1924/Experimental Lyrics

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Experimental Lyrics
Date of Scene: 04 September 2024
Location: Club Building
Synopsis: Hinoiri experiments on some of the records she picked up on sale... only to pick on that REALLY rubs Chiyo the wrong way. The shattering record and yelling manage to attract a wild Molly towards the scene!
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Chiyo Sakai, Molly Skyline

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara had been doing, well, many, many experiments. Especially now that school was back in session and, more importantly?

Because she'd finally managed a henshin. Not for long, mind. And hadn't been able to do it again since. But she HAD managed to get it to work. She felt she was on the verge of success.

Granted, kicking wasn't really her... thing... but wellllll...

But, either way, now Hinoiri was doing more testing. A pen in hand, she was going over her tests in the music room, her equipment scanning as the recordings played. She'd managed to get a few records of popular idols and was comparing the readings she got from them to the readings she got from recordings of other girls. Some of them in henshin, some outside of henshin but girls she knew HAD magic. And then some who even had magical singing.

For the moment, a rather... popular one was playing. From a Ayaki Saki. Her head bobbing to the music as it played, the record player going and radiating the song through the music room.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai had intended to simply visit the manga club room to return a few volumes she'd borrowed to finish reading over the Summer. She'd just made it to the door when the all-too-familiar strains of a song she knew like the back of her hand starts to play.

The books are unceremonously dumped out on the desk near the door in favor of turning to stride down the hall toward the music room.

The door opens simply enough and Chiyo strides in heading for the record player. Whether or not she even bothers to look up at Hinoiri? Oh there's no doubt she doesn't as she heads right over for the player. Without so much as a how-do-you-do she lifts the record arm with a little flick of fingertips causing the record to abruptly stop.

The vinyl is picked up, and then with all the hatred one could possibly muster for a usually calm candy-maker, she frisbees it violently straight into the wall.

Molly Skyline has posed:
Someone has recently learned that Initial D was an anime before it was a video game and that it was in fact a manga first.

Someone is here to get said manga out from the manga club room because that is what one does when they learn that something that they've clearly missed out on, like, exists.


And about a minute later, someone has been asked to leave the manga club room (at least for today) and a deeply blushing, very embarassed Molly Skyline walks out into the common area, looking absolutely mortified at what just happened. Well, we all make mistakes. The purplenette picks a seat and plops down into it, unslinging her backpack to double check what she's got in it. ...Did she bring a good book from home at least? Was she that forward thinking? ...No... no she's just got lunch.

And because she was in a hurry it's literally just a peanut butter sandwich with no jam.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara spun her pen in her hand, lightly humming along as she took some readings, writing down things as--

Aaaaaaand it was gone. Hinoiri blinked a few times, looking to Chiyo. "What are you--"

Only for her record to go flying across the room. And ohhhh, she saw RED. Hinoiri got to her feet and stormed over. "What the BUCK?! What, is this your new 'payback' methodology? Going from hitting me with pillows to destroying my property?" she yelled.

"You know, I know you lost your powers and stuff, fine. But that's no reason to start being a total bitch about it. If you're upset because I'm here studying the magic and you can't you could always just ASK to help! Not go around breaking my stuff! Buck, and you sparkles say *I* have a nasty temper, at least I've managed to not go around breaking your crap just because I'm upset over losing my powers! Which, frankly, hasn't been easy to resist most days!"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai turns around when she hears Hinoiri's voice. OR A voice really. The way she looks at Hinoiri as the other girl starts raging is as if she didn't really see her. There's a moment or two while the other girl screeches on only for her to blink a few times, expressionless, and then draw a deep breath.

Whatever had come over Chiyo was keeping her temper very, very, deadly calm in spite of the screeching going on.

"Oh," she begins, dryly, "It's you. Don't play that woman's trash again. Ever."

And if that doesn't silence her? She just rolls her eyes toward the ceiling with sheer annoyance, and reaches back to her bag to fumble for the cellophone bag of treats she had with her. She *always* had something from the shop. It's thrust toward Hinoiri with a simple, "Here, then. I didn't know it was YOUR stupid record and this has nothing to do with YOU. I just *hate* that woman."

Molly Skyline has posed:
Well, she may have missed the record getting punted against the wall, but the yelling and screaming is much harder to overlook. Cue one Molly Skyline coming to investigate; from... a few feet away at least. Definitely outside of punching range.

"Uhm... truce?" she asks, clasping her hands behind her back. (Why is it that skirts don't have pockets?) "Everyone... okay here?" She glances in the direction of the pieces of vinyl. "Well, other than the record?"

She holds her hands up and drops them back to her sides, promptly trying again to put them in her pockets. There are no pockets! (Who designs clothes with no pockets?!)

"So uhm, anything I can, like, help with maybe?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara stared at Chiyo for a moment. Her eye. Was actually. Twitching. "Is that ALL you have to say? 'Don't play that music I dislike'? You know, most people just go 'Hey, can you turn it down'. They don't go straight to destruction of property."

