2186/Jweater Jreams
From Radiant Heart MUSH
Jweater Jreams | |
Date of Scene: | 27 December 2024 |
Location: | Kaoru's Donuts |
Synopsis: | Somehow, the Jimono is back as ugly christmas jeans sweaters, and Prinzessin Nichts has somehow been affected?! ... ... She's also weirdly chill. Huh. |
Cast of Characters: | Aloisia Stauss, Hinoiri Kirara, Kureha Senkenzan, Miho Inada, Sugata Shindo, Mie Kitamura, Veronica Perenna, Amanda Faust |
- Aloisia Stauss has posed:
The day after christmas, many people are drowsy and relaxing as they recover from the christmas rush. Some of them were relaxing at home eating leftovers, others are visiting their favorite sweet shop, others are eating with their family. Among the places people were visiting was... a donut shop!
Which unfortunately was not the cheerful place it should normally be, as there was a massive source of Dark Energy there! ... Prinzessin Nichts was actually not the one causing problems though, she was actually sitting at a chair nearby the donut stand, sipping on a smoothie, wearing a Jweater Jress that was awkwardly sitting over her armor and seemed like it might be nice and comfortable, made of denim-looking jegging-style cloth that was stretched in ways that make it even worse looking as the garish christmas themed patches on it were stretched in ways that distorted them awfully.
Various passed out people in the room were wearing similarly ugly christmas sweater-looking denim jweaters of many styles and shapes. There was even a denim grinch mixed into the mess.
"Ahahahahahahaha! Yes! Yes! Know the joy of the jweater!!!"
Comes the sound of the mini floating Jweater Jress youma that had reformed from the scrap of the Jimono that had escaped previously. The arms reaching out towards one of its victims below to drain their energy, slowly growing as it does.
- Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara had managed to avoid all of the christmas shenanigans. Ice princess? Wasn't invited. Saving santa? Wasn't even aware it happened. Obsidian white elephant event? Wasn't a part of Obsidian anyway and everyone knew it was more a version of russian roulette where the loser ended up with whatever horror show gift Joker brought.
But now? Now it was the day after Christmas and, you know what? She felt pretty good. She had snuggled her theyfriend, gotten a cute gift or so, and now? She was walking through the city in mittens, sipping some cocoa and--
"Bucking... son of a parasprite..." Hinoiri muttered when she glanced inside to see... "My gosh. It's *hideous*," she muttered, staring in awe at the fashion disaster that was... the Jweater Dress. Oh. Right. And the unconscious, energy drai-- You know what? No. The jweater was the larger crime here. FAR larger. Sure, attacking people and draining them was one thing. But this? This was a crime against ALL senses. Sight. Sound. Smell, somehow. DEFINITELY taste. And she didn't want to even imagine touching it.
So she was just gonna... turn around and walk away like she didn't see nothin'.
- Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
The Chikafuji Estate is a very, very traditional household in a lot of ways. One of those ways is 'Christmas? Meh.' Sure, Kureha and Chisa were able to use it as an excuse to make fried chicken, but other than that, her father's edicts have made it clear that this particular holiday is not nearly as important as the New Year, and they are not to waste undue time fussing about it.
But at the very least, the day after, the kimono-clad young scion of the Chikafuji and Senkenzan clains has been able to get the approval for a brief shopping trip for unrelated reasons. And, with a bit of luck and a lot of careful planning, she's managed to ensure that Chisa is her attendant of the day. Which explains why the duo are actually approaching a donut shop directly, instead of just walking right on by.
That approach lasts about until something nags at Kureha's instincts, her crimson eyes narrowing. Her footsteps slow, and a faint frown tugs at her lips. "My lady...?" Chisa asks, tensing up a bit. "...Chisa, you may wish to wait in the car. Senkenzan business." Understanding those words, the woman nods firmly, and turns to head off. Meanwhile, Kureha ducks down an alleyway.
Shortly thereafter, a horned young lady with fiery eyes goes marching right past Hinoiri, pushes the door open, and steps into the donut shop with entirely too much drama and gravitas.
"You. I know you." She points a single, clawed finger. "This shall be your only warning. Cease, or I shall show you again what fire does to denim."
- Miho Inada has posed:
Well Miho decided to go out, and get some sweets. The problem was that she detected some dark energy coming from a nearby shop to her sweets. The hell is going on? The woman heads over to the doughnut shop, only to find a...youma there?!
The young ice mahou looks around a moment before glaring. "Did you...force them to wear...jweaters?! You...MONSTER!", Miho yells out! Of all the things she could forgive, this was not one of them!
Snow gathers around Miho, before Yukihime appears. Her natinaga comes up, and points to the youma. "In the name of real jeans, you will be purified! Then remade into real jeans!", Yukihime hisses out.
