decidedly inhuman opponents. "First, I'm gonna whoop THEIR butts. Then, I'm gonna whoop YOUR butt! Again!" she says to Sunbreaker.

    And then, as an aside to the others. "But seriously those guys are huge so I'd appreciate some help with the whooping their butts part." she notes, lowly. "Also there is no friendship there's just me. I think I'm friendship. You know, loyalty, band of friends?" she offered. "I didn't pick the name! Or the powers!" she admits. "I just run really fast and I'm reaaaaally hoping there's some good stuff under the ring. Like a steel chair. Oh, or a sledgehammer. I'd take a sledgehammer. None of that cushioning the hit with my hand stuff though." she notes. She has, in fact, watched some wrasslin' here and there.

    "Look. I think a plan is a good idea, and I think you should come up with one! You look like a planning kinda guy. Me, I'm gonna go find something very large. Cause that's what I do. She -did- say no rules. That means FOREIGN. OBJECTS." she says, and there may well be a sparkle in her eyes for just a moment before she dashes off in a multicolored blur to, naturally, check under the ring. For things. To hit things with. It's not like she got super strength.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
An actual announcer starts introducing them all, and Sugata sighs as Ginga Kingu is announced to the world. Well, he might as well get used to it... he guesses...

...It's better than Geode Girl, anyway.

As their opponents make their way in, Sugata sizes them up. The stone enemy was likely more durable than the... dinosaur... handed... enemy... but an energy sword was more efficient at cutting than a metallic one, and his Star Sword would likely be able to reduce it down to size with enough effort -

"The Star Swordo," he says, hefting "Is an energy sword that can cut through most materials, given enough effort. Otherwise, I can call down a barrage of energy that would destroy this building," unwanted, "Or reflect enemy attacks back at them. Aside from the grappling hook and net arrow, I'm guessing you have more offensive varieties?"

If the attack will destroy the building, will it destroy them, too? Don't worry about it.

Sharing information and planning is a good strategy, particularly because if they don't know what they can do, they'll be in each other's way as much as the enemy will be -

Aaaaaand Geode Girl Loyalty is gone. Well, he'll try not to hit her with anything...

Makoto Kino has posed:
Bow is strategizing, which is very good. Strategy is important. Unfortunately, Sailor Jupiter is... not very strategic.

"I'll take the brick one," she declares, and without waiting for any responses she's striding across the ring, punching a fist against her palm as she zeroes in on - presumably - Checkmate. Electricity arcs between palm and knuckles as they separate. "Hey!" she yells toward the brick rook youma. "Blockhead!"

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Sailor Mercury walks calmly in along with the others though her gaze sweeps over the 'crowd' looking more than a bit unnerved by it. Unnerved but her goal was set as she sticks with her friends old and new alike. "I think this is... It's not sumo but the international version? Ah, yes. 'Wrestling.'" At least this explains the ring, the crowd and the announcing. She does call out to Sunbreaker, "I'm not mean! At least I don't try to be." Really she didn't!

As powers are explained she stops to regard the large opponents with a sugh. "This is so silly," she determines with a mildly annoyed tone.

As others begin to search for weapons, or try to charge ahead, she crosses her arms in front of herself drawing up a beam of light that glitters atop one pointed finger.

"Sabao Spray Freezing!"

Her arm flings outward and that little bubble of light turns into a multitude of bubbles that stream out, glittering and wet and freezing upon impact in the hopes to trap the opponents in place making the entire fight easier.

Hopefully. This was only the second time she'd tried this newer attack.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
And the first one out was Loyalty! Beneath the stage she saw them. The tables, the chairs, perfect! They were--

"And King Rex goes for the Dino-WHIP!"

And King Rex's tail had snaked around and was trying to grab her by the leg and LIFT HER into the air! To then slam her into the mat! OOF!

"Blockhead?!" the blockhead yells. "TOMBSTONE!" and, rather than trying to grab her and plant her into the matt.... He leaps into the ground and then TURNS INTO A TOMBSTONE! Jupiter's, to be exact. Before falling to the ground AT her!

Hit or miss, the ice would then wash over him... freezing him in place.

Just for a minute.

"See? I taught her that attack, but did she thank me? No. She used it to then kick me below the belt," Sunbreaker said. "And bring it on, 'Pretty Rock Loyalty', I'm over here at the announcer's desk so you know where to find me!"

