1700/The Pony in Her

From Radiant Heart MUSH

The Pony in Her
Date of Scene: 25 June 2024
Location: Mitakihara General Hospital
Synopsis: Sayaka comes to visit Hinoiri in the hospital after her enigmatic message, and much cheering is had about Hinoiri's improved life conditions, even with the looming threat of Obsidian's assassination attempts. But one question remains: can Hinoiri find a way to harness Kirarafantasica's magic for the side of good?
Cast of Characters: Sayaka Miki, Hinoiri Kirara

Sayaka Miki has posed:
There was that concerning message by Hinoiri - and then silence, which was only all the more concerning, and had Sayaka stuck on the single thought of finding Hinoiri. The fact that she had earlier received that bizarre - if amazing - video meant nothing with how any message left no response, and calls weren't any better.

She is apparently fated to walk into the Mitakihara Hospital, the bluenette observes as she navigates the hallways of the structure once more, heading for where Hinoiri had been resting all the while. When she had walked in there, the other girl was lightly dozing off, while she and Ula wait there, a get well card in the former's hands.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara had been sleeping a lot since the incident. It turned out being violently, brutally maimed tended to cause someone to need to rest to recoup a lot. Who knew? Hinoiri hadn't. However, the nightmares and trouble with sleeping had the unfortunate side effect that, while she did sleep a lot, she woke up a lot as well. She almost sat up, eyes wide, breathing fast and quick.

She didn't look very good, either. Covered in bandages, cooling pads all over her body, to try and dampen the burns themselves.

Of course, it wasn't long before she laid down again, glancing around... and then saw Sayaka. Her eyes lit up. "Hey! Sayaka-chan!" she called out, giving a small smile and motioning her over. "Have you been waiting long? Sorry, they have me on some really strong painkillers right now," she said sheepishly.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
The get well card in Sayaka's hands has a rather cheerful motif, small bees dancing around lavender flowers with a corny "Bee well soon" right in the middle of it. The meaning was however, something Sayaka hoped would happen soon for Hinoiri, because the concern she felt as bad as she looked was quite high. Not that Hinoiri mentioning strong painkillers was a positive message since those weren't completely effective, or caused other discomfort of their, like possibly being dazed.

"Hello, Hinoiri-chan!" Sayaka greets back, putting a smile on her face. "Not really, I just got here. How is your hospital stay going? Have you been missing anything?", she asks, giving her the get well card. The bluenette doesn't address the point of her having been assaulted by Obsidian now. It's way too obvious for comfort, and the fact they didn't manage to keep her safe was a source of frustration and self-reprimanding for Sayaka. It's a miracle she is in front of her in once piece.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara couldn't help but snicker when she saw the card. "Thanks, Sayaka. It's bee-uatiful." Because, when faced with such a pun, how else to respond than pun back?

"So far, the stay hasn't been so bad. I had a visit from Chiba-san, actually. Despite the fact I hurt him, he apparently thinks I'm still worth healing, so that's nice. I uhhh... I think he's mad, though. I don't know why, I just got this.... feeling that he was more annoyed than he was saying. I do wonder if seeing me like this has been cathartic for some people. I put enough people in here as it is, right?" she said sheepishly.

"... But... sorry. For sending that text. I... know it must have been scary. A lot of people were... because I couldn't... yeah. I... just... I couldn't get a good signal is all. But I'm going to be fine. Very fine, I think... you know? And I'll heal up better than... I'll heal up well, thanks to uhhh. The magic."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Wouldn't you know? That's bee-cause you are worth it", Sayaka quips back at Hinoiri. It's gonna be puns all the way down.

Sayaka's attention increases even further when Hinoiri mention Mamoru having been there and what his behaviour was. "I am glad things are turning out this way, even if it might be plainly making him uncomfortable. But you should send those messages still. Nobody wants to see you disappear, not after eveything, even if Tuxedo"s instincts say otherwise. Keep sending them if you actually need help, please. Something fatal can still happen and I want to avoid that", she says earnestly.

"Don't", Sayaka adds. "We will have her pay for it, but I am glad you chose to contact everyone. Try to keep staying even if you aren't completely calm then. What else have you been doing?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara snorted at the pun. Ahhh, puns. It was the pony in her. They left her very susceptible to terrible jokes like that. Dad jokes too. Nothing makes her laugh harder.

"Yeah, it has been... I'll be honest. I really did expect if I went like this, gave up dark energy? You'd all stop caring. Admittedly, I didn't expect *Obsidian* to come after me as hard as they have. But.... it's... been nice. I mean, I knew you never would. But I didn't think everyone else would be so forgiving."

"I uhhh... I even got an offer from another girl. Coco, a mermaid. I'm sure you've heard of her. She's... kind of hired me to test her songs, like I was doing at Obsidian. I might be able to help her amplify the purifying effects or... who knows what? Magic is kind of the only thing I really, really know that can't be... replaced here. And Obsidian used me a lot. So... I'm hoping I can do the same. I already have a ton of ideas on how to test it. And there's another girl here, Loyalty, who has magic from Kirakirafantastica. I uhhhh... I'm going to offer her some suggestions, see what I can learn about her magic."

"... So... I guess... I think, in general? I'm doing... better. I... don't think I'm... good? But I think I'm doing better than I was. And it's... nice not to feel guilt as much."

"... I... don't want to disappear, either. I think the people here are... pretty good. And I want to get to know all of you, without the whole... using you thing."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Uh, yes, I have heard of her. She apparently has enough money to finance the recent Prom by herself, and by the videos on the Prom, she is also an amazing singer from what she had sung there. I guess her songs kind of make sense if she is a mermaid. That's definitely their vibe", Sayaka raises her eyebrow, not expecting there would have been another mermaid here, let alone a student she had heard about. "Is she treating you well? If she is asking you something that big, what are you getting in exchange?"