- Sugata Shindo has posed:
Christmas had been a romantic holiday indeed, with Wako, Takuto, and Sugata enjoying a KFC feast (with Jaguar and Tiger too) and watching a few movies, interrupted only by a few adrenaline pumping sparring matches. It had been a regular, relaxing day, good for recovering from all of that Witch nonsense. Going out for donuts had been more an after thought than anything else.
Sugata is regretting that after thought, now.
He snaps a picture of the Prinzessin in her jweater jress and texts it to Wako and Takuto, and then, on second thought, Rashmi as well.
"You're right about that," he mutters to Hinoiri, upon hearing her denouncement of things, and considers if this is really a problem that he has to solve.
Is it? Is it really?
No, it's not. So he follows suit with Hinoiri and turns around, intending to speed walk away.
- Mie Kitamura has posed:
"WHAT IS THIS?!?!?" cries a booming, angry voice from the back of the shop. "WHO DARES DRESS ME IN THESE HIDEOUS CLOTHES!?!? GAH! I CANNOT GET RID OF THEM!!" When one looks, one can see the dragon girl Lamya standing there, livid with rage, with torn scraps of jweaters between her claws. It's useless, though. She's dressed in a tight-fitting jweater jacket with metal studs in it, over which an actual jweater is being worn. And worst of all? Worst of all, there's a jwanta hat on her head! As soon as she throws it off, another appears in it's place.
Onihime gets her attention, and she grins a sharp, toothy grin. "YES! Fire! We shall show this creature the cost of its actions!"
- Veronica Perenna has posed:
It was neither dark energy nor the horrid Jweater that had attracted Veronica to this place. She merely wants to have a few donuts for herself - and while she is at it, bring a box or two to her roommate, though she would have to be fast for that. Donuts aren't as good after they aren't warm anymore, and she thinks that should go double for fried ones. Whatever, she doesn't intend to find out.
The mahou quickly decides that will have to wait, her calling card releasing the shimmers of moonlight around her, as once more the Princess of Sarek dances in the night. Is it night? Maybe, maybe not.
The illumination of the place aside, leaping above Kaoru's Donuts, the Phantom Thief can perfectly see the horrors that have been wreaked upon this place. "Would you have the foggiest idea of how long it takes to sew a good sweater? Allow me to educate you on the matter", she frowns, looking at the cheap replacements that dare stand where the real deals should be.
"Well met, Onihime!", the Princess of Sarek tips her hat at the fellow magical girl with a smile. "Here to burn this thing to cinders, I presume?"
- Aloisia Stauss has posed:
My gosh, it's hideous! The 'face' of the Jweater Jress youma snaps towards Hinoiri Kirara at those words, as she turns to start walking away. "You lack Jhristmas Jpirit!" It cries out, as it unleashes a denim beam from one of its arms towards Hinoiri, attempting to shoot her with a blast of Krampus Jweater! Oversized and baggy in all the wrong places in ways that make an already unflattering sweater material somehow even worse, with ugly evil jweater patches of the devilish krampus wearing... jeggings?!
And then... a familiar foe appears... the Onihime. The fearsome fiery foe who burned it in the past! "THE JIMONO WAS WEAK, THE JWEATER JRESS IS MUCH STRONGER!"
Also about half the size right now but it's still unleashing more of those denim energy drain beams in response to the threats from Yukihime and Onihime!
A flash of a picture being taken and Prinzessin Nichts' gaze lifts towards Sugata Shindo.
Comes the ping from the device. Also coming from that general direction is a Denim beam towards Sugata. If it weren't such a crime against fashion, it might be a cool jweater, as it was a baggy green denim jweater with mecha-janta patches ironed onto it.
"I DARE BECAUSE IT IS THE PEAK OF FASHION! THE JWEATER JRESS WILL RULE ALL WINTERS!" Responds the Jweater Jress to Lamya, opening at the top of it twisting into what can only be seen as a smug grin as it flits around the donut shop.
Do you have the foggiest idea of how long it takes to sew a good sweater? "THIS IS WHY JWEATERS ARE SUPERIOR, THEY CAN BE MADE FASTER, BETTER, SOFTER THAN A KNIT WOOL SWEATER!"
Aaaand another beam towards the Princess of Sarek. It was definitely a bit of a one-trick jony
- Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara froze in place as suddenly... Okay. She was... wearing... okay. She was wearing...
... She was wearing...
She reached up, grabbed her geode. She was not going to snap. Violence was not the answer. Leave. Henshin. Come back. Kick flank. Control your--
- Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
A familiar voice tugs Onihime's eyes sideways. "...Yukihime. Lady Sarek. A pleasure to stand alongside you both once more." She turns her attention back to the Jweater Jress, sliding her left foot back, folding her left arm behind herself, and lifting her clawed right hand as if to dare her opponent. "Be wary. It may change your very clothes."