Bow has posed:
Wait, where are Niji and Jupiter going? They don't have a plan. They don't know what their enemies can do. There are NO RULES? THERE ARE NO RULES! This trips a little breaker inside Bow's head and a memory. Standing around a table, drawing up a great strategy to raid a Horde tower... and then... everyone changed it! Glimmer wanted to pew pew teleport everywhere. And Adora wanted to solo it so noone else could get hurt. And then Mermista wanted to be See-Ra. And Perfuma and her plants and and and...

They ended up winging it. Which was so far out of Bow's comfort zone, but it all worked out somehow, and now that he's kicked into that mode, when Sailor Mercury launches her attack, he realizes that he too, needs to kick over into his own support mode.

"Sticky arrow!" Popping the green canistered arrow into his hand from the quiver, he draws it back, aiming towards the main head of T-Wrecks and releases it, sending the arrow flying towards the head of youma, hoping it explodes and makes the head all sticky and causing it to not be so bitey while he's lifting Niji to try to help her out!

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Loyalty gets her hand around the leg of one of the folding chairs, after deciding she couldn't quickly retrieve a table, but she's for moving fast, not digging around under a ring fast - so it's about this time that she's dragged out, chair in hand but also in-tail by some sort of freaky dino-armed monster man-thing. "I think I actually miss the star bear." she says. This is before she swings the chair.

    This is also before she's slammed bodily into the ground, bouncing off of it, but at least Bow's arrow should be making the bitey parts less. And maybe she landed a good hit with the chair. Which is good, because... Loyalty wasn't just selling. Wrestling or not that slam hurt. Not that it stopped her from being... her.

    "Alright, time for you to go extinct again!" she said, a little dazed, trying to get to her feet, hopefully before El Bitey Large-o.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
Well then, if it's going to be like that, then it's going to be like that! If Bow's intervening with the unwell dinosaur-man, then Sugata will intervene with the tombstone with Jupiter's name on it -

"King's Counter!"

A wall of blue-white energy snaps into place over Jupiter's head, catching the falling stone. The sheer weight of it causes the sheet of energy to distend, dropping until it was merely an inch above her Jupiter's head, the energy giving an almost static effect to her curls -

Before it snapped back to rigid straightness, bouncing the falling stone up, up, and away!

Until it crashes against the exterior of the ring and freezes, anyway.

There's a reason Takuto and Wako rallied in vain for the attack to be called Ginga Kingu's Kingu Bouncu Backu, after all.

"Sorry to steal your thunder," he tells the tall girl politely, "I'm sure you could have handled it, but given that he's stuck now-"

Why take the risk when you could pummel an enemy frozen in place?

Makoto Kino has posed:
The tombstone was very unexpected - enough so that Sailor Jupiter freezes, momentarily caught flatfooted by the sight of a giant tombstone with her own name on it bearing down on her. By the time she's begun to brace herself, apparently intending to try to just tank the falling slab of stone like she's Supergirl or something, the King's Counter is already flaring to life.

"--works for me," she answers Sugata with a quick, crooked grin. "Thanks for the assist!"

And then she's charging again - NO RULES! - taking a running leap at the ice-covered Checkmate, fist-first.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
King Rex got an arrow to the bitey hand! NOOOOO!

"I've never seen an attack like that, what would you call it?!" Jim asked Sunbreaker.

"Sticky arrow, Jim. An attack as messy as it is dangerous. Best to keep your mouth shut around it. I don't think King Rex is going to be biting for a bit."

"Oh the stone-manity! What did he do to Checkmate?!"

Checkmate was bounced high up, up and... BANG! He hit... something... metallic... on the roof?!

and then he came back down, crashing onto the mat.

But, from above, there was a resounding CRASH! And then a STEEL CAGE CAME DOWN FROM ABOVE! IT hit the ground, making it shake wildly! And sending dust into the air!

"Ohhhh, the dinomanity!" Jim yelled. "The steel cage! Its trapped Jupiter, Kingu and Loyalty in the ring with Checkmate and King Rex!"

King Rex, unfortunately for Niji, was quick to get back on his feet! Fortunately for her... the bitey hand was currently glued!

So instead he swung with it and tried to use it like a club, to knock her towards the edge of the ring!

Jupiter, meanwhile, slammed fist first into checkmate! AND HE WAS AS TOUGH AS HE LOOKED! The ice around him shattering and he was knocked back... about three inches. But he was also... well.... in a bit of pain. Ow.

However, he tried to reach out and GRAB Jupiter, to bear hug and CRUSH her in his stony grip!

While King Rex attempted to slap Sugata with his tail arm!

