1731/Jacket shopping

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Jacket shopping
Date of Scene: 07 July 2024
Location: Fairy Drop Fashion
Synopsis: While trying to get a new jacket, Hinoiri gets an offer she didn't expect from a source she wouldn't imagine... Keaka.
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Keaka Hoshiko

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara had lost her jacket recently. So now? Now she needed a new one. Worse, she needed a quality one. Girl had a style, and that stle was black, orange and red... just because she wasn't a villain anymore didn't mean she didn't appreciate the look.

But finding the right kind of faux leather was hard. Worse, it was expensive. Her old jacket was MAGIC. A part of her wondered if she left through the portal and came back, would it magic her up a new jacket?

If only the portal was working and she could test that... Either way, for now she was trying some on to see what felt comfortable and looked right in the mirror.

Keaka Hoshiko has posed:
    Fashion isn't something that Keaka spends a lot of time thinking about. But, passing by, the store caught her eye. She does... stand out, a bit, walking everywhere in her coat. She has to use a utility spell just to stay cool enough. Cool outfits weren't really... part of Bureau work. Or criminal work.

    But she's here now... maybe...

    So it is that she's been trying on things like sweaters, skirts, hats, scarves, shoes from sneakers to gothy clubbing boots. She's in and out of the changing room and just missing sight of Hinoiri.

    Until she happens to step out of another changing room at the same time as Hinoiri. She's currently trying on: A black beret, with matching round-framed fashion glasses and choker, a black-and-silver shawl, over with a red vest over a long-sleeve white blouse, a long black skirt with trim matching the scarf, and big black boots with lots of metal buckles that would go better with some kind of goth clubbing outfit. And she wants to try walking around in them to make sure they're comfortable! Sarida is just a small round gem worn like a pendant.

    And she freezes as her eyes meet Hinoiri's. Black pupils against the background of red sclera/iris. "Uh. Hello." Well, at least she looks mostly surprised and isn't, you know, shouting about revenge. Possibly a good sign?

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara froze in place when she saw Keaka. Her eyes narrow and she looks around, gauging if there was anything she could use as a weapon to defend herself with. Dang. No bats.

"Are you looking for vengeance too?" she asked, reaching into her pocket to pull out her phone, already getting ready to send out the 'help' message...

She slowly slipped off the jacket, sliding it over towards the rack as she kept eye contact with Keaka... Waiting... watching...

Keaka Hoshiko has posed:
    Keaka sees Hinoiri acting like a scared civilian. How many times does she remember showing up to help scared people in need? Without thinking, she holds out her hands in a 'stop, hold on' gesture. "You've got it all wrong." Then she lowers her arms, looking at Hinoiri, and sighing, holding a hand to the bridge of her nose. She takes a few steps back and sits on the bench for people waiting to use the changing rooms. "What. Because you managed to do more than any of the rest of us ever could? Because you showed how much we have to step up our game? You still got beaten. I was so sure you'd really done it, there..."

    She blinks. The way Hinoiri reacted... "Wait. Have the others... have the others seriously been like... trying to take you out, because you showed us all? Are people here really that stupid? How is wasting time taking you down going to accomplish anyone's goals? You lost your powers. ...Didn't you?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times and felt her own anger bubbling. She lowered her phone. "Yes. They have. And they've been *failing*. But in case you're curious, I've already had at least four separate attempts on my life since Obsidian went through the effort of stealing my bank accounts and kicking me aside," Hinoiri snapped.

"But no, I didn't lose my powers. I gave them up. Because I didn't 'do more' than anyone there could. I've been doing that for years before I came to this world. But that power? I lost control over it. I became... something I didn't want to be. So I gave it up. Buck. I don't know what's worse."

"You speaking about it like me losing control was something to idolize, or the fact everyone else at that bucking company keeps trying to kill me. By the way, I've got like... five sparkles on speed dial."

Keaka Hoshiko has posed:
    Keaka blinks. "I don't know what's worse, four of us deciding to kill you or four of us failing." She frowns slightly, "No, you losing control was pretty bad. You put a bunch of us in the hospital!" She cocks her head to one side slightly, "...But you regained control at the end. I saw from my room in medbay. The sun... went away. Powerful monsters everywhere. The sparkles were losing."

    "They pulled it together at the end, obviously, as they always do, but you made it farther than anyone here. Well, discounting Director Beryl in the past, I suppose... but you didn't have to like... mind control everyone to do it."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara stared at her. Her eye twitching. "Yeah. I lost control. I was an idiot. What happened then? Was wrong. *I* was wrong. I got a second chance, with people... who didn't give up on me. They would have had every single right to put me in the ground for what I did. But they didn't. So... I'm taking the second chance I was given. And not making the same mistakes this time."

"... You do understand what I did was *wrong*, right? I... oh, nevermind. You're one of those ones who want to destroy the world, aren't you? Well, I hope you learned a valuable lesson from it. That? That is what happens when you stop caring about other people. When you just... when the only thing you want is to succeed. No matter the cost."