Narrowing her eyes, the Youkai Musume adds in response to the youma, "I'm not certain I believe that. You look as if you're still gathering str-" Denim beams. Oh god. It's extremely rare for Kureha to outright dodge an attack, so both Veronica and Miho can probably tell the Jweater Jress's Denim Beams are serious when the oni maiden leaps completely out of the way. She skids to one side, knocking over a table - only to reach out and grab the table, before wrapping it in a corona of shimmering flames. "Perhaps faster, but better? Softer? Nonsense. You offend the eyes just by existing."
If anyone present has never seen an oni-girl throw a burning donut shop dining table at a demim sweater dress? Well, now you have.
- Sugata Shindo has posed:
<< Rashmi TXT to Sugata -- I... okay so she's capable of being in public without it being a danger but what in the heck is she wearing?! >>
Hell if he knows. Sugata stiffens as that transmission comes over, appearing on his phone, and he sends it to Rashmi as he speed walks away -
<< Sugata TXT to Rashmi -- Do you know what NACH DEM GESETZ VON SANKT KAISAR WERDEN SIE BIS ZUM NEUEN JAHR FRIEDEN WISSEN. WEITERE AGGRESSIONSHANDEN WERDEN NICHT TOLERIERT means, because I do not speak space and Samekh is older than this language. >>
Any other texts are, unfortunately, cut off by the fact that Sugata gets blasted with a denim beam and his perfectly ordinary prep-but-not-high-energy top - long sleeve shirt over vest under jacket - are replaced with a jenim jweater.
His eye twitches. He clenches his fist around his phone, inadvertently capturing a very awkward selfie (thankfully with his head cut off) of the jweater, in all it's denim and mecha-janta iron on patches glory that is promptly sent to the last people he was texting - Rashmi and the Trio Groupchat.
"I was going to let you live," he tells the Jweater Jress coldly. (This is a lie, he was leaving it to it's horrible death at other people's hands.) "But now, you die."
He raises a hand, sparkles engulfing his frame, his flowing military coat appearing, thigh-high boots and impressive cravat and epaulets -
-and all of it is squished under the jweater.
- Miho Inada has posed:
Yukihime rolls out of the way! Nooo! She will not be jweatered! The ice mahou looks at Onihime. "Oni-chan, you...let this thing get away?", she asks in a cool calm voice. There is a little chill in her tone though. Fashion nightmares she just can not let go.
"Let us deal with this...mistake swiftly. It is burning my eyes with its existence!", Yukihime growls. The Yokai takes a moment to raise her left arm, and three beads detatch from the prayer beads. The beads float around Yukihime before Yukihime's energy gathers into the beads, forming 3 blue energy wolves. Yukihime's right arm brings the naginata up, and as Yukihime moves the weapon, the wolves follow its movement.
"It has been awhile since we have spoke, Onihime. I have gotten a little better with my control.", Yukihime tells. She breathes out, letting that blue fog come out her mouth. The yokai slowly starts to do a miko style dance. She's moving with a bit of grace, and seems much more comfortable with her movements now.
- Mie Kitamura has posed:
Lamya clutches her fist at the youma. "You have gone one step too far!" she bellows fire in her eyes. "To waste such precious energy for... for... this! It is disgraceful!" Not to mention ugly as sin. "As much as I hate siding with these despicable magical children, AT LEAST THEY HAVE FASHION SENSE!"
"Let us take this outside," she announces, great wings spreading to rocket her forward to tackle the youma and drag it outdoors. "We would not want to hurt the donuts."
- Veronica Perenna has posed:
"They also have none of the care and attention that goes into them and to have a hastily thrown out product in their place... You should be ashamed of yourself", the Princess of Sarek with disdain counters the abominable suggestion of the youma.
A leap away from the denim beam aimed for her and Veronica lands on the ground not too far away from where the Jweater, exhaling a tired sigh when she thinks of what would have happened had she been hit. That's right, just the thought is mentally draining. "Warning much appreciated, Onihime, and the pleasure is mutual", she replies to the other magical girl.
She is about to close in on the youma when she becomes a witness to Hinoiri's ardent anger instead. "You burn hot all the time", the Princess of Sarek raises an eyebrow at Hinoiri's furious charge (not that the unicorn could possibly hear her in normal circumstances, let alone now that she is charging victim to her own anger). She doesn't actually have her powers anymore, will she be fine...?
Instead, particles of moonlight condense in the top of her cane as she starts focusing. Transient Lunar Flare!, she shouts, a beam of moonlight rushing towards its haughty target from the sphere the cat on the handle is holding.
Veronica spares a curious look at Lamya. Did she walk into a Fire Club? She could have been under that impression, by the three girls alone.
- Amanda Faust has posed:
Well it's a good thing Amy left very early for the train to some cool ice princess's world because as she's walking by the donut shop she sees mahou gathered and...
Is this a fight? She's not sure it's exactly a fight, in progress. In a flash of fire, she transforms and...
is standing there at the door of the donut shop, looking around in bewilderment at the jlothes that are on people, garishly distracting her eyes from their source. "What do I shoot?!"