"And the duo have pulled out the COBBLEMAKER and EXTINCTION SPIRAL! King's counter disoriented Checkmate for a minute, long enough for him to get frozen, but it takes more than some ice to stop the stony king of the ring! What would you say their chances are now, Sunbreaker?"

"Well, Jim," Sunbreaker said. "Probably not good. There's only three of them. But Bow IS an archer, outside the ring might be where he wants to be. Then again, all it takes is one tap out and this handicap match will be almost balanced. So why don't I..."

And then, i na tuft of flame, she was gone.

Only to appear by Kingu and unleashing a MEAN right hook at his face!

"AND SUNBREAKER HAS ENTERED THE RING! The Queen of Temper Tantrums herself!"


"Starting things off with the Lacuna HOOK!"

Bow has posed:
When the steel cage drops down, Bow is suddenly found on the wrong side of the fight. "Hey, wait!" he blinks a few times in confusion. The ring is a little confusing. He's trying to figure out what to do, and as Sunbreaker teleports away, he pauses.

And swinging up over the turnstile, he makes his way over to sit down next to Jim. "While Sunbreaker has COME OUT OF RETIREMENT BECAUSE SHE LOOKS SO OLD..." Bow starts, settling into the announcer's chair for color commentary.

"My name's Bow Andora and I'll be filling in for her on all the action! And giving you information on our contestants. First, Sailor Jupiter makes awesome baked goods, you should try them! And Geode Girl Loyalty is a star in all the sports! And I don't know much about Ginga, but that's an awesome sword!"

A pause, "Say, Jim, what's it called when the wrestler has the other wrestler lifts the other wrestler over his head and then falls backwards to slam him down?"

"...a... a German suplex?" Jim asks in confusion.


He's coaching from the announcers' table.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Loyalty is rocked by the clubbing bitey hand, sending her staggering back towards the ropes. Right! The ropes! She can bounce off the ropes and...

    She hits the ropes and there's a lot less bounce than she might want. They're pretty solid, actually, as evidened by the fact that slamming into them hurt so freakin' much.

    But you know what, screw it! She's a magical girl, she'll make kayfabe her reality! She takes off and runs at her very enhanced blurry speed, intending to go past the youma, tap the ropes (gently, this time) turn around and give him a flying, spinning elbow. The only thing that makes her sad is that she won't be able to see how awesome the move would look with a rainbow trail spiralling out of it. Oh, wait, she'd have to have her own name for it.

    As she charges him and builds up speed, she yells (apropos of nothing and with no warning) while trying to impact the dino-wrestler, "RAINBOW ROAD" and there might have been an explitive at the end of it.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
The cage crashes down, locking them all to the ring. Sugata isn't particularly worried; if push comes to shove, he will pull out the King's Pillar, collateral damage be damned.

King Rex might be slapping out with his tail, but Sugata is lashing out with sword - sword vs tail, who wins?

Either way - it's enough force to not be slapped around, and Ginga Kingu moves with the momentum, trying to stay out of the way of the rainbow-colored blur.

But everything just keeps happening! Enemies lashing out every which way, and Sugata senses motion next to him, the instincts of a lifetime of training kicking in, and he drops to the floor as a fist flies for his face, narrowly missing.

Of course, now he's on the floor, and Sunbreaker is over him. Not a good position to be in.

Makoto Kino has posed:
Sailor Jupiter is wringing her hand a little as she comes off that punch, shaking out the reverberation of a hard punch into unyielding ice-coated solid rock. "Geez..." She may just have taken on a little too much, claiming she'd handle this, but she's in it now. Trying to keep an eye out for the others only splits her attention, makes her a little too slow to get out of the way of those crushing stone arms--

"Well..." The breath kind of squeaks out of her, while Bow's encouraging voice resounds over the ring. "...You heard the man...!"

She digs the heels of her boots against the mat and wraps her arms around Checkmate as far as they'll go, gripping tight. Calls up all the strength that the planet Jupiter lends her, flowing up as through from the ground, through her legs and hips into her spine.

And, with a wordless shout, she heaves.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
"RAINBOW ROAD!" Jim yells, as the crowd goes WILD! King Rex is hit by the sudden spinning elbow, so hard he FLIPS in mid air before CRASHING TO THE MAT! "Oh that one HAD to hurt! Could this be the end for King Rex?!"

Meanwhile, Sugata was finding his hands full, most likely, as Sunbreaker... had been training. And Lacuna wasn't a slouch. She continued, using her momentum to swing around from the punch and then KICK! Spinning it into a kick to try and send Sugata FLYING into the ropes, to try and follow it up into a lariat with a flaming arm!