"... And I'm sorry I attacked you then. And for the record, the reason they keep failing is because... well... the sparkles keep coming to save me. Despite all I did... because... that's who they are. What they are."

"... They're... nice."

Keaka Hoshiko has posed:
    Keaka quirks an eyebrow slightly at the story of second chances. And her fists tighten at being dismissed as one of those who want to destroy the world. She nods at the apology. "It's fine. Well... rather, I forgive you. You weren't yourself. I cannot believe that you were careless, so it's just that you... tried to achieve your dream, and it backfired. It's more than I've ever managed... Well. My attempts never hurt others, but there was not so much understanding to be had."

    She stands and paces. "...I joined the side against the world because I care. Because I have been to countless worlds, and the 'niceness' of which you speak never wins."

    "Their methods differ, but power always comes down to a popularity contest and whoever can establish authority. There are genuinely nice heroes, but we'll never-- they'll never reach the top. They'll bend the knee to someone powerful who says the world needs to stay as it is, that suffering and evil can't be helped, and that any power that could make things better is 'dark' and evil and can't be trusted... Or they'll be tossed out."

    She shakes her head. "And the supervillains? The ones who said they'd make a better world? No better. They don't care about your ideals, or your loyalty." She grabs the glasses off her face and flings them away. "It's all popularity and power, again!"

    She turns towards Hinoiri. "So I came here. And I" She shakes her head. "Nevermind. What the Director did is unconscionable. I'm sorry I couldn't figure out how to help you. I'm glad the sparkles are protecting you. But... don't get too complacent. I haven't figured out who's pulling their strings yet, but there's always someone."

    Red eyes filled with rage at the world and concern for someone they respect glare at Hinoiri. "And whoever it is? Will not be kind to anyone who can think for themselves."

    Her expression softens slightly. She can only angry rant so much.

    "...What do you want, Hinoiri Kirara? Have you changed your dream? Or only abandoned power that didn't work?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times and gave a snort. "You're... kidding, right? I wasn't trying to achieve my dream. I was... I refused to accept that what I wanted was wrong. And when I got served indeniable proof that what I wanted wasn't possible?"

"I snapped. I gave up. I decided, buck everyone else."

"You really have some weird thoughts about the world, and reality. Maybe in the places you came from, that was how it was. But it wasn't like that in my world. It wasn't perfect, but it wasn't this... world of suffering and misery you've seemed to see everywhere."

"... Life is rarely that simple. There... there were a lot of things. Things I refused to admit until I had no choice. I was hurting myself a lot. And it's really not hard to see who's pulling strings at Obsidian."

"But Obsidian will never win, I'll let you know that now. I knew that even when I worked there. The company, the resources? It was a means to an end. The idiots there who want to destroy the world? Are fighting a battle they'll always lose. But... I figured it wouldn't matter. So long as I got what I want. And now?"

"... Now I don't know what I want. I don't want to be helpless, I want to punch the faces of the jerks who keep attacking me. I don't want to be useless and powerless. I don't want to keep having to be saved. That's what I want. I don't know if I even have a dream anymore."

"... Now, if you want any more advice, I'm going to start charging you contractor rates. 16,000 yen an hour, four hour minimum."

Keaka Hoshiko has posed:
    Keaka frowns and her fists tighten again, at the suggestion that oh, maybe she -- well, Martin, well, both of them, as she's got his memories and he's gone now -- were just unlucky, and were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Again and again and again and again and again and again and again. That they could have had a nice life if they had shrimply gitten gud.

    In that moment she looks like she might just snap and attack, but dangling something even more core to who she is holds her back, for a moment. Her next words come angrily. "It's messed up. That you could be so much more and you're held back by not happening to get one of the power sources here. I've been keeping an eye out for people who deserve a chance to be something great, before things end, or don't." Not that she can actually do it. The Eclipse Zones would have been a huge boon, but like hell she's learning anything more about them from their creator now.

    "That offends me. It is an injustice to be corrected. Maybe you should have the chance to show the sparkles how it's done... or at least be yourself without being kept defenseless by this cruel world."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small nod. "Yeah. It really is. I know more about magic than most people on this world will ever know. I've forgotten more than most of the people here will ever know. And you know?"

"... If I wanted? If I really, truly wanted? I could destroy this world. I know how to break them. I know how to break the sparkles... but that's not who I am. That is *never* who I will be. And I would *rather* be useless and powerless than be something I'm not. If I'm going to fail, I will at least fail knowing I was *myself*, not something puppeted by dark energy or who figured out the secret trick to victory."

"So if you're thinking about offering me something with dark energy, some way to... ruin this world? Save your breath. I'm done. I'd rather be me. Because I learned a while back there's a lot worse things than being... normal. Bye."

She turned and started towards the exit, shaking her head as she went.