- Aloisia Stauss has posed:
UNICORN RAAAAGE! Chairs are swung at the Jweater Jress, one even makes contact with it!
... It's a dress it mostly just kind of is pushed out of the way by the nonmagical physical attack coming from the unhenshined unicorn at the moment. Which in response begins to snake and wrap itself around Hinoiri, to attempt to integrate itself into her Jweater, intensifying the passive drain of the jweater jress for a few moments-- that is until a flaming table is thrown at it and it (probably mercifully) shoves itself off of Hinoiri.
With a side-effect of Hinoiri at least being pushed out of the /way/ of the flaming table as well.
A threat of being killed by the Ginga Kingu and his Apprivoiser! "JWEATERS ARE ETERNAL, YOUR PUNY TRANSFORMATION CANNOT OVERCOME IT!" Also there's a bit of an energy drain with it but it's probably fine.
You let this thing get away? "Hah! She could not stamp me out with her flames before, and I have come back faster, stronger, more jeautiful than be--ACK!" Aaaand then the jweater jress is tackled and dragged outside! Which is... probably for the best really! Sort of!
Which also means that it's now being held still as a beam of moonlight is shot towards the Jweater Jress, causing it to catch on fire! Which is quickly wriggles and worms its way out of Lamya's arms to rub out the fire along the ground, giving an unearthly screech at the burning.
As Amy stands in the doorway, looking around in bewilderment, Prinzessin Nichts watches impassively, taking another long siiiiiip of her smoothie.
Apparently the dark energy/energy drain doesn't bother her that much.
What probably /will/ bother people is that shortly after being dragged outside, the Jweater Jress flies up and begins to spin wildly, its arms flapping... as it unleashes a rapidly spinning denim beam towards anyone who had followed them outside!
...Also it's spreading to more than humans, somebody's poor car being struck by the beam and getting covered in a denim ugly christmas jweater paintjob... hopefully that's temporary...
- Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara let out a shriek as she was grabbed and enshrouded. No, no no! OF ALL THE WAYS TO GO OUT, NOT LIKE THIS!
Except, then she saw a flaming table. Oh. Wow. She was going to go out like this. Well. At least this destruction would be quick. She closed her eyes, accepting the end. A mercy at this point, to be honest...
Except, instead of being mercifully put out of her misery by a flaming table, she was cruelly saved and shoved aside by the very youma who did this to her!
She knelt on her hands and knees, unable to bear this shame, this humiliation. "Jeans aren't a clothing choice! They're what you wear when everything else is dirty, nudity is a crime and you're too lazy to do the laundry! AND THIS IS A CRIME AGAINST ALL THINGS! KICK ITS FLANK LAMYA!"
Yes, she knew the dragon. Of course she knew the dragon.
Okay, maybe if she could get out, she could henshin and get OUT of this. She started to get to her feet and--
Ate one of the beams. And gave a scream of ultimate despair.
"YOU MONSTER! YOU IRREDEEMABLE MONSTER!" she shrieked. She... she was wearing JITTENS and a JEENY NOW! A UNICORN JEENY! She fell to her knees, buckling from the sheer shame of this display. In public no less. This was worse than the onesy....
- Sugata Shindo has posed:
Wako Agemaki texts: Sugata-kun
Wako Agemaki texts: what are you wearing??
There is only horror. Not humiliation, but a certain sense of 'I will never be allowed to forget this' that comes with knowing the people you love most have just seen you at your most ridiculous. And then? Ding!
Wako Agemaki texts: Jaguar's gonna bring you a change of clothes
TSugata Shindo texts: You're the light of my life and the savior of my dignity.
T Sugata Shindo texts: I'm going to go kill the monster that did this to me now.
Wako Agemaki texts: <3
Wako Agemaki texts: kick its ass
In all honesty, Ginga Kingu hasn't really noticed the energy drain. If there's one thing he has to stand out as a Mahou, it's a truly ridiculous reserve of energy - the jweater is using a spoon to empty an ocean.
"...Do any of you have the capacity to put up a barrier?" He asks the gathered group of Mahou, because there are several faces he doesn't recognize in the group, and he would rather not destroy an entire building just to kill a very stupid youma.
His phone dings. <<Rashmi TXTs Sugata: Uh... 'By Sankt Kaiser law, you shall know peace until the new year. Further acts of aggression shall not be tolerated.' Which whatever that is she's wearing is definitely doing something to her mind, I would actually be shocked if Belkan law considered 'peace' as anything more sacrosanct than 'sleep.' Gets in the way of all the fighting. >>
Sugata Shindo TXTS Rashmi: got it. She's staying out of the fight so I'm guessing she didn't like having her picture taken.
The phone is stored away, and he watches as everyone gives speeches about the horrible nature of the jean jweaters, and honestly he doesn't have passionate feelings about fashion, but he does hate what he's wearing, and -
Oh, ouch. There's a spike of genuine pity for Hinoiri, and he places a hand over his chest -
"Star Swordo, Diamante!"