"Ohhhh, high road or low road, it looks like it's all the same for Sunbreaker! The Sunset Lariat! Bow, from what I've heard you and Sunbreaker have run into each other a time or two. Anything you'd like to say to or about her, now that you're on the air?"

King Rex suddenly lunges from his downed position, finally getting the dino-head mouth open! He tries to snap it closed on Niji!

"OHHH! King Rex is setting up for the SNAP DRAG-ON!"

True to form, if he snapped closed on her, he'd then drag her on the ground for a moment before flinging her into the bars!

Checkmate, however, laughed. As Jupiter tried to get a good, solid grip on him... He laughed.

Then... bit by bit, his laughter died.... and then...


That's right, ladies and gentlemen. With a great deal of effort and some pain in her spine.... she managed to lift him up, over her head... AND SLAM HIM TO THE MAT!

Leaving him stunned and disoriented! But with the other two possibly in danger, what would she do now?!

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Loyalty is a little confused by the 'crowd' going wild, as she hits the mat. It hurts a lot less than the last time she hit the mat though! The spin took a lot of the momentum out of it, for sure. But now there was a reptillian mouth headed her way!

    It's like a bigger version of the LAST time Sunset put a reptile up to trying to stop her! And in that moment Loyalty realizes... 'oh right, I'm super fast' and dashes back out of the reach. The ring may not have left a lot of room to manouvwer, but she only needed to be just a little bit out of reach.

    So she stands juuust out of reach after a quick hop back. "Oooh, almost had it. Try again?"

Bow has posed:
"Hell yeah she did it! She's Sailor Jupiter and she's the strongest of the Sailor Senshi!" All sparkly eyes, Bow is totally cheering on Makoto. "Now what does she do?" he asks Jim in confusion.

Jim blinks at Bow a couple of times. "You've never seen wrestling, have you?"

Bow shakes his head.

And Jim leans over to whisper to him and Bow's eyes go wide.

"PIN HIM, JUPITER!" he yells, now that Bow knows what to do! "That'll take him out of the fight!

And then his attention turns to Jim's question. "Well, you know, I've come across Sunbreaker a few times, and she dated my girlfriend. So there's that. But I believe that while she tries to be a heel, she's secretly a face that has fallen from grace, and she just needs someone to be patient with her and willing to apply headlocks when she needs them. Or headpats. And maybe she'll find her way to her own inner face and rise above the trap that many heelturns make when they lean too much into it."

Makoto Kino has posed:
Jupiter, in the process of extricating herself from under entirely too much rock youma, looks up in the direction of the announcers' booth. Then down at Checkmate, and back up at Bow and Jim.

"Are you kidding me right now?" Do they see how much mass this is?

With not much better idea, she plants herself over Checkmate, doing her best to keep him pinned with what leverage she can manage. It leaves her in the unenviable spot of watching the other two fight. Loyalty's fast on her feet, at least, but the heat Sugata is getting from Sunbreaker makes her grit her teeth--

An idea flashes through her head. "Kingu-san!" she calls out. "Send her my way!"

Sugata Shindo has posed:
Ditching to the floor to duck a right hook is one thing. Avoiding a kick? Another. It's very difficult to avoid an opponent with momentum and the high ground on their side, and more than likely a waste of energy. The Star Sword is in hand, but Wako-chan had protected Sunbreaker - she'd probably be displeased with him if he cut off her arm.

So instead, Ginga Kingu tucks and rolls with the kick, exhaling the make sure there's not a lungful of air for her to knock out of him. Taking the blow sends him flying, but being preared for it means that he hits the ropes on his side, head covered, instead of crashing back first and taking the brunt with his spine. As Geode Girl Loyalty has already discovered, the ropes are stiff - the opposite of flexible and comfortable.

A Sunbreaker comes after him with a flaming arm however, Sailor Jupiter calls out with an excellent strategy -

"King's Counter!"

Again, the wall of blue-white force, taking Sunbreaker's hit and amplifying it for the bounce back. The wall is like a square in the air, and Sunbreaker is nearly face to face with Sugata when the tension snaps - and as requested, the wall is angled so that rather than bouncing her up, she'll go flying towards Sailor Jupiter!

"That delivery you asked for is headed your way!"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
King Rex gets frazzled, whipping around and trying to get a hold of her. She was fast, though. And the dino wasn't able to get a proper grip on her as he tried to snap at her, desperately trying to perform the Snap Drag-on!