"That's all right, I am sure you will prove yourself and show them exactly how you changed are changing. I will always defend your right to that", Sayaka offers an encouraging smile.

"So, you also saw some amazing things lately!", Sayaka smiles, changing the subject to more lighthearted things. "You firing a bow together with Madoka was fantastic, I never would have imagine you timing yourselves so well." The enthusiasm is really clear in her voice.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small shrug. "I think she's doing better than... well... I did. I kind of hurt her. But.... she's apparently going to pay me, so it'll be a lot like what I did for Obsidian. Minus the... me having to hide things because I don't want to risk the wrong people finding out, I guess? And since Obsidian cut off all my accounts, it should really help me stay with my head above water, you know? So I don't have to keep borrowing money from everyone else. That'll be nice."

Of course, then Sayaka managed to hit her in a place she wasn't entirely sure how to respond. Honestly? Using Bow's bow had been amazing. But a large part of her wanted to steal it... to take it for herself. A part of her still regretted not taking it and running. Still... she smiled to Sayaka. In the end, she knew she wouldn't. Ever. Sayaka was her best friend. And she wouldn't let her down like that. "Yeah. It felt incredible. His bow was really awesome, and uhhhh.... I'd be lying if I said I didn't not want to give the bow back. But I did. So... there's that. He's a great guy, Sayaka-chan. I knew you'd find someone like you deserved. I'm proud of you."

"... And I kind of did have fun working with them, rather than... against them. It's kind of cool shooting blasts at people rather than having them all shot at me, you know? And you looked absolutely adorable in your alternative universe thing. Though..." She glanced to Ula. "She didn't have an Ula. She had an entirely different fairy with her. But... since the alternative you had magic like that... well... magic is fairly somewhat mallable. Who knows? Maybe, with time, you'll even be able to adapt some of her attacks into your own repetoire. Maybe. I mean... I guess that... might not be a thing that puella can do? But I figured I'd study that, too, while I was looking at the music magic. There's probably other magic your... our side could use help studying, you know?"

Hinoiri then gave a light yawn, shaking her head. "Sorry, still a little sleepy. Tired as heck. Getting... that... really takes it out of you, okay? I don't think I'll crash yet but ummm... if I do pass out on you? Please know it's not personal."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"She is giving you a job! That's awesome! We definitely have to have a little celebration for how much your life is picking up! I am so happy for you, Hinoiri!" the Puella beams enthusiasm. And that's before her alternate self gets into the picture.

"It's good of you that you did give it back, I trust you, Hinoiri. Even Bow had to relearn magic, you will come into your own too. Maybe like that Loyalty. And when you do you will be part of the team", Sayaka says, giving a thumbs up.

"I was totally awesome, wasn't I? And every single attack was a musical term. That'a really something I support. I don't know why I became a Precure, but I must be really happy like that! Oh, I wish so much I'd met her. I bet we could chat about all sort of things, and Hitomi is a magical girl too! I am not happy she was the one who became a Puella that time, but fighting with her and Madoka has to be a dream. I wish I could still talk to my Hitomi that much. I don't know if I can implement some of her attacks into mine, but if I do? I will totally do it with style. I will definitely look at a way to make it possible too."

She grins happily, before switching to a calmer smile. "I get that, don't worry about me. I am satisfied I chatted with you a bit and saw you are recovering well."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a light chuckle, nodding along. And... Sayaka was happy for her. She really was. And she was happy for Sayaka. It was nice to see her so happy. To see her glowing and shining like she deserved.

However, her smile flickered when Sayaka mentioned 'like Loyalty'. "A-ah. That's... not really... the same. I mean, back home there were... six... things. They called them the.... Elements. Loyalty was one of them, which is how I'm guessing that magical girl tapped into them. She's probably... well. Was being loyal. Is loyal."

"... I studied all six. But... I never really... tied into any of them. So... that's.... yeah. I'm not a part of her team. That I can guarantee." She wasn't Kind. Honest. Generous. Laughter... and most of all, she wasn't Magic.

Still, she didn't let it knock her down for long, grinning a moment later. "Yeah, you were pretty incredible. You really are such a serenade of joy, aren't you? Who knows? Maybe Hitomi will become a magical girl one day. You and Madoka are certainly a good duo as it is. You've now both saved my life more than once," she said with a light snicker before sighing and laying back fully.

"It... really is great to see you, Sayaka. But... I... really am... barely able to keep my eyes open. Would... it be okay if... I get some more rest? I'll be back in school before long. But, I... admittedly wouldn't mind seeing you again, if you'd ummm... if it's not too much trouble. I never.... really had visitors when I was in the hospital before. It's, admittedly... kind of nice knowing there are people who care."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Six elements, and not part of her team... "Are you really sure about that? I know you studied them all, but maybe you are just being harsher on yourself than you have to be. Do you want to tell me about these elements?" She would have to start somewhere, and if she can't see it, maybe others would have to see it for her first.

"If not that, would there be some other kind of power you can tap into without it being dark energy? I know you are the expert and all, but I was the one who could never hope to stand close to Madoka, you know? And despite my own close encounter with the darkness of my heart, I am doing pretty good these days."

"No contract with Kyubey, though", she quickly adds as a warning, even if she knows Hinoiri detests the white cat as much as her. "I am sure you will find your own way. You are smart, even if you have done some reckless things with it. Please, consider what I said at least."

Her expression softens a lot at Hinoiri's request. "Yes, of course! I will visit every day, if I can. For now just sleep, I will be back later, Hinoiri."