The white cross-shaped sword of pure energy is withdrawn from his chest and then flipped, as he holds it by the blade and - and offers the hilt-end to Hinoiri!
"Get up," he tells her sternly, "Get up and seek revenge."
- Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
"Not intentionally," Onihime replies to her icy compatriot. "We thought it destroyed. It seems that was premature." There is a hint of tension in her voice; in anyone else, that might as well be burning rage. "Your movements look more confident," she adds, glancing at her fellow youkai-blood..
"I have opened my mind to many new things in the past year and a half," the horned magical girl replies, her words terse. "But you are not and will never be one of them." She takes a few loping strides out after Lamya tackles the Jweater outdoors, and by the time the oni arrives, her right hand is already swirling with flames. Without skipping a beat, she reacts to the Denim Beam by reaching out to tear a public trash can off its moorings - and use it as a shield.
The instant the beams stop, the trashcan is set down, and the Youkai Musume of Flames leaps towards the Jweater with a fierce, "HAAAA-!" before unleashing a flaming slash with her claws, backed with the strength of an oni.
- Miho Inada has posed:
Yukihime nods her head a little bit. "Red! Shoot the Fashion Nightmare!", the icy mahou says. She runs outside, and keeps up the dance, before sending a combination of slashes with her naginata. The wolves fly out following the slashes, one form below, and one from above.
The mahou takes a moment to move her third wolf between ber and the Youma. It gets hit with the beam, and the wolf gets a denim dog jweater! It turns into a bead...covered in Jweater. Yukihime stares. She stares a moment longer...The Ice Mahou screams! "Kill it with fire! Lots of fire!"
- Mie Kitamura has posed:
"YOU BET I WILL!!" the dragon girl shouts as she poses, fist clenched before her. "Now that it is outside I shall burn it to cinders!" But the oni gets to it first, flaming slashes against the jenim youma. Lamya scowls at this insult, but doesn't let it deter her. Once Onihime is clear, she takes a deep breath and sends blast of fire its way.
- Amanda Faust has posed:
Amy is glad she already henshined, and her bags went... wherever they go. She can't have Princess Serenity's dress she which she planned to wear for the fairy princess's coronation turned into jeans!
The denim beam doesn't leave her henshin unjathed, though: The underlayer is now a snug jumpsuit... wait that already starts with a j. jjumpsuit? With a cropped jacket over it, as well as a minijirt, a pair of joots (I guess they're like uggs but... jean?) and fingerless jloves.
"...I sympathise with your pain!" Amy shouts at the jouma. "But forcing everyone else to wear you will never make you beloved! I actually think denim jackets and tight black jeans look kinda good, but if you make every article of clothing out of it it's too much!"
"I like cute dresses but I don't want to wear them all the time! I like t-shirts and cargo pants but I don't wanna wear them all the time!"
Now that it's up in the air, Amy has a clean shot with her jyrojet jifle -- don't ask how THAT works, it's magic -- and fires burning jincendiaries up at the flying jress.
"I never gave jeans a shot because I was tricked into thinking all denim is course and rough like canvas! I didn't know this soft, stretchy stuff existed! Maybe I'm not the only one... but right now you're only making everyone hate jeans more!"
- Veronica Perenna has posed:
Hinoiri was very much not fine, and now she has been turned into a victim of those horrible Jweaters. "If you wanted a sweater, you could have just said something, and I would have made you one", the Princess of Sarek gives the unicorn a friendly tease with a wink. Which may mean that Hinoiri is going to get one regardless of the actual circumstances, just to go the extra mile.
The moonlit Princess shakes her head at the King's question. She can use a barrier in the sense of a good old shield, but not like the intricacies of the space created by the Device Mages. "Just a wall. ... Isn't your group fashioned with a Barrier too?", she tries to recall, thinking of the other people Kingu has worked with.
Meanwhile the Jweater is speaking with the presumption of someone who has never touched something handmade. "The revolution of the workforce isn't your ally! Handmade products still have a niche in the present, and people love them! What they don't love is your heart unable to appreciate the forms beauty can take!", she exclaims striking out the youma with hits of her cane, making sure to stay away from Onihime's flaming claws when she strikes.
- Aloisia Stauss has posed:
"YOU ARE JEAUTIFUL! ROCK IT, GIRL!" The Youma responds to Hinoiri at the Jitton Mittons and Unicorn Jeeny! She might be full of rage, but clearly the Youma approves! And at the very least there aren't more jeams being shot at her now? ... The extra layer of Jweater is probably making that energy drain all the more unpleasant though.
Ginga Kingu is not attacking at the moment, so is ... mercifully? Not paid attention to in favor of bigger threats.
Like the flaming claws cutting through the air in the wake of the jrass jan that is tossed aside in the wake of getting shot by the beam, a horrid christmas present-patterned trash can now...