And in compensation she's given candy. "I don't WANT your candy, Chiyo. I want to do my research. What in the world was that about, anyway? What, the girl steal your boyfriend or something?" She, unfortunately, didn't know how old the girl actually was an assumed she was about the same age as most the ones from Easter.

Then she glanced towards the door and... Molly. Hinoiri sighed and shook her head. "No, it's fine. We're fine, Skyline-san. Chiyo apparently just decided to throw a hissy fit and she was *about* to tell me why. Or at least give me a list, apparently, of what kind of music I am, and am *not*, allowed to listen to in my free time since she has *opinions* about it."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Steal her boyfriend!? Hah. HAH. Chiyo rolls her shoulders back with a sharp glare and anger building in her eyes. "You can listen to *any* music other than *my mothers*," she hisses out. "I don't care who is listening to her music I will without hesitation break them until not a single record is left. After all she has done to me, I hope the entire world forgets her crappy music!"

She whirls away after that about to stomp out but she can't. Because Molly is there trying so very hard to calm them down, and she reaches up to pinch the bridge of her nose with a sigh. "Everything is fine. Just... A trigger for me."

Molly Skyline has posed:
Molly is indeed blocking the way out, which might become inconvenient if at any point someone decides that they want out more than they want to not trample Molly underfoot. So far, at least, it seems that nobody has become suitably desperate to opt for this course of action.

Instead, the Purplenette folds her arms across her chest, and adopts a 'you're full of it and I know it' expression.

"Neither of you are telling the truth," she points out. "Chiyo-san, you just talked about being triggered, that's no something you can follow up with 'I'm fine' and expect people to believe you, and Hinoiri-san, there's no way you're fine either, I heard some very angry, very defensive shouting right now." She gestures towards the shards of vinyl, "And there's a busted record on the floor." She shrugs, "If neither of you want to tell me what's going on, that's okay, but there's definitely *something*."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara glowered at her, ready to tear into her again... only...

It kind of, finally, hit, what that was. And, instead of getting angry, Hinoiri's flames sputtered out and she gave a sigh.

"Wait, that's... your mom's record? I... ummm..."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. I wouldn't have... well, okay. I would have actually probably told you and then had you flip out on me before I listened to it, but ummm. Sorry, I didn't know you and here were... whatever... this is. Or that she was your mom. My bad."

... It, admittedly, felt weird to apologize to someone who came and broke HER shit... but she could get that. She'd lost her mind in a fit of rage enough times to not hold it against someone else for doing it. "You, uhhhh... gonna be okay?"

She then glanced to Molly, the fire in her eyes considerably dulled. "It's... fine. She came in, threw my research against the wall and now I need a dust bin. You wanna help? See if you can find a broom and dust bin. I... think there's one in the club storage room?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai pauses as she's caught in her own fib about being okay. Her hand lifts to rake back through her hair only to get stuck because her hair is curly and up in buns and it's just another frustration for her.

"It's... I'm sorry for breaking your record I just. I didn't expect to hear it here of all places." And a little shudder runs through her as she grinds her teeth.

"I'm still annoyed over Obon. It's supposed to be family and of *course* she didn't even bother..." Her head shakes a bit. She wasn't looking so great.

"Just. Yeah let's clean it up and move on. I ... didn't realize you were studying magic. I'm not sure you could do that with her stuff anyway." To Molly she informs, "I broke the record. It's a long story. I don't like the artist." REALLY doesn't like it.

Molly Skyline has posed:
Molly is, secretly, quaking in her boots. She's only a couple of seconds away from pulling out her phone and texting Rashmi with something like 'quick need primer in conflict resolution, five sentences or less'. But then, things seem to just... calm down. Like magic! Or, rather, two people just suddenly deciding that it'd be better to see eye to eye than not.

"...Right! Broom! I got this, don't worry." The purplenette dashes back out into the common room, visits a closet, and is back with a broom and a dustpan in record time. "You two keep talking, don't worry about the mess. I got it."

And indeed, she does. Apparently all that time she's spent sweeping her Mom's tuner shop after hours has paid off, and Molly is in fact an absolute pro with a broom, and she's got the mess coralled and ready to be picked up in no time.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small nod. "It's okay. Uhhhh, believe it or not? I... can kind of get it. Not the... being mad at family, thing. But not being able to stand some people because... well, one reason or another. I ummm... I wouldn't have listened to it here if I'd known you'd take it so personally, for what it's worth."

She rubbed the back of her head. "I'll just expense it to Yellow Pearl Voice. She's pretty cool about that stuff. Uhhhh... so..."

She glanced towards the door, watching Molly run off. "Heh. She's a pretty good gopher, isn't she? Errrr... how are you handling... losing your sparkle and all? Since... you know."

"... Being helpless while everyone else goes and fights off the monster of the day?"

She cocked an eye when Molly returned. Well, the girl was eager to please, she'd give her that. "You know, Molly, I'm not going to like... come down on you if you don't do everything I say. I don't even have powers right now, so even if I did you could probably take me in a fight."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai hesitates as Molly rushes off to go get the broom that had been suggested, leaving her momentarily alone with Hinoiri. Awkward. She does glance back toward her once she continues speaking and she just shakes her head a little.