Keaka Hoshiko has posed:
    Keaka immediately scoffs at the suggestion that she'd offer dark energy. And then Hinoiri just turns away before she can speak. "What? N...no?! Why in the world would I think you'd rejoin team Villain?! Like, if that's not who you are it'd defeat the whole point of what I just said!"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara froze in place, glancing back at her. "Really? So, what, exactly, did you have in mind?" she asked. Wary. But... Not entirely... unwilling to hear her out. Even if her eyes were a little narrowed and suspicious.

Keaka Hoshiko has posed:
    Keaka is briefly a little stunned. She's lost count of how many times she tried to help someone as a hero and was greeted with suspicion because it was too good to be true. And now, of course, she's more suspicious... But Hinoiri is reasonable enough to hear her out! She blinks. And then smiles. "It's a little bit complicated. And I know you're smart enough to understand it all. In short..." She grasps the gem at her neck and Sarida appears on her hand. "Abstractum and Pures--" "Abhorrent Weapons." "--Sure, or 'abhorrent weapons' are extremely similar in construction, and with a consenting User and prospective User, they can call for another to be created in a process called Genesis Drive. Now, when I was a hero, I was shocked to learn the truth, but-- wait, that's getting ahead of myself. Anyway, it's one step of difference. Ah, that determines whether you have a link to the enemies of the world or not. Meddle with that step of the process, and you'd get the other kind."

    Keaka takes a breath. "If it is a greater expression of your true self that you be a hero... then even if it gets me another enemy, I would correct this Wrongness of the world."

    "...Though this course of action is tactically inadvisable, my first priority is to support my User, if this is what they wish." speaks the gem, in a composed expository tone. Then, more excitedly: "On the bright side, we'll gain power from fighting you! Wait, you'll get power from fighting us, too... I guess whether it's a wash or not depends on which one of you ends up succeeding in the end..."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times... she didn't... really understand what Keaka was talking about. But, well... "If it's not dark energy... fine. I'll give it a shot. But I'm not going anywhere alone with you, if that's what you're hoping. But... sure? Why not?"

"If you can make me into some 'hero', I'll take it. But you do know if you do this, it'll basically put you on Obsidian's hit list, right? They aren't going to be happy with you empowering the person half of them want dead."

Keaka Hoshiko has posed:
    Keaka blinks. "You don't have to go anywhere. But if you'd rather do it somewhere with more people around..." She shrugs. "Doesn't matter to me. I guess the locals will see some strange stuff, but that damned veil will make them forget it..."

    Then she realizes: Someone actually accepted her help! She's kind of... pleasantly stunned? "Really?! ...You are more sensible than 99.9% of people I've ever met, Hinoiri. You'll be a true asset to any cause you take up, if only they'd see it."

    She shrugs. "I spent all my years as a hero being afraid to do what was right because my allies would turn on me. If it really comes to that, than at least my final act will be true to myself..." Despite how she's trying to sound, her eyes water a bit and she blinks the tears away. "Besides. It's run by someone so stupid she thought torturing you would make you loyal, and who turned everyone in the world into monsters because she couldn't have a boy..." It kinda just hits her, now, how amazingly dumb it was for Beryl to show off her idiocy to the heroes like that, "...and who showed us that, wow, what the fuck. Why does anyone listen to her? Oh right. Power."

    Beat. What was she talking about? Oh right.

    "...Anyway, yeah, whose to say they'll know? Villains show up, heroes show up, or vice versa. It's just what happens." She gets a pad of paper and pencil out of her coat pockets and jots down a number. "When you've picked a time and place, let me know." She holds it out.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara reached out and took the letter, nodding. "Yeah. She really was an idiot, wasn't she? Well... I'll... text you. We can do it at the park." She looked at the note. "I won't... hold out much hope. But who knows? You managed to setup the interfaces for the Eclipse Zones, maybe you can... do this... too..."

... Eclipse Zones. Right. She really needed to work to disable that last one... after all of her work...

She then glanced up at her again. "You're... a weird person... but... ummmm. If... it works? I guess... uhhhh... thanks..." She was still... suspicious. But Keaka had always been a bit of an oddity, either way. So... maybe... This could be her path forward. "I'll meet you again soon," she said, before walking out the door, eying the note...

Keaka Hoshiko has posed:
    She won't hold out hope. "This must seem like a long shot, I know. Thank you for giving me a chance to fix this Wrong."

    A weird person. "People have always said that. You're welcome. After it works, feel free to send anyone else prevented from being their true self my way!" She smiles. "Oh wait, you won't need to, you'll be able to call on the Network to perform a Genesis Drive yourself. Seeya!" She waves.

    Well, now she's in a good mood!

    She looks at the pile of clothes she's picked out in the changing room. "Right. Villain." She scoops it up, then flips the nearest security camera off. Villains don't have to pay! "Get a load of magic, stupid Earth cameras!" And she duskports out.