But more importantly there was an oni flying through the air towards the flying jweater jress, which is trying to get the /heck/ out of the way, one of the arms of the jress sliced through, sizzling nylon leaving the edges blackened for a moment as it regenerates! "Y-your closed mindedness will be your end! The denim tide will consume all, and you will be the first consumed!"
A dancing combination of slashes and ice, a somewhat welcome soothing cool for the youma after the flaming Onihime, even if it was still slicing at them! Cutting at the regenerating arm and freezing the edges....which stop regenerating. For now.
A flaming breath washes over the mercifully-cooled-off-at-the-moment Jweater Jress, which the flame washes over, burning a cool blue color for a few moments before it spins rapidly to extinguish the flame!
...Only to be shot with an incendiar jyrojet!
"OH DEAR DENIM JODDESS WHY IS THERE SO MUCH FLAME?!" It's dipping down to push extinguish itself again, several burning holes shot through the jweater jress that were slowly smoldering outwards. "T...THE JOY OF THE JWEATER IS WIDELY KNOWN! JEGGINGS SPREAAAAAAAD!"
And a magical cane comes out of nowhere to knock it up into the sky again, landing off in the distance as it struggles to reconstitute itself, screeching and writhing on the ground for several moments, blasts of more of that jweater energy shooting out of the bottom of the dress at random in the direction of its enemies.
Prinzessin Nichts has stood to walk over to the entrance to the building, still watching passively. Siiiiiiiiip.
...Is she even capable of being entertained?
- Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara had lost her way. There was no redemption. No saving to be had here.
She abandoned all hope. Gave into the despair. This was how she died. How she--
And then, like an angel from on high, an angel descended. Held by Sugata. She blinked and stared at it.
And then she reached out, with both mitten'd hands. And... okay. Yes. This could work. She began... to laugh. To cackle. And there was no goodness in that. There was no kindness. It was almost as if her eyes glowed red as, in that moment, all of Sugata's past transgressions were forgiven. There was only the one who had wronged her the most. The one who had done the unforgiveable. she got to her feet slowly....
"JwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeAAAAAAAAAtttteeeeeeeerrrrrRRRRRRrrrr...." she said, looking up as she, perhaps, channeled the spirit of one who had destroyed her in ages past... back in PJ, the pre-jweater era...
The lessons she'd received from Ryoko flashed through her mind as she launched herself forward. She channeled the energy, the spirit, of those who had been wronged in the past. Every child who had been forced to have their hair done in a silly way on picture day. Every innocent student who had been forced to wear a stupid outfit that made them look like a dweeb. Every body double who had been forced to wear a stupid suit that hid their face so someone else could take the credit. She was seeing two, three steps forward... For she was in...
The junicorn jone. As she advanced, she moved with precision, grace, dodging beam after beam, as if she knew where they would be, left, right, head cocking to the side... Gripping the blade in both hands, she swung through, dashing forward, blade slicing, and on the other side of it...
Honestly, she had kind of blacked out in rage for a moment. She wasn't entirely sure what happened. But... was it enough to sate her vengeance?
... Well, if she was still in jittens? Then no.
- Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
"Closed-mindedness?! I have judged you fairly!"
Onihime rips up another public trash can, this time using it as cover to approach the Jweater's landing place at a full-tilt charge. "I have examined you on your own merits! Wore your denim in our last confrontation! Tried on jeans! I have judged you as fairly as I have judged curry, pop music and breakfast cereal! The difference is-!"
The trashcan is flung aside, and Kureha Senkenzan lunges in, right hand blazing with swirling flames. "-unlike those, I have found you wanting! Rekka Kaihou!"
And now the flames around Onihime ERUPT, whirling and flaring and swirling down into that clawed right hand, a searing light of flames so bright it's difficult to look at for a moment, and the street is suddenly sweltering, even at a distance. Right on the heals of Hinoiri's lunging slash, a kimono-clad little girl hurtles in like a flaming meteor from the heavens, swinging a punch that will erupt into a searing inferno burning with the flames of Mount Ooe.
- Sugata Shindo has posed:
"Wako-chan is the only one of us who can summon Zero Time, and she stayed home," Ginga Kingu replies to the Princess of Sarek, grimacing. He doesn't want to destroy this donut shop for the crimes of Jweater Jresss -
And then Hinoiri accepts his sword, and becomes one with the blade and her rage, a force united in hate and vengeance, and he considers that perhaps, some things don't need a personal hand to resolve. Sure, he told Wako that he would kill Jweater Jress, but isn't Hinoiri armed with his sword, doing it for him?
He glances at the Prinzessin, noting that her smoothie is more than half-drunk, and decides that an ounce of prevention could be worth a pound of cure. He jogs over to the donut shop's entrance and gets the attention of the staff member behind the counter...
...and a few moments and much violence later, he's offering the Prinzessin Nichts a fresh smoothie, having confirmed with the staff that it was a replica of her original order.
"Your restraint has been appreciated in this endeavor, Prinzessin."