Unfortunately for Checkmate, he... was a lot of mass. A LOT of mass. And having it all come crashing to the mat like that? Welll...

"ONE! TWO! THREE! And Checkmate is OUT! Wait, what's this?!"

And the Sunset Lariat hit the barrier! She pushed against it, trying to make it bound as she was sent flying back and--

And it was Sunbreaker, she'd NEVER just let it happen! She pushed both her hands together and unleashed a blast of flame at the King the moment she was launched back, trying to get him while the shield was down, fury on her face!

... Unfortunately for her? She, wellllll... that just made her launch backwards excellerate and she was... not aware of Jupiter yet.

Jim, meanwhile, was staring at Bow and... "Wait, how do you know about Heels and Faces... but don't know about *pinning*? And I think you might have her a bit off. She's got wayyyyy too many anger issues to be a sparkle. You should see her before her morning coffee, she's mean."

Bow has posed:
As Checkmate goes down, Bow pounded the table a few times. "That's the way to do it, Jupiter! Now finish it off!" he calls out, just as Jim is yelling at him. And Bow pauses. Err. Oops.

"Did I say that? Oh. Sometimes words just come out of my mouth and I seem to know but not know?" A fist up to the side of his temple, his head tilts, eyes crossing and he sticks his tongue out. "Nyeah."

Makoto Kino has posed:
As soon as Checkmate is counted out, Sailor Jupiter leaps to her feet, bracing one foot against the bulk of the stony youma. She's poised, ready, for Sugata to send Sunbreaker her direction, and when Sunbreaker's own blast of flame rockets her backwards?

Well that's just perfect.

It's almost like running up against a wall, colliding back-to-front with the sturdy pillar that is Sailor Jupiter, and as soon as Sunbreaker runs into her Jupiter's arms snap around her in an unyielding waist lock.

"Confession time," she says, fiercely cheerful. "That before wasn't a German Suplex."

With a surge of effort, the Senshi of Thunder hoists Sunbreaker fully off her feet into the air. "This one's a German suplex," she says, before falling backwards, letting her own height and weight slam both of them into the mat.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
There's fury on Sunbreaker's face, and a smirk on Sugata's, and being a jerk is probably why he kind of deserves it when Sunbreaker sends a blast of fire at him as she's sailing away. The shield's already down, and there's not enough time to call it back - so Ginga Kingu jerks his arms up, covering his face as the flames singe and burn away the sleeves of his coat, leaving the skin red.

And that's a henshin coat, so - plenty more durable than regular cloth. He lowers his arms with a wince - there are going to be some first degree burns to treat, later -

But at least he lowers his arms in time to watch Sunbreaker face satisfactory consequences.

"She should have stayed in the booth. Now start the count down!" This whole nonsense seems to work on wrestling rules, so let's get her pinned and out!

Meanwhile Sugata had let go of his star sword when he was kicked around like poor Miette and the football... leaving a blazing white energy sword just lying around. Not far from where Loyalty stands.

"Loyalty - take the sword!"

She's the straightforward, action type, yeah? What hot-headed hero doesn't want to slay the nearest thing to a dragon they're going to find? With a sword? That's practically a lightsaber?

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Loyalty is not a girl who you need to tell to take a sword in hand more than once. In fact, if she noticed the sword was unhanded on her own there was a high chance of her picking it up on her own. So upon being made aware of the existence of it, much less being urged to grab it, she's pretty much already there. A laser sword is pretty much like a baseball bat, right?

    "Du-I mean thanks I will!" she says, already rushing towards the T-Wrex with it as she speaks in past tense. She really is using it more like a baseball bat than a sword - like it's a blunt object rather than a finesse weapon - but it's a magic laser sword so it's really fine as long as she can connect it with Arm Mc Bitey over there. Or just keep from being bitten. "I'm like a comet and you're like... uh... a dinosaur! Kinda! A sideways one!"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker had about half a second to enjoy the fact she lit the little jerk up--

Only to find a whole new spinning world of regret. One moment everything made sense. The next, everything was upside down and she was *very* confused. German sup--

Then she hit the ground so hard she bounced off it a little, crashing onto her stomach with a groan.

The ref just stared. Didn't count down. Why?

Because Sunbreaker wasn't in the match! They just had to get King Rex down! If they could defeat him, then they'd won! BAM! All that was left! And then--

Loyalty swung with all her might and the youma, well... the youma was already half beaten, its partner pinned, and with a mighty swing, it was sheered in half! Dark energy flowing around Loyalty like some kind of inky samurai movie.