"I'm doing all right. I've been training two new hires at the shop, and staying with my boyfriend, and visiting family." A long pause a she adds, "I died. I could have been worse than just having no magic. I can't be upset." Though, she kind of wanted to, judging by the little twitch to her jaw.

Molly's return is met with a smile, and she quickly moves to exit while she can. "Sorry, I should go. I'll pay you back for the record or something."

Molly Skyline has posed:
Molly shakes her head as she sweeps. "Hinoiri-san, I'm not sweeping the floor to please you, and I'm not doing it because I'm worried you might hurt me again." She looks up at the former Sunbreaker, "I know full well that right now I could do to you what you did to me, quite easily. Or near enough. But I'm not going to, and I never will." She shrugs her shoulders lightly, "I'm sweeping the floor for you to help, and that's all. Because I like helping."

The bit about dieing, she hs entirely missed. Which is fine. As Chiyo makes her exit, she steps to the side to let her pass, "Okay, Chiyo-san! Take care, and let me know if there's ever anything I can do to help!"

And then, it's just her and Hinoiri again. "So," she shrugs, "How've you been, anyway? You haven't been kidnapped by any moure youmas at least?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small nod and... "Yeah, but some days it feels like at least death would be quicker and less painful, while this just feels like you're waiting for it to happen," she grumbled. Then cringed. "Err, I mean... yeah. There's... definitely worse things, eh... heh heh. Go go second chances, right? I'll uhhhh... see you around. Good luck," she said, waving the other girl off.

Then she turned to Molly. And went red when her recent... kidnapping was mentioned. "A-ah. That. No. No more kidnappings. I've... actually just mostly been running around, trying to uhhhh... not die. Watching people... make idiots of themselves, watching magic break all the rules... have a fridge with two dozen very tiny colas I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them now. How've you been? The whole... magic... wand... thing you got going on going well?"

Molly Skyline has posed:
"Staff." Molly smiles, leaning the broom up against the wall and kneeling to sweep everything she's gathered up into the dust pan. "Not wand. Starcrash turns into staff." She shrugs lightly, "Which I guess is like a wand, just bigger. But, yeah, it's going fine."

She looks around, until she locates a trash can, and empties the contents of the dust pan into it. "There, that takes care of that," she pronounces.

"Anyway. Rashmi-chan has been helping me with Starcrash. We managed to recover the module that allows spell modification, so I can write some of my own magic now, which is pretty great." She glances about herself, and picks a seat to flop down into. "How about you? How's your research going?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small nod. "Oh? A staff? Yeah, that'd be more useful. I haven't kicked your flank in a-- errrr, fought you in a... I haven't really... seen you sparkle in a while, so I couldn't remember." She decided not to mention that she'd never seen Molly as enough of a danger to really *care* what the girl used. She might have been *kind of* a dick.

"... Congratulations on... the module? Oh, right. Do you have to have some kind of program to help you make spells?" She barrrrrrely resisted mentioning how, back home, they EARNED their spells. They cast them. And learned them on their own. They didn't have their spells given to them by having their hands held through the full process.

Except now she had no magic, so what did she know?

"It's going well enough. I can at least scan the magic, though. The more I work on it, the more I... see how little magic I personally have. But I'm at least learning how to better manage and see other people's. That's... useful. Wanna try singing and add more to my catalog of magical singers? My... last study sample has been... binned," Hinoiri mumbled, glancing towards the trash can where the record had been tossed.

Molly Skyline has posed:
Molly pauses, and ohs! "Yeah, you probably haven't had the explanation. Starcrash is a Midchildan device, and was brought to Earth on a spaceship, which... kinda exploded... and when it happened Starcrash was being worked on and was all apart. So there's lots of stuff that I'm currently missing, all that was in his memory banks was pretty basic. So like... I got into a fight with this really mean Youma, made out of a warplane if you can believe it? It almost killed me, but my friends helped me out, so I got a piece of Starcrash back out of the deal."

The purplenette beams, "So now I can make custom spells! And I've been doing a ton of work to experiment and test and see what works, but it's a huge boost for me, I'm way better than I used to be."

She pauses, about to say something else, but clamping her mouth shut for a few moments instead. "OKay but... sing? I mean..." She trails off, and blushes softly. "Err... okay, if it'll help, then I'm okay with that, just..." She looks about herself, left and right. "Not here and not right now? And I appologize in advance, my singing is *bad*."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara shook her head. "If you don't like singing, there's no need. There's no need to force it, it likely wouldn't work then." She turned and walked back to her papers, pulling out the papers and writing down some more things on them. "I'd love to learn more about how your custom spells work, but... I won't force it. But, either way, I really should get back to work. I've still got homework to do after this and I don't want to get too sidetracked. The last thing I need is to fall behind on school work AND not have any magic."

She then paused and glanced at the clock. "Actually, I should get going. I promised my girlfriend I'd meet with her later today and she'll probably be swinging by soon. How about we meet up again sometime and we can talk more about this stuff, if you're interested." She started to gather her research, stuffing it into her bag. "I'll see you around, okay?" she said, before quickly heading towards the door.