- Miho Inada has posed:
Yukihime stares at the bead in a jweater. She flails her arm. Get it off! A few flails more, and Yuki summons the wolf again...only to find it covered in a dog jweater. Dispite just being just energy, even it has a look of wtf and depression! Yukihime pities the wolf, and makes it a bead again.
The Ice mahou sighs a bit as she rubs her stomach. Energy is getting low. She looks back at the donut shop. The yokai looks behind her, and blows some snow from her hand. It turns into a snow bunny that runs in and gets donuts for everyone. Yes, even paid for them! As the bunny runs back out, it melts and leaves the donuts.
Yukihime takes a long moment to scarf a few donuts. "I would like some tight low riding black jeans and some good cargos. I mean for date night, those lowriders...", Yukihime says. Her face turns a little red.
- Amanda Faust has posed:
A few blocks away:
Kyubey said he'd leave the girl alone then, he didn't say he'd leave her alone forever. A temporary guardian is talking to her about her future at a cafe, and has just stepped into the restroom when Kyubey hops up onto a table outside the window. << Have you ever thought about becoming a mag--
The girl turns and looks at the cat-fox creature in a garish Christmas jweater, struck by an errant jeam, and just breaks down into giggles as the Incubator struggles to try and extricate this body from the unwanted garment. No one can make a contract if they break down into giggles every time they look at him!
Amy sees the jweater land in the distance, and hits the deck -- too late, as another stray jeam hits her, draining her slightly, and the lands with a pained cry, the jeans providing less rigid protection than her henshin. "Calling in artillery!" Amy conjures a jissile jauncher next to her amd retrieves her binoculars from her belt jouch, sighting and pointing forward dramatically.
The launcher, a four-tube missile rack propped up diagonally, ripple-fires its payload and bursts into flame because it's fabric. The munitions still arc through the air and rain down on the jweater though, with explosions and more burning!
- Mie Kitamura has posed:
Lamya grunts, and goes to a knee, as she's no longer able to ignore the energy drain wearing the magical jweater has. "Destroy it!" she commands. "Leave not a thread intact! Wipe it's existence from the face of the planet!"
- Veronica Perenna has posed:
This is the second time that Veronica is asking this today, but... Is Hinoiri alright? She has taken the Jweater deal especially hard. Which... is actually fair, but still, that's a lot of rage. A plus jamais, Jweater. You will probably regret dearly when you made Hinoiri your enemy.
She just chooses to hang back in the face of such ferocity, letting Hinoiri with the assistance of Ginga Kingu dispense justice upon the wicked Jweater. Taking out a calling card from nowhere, a rapid toss makes it so it's finding its way to the jouma, coated in brilliant white light.
And it just results in... "Blinding Glare!" Hopefully a blinded Jweater for Hinoiri to hit without restraint, as the calling card releases the moonlight right into the creature's eyes.
- Aloisia Stauss has posed:
In a way, Hinoiri did, in fact, rock it! ... Just not so much the jeeny so much as the star swordo instead as the unicorn leaps towards the Jweater, holding the star sword and slicing through the writhing form of the Jweater Jress, cutting it nearly in half as it just about recovers from where it was writhing on the ground, those beams shooting out randomly.
A raging, searing meteor of a punch strikes the Jweater Jress, as more of it is burned by that flame, sizzling jweater trying to regenerate itself off of the drained energy desperately...
As Ginga Kingu brings a fresh smoothie to Prinzessin Nichts, who does not speak in response... but does simply give a somewhat passive nod, reaching a hand out to take the fresh smoothie from Ginga Kingu.
Yukihime is ... mostly left unmolested as she eats, there are bigger, more important threats. Well okay there also were beams being shot out in random directions as the Jweater Jress flails. But they weren't /retaliating/ at her at the very least.
And then... a four-tube missile rack shoots out towards the Jweater Jress as it begins to recover again, causing fragments of it to shoot out in different directions... gathering itself back together... as, with the seemingly losing battle, it sends off a tiny version of itself down an alleyway, seemingly shot off into the distance by the explosions!
Possibly in response to the claims that it should be wiped from the face of the planet and not a thread should be left intact. Better to get away before that can happen!
A blast of Blinding Glare is shot out, blinding what remains of the Jweater!
...As a stray beam shoots out.
And strikes the smoothie out of Prinzessin Nicht's hand.
...Did Boss Music just cut in?
Why does it feel like there is a massive face of darkness and evil be-- oh that's why.
As Prinzessin Nichts suddenly is no longer in that doorway. And instead behind the Jweater Jress. A glowing tip of the Konigsende stabbing towards the center of its mass, the tiny bead of black-and-red energy suddenly expanding to consume the Jweater Jress, crushing it down into a tiny form that eventually just... is crushed down into a tiny point of light.
Which then just winks out of existence.
Your kill was just stolen, heroes.
And the Prinzessin's Rage has not been quelled by such, as glowing yellow eyes turn on the assembled heroes.
- Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara stared defiantly at the youma. Weaving, dodging, avoiding more of the beams. Not today, Jatan.
The blade she carried had struck pure, slicing through jeans like they were cheap wool. She refused to be touched by such beams, no longer would she be held in the tyrannical sway of the Jweater. They were victorious. And now? It was time to finish this and--
Oh, hey, kill stealing. Huh. Neat. Okay, then...
... Then...
Oh, there went her organs. No longer fueled by rage and lacking a henshin, the energy drain she'd endured finally hit and she wobbled for a moment. Oh, was that boss music? She was going to... sit this one...
And then she fell forward, collapsing into unconsciousness (and hard street if nobody caught her). Someone... might wanna pick her up. Possibly the sword, too.
But at least... there was no more...
"J-Jweater... jown..."
Okay, now she was unconscious.
- Sugata Shindo has posed:
It's not that Ginga Kingu is never a nice person - in fact, he's courteous and polite to most people he meets, and is in general fairly pleasant. Thus, it's not improbable that he would choose to go the polite mile and offer a smoothie.
But it sure does feel like being punished for doing the right thing, when a beam flies out to cut the smoothie in half and spatter it everywhere.
Ginga Kingu's eye twitches. The Prinzessin vanishes. Terrible dark power sweeps up.
And in the street, near the battlefield, a car pulls up - a shiny, metallic blue Toyota RAV4, driven by a nondescript Driver of a man, and with a young woman with a kitty ear headband in the passenger side of the front seat.
"Sugata-bocchan, I've got a change of -" Jaguar pauses as she takes in the battle. Ginga Kingu quite literally flies to the back seat of the car, opens the door, and looks pointedly at the others.
"Anyone who can't fly themselves out is welcome to get in the car."
- Amanda Faust has posed:
Amy winces as she sees what Hinoiri was put in. Oh, no, a unicorn jigurumi... No wonder she's mad!
The monster is down for now, but they have another problem... Oh shoot. The Prinzessin!
Amy has no time for this, she has places to be. She runs to the car and gets in, "I need a ride to the train station!" She'll pick up Hino on the way, if needed!
- Mie Kitamura has posed:
When the Jweater is finally taken care of by the woman who was just content to watch, Lamya cries, "YES!!" Claws start shredding the unwanted clothing and the janta hat is burned to cinders once she yanks it off her head and throws it to the ground. "I AM FREE OF THESE CURSED CLOTHES!"
She dusts her hands off and mutters, "Now, to get the donuts that I had originally come for..." She pauses, feeling rage-filled eyes settle on her. Turning she spies Prinzessin Nicht staring at her and she narrows her gaze. "Peace," she says. "I have no wish to fight any further. I only yearn for donuts."
- Veronica Perenna has posed:
The Princess of Sarek hadn't been paying much an attention to the figure having her smoothie in peace and quiet. Why would she? There was an active threat to be prioritised and if some unknown villain wants to have a vacation, all the better for them. Did she pay for the original smoothie, though?
And then there is that dark energy spike when she starts going after them. 'Seriously, over a smoothie?', the Princess of Sarek finds herself thinking exhasperated, all the more so it wasn't even the one she had paid for. They seriously poked a threat awake over that!?
"Good job with the Jweater, top marks", the Phantom Thief tells Hinoiri as she picks the tired girl up in her arms, rushing in the opposite direction to Prinzessin Nichts. They probably don't want to fit everyone in a single vehicle. If they scatter in different directions, the Princess of Nothingness will probably not know who to go after first. Maybe.
- Miho Inada has posed:
Yukihime blinks a little bit. She coughs. Oh hell no! Yukihime runs past Onihime. "Run! I dealt with her once, and it literally took crashing a giant ship into her to stop her last time!", she says. The ice mahou runs into the car! "Just get me some place where I can go into a trance!", Yukihime says!
Yukihime does have a box of donuts. She does offer some of the donuts to people. "They're paid for! Oni, get going! I'll catch you later!"
- Aloisia Stauss has posed:
There is not any further aggression. There are people passing out, hopping into cars to leave, and requesting peace. The Prinzessin Nichts' gaze shifts between fleeing figures and the request for peace and donuts.
And Prinzessin Nichts takes one last look at the spilled smoothie, and then flies off into the distance. Possibly to get a replacement smoothie.
Also remove the jweater.
- Sugata Shindo has posed:
As soon as the last interested body is in the car, it drives off towards the train station! In the front seat are the Driver TM and Jaguar Yamasugata, and in the back are Amy, Yukihime, and Sugata, all of whom are thrown back against their seats as the car jets off towards the train station Amy specified.
Jaguar offers Sugata the replacement vest and jacket Wako requested she bring, and he only refrains from throwing the Jweater out the window because of the danger of littering.
"The donuts are appreciated," he tells Yukihime with a tired sigh. "Because after all that, I still didn't actually get the donuts Wako wanted."