And then... It all began to collapse. Bit by bit... the zone fading, the monsters leaving....

And then the ring and cage faded out. The tower sparked a little, before collapsing to the ground and melting away.

The kindabads fleeing... One in high heels tripping over its feet.

Sunbreaker laid there, dazed and confused, as a few of the fruitbats tossed her on a stretcher and hauled her away. "Owwwww..." she groaned. "Hate... all of you..."

Bow has posed:
Bow blinks a few times. "You need to do better than that, Loyalty!" he calls out. "It should be like... and now you're extinct!" A sigh. Because now that it seems like it's over, Jim's fleeing too.

And he may be the only one cheering, but he's totally cheering for the new Champ-eens of the world! Well. Of the warehouse.

And there goes Sunbreaker on a stretcher. "I guess we won?"

Sugata Shindo has posed:
Little jerk? He's a tall, CLAMP noodle of a jerk, thank you very much!

But as the bizarre scenery fades away and the tower melts to nothingness... Ginga Kingu can acknowledge that he's pretty smug about that victory.

"You probably could have worked a fossil pun into that too," he advises Geode Girl Loyalty but then his attention is on Sailor Jupitor, offering her a hand up.

"You've got amazing skills," he says earnestly, "Have you ever considered kendo?"

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    "So. I think it goes without saying. That this was kinda... weird. And... okay entirely weird. But just a little cool?" Loyalty says, as the evil-zone of badfeels starts to receede and she can feel like she did her good deeed for the day. Then she looks down at the energy sword in her hand.

    "Man, this thing went right through that guy. But I guess he was made out of bad ideas and bad energy anyways." she says, shrugging. "But like... can I keep it?" she asks, pointing to the sword with her other hand.

Makoto Kino has posed:
Sailor Jupiter takes a moment to dust herself off, watching the fruit bats tote Sunbreaker away as the ring disappears. "I guess so," she confirms, answering Bow with a nod. Sugata and Loyalty get a wry smile. "You guys were very cool," she says. "And thanks--" this to Sugata, "but I mostly prefer aikido."

Those were NOT aikido moves just now, but sure, Makoto. "Anyway, I think we did pretty good... whatever all that was about."

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"Not a chance," Sugata replies instantly, turning away from Sailor Jupiter to beckon for his sword to be returned to him. "I had to beat up my boyfriend's evil dad for this sword."

Not that it was a hardship, but still. He's definitley not just giving it away.

"Whatever this was about, we stopped her in her tracks." And without any major property damage this time. That'd show Wako and Takuto! Ginga Kingu can fight without destroying everything in sight.

Not that he actually cared about the damage. A charitable donation or two was generally enough to resolve any guilt on those matters.

Only once he has his sword back does he look back to Sailor Jupiter and nod. "I understand. Once you're committed to one way, it's hard to choose another."

He won't be swayed from kendo to fencing, after all.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    "Your boyfriend's evil - you know what, sure." she says, passing it over. "Thanks for letting me use it though." she says, smiling a bit large. "It cut that monster up real good." She adds. "It was actually pretty fun to meet all of you." then she peers a little bit at Jupiter and Bow. "Again. But I gotta run anyways. Catch you later. Probably after beating up another monster!" she says, she waves, and she. is. outtahere!

Sugata Shindo has posed:
Sword now in hand, Ginga Kingu pauses as Loyalty speeds away, leaving the rest of them in the dust. He looks at the remaining trio - Mercury, Jupiter, and Bow - and then shrugs.

"I don't know about the rest of you, but it's a long walk back to where I came from. You want to share an Uber? I'm ordering."

Makoto Kino has posed:
Jupiter sort of glances toward Mercury, eyebrows raised. "You know what," she says after a moment, looking back toward Sugata with a smile. "I think we'll take you up on that, if you can drop us back at the academy."

Bow has posed:
"I'm in! Can we stop by WcDonald's on the way back?" Bow asks. "I could eat a whole Big Wac combo!" the young man admits as he didn't really contribute much, but he burns so much energy anyway!

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"You know? I've never actually been to WcDonald's. We might as well celebrate our victory."

And prove to his fiance and boyfriend that he can make friends. Ha!

The Uber is called...

"The driver will be coming in a silver Toyota Corolla... they'll meet us at the corner in ten minutes. First stop WcDonalds, second the academy, third will be my actual drop off. Shall we?"

And thus ends a truly whacky adventure.